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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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muscovites are storming kharkiv oblast, which is known. at the moment about the situation, travel abroad in a new way, which will change from may 18, and how much money the czech republic is ready to spend in order to return ukrainians home. the news team has rounded up the main events of the day . anna yevomelnyk is with you, my greetings. fighters of the 13th brigade of the charter national guard of ukraine repelled an enemy assault in the lyptsi district, kharkiv region, spotted the enemy drone operators, after which they opened fire on the enemy with small arms, artillery and percussion. the russians began to flee,
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in addition, they also lit up their additional powers. charter fighters also hit them with a rocket salvo system. in total , at least eight terrorists were killed. in the northern part of vovchansk, the russian military is capturing and shooting civilians, minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko said. fighting continues in that area of ​​the city, on the streets where the occupiers have gained a foothold. people are kidnapped and driven to basements, added klymenko. it is already known about the first executions of townspeople by the russian military. so the invaders killed the man, who tried to escape from captivity. despite the intensity of hostilities. the evacuation of the city continues. it is dangerous to be in the place, constant shelling continues. the police are working, we are evacuating people, those who are left. let your relatives go out. to publicly known
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places, we will take everyone, we thank the armed forces for getting the place, the city. the president held a meeting of the supreme commander in kharkiv. according to the military command, the kharkiv direction remains extremely difficult. zsso is strengthening units in this area. the situation in general, it was called controlled and it was reported that our soldiers inflicted tangible damage on the occupier. the head of state also visited the defenders who were wounded in the battles in kharkiv region and honored them with state awards, as well as met with the soldiers of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after kosh otaman ivan sirk, who are currently defending this direction. they also received awards from the president. you did not miss, they missed the enemy, you are strong soldiers, as well as other soldiers of kharkiv. who
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are fighting in other brigades for the fact that they are defending their home, all of ukraine, but today we are here in such an important direction. thank you, once again, take care of yourself, please, i wish you only strength, victory. one person died, four others were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. the occupiers hit the village of high boryslav with aircraft. in the district , a store building, two private houses and a car were damaged. and also in kherson itself, the number of victims has increased, from yesterday's shelling, today a man and a woman turned to doctors with injuries and bruises. so currently, 21 victims are known. let me remind you, on the eve of muscovites in the middle of the day three aerial bombs hit the central area of ​​the city. support of territorial integrity. of ukraine,
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security issues in the black sea and the grain agreement. such issues were discussed by the minister of defense of ukraine, rostem umyerov, during a meeting with turkish colleagues in ankara, the spokesman of the ministry of defense of turkey said. he also added that the turkish side declared its determination to continue the implementation of the montreux convention and expressed its intention to restore the black sea grain initiative. because of social resonance. the ministry of economy will cancel the order on reservation of glovo, favbet and visa workers, said the head of the ministry yulia sverdenko, she also added that the department will analyze the situation and analyze the decisions regarding each company separately. let me remind you that earlier on the network a document was published on the reservation of employees of the specified companies for six months, which caused a violent reaction of users.
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on may 17 , men aged 18 to 60 will be checked for a military registration document when traveling abroad in ukraine , and it will be required to provide it upon request. border guards along with an identity document. this is due to the entry into force of the law on mobilization, the state border service said, the innovations will affect, in particular, workers who have reservations, parents with many children or men unfit for military service. at the same time , people with disabilities or those who accompany them, as well as drivers who transport humanitarian goods, railway workers, and workers will not be subject to mandatory inspection. marine and aviation industries. border guards recommend before traveling abroad clarify your tcc data. the czech republic will facilitate the return of ukrainians home. the government will pay for the buses for the migrants. in total,
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they plan to issue more than 400 free tickets. another 30 citizens with health problems receive individual medical transport. the project continues. from june to november of this year and will cost the czech republic €227,000. hourly blackout schedules have been introduced in kyiv. as reported in the energy company det, in order to avoid emergency shutdowns during peak hours of consumption, information on the supply of electricity is on the websites of the distribution operator kyiv electric networks and the electricity supplier. of energy in the capital of the company. clearly, residents of the capital also have the opportunity to set a notification with graphs on kyiv digital. education without restrictions at lviv polytechnic university opened an inclusive educational
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space. the room is equipped for students with visual and hearing impairments and users of wheelchairs. the classrooms are equipped with desks. headset, computers and video magnifiers. this equipment was purchased with grant funds from the usate, economic project support of ukraine. the class is designed for 15 students. more than 300 students with special educational needs study at the lviv polytechnic. we managed to actually purchase the equipment, make repairs and furnish that room in a few months. he does not end this project with today's discovery, on the contrary. it will also be a series of trainings, a series of trainings from the manufacturers of the equipment to be conducted for our teachers and trainers who are to train, as well as a series of trainings without directly for the trainees who will be trained here, in you have a common desk, yes, you can study, there is one for blind people, well, that's all
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taken into account, thank god, everything is fine, then everything depends on the teachers, how well they will serve. the program, and for everything else the flight itself was already supported. on the world day of vyshyvanka , a unique combat drone shirt was presented in kyiv. the main symbol of the ornament is a drone. the cossack cross and the ukrainian trident were also embroidered on the shirts. for the border , the ornament of elena the bee was used, symbolizing the birth of a new life from an old one roots. embroidered shirts are available for women and... men, the cost of the shirt is uah 500, all the collected funds will be transferred to the purchase of drones for the company of shock drones, seraphim, the 104th separate brigade and the dignitas charity fund. the buyer gets a unique item and
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supports the armed forces, the vyshyvanka is a symbol of unity, and when civilians walk around wearing these... vyshyvankas, it will show that they support the armed forces, and it can also be a great gift for our defenders, especially for uav pilots. and please join the urgent collection to perform tasks on the front, intelligence units need a reliable suv. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, there is no way without vehicles at the front. suvs transport personnel and ammunition, and drones are launched from them. the required car has already been found and transported to ukraine. now. it is being repaired and equipped, it remains to be purchased and transferred to the front. our goal is 3,000 hryvnias, almost 52,000 hryvnias have been collected , every hryvnia counts, there are no small donations, so get involved collection at this moment, the news team told
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about the most important thing, wait for vasyl zima's big broadcast and you will know even more. before meeting. ivano-frankivsk is becoming even more accessible. in the city , infrastructure is being built for residents with limited mobility, in particular near the regional clinical hospital. the creation of the accessibility map was initiated last year by yury gaponchuk, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war and adviser to the city mayor. he is well aware of the problems of moving around the city for people with disabilities, because he lost his leg due to an injury in the war. so the veteran himself developed a map of the routes along which fighters who are being treated in the regional center after injuries will travel more often. by the end of the year, the city plans
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to make five more routes from hospitals to the city center more accessible. previously, when i was still walking, when i was developing a map of the city, it was not convenient, because there were also pits and, one might say, there were obstacles in the form of high curbs, now this is no longer the case, i saw how everything is done here. i saw guys in wheelchairs and asked them if it was is it necessary, is it convenient, yes, they confirmed it, they said it all, and that it is very cool that there is such an initiative, just this route, if one of the first that began to be implemented in the city, it runs from the regional hospital to the very center, we started moving from here and will be all intersections and pedestrian...walks that are not equipped for groups with reduced mobility, they will be implemented by our department, exactly
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here, where there is not enough sidewalk, then a sidewalk will be laid, it will be arranged with seamless paving stones, and with all requirements, with with tactile tiles, with anti-parking columns, so that residents do not drive in and do not park on footpaths, this is a regional hospital, lowering, a sidewalk, so that guys in wheelchairs can pass, a lot of people are treated here in the regional hospital, it was the initiative of the participants themselves hostilities, that is why we are making an accessible route from the regional hospital to the city center, from the central city clinical hospital to the city center along vovchenecki, that is, we have identified five routes for this year, well, let's see, if the pace is good, then we will increase it, so we are doing everything to make frankivsk accessible and start this work now. laughter,
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coco may discounts on voltaren forte 20% in plantain, bam and oskad pharmacies. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. lacal fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me, yes. battles for the kharkiv region, why are we losing a hundred square kilometers. according to the general staff, the russian invaders are trying to gain a foothold and are regrouping in the kharkiv direction, as well as accumulating forces in the northern part of the city of vovchansk. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv.
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a square where everyone gets to speak and be heard each. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on, the new two-hour format will feature even more analytics, even more important topics, and even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday. from 20 to 22 for espresso. what to do when the liver wakes up? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, he and the liver and bile protects, alohol with care and respect for the liver and bile. good evening, we are from ukraine. i congratulate you, dear tv viewers,
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on vyshyvanka day. to all ukrainians around the world, and special thanks and congratulations today to those who changed the embroidery to pixel, and if this pixel is still in the blood of our heroes. we are taking off everyone's shirts, this is important, the enemy is attacking the territory of our state, shelled the vovchan community, injured local residents who tried to evacuate, injured the head of the city's military administration, the president has arrived to kharkiv and said: who is to blame for the situation that has developed and what is needed in... in order to prevent the enemy from capturing kharkiv, we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour for only 42 minutes, and i am happy i would like to add to the conversation serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency, host of the military summaries of the day column, serhiy, i welcome you to the floor, good evening, good evening,
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i greet our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the supreme commander-in-chief rate meeting. situation primarily in the kharkiv direction, and about the unique work of our soldiers from the achilles battalion, who destroy enemies with their drones already near belgorod. more on that in a moment. the direction remains extremely difficult, so ukrainian units will be reinforced in this area. this concerns the north of the kharkiv region, and it was announced today at... at the field meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief, it was held in kharkiv, this city is an enemy, now it is regularly firing rockets with takabs and is now trying to get close enough to use the barrel for this artillery now the enemy is trying to advance in two areas, this is the area north of kharkiv, where the enemy is trying
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to advance to liptsi, and there are a number of videos of how our fighters destroy the enemies in this direction, and the second - victor of the aggressor's actions - is vovchansk and around vovchansk. now putin's units are trying to bypass vovchansk from the east and west. the enemy there went out to the hillock, the road with the supply of the city runs nearby, it is not cut, although the enemy is trying to get closer there. today there were messages from of our ministry of defense that the russians are trying to gain a foothold in the northern part of vovchansk, but we can also see how they are working now. our border guards are quite balanced, optimally and effectively destroying the enemy, and we see that, relatively speaking, this is what is called controlled situation, when the enemy is destroyed, our units, well, they are completely controlling the situation, there were also reports that in vovchansk there in the north are russian tanks entering, or did they enter, because there was also a video from
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the steel border brigade, where the border guards destroyed these russian t-70s. well, actually, we understand that the enemy will try to advance precisely because he has the conditions to transfer his forces from russian territory, because the logistics there are quite simplified, and then the question arises that we still need all the conditions in order to destroy the enemy on russian territory, including using american weapons. the helsinki group today stated that american policy must be revised in this matter, and this too... just, well, in a certain way will balance the capabilities of the russian army of our troops, because if we destroy the enemy in the russian accumulation areas there, it will significantly affect the situation on ... this part of the front, but while we are there waiting for permission to strike with atakams on russian territory, now our military, in particular the military from
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the achilles attack drone battalion, they are doing a truly unique job, which is exactly what we will talk about later on our broadcast, we are joined by oles, oles malyarevich, deputy commander of the achilles battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade, mr. oles, congratulations glad to see you you are on the espresso channel. mutually. glory to ukraine. glory. i would like you to show this unique video, where you make a 40 km attack on belgorod. you use a seemingly simple drone, there is a seven-inch one, but by some miracle you get the enemy at such a colossal distance. how it was, explain a little to our viewers, how it was technically. such miracles are possible, well, it was closer than 40 km, but really we are trying to patrol the
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communication routes with drones and had every right to cross the border, this is called free hunting, we freely shot an armored car fully packed with ammunition, if you show the full video there they shout there bk, bk there karau, three shmilya, two two. boxes of grenades, it was an eight-inch drone in pv, we didn't have a very good picture and we weren't even sure if we hit because we didn't have a reconnaissance drone in that sector to observe from the side for the results, as it happens when there are active hostilities and drones work one after the other, like a conveyor belt, but after a few hours we accidentally found this video on russian telegram channels, they posted it themselves, the full version is there, you can find it, see it, very... thank you to our belogravo correspondents for the fact that they completely filmed the process and conveyed their emotions, this is luck, yes , and it really added, added a good mood to our pilots.
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olesya, i would like to ask now, now about the situation in ovchansk through your eyes, because your battalion operates in this direction, there a couple of days ago, even yesterday there was a video that the enemy resorted to tank assaults, today again there is a message that the enemy is trying to use again. armored vehicles, what happened yesterday and today in the area of ​​responsibility of your battalion? well, these are not the kind of assaults that took place at the time, let’s say there near avdiivka or during the time, they do not use large armored groups, because they have already understood that a large group, a small group does not really matter, the bigger the group, the more chances , that it will be destroyed first of all by drones and finished off by artillery, this is happening now and a tank, this too, and this is a butusov, we also hit today... tanks, now it will be finished off by drones, they are attacking in small groups of up to 50 people, one or two tanks, armored vehicles, but several brigades are working on
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our side in this sector, and the situation at the moment, well, i always say there, as a rule , is controlled, i never say, but we are retreating somewhere there, or we are actively attacking there, the situation is under control, indeed, the front is stabilizing very actively, and in ovchansk there are street battles now, several of our units are working there, and everything is being done to prevent the enemy from entering completely vivchansk, because when the enemy enters the city, it is difficult to drive him out, we cannot compare with the land of vovchansk, what houses are left there, because they are ukrainian houses, so the task is always to prevent the entry of the city, mr. ales, you once said that the arsenal of your battalion is expanding, and in addition to fpv copter-type drones, aircraft-like ones have also been added. wing attack drones, what is it about, at what range can they hit the enemy? there are, yes, kamikaze wings, wings, not a copter
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type, a wing, you can say, they cost the same as beer is a little more expensive, but they have a range of more than fp, and somewhere there you can fly up to 30 km, even 35, but it carries the same charge up to about 3 kg, that is , yes actively, it is a ukrainian development. is produced in ukraine, it is always good, because there is a connection with engineers, with productions, and we are online every day 24:7 to send our work results and finalize all the pluses and minuses, it happens that the drone that was working there three three months of nightmares, invaders killed, and then once he stopped working, it was like that, it was a very big disappointment among the pilots, immediately among the people who are related to this, the process of solving the problem immediately begins, there our logistics brothers are struggling here and there. around the country, these devices are carried around, they are finished, they can do something remotely, sometimes they are produced, the manufacturers come directly to the front, actively tighten up, polish the electronics and
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mechanics there, therefore... we work 24/7 for the development of drones, this is what i always say is war technologies, it is not the number that will win here, but mind and technology, use, your company, then the battalion fought in different directions, there and bahamud, there and chasivyar, now in another direction, how can you compare the use of rep means in these areas, is there now in this area in use? reb is denser than, in particular under time, or is it still weaker? well, i corrected you a little, not only the battalion is fighting, a separate shtorov brigade, we all always move and work together, our efficiency is not that achilles is such a cool battalion, he himself can go anywhere to work, we work with due to proper management, command, we have everything robotic very quickly online all
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means of influence of fire on... with each other, intelligence, artillery, tourists, infantry, tanks, all together we work, this is now a video , by the way, thank you for putting it on display, this is how soldiers of the sso together with us, evicted several occupiers from the house, someone died, someone surrendered, that's how it works, it's not the same as hello, hello, we are there on the phone dialed, fly in, it's all managed online, several brigades, several subdivisions do not cooperate, this is how the result is achieved, your commander, yuriy fedorenko, gave quite interesting numbers, which i found there in one of his comments, he said that in april your battalion used 1460 fpv drones, almost every one of them, 50% of these drones hit enemy targets, and he said that additional fin' is extremely important. he said that
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in general, relatively speaking, it seems that 18 million hryvnias were collected in april, but losses to the enemy were about 50 million dollars, so what is the significance of this financial support from our civil society, your battalion, and on the example of this, how important it is to expand the number of drones precisely at the expense of public assistance, i will open up our accountant a little. and i will add to what the commander said, in addition to what the state gives us, we are given by official structures, ministries of defense, brigades, and the state, er, the cost of our work per month, specifically for technical equipment, costs 20 million as of may hryvnias, 20, i know that in may we now have a need there for the heroic efforts of ours partners, ukrainian companies, mostly for closed ones, but so the communication was interrupted a little,
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no, we... it is not closed yet, so in order to work actively, we need such funds, we collect them thanks to our partners, i will not list these companies , this is advertising, i know you can't watch it on tv, but thank you for what they do and it helps us work, if it weren't for that, we would also be working, but there wasn't so much destruction and there weren't such and such effective, as you can see in the video, and i would like to... say one more thing technical trend: there were many reports that precisely in the conditions of the action of the reb it is extremely important that these phividrons have this machine vision, which allows you to guide the phividrons to the target at the last distances or in the last meters of the trajectory, but then some video on this topic it wasn't so much, are there any technical problems with this solution, are we still using such fpv drones from cars.
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vision to destroy enemy targets, i will say this, this technology still needs improvement, there are many questions about it, and we are still sometimes we are working, we are betting precisely on the fact that we will go around the enemy, fly up and make the bc work, this very technology for capturing the target, it still needs improvement and, unfortunately, it is not impossible to use it en masse at the moment, but in time it will all be, for now there is the problem is the number of channels, well, i won't reveal it. detail, yes, our task is to fly over the rebs and bypass them, and for the bc to work by removing the drones, this is a complex of such actions, and with which the work of a large team also works. sir, i would like to ask about one more e history, now in many directions we have to hear that the enemy has a significant number of these eagles and superkams, which then lead, give data for...


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