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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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a very close range of barrel artillery there, well, there is 20, how much 23, 24 km, yes, the city will be around 17-18 in general, well, that is, it can get from msta es, from akathi, and this will complicate the whole situation for us in general, and the humanitarian one in that number, that is, perhaps this is the purpose of this whole story, well, on the one hand, there definitely is, on the other hand, let's detail what... but at this distance, who can be occupied there in the district, well, after all, the russians are not will be able to place the cannon directly on the front line, but they will then be able to return to shelling kharkiv, let's say, even from the more dangerous pion system, well , caliber 203 mm, we can recall that the occupiers actively shelled the city with these guns in the spring of 2022, there was even this creepy episode when the russians simply opened fire from these guns and there, forgive me, it seems that even a child was simply thrown on... the house, it was
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just so powerful guns, there the projectile weighs 200 kg, in fact more than the warhead in the s300, so yes, that’s why it’s right there, let’s say, it’s important russians are not, in principle to miss lepka, why are there heavy battles there, and as for sumy oblast, you know, you just need to detail it, on the example of kharkiv oblast , we already have that the russians, let’s put it this way, for themselves, tried to act as tactically competently as possible, directly behind the best samples of their science there, do not simply give in to these infantry assaults, but precisely act according to such a scheme that first the drg eyes, the so-called saboteurs, or in fact the force of special operations, go, then the first wave of the offensive and the second , well, accordingly, let's say so, perhaps just the opposite should be said about sumshchyna, that there are statements by some official structures that say everything is fine, well, as we say, everything is calm and there is nothing to worry about, but they may not correspond to reality and it is unlikely that ukr-zaliznytsia would simply announce that , you know, we are just opening
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an additional sumy train to kyiv so that it goes, let's say, more regularly and everyone who wants to leave on time can go, so it is necessary to say that the emergence of russian saboteurs in the sumy region, just may to be a prerequisite for the russian full-scale, let's say, transition to a full-fledged offensive, but not in the sense that the russians will be able to get out there with one shot, as they unfortunately did in february 2022, but also to follow the saboteurs russian tanks can go. unfortunately, yes. ivan, look, well, now many are noting, saying: they have calmed down, as if the scale of this russian offensive in the kharkiv region, but isn’t that just what you say, when the first echelon advanced, and now they are just catching up second echelon, and actually more, well we really have a bigger attack ahead of us, well, you can say that we are in
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a state of strategic uncertainty, because , well, even this complete media scandal, when , let's say, someone thought that budanov's words new the york times interpreted incorrectly, because the version that the russians, precisely within the framework of their task of stretching the line of our defense, may first go for activation in kharkiv oblast, then move their efforts to sumy oblast, well , that is, try to transfer troops quickly to other areas, this same not an option either excluded, because well, we have a history when in order to open this offensive on kharkiv. in the direction of the russians, some units were still transferred from the kupinsky and limansky regions, well, what would seem illogical at first glance, but they went for it, accordingly, there may be such an option that they will go exactly according to the principle of a light chorus, that is, demonstrating offensive activity, say as well as in kharkiv, then switching to sumy and back, but in order to try to stretch, we basically stretched the line of our defense, we principles of such a very unfavorable situation and how to get out of it or? to get out of it, this is
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an open question, because here, too, as british analysts notice a certain paradox, that on the one hand, the russians, in terms of their capabilities, they had time to beg after the life of the hood, well, to beg to the level when the maximum they can send organized for an attack, this is a company, but it turns out that the russians found a non-linear way out of this, which they say, ok, we can send a maximum of a company into battle, and not as we want a brigade or a division there at once, then you can just to collect a few, well, a very large number of such... companies and simply pull them to the widest width of the front and attack there and create problems for us in this way, what could be asymmetrical in order to create problems for the russians in response from our side in their current format of actions , this is an open question, because simply by the number of manpower or the number of those, well, equipment and weapons, which may not be able to get away from the west, you won’t get it here, you need something here, well, i don’t even know what it can be on this, well you know ivan the russians, obviously, with these actions, tried...
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to achieve that we use our reserves, and apparently they succeeded, and as for what actions there may be, well, we all understand, more people on the front line, more capacity. on the front line, more weapons from our side on the front line, and then this stretching will not make any sense, unfortunately, the situation is not like that, let's say it directly, but here is the question, yes, we have, for example, well, not so much with the reserves , and what about the reserves of the russians, that is, as far as they can from your point of view vision to build up these actions of theirs, because well, as you rightly pointed out, they throw in the mouth, collect in this mouth, but these mouths also run out, so what? they have in reserves there, from what is known, and even at the moment the most pessimistic estimates, which sound that the russians are somewhere in reserves, are somewhere there 60 thousand bayonets, well, that is, units that are being coordinated there, and there may be in theory, they were taken there, removed from training
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centers and thrown into battle, the complexity of the situation is that the russians even for that offensive in the kharkiv region, they decided to take this underformed 44th army corps, too... just take it from the training grounds and throw it into battle, because that's what the party ordered them to do, well, that is, well, the kremlin ordered it, but the same problem is that once the russians begin to demonstrate such a course that they will use not only quantity, but also quality, because let's agree that this is an attempt to advance in three lines, that is , saboteurs go first, then the first one is an offensive style, then the second one, well, it is fundamentally higher in quality from what they demonstrated even under audio, respectively. we have a problem, you know, more weapons, more people, more equipment, well, this story just won't go linearly, one of the moments that, let's say, literally hangs in the air, but which hasn't been said, that it's official, well, forgive me , but we are the russian army in terms of the level of mechanization, we lag behind the russian army, you can
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worry as much as you want that the russians are running out, the relatively newer t-72s are running out, so the t-62s with sheds are going out. chinese golf carts and the like, but... well , even if they are fraternal, but they have them, but if you just open those western directories that are publicly available, national legislation does not prohibit, let's call it that reading, then it becomes sad there , as far as we lag behind them in terms of defense technology, therefore simply due to, you know, such a linear expansion, we will not drag out the situation, we will have to look for something non-linear, well , you know, here is an option, well, if it is cleaning the russians in the rear, this is - as much as we can afford it, as much as we have for this capability, well, the question that hangs, hangs, i don’t know what you can say, i have nothing, for example, well, there is a specific statement from blinkin based on the results of this visit, which says that ukraine itself decides to use western weapons
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there in including for strikes on the russian federation, respectively, well, perhaps , balovny is really asking for cluster attacks, not in the temporarily occupied crimea, on the territory of the belograd people's republic, well , by the way, he is using cluster attacks to strike masses of troops, so if from americans such a specific wording was sounded that here are the styles, and we do not prohibit them, they say the law of ukraine, and very incidentally, there is also the question of striking with western weapons, it is not just a matter of planting a long-range missile somewhere in the moscow region, this is also there, taking into account to the pettiness of some of our western allies, the question arises whether it is even possible to use automatic weapons of certain types during raids there, for example, the rdk itself or tanks, well, when the poles, excuse me, ate what they thought... what rdk used their pt-91 bastards, what a simple modification of the t-72, but this is precisely about the fact that it is possible to use any western equipment for attacks on the russians, so that not only the bohdans hit the terrorists who terrorized the sumy region, but at least the same panzergau b2000, a certain thaw is coming, and perhaps
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it is precisely this thaw that should be used in order to create problems for the russians there, because to deter their attacks only on our land, when they use them for strikes and... the people's republic, well, it's a one-man game goal, we, on the other hand, have the opportunity to open it to other gates, well, this is a very simply comfortable situation for them, when they, in principle, were able to focus there on the border of the kharkiv region, calmly, not straining so much, a beautiful video that is now being distributed, when literally on the track there is a game there among the russian civilian cars, it is going somewhere in the direction of kharkiv, well, what is it, that is, it simply should not be standing there, if... what can i say, so what is it, thank you very much, ivan, it was ivan kyrychevsky, defense express expert thank you who joined us, we now have to take a break, then we will still continue to discuss the situation in kharkiv oblast, but
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so, let's go back to the chronicles of the war. i am olga len. and i remind you about our collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in soldarskyi and zaporizhzhia. directions, this is a repair and restoration regiment, working on the contact line and in the gray area, please join, this is the restoration, the return of damaged military equipment at will, tanks, armored personnel carriers, armored personnel carriers, it is a very important thing, it definitely saves lives, you can see all the data, please, we have collected a third of the amount, so we are waiting for your active participation to finally collect the entire amount, well, we already have... our guest, yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the bepak achilles assault battalion of the 92nd separate
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assault brigade named after koshovoy taman ivan sirk, was supposed to appear. i congratulate you, yuriy. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, actually, let's start literally with what is happening in your direction. well, such information appeared today, as if there something like this started, literally in the vovchansk district, a little... not on the territory of the city itself, an attempt of a tank attack by the russian occupiers, what do you think about it, do you know anything about it, have there already been any such attempts. well, really, to enter there with armored vehicles, what can you tell about what is happening, but now there, as far as the enemy’s actions are concerned, the enemy is actively trying to increase the efforts of the assault precisely in order to consolidate the results that are there and to regroup and continue. its influence,
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let's call it that, in the kharkiv region, in general, i.e. further. papacy of the territory, but i have to tell you that from the day the state border was crossed, the enemy first used a significant amount of lightly armored armored vehicles, most of which were completely destroyed due to the combined effect of fire, including artillery, anti-tank weapons, and, of course, unmanned aerial vehicles aviation, in particular, in half-breeds, accordingly, on a number of branches, the enemy almost removed the use of lightly armored armored vehicles, but on some branches, taking advantage of the opportunity... the enemy is trying apply it, in particular, and will continue to do so, the task of the defense forces is to timely detect and, accordingly, destroy what is happening at all points, and this does not apply there to the exclusive volchansk or to the example of other parts where the enemy crossed the state border, it applies to the entire line of combat collision, we see the enemy, we hit and hit sufficiently hard and powerfully, well, in
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principle, well, everyone is talking about it, that the big breakthrough of the front was still managed to be defeated. but the russians occupied several border towns, well, today it's like how in the morning, at first they did not carry out any such active actions, but then they also resumed, but i am just curious about your opinion on whether it can really be said that it was restrained, stabilized, or are we now waiting for them to regroup and there will be some new attempts offensive in the area and on vovchanskyi and on lypka, that is, how do you see it in general, this action of theirs, i would like to note that the armed forces do not wait, the armed forces are active, 24/7, quite actively, powerfully, is it expected that the enemy will be strengthen shock-assault actions, draw up reserves, regroup, this is expected,
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once again let's consider the situation more comprehensively, then it will be clear immediately from the enemy who is behind him. the enemy intends to completely destroy ukrainian statehood, and these ambitions remain with them to this day, and for the enemy, there is also a phased occupation of ukrainian territories. donetsk-luhansk remains the priority region. in order for the enemy to move actively in the donetsk-luhansk region as much as possible, in his opinion, it was necessary certainly the number of forces and means that took part in the hostilities in the donetsk-luhansk direction. drag to another place, accordingly, in connection with the proximity to the state border and, in general , information propaganda in the russian federation supports this, that kharkiv, it is a very important place for the russian federation, they began to cross the state border and storm the very positions in the kharkiv region, it is also
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an extremely important strategic city for us, so one way or another the defense forces will use there are reserves, and also, what is important... that the enemy has a small leeway in time, one and a half to two months, when the defense forces receive the maximum amount of means within the framework of joint military assistance, then we will be able to prevent the enemy from carrying out shock assault actions on most vitingavs. that is why in the next month and a half, the enemy will be quite active in the kharkiv region to carry out shock and storm operations, use reserves and use all available weapons, this should be understood, in particular by kharkiv residents who live in the city, i believe that it is necessary by the way... we talk about sirens in more detail, but sometimes it happens that first the arrival, then the siren, be as attentive, careful, avoid places, crowds, and still try to take care of yourself from the point of view of the security plan, everyone is used to already before the war, we are used to what flies by, but we must always go to the shelter, as for the possible successes of the enemy on
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the battlefield, in my opinion, the enemy will not have significant tactical successes on the battlefield, why, because... what first they prepared to meet the enemy, this applies engineering and fortification structures and, accordingly , the number of forces and means used for the defense of the kharkiv region, and accordingly, in connection with international military aid, i emphasize this for the second time, we will have the opportunity to hit the main means of the enemy more thoroughly, and this is aviation , which uses the control of his bomb, and these are, of course, different types that are shelling both the city of kharkiv and... the front-line territory, so it will be difficult, but we will definitely endure. well, you already mentioned a little about fortifications, i didn't may i also not ask you for your opinion on this such a discussion. a very large one that is ongoing, regarding the fact that maybe there is not enough fortification, maybe not there, well, it’s a bit like they realized that right on the border
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to create some kind of concrete line there, it’s a little bit like these expectations are not very realistic, but there are also things that all still raise questions, well, for example, whether it was not possible to replace a little more, whether it was not possible in the area of ​​liptsi. these thrown out teeth, the so- called dragon's teeth, still somehow arrange them or not lead there at all, well, what do you think, was it really possible to strengthen at least some aspects of all this? i will tell you this way that the enemy is preparing very successful lines of defense, it is a pure truth, they made conclusions after the kharkiv counter-offensive operation and the level of engineering and construction facilities of the name that they can afford. it's very, very powerful, it's three lines of defense with everything you need to get personnel there and take defensive actions. as for the kharkiv region,
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engineering and fortification structures were being prepared. the first line of defense and the second line of defense. whether all the work was done perfectly, the truth is always somewhere in the middle, the lines were being prepared, whether it would have been done as much as possible with the current resource, finances, construction capabilities and so on, time will tell, i am sure that for sure... there will be a close analysis of the flights about the fact that something was incomplete and who did not report to whom, so it cannot be said that there is no defensive line, no, there is a defensive line and it is in two echelons, was it ideal for defensive actions, well the military would always like, and i personally would like it to be better prepared, which concerns ukraine as a whole, here it is very important, we cannot change the past, but we can directly influence the present future, so it is very important to draw... conclusions from those mistakes , which were admitted, and to ensure that the second, second and third lines of defense were prepared as effectively, qualitatively and in the shortest possible time,
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and this does not apply only to the kharkiv region, it applies to the whole of ukraine in general, dangerous shades where there are currently no combat forces actions, but the enemy can open, and accordingly, in those parts of our territory where active hostilities are ongoing, well, here we are talking rather... not about the first, second, even third line of defense, but rather about what is called strip support , i.e. , what is still up to the first line of defense, in fact, what caused our troops to break through to work for several months, unfortunately, this problem is rather urgent for us, we were not able to prepare it after all, and probably from here i would like some conclusions quite so, look not quite so, but when we say that it was not possible to prepare e. it may be thought that they were not prepared, no, they were prepared, and in some shades they were prepared with sufficient quality, or whether it was fully implemented, this question remains
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open , which must be analyzed in great detail and relevant conclusions drawn, well, literally based on what is happening now, please tell me, well, they have confirmed that the russians are entering vovchansk in such small infantry groups, trying to gain a foothold there... using such and such groups, does it continue like this, or does this tactic change somehow, or do they strengthen it with something now, well, that is , somehow, what can you say about this, about the way in which the russians still try to conduct combat operations in in the kharkiv region, everything can be explained as rationally as possible . the enemy initially used lightly armored armored vehicles in the first days, the defense forces were almost completely destroyed, and the enemy resorted to tactics used in other victories, in particular in donetsk, luhansk oblast, this is accumulation in small groups,
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since it is very beautiful in the kharkiv region, it is full of greenery that has not been bombed, accordingly, the enemy uses green cover, in particular the tactics used, in particular in the donetsk direction, as i said, it accumulates in the main areas concentration, then on advanced positions and under... the cover of such a transitional period, you know, from when it gets dark, or vice versa, when it dawns, the enemy is most active in these periods of time, but at the same time separate the enemy's units carry out shock and assault actions even in full daylight, so this tactic gives the enemy the opportunity to delay, and why it is important for them to enter the city of lovchansk itself, just like the city, for example, chasvya, because with the overwhelming number of manpower, they have to lead battles in urban areas are much more... from a tactical point of view, it is more profitable to lose to each other in urban areas, conditionally, this military art tells about it, the enemy is many times larger, so they understand that they are enough.
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it is difficult to maintain settlements, and the enemy is trying to delay, will he succeed in delaying the populated puntyansk, i am sure that in the near future no, we will see how much the enemy will use powerful reserves and how he will try to stabilize this situation, buy in full, well, the enemy in principle very actively uses aviation, and this is what gave him the opportunity to advance in other directions, but ... here is what about vovchansk, because there are also reports that they are actively bombing there, but how actively and as compared to the same time gap there or in some other direction, the enemy is actively using aviation, i will explain why this is happening, the defense forces currently have an insufficient number of anti-aircraft weapons and ammunition for them, the enemy understands this, and the enemy also understands that in a
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month and a half, the situation will change. accordingly, the presence of its aviation in the air will be many times smaller, because the defense forces get the opportunity to shoot it down with firepower, accordingly, using these opportunities, the presence of hostile aircraft is currently as high as possible in all areas of priority for the enemy, in particular, the kharkiv region is not an exception to bomb control, the enemy is dropping both on the line of combat and, accordingly, on the city of kharkiv, on residential quarters and houses, and all this very strongly forces in ... to boil the blood, because the defense forces do not allow themselves to make an impression in places where the russians may be concentrated on their territory, we destroy only military objects, the enemy acts in a completely different way, therefore the only thing how we can keep our people safe and give our country a future is to stop the enemy on the battlefield, that requires the military to do their best, and we do,
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and it's also very important that the civilian sector. he also did not give in to panicky moods, did not look for an opportunity to leave the country, but worked effectively at his workplaces and, as far as possible, generally necessarily supported the defense forces. friends, we were once able to restrain the enemy powerfully enough, to intercept the tactical initiative of ours side. then our international partners with military aid let something down, in connection with this, the enemy intercepted the tactical initiative, now there will be enough ammunition, motivated soldiers, moreover... for 2.5 years of full-scale war, also managerial, soldier, sergeant glory received very powerful training, so i am sure that together with you we will be able to hold back the enemy and also fully intercept the tactical initiative on a number of branches, well, literally briefly, literally half a minute , as far as it can be is it realistic for us to destroy these attempts to accumulate the enemy on the territory
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of russia? on the territory of the belgorod region, that is, how transparent this situation can be for us, how far we can see where they can concentrate there, as you estimate, very briefly. i will tell you this way that there are restrictions on the use of certain means, i will not name them, on the effect of fire on the territory of the russian federation, we clearly know, understand, realize where the same s-300, s-400 complexes are located, just for the current moment there is no the possibility of obtaining them due to the prohibition of the use of certain means. but believe me, all the means that we can use, on which there is no ban, a sufficient number of such means are also activated in the entire category of military targets on the territory of the russian federation, in particular, our unit destroyed an armored car a few days ago, which was carried out on tasks, was preparing to carry out combat missions in ukraine right in the very place of bilhorod. thank you, thank you, it was yury fedorenko, thank you for joining us, to
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our broadcast, found. time, this is the commander of the achilles attack battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade, well, our time has come to an end, but stay tuned to espresso tv, because we still have a lot of useful and interesting things for you. the situation in the kharkiv region, what is happening in vovchansk, where the brains managed to reach, the yacht of the traitor medvedchuk in the jurisdiction of ukraine and the next few hours will be decisive, robert fitso is in a serious condition. the news editor sums up the results of the day, which...


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