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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EEST

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forces to this region, well, for today we say goodbye, our colleagues will continue to inform you about the main events, stay in touch with us, as always, subscribe to our social networks, and watch from the press on television or on youtube, it's available to do right now, so stay tuned, as they say, take care, see you tomorrow, all the best. my greetings to everyone from espresso, i am anna yavamalnyk, and i will start this issue with what is currently happening in kharkiv oblast, the occupier.
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hit a high-rise building in the center of kharkiv, rescuers are now inspecting the site of the attack, the mayor of the city, ihor terikhov, said. the enemy also targeted the garages, a fire broke out there, information about the victims is being clarified. russians killed two people in the vovchansk community in kharkiv oblast , an 83-year-old man in the village of gatishche and a woman in vovchansk were mortally wounded, oleg synigubov, the head of the regional military administration, said. also to the rescuers and the police in... evacuation in sumy oblast. rescuers take out residents of front-line settlements. this was reported by state emergency service. first of all, those willing to evacuate are brought to places of temporary residence. volunteers, psychologists and rescue workers work there. people are provided with social and medical assistance. people
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have now arrived by bus, social workers are working with them behind my back, they will be registered for cash assistance, they will now be given humanitarian aid, they will now be accommodated, there are absolutely all conditions here, you can stay overnight here, there are showers here, here there is a canteen with free food, in the morning they are already moving on with evacuation... the armed forces have withdrawn from their positions in the lukyantsi district in the north of kharkiv oblast - the general staff reported. just now, units of our troops are repelling enemy attacks from the side of the russian shebekino in the direction of vovchansk. at the same time, the cleaning of urban buildings on the northern outskirts of the city continues. ukraine needs at least two patriot systems to protect kharkiv - he said. president
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volodymyr zelenskyi during a meeting with us secretary of state anthony blinken. he, in turn, assured: american military aid to ukraine is already on the way, washington's support for kyiv is steadfast and comprehensive. let me remind you that last month, congress finally passed a $61 billion military aid package for our country. some of the help has already arrived, and more support will come in the future. and it will have a real impact on the current situation on the battlefield. the united states, along with many other partners of ukraine, are convinced that you will succeed in this battle. we are also determined that over time ukraine will be strong will stand on its own feet, militarily, economically, democratically, because a strong, successful, prosperous, free ukraine is the best reproach to putin and the best guarantor of your future, and for all this the united states is and will remain.
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a loyal partner. we have a huge shortage of air defense equipment. i think this is our biggest problem. and yes, today we really need to strengthen the defense for kharkiv, for the region that is often hit, because all the civilians are exposed there attack, and all people live under russian missiles. strengthening the economy, the economy. the european union has approved a plan for financial assistance to ukraine for... eur 50 billion, prime minister denys shmehal announced this during the government meeting. according to him, already this month, ukraine will receive the first tranche, which will significantly strengthen our financial stability in the face of a full-scale war with russia. the council of the european union today approved the plan we developed, paving the way for the activation of all program options. thanks to approval of the plan, ukraine will receive almost 1.9 billion. euro financing already this month.
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in general , we expect to receive 16 billion euros within the ukraine facility this year, and the total amount of support under this program is 50 billion euros. the next four years. protests in georgia flared up with new force, after the georgian parliament still passed the scandalous law on foreign agents. clashes broke out on the streets of dblisi, security forces began detaining protesters, echo of the caucasus reports. a scandalous initiative georgian dream was supported by 84 deputies, 30 opposition members voted against. president solome zorobishvili previously promised to veto the... bill, but the georgian dream has enough votes to overcome it. it has been more than a month since the mayor of bela tserkva, gennady dykiy, has served in the ranks of the zso. during this time, local deputies
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visited the mayor at least twice, brought a car, a printer, as well as sweets and other products. dykiy himself talks about this in social networks, but the civil service did not say a word. and what position does he hold? it is interesting that some help was bought with the taxes of the belotserkiv residents. more details in the material of my colleagues. we thank the taxpayers of the bilosykiv community for such a wonderful gift. this video was published by the mayor of the city, gennady dykiy, on facebook shortly after he announced that he had been mobilized in the armed forces. help the military unit where he is currently serving.
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on the website of the bmr, but he does not recall that in the session hall support for the dnipropetrovsk regiment, in which officer dykiy is fighting, was voiced. to be honest, i would like to other deputies are probably ashamed to ask any questions when providing material aid to military units. there was a phrase dnipropetrovsk anti-aircraft missile regiment. i don't remember that. that is, they did not announce to whom exactly these or other funds will be transferred. this self was not voiced. well, these are my guesses, that we allocated the funds and then , by some internal orders or signatures, this car was purchased for this particular military unit, now already from relatives and relatives, as well as from ourselves servicemen, questions arise as to why some can be given that aid, while others, who
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also have great needs for one or another military equipment, do not allocate one or another material aid to them, in order to find out in what way... the mobilization of the city mayor took place, he himself came to bilotserkiv tsk, he was served with a summons, whether he passed the elk at all, we asked the head of the local military department, but he was in april, gennadiy anatoliyovych was already in the combat zone , and here is a video message about joining lavzsu the mayor announced on march 30, that is , it turns out that it took only... 11 days to improve the skills of an air defense officer, regarding his ability, despite the fact that he is called, mobilized, to take part in a court session in the regime of the vkz, for example , in this regard, he wrote to me in a statement and to the court that he is in the immediate zone of hostilities, is under direct fire,
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the internet is unstable and describes why he cannot participate in the regime of the vkz. on the second page, declare everything. however, reliability all information is checked. ephemida and on may 13 it will probably be known whether the criminal proceedings regarding the abuse of power or official position by the mayor of bilotserk will be stopped. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. read more about important things on our website spreso tv, subscribe to our channels on social networks and also support our youtube channel. i tell you that by the time the 18th news is working on the final issue, wait for olga len with the chronicles of information war project.
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imagine it, all this in the informational marathon with mykola september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 on espresso. vasyl winter's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company ulyuble. presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. watch this week's collaborators program, sellers from kyrylivka, who are actively russifying the village? zaporizhzhia region, kyrylivka village together with...
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the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. congratulations, a new government is being appointed in russia, it is not much different from the one before, there are practically the same people, but here is putin unexpectedly for everyone, he offered the position of minister of defense to a certain andrii bilousov, this instead of shigu, who had been in the same position for a very long time, for 12 years, if not more, before... andrii bilousov held the position of first vice-premier era, in
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turn, serhiy shoiguts became the secretary of the security council, instead of mykola patrushev, but patrushev himself now seems to be an assistant to the president, and according to dmitry piskov, valery gerasimov remains the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation. in principle, all these changes are quite interesting, we will talk with them now with maria kucherenko. she is an analyst of the come back alive fund, and she follows very closely all the events that are happening in russia, and actually the changes. that are happening there, in particular among their elite, well, the russian propagandists themselves, well, let's be frank, were sought after by this new appointment and commented on it in this way. please, the comments
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of the russian propagandists regarding the resignation. the news, of course, is sensational, unexpected, no one could have guessed. of course, a completely unexpected decision of the president, judging by the entire assignment was a surprise for bilousov himself. he can be heard speaking to the speaker of the upper chamber of the parliament, matvienko, on his way to a meeting of the specialized committee of the federation council. so. of course, life took a different path, an absolute sensation for the whole world, volodymyr volodymyrovych knows how to put everyone on their ears. i see that all over the telegram there is an amazing fuss about the fact that russia is now experiencing a new year of 1937. these amazing
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smart people called the reshuffle in the ministry of defense that way. that is, they have sergey kozhugidovych is tukhachevsky. no more, no less. well, you see, these are a little strange, these are the reactions, well, actually, maria kucherenko joins us. congratulations, maria. good day. well, you can't seriously say that about the 37th year, but if it's official. then let's see how the kremlin officially commented on why they made such a replacement. the president decided that the russian ministry of defense should be headed by a civilian. the ministry of defense should be absolutely open to innovation, to the implementation
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of all advanced ideas. that is why the president settled on the candidacy of andrii rymovych bilousov. as for the military component, this assignment will in no way change the current coordinate system. the appointment of putin, who became a sensation, to appoint the first deputy head of the government andrii bilousov in the kremlin, is explained by the increase in spending on the power bloc. their share in the economy grew from 3% to 6-7%. pyaskov said that the winner on the battlefield today is the one who is most open to innovation. technocrat billock'. well, maria, they are talking about the fact that a person from the economy came, what a person who is essentially a technocrat behind this appointment, and to what extent this official comment of theirs coincides with the real motives of this appointment, behind the appointment is
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putin's intention to fight for a long time, and to fight not only with us, but to fight... . with nato, and this is such a sad prospect, and when it came to the appointment of bilousov, and when it came to the last appointments that went along with him, that is, the story with manturov, that is, in general, such a fixation on the military-technical component, it's just about the fact that the russian federation, having launched this military-industrial machine, will not stop, and here... it is really very important to understand that these are all motives related to corruption in the ministry of defense, there are stories about shoigu, his deputies, about timur ivanov , about whom everyone has known for many years that he is an outstanding absolutely corrupt person, even by moscow standards, the story about yuri
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kuznytsov, which arrived yesterday, he was such a head of the main personnel department of the russian federation, this... is not purely about corruption, although this motive, it is also there, it is also present, that's right about the completion of this iteration, which began with the so-called prigozhin march, continued with further processes that accompanied this so-called march, i mean personnel processes, and this iteration ended with the actual inauguration of putin, which was more like the coronation of the emperor. and now we see the end, the complete end of this cycle with the appointment of a new minister of defense, we see the end of this cycle with the appointment of oleksii dyumin. in the presidential administration, and in fact, all this was needed by putin and one the main goal: to prove once again that he
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is still the arbiter between the towers, between the so-called towers of the kremlin, that is, when these first events took place, and the media commentary and environment, that is, the media coverage of what happened around prigozhin, the impression was that shoigu and they took his group. mountain, but, of course, the system could not allow such an imbalance, so what we see now was only a matter of time, unfortunately. well, by the way, it is interesting how exactly this story with the resignation of shoigu is commented on, because, well, on the one hand, the word that the new appointee is not corrupt, well , it sticks out a lot in the comments, and on the other hand, you have to see that in fact... i rushed to say something good about the shuigu, only a nightingale, all, all, all others somehow, well, not very directly, i would say, they defended him, but
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somehow very, very conditionally, well, let's see, i made such a selection precisely on this topic of corruption, because it is simply interesting their reactions, the scientist economist, technocrat, true patriot, workaholic. absolutely free of corruption, the ministry of defense, you can to assume that a period of serious audit awaits, a bet on maximum efficiency in everything, to simplify the bureaucracy, to control every penny, as the minister of defense, i would like to remind you that the minister of defense serhii kozhugedovych shoigu was under the supreme commander-in-chief, that with corruption in... the ministry of defense under the chairmanship of shoigu . they fight with it. now the period has come when the supreme commander decided, you know how a rocket is accelerated, the first stage
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has worked, new tasks, the second stage is working. serhii kozhugidovych goes to increase. you have to understand, you just have to understand. and don't get hysterical. there is no need to get hysterical. we should be grateful. robbed, robbed. and you can prove something, tell me. the only mistake of the ministry of defense is the calculation that kyiv will capitulate in 2022, and kyiv surrendered, kyiv surrendered, why didn't he notice his billionaire deputy, why didn't he notice? timur ivanov has been declared for many years when specific questions have arisen. by the way, there is no court decision yet. let me remind you that the investigation began under shoigu. ingratitude is not a russian trait, you stop it, this is generally a very russian trait: firstly, cursing the one who left and
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worshiping the new person seems to me to be an absolutely no-alternative solution, well, that is , yes, such hints that now every penny must be checked, that is, well, probably earlier she won't transfer every penny. well, on the other hand, this is putin's appointee, well, that 's all, and it's like putin is responsible for everything, but you know what's interesting in this regard, what does it mean that after this prigozhin march and everything that happened around at some point, putin lost this as well as trust in shaigu, you can also understand it if you had to change him, well... well, actually admit that the management of defense mines was not effective, and then what should shoigu do? here the question is not about trust as such, here
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the question is that his subordinates, well , i mean, shaygu, gerasimov, they did not bring him the result he wanted, do you remember the moment, for example, when gerasimov was appointed commander of united group, well, that is, it was clear that yes... to appoint only putin himself with a checker on his horse, the army to enter in front, well that is, it is not even a question of trust or distrust of shuigu, it is a question of total distrust of all those who cannot provide him with the desired result, but the desired result, we remember what it was, well , that is, in the 22nd year of kyiv in 3 days and so on, there is no result, hence the actual reaction, and the fact that it happened now and that it... well, in my personal opinion, it was a matter of time, well, only i thought that it would actually be a weakening of the shoigu , and not completely removing him from, sorry, ministerial
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office. foot in the trough and it was really a matter of time, because this distortion, the system, it cannot allow it, that is, if you are an arbiter in this system, you have to give all the towers according to their merits, it looked like this after the so-called mutiny, that the ministry of defense remained in favor, yes, well, yes was not to be, and it drew a great deal of criticism from those who expected it. that actually all elements of the system will bear some responsibility, well, now we see that they have borne, but again, the same shoiwo, that's why i was actually skeptical about his resignation until it did not happen, i thought that there would be a story around his plans, around the weakening of the influence of his group, in fact, we see that such a total uprooting of shoigu from defensive streams, it did not happen, and it
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is better for us, because... what, how piskov noted that after shvoigu's new appointment as secretary of the security council of the russian federation, he remains the curator of the federal service for military-technical cooperation of the russian federation, and it is very interesting that literally on the eve of this decision by poshoigu, this service was removed from the control of the ministry of defense, and it now, it is now subordinated personally to the president of the russian federation, that is , such a one was created... so you are left without those flows, without the absolutely enormous influence that was, but we remember that you dipstate, and what is it, well, the truth is the dipstate and never the truth, children, but we leave you such and such a piece, well, that is , it will be enough for life, to say that it is not directly opala, opala, it will be enough, but it
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will not be like before. well, well, what does bilausov imagine himself to be, what kind of person is he, what is his role in it putin's system of government, and what is his role now after this appointment, because it is clear that it has changed, it has changed a lot, this is actually the person who will control, i would say, the transition from the war economy to the war economy, that is... a person who all his life, all his career, he advocated the maximum nationalization of the economy, as we remember, his father, rem bilausov, is a person who made reforms with kosygin, and he really accepted this idea from childhood, what do you have for the state, the main thing is the state, do it so that it is, well, not what good for your state, and for your state
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to occupy the... this, which was determined for it by senior leaders, this is andriy removich belausov, besides, he is a person who advocates maximum taxes, maximum taxation, i would even say, not with taxes, but of big business, and for that he was indeed very, very yes, well, always negatively perceived in these circles, besides, bilausov is a person, i would say. that this is the embodiment of the household plan, but he himself is such a personification of the household plan, and even if you listen to his direct speech, it is always his constructions, they are something between a speech at a plenary session and a lecture at a university, but this is really very, very characteristic of him, because actually imagining
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someone else and... some other intonation with such


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