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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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because we believe that there are a number of allies that have assets that they could share and ways that the united states could help with their replacement air defense needs. these conversations are ongoing, these issues are of paramount importance. russian forces hit residential high-rise buildings in the center of kharkiv. 16 people were injured, including children. this was announced by the head of the kharkiv regional military administration oleg sinigubov. since last week, russia has been conducting a ground operation semi. kharkiv oblast, they managed to capture several settlements. why exactly now russian forces have opened a new front and is there a threat of capturing kharkiv itself? our journalist andriy borys talked about this with george baros, an expert of the american institute for the study of war. mr. baros, the latest report of the institute for the study of war states that the russians' offensive in the kharkiv region is aimed at restraining and dispersing ukrainian troops. please explain what you are talking about. we believe that this is essentially a major
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operation to contain ukrainian forces. deterrence is a doctrinal term which involves fixing units and resources to a certain area to prevent their movement. in our opinion, the kharkiv front may in the future become an attempt to capture the city of kharkiv itself, but not now. we believe that the main purpose of this operation is to support the main direction of russia's attack. material resources, as well as units that need to be directed there. the plan of the russian campaign is aimed at diverting ukrainian resources from donetsk to the north of kharkiv region. they really want the resources that are currently coming from the us not to go to the direction of the temporal ravine in donetsk region. they want to keep them off track. or
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constantine. i expect that the russians will decide to step up their offensive in kharkiv oblast, but even if they advance more in that region, i'm not particularly concerned, because as they advance deeper, they will run into more prepared ukrainian positions and come across larger strongholds, so the advance will slow down . why do you think the russians quickly and relatively easily captured the border settlements, entered partially in training? how do you assess the quality of defense fortifications of ukraine in this direction? in theory, you should have no stat protection. when you build your defensive lines, you need to have some flexibility and movement. because if you try to create, roughly speaking, a conditional line, it will not always stick. the theory of defense should not be built exclusively around the idea of ​​establishing a line of surovikin, numbers. but let's be realistic.
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if the russians decided to gather 30,000 troops in the belgorod region, 50,000 in the north groups to support, if they are going to open a new front on vovchansk, use kaby and other weapons, there is no military expediency for the ukrainians to hold on and fight a decisive battle. ukrainians have a way of protecting themselves. kharkiv region from the north, and although vovchansk is important from the point of view of the operational position of the city, it is a tactical forward position, i would not be too disappointed if the russians managed to advance in this direction. of course, this is all bad, but if the russians use large resources to attack vovchansk, it is very difficult to defend there, no matter how many trenches you dig. am i correct in understanding that the russians are the same way...
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do you see a build-up of russian forces in other regions? from all the open information that we have seen, most of the russian forces were in the belgorod area, now the number of troops may be slightly larger, but in belgorod there are about 30 thousand people, in kursk and bryansk about 10 thousand each. the russians may change this over time, may do a few more redeployments, but most of the operational forces are concentrated. in belgorod, i it seems that the main blow will be aimed at kharkiv. the russians may try to launch diversionary attacks on sumy, either from bryansk or from kursk, but we see no signs of an imminent attack yet. another topic. changes in the russian government. putin replaced shoigu as minister of defense with economist andriy bilousov. what does this mean for the war in ukraine? the consequences of this
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designation will be felt for the russian defense complex and the russian economy, which will more effectively support the military operation. shoigu did not manage the military operation this is the role of chief of the russian general staff gerasimov and other commanders who worked on it in ukraine. shoigu ran the civilian side of the ministry of defense, which is responsible for administration, resource preparation, policy-making, etc. bilousev is an economist. he has a reputation as a very competent technocrat who is good at getting results and working with data. by the way, he oversaw the procurement of drones, controlled the production of drones for the ... russian army, i suspect that he will try to eradicate corruption, will try to increase the efficiency of the production capacities of russian factories and make sure that all production reaches the front. i am concerned that russia, as the kremlin, is essentially trying to put itself on the rails of the wartime soviets in order to build up
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an array of military products to ship to ukraine. the offensive of russian forces in the north of kharkiv region continues, according to the institute. war , the russian army is trying to gain a tactical advantage in the north and northeast of kharkiv. ukrainian border forces volunteers and police evacuate people. however , many cities of kharkiv region continue their daily life. in july 2023, a coffee shop opened 8 km from the contact line. it was opened by dmytro kabanets from kharkiv in addition to his own network of coffee shops in kharkiv. despite the advance of russian forces, he plans to open another cafe on... far from the contact line. anna kostyuchenko and pavel sukhodolskyi questioned dmytro about his business under fire. this coffee shop in kupyansk, only 8 km from the contact line, opened in july 2023. he was the initiator
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29-year-old dmytro kabanets from kharkiv, who since 2019 has been the owner of a chain of cafeterias in kharkiv. i had a very big idea to open a coffee shop in the de-occupied territory. this is from the end of the 22nd year, well, there were no such thoughts that i would open myself up, on the contrary, it was damn cool that we could do this, at least to declare that we are there for the people who live there, it's about the opportunity to raise this culture, to make some place for people to relax, to create jobs, to create a mood, because there is not enough of it, a coffee shop in kupyansk was opened on a voluntary basis. organization hub station. local volunteer alina and her two daughters work as baristas here. in general, the cafe is open every day. hopeless. the eldest daughter, 17-year-old sofia, does not work every day due to her health. in the winter, when the russians
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shelled kupyansk again, the girl received a concussion. well, there was a break in the house. and got a little concussion. how did it manifest itself? pain in... ugh, just like a headache. all the money earned in this kupyan cafe goes to humanitarian needs kharkiv region, in particular local children - says dmytro. if we didn't have such directly official reports, but among ourselves we reported what we bought, i remember that in august we bought there, well, the hub station bought stationery for those who go to school, even when online, everything is there one needs some well, the clerks for this money, there is a small profit, i don't remember, it was something like 10 thousand uah, but we still sold this money, bought all kinds of things. five more coffee shops, owned by dmytro, operate in kharkiv, only 30 km from the russian border. the russians regularly
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bombard the city with s-300 missiles and guided aerial bombs, which ukrainian air defense cannot intercept. despite the danger to the city. the dutch photojournalist kon fonetten arrived, he got to dmytro's cafe on the recommendation of his friends. the coffee here is really good, but i think the magic is not in the coffee itself, but in the people who brew it. people live here, and i wanted to record the history of the people who still live here, and also find out why they decided to stay, and that's why i came to kharkiv. here there is faith not only in the seventh place, in the community decided to stay and create something together. in this chain of kharkiv coffee shops , the profit from each mug of filtered coffee goes to the needs of the armed forces, says dmytro.
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andriy, a 28-year-old military man from the lviv region, prepares such filtered coffee for himself. before the full-scale invasion, he worked as a barista. dmytro allows him to go behind the bar and make coffee for himself. once upon a time, when i was doing it professionally. i was thinking about a bunch of processes that happen when brewing coffee, which is turbulence, it's water temperature, it's grinding the beans, it's, well there's a lot, a lot there... some things, now i don't really worry about all the things that i used to worry about when i was doing kao professionally, it's just relaxation, so it's such relaxation, meditation, and it's a little bit to forget about wine for a while. dmytro kabants gave birth to a daughter in 2022, he is not going to leave the city despite talk that the russians might try to take kharkiv, says the man. even those friends who went there from kharkov in the second year of the 20th year, someone moved there earlier in the 19th year to kyiv, they think that in kharkov
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there is no life, they think that everything is over here, everything has stopped, and it makes me feel offended, i understand that, but i have lived here for 22 years, 23 years, already 24 years, i, well, i did not leave there straight to live in another city, er, i understand it's all up to us. he plans to open a coffee shop in izyum , 50 km from the front line. in 2022, this city was under occupation for six months. dmytro says he has already chosen the premises and is currently renovating there. anna kostyuchenko, pavel sukhodolsky for voice of america from kharkiv and the region. parliament of georgia on may 14. in the third approved the final reading of the bill on the transparency of foreign influence, which
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is also called the law on foreign agents. tens of thousands of georgian citizens continue to protest against the law. the draft law has been repeatedly criticized by international partners. the eu and the us also condemn violence by law enforcement officers against peaceful demonstrators, as well as against journalists covering these events. the president of georgia, saloma zarubeshvili, previously promised to veto this dock. however, the pro-ruling party georgian dream has enough votes to override that veto. the georgian authorities must change the course of their policy in order to continue successfully cooperating with the united states. this was emphasized by the deputy director of the state department, vedant patel, during a briefing on tuesday. more than 80% of the population of georgia wants membership in the european union. we support this aspiration. we also know that the georgian government. has said it wants to join the eu and have relations with transatlantic organizations such as nato. moreover,
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it is in accordance with the constitution of georgia, but things like this legislation, they are not compatible with stated goal, so we value our relationship and the partnership we have had with georgia for over 30 years and we would like to continue to deepen that cooperation, and there is still time for that, but our view is that the government of georgia needs to change the course it is on now. the 2024 presidential campaign in the us will be influenced by artificial intelligence for the first time, say experts. a media expert, lawyer and owner of a company specializing in artificial intelligence talked about the biggest threats from artificial intelligence during this campaign, as well as i found out which countries can interfere in the elections the most, how much it costs to create a fake diva and how to recognize it. trump
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hugging infectious disease doctor fauci, senator elizabeth warren talking about voting swings and a world crisis if biden wins. all these fake products are artificially generated. such photos, videos or audio materials on the network are not news, but this year's presidential campaign in the usa is affected by artificial intelligence for the first time, experts say. the problem with all elections is that if a fake is published on the eve of election day, there will be no time to fight back from him. there was a lot of misinformation about covid and vaccinations, for example, then it was time to debunk it. elections do not work like that, because it takes place on a certain day. therefore, if two
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days, or even 24 hours before the election, someone publishes a fake or other type of disinformation, it will be very difficult to react to it. this may affect the results. in particular, it can affect the decisions of voters in so-called swing states, or those where no party has a clear advantage, - notes media expert eley kama. and free speech adviser and attorney arikon points out that ai will not affect the results as much as how and why people vote, for example, people were told during the last election that if they voted by mail, their information would be given to collectors , which is completely untrue, but actually voting by mail is a good thing. there are three main reasons why deepfake videos are so popular right now, says rijul gupta, head of a company that helps the pentagon detect deepfakes. it's cheap
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ease of creation and plausibility. the first step is to take a fragment of a human voice, put it on the voice algorithmfectake and create a script. this process takes maybe 5 minutes, very very fast, right? this voice fragment is superimposed on the video, which is processed thanks to lip reanimation defake sheet. anyone with years of programming experience can create a custom component for this in another 10 minutes, so it takes about 15 minutes. create a 60-second lip sync lip-fake video. financial side: how much does it cost? there are many free online services. if you want to pay for quality, a thirty-second audio clip might cost two cents. so cheap, so cheap. again, this is a paid premium service. the
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same applies to video, its price will be about 10 cents for 30 seconds. the greatest danger, experts say, comes from other countries, which have now become even easier to influence american elections. from which countries should this be expected the most? the main actors are russia and china. china too especially, it is now trying to get ahead in the artificial intelligence arms race. you will see deepfakes made in russia, made in china, made in north korea. how can it be determined, it could be poor grammar or they will try to use american slang but in the wrong way, but many advanced disinformation networks will feed some of the disinformation to an american and that american will pass it on using their own interpretation of it, thus detecting becomes
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more difficult. mostly, videos from other countries it is more difficult to regulate at the legal level - they say. experts they won't follow our laws, and they shouldn't. however, there are no such laws even in the united states itself. yes, some ai companies promised the white house to publish their watermarked videos. and representatives of the congress turned to the goal to find ways of legal regulation. but so far without success. and it is unlikely that any of this will come out during this year's presidential race. attorney ari cohn doubts that... a law regulating deepfakes could be passed by the day voting in the usa. political speech is difficult to regulate in the united states. the first amendment is very protective of political speech, and for good reason, because we don't want the government in power to influence
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elections. and another reason why it's hard is this: it's hard. separate false information from mere opinion or characterization with which we may disagree. especially in politics, people find all kinds of things compelling. how then to recognize deep fakes? rijul gupta uses several stages in his company checks, in particular the study of metadata, and he recommends that ordinary users pay attention to the following. make real or strong emotions thanks to the fake. there are different types of voice fakes. during the call , biden allegedly used a process of vocal synthesis and as a result he sounds very monotonous and monotonous. each letter, each appeal of the human voice created by oshchi has a duration of 0.125 seconds. but in
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human language you can have different tempos than that. therefore, if we see it with duration of each letter. it is also difficult to make a high resolution video of a voice or a face. if the audio quality is poor, this is a clue that it may have been generated by artificial intelligence. this may sound obvious, but just look for watermarks on videos. if you're talking to someone on a video call and you think they're fake, ask. so the moment the person turns their back to the camera, that face tracking algorithm
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disappears and there will be a tipping point where the face tracking algorithm fails, flickers and you see the original person. at the same time, artificial intelligence and deep fakes can be useful, in particular in politics. where are you really talking to. and 2024 presidential candidates, read certain messages to different parts of the community in their native languages, which can make these people feel part of the city, part of the political process and involve them in local politics. ai can also help to better understand the audience and their behavior patterns. create more accurate presidential campaigns and better analyze them. ability to understand that each image is published by the company
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people like biden in a blue shirt for a reason. this is just an example. i don't know if it's true. artificial intelligence, like many things, can be both good and bad, depending on how it is used. over time, new methods of regulating it will appear, but at the same time , new technologies will emerge, which... will turn this process into an eternal race, so rijol gupta recommends that government agencies cooperate with technology companies to make it easier to detect deep fakes, and for ordinary voters experts recommend remember your own responsibility and be critical of everything published online. ivanna pidborska, kostyantyn golubchyk, dmytro savchuk, voice of america washington. download the mobile application. voice of america. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch
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informative programs and videos, as well as listen to podcasts of the ukrainian service of the voice of america. on this we will say goodbye. see also our daily briefings at 18 on youtube and facebook. thanks for staying with by us, good night and good morning. before meeting. few lions have overcome energy. citylev neo protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may for a relief of 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and.
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exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: the war between russia and ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and on other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world. the hands of a trump presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative project. radio svoboda is the top guest every day, this is the shipping area, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, today in the program is the verdict with serhiy rudenko, the trend is towards stabilization, the defenders have blocked the russian offensive in the kharkiv region , but sumy remains under threat. were the fortifications on the northern borders of ukraine really ready? unwavering support. us secretary of state blinken assured
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president zelensky. that american aid is on the way, can ukraine count on additional patriot air defense systems to protect kharkiv? kremlin castings. putin left his associate patrushev in his inner circle and appointed his former aide-de-camp dyumin, whom the dictator considers his successor, as another aide. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. anthony blinken appeared in kyiv today with an unannounced visit, spoke about security the agreement with ukraine, about the future of the russian-ukrainian war, about its support, the support of the united states
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of america for ukraine. today we are also talking about blinken's visit and how the situation is developing on the eastern front, in particular around vovchansk, and about the prospects of the russian occupiers launching an offensive not only on kharkiv, but also on sumy oblast, at least this is what the ukrainian generals are talking about, this and other things during the next hours we will talk with the politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny and general igor roman'. in in the second part of our program, we will have people's deputies of ukraine yevgenia kravchuk, oleksiy kucherenko and yaroslav zheleznyak. however , before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian fighters stopped the enemy breakthrough in the kharkiv region, fighters of the third separate assault brigade, the 66th separate mechanized and the 77th airmobile brigades smashed russian tanks and pmps of the invaders.
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assault unit of the occupiers. completely broken, three units of equipment destroyed completely, another four damaged, let's see how it is everything was glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work simultaneously on several platforms, live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook. please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: should ukraine ask
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partners for input. troops, it is meant, to the territory of ukraine. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube if you have a separate one opinion, please write under the video in the comments, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that ukraine should ask partners to introduce troops 0800 211 381, no, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will tally up the results. of this vote, i want to introduce our first guest today, this is roman bezsmertny, a diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to belarus, a people's deputy of several convocations, a politician and a person who knows about ukrainian and not only ukrainian politics, practically everything. mr. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey. however, i would like to invite our viewers who watch us on youtube
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to subscribe to roman's youtube channel. the mortal link to the youtube channel is under this video on youtube, find it, please, and subscribe to the youtube channel of roman bezsmertny. so, roman petrovych, today the secretary of state of the united states of america blinkin arrived in kyiv with an unannounced visit. secretary of state spoke about the fact that the united states of america will continue to support ukraine, and at a meeting at... sikorsky university , he spoke about the security agreement that will be signed by the representatives of ukraine and, respectively, the united states of america, and blinken also said that the aid, which is so awaited in ukraine, will soon be in ukraine, and it will have a real impact on countering russian aggression. let's hear what bliss said.


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