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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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he comes to all meetings, and he comes, including the minister of defense, with all due respect to what is being done now, how weapons are supplied, yes, we should appear at such situations more often, this is one side of the coin, and the other side of the coin, we we don't know for sure, probably how many russians have prepared, who are throwing them into this meat grinder, the last ones who come are some, i don't know, tasters of death, probably who you say are still coming in, still trying to break through something, they understand perfectly well. that they will not pass, but still crawling, well they probably have some kind of order there, so one of the factors why it was, we also, i don't know if you discussed earlier today, but this topic is on the lips, they are trying to distract us the number one factor from other areas, where we also have to be, here we have to cover the problems with our reserves, some additional rotations and new recruits, recruits who have to undergo training, and the second factor that they... do, they want to get into this
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narrow window, as long as it is full weapons, a full batch of weapons that can create on a wider area of ​​the front for the russians is a problem, will not arrive in ukraine, including the f-16, when they start simply watering all the locations of the russians, and as the blame, as a result, i think we will still discuss this today, the statements that we we see now from putin and... but now let's go to negotiations, with all due respect, it may not sound good, but 8 km temporarily occupied by future russian troops is not a point for negotiations. ms. orchyshyn, here i want to touch on this topic, what kamelchuk also said, but there are two polar opinions, they say, like the military, maybe not the military, but maybe the ministry, which should rather be responsible for defense for... the construction of defense structures in
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conjunction with the military civil administrations, cannot report to the deputies, because this is secret information, we have representatives of the opposition platform for life in the parliament and many others, in principle, whom you can't check, it's on the one hand, and on the other hand, well, we really saw what, well, they talked, chatted, as they say, the russians came to kharkiv region, sat down and cried, your position, first of all ... has to act within the limits and norms of current legislation, people's deputies have functions of parliamentary control, colleagues initiated the creation of a temporary investigative commission regarding the state of fortifications, and in principle admission to this commission is quite possible only for those who have access to secret information, there may not be in principle, there should be no representatives of pro-russian political forces. in
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principle, there are completely regulatory decisions that should be removed from decision-making altogether, it is a pity that every time there are not enough votes for this, and so in this case, should parliament exercise its oversight function, or can only the national security and defense committee do so? we see that most likely not, but maybe because of some objective, subjective circumstances, in the end in the committee. and this was heard, but we see that additional mechanisms are needed, so i do not see any obstacles to the fact that in the existing situations, control should be carried out, in particular external, we, as a legislative authority with the function of control, can fully control the ministry of defense, in particular in the field the effectiveness of the expenditure of funds, because, for example, for the same... for the same expenditure of funds
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in the kharkiv direction, the question is more than about the stability of our military in the razz, my assistant on public grounds, and the representative of the actual public organization meza, simply showed several cases where probably affiliated fake structures received contracts for construction. do we have those who can perform these functions qualitatively, we definitely do, is there a need for parliamentary control in this direction , it is definitely needed, well, in this case, everyone should do its own thing, we, as parliamentarians, should react by strengthening control, first of all for the efficiency of the use of funds, secondly for the quality of work, of course, because for this there is an executive power, and there are no restrictions in this regard, whatever what are the explanations, pulling the... ears that
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someone, somewhere, something does not have access, who does not have access, does not have access, who should not be given access, we do not give access, in principle, we as a parliament work. continuously during the time since the full-scale invasion and leak of information from the parliament, well, colleagues will surely not allow us to lie, that was not the case with us, and in this case, well, that is , is it advisable to create some additional control mechanisms, not that it is advisable, unfortunately, we are wasting time, because as it shows practice, where there is more light, there is less theft, we include yuriy fedorenko, the commander... of the achilles attack unmanned aviation complexes of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after kushovoy taman ivan sirk. good evening, mr. yuriy, we would like to hear from you about the operational situation in the north-east of our country, actually, what is happening in kharkiv oblast as
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of now? today, from the side of the president's office, from the side of the armed forces of ukraine, it was said that the situation is stabilizing, even the armed forces of ukraine are already trying to go to war. attacks on the occupiers, what do you know as of this moment? glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. as for the situation, at the current moment , it is true that it was possible to occupy the orderly directions almost in full, and the situation is objective, thanks to the hard work of the defense forces, it can be said that in some directions almost fully stabilized, others are fighting hard to make it happen. but at the same time it is worth noting. that the enemy does not abandon his intentions to build up success where he had it, and there is also every reason to believe that there may be a crossing of the state border line in other places, in order to feel our defenses, to feel how far we can hold our blows and how far the enemy can increase its efforts in certain
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directions, accordingly, one way or another, in the coming days the enemy will continue assault actions, will establish reserves, will to storm, if you generally look at the battle line with... and this applies not only to the kharkiv region. the adversary is clearly aware that he has a window of opportunity, approximately one and a half to two months, in order to maximally realize tactical successes on the battlefield, why this period of time, because this period of time the defense forces will accumulate the necessary amount of ammunition logistically within the framework of the assistance of the united states america's anti-aircraft weapons, ammunition for them, other technical means that will help us to beat the enemy more actively from a distance and to take the tactical initiative at... this or that rally for their side, so we are preparing for the fact that the next two months will be extremely difficult on the line of combat along the entire line of combat, but repeatedly the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces, in general, they showed their strength, and this time the exact same thing will be done against the enemy, in my opinion,
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there will be no significant tactical successes in the areas, but when i say this, you must realize that the boys and girls are working in the regime superhuman capabilities, all defense forces. sometimes very difficult battles, and not only do we hold the enemy, but counterattacks are really taken and some of the enemy's front lines and positions are repulsed. mr. yuriy, i am careful, i understand that you are on the front line, you are carrying out tasks, i will ask a very careful question, if we are talking about other parts of kharkiv region, where there is also, obviously, where there is a border with the russian federation, accordingly , forces there may... try to break through of the russian occupation forces, in your opinion, is it necessary to strengthen fortifications there, set up minefields and so on and the like, about which there is a lot of talk in our country now, i will tell you that it is not just necessary, but this work is ongoing now, in
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the second line of defense, the equipment is working quite actively and is being used necessary measures, i have listened to your broadcast a bit, i will give my opinion, you are right about it, for sure, and it is very interesting, as far as, yes, we cannot influence what happened in the past, but we can certainly bear the experience and do so , so that this does not happen in the future, accordingly, if we talk about parliamentary control, well, friends, let's be frank, a people's deputy who has to put on a bulletproof helmet and walk along the line of battle, look at everything and say, oh, the position is normally prepared, does the majority have an engineering education or a military education , which could... to an extent tell how well prepared the defensive line is, probably not. people's deputies are allowed to really find traces of the front within the framework of parliamentary control, where there is a moderate threat to life and health, and where these the works were performed at an appropriate level. what needs to be done, according to my conviction: there are
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those responsible for the preparation of the defense line, an independent body should be formed, which is subordinated, accordingly, to the head of state, who will go out and pass the entire battle line from... and this applies not only to kharkiv region, it applies other aspects, and will give an objective assessment of the preparation of engineering fortifications to the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. and if this opinion does not coincide with what those responsible submit ova, the ministry and so on, then accordingly it is necessary to take comprehensive measures with a cast iron, as they say, and then everything will be okay with us, and so it turns out that the information is presented in one way, in fact it is different, and the truth is always somewhere in the middle, this should not be the case, and i am sure that after those actions that were committed by the enemy at the kharkiv meeting, the necessary measures will be taken both in personnel changes and in terms of control tools. how these or other works are carried out, mr. yuriy, i wanted to ask a more diplomatic question,
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but i will ask as i will when you hear about who allocate huge amounts of money for fortifications, then this money disappears somewhere, you rightly said, it is already in the past, we need to look to the future, but nevertheless, if we do find in that past, in whom and why and how these money, and is it really somewhere in someone's... wrote, what do you think should be done with these people who, well, you know, profiting from the defense capability of our state on the border with the russian federation, well, well, it's worse than enemy must be very, very careful with this, what i mean, must to have objective information, because the truth is always somewhere in the middle, there are also information companies from our enemy who are trying to disperse treason, which in turn affects the mobilization processes within our state. well, just imagine, from everyone, from every iron in the state, they say, a defense line was not prepared, although access to
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information, in fact, as it was prepared, is not the same for many people, and the truth is always somewhere in the middle, a defense line in one way or another prepared, and accordingly , imagine the state of a person who is in the military obliged, which needs to be mobilized, who say that in the second year of the war during the occupation in the de-occupied region they were unable to prepare a line of defense and it will be necessary to enter the clear defensive lines... with a shovel at the moment when the enemy storms, well, this brings confusion , however, not every person will definitely find the courage to mobilize in such realities, therefore , the situation must be presented as objectively as possible, that the defensive line was prepared, a number of positions were prepared, prepared well enough, mining was carried out, was there all the work has been done at the highest level in order to prevent the enemy from advancing, this is a matter that needs as much detailed analysis as possible with appropriate decision-making, so... so i will tell you that we have work to do and for the future i am more than
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confident , that the parliament, plus the additional president of our state, plus public control, which must also be powerful, will draw the necessary conclusions, and our defense lines will be no worse than those of our enemy, and the enemy knows how to dig long enough. yury fedorenko, commander achilles strike unmanned aerial systems battalion, thank you for this enablement and very important. emphasis that when we criticize what is happening in our country, we must always make such a watershed so that this criticism does not turn into that informational and psychological special operation that can work in the hands of our enemy. oleg senyutka, i have a question for you, here is an interesting thesis from mr. fedorenko, why do you think there is still no such... body that can objectively, honestly and in a timely manner evaluate how construction is being done
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fortification. it seems to me that there are more than enough different bodies in the state that should be engaged in this work, after all, i remember well that in 2015 i, as the head of the regional state administration, with my legs in crimea and not only in crimea, luhansk region on the border . of seversky dvinets, on this side, occupied slavyano-sersk, passed all the platoon strongholds, all the trenches, because i was personally responsible for the construction of the defense line, which, by the way, was not taken directly, but which bypassed the enemy style and our the troops were forced to retreat, just as, by the way, as in mariupol, no one managed to take either mariupol or shirokina head-on, they were simply bypassed in... cut off and thus ours were forced to surrender these defensive positions, and
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mar' yanka, avdiyivka - these are positions that were held during two years of full-scale aggression, so to say that there are no people in the state who are responsible for this is definitely not true, but on the other hand, well, six months ago, in december, in the parliament, we submitted a proposal to create a temporary special commission that would... not so much controlled, helped to unite all efforts for the construction of fortifications, what we heard then, yes, everything is fine, yes, there are no problems, what is this for? six months have passed, and this temporary special commission has not been created, and there is a very specific name in charge: speaker of the parliament stefanchuk, because it was definitely in his power, in his responsibility , to bring this proposal to the parliament for a vote. i am sure she would have received
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support. i certainly wouldn't want to spread panic, because i believe that panic is the worst thing... can happen today in the state, we need a clear mind, we need confidence and we need unification, but when i heard today from such a voice of the bank mr. leshchenko that the lack of fortifications is russian ipso, well, i believe that lies are also a great enemy of ukraine, because a person who is on the front lines today, who hears today that it turns out to be... fixation facilities, and near lypoki, near hlyboky in kharkiv oblast, he sees piled up dragon's teeth that someone must have paid money for payments, to produce, probably someone paid money to bring, someone did not make a decision to make a real fortification structure from this concrete, then surely this person understands that lies are beginning
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to dominate the state, and this is very, very dangerous, i was today in mykola. of the lviv region at the funeral of our fellow party member who died right near these famous linden trees in the kharkiv region, but i don't know, maybe it was fate that he gave his life for the fact that we had the opportunity to speak today, and maybe when we were there fortifications, everything would have turned out completely differently, my father, by the way, is also a military man, who was with him in the early days of povnomash. staff aggression picked up weapons and went to fight, mother, his brother, sister, well, they need a sense of confidence, they need a sense of justice, and you definitely can't spread panic on this, but on the other hand, well, when people see, once they were lied to, the second time they were lied to, the third time it will be difficult to believe in those calls,
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correct, good, which the state will definitely make, representatives of the state, but... to appeal to society, and it seems to me that in the situation that exists in kharkiv oblast, there should be specific names of those responsible, because this is a territory that was liberated not a month ago, not two months ago, and in this in the territory it was said more than once that the russians will launch an offensive, because kharkiv is such a very tasty morsel for them, because in the end they got a mine today. they stretched our line of defense because what is stretching the line of defense is stretching the resources we don't have that much yeah today vitaliy will surely confirm, because he also communicates with his comrades, there are more artillery shells near avdiivka, and this is very good news for ukrainians, for the army, it is very bad news for muscovites, but we
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must understand that if the front line stretches to sumy or god forbid further, then... even more human and material resources will be needed, this is a key danger that would have an answer if the fortifications were built properly, therefore their absence should have a specific name responsible, and look really we need to move forward, and here i agree with mr. yuri that we need to think about how to stop the enemy in this area, and in the end, do not hesitate to build at a distance of 10-20 km. to build faster and the most important thing is not to steal the question from mr. smeliya, mr. andriy, we understand that this situation in kharkiv region is definitely terrible, dramatic, especially for those cities and towns that were captured, people were caught in the occupation, and we were caught inside of our state in these conversations,
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regarding the fact that, well, not everything was really done as planned, to say the least, regarding. cations, but on the other hand, by stabilizing the situation, the defense forces of ukraine once again demonstrate their power, their power, their ability to restrain the enemy, that's how we got out, i'm not sure that we 're getting out of the kharkiv situation, but this stabilization shows that well there are dramas with a quick attack on kharkiv, well, most likely it will not happen, these are the political results of this, because the russians obviously did it for the sake of certain political dividends. the question here, mr. vitaly, is what is your goal put the racists, yes, or it was the goal, as some observers say, including international ones, actually. occupy a ten-kilometer strip there, the so-called buffer zone, or take vovchansk the same, or go to kharkiv, that is, we must understand what,
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in the end, is the goal of this offensive in two areas, because we are talking about the vovchansk direction, in we still have a second section, this is the kharkiv direction, so they also actually went there up to 8 km, until july. ha kharkiv, if we talk from a political point of view and from such a geopolitical point of view see, you started our program with the fact that today the racist putin is meeting with sydzenpin, before that sydzenpin is flying to europe, to macron. and we are now seeing the so -called offensive in the kharkiv region, i would actually combine all of this into one triangle, that is, we must say that these three events are
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absolutely interconnected, and we can also connect them here, in that number, and here putin may not have achieved what he wanted before xi jinping, he did not achieve it, but we must say that these events are intertwined in a certain geopolitical triangle, and here we can only at including these conversations about the so-called peace talks, the promotion by xi jinping and some european politicians of the so-called peace talks, including that we should also say that this is happening before the global peace summit, which is to be held in june. all these events are one knot that we must untangle today, and everyone is untangling it, untangling it. the ukrainian state, the armed forces of ukraine are unleashing it, in fact not giving putin the maximum effect that he wanted to achieve with his
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certain actions. do we understand why this is happening now? question: they could not, relatively speaking, attack these areas in february, or in march, or in april, they could, but they specifically take a certain... period that is politically important for them from an international point of view, and do it is now, so most likely my personal point of view is that they are doing this in order to influence european politicians, to influence ukrainian society and actually demonstrate to xi jinping within the framework of the meeting putin with him, that the war continues... and we need to negotiate with the rashists on their terms, this is the main message, the issue is that ukraine and the world community are now essentially breaking this
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scenario of putin, but before the final collapse of this scenario, i think there should still be time, and indeed colleagues are right to say that the next few months will be difficult. both from a military point of view, and from a political, socio-political point of view inside the country, because this is a certain degree of tension in society, and from the point of view of pressure on our state, by the international community, by individual politicians in the west and china, which all this time, let's be honest, simply does not support russia directly, but does so, relatively speaking, behind the scenes or through... third countries, third parties, thank you, andriy smoli, you are such a bridge to the second part of our program has been laid, there we will really talk about the results of these various meetings and what
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friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics causing resonance in our society, drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's win. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club.
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every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. on the youtube channel of the project, velikiy lviv says, give us such a gift, in particular, before vyshyvanka day, and literally for us we are returning to the espresso broadcast, literally at this moment, thank you for waiting, we start and continue to talk about what ms.
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opko, you, as an internationalist, don't you think that this, you know, this spirit of negotiations, this very week began to be in the air, well , let's say, more realistic than, well, than at any time during this full-scale invasion, well, maybe we do flashback for two years ago, when something happened in istanbul, and after that it was so realistic from all sides... it seems that they did not talk about it, although i may be wrong, but actually i am interested in the question whether the decree on the creation of a delegation for negotiations with the russian federation from it was canceled on the 22nd, because we already know after that, when in fact it was then that delegation that was preparing for negotiations, in fact then capitulation, because we remember those conditions are absolutely unacceptable, so i really hope that...


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