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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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and order right now, free delivery is available, check with the consultants: cut branches, trim timber, chop firewood, you will do all this in one move, with strong saws, just look how quickly they handle even thick branches, strong saws are convenient in easy to use and mobile, once ready, and unlike standard circular saws, strong saws are so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool. only from uah 999 with the possibility of free delivery of powerful saws strong is what you need to call. the information day of the tv channel is in full swing. well, now sumy is in touch with us viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert of the bureau of policy analysis. glory to ukraine, viktor. glory to the heroes, good health to you. well, now i'm quoting the head of the main department.
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intelligence under general budanov's ministry of defense. so, russia planned an attack on the sumy from the very beginning, so far the situation does not allow them to attack. in the kharkiv direction, there are signs of some stabilization, but the situation generally tense. as of now, small groups of russians remain on the border in the direction from the enemy city of suja to our direction of sumy. mr. viktor, share, be kind, the operational situation, what to hear now. in particular, when we talk about the crossing of the sumy and kharkiv regions, well, suja, i wouldn't say that it is an enemy city, suja is after all the hundredth town of the sumy regiment, and there live ukrainians who are still occupied by the russian federation, what can i say , that here budanov broke the stick and now we have a new one again. wave
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panic, because most of the people, well, about 30 km to the front, to the front line, a city in which 270, 280, up to 300 thousand, maybe 300,000 people live now, including idps, those who have already moved from the front-line communities, and people who have children are already sitting on their suitcases, and that's why i'm saying that they would have warned us in february 22, that people there are not kebabs , on suitcases on... because we have a lot of plans, and even aristovych knows that the russians will attack, not that budanov, but now there is a feeling that they are playing some kind of game of their own, maybe this is a big game, who will deceive whom a lot, and in war it should be like that, but not at the cost of intimidation of one's own, that is , it is necessary to misinform the enemy, but at what cost, and here i have a remark. yes, we have
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50,000 groups, conditionally, in the kursk belgorod region, now 30,000 of them are advancing on vovchansk, another 20,000 are stretched to a thread, so that we understand, 540 km is only the border of sumy oblast, well, the current front, if we take another 300 km of chernihiv region and 300 of kharkiv region, we have more than 1000 km conditional on the front, but 50,000 is a stretch . yes, this is an advantage of the russians, they have a strategic initiative, and they always have, if they have a strategic initiative, we can guess where they will attack, well, first of all, the seim river effectively divides the sumy region in half, and it is a big river, and that is why you are either attacking, well, if you are gerasimov there, conditionally there, the russian general staff, or to the north of the diet or to the south, it is already obvious that they have a group south of the diet, this... means that it already reduces
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the possibilities of an attack there, but it could be i wonder where the russian volunteer corps went to bilopil, it could be from the same suja directly to sumy, a straight, even, good route, it could be from the red yarugina, krasnopill, it could be from graivoran, where the freedom corps was advancing, and on velika pisarivka to cut the route kyiv, sumy-kharkiv, that is, the direction... there are many possibilities, but not for a group of 20,000, they simply do not have enough strength, and for that we must honestly tell budanov that theoretically, yes, theoretically they can advance, but in order for them to advance, it is necessary to have them, well, a full-blooded army, conditionally 100-120 00 people, not 20 thousand, that is, this is not enough, this is enough for the redegheskis to make a mess, for them to fire from barrel artillery, from mortars...
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20 front-line communities of the sumy region every day of the week, so that they drop there every day of the week, there are several cabs for each community, we have bilopol. fortune-telling of the scribe's office in the middle of the building actually no longer exists , people are being forcibly taken out of their children voluntarily, but people are leaving, i i work there on one project, we bring these tools there, such as a tarpaulin, hammers, nails, so that if the wood is knocked out, so that it can be immediately hammered with boards, then i know what i'm talking about, i just know it. i communicate with those people, well, actually every day, the problem is, the people from there are quietly, everything is that, as putin promised, they are creating this 20-kilometer buffer zone, but there is no need, well, to intimidate, that here is the enemy, but tomorrow tomorrow
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they will go into the sums, well, people are panicking, people are just people, and therefore you have to be careful to tell these things, it must be said that if a group of 5,000 in the court is now standing there... 5 or 7,000 several regiments, they will not take sums from a jump, from a raid, this is not, the civil war there in the 20th year, this not even the mobile actions there of the beginning of the second world war, that is, it is not possible now, now we have satellites, we now have the transfer of one battalion of 20 tanks, a tank battalion, 20 tanks, and we need a full-fledged echelon to transfer them from the point and to the point. but it is imperceptible to do now for the heap satellites are impossible, we agree with you, regarding satellites, we would like to actually clarify, because now there are many claims to the fortifications in kharkiv oblast, and here we would like to somehow understand in advance what is happening in sumy oblast, whether these
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fortifications are also erected a little further , so deep into the region, because there are no fortifications on the very border, and the authorities explain why they are not there, well... but what is your situation? well , i also think that on the very direct border there are 200-300 m to the border, they are not needed there, there are snipers working there from our side, from their side , snipers are working there and fividrons are working here and there, and there is an active drone war going on between us and them, the defense lines are already deep there, i don’t know, can i say it or not? but... again, i'm driving around these communities, i see what's being built, i'm not a military engineer to say how successful this construction is, whether it's going to be effective or not, because i have questions in some options there, because, well, sometimes it's illogical, but it's in my
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opinion, her dragon's teeth are scattered there somewhere, well, somewhere it is very logical, somewhere it is very illogical, but maybe the military knows. i will say again that, just like in the kharkiv region, we have money here, because we have that it is possible to build a platoon support point there for 40 million, and then when the tender is canceled, it turns out that it can be built for 11, but it’s possible there in general , it’s possible even cheaper there, well , they’re wondering about the funds, well, we’ll deal with the funds later, because some of the funds are there, they’re not transparent, we don’t see them in the system transparently and so on, but... trust me , well, at least ours organization, we will not pass by, we, when we have this opportunity, we will check everything down to the last penny, and if they have made a big mistake with kickbacks, then we will present claims to the authorities, but for now i can state the fact that there is a fortification, it
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is being built, it is being built very actively, well, i hope that this will also cool the heads of the russians, and they will not be so persistent. and stubbornly climb here, although again this is an opportunity for them to stretch their flanks, if they have a strategic initiative, and perhaps, well, it would be their strategic goal to transfer a war in such a mobile with a positional one, there with the possibility of breakthroughs, coverage, and for this you just need to stretch the flanks, and if we understand that only to the south of the sejm, then conditionally from bilopol and there to somewhere near kupyansk, it is more than 800 k. .. viktor, why can't the enemy try to implement one or another of his
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military provocations north of the diet, right? well, at the beginning of our conversation, you listed those settlements in the territory of the enemy where they can concentrate, well, at the moment i do not have the information. does this concentration occur or not, but, but, i.e. chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast, well, sums, of course, we understand, due to the proximity to the border line, the right flows. almost directly from north to south, and the seim flows into it, flowing from east to west, and a geographical enclave emerges, when the north, the north of the sumy region, it is such a geographical enclave, it is cut out, and i will tell you that the right side and the seim - these are big artificial barriers, they were not only like that during the second world war , yes... but they are, well, there now, if blow up the bridges, in fact, all the bridges there
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have been torn down, now, yes, the bridges are torn down, there are just pontoons, yes, we remove the pontoons and actually turn this part into an island, the access from our side there is cool, but again there is a network of forests, with whom the cap wandered, and by the way, and no matter what anyone said there, we had oun fighting men there in the royal court. the upa, that is, there are great partisan traditions there, i don’t know, and no matter what, they will take over, well, the conditionally deaf krolevets in the sixties, but they can take over, they will not move to the southern diet again, no, to the west of the gum, well, it is as if torn off there, well, it will capture the territory in order to capture the territory, well, it is possible, but what are the pros, what are the cons, here it is. conditionally , it is the most promising for them, i don’t even know why they moved to kharkiv, because if they hit
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, don’t tell me, be careful, be careful, viktor, be careful, no need, the enemy can also watch us and god forbid there, of course there is irony , but, but, what do you think about the shelling of the powerful ones of the same regional center, the sums will intensify, they will continue to shoot and already... i understand that they already have small cabs, these 250- kilogram ones fly to the sums, they destroy them in the border communities, just in the garbage, these are within the reach of their mines and excellent artillery, there, well, up to 20 km deep, to the sums barrel artillery thankfully doesn't overshoot, but what they do to their neighbors. it is terrible there, and they will continue to do it, to continue to sow panic, so that, well, people
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gather, take children, leave, and i think that here the regional military administration must do something, well, the state of ukraine in general, take the children and collect them from these border communities of bilopyllya, krasnopylla, i don’t know, take them somewhere to the carpathians, somewhere to the mountains, we have some pioneer camps there, there is still something left, and settles them. to find a resource for this, so that the children can rest from this constant babbling, you understand, constant babbling, but now i still cannot distinguish the exit from the arrival, but for me it is still there, but children at the age of 12 it is easy, and the exit was, like, don't pay attention, it's from us we went there, viktor, look, you survived the russian assault and attack on sumy at one time, more than two years ago, if now... accurately measure the public mood, in particular through the prism of the so-called panic or panic moods, then it everything,
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as you rightly pointed out, was a surprise, the effect of the surprise was, now they seem to be waiting for an attack or at least they are waiting for shelling, what is the current public mood in sumy oblast, well, part of the population is panicking, or some part is cautious, in particular, they are cautious in i have many children... many parents i know who have school-aged children, they say at the first opportunity, we will take them there to their mother-in-law, grandmother, svikrukha, somewhere deeper in the rear, who have relatives there in the central , western ukraine, and at least in the poltava region, here they take them there, but they expect that on may 25 we will rush the children there so that they will not be here, especially since the training is now online, well, if it was alternating in the winter. children, children will be taken out
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of sums, i am telling you about sums, but yes, well some are afraid, some are not, but somehow, any statement like that will be announced by some idiots and everyone there and everyone there is kind of shocked, well, because people are worried, well, especially for children, and also for parents , and they worry about each other, but in many people who have boyfriends at the front, they think, well, i'm here at least at the front, well, let's not be at the front... i'm a woman, my children, my parents , there are many, but most of the older people, they do not want to leave the same office, or even funnier, they left, and then they returned that... we need to plant potatoes and they returned to dig gardens, but now they are besieged, they are besieged right under the shelling, the dragonfly came out and the mine flew, such fantastic, fantastic people, fantastic ukrainians, may god give them health, and health to all of us, going through all these difficult events, viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert
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of the buvispres policy analysis bureau, we will now go on a short trip... we will continue our information day, so stay with us. respect traditions and be proud of your culture along with unpack tv. we present a collection of modern embroidery. unique ukrainian embroidery combined with the comfort of your favorite t-shirts at an incredibly pleasant price. only from uah 299. men's and women's options, current trendy colors and doubles. sizes from 44 to 62. embroidered shirts are always fashionable and always presentable. every day, in any situation, you will look amazing and feel incredible. our embroidered shirts are perfect both for the holiday and for every day. and all thanks to real embroidery in the national style. just look at the neat work. it is
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learn about the war and what the world is like. two hours to keep up with the economy. news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. infoday of espressu tv channel in rozpala. well, the successor of the war criminal shoigu as a minister. of defense of the russian federation andriy bilousov stated the need to improve efficiency implementation of the state defense order to fully provide the entire composition of the russian interventionists . provision, i am quoting now the new minister of defense of russia: one of the most important tasks is the provision of arms to the russian army groups. it is about the supply of
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state-of-the-art equipment, in particular , artillery ammunition, missiles for personal protection of the special communications of unmanned aerial vehicles of the rep, and they must practice new methods of combat operations. well, the key story for the new minister of attack of the russian federation is the equipment. armed forces of russia, however, if you believe him, there is no talk of additional mobilization. meanwhile, the rashists are trying to gain a foothold in the border villages of kharkiv region, the armed forces are conducting counterattacks, the spokesman of the national guard , ruslan muzechuk, said in a comment for liga. according to him, the russian army has increased the shelling of the kharkiv region by aviation, in particular with guided air bombs, and we will give more details about the situation in the kharkiv region, and in particular regarding the fortification. talk with martyna bogoslavets, head of the mezh anti-corruption center. mrs. martino, welcome you good day. well, you wrote a column, quite a serious column, in
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which you exposed certain facts that testify to possible fictitiousness, which relate to contracts for the construction of fortifications in the kharkiv region. yes, and when this is a very sensitive topic, now, especially in ukrainian society, because now. there are ongoing battles actually in the northern border regions of kharkiv region, this information causes people a lot of anger, as well as a lack of understanding of why this is happening right now, when we really need almost every penny for the in order to defend against the enemy, how did you actually manage to find out the fact that during the construction of fortifications in the kharkiv region , certain restrictions were made, so really the least. what we would like to do in the third year of the war is to investigate possible corruption facts, signs of corruption
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offenses during the construction of fortifications in such an important region, but unfortunately, we realized even earlier that actually, when we talk about the kharkiv region, there there were a number of such pre-destructive processes, connected with... possible corruption ones risks regarding the use of our own funds, which , among other things, went to the construction of fortifications, which went to humanitarian aid, and we were alarmed by this fact, and we decided to check in detail what our team of the anti-corruption center is doing in kharkiv region. the first thing i want to say is that all the information that we were able to find and publish is open source, so all the information... you can check, uh, now, it can be checked by the audience, that's the first, the first, the first is very important point two: we didn't research
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the execution itself, the quality of the fortification construction works, i want to mention this right away, to avoid possible manipulations, yes, it should be evaluated by law enforcement agencies, it should be evaluated by law enforcement agencies, because this is their function, their work, and it should... you law enforcement agencies exactly after our publication, and the law enforcement authorities will definitely assess this now, because we actually addressed them with the relevant appeals, i want to say why this is the case at all, why we started to check it, because even the previous in 2015, finmonitoring analyzed the use of funds for the construction of fortifications in kharkiv oblast, and even then finmonitoring drew attention to suspicious transactions. for 24 million, which were transferred to the firms themselves, yes, which were one-day firms that were just being created,
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accordingly, fin-monitoring passed this information to beb, beb opened criminal proceedings, that is, it should be understood that already local activists, kharkiv investigators, they turned to our attention that something is wrong with the fortifications, not exactly... quality of work, i want to emphasize this again, because we are not fortification experts, we are anti-corruption experts, and we can assess whether there are signs of fictitiousness in companies that uh, that are engaged in the actual supply of raw materials, supply of materials, now i will tell you what materials we are talking about, that is , in fact, we are assessing the corruption component in this, and we also saw that nabu was suspected, and this also happened actually in... in 23 , when ms. bilyavtseva was suspected, at that time she was the head of hova's office for the appropriation of funds allocated for
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kharkiv oblast. the administration's cry for humanitarian problems, and seeing all these facts, it's not just what the investigators wrote, or anti-corruption centers like us, nabu has already reacted to it , the economic security bureau, the national anti-corruption bureau has reacted to it, and we decided to visit just this region, and we started writing official requests to the kharkiv regional military administration, we started with wood, and we decided to investigate who are... the suppliers of the actual wood, who supplies wood for construction, well, one character was impressed, that is, i did not know about his existence until i read that he drank a liter and a half bottle of jack daniels supermarket, what did he burn, well, look, this is all very important, who do you think, just but i didn't see it in the publication, who do you think was supposed to supervise, yes, well, we understand, that's how they cut
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a dark number of hundreds. for the performance of this or that work, they were directed to the regional military administration, they are managers there, who carried out this or that other supervision, well, at the kyiv level, maybe kubrakov, maybe some of kubrakov's deputies, maybe it's just a kind of shadow, maybe some other department or some other minister or vice prime minister should still exercise control over how the state program is implemented and budget funds are used. the customer, the kharkiv regional military administration, is responsible, is responsible for who they chose as a supplier, who they chose as a supplier of materials. you said, i have to say it on the air, it's very important, again, we found information in open sources that the supplier of wood for the construction of fortifications, multi-million,
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multi-million agreements in... 366 million concluded agreements according to spending information, more than 36 million have already been paid, in particular to companies that have signs of fictitiousness , for example, where the owner of the firm is a person against whom there are cases in court, for example, if we are talking about to industry, then this is a person, ms. victoria, yes, who has cases in ... court regarding evasion of parental rights, recovery from a bank loan of 44,000, he committed domestic violence while intoxicated, or another fop, fop chaus, he also has a number of proceedings, including even a sentence in a criminal case, and where he was in 2000, there in 20006 he stole a bottle of jack daniels whiskey from
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atb, for what. was actually opened according to the fact that criminal proceedings were opened and in the sentence it was written that the person must pass 100 e 100 hours, look at us less than one minute in the reaction of sinyogubov and the regional administration already? that was the reaction yesterday, we are not very happy with it what was the reaction, mr. synegubov wrote down the answer to ours. by publishing a video in which he said that soon there will be a briefing to which all interested journalists will be invited, and here is a very important moment, during which the contractors will be accountable for the quality of the work done, we are not interested in how the contractors will be accountable for the quality of the work, we we want to see at this briefing, let them bring these bogus people, on whom millions were brought out, who stole... and
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bogus people, who commit domestic violence while intoxicated, who are deprived of parental rights, who steal bottles of atb troops, and such respectable entrepreneurs, in the opinion of the kharkiv regional military administration, have all the capacity, which in our letter of response to our request is officially confirmed by the answer from the kharkiv regional military administration that these individuals, they have economic power . they have a production so powerful that millions can be drawn on them, i think that those who are conscious, who are listening to us now, can conclude that it is possible to fops who steal waxes from atb and women who are deprived of their parental rights, who commit violence while intoxicated in public places, can they give birth, and these, by the way, are not the only ones, martin, i suggest that we
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meet with you, for example, in '. this is so live for you to analyze.


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