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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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free drunkenness, domestic violence, who are deprived of parental rights, who steal bottles of atb wax, and such respectable businessmen, in the opinion of the kharkiv regional military administration, have all the ability, which is officially confirmed in our letter of response to our request by the response from the kharkiv regional military administration administration, that these persons, they own economic power, they own production. so powerful that you can draw millions on them, i think that those who are conscious, who are listening to us now, can to conclude whether it is possible for fops who steal troops from atb and women who are deprived of parental rights, who commit violence in a state of alcohol intoxication in public places, whether they can give birth, and these, by the way, are not the only ones, i suggest that you and i meet, for example, on friday, so that you can analyze. and summed up
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synigubov's briefing and, accordingly, all those persons, if he brings them there. unfortunately, we have to go further. martyna bohuslavets, head of the anti-corruption center: mezha, author publication, which literally blew up the network, is dedicated to fortifications in the kharkiv region. we pass the floor to our numbers. yes, anna eva melnyk is ready to share information with us, so we pass the word, and we ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. thank you, colleagues, i approved. financial aid to ukraine, how much money was allocated and when our state will receive it, more on that later, stay with us. and first about the situation in kharkiv oblast, the armed forces withdrew from their position in the district. lukyantsiv
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in the north of kharkiv region, the general staff reported. just now, units of our troops are repelling enemy attacks from the russian side of shebekeni in the direction of vovchansk. at the same time, the cleaning of urban buildings on the northern outskirts of the city continues. the russians killed two people in the vavchan community in kharkiv oblast. an 83-year-old man and a woman were fatally wounded in the village of gatishche. in vovchansk, the head of the regional military administration oleg sinyohobov said. rescuers and the police also managed to evacuate from the border of kharkiv oblast more than 7.5 thousand inhabitants. ukraine needs at least two patriot systems to protect kharkiv - president volodymyr zelenskyy said during a meeting with us secretary of state anthony blinken. he, in turn, assured of american military assistance to ukraine. already on the way,
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washington's support for kyiv is unwavering and comprehensive. let me remind you that last month, congress finally approved a $61 billion military aid package for our country. some of the help has already come, more support will come in the future and it will have a real impact on the current situation on the battlefield. the united states, along with many other partners of ukraine, are convinced that you have achieved... success in this battle. we are also determined that over time ukraine will stand firmly on its feet, militarily, economically, democratically, because a strong, successful, prosperous, free ukraine is the best reproach to putin and the best guarantor of your future, and for all this the united states is and will remain a loyal partner. we have a huge shortage of air defense equipment. i believe that it is on... the biggest problem, and yes,
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today we really need to strengthen the defense for kharkiv, for the region that is often hit, because all the civilians are under attack there, and all the people live under russian missiles. war is war, and lunch is on schedule. us secretary of state antony blinken decided to have lunch after meeting with president zelensky. for this, he chose one of the kyiv pizzerias, which was founded by a russian-ukrainian veteran. war, he was joined by his ukrainian colleague dmytro kuleba. the interior of the establishment is made in style patriotic military. strengthening the economy: the european union has approved a plan for financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros. this was announced by prime minister denys shmegali during the government meeting. according to him, this month ukraine will receive the first tranche, which will significantly strengthen our finances.
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stability in the conditions of a full-scale war with russia. the council of the european union today approved the plan we developed, paving the way for everyone's activation. program options. thanks to the approval of the plan, ukraine will receive almost eur 1.9 billion in financing already this month. in general, this year we expect to receive 16 billion euros within the framework of the ukraine facility, and the total amount of support under this program is 50 billion euros for the next four years. that's how they passed the georgian parliament voted in the third reading for the scandalous law on foreign agents, the echo reports. shows the scandalous initiative of the georgian dream was supported by 84 deputies. 30 opposition members voted against president solome zorobishvili, who had previously promised to veto on the draft law, however, the georgian dream has enough votes to overcome it.
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street protests have been going on in the country for several weeks, and today they flared up with new force. they sold a trophy sniper rifle to bandits. weapons and explosives. sbu detained five black gunmen. previously, law enforcement officers exposed four suspects in donetsk region. they shot down military means of destruction from the front-line territories. during the searches, an arsenal of grenades, assault rifles, kalashnikovs, and grenade launchers were found in the possession of the suspects. another cache with weapons and ammunition was discovered in kharkiv region. this underground was arranged by one of the drivers of the local military unit. green wedding in transcarpathia. law enforcement officers detained three people who tried to cross the border to slovakia on foot. this was reported in the western regional office of the state border service. the unknown persons turned out to be citizens of the czech republic. foreigners came to ukraine for the wedding
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of friends. there, she quarreled with the newlyweds and the hotel administration, since they had already spent all the money, so they decided to return home on foot outside the checkpoints, in order not to... you were walking along the railway tracks, so they were detained. a real river formed in the middle of the city of the capital, broke the pipe of the heat line, of the local heat energy, conducted hydraulic tests to identify weak sections of the heat line, so it rushed to antonovycha street. within an hour, the repairmen managed to localize the breach, and now they started to repair it. such cases happen, unfortunately, on the one hand, but fortunately, because due to the fact that we will see the place of damage, we will be able to replace the most vulnerable area, in winter then not we will have serious problems, the approach further, those 300 meters from here, and behind me it is just
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clear where the water has gone and the soil and asphalt surface have simply been washed away. on the 14th. on may 4, in ukraine, for the fourth time, at the state level, the memory of people who saved jews during the second world war is commemorated. officially, there are more than 2.5 thousand ukrainian saviors, but many still remain unrecognized and unknown, about the righteous people of the world in the material of emma stadnyk. from five to 6 million, that's how many jews there are according to various estimates, died during the second world war, more than 15 million jews were killed on the territory of ukraine alone during the german occupation of 1941-1944. since 1963, israel has been awarding those who saved jews in those years with the honorary title of righteous among the nations. this award is given by a special commission consisting of historians, lawyers and survivors of the holocaust. the righteous
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people of the world are given a name medal, a certificate and the right to inscribe their name on the wall of honor in the garden of the righteous in jerusalem. they will also receive honorary citizenship of israel, and in the event of their death. commemorative citizenship. for the first time , ukrainians received this title in 1991. according to the righteous people of the world, our country ranks fourth after poland, the netherlands and france. according to the data of the israeli embassy, ​​as of january 2021, 2,670 three citizens of ukraine have this distinction. however, according to the director of the ukrainian institute for the study of the holocaust ihor shchupak, these figures do not reflect the real picture of the salvation of the jews. one of the main symbols of the holocaust and a mass grave for many jews plasterer in two days on september 29 and 30 , the germans killed almost 34,000 jews who lived in kyiv. it was impossible to leave the city, so all that remained was to hide. the killings continued for two years, until the soviet army began to move towards kyiv. over the entire time, more than
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100,000 people were killed in the babyn yar tract, including jews, roma, ukrainian nationalists, and soviet soldiers. the german administration, on pain of death, forbade helping the jews in any way. however, these bans did not stop ukrainians. they saved the jews from nazis, hid them or passed them off as their relatives, provided temporary shelter, clothes, medicines and food, at the same time risking not only their own lives, but also the lives of their relatives, or not to forget... about those whose names are still unknown in ukraine introduced a day of remembrance of ukrainians who saved jews during the second world war, a phrase from the talmud is written on the medal that the righteous will receive: the one who saves one life saves the whole world. ema stednyk, espresso tv channel. that's the way things are at the moment, i tell you, bye meeting already at 5 p.m. you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, support our youtube channel and meet on air. espresso by marto liyarnyk and antina burkovsky. the information
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day of the tv channel is in full swing. now we will add defense express military expert ivan karychevskyi to our broadcast. together with him we will talk about military news and analyze them together with him. is it mr. ivan? are already in touch with us, are not currently in touch, in the meantime we will contact you to inform about other important events as of today, because there is also information from the russians that they replaced their minister of defense, and actually appointed the previous minister of defense to the position of secretary of the security council, and what are these russian reshuffles for, we do not we know so before... me, well, but we understand that the russians aimed at such an exhausting, long-term war, and it is important to realize and understand this
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and plan our actions strategically. ivan karychevskyi, military expert defense-express is already in touch with us. sir ivan, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. well, now there is a large analysis of flights and an analysis of what was done and what might not have been done in kharkiv region, we understand that the enemy is continuing to try to divert our resources, but this... does not mean that the situation is getting easier, accordingly, let's not go into any deep details, what scenarios are currently being considered in the military expert environment, ukrainian and not only ukrainian, in particular , what concerns sumy region and kharkiv region? and you know, i can't speak for the entire expert environment now, regarding, well, regarding current scenarios regarding the same case, well, i suggest that here we will still have to start from the first words of the head of the main... intelligence budanov, who rejected the scenario, that probably for three or four days the russians will still try to attack in
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kharkiv oblast just to try to stretch the defense line of the armed forces of ukraine, and then they will try to attack in sumy oblast, only there you can make an amendment to the fact that if the russians really go to attack in sumy oblast, then there in theory, the hostilities will have a smaller scale, because there the russians concentrated a group of approximately only 10,000 bayonets, well, that is , if the russians collected 30,000 bayonets in the kharkiv region, but... it turned out to be not enough for them, so that, you know, even on the fourth day of their operation to go completely into vovchansk, or, based on the report of our general staff, even if separate groups of russians tried to infiltrate precisely on the outskirts of the vovchansk development, but they were knocked out from there, well, it is obvious that the hypothetical russian operation in sumy oblast is of a significant scale, it will not receive, that is, it will not work out there, as at the beginning of the war in february 2022, when a large russian tank column was already... uh, let's say this, in the sums themselves, especially if the group, because then
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the first tank army of the russian federation was advancing, literally, well, which belonged to the western military district, and now there are only 10,000 bayonets, nevertheless, well, the situation is specific, unpleasant, because here, apparently, the point is not so much what the russians will be able to attract troops there, to the extent that it was so drastic in our country the line of the active front is growing, accordingly, exactly the same volume of ammunition, equipment and manpower reserves as before will have to be allocated to this increased value. yes, mr. ivan, look, there is information from our danish partners that ukraine will receive the first f-16 aircraft from denmark in mid-june. to what extent do you think this information may be true because we are very cautious already, you know, talking about some transfer of f-16s to us. this process is very long, and we try not to prematurely... rush to conclusions, if we see the situation, as they say, look at it professionally, then do
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we really have all the prerequisites now to talk about the fact that already in mid-june the first in the 16th will be in ukraine? immediately with this statement, let's say this, a specific story came out from our second danish partners, that at first in the evening it sounded like something for a month, well, and then they decided the next morning to make an amendment for months, well, but it is obvious that such an attempt... . to play everything back, oh, we slandered, it doesn’t happen just like that, it’s obvious that, well, let’s say that not only denmark transmits, no, not even several european countries, it’s such a coordinated process, which is at the head there ... well, with the same united states of america, respectively, if the danes had to pretend in their, in their area of ​​responsibility, that they kind of slandered, then they didn't really slander, they seem to have spoken, but i think that's all, what should be limited here in the case of f-16. look, mr. ivan,
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united states secretary of state anthony blinken arrived in kyiv today, he met with the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, and... volodymyr oleksandrovich reminded blinken of our needs, in particular, two additional patriot batteries to cover kharkiv, kharkiv oblast and possibly sumy oblast. what do you think are the prospects? well, i think that they will actually continue the trajectory there, when the patriots will still try to somehow squeeze out third countries, well, conditionally, third parties, who, let's say, previously received a patriot from the usa, are called something in the usa. and accordingly, now all these patriots can migrate to ukraine, of course, this, unfortunately, the process will not be very fast, to put it mildly, because there is already a demonstrative example of romania, when the president of romania, having met with biden, declared that his country is ready to give him at least one battery that is already physically placed on the territory of romania, just not put into service, well, they have their own flavor there,
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people are in no hurry, maybe three years prepare to put one battery into action, but then a week later the romanian government began. play the situation back, oh, well, we don't know, we doubt it, but tell us, please, whether we will give this battery for free or on credit, well, that is, it turns out that the romanians are already starting to trade publicly with the usa in this way, regarding , as far as they are there, well, as far as they will be with the americans that there are not some two, i don’t know, extra batteries of patriots, somewhere in warehouses, maybe in some of those that do not have the political will, which would the appropriate political will, then it would be possible to give only for... but it would not be quick there, because as they had already calculated, something hung up on the connection with mr. ivan kyrychevsky, a defense express military expert in the most interesting place, as usual, we will now return mr. ivan to our air, mr.
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ivan , please continue , that in fact, the moment here is so, the connection sticks, well, on very sorry, very sorry, yes, at the moment we expect that we will resume contact with mr. ivan kyrychevskyi, in the meantime i want to inform about certain details of the visit of anthony blinken, the united states secretary of state to kyiv, so a powerful, successful, prosperous, free ukraine is the best opportunity, the best possible answer. to russian dictator putin, the united states, along with many other partners, are determined to ensure ukraine's success on the battlefield. such was the statement of the secretary of state of the united states antony blinken at a meeting with the president of ukraine zelenskyi in kyiv. well , he says that we are delighted with your extraordinary strength, endurance, strength and your leadership. we know that these are difficult
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times, that help is on the way now. let's hope that ivan karachevsky is already with us. on the line, mr. ivan, continue, please, well, i will repeat, i will repeat briefly, the question, let's say, simply pass directly on the presence of the us army, patriots, it would hardly be acute, well, even if it would be relatively long, well, because the us patriot battery was sold to us for 119 days, well, that is, from the moment of the announcement to the moment of the actual transfer of the battery to the territory of ukraine, well, because the staff must be trained to deploy the infrastructure, even if in the case of the transfer of additional a patriot from... germany has already been announced, there they put approximately 60 days, nevertheless, not quickly, but here again it is a question of political will, here, let's say, the usa for its army, so the connection is something like that, jamming, simply then it literally hangs the question is in the air, why the americans, why the american military do not want to share
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their patriots directly, because the samli believe that they are not enough, that there the same haslo one and other missiles can fly into the territory. states of america, are there other factors starting to play a role there? well, we are talking about people who, for sure, seriously told us that it is impossible to bomb with a russian mpz, it somehow negatively affects the world oil market, although it would seem that what the us ministry of defense is up to of the world oil market, mr. ivan, by the way, i am i would like you to professionally answer the question, this is also often written by people on social networks, and why can't we go down and buy air defenses there, some installations, i mean there or why the mayors of cities do not buy, but why don't businessmen buy, well, you know this very well, it is often heard among such simple ordinary ukrainians who are not too familiar with the processes of how actually ... this whole process takes place, mr. ivan spoke about the fact that from the moment when we were the united states is willing to sell this patriot and we got it, as many as 119 days have passed, that is for a moment
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3.5 months, it is a long process, and here it is interesting to understand, in fact, so that our viewers also understand why, whether it is possible or impossible, to purchase air defense, so some kind of air defense installation for funds there, i don't know, local budgets, for example, or the key story here, for example, is not that there is no money for them, yes, but there are certain bureaucratic procedures related to the ministry of defense of the same america, and there are more the question of their availability for sale is not a question of money, it works for the question of funds, well, the key story is political pressure, political requests, political persuasion, well, but well, i think that the united states, their intelligence is working very carefully on what is happening now not only on the line. of the front, but also in the front-line cities, in particular, when we talk about sums, we are talking about kharkiv, yes, what are the threats, and the key story is the adopted political decision, i.e. the implementation
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of the corresponding reduction of logistics chains there can take place an order of magnitude shorter, the more taking into account what is already there the appropriate ukrainian contingent is trained, which already knows how to work with american pet systems, there is no need to specially teach someone there for a very long time, that is, people, they have the property of transferring their... knowledge in the mode, well, i think, they have already been there in a couple of weeks additional specialists would be ready, relevant, well, the key story is a political issue, that is why president zelenskyi so actively voiced it during the meeting with the secretary of state of the united states blinkin, which took place today in kyiv, well, very i wonder what else our president talked about with the american secretary of state, but, but, but, well, ivan kyrychevsky came back to us, yes, mr. ivan, actually, explain, we have three minutes with you, please our audience , how does this process happen in general and why is it not so easy, even if you have the money to buy yourself an installation, relatively speaking, of the same patriot, and here
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the question is that not all money is there, because if someone thinks that patriot, it is literally there that you can get off your feet with volunteer donations, then he is somehow grossly mistaken, one battery costs at least 1 billion dollars at export prices, well, conditionally, if we are talking about the fact that the money, for example, is collected, patrons will give it there, i don’t know, the local government, well, i... who has now we have 43 billion uah extra, which could be converted into 1 billion dollars and , for example, simply given to the romanians, that’s okay, you don’t even have one extra battery there, as many as three, well, okay, who just has 3 billion dollars on hand, as far as i remember, even if the scripts are all here, well, even if there, if take some of our visionary businessmen, even if their fortunes are calculated somewhere, well, it ’s not that they have dollars there, it’s all in assets, accordingly, no one, well, look, why is it so expensive to buy, because, first of all, there is not enough that it can be done for a very long time,
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the known period, for example, of production by the nasams complex, is two years, from zero, if it were, to the first microcircuit to the finished anti-aircraft missile complex, well, what are they interrogating, if the missile is manufactured there 23,25 months of the production cycle, that is, two years, well, it is obvious that, let's put it this way, to do it completely zrk from scratch is also possible there. take up to two years, that is why the sam is such an expensive piece of weapon , which is not made as quickly as we would like, would cost as much as we would not, as we all would like, if there were a lot of anti-aircraft weapons in the world defense, which could be bought like this for once or twice, well, it would be sold like that, but we live in a world where one simple portable anti-aircraft missile complex now costs 5 million dollars, just a manpads tube, which are there there is a needle, a polish crown. or there, it might cost 5 now million dollars for one pipe, and the standard for which to hit one air target you can fire 10 dashes of 15 missiles from manpads and only
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one will hit, it will not go anywhere, well , that is, air defense, unfortunately, it is a very expensive pleasure, or shall we say yes, even a very expensive vital commodity, that's why even the same poland, so... yes, mr. ivan, unfortunately, unfortunately, the connection is suspended again, ivan kyrychevskyi, defense express military expert, well, but i very i am grateful to mr. ivan for what he explained to us viewers, it is important to understand, yes , in general, i would encourage all of us to dig deeper, yes, to look for meanings, not to go by the headlines, of which there are so many, which are very loud, after all, to dig, to find out in more detail, because there are a lot of these populist comments, and in our chat, in particular, there is also... is watching, so i urge everyone, all of us, all of you, to treat this more responsibly. well, we're going to take a short break now, after which we'll continue our
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are said every thursday at 21:15 in the... project by velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and on. verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone
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