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tv   [untitled]    May 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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who would provide it, and take the equipment, demobilize it from civilians, meanwhile it was given to civilian organizations, these civilian organizations, for terrible money , it is not clear what and how they did it, and most importantly, they did it not under the leadership of the military, so tell me, were you able to dig and prepare a company stronghold, if they gave you money, of course not, and many engineer builders who did it, they did so... they did, but there is no benefit from it, because they are there, but they are not functional. and ukraine generally has engineering teams, engineering troops? of course, there is. ugh. there are many of them, are they enough? questions, for the performance of tasks, as far as the front level is concerned, they are more or less enough. as for the fact that we are talking about formation, ah, and construction in a deep ottole, i will give you an example that... during the second world war
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, both in the german army and in the same soviet army, we are already studying the experience independence from the color of the flags, so in the soviet army there were nine separate engineering armies, armies, you see, no one interferes with us to do this, just as the russians did, in 2022, they formed additional engineering regiments anew, anchors and built the same lines of surovikin, they stopped us, who is preventing us from doing this, why no decision is made to improve the situation, the deeper and the better you dig into the ground, the calmer the personnel feel, and the more chances they have to survive, this is an axiom of war, and it is not necessary to prove it to anyone, but is there or can we now say for sure that, well, maybe there is not quality first line there defense, but maybe a good second and... third,
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and in view of this, in view of where they are located, still without the presence of fortifications, how far can the ukrainian troops withdraw at the moment, or on the contrary, how far can the russian troops go, if problems with the first line, are we sure that the second and third will be well done, right away the question is the systematic work, independence, which line is this, it must be prepared qualitatively, this is the number one task, how qualitatively it is done, well, time will tell , i have the last one in kharkov. the question is, first of all, whether there is, whether you see you are the risk of an encirclement, and secondly, perhaps not an encirclement, for example, do you see the risk of the russian army advancing to such an extent that kharkiv may be in the hail’s access zone, well, it is too early to talk about it, because the number of russian forces that are advancing, while which is not to say that this is a powerful strike group, but this does not mean that the russians will not be able to transfer to this direction a certain number of reserves, they have in reserve... currently, there are 17
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regiments, and these regiments are used in various areas as a reserve , does not mean that everything will be thrown only at kharkiv. kharkiv is this a big enough nut, and at this stage it is difficult enough for the russians to crack it, because it is 350 km of territory, it is 23 thousand houses, it is 85 km along the district road, it is such a large and powerful object, and to even block it. .. what we need to talk about is not even 50 or 100 thousand personnel, but again the same question is for us, how many of our units and how much we have prepared kharkiv for defense, the most important thing here is to understand, but we reduce everything directly to frontal ones only attacks, head-on attacks by russians and ukrainians, and maybe it is still necessary to follow a completely different path, and it is necessary to clearly understand that it is much more effective... to destroy enterprises
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that manufacture russian weapons than to destroy these weapons at the front, it is much more effective, much more economically profitable, here how we should go forward: if we want to win wars, the preparation is not only people, it is the preparation of the economy, and the destruction, powerful, systematic destruction of the russian economy, which produces weapons for the russian army. we will talk about it in more detail later already with other speakers. talk, but you see the statements, for example, antony blinken until the end, well, it looks like the united states does not give ukraine permission for ukraine to use american weapons and strike on the territory of russia? i am more concerned about antony blinkin's statements regarding the corruption component in ukraine, this is the biggest problem in our country, because they would be ready and happy to help in certain moments, but if we ourselves do not...
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want to change internally, then this summons her to the old man, and if blinkin is a man, who, as a political figure, is quite tolerant and the americans are very careful in such statements, if they are already in... openly talking about corruption, it means that they have a huge number of examples to make such claims, and the number one question facing ukrainian society now is: we we have to free ourselves inside if we want to stand and win, and we have to live according to the golden rule of vyspoito: don't lie, don't steal and don't be silent if others are fishing, and we are silent when others are stealing ukrainian money, i only just to add context, blinkin spoke to the students of kpi in kyiv, and he said: you must eradicate corruption once and for all, victory on the battlefield will allow ukraine not to become part of russia, and victory in the war against corruption will not allow ukraine to become like russia. it's just explaining your message. thank you very much. serhii kryvonos, major general of the reserve of the armed forces of ukraine. first deputy commander of the special operations forces
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(16th-19th years) and deputy secretary of the national security council of the 19th-20th years. thank you very much. onslaught of russian troops on kha state secretary antony blinken of the usa announced the allocation of another 2 billion dollars in military aid to ukraine. blinken, who is on a visit to ukraine, now literally the last day of this visit, said that washington and kyiv will sign a bilateral agreement on security guarantees in the coming weeks. according to him, the hard work of preparing the agreement has already been completed, and that the agreement will provide assistance to ukraine for the next decade. blinken also confirmed that the united states is ready to send. the ukrainian air defense system. earlier editions bloomberg wrote that the us is considering sending another patriot battery to kyiv. while in kyiv, blinken commented, while in kyiv, blinken commented on the possibility of ukraine using american weapons on the territory of russia. however, he did not give a clear answer.
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please listen. we have clearly defined our policy, but this is a decision that ukraine must make, and we will ensure that ukraine has the weapons it needs. for success on the battlefield. ukrainian officials have been watching russian troops for weeks are gathering near the ukrainian border, but they could not do anything. in particular, because of the politics of washington, writes the american publication politico. by providing the weapons, the biden administration set a condition for ukraine not to use them for strikes on russian territory. russia, aware of this limitation , was able to concentrate at least 30,000 troops on the border with ukraine. dates the publication. therefore, a delegation of ukrainian officials came to washington to convince the us congress of the need to lift the ban on the use of american weapons to launch strikes on the territory of russia, politico writes. this information was also confirmed to the newspaper by ukrainian deputies, in particular oleksandr ustinov, davit rahamiy, who
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are apparently also part of this delegation. ukrainian deputies plan to hold meetings with more than 10 - more than 10 offices of us congressmen in order to convince them and influence the white house - he notes. publication, however, two u.s. officials told reporters on condition of anonymity that the biden administration's policy would not change, saying the aid was intended to be defensive, not offensive. at however, us officials are increasingly convinced that putin's plans to deploy new military units, combined with additional munitions from china and a reduction in western support for kyiv, could result in what russia is likely to be able to use by the end of 2024. you your achievements at the front in negotiations on terms favorable to you, well, at least that's how the three interlocutors think about politics. hanna gubko, head of the board of the network for the protection of national interests, who often and actively advocates, joins our broadcast ukrainian interests abroad. good evening. good evening. look, blinkin
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was asked today at the press conference, yes, washington gives the green light to the use of american weapons against russian targets, and to... a clarifying question , blinkin said that the us does not object to strikes against russia, in principle, but kyiv itself has to approve, well, that is, there was no such clear answer, so explain, as of now, the usa is for or against? well, actually, after blinken's visit, when we didn't see, in particular, meetings with military wounded, as well performance and playing the guitar would be beautiful if it was in kharkiv. and in some underground pub, when kharkiv would be provided with patriots, and ukraine could easily get russian military targets from which constant massive missile attacks are carried out, so it is obvious that it is now critical for us
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to promote the idea of ​​military missions in ukraine, it is critical for us to seek more atakams and faster f-16s, we need to unlock... scholz's decision, well, in general, when everyone is discussing the peace summit, and this is also one of the goals of the visit here, when ukraine wants to see the president of the usa at the inaugural peace summit in switzerland, it is also very important for us to see from the united states of america a strategy for the victory of ukraine, because the last two and a half years, as long as it takes , the constant tightening of arms and the last one for more than six months , it also has consequences on the front. i just returned just before the meeting with blinkin from kharkiv region, donetsk region, this is an enemy who has an incredible amount of firepower. which improves the slaves, so we need 80 km,
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we need more artillery, and we need to hit for russian purposes, still, hanna, hanna, yes, still, do you think the united states will change its mind, or maybe they don't mind, they just don't talk about it publicly, for ukraine to use american weapons for, for strikes for russian purposes, for purposes on the territory of russia, well , let's... so far ukraine has used our capabilities in the destruction of military facilities and refineries and so on, so more western weapons are on the way, so we will see them already on the field battle and what will happen on the territory of the russian federation, and it will answer, don't guess now whether they are for or against, but let's see if the ukrainian defense forces will be able to use it. this new supply of weapons in order to exercise self-defense, because russia is committing genocide, and the anti-western
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coalition, china, iran, north korea, belarus, they are gaining momentum and they are not celebrating, they are not curtseying, where the west's response to ballistic missiles from north korea? yes, after all, i didn't understand, or rather, i understood correctly, that as of now , even... you don't know, it still gives washington gives the green light or not, we don’t know, we will see how ukraine will use american weapons in the future, well, look, if there was this permission, then we would see a completely different result, there would not be many offensive operations, there would be no destruction of critical energy infrastructure facilities, no destruction of the civilian population due to strikes on... populated residential areas. hanna, how do you assess blinken's visit to
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ukraine, his speech there, well, his speech to the students, we will now discuss it separately, because there were interesting theses, a speech in one of the bars of kyiv, many criticized him, by the way, which is somehow inappropriate, what do you think about it, well, look, the united states of america is a strategic partner, and first the invasion of ukraine 14- th year it was only the russian federation that invaded ukraine in violation of international law, now china, north korea, and iran are fighting against us, the forces are disproportionate, we critically lack the resources to defend ourselves. we see how the enemy captures more and more in offensive operations territory, so it's obvious that you can enjoy music, but when you return from the front and you are given military service, i hate it. said about the needs of the military, that the morale is quite high,
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despite the fatigue, that the united states of america should play ahead, providing us with weapons, buying from third countries, helping, thinking about investments, but from this visit, when our conversation was for the most part, tell me, to whom were such messages directed, why suddenly blinkin came and devoted so much time and attention topics of corruption? well, actually, it is very unfortunate, because russia is committing genocide, and we are focusing on combating corruption, although this is the number one topic for ukrainian society, because it is a matter of national security, when due to corruption schemes there are not enough drones or rebs on the battlefield, and anyone who has a military member in the family understands how much this is a matter of life and death, it is obviously painful for us and it is absolutely unacceptable and we demand. and therefore the message to our authorities was clear, that every
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dollar that will be or the support of ukrainians has to be accountable, that is, they understand the interests of the americans, but on the other hand, why does the ukrainian government not show examples of irreversibility or why punishment for corrupt acts, why the same kyril tymoshenko, who left the opu in a scandal because of corruption. two years later appeared in the ministry of defense, and this causes outrage, we also see why, shame, and this, well, this should be asked of the president of ukraine, who is losing popularity, but... but someone, i don't know, corrupt , russian agents, completely incompetent people, do everything, so that we lose, with such leadership or with such undemocratic approaches to state management, we will not be able to win the war, just like the volunteers who are constantly pestering us, unless the authorities, the ministry of defense, the ministry of strategy and industry and others
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coordinate among themselves, we have dozens needs are still covered by volunteers, we have failures with... fortification, we deliberately dispersed stories with fugitives, and the tcc also did some things that had an effect on reducing mobilization, we have a heroic spirit, where we are a nation that stops an aggressor, they want now to show that we are a nation fugitives, evaders, and this ipso within the country does not add, let's say, confidence to our people, our nation, therefore, on the one hand, americans use the topic of corruption. to use as an excuse for themselves why they don't do enough to make russia lose, because they have their own strategic interests, someone in the us sees russia as some kind of junior partner, when a weakened russia comes and maybe against china, it's very naive, primitive vision, someone is afraid of nuclear
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escalation, that is, we have already heard these pseudo-arguments are enough, but our task is not to give our western partners a... moments against us, and one of them is the fight against corruption or anti-corruption activities. hana, thank you very much, i will just add context about you mentioned the so-called fugitives, tied it to ipso, well, apart from ipso, i have no doubt that ipso is present in the information space, but there are also facts, for example, the romanian service of radio liberty last week reported that, according to the romanian border police, about 11,000 ukrainians are illegal. cut the border only with romania, i.e. these are facts that, well, dogs and dogs, but there are also certain facts, thank you very much, hanna gobko, head of the board of the network for the protection of national interests, among other things, we also discussed anthony blinken's visit to kyiv, prem' the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico
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, was shot this afternoon, he was wounded as a result of the shooting after the meeting of the cabinet of ministers, according to eyewitnesses. approached local residents after a government meeting, after which several shots rang out and as a result of this attack, fico fell to the ground, then his they took him to the hospital, and now he is in the hospital, his condition is serious, wounds in the chest, in the stomach, rostislav khotyn, an international columnist of radio liberty, joins our broadcast, rostislav, good evening, what is written by the local press, the european press about this attack , and perhaps there are already some initial guesses as to who could be behind this... there, of course, i read the news that the attacker was detained, he is an elderly man, but perhaps his motivation is already known, the motivation is still unknown, it happened in the town of handlova , is the northeast of slovakia, about 190 km from bratislava on north-east, not so far from ukraine, by the way, there was an open meeting of the slovak government and a fizo, as
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a populist politician came out to the people, to the crowd, as he usually does, and here about... it was about four or five three shots were fired directly into the shelter, he was shot by one man, two bullets hit him at least in the stomach and chest, he was conscious when he was taken from one town to another, immediately transferred by helicopter to the hospital, and then by helicopter to the larger city of bansk bystrytsia is such a regional center in slovaks, were not taken to the capital of bratislava, because they did not want to waste time, because they could, because there was a risk and danger to the health of... the state of the prime minister, the government representative says that it was, that there is a threat to life now, that is, the situation and condition is very, very serious, it is officially interpreted as an attempt on life, the attacker was caught immediately, he is 71 years old, he shot with a short-barreled rifle, and which was in his possession on legal grounds, that is, having a rifle, he did not violated the law, he had the right to have her, they go
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there are massive, clear reactions from european foreign... international politicians, to which president volodymyr zelenskyi said that every effort should be made so that violence does not become the norm in any country, form or sphere. also, european leaders and wustura vonderlein called it a vile attack, and the president of the european council and the president of the european parliament, the prime ministers of great britain, poland, other countries, the netherlands, reacted. premium who said that this is a disgusting attack on my friend - there was a quote. russia also reacted, propagandist margarita simonyan reminded that the fizo was justified. this russian operation against ukraine, they said that putin had no other choice, then she added that this is how they work, which had to be proven, that is , some ambiguous hints about some forces,
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that is an interesting reaction, also a very important reaction of the german chancellor olaf scholz, he says that violence should not take place in european politics, i, for example, do not remember that there was actually an attempt on life the leader of a country of the european union, which is a member of the eu and a member of... nato, this is this, this is the first time, i think that recently there was an attempt on, if i'm not mistaken, a japanese politician, well, but this is not europe, yes, yes, yes , yes, on the japanese prime minister shinzo aba, but he was already a former, he was not in power, he was still there before, but he was simply punched in the face by prime minister berlusconi, the late one, who was at the head of the italian government, but that was not an attempt on the life, here an attempt on the life of the country's leader, he really is a leader, the prime minister of slovakia is the leader of a member country. of the european union and nato, by the way, in the ukrainian issue, it must be said that fietse led the company on a very anti-ukrainian platform, having voted in the parliamentary elections in september of last
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year, he was the prime minister for a little more than six months, but he is the prime minister a little more than six months, but recently, in recent months, he has moved a little on the ukrainian issue, softened his position a little, in particular after a meeting in uzhhorod with ukrainian prime minister denys shmyhal, even declared that he supports membership. in the eu and the territorial integrity of ukraine, but it must be said that in slovakia, all executive power is in the hands of the prime minister, the head of the government, the president has rather representative and ceremonial functions, by the way, the current outgoing president, zuzana chapotova, condemned this the attack, as a kind of shock, and she expressed her dignity from this attack, they wished him recovery, by the way, the physio, paradoxically, he constantly attacked... the president, she did not go for a second term, precisely because of constant attacks on her, on her family by robert fitzo. it is also interesting that today the opposition in bratislava was gathering, was supposed to hold a rally, due to the fact that
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robert fico wants to crush a public slovak television broadcaster, but after the news about the assassination attempt on him , it canceled this opposition rally, and it must be said that these rallies after fice became the prime minister in slovakia happens regularly. rostislav, rostislav, thank you very much for... we will follow such analytics, of course, following the events in slovakia. rostislav khotyn, international columnist of radio svoboda. well, now georgia, it can be said, is a big political turnaround. the day before, the georgian parliament passed the third reading of the draft law on the transparency of foreign influence, which is also called the law on foreign agents, or simply the russian law. the adoption of the draft law provoked numerous protests, the police dispersed and arrested demonstrators, if... the law enters into force, or when it enters into force, georgian media and other non-governmental organizations, more than 20% of the funding of which comes from foreign donors will now have to register
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as foreign agents. according to the forecasts of many local and foreign experts and politicians, this law will limit the activities of all those who do not agree with the policy of the ruling party georgian dream and will severely affect the prospect of georgia's accession to the european union. us deputy secretary of state james o'brien said. on the eve of the fact that the united states may review multimillion-dollar aid programs for georgia, as well as impose sanctions against representatives of the authorities who will be involved in violent actions against peaceful demonstrators. the president of georgia, solomy zorabishvili, intends to veto this law, but the ruling party has enough votes to override this veto. see what happened on the streets of tbilisi these days.
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iryna romaliska, my colleague, a journalist, is currently in georgia. ira, good evening. yes, you hear and see. ir, what is happening right now in georgia, and are the protests still going on now, or have they already come to an end? no, it does not end, i will say for sure, i, for example, now i am in the square in front of the georgian parliament... you can see the building there, you can see the protesters there, there are not many of them today, maybe a couple of hundred, but here is such a story, these are not all the protesters, the fact is that they are separate groups walking from from one square to another, walking through the streets, that is, it is impossible to count how many there are in total, yesterday there were several tens of thousands of people here, it was very large-scale, and the actions continue, continue every day, and
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today from... representatives of the ruling the party is already hearing such isolated statements that they are ready, as it were, to make some amendments to this draft law, after it will be praised by the georgian president. why? because the day before, as you already said, the assistant secretary of state of the united states of america, jim o'brien, was coming here to tbilisi, he held several closed meetings, in particular with... the prime minister of georgia, and this is what he told reporters after this meetings, let's listen. if there are any comments, then i say again, we are ready to discussions i confirmed this readiness directly to mr. o'bryan. i will remind you once again that yesterday this draft law was voted
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in the third. reading, it can now become a law if the georgian president signs it, but she has already declared that she will not do this and will veto it. i will not in any way, when i use my right of veto, take part in these false, artificial, lying discussions, no and never, i will not betray the spirit that prevails in the country today, which needs from... as well as many other organizations and so on, call the georgian parliament nevertheless refused this draft law, and against this background, sounding calls for sanctions, as you have already said, and against this background
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, the shares of georgian banks began to fall today, because of this. is already a cheaper national currency. i want to tell you one more interesting thing, the russian language is not very well treated here among the georgian protestors. me, for example, when i do an interview, i start with this: hello, i from ukraine, and then people change their attitude towards me, and then i already can i ask if they can give me an interview in russian, many refuse, even if they know they don't want it, and it's not just that... 20% of georgian territory is occupied by the russian federation, it's not just that , that many people associate the russian language with the occupation, with the kremlin, the fact is that russian propagandists often work here in tbilisi, for example, yesterday one such russian propagandist came here to tbilisi and conducted a live broadcast from a place where there were around rally and she said that
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what... what they took as a provocation.


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