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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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so, let's go back to the chronicles of the war, i'm olga len, and i remind you about our collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the soldarsky and zaporizhzhia directions, this is a repair and restoration regiment, it works on the contact line and in the gray zone, please join, this restoration , the return of battle-damaged military equipment, tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, is a very important thing, it definitely saves lives, you all see. data, please, we have collected a third of the amount, so we expect your active participation in order to finally collect the entire amount, well, we already had our guest, yuriy fedorenko, commander of the bypak shock battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy taman ivan sirk, i congratulate you, yuriy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, actually, let's start literally with what is happening in your place. from that direction
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, information appeared today, as if something like this had started there, literally in the vovchansk district, a little, well, not on the territory of the city itself, an attempt by a tank attack, by the russian occupiers, what do you know about it, do you know anything about it, have there already been any? attempts to, well, really enter there with armored vehicles, what can you tell about what happened? well, now, as far as the enemy’s actions are concerned, the enemy is actively trying to increase its assault efforts precisely in order to consolidate the results that are there and to regroup and continue its influence, let’s call it that, in the kharkiv region, in general, that is, the further occupation of the territory , but we have to tell you that from the day the state border was crossed, the enemy initially used a significant amount of... light armored
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of armored vehicles, the majority of which was destroyed in the battle due to the combined effect of fire, these are artillery and anti-tank weapons and, of course , unmanned aerial vehicles, in particular and similar ones. accordingly, the enemy has almost removed the use of lightly armored armored vehicles on a number of branches, but on some branches, taking advantage of the opportunity, the enemy is trying to use it, and in particular will continue to do so. the task of forces not to timely detect and, accordingly, destroy what is happening in all shades, and it does not apply there exceptional wolf pack or for the example of other parts where the enemy crossed the state border, this applies to the entire line of military contact, we see the enemy, we hit and hit sufficiently hard and powerfully, well, in principle, well, everyone is talking about it, that a big breakthrough the front was still avoided, but the russians occupied several border settlements, but today... as if
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in the morning they did not carry out any such active actions, but then they resumed, but i am just curious about your opinion on whether it is really possible to say that they have been restrained, stabilized, or are we now waiting for them to regroup and there will be some new offensive attempts in the area and on vovchanskyi and on lypka, that is, what about you? do you see their actions in general, i would like to note that the armed forces do not wait, the armed forces act, 24/7, quite actively and powerfully, is it expected that the enemy will intensify shock and assault actions, draw up reserves, regroup, it is expected, let's do it again consider the situation more comprehensively, then it will be clear immediately to the enemy, which i will ask him, the enemy intends to completely destroy ukrainian statehood, and these ambitions are still present in them
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to this day, also where the enemy is the phased occupation of ukrainian territories, the priority area remains donetsk-luhansk. in order for the enemy , in his opinion, to move actively in the donetsk-luhansk region as much as possible , a certain number of forces and means that took part in the hostilities in the donetsk-luhansk direction had to be withdrawn to another place, respectively, in connection with proximity to the state border and in general. propaganda in the russian federation, this supports the fact that kharkiv is a very important place for the russian federation, they began to cross the state border and storm positions in the kharkiv region, for us it is also an extremely important strategic city, so one way or another the defense forces will deploy reserves there, and also, it is important to understand that the enemy has a small gap in time, one and a half to two months, when the defense forces get the maximum number for... themselves within the framework of the general
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military aid, then we will be able to deprive the enemy of most of the welcome, strike at assault actions, which is why the enemy will be quite active in the kharkiv region in the next month and a half. carry out shock-assault operations, use reserves and use all available weapons, this should be understood, in particular by kharkiv residents who live in the city, i believe that it is necessary to listen to the sirens in more detail, but sometimes it happens that first the arrival, then the siren be as attentive, careful, avoid crowded places and all the same try to take care of yourself from the point of view of the security plan, everyone is already used to the war, used to what is coming, but you always have to go to the shelter. as for the possible successes of the enemy on the battlefield, in my opinion, the enemy will not have significant tactical successes on the battlefield, why? because firstly, they were preparing to meet the enemy, this concerns engineering fortification structures and, accordingly, the amount
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of forces and means used for the defense of the kharkiv region, and accordingly, in connection with international military aid, i secondly for this i emphasize, we will have opportunities. hit the enemy's main assets more thoroughly, which is the aviation that uses the control of his bombs, and of course, these are different types that fire both the city of kharkiv and the front-line territory, so it will be difficult, but we will definitely endure. well, you already mentioned a little about fortifications, i can't help but ask you also your opinion regarding this very big discussion that is going on about the fact that maybe there is not enough fortification, maybe... not there, well, it's a bit like how did you understand that directly to create on the border some kind of concrete line there, these expectations are not very realistic, but there are also things that still raise questions, for example, could it not have been replaced a little
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more, could it not have been those teeth that were thrown out in the liptsi region, the so-called dragons, after all, to place them somehow or not to lead them there at all, well... what do you think, could it really have been possible to strengthen at least some aspects of all this? i will tell you this way that the enemy prepares very successful lines of defense, it is a pure truth, they did conclusions after the kharkiv counteroffensive operation, and the level of engineering fortifications of the name that the enemy can afford, it is very , very powerful, it is three lines of defense with everything necessary to be able to establish. personnel there and take defensive actions. as for the kharkiv region, engineering and fortification structures were being prepared. the first line of defense and the second line of defense, whether all the work was done perfectly, the truth is always somewhere mediocre. the lines were being prepared, whether it would be maximally accomplished from the current one resources, finances, construction capabilities
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, and so on. time will tell, i am sure that there will definitely be a close-up discussion of the flights regarding the fact that something was incomplete and who reported to whom incorrectly. therefore, it cannot be said that there is no defensive line, no, there is a defensive line, and it is in two echelons, was it ideal for defensive actions, well, the military would always like, and i personally would like it to be better prepared, as far as ukraine as a whole, here it is very important, we cannot change the past, but we can directly influence the present future, therefore it is very important to draw conclusions from those mistakes that were made, and make sure that the second, second, third line... was prepared as effectively, qualitatively and in the shortest possible time, and this does not only apply to the kharkiv region , this applies, in general, to the whole of ukraine, to dangerous areas where there are currently no hostilities, but the enemy may open them, and accordingly to those areas of our territory where active
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hostilities are ongoing. well, it's not even a question here about the first, second, even third line of defense, but rather about what is called a support strip, that is, that. as for the first line of defense, in fact, this is what caused our troops to break through to work for several months, unfortunately, this problem is rather urgent for us, we were not able to prepare it after all, and perhaps here we would like something to say to yes, look at it not quite like that, but when we say that it was not possible to prepare, the thought may arise that it was not prepared, no, it was prepared, and in some places it was prepared enough... or fully it was possible to implement it, but this question remains open, which must be analyzed in great detail and relevant conclusions drawn. and literally because of that, something is happening now, please tell me, well , it has been confirmed that the russians
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are entering vovchansk in such small infantry groups, trying to gain a foothold, precisely using such and such groups, is it continuing like this, or is it somehow changing? tactics or are they strengthening with something now, well, that is , somehow, what can you say about this , about the way in which the russians are trying, after all conduct combat operations in the kharkiv region? here you can explain everything as rationally as possible. the enemy initially used lightly armored armored vehicles in the first days, which the defense force burned almost completely. the enemy resorted to tactics used in other regions, in particular in the donetsk and luhansk regions. this is accumulation in small groups. since the kharkiv region is very beautiful, it is full of greenery that has not been spoiled. accordingly, the enemy using green cover... in particular, the tactics used, in particular on in the donetsk direction, as i said, it accumulates in the main areas
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by concentration, then in advanced positions and under the cover of such a transitional period, you know, from when it gets dark, or vice versa, when it dawns, the enemy is most active in these periods of time, but at the same time, separate units against the enemy, they carry out shock actions and in full daylight, so this tactic gives the enemy an opportunity to... drag on, and why is it important for them to enter the city of lovchansk itself, exactly the same as in the city of chasivya, for example, because with an overwhelming number alive forces to fight in the urban development is much more profitable from a tactical point of view, losing one to one in the urban development, conventionally, this military art says so, and the enemy is many times more, so they understand that the gray defense is sweet enough to hold populated areas and the enemy tries delay, will he succeed in delaying the settlement of vobchansk, i am sure that... in the near future, we will see to what extent the enemy will use powerful
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reserves and how he will seize the opportunity stabilize this situation, buy in full ? well, in principle, the enemy uses aviation very actively, and this is what gave him the opportunity to advance in other directions, but what about vovchansk, because there are also reports that the acts... accordingly, taking advantage of these opportunities, the presence of enemy aviation is
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now as high as possible on all the enemy's priority areas, in particular the kharkiv region is not an exception to bomb control, the enemy is throwing both on the line of combat and, accordingly, on the city of kharkiv, in residential areas and houses, and all this makes the blood boil very strongly, because the defense forces do not allow themselves to inflict in... in places where the russians may be concentrated on their territory, we destroy only military objects, the enemy is acting in a completely different way, so the only way we can secure our people and give the future of our country is to stop the enemy in the act, for this we need the military to do everything we can, and we are doing that, and it is also very important that the civilian the sector does not either now he did not give in to panic, he did not look for an opportunity to leave the country, but... he actively worked at his workplaces and, as far as possible, generally necessarily supported the defense force. friends, we were
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once able to restrain the enemy powerfully enough, to intercept the initiative tactically on our side. then our international partners with military aid failed somewhat. in this connection , the enemy intercepted the tactical initiative. now there will be ammunition. there are enough motivated soldiers. moreover, for 2.5 years of full-scale war. also administrative, soldier, sergeant glory received a very powerful training. therefore , i am sure that together with you it will be possible to restrain the enemy now and also to fully intercept the tactical initiative at a number of turns. well , literally briefly, literally half a minute, regarding how realistic it can be for us to destroy these attempts to accumulate the enemy on the territory of russia, on the territory of the belgorod region, that is, how transparent this situation can be for us, how much we can to see... where they can there focus, as you judge, is very short. i will tell you that there are restrictions on
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the use of certain means, they will not be called fire impact on the territory of the russian federation. we clearly know, understand and realize where the same s-300s-400 complexes are located. now, it's just that at the moment there is no way to get them due to the ban on the use of certain means, but believe me, all the means that we can use, on which there is no ban, such means too. sufficient numbers are deployed throughout the military category targets on the territory of the russian federation, in particular , an armored car was destroyed by our unit a few days ago, which was being carried out on... performing tasks, preparing to perform combat tasks in ukraine right in the city of belgorod. thank you, thank you, it was yury fedorenko, thank you for joining us, for our broadcast, for taking the time, the commander of the akhiles shock pack battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade. well, our time has come to an end, but stay tuned to spresso tv channels, because we still have
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a lot of useful and interesting things for you. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. a false report about a crime, how the vrp rejected the complaint of the head of the economic court of the kyiv region. no evidence of interference in their activities as judges has been established. but why did pavlo gorbasenko's father end up on the myrotvorets website? greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in the turbo zone. against the background of a catastrophic shortage of judges, the higher qualification commission is tirelessly working on conducting competitions for positions and evaluation of the current servants of themis. it is so exhausting that lately interviews are going on in 7 minutes and judges with dubious reputations and fortunes of obscure origins are being kept in office.
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the head of the economic court of the kyiv region turned out to be the next judge for those willing to successfully survive the turbulence and stay in the chair. pavlo gorbasenko. he and many other unscrupulous members of the judiciary are counting on the renewed composition of the supreme court of justice to eventually turn a blind eye to their inadequacies. let's talk about it today but first to the news. for the first time since 2022, president volodymyr zelenskyi has signed a number of decrees on the appointment of judges to positions in local general, commercial and administrative courts, as well as in regional commercial courts. it. former judges, the so- called five-year judges, participants of the selection of 2017 and participants of previous selections for the positions of judges. in total, zelensky appointed 116 servants of themis. oleksiy mykytyuk, the judge of the illegally created rf kyiv district court of simferopol, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for working for the enemy. as reported sbu, mykytyuk helped the russian invaders
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legitimize the political repression of crimeans who do not agree with the kremlin regime. according to the investigation. he is involved in the adoption of a number of illegal decisions regarding the activists of the occupied peninsula. based on the collected evidence, the court found mykytyuk guilty under the article on collaborative activity and sentenced him to 15 years in prison, which the judge will begin serving as soon as he is arrested. the higher qualification commission continues to assess ukrainian judges for their suitability for the positions they hold. check not all and particularly resourceful judges pass the qualification commissions. makes a decision, simultaneously submitted to another court for competition, and suddenly it will work. this is pavlo gorbasenko, head of the economic court of the kyiv region. he is one of the most scandalous judges and the most influential people of kyiv region. currently, gorbasenko is waiting for a decision from the supreme court of appeals, will he continue to sit in the judge's chair? in december, the commission postponed the decision on gorbasenko. the decision is announced. the decision to
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adjourn the meeting because. while the vkk is waiting for additional explanations from pavlo gorbasenko and documents, he decided not to waste time, submitted documents for participation in the competition for the position of a judge in the northern commercial court of appeal. in this way , you can get a promotion and reset some facts of your personal and professional biography. also, gorbasenko spams the prosecutor general and the high council of justice with... accusations and complaints about alleged interference in his work. in reality, he is trying to justify himself in a banal way, because appeals about his unprofessionalism and mistakes made during the consideration of cases have been received by the highest level of the commission. it is about one of the enterprises of critical infrastructure in the kyiv region, the bila-tserkiv thermal power plant. the shareholders insist that in the pad case the judge made many unjust decisions and took measures
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to secure the lawsuit by suspending the effect of the decisions of the general meeting of shareholders. in another case, gorbasenko did the same based on... a statement signed by the defendant's representative and undertook to consider another lawsuit, again , signed not by the plaintiffs, but by the defendant's representative. the northern commercial court of appeal, where he dreams gorbasenko canceled his decisions. therefore, the shareholders believe that the judge's actions have signs of raiding and illegal interference in economic activity, and have reported this to the higher kvaliv commission, which must determine whether the judge will continue his career. instead, gorbasenko decided that the appeal of the shareholders to the vkk. nothing but interference in his activity, from pavlo gorbasenko's report on interference in the judge's activity. i consider it necessary to inform about interference in my activity as a judge, regarding the administration of justice. as well as disrespect to court spamming higher authorities, the prosecutor's office and courts with complaints and lawsuits is a common thing for gorbasenko. in an odious oase, he challenged the negative conclusion of the public
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integrity council, then tried to challenge the decision of the vkk itself in the supreme court. experts considered these actions as an attempt to evade the qualification assessment. the judge provided the establishment or exposed information in the kissing procedures and tried to evade the passage. pavlo gorbasenko was appointed a judge of the commercial court of the kyiv region by presidential decree in 2010 year i used family, friendship and other informal connections to pursue a career. in 2007, gorbasenko was married in an arranged marriage to the daughter of a person who at that time was a judge of the supreme court of ukraine and the head of the judicial chamber for major cases, as well as a member of the higher court. at the end of the zeros, gorbasenko, who worked as a legal consultant in a private firm, suddenly decided to change his activities and got a job at the commercial court of the kyiv
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region, just during the time when his then father-in-law valentyn barbara was a member of the supreme council of justice, an interesting coincidence. during work in judge gorbasenko managed to get into several scandals and make a living with a considerable amount of real estate. a housewife helped her mother earn property. the judge assures that it was his mother who gave him two apartments of... 116 and 136 m2 in the summer district in kyiv, my mother gave me two apartments and a car, here is one of the most expensive residential complexes in obolon with picturesque views of the dnipro. prices for apartments start at $100,000 for a simple one-room apartment, and the gorbasenk family actually owns an entire floor. according to the yutrol service, ownership of four apartments and three parking spaces in these elite houses were also arranged for gorbasenko's brother, oleksiy. i wonder how much... this pleasure cost. for herself , pavel gorbasenko's mother built a house of more than 800
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m2 in the village of lebedivka near kyiv. next to the picturesque green forest, on a huge private territory of more than half a hectare , there is a two-story building - the altanka pool. where does the housewife's mother get the money for such a big house and luxurious apartments in obolon. pavlo gorbasenko assures everyone. money is the father's wealth a businessman, his father is a builder with many years of experience, and in addition to construction, he is engaged in various indirect activities, the father of judge volodymyr gorbasenko runs his business in occupied crimea, so he obviously pays taxes to the terrorist state. we are not even surprised that the name of the father of the head of the economic court of the kyiv region appeared in the peacemaker database. analysts , together with special services, discovered that in february , march 2020, the russian mobile phone number of volodymyr gorbasenko was temporarily locked in roaming occupied territory of the kyiv region. it is likely that gorbasenko took part in
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the military aggression of the russian federation against ukraine - the peacekeeper notes. and when the kyiv region was liberated, he fled back to the crimea. and this is hanna svyredenko, a member of the kyiv city council and the owner of a large amount of real estate, in particular in kyiv and the occupied crimea. according to the documents, she divorced for the second time. with pavel gorbasenko, the first time they allegedly broke up at the end of 2014, however , they remained in such a wonderful relationship that five days after the divorce together went to europe, had a joint child in 2017, then traveled abroad dozens of times, even during the war. all this is too similar to the manipulation of the law, probably precisely in order not to declare property. we broke up with her in the 14th year, and that's why i didn't specify her in the future, but we... continued our communication, just two circumstances, under which i have to declare her, simply disappeared. in january 22nd, gorbasenko and sveredenko got married again, and in the autumn of last year
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they once again hastily decided to divorce. everything was organized literally in a day. me and the ex-wife's attempt was to file a separate action to expedite the proceedings. the divorce took place just the day before . qualification assessment of gorbasenko and the opening of the register of declarations, from which we learned that in 2023 he and hanna sveridenko had another daughter, and this also indicates close family relations, which the couple once again decided to hide, presumably in order to manipulate the norms of the law at declaration of property. the higher qualification commission of judges allowed gorbasenko to participate in the competition for a position in the northern commercial court of appeal, and while he... is preparing for the next interview, the members of the supreme court of appeals have apparently already prepared questions for him regarding unjust decisions with signs of raiding and about sky-high real estate and probably
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fictitious divorces, as well as ties with... with his father, who pays taxes in the occupied crimea, and according to the peacekeeper, could be involved in the military aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. so, in order to justify himself, gorbasenko submitted several complaints to the supreme council of justice and the prosecutor general's office about alleged interference in his judicial activity. vrp conducted an inspection and announced the decision last week. according to the results of the inspection of the report of the judge of the commercial court of the kyiv region, gorbasenko, no facts of interference were established. in their activities as judges, as well as actions that threaten the independence of judges and the authority of justice, about which relevant conclusions have been drawn up. all 14 members of the vrp present at the meeting voted for this decision and in fact admitted that gorbasenko submitted a known false report about interference in its activities. meanwhile, the higher qualification commission of judges should announce its decision regarding the judge in the near future. it depends on her whether
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gorbasenko will continue to sit in the judge's chair. and whether he will be able to transfer to another court, we hope that the members of the commission will carefully investigate his biography, professional competence, the legality of decisions and the conformity of his lifestyle with official incomes and make a fair decision regarding gorbasenko. today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. tell us about the facts of corruption in the judicial system that you know? write to me on facebook or by e-mail. mail whose address you see on your screens. see you in exactly one week. good bye. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis
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on... on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's win. help make sense of the present and predict the future, a second trump presidency will be terrifying for the world. project for those who care and think, politklub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are getting started. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now it's about
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the war. let's talk more serhiy zgurets with us and how the world is living now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, please, you have the word, two hours to be aware of economic news, time for to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov spends two hours in the company of his favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about the news of the presenters' culture, which many have become familiar with. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day. guests, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad,
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