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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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it is worth repeating to all of us to understand that the enemy works in a hybrid plan of waging war, and these are all their attempts to attack sumyshchyna, the north of kharkiv oblast, this is actually not their main goal, their goal now is the occupied occupation of donetsk and luhansk regions. in kharkiv oblast, they previously considered an attempt to occupy kharkiv oblast, when they conducted a large-scale lehman. kupinsky on the offensive, when they concentrated more than 100,000 people there, then it was clear that it was still putin's task to conquer the territories in the kharkiv region from which they fled. of course that in the global plan, which is strategic , putin has tasked the russian troops to occupy the territories they lost by occupying ukraine, but whether they can potentially do it, well, this is still more accurate information after all.
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our military command probably knows, although the process of preventive measures itself, it is correct, in particular in sumy oblast, in order not to give the enemy the opportunity to repeat such an information campaign that he conducted, in fact, now locally advancing in the kharkiv direction, but in citizens, for some reason, such an illusion was created that the enemy would soon move to the right bank of the dnieper, although it was far, far from reality, and it does not correspond to today. to the enemy's tactical plan or operational plan, what concerns kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast, we realize that they do not have enough manpower to develop their offensive actions, although we will also not underestimate the number of personnel they have driven there . the key story is that both sumy and kharkiv are plus or minus within reach their artist or rocket launcher systems, that is, there is a certain ... threat
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to the cities, as you think, that is, they did it in order to intimidate our population, so to speak, the purpose is to demonstrate to the chinese that russian interventionists can continue to be brutal in ukraine, are they really trying to pull away our strategic reserves in this way, well, because no one will wait for the enemy to hunt, you understand, in our civilian cities, that is, they have woven such a combination, a combination for... predicted, because their time we we remember that the enemy attacked near kharkiv, and from saltov they also shelled the central part, you have my word, mr. ivan, you know, you correctly said that this is such a connection of ideas, but there is one nuance, these are all planning took place in them, taking into account the fact that america will not provide us with weapons, at least until the fall. this is basically what
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they bet on, that's why they dragged strategic reserves here and tried to the maximum, to the maximum, everything that knows how to fight, shoot, drive, engage, that's why the funds, which are those 120 billion that putin pledged for the army this year, in fact, it is not a secret either, that they were mastered on a huge scale, the calculation was that the spring-summer campaign would give them... the opportunity to completely seize the initiative , the plan was that we would still not receive the support of the allies, so they will now most likely adjust their plans, ideas, you correctly said that for them to carry out additional 200-300 or even 500 km of front is far for them no no no the lifting volume they can spend on at the strategic level, what they are worried about, whether they will conduct battles, is clearly in...
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only the effort is not simply to distract our reserves, the effort, that is also clear, but the effort to carry out such strikes or local combat actions for the purpose of information promotion about all kinds of traitors, about all kinds of fears, about conversations that ukraine will no longer be able to do so, they want to strengthen their position, but not so much in front of china, because by and large china has already set up its mini... defense, because it is not the secret that is active the new minister of defense of the russian federation, a person who had and still has very close financial relations, contacts with china, and actually he conducted all purchases, direct trade and through third countries for the russian defense industry until now, when he was there in the position of minister of the economy, of course, that is, china is no longer able to flirt with putin, but russia itself is losing its subjectivity in the international arena. this security forum,
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which will take place now in switzerland, is the work of ramstein, that is, it is the big allies interstate formations, let alone alliances, interstate formations with one goal, to weaken russia or provide us with weapons, while russia is not involved in these processes, that is, it is the object of these negotiations, that is , action is directed at it, of course, that through china, putin is trying, if not to become a subject, at least not to lose his subjectivity now in the international political arena, for him it is many times more important than any local victories on the front line, and that is why we by the way, we are watching with you everywhere, this is their desire. to ask for the lifting of sanctions or withdrawal of funds, do we see that in china, which in africa transfers certain gold mines to russia, gold mines are transferred to the chinese, that is, this is the story, in addition to this
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, we see these trips of xi jinping, and representatives of china, we saw as america, and in an ultimatum form, told the chinese that it is time to stop aid to russia, at least... now putin is trying while there is still an opportunity to actually preserve his subjectivity on the international arena, for him, i repeat, this is as important as fuel for the car, otherwise it loses its meaning, thank you, ivan tymochko, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine and the head of the reservist council of the armed forces of the armed forces of ukraine, was in touch with us, now we are going for a short break, here you can see, by the way, now the qr code on the monobank , where we are currently collecting funds in order to purchase quad bikes for the evacuation of the wounded and transportation. direction, yes, that is why we ask you to join our gathering using this qr code, now there is a short pause, after it we will continue, we will include kharkiv and kharkiv oblast in our broadcast, we will learn about the current situation, i will quickly stand for this
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velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. now in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusions from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and vice versa. connection, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues, so what, we inform about the most important things, so all international events with the participation of president zelensky will be postponed due to the situation to... on the front, in particular because of the enemy's offensive in the kharkiv region, i am now quoting the presidential
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press secretary, yes, zelensky gave an order to postpone all international events, events with his participation, planned for the coming days and to work out new dates, so what, let's include kharkiv now in order to to find out the operational situation in this attacked enemy city, well, currently vovchansk is under attack, but we still understand that it is not far from kharkiv. the kharkiv regional council is in touch with us. mrs. galina, welcome to our air. glory ukraine. congratulations, glory to the heroes. well, there is information from the mayor of kharkiv that evacuation from the city is not planned, on the contrary, people from the region are being evacuated to kharkiv. also, the spokesman of the operational-strategic group of troops, hortetsi, says that kharkiv is reliably protected. kharkiv residents do not need to worry. well, all the sentiments that the russians are now trying to spread are to... panic people, what is the actual mood in the city now and how did you survive that night and yesterday, because we know that
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yesterday there were strikes on residential infrastructure? well, in fact, there is nothing to worry about mentally, but russia has the impression that yesterday it opened the hunting season in kharkov, it was a déjà vu of the 22nd year. and shaheeds, and aerial bombs in different areas of the city, and in the center, and in residential buildings, and in broad daylight, so there are victims, and this is some such periodicity, when already close to midnight , rocket strikes again and they no longer know in which district, and this constancy has already begun to impress a little that they decided to intimidate kharkiv residents, for other strikes, again today at 10 am. mala danylivka is a village near kharkov
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, there was an aerial bomb attack near the dispensary, medical personnel were injured, that is, they do not stop, then somewhere around 1:00 p.m. they heard an explosion, somewhere again, probably somewhere in the suburbs, or maybe not, they do not stop even in relation to kharkov , and the fighting is really hot on the territory of kharkiv region, the fighting is hot and long in the north. as for the mood in the city, well, i will say that the people who were there in the 22nd year, among my close circle of acquaintances, those with children, small, they are leaving now, because it's still difficult with children, in terms of moods, well, you know, how would i call such three levels that affect the mood and russia. i am excluding those levels altogether, because the russian ipso
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is not very popular here, people who are bent on winning do not react to the russian ipso here, the situation is different here, the first level is how the local government copes with the challenges, because there are a lot the military asked questions about fortifications, and i will say that we, for example, did not have access to those documents, like the deputy. well, that's basically it true information must be classified, so i myself do not have a lot of information here, where is the truth and where is not, but this must be dealt with, and it must be understood that the local authorities must reorient their priorities, the priority must be the strengthening and strengthening of kharkiv, and not constant pictures about some kind of future recovery, how it will be beautiful someday, that is, these priorities must be changed, at the all-ukrainian level. er , nothing has changed in two years, but look, again, what we are constantly talking about, the city of a millionaire,
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the city, well, more than a million inhabitants, well, kharkiv has more inhabitants than the whole of estonia together, kharkiv residents tried to leave in the 22nd year, not everyone can afford to go to europe, everyone wants to be together with their families, they tried to go to central, western ukraine, but we take again the entire ternopil region with a million inhabitants, and kharkiv with more than a million, so on. the entire ivano-frankivsk region, like kharkiv, it's just not a matter of territories, the matter is that there is not enough housing for everyone, and the financial cushion has ended, and it's real, when they say now, what you don't people are leaving, people are throwing up their hands, well , there is nothing to leave for, since there is nowhere to go, and now the question is up to our central government, well, we understood that there will be a war and there is, some modular towns are inexpensive for residents of the frontline territories , in those central and western territories, it would have been necessary to build a long time ago, and so that there would be somewhere to resettle
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people, because there is simply nowhere to go, but people do not have to go anywhere because they do not want to, because there is nowhere and... which affects a little on the mood of kharkiv residents, such an international background, well i will now say an opinion that also exists among kharkiv residents, it is so, you know, so cynical and pessimistic a little, but it is there, a lot of people are now contacting kharkiv residents, journalists from international publications, from various international organizations, and the questions are like this, oh, we are so worried about you, oh, kharkiv, on the front pages of all the world's publications, oh, how are you there, how are you reporting, tell me, and the people of kharkiv are unconscious, they say, excuse me, but what are you doing they put on a reality show and turned it into a city of suicide bombers, and you're just worried that let's see what will happen to us, because we weren't allowed to use it, western weapons to beat, we would like to ask you one last question, yesterday there was information, i would
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say, an information bomb, in which kharkiv was involved, in particular individuals enterprise certain tenders, yes? how is this whole story unfolding now, is there any feedback from, for example, representatives, representatives of law enforcement agencies? there is already information that there was a meeting between representatives of the regional military administration and those representatives of the companies which were supposed to provide fortification those spordes. the information is there, the information was presented, again, how reliable it is and what will happen next, i think the competent authorities have, to you mrs. halyna, halyna kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was on the air with the press, now we are going for a short break, after her we will annex sumy region, we will find out the current situation in this region, so be with us, respect traditions
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we congratulate you. glory to heroes. well, first of all we would like to ask you about the operative the situation we understand that people are being evacuated from bilopil and not only from there, we understand that people are being deported from border communities. how active is the enemy now? to what extent did they intensify, for example, missile or artillery fire? artillery shelling has intensified over the past day, almost half as many shells are arriving now than usual, and the evacuation in bilopolska continues, gathering in the vorozhbyan community and the evacuation from the velikopyseriv community continues. few people want to leave, and there is an opportunity evacuate. such an offer for residents of khotins. communities, in fact, these are all border communities, while those that currently take care of evacuating their residents, someone independently, at the level of the community, makes such
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conclusions, but in bilopolska and voruzbyan communities, this is done by order of ova. ms. alyona, look, we would like to ask you, here is some information from our officials, now i am referring to the spokesman of the operational-tactical group of siversk troops, vadym mysnyk, he says. that the offensive of the russian federation in it is possible in the sub region, the situation is so tense, but a critical accumulation of troops is not observed at the moment, we understand what we see from the situation in the kharkiv region, where there are certain fortifications, and where they are not, many say that fortifications should be erected right on the border is unrealistic, so i very carefully want to ask you, is there now a real threat to those settlements that are in front of this line... tification and are people actively trying to leave there now? well, i will answer you just as carefully, that the people who are in these villages, behind the line
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of fortification, they themselves understand where there are fortifications and where there are not, they themselves see it all with their own eyes, and in those communities where the evacuation is announced, it is probably not announced for nothing , that is, the people, the authorities i would n't have done anything just like that again, i wouldn't have taken people out, if that was the case. just some preventive measures, because maybe something will happen somewhere someday. this is the situation. and if we talk about moods, well , that is, there are no panicky moods, but anxious moods, but yesterday we spoke with your colleague, with viktor boberenko, yes, well, he too the person is simple and open, he said that there are certain and such not too, not too calm moods, not everywhere, but if, for example, compare with the 22nd year, when the enemy entered the territory. well, i started with the fact that what you know cannot be described without some sharper words. in the 22nd year
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, a lot of russian enemy equipment was accumulated under the very borders of ukraine. this was actually visible from open sources, from satellite images, from the intelligence data that our partners often provided us, now such accumulations are large. there really isn't, we are in editors follow the map of satellite images online, we look at it all, that is, those accumulations, those forces that we can check for their presence in open sources of information, they are actually not many, but they are there, they are there, they are accumulating and there are more of them than usual along the border is located, again, i am talking about this only with reference to the words of the military, with whom we communicate, the words of ours. sources and what we see, actually on the maps, on the open sources as well, in terms of panicky moods, you know, people who tend to worry,
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tend to... use, then, of course, yesterday's words of mr. budanov and today's words of mr. mysnyk are an extra canister of gasoline, in their fire of anxiety, but we have a yardstick in sums like this, if at gas stations there are no queues, that means everything is fine, yes, there are no queues at gas stations, because those who panicked panicked, those who did not see a reason to worry, this is not the case, in particular in the regional center, in relation to the borders... you know, people are used to shelling, and somewhere less, somewhere more, somewhere stronger, who could, who wanted, those people have already left, stayed, and are staying now, those people who say that there is nowhere for us to go, there is no point in living there, here we have a house, there is a garden, and they hope that it will not come to them and what they have everything will be fine. mrs. alonono, we would still like to return to the topic of fortification, we
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know that the government is the driver. large funds in order to build those fortifications, are you now observing that we have time for a potential attack there, so repeated on sumy oblast, to complete these fortifications, are they in in the right, as they say, form and in the right amount? we tried to follow this officially, sending various requests from time to time to ova, but we did not receive any response to them, let me remind you, this is open information about the use of funds, that is, we will not ask ... but nothing closed, however, to ova, regarding fortification is a policy, a complete policy of closure. from what we can see visually, in fact, when we work in the field, well , there are fortifications, somewhere, they have already been built, at least the work there has not been carried out for a long time, that is, we can assume that they are ready, construction work is still ongoing on some fortifications, in some places, as far as we can see from
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logic, i will be the first. those structures that are closer to the state border line, now work is going on more on those fortifications that are in the depths of the region, more here in this direction. look, weren't there any such scandals, similar to those that were in kharkiv and were connected with, so to speak, not too transparent and clear works and the corresponding tenders for their execution, yes, well, yesterday appeared publication by martyna bohuslavets, with whom we talked in particular on this topic, well... and there the information is so-so, you know, it raises a lot of questions, well , we hope that he called the law enforcement officers, what is going on with that in sumy oblast now, is everything quiet and smooth? i will be grateful to colleagues who will still be able to get these official data, get information about the use of sumy ova funds, because at the moment we do not have the opportunity to fully analyze the situation that is happening, i repeat, due to the secrecy of the information, but
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this information should be... open , that is, this probably, this is a violation of the legislation in force in ukraine, well, let's hope that they are not hiding because there is something to hide, i mean in a negative context that the situation is not similar to the one in kharkiv region, thank you, alyona yatsyna, journalist and sumy was in touch with us, i just want to add here the spokesman of the siversk operational-tactical troop grouping that at the moment there is no grouping of enemy troops in the city of suja in russia that would be suitable for an attack on the sumy region, but the russians can ... to quickly assemble a concentrated technique and forces to activate on the border, according to him , the section of the state border in sumy oblast is almost 560 km, populated areas, there the russians fire along the entire border line, but with different intensity, the russian infantry cannot conduct full-fledged combat operations without the support of equipment, so ukrainian intelligence monitors its movements, including with the help of uavs, in order to identify and eliminate targets in time. that was the information, now it's
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news time on the espresso tv channel, so we... give the floor to our colleague anna yevimelnyk, which with the news editor has already prepared fresh and relevant information as of this minute. anya, we congratulate you, we pass the word, and we ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news editor will continue to work, let's talk about the main events at the moment and i will start with the situation in dnipro. be with us. russian invaders hit the dnieper. previously, two dead people were also injured in the city, but their number is being clarified - the head of the region, serhiy lysak, informed. according to him, the city's infrastructure is also damaged. and in the morning, the occupiers once again
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hit kherson, raiding the temporarily occupied area


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