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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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another batch of military aid, equipment, she said about it, and in addition , she confirmed that the usa is trying to provide assistance to the armed forces of ukraine in order to repel attacks, in particular in the direction of kharkiv. well, this statement of the spokeswoman of the white house was immediately commented on in pdnebesnaya. blaming china won't solve the problem, won't solve the situation, but the result might. turn out not to be what the stakeholders expected and would like to see and will only complicate the situation. this statement was made by an official representative during the briefing today ministry of foreign affairs of the celestial empire, wang wen binh. at the same time, mr. rechnik rejected washington's accusations of providing military aid to russia, adding, further, a quote from the spokesman: china has always taken a prudent and responsible position when it came to the matter. military exports and strictly
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controls the export of dual -purpose goods, well, somehow russia doesn't care, well, i'm not talking strictly about china, but somehow russia gets the semiconductors that are so necessary to put them in missiles so that they could fly and hit the targets, or not hit the targets, but just fall in ukraine, or from china or from other countries, and maybe from china, after all, maybe china is not... so cautious about it as declare, and to conclude the topic of putin's visit to china, i want to quote a short but very vivid quote from the minister of foreign affairs of our northeastern neighbor, sergei lavrov, in which he compared putin today to, and who lavrov compared putin to, we look at lavrov's direct speech. it's a pity, they say that there is no synchronization. from
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he, now i will quote him to you: you know, the guest, as they say in the east, the guest is the master's donkey, so all the programs depend, of course, on those kind offers that the chinese president and his team made to our president, all these details protocols were agreed along the lines and so on, and so on and so on and so on, but we are polite people and even more so when visiting, that is , lavrov said, a guest is, well, according to the chinese, a guest is a donkey, a donkey, eh ... donkey, and this is not a donkey, no, donkey, ukrainian donkey, well, according to them, asyol, but ukrainian. the master's donkey, well, in a word, of course, this is lavrov's scheming, but the scheming is correct, in my opinion. let's go further, if you choose between the implementation of nato norms and the support of ukraine, you should choose the support of ukraine, because you can replenish the warehouses, but not human lives. he made such a statement today. the head of nato's military committee,
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rob bauer, opening the meeting of the chiefs of general staff of the north atlantic alliance in brussels. at the same time, the admiral did not comment on the situation in the battle, although it is clear from his statement that the western weapons are for us very necessary it is also worth noting that the representatives of the command of the armed forces of ukraine also joined the meeting over the closed line. they briefed the participants on the situation on the front lines, but let's... hear admiral rob bauer speak directly. ukraine demonstrated to the world that it is capable of achieving unprecedented success on the battlefield. there is nothing they cannot do. all they need is our help. fortunately, it is already on its way, but it cannot be delayed, because time in ukraine is not measured in days, weeks or months, it is measured in human lives. in the countries of the alliance, a week
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is a week, in ukraine a week is a mother, father, child, friend, lover, lost forever. ukraine will have our support every next day. it is very pleasant to hear such statements from the mouths of such nato admirals and generals. that is, they are ready to help us until our victorious conclusion of this war. a representative of the vatican will come to the peace summit, which is for'. held on june 15-16 in burgenstock, switzerland, the state secretary announced this the day before of the papal throne, cardinal pietro parolin, although he did not specify who exactly would represent the vatican at this meeting, the cardinal emphasized that the holy see has always participated in similar meetings at the level of security advisers, but added that, further his quote : it is very difficult to find a solution to the conflict between russia... over ukraine, while
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it seems that there is a desire to continue the war, this is the end of the quote. at the same time, pietro parolin once again noted that the papal throne is only an observer. than at such meetings, and him the main areas of activity are humanitarian. but the russian special services represent the greatest threat to the united states of america due to their efforts to interfere in the presidential elections, which are scheduled in the united states for november this year. this was said by the director of national intelligence, avril gaines, during hearings in the senate intelligence committee. according to her, the russians are trying again. to undermine the trust of us citizens in democratic institutions, increase socio-political differences in the us, and weaken the west's support for ukraine. at a top us intelligence official also said the russians would try to do all of this, further quoted by euryl gaines. russia
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relies on a large multimedia influence apparatus that includes intelligence services, cyber gamers, state media, middlemen and trolls. in social networks, well, it's about a country whose leadership constantly talks about how white and fluffy they are, how they really want peace and how they don't interfere at all in the internal affairs of other countries, did not interfere and will never interfere, but no, american intelligence still has information that it is russia, and by the way, in addition to russia, china, the dprk, and iran are also named there, it seems. so and so intervene and are going to intervene. well, now the prime minister of slovakia, robert fitzun, whose life was attempted yesterday, is not in danger, although the situation is difficult. this was announced this morning by
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the deputy prime minister and at the same time the country's minister of environment tomas taraba. according to him, the operation that was done to the head of the slovak government was successful. i will remind you. that the assassination attempt on robert fitz was committed in the city of handlov, 190 km from bratislava, where an away meeting of the government of ukraine took place. the politician received one wound in the shoulder and two in the abdomen. the attacker was detained by the 71-year-old writer, critic fitsu and the founder of the literary club yurai tsintula. the criminal fired from a legally registered butt-barreled short-barreled weapon. he explained his motive by differences with the current prime minister. in views the law on foreigners adopted by the parliament of georgia agents distances the country from joining the european union. therefore, the president of georgia , saloma zurobishvili, vetoes it. she
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said this on the air of the american tv channel cnn, while adding that the protests taking place near the building of the highest legislative body of georgia are peaceful and open. was the actions of the security forces, who dispersed people with the help of special vehicles. people continue to gather under the walls of the parliament and demand the withdrawal of the scandalous law. but it seems that mert bilisi kakha kaladze is not going to revoke this law today. well, the former kyiv dynamo player said that he is not intimidated. that they in georgia are not afraid of any sanctions, in particular sanctions from the european union and the united states of america. and he believes that they did everything right, and the law is right, but only the people, these tens of thousands of people who are gathering on the streets of tbilisi, do not agree with him, because they again go to the highest legislative body of this country and demand to cancel the law, but it's interesting, if you work
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for russia, for moscow, well, for example, i'm not saying about kaha kaladza, but for example, you can also check whether you are an innoagent or not an innoagent, or if you work for the money that comes from... it really is, well , in conclusion, the debate should be, the current president of the united states america and the 45th joe biden and donald trump, respectively, finally both agreed to them. during the debate, they will demonstrate their ability to convince americans of their rightness, twice on june 27 they will meet in a verbal duel on the air of the cnn channel, and on september 10 they will be hosted by the abc channel, with
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that donald trump wanted a third series on october 5, but biden's team did not agree to it, they said that it was too late, only a month before the election, that is not possible. how long the debate will last is currently unknown, but the 45th owner of the white house is already demanding that it last at least two hours, and we understand what he wants to do... beat he thinks that joe biden just not that it will be harder for joe biden to endure these two hours, or even longer in the studio, but we will see, i look forward to them when they happen, we will follow them, and you will the first who will know about everything in detail. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our next broadcast, so don't switch. exclusively on the air
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of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and others cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent. they help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. club every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko.
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from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rud. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. let's continue the great ether, right there at the beginning of our program, i see a question on youtube from our viewer, what will happen with the disconnection, but the moment has actually come when you will receive an answer to this question. oleksandr moshevka field with me, money during the war. alexander, please, you word. good evening, i greet the audience, in the next few minutes i will talk about energy, the situation is difficult, you will also learn about the economic reservation that the ministry of economy has. hang on, all the details in a moment. i am oleksandr morchaka, congratulations, and i will start with
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investments in victory. the german defense concern rain metal opens a joint production of air defense systems in ukraine. this was announced by the general director of the enterprise, armin paperger. however , it will take at least a year or two to start the process - he said, the chief is speechless. concern also announced that the 40 armored combat vehicles promised to kyiv will soon arrive for the needs of our defenders. however , the ministry of economy banned a number of companies from mobilizing conscript workers, including glovo, visa favet, but canceled its decision after the order was publicized. a photocopy of the document dated april 8 was made public by oleksandr fedienko, a deputy from the servant of the people party. the head of the ministry, yulia sveredenko, said that
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these companies have asked for booking to its line ministry of digital transformation, it recognized them as critical. well, in the end , after the general staff, everything came together again at the ministry of economy. here is an interesting story, interesting publicity and an interesting turn of events, that is, one ministry, another ministry, in the end it is interesting that... yuliya sveridenko wrote on facebook, well, let me quote: in view of the public resonance, i cancel the reservation order, and if there was no public resonance. then the order would have passed and a number of companies would have been quietly booked, which well, according to many experts, this is still not a strategically important enterprise, vasyl, yes, absolutely, you know, the simple question is that, let's say, if they take away people who are currently doing opera, well, in our country, they need operations , let's say, people who are civilians, old people, sick people, people with chronic
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diseases, when people are taken away, they are now optimizing the work of communal services, because there is simply no one to clean... the pipe, or do something there, well, it is clear that this is a critical story, and bring home to eat for a person who simply does not want to go out, it is a slightly different story, therefore, but again the question is then, and according to what principle it is done, so vasyl, the principles, the ministry of digital transformation recognized these companies, let me remind you, we are talking about pheobet, visa and glovo, so these are the criteria : the absence of arrears on the single social contribution, the salary level and the fact that they are residents of the city, these are critical parameters, vasyl, well, it’s the same, as you know, people just have questions if we say about the fact that everyone is subject to this, then the question arises, why absolutely without any discussion, as if football teams are properly booked, well, here we get critically important ones, these are football players,
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nothing personal, a circus and a delivery service, conditionally and so that people who are deliberately avoiding there. and then you simply understand that these are individual people, and even then understandable questions arise: maybe they talked to these people in a special way that they decided that you are critical, and you are not critical, although in fact you are critical, but you they said, you're not critical, well, you're not it should be, it shouldn't be, and it seems to me that the officials who work with these methods that determine criticality or non-criticality should be more careful about this process, and then what... so that there are no such unsubscribes on the facebook of ministers , what he said, if it weren't for the publicity, maybe somehow it would have happened, somehow it will be, as they say to the people, yes vasyl, well, yes, but i'm just a second, you know, on the other hand, if it weren't for the publicity, but on the other hand, maybe this really was a critical enterprise, and you are just his, well relatively speaking, i threw it out of the list, because publicity, and maybe they are real, that is , anyway, you don’t have to be guided by
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people’s emotions, you should then give some arguments to people, and not just, oh, we removed it, so that no one would say anything . maybe it's really, really, show these arguments and people will say, great, the visa company is really important for the banking sector, maybe where you recruit people who will deal with banking operations, there is a ministry, well, let's go further, in the ukrainian energy network catastrophically not there is enough capacity, this was reported by the general director of the supplier's company, serhiy kovalenko. according to him, even imports do not save during peak consumption. tonight and this morning the situation turned out to be more difficult than expected, he added, that's why we had to apply emergency shutdowns in dnipropetrovsk, kharkiv, kyiv regions and the capital directly, now the light has already been restored, but indeed , shutdowns have already started in some places again, what should ukrainians expect and how to distinguish fan shutdowns due to emergencies, what is happening, do people really need
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certain schedules, we will talk about this with the expert who joins the air, oleksandr... kharchenko, director of the energy research center. do we have a guest on call? mr. oleksandr, good evening, i congratulate you. well, all the same, various statements are now being made, due to the fact that ukrainians should prepare for such blackouts, which have already begun by the end of the summer, but that at the end of the summer, will the situation change? currently, the enemy continues to hit critical infrastructure, and predicts already in the government that winter will be the most difficult, if we talk about the supply of current for household and industrial consumers, what is your assessment of the current situation? the situation is objectively difficult, there is nothing to hide here, and in fact, i think that ukrainians should come to terms with the idea that in the next, i think at least two years,
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there will be restrictions on consumers from time to time, it is actually inevitable. you are closed, in summer and winter such restrictions will occur more often and the situation will be more tense, in autumn and spring the situation will be better because of less consumption, but you know, the level of damage and the level of destruction of our generating capacity that we have today, it's brought it to the point where we have a constant so stable... and there's no magic wand that's going to restore generation there for a week or a month. it is a huge job ahead to restore everything that can be restored and built. forced to thank, we have an urgent event today, which
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has started, and we have to broadcast it, so thank you, mr. oleksandr, and apologize again once, what an event, vasyl, yes, support for ukraine is one of the main topics of the meeting of the military committee, chiefs of defense staff of the north atlantic alliance member countries, heads of departments, gathered today in brussels, in the format of a video conference, they were also joined by a representative.. of ukraine during the meeting of the ukraine-nato council and we have the opportunity to see and listen to the press conference following the results of the meeting. this system in which those in power are responsible for their children. and for this we must help ukraine and strengthen it your defense we discussed today. what was already mentioned in vilnius last year, we assure you that we are now able to face
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current and future dangers. now we must actively work on being capable. all your plans, nato is now stronger than at any time in history, but we must be sure that we can prevent all dangers, and i would now like to give the floor to christopher cavoli. good evening everyone, i am very pleased to have the opportunity to speak with you today after such an active meeting. we approved our regional plans and processes
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that are impossible to strengthen our defense systems. we have gone through a lot of process to achieve this. it is obvious that these plans make it possible to protect nato territory. and we're always improving these plans. last january, for example, we began nato's largest training exercise since the cold war. these are the first exercises that tested our capabilities within article five. and not only did the alliance forces train side by side, we also assessed
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the interconnectedness of our forces. we want ensure that we can conduct operations on a large scale, and that we can implement the concept of multidisciplinary operations. we repeated the form and improved the countries that help nato with their armed forces. we did it very quickly, the modernization process in the alliance is exciting now. we still have a lot of work to do, but now more than ever we want to commit to these things and we want to make sure that nato is united, strong and
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ready for any, any threat, and please, i i look forward to your questions, sir admiral, today putin in china said, and the call... for some negotiations, after you spoke with the representatives of ukraine today, did you see any significant changes in the battlefield that could cause ukraine to go to these negotiations, and the question to mr. kavoli, you know that we are talking a lot now about the offensive in the kharkiv direction, from your point of view, or should they? are the russians strong enough to advance in this direction, or is this a psychological operation to...
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push nato and ukraine before the summit of peace no, the russians do not have enough soldiers to make a strategic breakthrough. moreover, they have neither the skills nor the resources to take advantage of any breakthrough and gain a strategic advantage, so they can. to gain local advantages, but they also met with many local military losses, and as a result, the situation essentially did not change, even to the extent that ukraine wanted to sit down at the negotiating table
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with russia. i think that the ukrainian forces are fighting to get their lands back, and it's difficult, a lot has to be done to achieve that and it won't be easy, but it's also not easy for the russians to take back what ukraine has taken back, because ukrainian forces have taken back 50% of the territory that... russia took at the beginning of the war, get ready for another, another super hit. the protagonist project was opened in the ukrainian house, it tells about the famous groups of our artists who worked in the late 80s and early 90s of the last century. lena chechenina, now at the opening and will tell you why this exhibition is important lin, good evening, i have the floor,
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please. good evening, vasyl, i think how popular this exhibition will become, because when a project about aluhorsk was previously done in the ukrainian house, there were so many interested people that they already thought about the fact that the exhibition should be continued, in a moment, i will show you what are the pictures here and how many people are there in general. friends, i will say right away that it is not very good to watch a movie in a ukrainian house, film premieres often take place here, but this is a great place to to arrange some visual art exhibitions, because there are many floors here, there are three floors, and the exhibition of the protagonist took all three floors today, let us show you the first one, we are now on the second.
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but on the first floor you can already see how many people there are, they are already a little less than they were at the beginning, about an hour ago, the first floor is occupied by paintings that were created in the 90s, on the second floor paintings that combine two school, already in the third year, this is actually the 90s, i will tell you about in general about these two groups, they are well known, they are park commune, paris commune and getsechu... these are two groups that started creating in the late 90s and in the late 80s, i'm sorry, early 90s, and this there was such a crack-era, as you understand, at such cracks very often something extremely interesting happens, and i want to say that i had such a small conversation with a colleague who recalled a recent lecture by an art critic who said that in that
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period they created with ... much bolder than now, we understand that it was a departure from such modernism, this soviet, already postmodernism, which was becoming more and more popular at the time, and in fact we saw paintings that were quite innovative and reinterpreted this soviet past, rebelled against it, and there are a lot of my personal favorite artists, these are zhivatkov, this is crookpaw, here we can now even come back, here's to the second. over there in the distance there is a crooked-paw, if you like him, you can come and see him, and i will tell you that it was precisely the school that, the group that was called the painting reserve, these are precisely the artists who provided the preference of color, light, who were engaged in painting, which does not depict any objects, depicts...


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