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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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to some understanding, or we terminate these contracts. moreover, ah, europe has set very seriously the requirements for beijing to fulfill the sanctions that china violates in trade turnover with russia, and it was said absolutely frankly that europe does not pretend to control the flow of raw materials there, which are related to russian exports to china, but... europe will not allow china to continue exporting to russia dual technologies, machine tools, machines, which are then used to produce weapons, armaments and ammunition for the russian army. today romana petrovych, putin's assistant on international affairs, yuriy ushakov, said that china refused to participate in the global peace summit in switzerland, we appreciate the wise and balanced position of our chinese partners regarding china's non-participation. in the international
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conference, according to ushako, thereby beijing emphasizes the understanding of the counterproductiveness and senselessness of discussions on the ukrainian issue without the participation of russia, if this is true, china will not participate in the global peace summit, what will this mean? this will mean that there will be no peace at the summit up to one and a half dozen states of the so- called global rooster are present. well, we could have named these states without that, because they are closed in this triangle, and beijing, moscow, tehran, so it is obvious that it actually depends on how beijing will behave, whether they will be present, but here is a very interesting thing, it is that ushakov announces the decision to beijing, i would not fully trust moscow's liars. in
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announcing this position, because i want to remind you that, including during the meeting in paris, xi jinping and president macron agreed on additional consultations regarding the possibility of the participation of either sydney or the delegation of china in the work of this forum, and the question remained open, there was no form for it'. answers, except that speaking in response, sydzenpin said that today the envoy for eurasian affairs, lihuib, is carrying out shuttle diplomacy, that is, what did this phrase mean, it is possible to assume that whether lihuib will be a participant in the work of the global peace summit , there is not much time left, in a month the global... peace summit will take place in
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switzerland, we will monitor what xi jinping, or official beijing, will say after the visit or during putin's visit to china. thank you roman petrovych for the conversation, it was roman bezsmertny, a politician, a diplomat, a person who knows about ukrainian and not only ukrainian politics, practically everything. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, if you watch us live on these platforms under. please subscribe to our platforms, and also take part in our survey. today we are you we ask the following: do you understand that ukraine should ask for partners, or whether ukraine should ask partners for the introduction of troops. yes, no, if you watch us on tv, please pick up the phone and vote if you think ukraine should ask for troop partners, 0800 211 381 no,
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700 2001 382 all calls to these numbers are free, call us, we care know your opinion further contact us ihor romanenko, founder of the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine, retired lieutenant general, former deputy chief general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. general, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. good evening to you. mr. general, let's start our conversation with the situation that is developing in the kharkiv region, in the kharkiv direction. according to the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense kyrylo budanov, the armed forces of ukraine will be able to stabilize the front in the kharkiv region within the next few days. at the same time, he expects that the russian federation will launch a new offensive further north from kharkiv in the sumy region. at the same time in the state department of the united states of america predicts that the russian occupation forces, which are currently trying to advance in the kharkiv region, will not be able to achieve serious success in this area, listen.
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what do the state department of the united states of america think. russia continues its aggression. and we expect that russia will try to push forward in some direction, and maybe russia will make further advances in the coming weeks, but we don't expect any major breakthroughs, and over time the additional influx of american aid and constant support from partners will enable ukraine to continue resisting this aggression. mr. general, how do you assess today's situation in the direction of kharkiv , and is there a possible scenario, as general bodanov says, that this offensive on... ovchansk, well , in general, in the direction of kharkiv, this is a diversionary maneuver, in fact, the russians can enter the sumy region. it is difficult to call it a distraction, because there are high-intensity battles in two directions, to the north of kharkiv in the direction
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of the settlement of liptsi and to the northeast direction, this is directly vavchansky village. around it, to the west of vovchansk, the fighting is intense, the enemy is using dill infantry and armored vehicles, er, we have already entered directly into vovchansk, vovchansk is fighting in place, on our side reserves are being used, armored vehicles have approached, and the leadership is operative in this direction. the tactical group tries to stabilize the situation, that is, to stop the advance, inflict damage with the means that are available, and the capabilities of these means, from the point of view of striking, are added for this purpose
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in addition, ammunition, as well as reserves regarding the military service of the forces, in fact, in this regard does not exclude... since we remember a couple of weeks ago, general skibitskyi , the representative of gur had a statement regarding the fact that there are plans and known to our and foreign intelligence regarding the fact that there are plans for the enemy's actions in the kharkiv and sumy directions, from kharkiv to the kharkiv direction, we see how it is happening, we have made, we hope, conclusions regarding actions and preparations. and now there is a corresponding strengthening of the potential of the defense system in the direction of sumy. mr. general, analysts of the institute for the study of war in the united states of america say that russian troops in the kharkiv region seem to
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prioritize the rapid creation of a buffer zone along the border, rather than a deeper penetration into the northern part of the region. do you agree with this statement? is this statement not true? well , three options are being considered, the enemy’s biggest plan regarding capturing or conducting hostilities directly in kharkov, it involves somewhere from 150,000 groups, which the enemy does not have, so at the present time it is impractical to talk about it, but what is happening now from... in the north, in the northeastern direction of kharkiv region, everything was initially considered by the passel, and it was several battalions in both directions, and armored vehicles, that is, it is such a reconnaissance by combat,
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but the enemy reinforces its actions in these directions with reserves, and therefore, this is already the second, first option, this is reconnaissance by combat, and now the second option is being considered... regarding the formation of the so-called border strip by the enemy, what putin at the time called a sanitary zone, maybe they are on it in the direction of 75 km, the airfield is being built and completed, that is, it is being thoroughly prepared for the introduction of appropriate actions. in order to carry out combat operations and achieve results along this line, it is necessary. up to 50 thousand, well , tens of thousands of military personnel, 55 thousand of them are on a line of about 700 km, and it is not yet focused on this direction, but the enemy is increasing these efforts, if there are forecasts of the west,
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which has already proven in two directions in total up to 25-30 thousands is accepted, and therefore this second option in relation to the band... is becoming more and more realistic. mr. general, in the background the offensive of the russian invaders in the north of the kharkiv region, the commander of the operational-tactical grouping of the kharkiv troops was changed. instead of yury galushkin, ukrainian troops in the kharkiv direction will be commanded by mykhailo drapaty. in addition to the actions and analysis of the actions of those who lead the operational-tactical grouping of troops in the kharkiv region, there are many conversations now about fortification, the construction of fortifications, how they were built, whether they were built correctly, or where they were built, why the russians in some places just on foot... we entered the territory of the ukrainian state at the final press conference at the end of the 23rd year
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, president zelenskyy stated that the most powerful line of defensive fortifications had been prepared in the kharkiv region, which he set as an example for other regions, let us recall how it was, yes, if i see in the kharkiv region , both the region and the city are grateful, and the way they united with the military there. with construction companies, and our state budget was drawn up together with business, and what they did there, and i think it is powerful. and now, mr. general, the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, oleg syniguv, says that on his behalf , a meeting should be held where all participants in the construction of fortifications in the region will report on the performance of the work, let's listen to sinigubov. regarding the fortification of kharkiv oblast, today. instructing the profile deputy to gather all the contractors who worked and continue to work on the construction
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of fortification structures, each of them must report at the meeting of the transparency and accountability working group, after that the results of the meeting will be publicly communicated at a press briefing, where every representative of the mass media will be able to ask additional questions, always ready for a public reaction. mr. general, to what extent... are the fortifications capable and can under the current conditions of war deter the enemy, and have we done enough in at least the last two and a half years to build these fortifications, these lines of defense? they show the expediency of this kind of activity, we already have experience in this large-scale war, our experience, the defense forces of ukraine, and... in addition, we remember how the russians
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built a powerful defense system in zaporizhzhia in six months, while our allies were helping us there, and how this affected our counteroffensive actions, i.e. there is no need to talk about the expediency and relevance of the conversation, but it is necessary to energetically engage in the construction of such a defense system in these directions. due to the fact that if the enemy prevails, we are on the defensive, this allows the defending side to raise its respective defensive potential, but let's say, in this gray zone, it was not realized in the kharkiv direction on the first line of defense, effective, and the conversation, the one most likely led by the president. made an analysis, it is already along the second line, where it passes, it is
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north of kharkov, liptsi, and directly vavchansk, the northern, eastern part from kharkov, and there are more powerful lines closer to kharkov, but the enemy must be stopped and as far as possible in order to have time. not only to stop it, but to destroy it its strength and with the corresponding potential to pass, you conduct counterattacks, and therefore, it means that now the defense in the kharkiv direction is being moved, and the issue of the direction of sums is also being considered. mr. general, against the background of the situation that is currently unfolding in... the north of kharkiv region, the question was and remains relevant: closing
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the sky over kharkiv, ppu systems, today volodymyr zelenskyy spoke with antony blinken and asked for two more patriot systems in order to save citizens of kharkiv, civilians of kharkiv from the constant blows inflicted russian occupiers in kharkiv. a number of german politicians generally consider it... expedient to involve the air defense systems of nato, in particular poland and romania, to help ukraine destroy russian air forces, but of course not over kharkiv, and not over ukrainian air forces in general. and this, in particular, was stated by the deputy on behalf of the cdu, csu bloc, roderig kiesewetter, who says that this will relieve the ukrainian air defense and allow them to defend the front. how the situation with air defense systems in ukraine has changed in two years. i know you know well enough how it worked before
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air defense, as it was built 20 or 30 years ago over the skies of ukraine. and now, to what extent are we currently provided with the ppu system, how much are our needs greater than what we have? well, in the second year of the war, our capabilities increased significantly, from the point of view of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense, in general, in this war, we became a state in terms of anti-missile defense, when we entered the missile complexes and that, but... due to the fact that the enemy was applying intensive air strikes, these complexes, first of all anti-missiles and systems air defense, used quite a lot of missiles, ammunition, anti-aircraft system in general, and therefore, at first
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, the effectiveness of these systems was very high, up to 70%, then in the course of how stocks. missiles decreased, it fell to the level of 50 and even 40%, that is, we see that our soldiers have mastered this technique, and the question is precisely that new opportunities and capabilities were provided to perform the relevant tasks, including in the kharkiv direction , in this connection, the question is considered after appropriate means... russia's attack veto was also flown into the territory of poland, we remember, and the citizens of poland, and romania and moldova, which are not nato countries, were killed, but still, the poles in particular already took the initiative to participate in addition, directly on the territory
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of ukraine, we talked about this from the very beginning of the war, and here the thesis is about closing not... the washington nato summit, where it should a decision has to be made and the relevant e-e permits have been given, well, there is still time, unfortunately, although from a technical, military-technical point of view, this is an absolutely feasible idea, and it must be saved. it is already now to work with our allies, the poles and romanians, and after the appropriate permission to urgently implement such approaches, because the need for this is, in addition, to lift the ban on the entry into ukraine of the f-16, thus significantly increasing the potential
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of the air defense system , these directions are very powerful. needed to increase potential of anti-missile defense of the defense forces of ukraine. mr. general, the discussion that is currently going on in european capitals is whether it will be necessary to send troops in the event of a deterioration, an escalation, i would say, in ukraine, and we have already heard over the last two months macron's statements that french troops could be under certain conditions on the territory of the ukrainian state, the head. minister of defense of estonia hanno pevkur denied the information that the country's authorities are considering the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, for according to him, neither at the national level nor at the eu level, such ideas are not considered. earlier, the adviser to the president of estonia spoke about the fact that the country is allegedly discussing the possibility of sending troops to western ukraine, which would take over the indirect combat, rear
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functions of the ukrainian military, in order to free them to fight at the front. here , against the background of these statements and these conversations, we are conducting a survey today and asking our viewers whether ukraine should officially address its partners and ask our partners for the introduction of troops, in your opinion, is this permissible and can it be such a practice that official kyiv will turn to individual states that are members of the north atlantic alliance, not to the alliance, but to individual countries, so that they help in the event'. there may be, well, the approach that i always propose, which is related to the fact that everything that improves the situation at the front, everything that provides an increase
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in the potential for conducting combat operations of the defense forces, must be supported, developed, it is clear that if the troops from our allied countries took their functions, let's say, to fulfill some internal needs and... in this way freed our units to conduct hostilities directly on the contact line, so this direction is correct, it must be considered, it must be worked out and, if necessary, issues with official documents are resolved and inquiries into relations with these countries, that is , such an opportunity is necessary and we could, well, it is possible to assign a tautology, yes, there is such an... opportunity and we need to implement it. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation. it was ihor romanenko, founder of the charitable fund we will close the sky of ukraine, lieutenant general
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station, former deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, should it? ukraine to ask partners to introduce troops, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, you can also do it on tv participate in this survey, because there will be a second part of our program, and the telephone numbers for the survey, if you think that ukraine should ask partners for the introduction of troops 0800 211381, no 0800 211 382, ​​there are intermediate results of the surveys, here we see on the screen 93%, so 7%. kivni in the second part of our program, we will continue this survey. and we will have people's deputies of ukraine yevgenia kravchuk, oleksiy kucherenko and
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yaroslav zaliznyak as guests in the discussion. let's talk about the new realities of martial law, whether it should be in ukraine war economy, or the economy should go to rails, military. as in the current situation, in the conditions of the escalation of the war, the government must act, in a word, a lot. we will talk about more in the second part of our program, there is a news broadcast from the bbc ahead, we will return to the studio in 15 minutes, do not switch, allergic, no lion will overcome c3lev, c3lev neo protects against the most common. allergens are discounts represented by coco may discounts on eurofast softcaps 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. vasyl zima's big air, this is
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big air, my name is vasyl zima, and we are we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to find out. about the war right now and we will talk more about the war serhiy zgurets with us and what the world is living and now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, please have a word. two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and news of sports, a review of sports events by yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenna, for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready. to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl
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zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes that take place in ukraine and. in the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself in the following frames. you can be shocked, news from the scene live, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis, objective and meaningful,
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there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and impartial, you draw your own conclusions. congratulations, friends, the second part of the verdict program is on the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, and in this part. programs we will talk about such. close the rear for the armed forces. european countries are discussing the possibility of sending troops to the western regions of ukraine. should zelensky officially apply for help? protracted war. reshuffles in the russian government indicate putin's preparation for prolonged aggression? why ukraine has not translated yet the economy on a war footing. reformatting
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the government. after the release of kubrakov , the ministry of reconstruction is planned to be divided again. what results can be expected from government reform? friends, i remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether ukraine has partners about introducing troops into the territory ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion that does not fit into a yes or no answer, please write it in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote if you think ukraine should ask partners to deploy troops 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are
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free, vote at the end. program , we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce our guests today studio, this is yevgenia kravchuk, people's deputy from the servant of the people, deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, chairman of the parie committee on culture, science, media and sports. ms. yevgenia, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. greetings, good evening. oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the batkivshchyna faction, first deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada. on energy and housing and communal services, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you and thank you for being here today with us, congratulations, good evening, and yaroslav zheleznyak has yet to join us, a little later we will wait for yaroslav zheleznyak and we will add him to the conversation later, but for now, mr. oleksiy and ms. yevgenia, i suggest you answer the questions in the blitz format of the survey , whether ukraine should ask its partners to deploy troops on ukrainian territory.
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of the state, let's start with mrs. kravchuk, well, this is a very hypothetical question, because the conversations around this with many conditions and so on, you need to ask exactly what they can give and give quite quickly, as zelenskyi said today with blinkin, that we need two, two more patriots there to protect kharkiv, and this can really help on the battlefield, but to expect that... at this stage, someone will go to front line instead of ukrainians, well, i think it's not worth it. thank you, mr. oleksiy, does the presence of foreign troops on the territory of ukraine matter, on the front line or not on the front line, to what extent can it sober up putin and create new conditions in the russian-ukrainian war? well, on sorry, i didn't hear the answer of my colleague, mrs. yevgenia, please ask for
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something new in the studio. my point of view is a very difficult question, can it stop putin, well , it seems to me unlikely, as instructors, well, probably yes, definitely, but as far as the combat contingents and in general the legal procedure, the legal grounds, the grounds for this, it seems to me , this is a very difficult, difficult decision, so i don't think it can be implemented so quickly. thank you, mr. oleksiy, the adviser to the president the day before estonia's minister of national security , madisrol, said that the estonian government is seriously discussing the possibility of sending troops to the west of ukraine to cover the rear of ukraine's armed forces. at the same time, estonian defense minister hanno pevkur said that the idea of ​​sending troops to ukraine remains relevant, but there was no specific discussion on this topic in the estonian government. there is nothing new here,
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he said. minister of defense of estonia when france.


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