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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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this initiative, everyone understands that we must be allowed, at least for a certain number of kilometers, to strike inside russia at military facilities, because otherwise we will not be able to defend ourselves, we will still have meetings with the intelligence committee, we have already spoken with defense committee, so let's still hope that this, this ban will be removed and we will be able to use against russia the weapons that we currently have available, we are talking specifically about missile strikes. by artillery, which is now destroying kharkiv oblast, because we see that they are setting up barricades near the border and hitting just kharkov and other cities, we first of all now need to be able to knock them down, to be able to destroy these entire military units, having the same haimars available, and therefore this is the key thing we need right now. restrictions on the use of american weapons for strikes on the territory of russia is one of the reasons why kharkiv is currently suffering, according to the former us ambassador to ukraine , john. however
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, he believes that the new russian offensive may lead america to change its position. announcement on the lifting of restrictions on the use of american weapons should have been made by anthony blinken in kyiv - believes another researcher, melinda hering. maria olyanovska spoke with both analysts. in my view, it is quite understandable that the president's administration is exercising self-restraint due to the unfortunately successful nuclear intimidation of russia, but of course the principle has always been. in the fact that they say no, no, no, and then they say yes, and now that kharkiv is taking the brunt of it, that they haven't lifted the restrictions on american weapons, to me that's a sign that that caution is still it is relevant that putin is still successfully provoking self-restraint with his nuclear threats, even though the west and ukraine have crossed a bunch of russian red lines, and we have seen that nuclear threats remain threats, still, we should always consider this as a serious possibility . at the same time
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, we have been too cautious, and this harms our own interests. this restriction is one of the reasons why kharkiv suffers so much. the best thing blinkin could do during his visit is not to play guitar in the bar, and to announce that the united states is lifting the ban on the use of american weapons for strikes on the territory of russia. this is a senseless and short-sighted ban that makes the situation in kharkiv extremely dangerous. kharkiv is very close to the border with russia, and when the russians launch guided aerial bombs, when these cabs reach the ukrainian border, and ukraine can shoot them down with american missiles, it is already too late, so this ban only makes sense in a law school and in a textbook, it does not no sense with considering the realities of war. the british lifted this ban and we saw that the ukrainians followed all the other bans we imposed on their weapons. they acted responsibly, and with ukraine...
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using more british long -range missiles and we don't see escalation from the kremlin, the white house's argument about restrictions rings false and needs to be lifted as soon as possible to save lives, especially in kharkiv oblast . despite the loss, the russians continue to press on the north of kharkiv oblast. fighting is taking place in the areas of the village of liptsi and the city of vovchansk. this was reported in the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the russians launch air and artillery strikes. according to the analyst. the russians could have been stopped even on the approaches to ukraine, if the western allies had allowed the use of weapons to attack positions on the territory of russia. russia can in fact freely, without any obstacles, deploy the relevant group, regroup, has a logistics system for this group, has a management system. the time when ukraine does not have the opportunity to influence all this, having appropriate means, that is, it also applies to ammunition. to the m142, m270 system, this
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applies to atak missiles, various variations, cluster and monoblock. even if you look at the american doctrine, which has been around for a long time, originated in the late 70s, early 80s of the 20th century, airland battle, the so-called doctrine, it provides exactly what to conduct a successful defense , you have to deliver deep blows with high-precision weapons in the rear of the enemy. that is , cut off the reserves, cut off the second echelon, and this reduces the pressure on the front line, because otherwise the enemy can outplay you in deployment, massing of efforts, and a dangerous situation arises, so in fact we see here another case, when political calculations come into direct conflict with the logic of war, with the military strategy we continue to issue: russia, china , iran and north korea are about... working together to
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weaken us. we need to quickly rebuild heavy forces in order to restrain and repulse aggression. mitch mcconnell, the leader of the republicans in the senate, made such a call to nato allies today. by chance on this day because now russian leader vladimir putin is meeting with chinese leader xi jinping in beijing. and already today they signed a new agreement on strategic partnership, and also declared that they are in favor of, i quote: a political solution to the problem of ukraine. what does it mean? let's talk about it with my colleague in london, bohdan tsyupin. bohdan, hello, so ukraine hoped that beijing could play an important role in establishing a just peace in ukraine, based on the un charter, to put pressure on russia, but with what we heard late today, should we even hope for it? yulia, we know that ukraine continues to hope for this, in particular, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi and representatives of his administration have repeatedly said that
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they hope for a constructive role for china, for example, kyiv still hopes that china will play some role. presented at next month's peace summit in switzerland, although chinese officials have stressed that they would like to participate in peace talks that also include russia, but beijing has not yet officially rejected such a possibility in some, i repeat , in some form to participate in such a de facto international peace conference. we expect, from the russian side, of course, president vladimir putin is trying in every way to show how the positions of china and russia coincide, in fact in everything, and certainly when it comes
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to competition with the united states in particular, to a large extent this is so, and we can draw conclusions about this from anti-american or anti-... western statements coming from beijing, but there are certain differences between moscow and beijing, in particular regarding the issue of ukraine, yes, beijing and moscow, xi jinping and putin do not even use the word war, they say the ukrainian crisis, which must be resolved, but at a time when russia and vladimir for 10 years now, putin has not spoken about his willingness to respect ukrainian borders. territorial integrity, ukrainian independence, pay attention to the first point of china's positions or proposals made public regarding a peaceful settlement, regarding ukraine. in the first paragraph, it is very clearly emphasized that china
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wants to observe the principles of territorial integrity and independence. respect for the sovereignty of all countries. it is necessary to strictly adhere to the generally recognized. international law, including the goals and principles of the united nations charter. we must effectively support the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries. all countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. all parties must jointly support and protect the basic norms governing international relations international honesty and justice. equal and however should be encouraged. application of international laws, and double standards should be rejected. and it is interesting that this is precisely the point that putin continues to stubbornly ignore in all his statements. bohdan, american leaders are talking about the fact that china, even if it does not supply weapons to russia directly, plays a key role in supporting
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russia's industrial base. let's actually listen to the words of state secretary blinkin during his visit to china. i reiterated our serious concern about what the prc is supplying components which. russia's brutal war of aggression against ukraine. china is a leading supplier of machine tools, microelectronics, nitrocellulose, which is critical to the manufacture of ammunition and rocket fuel, as well as other dual- use items that moscow uses to build up its defense industrial base. a defense industrial base that produces missiles, drones, tanks and other weapons that president putin uses to invade a sovereign country and destroy its energy and other civilian infrastructure. killing innocent children, women and men. bohdan, is putin's visit now a confirmation that beijing, despite warnings and calls from the west, is not going to curtail this cooperation? yes, russia and china emphasize that they are developing cooperation, that
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there are no limits to such cooperation, they say in kyiv, i apologize, that is what they say in beijing and in moscow, but... of course, it is worth noting that at a time when, for russia, china - this is a vitally important market, the most important, now during the war , a trading partner, then for... china, russia is in the sixth position as a partner, so china has some interest in russian space technology, military technology for sure, but for russia china is much more important. we have literally a minute left, putin is set to leave next week after xi jinping visits europe. what can this indicate? it is probably more important that putin was waiting for the beginning. official official of his term in office, immediately after the inauguration he went to beijing on his
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first foreign state visit, but europe, yes, europe is very important, again for china as a partner, and the europeans are also trying to use, to use that kind of connection, that kind of influence, in particular during xi jinping's visit, in europe a few weeks ago, the leading representatives of brussels said that ... they have certain expectations of china in terms of of ukraine? we agree that europe and china share a common interest in peace and security. we expect china to use all its influence on russia to stop russia's war of aggression against ukraine. president xi played an important role in de-escalating the irresponsible nuclear threat from russia. and i am sure that president xi will continue to do this in the background. thank you bohdan, we will continue to monitor this topic,
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my colleague bohdan tsyupin was in touch from london. slovak prime minister robert fico is in a stable but serious condition after the assassination attempt on him the day before. the assailant, a 71-year-old slovak, was today officially charged with...attempted murder, calling the attack politically motivated. the leaders of slovakia are now calling on the society to avoid hate speech and not to pour oil on the fire of political differences. however , the experts with whom the voice of america spoke believe that one cannot draw conclusions about the radicalization of the entire society from one attack, about this, as well as about the political future of fico, who himself contributed to the deepening of political differences further. mr. juraj says that his motives are... the videos are political, he does not agree with the government's position, yes, and well
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, they say that he didn't want to kill him, only to injure him, but it's all the same, you understand, well, half of slovakia do not agree with the position government, and what does this mean that all potential, i don't know, those who will shoot at the opponent, researchers of right-wing movements in europe found the facts that as of 2016, mr. yurai, he, well, directly or indirectly. sympathized, because there is a photo, and there is actually such a text, well, it obviously belongs to him, of support or compliments to one of the paramilitary, clearly right-wing, but at the same time pro-russian movements in slovakia, yes, which, well, were supposed to protect slovakia from there migrants and any, you know, external power, this is such classic isolationism, but this movement, these are slovak conscripts, if translated, it ended in 22, the whole society condemned it. shocked, united, it's really a shock, because this logic, that a person
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against the government comes to protests and will necessarily start shooting afterwards, well, sorry, it's a little wrong, that is, the person obviously had a specific such motivation, is a matter of mental i won't say that mr. yurai is not full of reason, but you understand, it was he who had to reach the level of using a weapon, and it is not directly related to politics. we protests, of course, slovakia is very polarized, yes, and this is a very dangerous moment, russia is playing to use this tragedy to provoke a civil conflict, what you know, they talked about ukraine after the 14th year, and everyone there saw an inter-ethnic conflict, civil conflict, slovakia because of this political polarization, not that it is on the threshold of this conflict, but it may end with it, actually, and that is why it is important here now, how the political establishment will react. robert fitsevo is in serious condition, no one knows when he returns, if he is healthy and
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strong, then i think he will really return to politics, if not, i think he is such an authoritarian leader that the system is not ready, but the system he created is not ready for such decisions, so that she would say to herself, what are we going to do, so what is this. like in hungary, well, we can imagine what would happen in hungary without orban, we can't, it is also similar to what would happen in russia without putin, but these are such verticals and... it is not clear what will happen there. however, the czech researcher draws attention to the fact that the radicalization of the elderly has become noticeable in recent years. the reason is propaganda on the internet. this, this is a big problem. we see that there are many elderly people, who a couple
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of years ago, they said that these young people are fooling around on this facebook, how they play.
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and finally about charity, the american millionaire and philanthropist from the state of utah, del loy henson, came to ukraine for the fourth time, this time to inspect housing in the village of tarasivka, kyiv region, which was built with his funds for immigrants from occupied territories. according to the gentsin foundation, since the spring of 2022 , the philanthropist has spent more than 70 million dollars on the construction of social housing. gentsyn plans to build another school and kindergarten for immigrants. with an american benefactor and grateful. anna kostyuchenko communicated with the owners of the new apartments. eight-year-old polina protes plays the piano in her room. two months ago , her family had no place to live, polyna and her parents were immigrants from the russian-occupied
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left bank of kherson oblast, from the town of gola prystan. we had three cats there, one so... a dog, what else, i had my own room, there were very, very many toys, field was very happy that she came here, and she has a bed, the family left in april 2022, after the occupation of the region by the russians, it's terribly scary, their own housing in the bare wharf was destroyed due to the russians blowing up the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station on june 6, 23, protestors say. at first we lived with... relatives in vinnytsia, and then we had to rent housing, says maryna protas. in january, a woman accidentally saw information on social networks about the hansen village project, housing for displaced persons from american millionaire and philanthropist dell hansen. the family moved into a new apartment in february 2024. we submitted sometime in late
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november. but in january they called me. at first, of course, there was such a shock. well, such a happy shock, because it was just the parents, well, we were looking for housing, so that we could all be with our parents, the hansen village project for displaced people started last fall in the village of tarasivka, kyiv region, in total, it is designed for 421 families, now the town is inhabited by more than half in may , loy hansen visited here again. we let's build a store here. del louis hansen first came to ukraine in may 2022. the 72-year-old businessman from utah has his own real estate development business, which he opened in the late 1980s. according to the hansen foundation, since the spring of 2022 , he has spent more than 70 million
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dollars on the construction of social housing for ukrainian immigrants. when i saw how the war in ukraine began, i understood what i was seeing. another genocide that i could not watch, i told my wife that i had to go to ukraine. she asked why? i said that i need help i decided to build a settlement. i am a builder, i know how to build. in 2022, the hansen foundation began building modular houses for displaced people in the kharkiv, kyiv, and chernihiv regions. in the autumn of the 23rd, the first line of apartments was opened in... in the kyiv region, these are full-fledged multi-room apartments. zemfira, ethnic crimean tatar, resettled from henichesk , kherson region, recently received the keys to a new apartment. says: everything you need for life is here, from furniture to dishes and kitchen appliances. we have everything, the kitchen is further on, come through we even have dishes, everything was provided. zemfira
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, along with her disabled husband and 83-year-old mother-in-law rosalie, left the occupation in october 23. rosalie says that in september, four armed russian soldiers came to them and searched them. they are watching they look everywhere for photos, all the documents, they were also looking for a place to stay, and at the same time they were digging politics, at the same time they were digging politics there, 21-year-old student of melitopol university edem, zemfira's son, left only on the fourth attempt. the russians repeatedly detained the boy, sent him to filtering camps, searched and tortured, he says, my telegram was restored, ukrainian publics were there. news, they just took a baton on the legs, on the head, beat everything with boots, threatened, for example, that is, if you don't tell what you are, why you are going to the crimea, we
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threw you into the kamaz with the chechens, and they will do what they want with you, they will do it. after escaping from the occupation, the family rented housing in a village in the kyiv region. one zemfira works in the family, she bakes pizzas in one of the establishments in the village of vyshneve, although she is an architect by education. moving to hansen's apartment. i just became an unexpected joy, women say, well , my emotions are unexpectedly happy, emotions are unexpectedly happy, sometimes they promise, years go by and nothing happens, and we knew that, something must happen, i felt, zemfira also said that she felt and was calm, just the people who engaged in this are smart and kind, these are smart people, good people in the territory. the town is under construction, in addition to additional apartments for immigrants and veterans of the russian-ukrainian war, a school for 700 students and a kindergarten for 70 are planned here
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children and the library, the foundation says. i want to build housing for 10 thousand ukrainians. when you look at these wonderful people, can you imagine why i wouldn't work every day to help them move from the destroyed settlements. joy is what i seek. not money you can see when i go out to people i feel joy when i have money i don't feel joy helping people and building settlements i feel incredible joy. in one of the sleeping areas of kyiv, hansen has already bought 259 apartments for immigrants, the fund says. additional it is jointly with the state ukrainian program to restore and rebuild damaged housing. the first 100 houses should be restored by december this year, the foundation says. there is also another town of hansyna in the village of kolonshchyna
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, kyiv region, for older immigrants . 105 families already live in the complex, and a second row of housing will be built there by the end of the year. anna kostyuchenko for voice of america from kyiv region. download the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read the news watch informative programs and videos, as well as listen to podcasts of the ukrainian service of the voice of america. and that's the end of it. thank you for watching voice of america ukrainian. see you tomorrow, all the best, take care. pope!
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're starting two hours. air time, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets with us, and what the world is doing, now about what is in happened to the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much. the chechen line for information on cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast winters, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. events, events that
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are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is ours you safety they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire. and
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is returning our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together.
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today in the program verdict with serhiy rudenko: cleaning up the northern suburbs vovchansk continues, the defense forces foiled the plans of the russian army to quickly capture the city, what could be the consequences of an away game. rates of the supreme commander in kharkiv. in search of a political solution. putin is discussing the so-called ukrainian crisis with xi jinping in beijing. will american warnings about the inadmissibility of military aid to the kremlin affect the chinese government? the first fan outages this year. hourly
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electricity supply schedules have been introduced in several regions of ukraine. energy, has ukraine drawn conclusions from last year's russian attacks on energy? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health, and first of all i congratulate vyshyvanka day. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk about putin's visit to sydzenpinny and their conversation about the future of ukraine, the meeting of the ukraine-nato council, as well as viel's blackout in ukraine, and another topic that is quite important is the future mobilization, as well as those who are currently trying to book and release from mobilization we will talk about all this in the next hour.


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