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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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with care and respect for the liver and bile, good evening, we are from ukraine, well, let's continue, and now oleksandr morshchyvka will talk about money, money during the war. oleksandr, good evening, please speak to you. good evening, vasyl, i welcome the audience, in the next few minutes i will talk about the situation in the ukrainian energy sector, you will also find out what to expect on the fuel market, what prices will soon be for gasoline with the changes proposed by the cabinet of ministers. regarding the ukrainian economy, the world does not really predict the growth of our domestic economy product, we will talk in detail in a moment, wait, i'm oleksandr morchenko, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. the situation in our energy sector is difficult, but in ukraine they will not use viyal shutdowns yet, they will limit themselves. only emergency ones,
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the ukrenergo company reported. currently, the deficit in our energy system can be covered by imports from europe. here, for example, today's morning peaks, ukraine received electricity from romania, slovakia, poland, hungary, and moldova. in general, the volume of 23 mw hours with maximum capacity in individual periods over 1.5 mgv. well, generally speaking, this power is proportional. with the power of two nuclear reactors, let's listen directly to what was said in the ukrenergo company. viel or planned hourly outages, schedules published by each oblenergo in the region, and people know which queue they are in and how long they will be out of power, but while planning schedules are being carried out today, it may be too early to say, we are predicting a deficit for the evening hours of the day.
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so there is a possibility of emergency shutdowns, repeated emergency shutdowns for industrial consumers and for the population, therefore, in order to prevent this, it is very important to consume electricity sparingly. let's consumers listen to the recommendations of the ukrenergo company and save electricity. but the council of the eu finally approved the extension from june for another 12 months of the regime of duty-free trade with ukraine. this applies mostly. agricultural products, we are talking about duty-free trade, minister of economy yuliya svyridenko informed about this. here, in general, we are talking about 36 categories of goods for which tariffs are provided quotas, as well as about goods to which the input price system is applied. i will only remind you that from june 2022 , trade restrictions will be lifted, so that ukraine can supply its agricultural products to world markets without hindrance in the conditions of the great war. well now. after all, this situation
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has worsened due to the so-called farmers' strikes on the ukrainian-polish border, but the government is working to solve this problem. well, i'll just add the figure that the european union, the european union market currently accounts for 65% of our exports. well, and the economy of ukraine will grow by only 3% this year, and this is after... almost 5% growth last year, when the gdp rose thanks to a record harvest, the forecast was announced by the european bank for reconstruction and development. currently, the damage to power grids of the energy infrastructure as a result of shelling is the main factor that is likely to hold back the growth of our economy, say the european bank for reconstruction and development, and it also slows down gdp growth, restrictions.
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domestic demand, of course, ukrainians began to spend less of their money on various goods and services, someone lost income, income, someone is trying to save money, so to speak, as a reserve, so the labor shortage and not such a shortage of investments as well, well , in fact, slows down the growth of our economy, well it is interesting that the world continues... to discuss new economic restrictions for the aggressor country. france and the netherlands are demanding that the european union impose sanctions on any bank or financial institution that helps the russian military pay for goods or technology for the production of weapons. well, such a ban may encourage the financial institutions of the middle east, turkey and even china to stop concluding various monetary agreements with moscow.
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thus, the aggressor country may lose access to various important goods and lose access to european business, well , this is an interesting initiative, because precisely... as they say, it is necessary to limit more the financial operations of moscow, than, for example, to make restrictions on certain companies there or certain industries, well, i think that this initiative will soon gain momentum widely publicized. well, and also among consumers, in particular, our colleagues ask me why the price of fuel is rising now, and what are the forecasts from experts... for the month of july, because then they promise to introduce new excise taxes on fuel. well, we will talk about it with oleksandr sirenko, an analyst at the naftorynok consulting company. he will help us understand what and why. good evening. good evening. mr. oleksandr, well, again,
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many drivers are worried about the date of july 1, when the new excise tax rates for oil. ktiv, but fuel is already rising in price due to the appreciation of the dollar and the euro. tell me, please, whether we should finally wait for the tax increase, or can this decision still be discussed? well, first of all, while there are proposals in the verkhovna rada, i.e. a draft law that was registered separately by the ministry of finance at the beginning of this year, for... the last notification that a new draft law was received from the cabinet of ministers, the rates there have changed somewhat, in particular, the rate of 5 , 3 times the rate for liquefied gas, the date does not change, there is a schedule for the implementation of these
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new rates until the 28th year, the first changes will already take place from july 1 of the current year. er, i will tell you that it is possible that the consumer will not notice these changes in terms of diesel and gasoline, because the market is such a dynamic, er, dynamic story, when oil is cheaper there, on the contrary, in ukraine, there are changes in exchange rates of the hryvnia to the euro and the dollar to the currency for which we import. we buy imported petroleum products, so these one and a half or 2 hryvnias are still estimated, this is how much this rate will increase from july 1, at gas stations the driver may not notice, that is, as i understand it, everything will depend on how much
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oil costs on the world markets, how much now, for example, when the excise tax is raised , the dollar is sold in exchanges, that is, it will all be balanced from such components in essence . the price will be formed, of course, another month and a half before these changes are final, and let me remind you, the parliament has not yet voted for these changes, i would emphasize that liquefied gas will now be the subject of events and discussions, possibly in the press and in society , why the rate for liquefied gas is too high, because it turns out that... gasoline can rise there by uah 15, and diesel by uah 2, and liquefied gas immediately by uah 6. this is a precedent, and let me remind you that liquefied gas is such a social fuel, that is, people who drive on liquefied gas, they are more economical, they
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have specially converted their cars to use this type of fuel, it is currently happening on it the greatest increase. well, this should be discussed, whether the cabinet of ministers calculated correctly, why exactly conducted such bets, is it even appropriate to move taxes now during the war, when our economy is already, well, not feeling well, we mostly live on other people's money, on the money given to us by our partners abroad, it does not work in our country, very little the production in ukraine works powerfully in order to earn enough money. for the functioning of the economy, mr. oleksandr, here you also touched on the topic of whether it is necessary to raise the excise tax right now, it is clear that the government needs to look for any opportunities to fill the state budget, but they refer to the so-called european directive, well, as if it is
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a mandatory document, although i read the opinion of your analyst colleague, analyst serhii kuyun, who says that this directive is a recommendation, it is not mandatory that they say that ukraine must... necessarily adhere to the document and raise fuel taxes there on the way to european integration? well, here i would take one more step back. these directives of the european union, we are not a member of the european union, and we have such a long way to it, i am not sure what we are there for ten years, let's get closer to this membership, well, objectively, but it turns out that we need to raise some taxes to the level in three years. and i emphasize that taxes on gasoline, diesel and liquefied gas were taken
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not least in the european union, the european union is a collection of some more than two dozen european states, which have different taxes on fuel, so for some reason it was chosen for ukraine, i do not know who is in the cockpit selected, but they did not take from the lowest link, well, you have to understand. logic and do we need to finish do we need to execute this directive now? of course, and thank you for joining the conversation, indeed the initiative you voiced is still in the parliament, i hope the debate continues, we also hope that the price of oil will also fall, and it will not hit the pockets of ukrainians, at least in the near future drivers, ukrainian business, oleksandr sirenko, an analyst at the naftorynok consulting company, was in touch, and i continue. also talk about energy resources, the april export of oil and oil products from russia collapsed, now it
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has returned to the level that was recorded at the end of last year, all, experts say, due to ukrainian drone attacks and the planned reduction of production by erefiya, this essentially puts pressure on the kremlin's income, bloomberg analysts reported. so, last month refia exported a total of almost 7.5 million barrels per day, this is less than at the beginning of spring, although the increase in oil prices on the world market partially compensated for russia's losses from the decrease in exports, that's what we were saying with the expert, excise taxes will also rise, but what will happen to oil, what will happen to the price of oil with the exchange rate of the dollar, it is not known, all this is a moving price, and the price of russian oil is also moving, but the only thing that pleases me is that the export of bloody barrels from the country of the aggressor is falling rapidly. this was the last information from the world of money, i say goodbye, watch us! thanks to oleksandr
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morshevka for the information about the money, briefly i will only call you to continue donating to the armed forces of ukraine, we voiced the needs that our soldiers sent us, we have now accumulated, you have accumulated 226,720. 29 hryvnias, and i think that the qr-code will appear later of our big ether, you will be able to go over it and throw finances at the needs of our soldiers who are fighting in the soldarsky and zaporizhzhia directions, who need a minibus. well, now i will join serhii rudenko in the conversation, the verdict program will start at 8 p.m., what will be discussed today. sergei, please tell me. good evening. good evening, vasyl. in the next two hours , we will talk about the situation in the kharkiv direction. in the first part of our program, which will start at 20:00, the situation in the kharkiv region will be commented on
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by yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, let's talk with him about how and why the russians actually went on the offensive in the kharkiv region, and most importantly, how the ukrainian army can stop the russians, of course, one of the topics this evening, not only our tv channel, but also the world's media have: attempt on the life of slovak prime minister robert fite, it became known that today he was shot by the famous slovak writer juraj chintula, he is 71 years old and one of the activists of the progressive slovakia party, it is difficult to say what this attempt on fico, the pro-russian, by the way, prime minister of slovakia, means, as there are no preliminary conclusions yet. but the kremlin propagandists are already starting to talk about the fact that
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ukraine and the ukrainian special services are allegedly involved in this tragic incident, about foreign policy and that foreign policy that is connected with the internal policy of ukraine, we will talk with our two guests also during the first hours of our program with political expert maksym rozumny and head of the board. institute of world politics by viktor shlinchak. the topic of our conversations, apart from fitso, blinkin in kyiv, is military. the aid of the united states of america, and putin's visit to china, which is to begin tomorrow. putin says that he supports the chinese peace plan, although this chinese peace plan means freezing the conflict in ukraine and defining the demarcation line on the occupied territories
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of the ukrainian state. obviously, there will be a lot more information about this tomorrow, but for now. this is our topic conversations, for our esteemed guests. at 21:15 we will have a studio with political scientists volodymyr fesenko and viktor boberenko, we will be in touch. let's talk about the situation, actually, which is developing in kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast. viktor boberenko lives in sumy, and i hope that he will tell us first-hand about how people react to general budanov's statements that with kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast may also go, that is to say, under the boot of the russian occupiers that the occupiers can enter there, what is the atmosphere in the city, what is the government does what it does not do in the current conditions and what it should do in order to still organize the evacuation of civilians in time, if it is necessary, and actually about how and in what
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way fortifications are built in potentially dangerous... directions, according to with which the russian federation can attack ukraine, in short, the pace for conversations with political scientists will also be sufficient, so wait, friends, 20:00, we will start with yevhen dyky, maksym rozumny and viktor slenchak, well , volodymyr fesenko will be next, like me already viktor boberenko also said, vasyl zima's big broadcast continues, don't switch, stay with us. it will be interesting later, vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much, serhiy, so about the 20th verdict with serhiy rudenko, and about the most important sports news right now, evgeny pastokhovy is ready to tell, yevgeny, congratulations, good evening, please, good evening, vasyl, i congratulate the dear viewers of the espresso tv channel, indeed, in a moment the sports column will begin, and we will begin with the most interesting. so,
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the winner of the cup will be decided today. of ukraine in football. in these minutes, the match in rivne continues, the final, where poltava vorskla and donetsk shakhtar meet. just before the start of the sports column, shakhtar donetsk opened the score, so it is currently 1:0 in favor of the miners. danilo sikan, the forward of donetsk, scored a goal in the 39th minute. shakhtar, i should note, is playing this match already in the status of the country's champion. today , in case of victory, the miners can issue a golden double. and at the moment, donetsk residents have 13'. trophies won, we are talking about the cup of ukraine. vorskazh tries to repeat his the achievement of 2009, when the team of mykola pavlov beat shakhtar donetsk in the final of the cup of ukraine - mircea lucescu. this is , of course, a big event for vorsklian and a lot of people said before this match that it would be great to repeat this success. it is interesting that
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serhiy dolganskyi played as a goalkeeper in vorskla, and now he coaches vorskla. and i will also add that shakhtar is playing this match without its leader, without midfielder georgiy sudakov. the head coach of the ukrainian national team , serhii rebrov, reported that he suffered, that is, sudakov was injured. we wish of course, good health to george, because very, very important matches await the ukrainian national team very soon. today's match, the final of the cup of ukraine, was called a match of gratitude to the defense forces of ukraine, because it was thanks to him. in principle, it is possible for our soldiers to hold such games, and this should be remembered, the first half will end soon, and there will be a break, if anything changes, vasyl and i will let you know, and we will continue our release with other news, artem dovbyk's star time, forward of the national team of ukraine and catalan
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girona, claims the title of the best player season in the spanish la liga, the nomination included dovbek's closest main competitor in the scoring race, jude bellingham from real madrid and the ukrainian's teammate aleish garcia. dovbyk is holding his debut championship in spain, he moved to gerona last summer from dnipro-1. and artem is the best scorer of his team, and he also currently leads the rating of the league's scorers with 20 goals scored. a journey of 41 years, the anthem of the champions league will be played in birmingham next autumn, aston villa ahead of schedule secured a place in... europe's most prestigious club competition, unai emery's side finished fourth in the english premier league and villa's main rivals tottenham lost 2-0 to manchester city yesterday and
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are now five points behind aston villa on round until the end of the championship. aston villa will play in the main european cup tournament for the first time since the 1982-1983 season. then birmingham took part in the champions cup on rights. of the winners of the preliminary draw of the tournament this season, the team deliberately played in the conference league, performed quite successfully, but in in the semi-finals, aston villa lost, unexpectedly losing to the greek olympiakos. fifa has planned the first ever women's club world cup. this was announced on the official website of the organization, the tournament was announced back in 2020. on the 21st, then , it was about the basic principles, so to speak , according to which the championship will be held, and now it is known that 16 clubs will take part in the first draw, the distribution of quotas between
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fifa's continental federations has not yet approved, the debut tournament is scheduled for january-february 2026, and in the future the championship will play once every four years. we will conclude with this. i would like to remind the sports column once again that the final match of the ukrainian football cup is taking place right now, where donetsk shakhtar and poltava vorsba meet, and currently the newly crowned champions of ukraine, shakhtar is ahead, with a score of 1:0 at the end of the first half, the ball danylo sikan scored against poltava. i wish you a quiet, pleasant evening, stay with espresso, vasyl zima, the great broadcast will continue. thanks to yevhen pastukhov, well, i want to this football final is taking place under the slogan
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of gratitude to the armed forces of ukraine, because it is thanks to the defense forces, in general, in particular the armed forces of ukraine, and it is possible to hold the final in rivne, the cup of ukraine, so let's support our troops, so the soldiers asked us, and we ask you to join to the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone. operations in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line, or in the gray zone, well, in fact, constantly in the zone mortal danger, open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, everyone understands that equipment is damaged quite often, there are enemies and some other conditions of war, so it must be repaired, this tanks, bmp, bt. and in addition, a minibus is needed to deliver mobiles to the combat zone, and mobile repair groups and equipment to carry out these repairs, well , people should not run through the fields, of course this should
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be done quickly and efficiently, and also pneumo-hydraulic jacks for quick repair of foreign equipment, our goal is 630 uah, let's you contribute, and for now i will invite you to talk and you will contribute even more actively natalko didenko with the weather forecast. mrs. natalya, congratulations. of course i welcome everyone and we will talk about the weather that is expected for the next day and not only as usual about the weather, literally in a second, hello everyone, we are talking about the weather and about the weather. all kinds of things, and today we're going to talk about a topic that i honestly don't like very much, about folk signs, but they are so are popular, and people are so often interested in them
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and mention that how can i miss this, well , in fact, well, at least romantic topic, let's say so, well, what i watched especially for the month of may, as soon as the nightingale began to sing, one should expect two weeks of cooling off, well, it seems that he has been singing for two weeks... just very actively singing, if the nightingale sings all night without a break on a beautiful sunny day, well, if it is someone who has no sleep or melatonin does not occur, then you can definitely determine whether this dream will come true a sign, well, it's more interesting, if the beginning of may is warm, then the end of the month will be cold and vice versa, well , since it was cold here, let's hope that it will be warm and we will definitely check it together, flies. if ants, spiders or bees are very active, the weather will be comfortable. a dry may is such an interesting sign, a dry june is coming, and
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if there is a lot of rain in may, and it often does... by the way, it happens, then there will be few in september as well, and if the mint smells juicy, soon it is expected rain, mint is growing well right now, and i think that many of you i have already picked up or stocked up and am already drying it, i, for example, dry it in the kitchen, or you can freeze it, or dry it, for tea, it is a wonderful thing, well, we are moving from such fragrant mints to the upper latitudes. and let's talk with you now about magnetic storms, about geoactive, geomagnetic, geomagnetic activity of the earth, i'm sorry, the chart is predictive for your attention, you can see that a slight fluctuation will be observed tomorrow, a very slight activation at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day, but nothing serious, nothing threatening, neither to radar systems, nor to well-being, i hope that's why we're just calmly
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moving on to the weather. and let's see what will happen tomorrow with the weather situation in each region of ukraine. and traditionally, we start with the western regions. now let's look together at the map, at the air temperature, at all kinds of numbers. so, tomorrow the air temperature will range from 16 to 19 degrees in the west. traditionally, it will be warmer in transcarpathia until 22. and here is another interesting fact that tomorrow in ternopil oblast and khmelnytskyi oblast, this is a prognostic, rather a sign, is likely. rain, but a significant part the event will be in dry weather. in the north of ukraine. tomorrow in the north of ukraine and in kyiv region, zhytomyr region, sumy region, chernihiv region +14-+16°. precipitation is not expected, it is already slowly starting to warm up, and with more intensive solar heating, it may be a couple of degrees higher. in the east of ukraine tomorrow , the air temperature is expected to be similar to that in the north.
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there is no precipitation in kharkiv oblast and luhansk oblast, but there is a chance of rain tomorrow in donetsk oblast. in the central part of ukraine , rain is expected tomorrow, in places, periodic, but nevertheless, take an umbrella, please, residents of the central regions, and the air temperature is +14-+17°, as you can see, practically, well, almost everywhere is the same. in the south of ukraine, humidity will prevail tomorrow ... it will sometimes rain, the air temperature is +14-+18°, well, it will be difficult to burn, obviously, well, weather is expected tomorrow, may 16, without precipitation in kyiv, now we will also see images and numbers people of kyiv, please give us, here, and in kyiv tomorrow, as you can see, there will be no precipitation, the sun will shine and the air temperature will fluctuate within
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+16°. that in the coming days, in the future, we always look a little ahead, by the end of the week it will get warmer, not rapidly, not strongly, it is not about some 28-30°, but nevertheless, every day it will be warmer and warmer, but not without rain, well and how they will fall, when and where, that is of course in our, as always, detailed weather forecasts on the espresso channel. so, i thank ms. natalka very much for the information about the weather, we collected almost 231 thousand uah today, thank you for that, keep donating, and see you in a few, serhiy rudenko, the verdict program starts at 8 p.m., and i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 6:10 p.m., take care and stay with us, good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict program with
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serhii rudenko. hundreds of occupiers were killed and dozens of units of burned equipment. the invaders near vovchansk suffer huge losses. will the defense forces succeed in thwarting putin's plans for an offensive in the kharkiv region. rock and roll in the free world. anthony blinken promised ukraine an illuminated bridge to nato to the accompaniment of an electric guitar. will the united states make its support for ukraine in dependence on the fight against corruption. undermining georgian democracy. the country is threatened with us financial sanctions due to the so-called foreign agents act. can street rallies in dvilis develop into a new georgian revolution.


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