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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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write in the chat under our broadcast about how embroidered women's day is celebrated in your city today and how many people you saw today in embroidered clothes, and we will pass the floor to our colleague, who will tell about the most important news of today. anna eva melnyk is ready to present a new news release. anna eva, congratulations. congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team continues to work, will tell you about the most important things. this release i will start the situation in kharkiv oblast, all the details are below, stay with us, the president held a meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief in kharkiv, according to the military command. the kharkiv direction
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remains extremely difficult. the armed forces of ukraine is strengthening units in this area. the situation was generally called under control and it was reported that our soldiers were inflicting significant losses on the occupier. the head of state also visited defenders who were wounded in the battles in kharkiv region and honored them with state awards. and also met with the soldiers of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after kosh ataman ivan sirk, who are currently defending this direction. they. also received honors from the president, you did not missed, did not miss the enemy, you are strong soldiers, as well as to other soldiers from kharkiv who are fighting in other brigades for the fact that they are defending their home, the whole of ukraine, but today we are here in such an important direction. thanks again, take care please. i wish you
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only strength, victory. in the northern part of vovchansk, the russian military is capturing and shooting civilians, minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko said. in that area of ​​the city, fighting continues on the streets where the occupiers and people have taken a foothold are kidnapped and driven to the basements, added klymenko. it is already known about the first executions of townspeople by the russian military. so the invaders in... a man who tried to escape from captivity. despite the intensity of hostilities, evacuation from the city continues. it is dangerous to be in the place, there is constant shelling, the police are working, we are evacuating people, those who are left, let your relatives go to publicly known places, we will take everyone away, thank the armed forces for what i will get. place, city support of
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the territorial integrity of ukraine, issues security in the black sea and grain agreement. such issues were discussed by the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyerov during meetings with turkish colleagues in ankara. spokesman of the ministry of defense of turkey reported. he also added that the turkish side expressed and declared its determination to continue the implementation of the montreux convention and expressed its intention to restore chornomorsk. grain initiative. due to the public outcry, the ministry of economy cancels the order on the reservation of glovu, favet and visa workers - said the head of the ministry, yulia sveredenko. she also added that in the department will analyze the situation and analyze decisions regarding each company separately. let me remind you that earlier in the social network a document was published on the reservation of employees of the specified companies for six months, which caused. user response.
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in transcarpathia, a drunk driver injured a patrolman, the national police reported. the incident took place in the mukachevo district. inspectors stopped the car for violating traffic rules. the 29-year-old man first locked himself in the car, and then through the window fired a traumatic pistol at law enforcement officers. extra detained he is staying. the life of the injured policeman is not in danger in the temporary detention center, the word mystic may spend the next 5 years behind bars. fake consular certificates were sold to petitioners. the security service in the kyiv region kidnapped dealers who helped men avoid the draft. in addition to fake documents, the organizers of the scheme advised their clients on illegal border crossing. the cost of everything. package of services was
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$10,000, three organizers were caught red-handed when they received money for another piece of equipment. the perpetrators were charged with two counts. they face up to 9 years in prison with confiscation of property. the prime minister of slovakia, robert fitz , will undergo another operation, this time on the hip joint, as the pravda newspaper writes, due to the injury, the prime minister had bleeding in the abdominal cavity, which was stopped. let me remind you that yesterday the head of the slovak government was shot with a firearm during an external meeting. government. the prime minister went out to the people and at that moment shots rang out, he was taken to the hospital by helicopter, the attacker was detained, he turned out to be a 71-year-old man, he explained his motive as disagreement with the policy of the state leadership. how ukraine can get
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russian assets frozen in the west will be the main topic of discussion at the kyiv security forum, which is about to begin. work tomorrow , may 17, the online discussion will start at 11 a.m. philip zelikov, a senior researcher at the hoover institution at stanford university, steven reidmaker, a former assistant to the us secretary of state and the prime minister of ukraine in 2014-2016 will participate years, arseniy yasenyuk. and thank you ours. viewers, with your help we collected funds, purchased and repaired cars for our defenders, together with volunteer yevhen rosenblatt, we have already delivered a pickup truck for the 43rd separate brigade and a car for the 302nd
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anti-aircraft missile brigade serving in kharkiv region to the front. we sincerely thank everyone who supports the armed forces of ukraine and our meetings, so that together we can cleanse ukraine of russian influence. thanks to espresso viewers for joining the gathering. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. death to enemies. in lviv the 10th lviv media forum started. the conference takes place in an updated format and at a new location, but the event continues to attract media, public figures and writers from all over the world. our correspondent natalya starapravo is currently at the event. natalia, my congratulations. tell me what is happening on the media form and what have you already seen? i congratulate anna eva, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. so the media forum has actually, really, been going on for the 10th year in lviv,
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and i'm sorry, in particular, it started in 2013 , unfortunately, because it was full. large-scale invasion of 2022 and due to the pandemic of 2020, the event could not take place, however, one way or another, media people from all over the world, human rights defenders, writers are coming together for international events, the biggest media events in central and eastern europe. today we will see different speakers, journalists from different continents, from almost all the continents of the world, at most there are 200 people, however, in the usual format. journalists gathered up to a thousand, even more than a thousand people in one space. the nobel laureate has already spoken today oleksandr oleksandr matviychuk's law enforcement officer. journalist tetyana troshchynska will also speak soon, along with
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military servicewoman valeria sobotina. in general, the panels are devoted to the topic of war, and this year, in particular, about international support for ukraine and how to unite around ukraine against the background of global elections and communicate about ukraine, well, they also raise various topics, in particular, among the challenges that await journalists, they still emphasize on the fact that many ukrainian journalists, in general, journalists receive different obstacles to their professional activity, well, let's listen to the direct speech of the head of the lviv media forum. they are concerned and worried , in fact, the increase in the international presence among the participants and speakers of the forum is one of the achievements that we are proud of, it is also important for us that ukrainian journalists
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have the opportunity to talk about their work, because we do not see our specialists so often at international events, at international forums on... i wanted ukrainian journalists, as equals among equals, to share with their colleagues, but also engaged in dialogue and adopted experience abroad. the lviv media forum event lasts for three days, all panels are held in english, in particular, in order to communicate with foreign partners, and so i will say goodbye at this point, this is all the news for the moment, the word of the studio. thank you for your work and information, natalya starapravo, espresso correspondent, about the start of the 10th media form. and that's all for now, i tell you, see you at 5 p.m. you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to ours
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channels in social networks, support our youtube channel. later, my wonderful colleagues marta oliyarnyk and olyana panasiuk will work for you on the air. well, the information day of the tv channel in russia itself. there is hot news from the front, in particular, president zelenskyy once again stated that we cannot lose kharkiv, all we need are two patriot systems. in particular, zelenskyi said this in an interview with abc news, and we know that today the commander-in-chief is in kharkiv, where he held a commander-in-chief meeting, collected everything the military-political leadership of the state in order to assess the situation on the ground. we understand that in the north of kharkiv oblast. continues for the hellish battles for the city of vovchansk, in particular, well, this statement of zelenskyi is somewhat disturbing, because the situation
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is very serious, says zelenskyi, we cannot afford to lose kharkiv, all we need are two patriot systems, russia will not be able to to occupy kharkiv, if we have them . we will talk about this and not only with oleg katkov, military expert, editor-in-chief of defense express. sir oleg, i welcome you to our airwaves, traditionally, glory to ukraine. sincerely, glory, thank you for the invitation. so, i would like to start with zelensky's statement that we cannot lose kharkiv, all we need to hold kharkiv are two patriots, if we have them, russia will not be able to occupy it, or ukraine can get two patriots, in the near future you, as a person informed in this matter, you know what means our partners and allies have, and actually antoni blinken was also in kyiv a few days ago and also said about the fact that this issue... is being dealt with, do you think this issue will be resolved in our favor? let's hope so,
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especially since we are talking about additional things, in particular , it is obvious that we are talking about two additional patriots, because after the call was already made, it is several months, several years ago, when it came to , that a minimum of seven is needed, and then after that germany announced the transfer of one more, and there was information that italy was transferring one. after that, no other activity on this background no longer existed, and in the end, one must understand that in order to repel such enemy attacks, not only the patriot is needed, but the entire set of weapons is necessary, and the constant receipt of these weapons and ammunition is necessary, that's all other after all, relative to where it is possible to get two extra patriot batteries. it seems to me that the simplest answer really, although a very long way, may be israeli
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patriots, because now israel is in immediate withdrawal, at least, well, according to various sources, we are talking about up to four batteries patriots, which are in the pak-2 version, although, that is , they cannot fight ballistic missiles, at the same time they can work perfectly in the form of such a blocking patriot and destroy russian aviation at maximum. in 160 km, the fact is that israel, of course, does not transfer weapons to ukraine, does not sell them, even prohibits re-export, but in the case of the most correct diplomatic efforts not only of kyiv, but also of other countries that help us, it is possible to achieve, well it seems to me that the transmission of these complexes is possible for circular supplies, because again , for israel, the withdrawal of these complexes is already happening, they are not... they are of no value to it, because it has better systems, and
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it objectively does not have a threat from aircraft now , and they are unlikely to be, and that is why he made this decision, and we may be talking about a rather significant increase, but again at the expense of, obviously, some rather complex circular deliveries. well, but if we are talking about israel, then we understand that israel is also now at war with by hamas terrorists, is it profitable at all? israel has the opportunity to allocate, even if we are talking about a theoretical possibility, to allocate two systems for ukraine now in the hot phase of the war on its territory. it is about the fact that israel. is already decommissioning them, he is supposed to decommission the last system this week, it will be officially announced by the tsechal, israel does not use the patriot in the same way that any other country can use it. israel is a very specific theater of military operations, and again for israel patriotism got them at the beginning of the 90s,
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in the 90s, or rather, if it is an honest year, 90-91, and during all this time, for the sake of understanding , they shot down to 20 whole, and this is only about drones. israel has many, many. yes, i got in touch with mr. oleg katkov, a military expert, the editor-in-chief of defense express, we talked about an important topic, about the fact that we need at least two patriots in order to defend kharkiv, and let me remind you that president volodymyr zelensky said in an interview with abc news. about what for more the effective defense of kharkiv requires modern air defense systems, in particular , the patriots approach and say that the situation there is very serious, if we cannot, that we cannot afford to lose kharkiv and everything we need so that the occupiers cannot occupy kharkiv , this is for us to have them, and here it is actually important to understand whether our
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partners have somewhere to get these patriots in order to hand them over to ukraine very quickly, we have already, by the way, in our... talked about how was the purchase of the first patriot for of ukraine, and from the moment when this patriot was contracted, how they found the funds for him, and until the moment when this patriot ended up in ukraine, as many as 119 days, i.e. 3.5 months, have passed, i kind of suspect that now it is about very - very short terms of delivery of these systems to ukraine, because the situation requires absolutely very fast and effective solutions. so let's hope that our partners are aware of the threat of the situation and will find a way to do it as soon as possible. now we will include oleg katkov, i hope we will be able to reconnect with him in order to talk in more detail not only about the patriots for ukraine and kharkiv, but also about the information that
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is currently being heard in the ukrainian media about the fact that ryne metal is opening the production of the system. of air defense in ukraine, and really, should we now talk about the real possibility of opening such a plant in conditions when ukraine is under fire, when we have certain problems with the protection of our state, because there is such a high number of shooting down of certain air targets russian occupiers, well, but we understand that the air force of the armed forces of ukraine also works in the most difficult conditions, and they lack certain means, so whether the german... manufacturer will be ready to open its production of air defense systems in ukraine, that is the question actually needs explanation and analysis, and i hope that we can talk about it with mr. oleg katkov and actually explain to you what is happening. now we are trying to reconnect with mr. oleh, do you hear? now mr. oleg, me? thank you, sorry, you
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are not my light. let's go on, let's go on. about the actual information about rhine metal, is rhine metal really ready to open an air defense plant in ukraine and will this air defense be able to help us shoot down such heavy missiles as ballistics, which are these air defense systems of this plant? when it comes to rain medal, it was indeed announced by the head of the company about what he plans, well, the company. plans to open another enterprise in ukraine, this one is joint production of air defense equipment. we are directly talking about the fact that this is one of the plans, it is part of rainmetal's entry into ukraine, because rain metal has opened, well, it has already opened the first enterprise for the repair and maintenance of military equipment of western models,
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the fuchs armored personnel carrier will be produced in ukraine. the second aspect is the creation of an ammunition enterprise that would produce not only 155 mm ammunition, but also gunpowder, and in the end there is an air defense system. of course, we are talking about the long-term perspective in any case, from several years for implementation, but we are talking about the system that is produced in the obviousness of rain metal itself, zeiners, this is an artillery system for war-passing with programmed detonation, which is intended primarily for combating drones. extremely cheap fight against drones, because the projectiles with programmed detonation are used, and this system can, and, by the way, it is in service with the armed forces of ukraine, very good... it showed, it has a range of about 2.5- 3 to 3 km, this is the maximum that can be, and, but it is the cheapest means
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of countering drones. if necessary, it will also be able to shoot down cruise missiles, of course, but, er, well, it is only about aerodynamic targets, not ballistic missiles in any case. understood, mr. olezh, and we would also like to discuss with you the situation that is happening on the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, today there was bavonna at the belbek military airfield, and there is certain information in the mass media that the zrks4 was destroyed, two mig-31 aircraft, warehouse of fuel, and there are also certain reports from ukrainian partisans that, in addition to the mig 31k, there could be poshko... and su-27 and su-30 aircraft. what do you know about this attack at all, so is there any more information in certain military circles about the consequences of this
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attack, how it might affect the actions of the enemy in the south direction, and in fact, do you know how we managed to get there? according to what is exactly expressed, we are actually waiting for satellite images, the fact is that for... yesterday there was cloudy weather and there are no accurate images from space in order to assess the extent of the damage, we hope that the weather will be better today, the appropriate satellite images will be made, which will be able to place it, of course, well, it is scattered in the fields, but it should be noted that a cluster attack command was apparently used , and we are talking, of course, not about one, so even satellite images may not record... the degree of damage to aircraft in order to assess what was really destroyed there. the fact is that the atakoms cassette, he leaves behind, well, transforms in general
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things like airplanes or helicopters just in the shallow sito. this was perfectly demonstrated during the strikes on heliports in the still occupied bordyansk and luhansk. there are photos from the scene of the events, and there, well, from the helicopters themselves, and of course, if they were standing like real ones, but the fact is that they are... just in small holes from fragments of sub, well, fragmentary submunitions, therefore, relative to the satellite, then it can be placed on it the damage of the anti-aircraft missile complex that was there, it will be evident, we are talking about the damage, if it is confirmed regarding fuel and lubricant materials, there was also such information, it also needs to be checked, of course, regarding the fact that a warehouse with aviation weapons was hit, and... this, by the way, means that apparently not only atacoms were used, but also rocket missiles were used like the shadow scalp strain, because that 's the kind of thing they target, and then it turns out that this
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was a pretty well-planned, combined attack, where the air defense area that was protecting this airfield was destroyed by cluster bombs the planes that were there, and after that, of course, all other targets were hit, that is... we are talking about, if of course the list is confirmed, the entire list is complete, which was hit, then we are talking about the complete destruction , in fact, of the entire airbase and its decommissioning for quite a long time. that is , we understand that little by little, but still we make the enemy there vulnerable and create favorable conditions as much as possible in order to create specific problems for them in their advance in the south. well, actually their efforts to fire from the occupied crimea is the southern regions of our country. the fact is that
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aviation was still based at this airfield, we are talking about such planes as the su-27, that is, these planes are just fighters, we are talking about the mik-301, and it must be understood that it is simply about the commonness of one or bm modernization, that is, in the form of an interceptor, is possible. that is , only satellite images will be shown here again, it will become clear whether, for example, front-line bombers of the su-34 type, which are already striking ground targets, were based there, thanks to the they are primarily used by the vorokh for strikes with ompk kits, well, this will be demonstrated by satellite images, in any case, such a strike is extremely important, because it means that there was primarily a fighter aircraft based there, which is engaged in... already interferes with the work of women's aviation and interferes with calls and is obviously used by the enemy to intercept, for example, cruise missiles, in this way, if these strikes... will be
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methodical and will not only be limited to the occupied crimea, they can occasion to allow our unit on the ground to breathe much easier and our air force to operate much more effectively. i would also like you to discuss a very good event that happened this night in russia, in fact, drones of the main intelligence agency hit a defense plant in tula, russia. tula is located somewhere... approximately 500 km from the ukrainian border, and it is actually a state-owned enterprise of the russian defense complex basalt, and they say at least the sources of ukrainian drones , i mean, attacked the production facilities of this enterprise, do you know anything about this enterprise, mr. olezh, what could be produced there, in what quantity, and if the production facilities were attacked, would
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that mean? that this plant, at least temporarily, will be forced to stop its work? unfortunately, i have to look exactly, so as not to be vague, what exactly and what this basalt was doing, at the same time it is necessary to understand that when it comes to drone attacks, there are such aspects that the drone still has a rather limited size of the combat part, that, of course, we are not talking about these last samples in relation to those drones that attacked, for example, alabuva and that attacked an oil refinery. skin, these factories, they, these drones, they are already created on the basis of light-motor aircraft and really have a rather large warhead, which can be measured in the amount of hundreds of kg, but in any case a few hundred at most. when it comes to, for example, the use of such a drone as a ferocious, then the size of its warhead is 50 kg. and, of course, to talk about the fact that one strike of such a drone, or even several such drones, can...
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to give critical, well, critical consequences for the company, it is unlikely, so here, let’s say, it is very important to strike such blows, because now the russian military-industrial complex is generally working in full, well , to be completely honest, it is working safely, according to no long-range strikes are carried out there, and the enterprise works as if it were in a time of crisis, it is a ukrainian defense industry, it is forced to hide... from russian shelling, to be constantly distracted, in difficult production situations, we understand, we understand, and we hope that links to the visit, it was a sign that the ukrainians can use western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, although the americans do not encourage this, but i think behind closed doors we know what they are talking about, thank you oleg katko, military expert, chief the editor of defense express was in touch with us, i'm saying goodbye to you for
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today, we and... colleagues will continue to work for you so that you are aware of the most important events, well, we will see you in this studio already tomorrow, take care yourself, goodbye, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saws from unpack tv are just for you, they will cut with ease. trees and shrubs, they are convenient to use for carpentry, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order right now, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: cut branches, trim timber, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement with saws strong, only see how quickly they handle
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