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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EEST

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it was done due to a misunderstanding, or someone did not look into something, that is one thing, but when it comes to loopholes in the law, which we clerks try to use and issue this reservation for an appropriate fee or for an appropriate preference, then the question also arises, what then one minister and another minister did not know about it, then the question is, what is happening in these ministries? well, mr. sergey? the opposition stubbornly emphasized that the voted law contains a huge number of corruption zones, corruption knives, through which all the necessary will crawl, well all the friends of the authorities, or who will buy a travel ticket, what is called, the fact that two companies were included in the list, well, those that are marked as critical objects of critical infrastructure. well, this is a laughing stock, this is
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a pure corruption device, and if there had not been a huge uproar today, it is unlikely that the vice-prime minister and the minister, the minister of the economy would have reacted to it, but this is an absolutely frank slap to the entire system of government, that is, the government has pierced even on such small things, i am not talking about the fact that with the implementation of this law, when... will well, here are a few moments, first, a ban on owning, oh, owning a vehicle, driving a car, then all kinds of banking restrictions will go, and it will go such corruption, when, well, we watched how there were scandals, scandals with centers, well, equipment, and these scandals, by the way, continue because...
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someone is itching, a couple of days before the law comes into force, to jump on a bus, twist a citizen who is riding on a bus, get pulled out and dragged to an unknown place, maybe not even to the assembly center, but uniformed people for some reason they are engaged in, so to speak, street interceptions, and it looks subversive, well, wait two days, three days until the law comes into force, and then run and catch these ... people, what are these exercises for trampling on the constitution for cameras , that's what they are for, they make the perspective for the electoral perspective for the government, on the contrary, the hatred for the current government simply grows with each such detention, it actually already goes off the scale, and energy in this process deepens its disdain for the government even more. one more question
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is quite important, which has existed throughout the entire period of zelenskyi's tenure as president, but now it is quite acute, it is the issue of the press, the issue of the mass media, the issue of journalists, unknown people are threatening journalist-investigator of ukrainian truth mykhailo tkach on behalf of businessman oleksandr slobazhenko, who became the main hero of a recent investigation, unsuitable. it was called an investigation about kyiv rich people, mykhailo tkach himself stated in a comment to ukrainian pravda that he was the victim of 12 similar criminal cases cases, so he does not count on the results of the official investigation, but will monitor the progress of the case. let's listen to what our colleague mykhailo tkach said. we do not fully understand, it is clear who did it for what, someone tried to take advantage of the situation, whether it is really mr. slobozhenko is worried that
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there, in particular, we can continue to investigate there, for example, the issues of his business, taxes, income and other things, and therefore we do not have answers to this question, what actions can be taken, we will also be able to familiarize ourselves with the legal way, because in in this case, i also have the status of a victim, that is, i can... get acquainted with the materials of this case, see what work is being done, mr. volodymyr, the state department of the united states of america in its report for the past year already noted the situation, the critical situation, which is with freedom of speech in ukraine, he spoke about the telethon, he spoke about the restrictions on the actions of individual journalists, investigators, and we remember that it is already the third year... espresso, the fifth channel and direct
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are turned off, it is not at all clear why from digital broadcasting from t2, that is, there are many problems that... directly affect the freedom of speech and the work of journalists, why do you think the authorities are not trying to solve these issues, which will later depend on the provision of aid to ukraine by our western partners, well, first of all, the telethon, which the authorities allegedly looked at in in the first months of russia's attack on ukraine, it simply turned into a breeding ground for corruption. and he actually lost the audience, instead, the ban on patriotic channels on the t-2 network is a well-thought-out policy of the government, it created a certain hierarchy of its and others, which is why the state department
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emphasized in the last report that the marathon is a violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, and also, in my opinion, recently, during the last one. that of anthony blinken, the us secretary of state, it was about the complete unblocking of freedom of speech, because the authorities are beginning, so to speak, to swear that they are ready to conduct the presidential election campaign next year, regardless of the events on the front, but for this the partners demand a complete unblocking of freedom words, that is, the return of the effect of the constitution, and here it seems to me to be just right are starting... these are the eyes of frauds, small under-the-carpet devices, creating such, well , nervousness, tension, empty promises, giving out empty promises to partners, on the contrary , it seems to me that the situation is only getting worse, and
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uh, the hardest thing is that people are simply disoriented, the main mass people went to social networks, to youtube, and on the one hand this is... good, because there is trust in such author's broadcasting, and on the other hand, did n't the government practice last year and, well, the year before, its admission to the press zelenskyi conferences, anonymous telegram channels, instead of reputable branded tv channels, and now they are starting to fight with the same telegram, with anonymous channels, although they remain the largest owners, but here is the question that is spinning in my head, mr. volodymyr, and where is the line between the fact that there is some necessity or there is a situation when it is necessary to control the media during a war and the issue
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of freedom of speech, that is, where they intersect, who determines this intersection, well, even taking into account the fact that the minister of culture and information policy has been gone for nine months. in ukraine, mr. serhiy, the fact is that the state information policy has failed. let's remember when the incident with kakhovskaya hes happened, when the occupiers blew up kakhovskaya hes. the ministry of culture and information simply hung up for a few days and gave russia the opportunity to seize the full initiative in covering these events. after that, not a single case of interception of the information initiative, i do not... observe, that is, here the state has completely failed, and the question is not whether there is or is not, er, the minister of information, the question is that the state is a very weak information player, er, such affairs in in the modern world, they are outsourced
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to real civic initiatives or normal professional information business, in our country, instead... fate has given us, in addition to the calamity of war, a parallel history, that is, the israeli experience. during the war in israel, not a single attack on freedom of speech was observed. during the war , military censorship was introduced there. in our country, during the war, there was a lot of military censorship, and political censorship was introduced. this is an absolute mockery of common sense. and yes, by the way, the government is inferior in many points, the power industry was bombed, and the minister of infrastructure was dismissed, isn't this a mockery of the chickens, this is a condensation of common sense. thank you, mr. volodymyr, let's put an end to
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our conversation, it was volodymyr tsibulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now . watch us live there please vote in our poll which we're wrapping up, do you have literally 30 seconds, has your home been hit by fan cut-outs? electricians on youtube we are completing the survey on the television survey we have already completed 77% yes 23% no on youtube we have as a result of the survey 74% yes we were affected by power outages 26% no on this friends i put a full stop it was a program verdict it was conducted by serhii rudenko i wish rest in peace, take care of yourself and your loved ones, we will meet you tomorrow at 20:00 there will be more news, there will be more events, there will be more
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, 2 hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, that many have become like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day from... two o'clock, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow? see the saturday politclub, every saturday on espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian
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pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week. and actually, we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. definitely. will be topical, guests, special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. greetings, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of military operations, and along the entire front from the south to the east , the russians are trying to advance, our forces are holding back, but it's not easy. in addition
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, the kharkiv direction has now been added, the russians are trying to expand the field route, and we are. we, our people, have to convert the enemy into donations for our defenders. join the gathering for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the slovodar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or the entire zone, i.e. directly where combat operations are taking place due to any weather day or night, for the emergency recovery and return to the field of battle-damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers . rien minibus, which will deliver mobile repair groups and equipment to the war zone, as well as pneumo-hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is 630 00 uah, with your help we have already collected almost 2000 uah, so don't delay, your help very important, you can see all the details on the screen,
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please join, any donation is very important. well, now let's see what has been happening on the touchline for the last few days, let's discuss it further. map of military operations for the period may 8-15. what is happening in other parts of the front, while the russians are diverting attention in the kharkiv region. while everyone's attention is focused on the events in the kharkiv region, the russians have concentrated their offensives on the entire front from zaporozhye to the luhansk region. in... a week, the zsu won a number of victories important victories, were a new record of the war, but there are also tactical losses in donetsk region that pose significant threats. robotyne and staromaisk. both villages, which became the crowning success of our summer counteroffensive campaign, were under threat of re -occupation. in the central part of the village, daily battles have been going on for more than a month, but
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the armed forces continue to control part of the village. therefore , the invaders resumed the offensive from the left flank. where they managed to push back the defense forces on two sections of the front to the west of verbovoi. such thus, the robot's protrusion narrowed even more, which significantly complicates logistics, and therefore its maintenance. in the direction of berdyansk, the rashists managed to break through our defenses near staromaisky and throw back the armed forces a kilometer to the north. currently, fighting is taking place in the central part of the village, as well as on the southern outskirts of nearby urozhany. russians are trying to fulfill their favorite. maneuver and bypass staromajorske from the west and east. in the case of the final occupation of this village, the defense forces will have to withdraw from the fertile area and move the front line closer to makarivka. krasnogorivka is on fire. the situation in the city has significantly worsened. the defense forces were forced to leave several areas, the enemy entered and established a position on the territory of the trevka
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plant in the southern part, and also advanced significantly from the donetsk side. actually. they control about half of the city. the front line runs along the central street, and the zsu conducts defense in the northwestern one. there are no industrial facilities here, but mostly private low-rise buildings, where it is difficult to defend against airstrikes and artillery. offensive the front froze at toretsk and pokrovsk. on the postavdiyiv front, the russians ran out of offensive potential, and the armed forces of ukraine eventually managed to stabilize the front line, both north of ocheretiny and along the route to... the enemy tried to throw our soldiers further from the southern flank of ocheretiny, but failed. at the same time, the occupiers are preparing new reserves and deciding in which direction to advance on pokrovskoretsk. after the crossing of the durna river and the occupation of semenivka, the armed forces of the russian federation expectedly continued the movement to the west. however, their pace slowed down significantly and in a week they managed to walk
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only about a kilometer. in the umansk region , the enemy made several attempts to enter the village, but they repelled these attacks and even expanded the gray zone. on the road to pokrovsk , the russians occupied several streets in the village of netaylové and came close to the road to umansk, but they did not manage to cut it yet. the fact that the situation in this area has changed is clearly demonstrated by the downing of three su-25 fighters and a k-52 helicopter in a short period of time. the armed forces of the russian federation again ceased to rule with impunity in the skies over donetsk region. chasiv yar, the day of victory failed, but this is not the end. as expected after. after the failure of the plan to capture the temporary ravine by may 9, the armed forces of the russian federation concentrated their maximum efforts to break through the city. their main attack was directed along the bakhmut road. through the village of ivanivske to advance to the canal, force it and reach the southern outskirts of the city. the rashists managed to implement part of their plan, completely captured the road and
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approached the canal. individual assault units were able to move to the right bank, but the armed forces destroyed them. currently, the front line stretches along the canal, and the russians are looking for a way to cross it. it is expected that in the near future the enemy will try to hit the city head on and enter the kanal district. meanwhile, ivanovske is practical. occupied, although the defense forces still maintained fire control over several streets in the southern part of the village. at the same time , the presence of the armed forces of ukraine in klischivka does not give the occupiers the opportunity to develop their offensive and bypass the times from the south, so klischivka will be their next purpose the seversky ledge is under threat. we rarely mention the situation around the city of siversk due to the fact that there are practically no changes on the front line, although, as in other areas, fierce battles continue here every day, especially in the district. horivka, for which the russians have been successfully putting their resources for almost two years. however, this week, the defense forces failed to hold the section of the front south of siversk in the area of ​​the village of vesele. here, on
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a stretch of 8.5 km, the enemy advanced deep into ukraine at a distance of 500 m to a kilometer. stabilization battles are currently underway so that no to allow this offensive to develop, during which the rashists want to cut off the northern salient. meanwhile, on the opposite northern flank in the area of ​​leman, with... it was possible to hold the front and destroy a considerable force of the enemy near the forces of torske and yampolivka. the offensive of the armed forces of the russian federation in kharkiv oblast. the pivnich group, which is spread over three neighboring russian regions and has a little more than 50,000 troops, launched an offensive on the kharkiv region, attracting about 20,000 people and additional reserves. i will attack them in 5 days managed to cross the border and penetrate into the territory of ukraine for 2.4 km. the offensive is aimed at two directions: the village of lybtsi. which is 16 km from kharkiv, as well as the city of vovchansk, which covers the exit to the left bank of the siverskyi donets river. in the liptsi district , the enemy managed to capture seven villages and expand
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the bridgehead to 13 km along the border. near vovchansk, they occupied three villages and approached the northern outskirts of the city, where street battles are currently taking place. it is obvious that the available resources do not allow the russians to advance on kharkiv, but this is not their goal. they want to get as close to the city as possible to increase. own capabilities of terrorist destruction of kharkiv with the help of artillery and mlrs. in addition, the enemies want to push the reserves of the armed forces of donetsk from donetsk region, which has been partially successful so far, because the third assault brigade, which is not used to sitting on the defensive, has started work here. at the same time, the occupation of vovchansk has no strategic significance other than informational. in 5 days, it became obvious that the armed forces of ukraine managed to hold the defense, and the pace of the invaders' offensive dropped significantly. instead, everyone noticed how much. strongly russian losses increased. in one day, our soldiers set an absolute record for the destruction of rashists. 1,700 soldiers, which is twice as much as usual. in may, the daily rate of decrease
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of occupiers exceeded the rate of their mobilization, which is a very good trend. we win daily, death to enemies. so, we have such, you know, very active offensive actions practically along the entire front line, well , not even practically, just along the entire front line. and the destruction of the occupiers is going on, well, you can say it on an industrial scale, but what is it that's all, let's talk with our guest, ivan kiricheevskyi, defense express expert, joins us, congratulations ivan, have a good day. well, actually, russian troops, you see, after the capture of avdiyivka, are trying to expand the breakthrough zone there, simultaneously advancing on kurakhovo, pokrovsk, yar times. active assault actions resumed in the kupyansk-limansk direction, this is literally yesterday, in 16 attempts to attack there, in the direction
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of the first synkivka liman, our soldiers repelled again, but still there, well, such a revival again, well, a revival in the area works, revitalization in the area of ​​the veremiivsky ledge, well, that is, we see revitalization all around. and here was added kharkiv, actually this one, when on the night of may 9-10 the russian army began an offensive there as well, which we now have, how can we reduce this whole picture into some sort of clear scheme of what is happening, in fact the picture is such that you won't get an immediately clear scheme, and you'll have to break it down into some separate segments, well, let's start with what actually looks the easiest now, because it's the easiest in terms of analysis. in the sense that precisely the kharkiv direction, because we can really record, let's say, on the fifth day of the offensive operation, when there are even if, even if there are separate
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examples when the russians from... get separate positions in the north vovchansk, but to go 5 km within 5 days and not get, let's say, the main strategic success they wanted there, that is, to open a path to kharkiv, well, it's obvious that it's not their weakness, but rather that , well, let's put it this way, the degree of readiness of the forces defense of ukraine to the repulse in this direction, it is much higher than it is now customary to estimate, because if we were not ready, that is, our troops were not ready, then , unfortunately, we would have to talk about a much faster pace of russian advance on in these directions, why was it worth starting from the kharkiv direction, well, because now there is such a viable concept that the russians are saying that there in the kharkiv region, let's call it a distracting blow in order to try to intensify their efforts on other directions of the front, which had been active before that, but here we have a certain paradox, that precisely because of the pace of destruction of the russians on an industrial scale, they increased in
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the first place. at the expense of those areas that were hot even before that, that is, if we go even literally from the numbers, today the general staff recorded about 1,500 russians destroyed, of which there are less than 200 in kharkiv oblast, this does not mean that the scale of actions is less in kharkiv oblast, it rather means that the aid from the usa may have finally started to work in the east that's what everyone expected, well, how else to explain that the russian casualty figures have simply increased from a nominal 900 to 1,200, and at the same time we can record that even if russia... has, well, they demonstrate pressure on a wide, wide, on the width of the front, fortunately there is no advance, because yes, they are trying to be on kurakhovo, on pokrovsk, they are trying to move to the works, but so far there is no confirmed significant advance there, so far it looks like this, this is the assessment that the russians are sorry , that i will stop, but in kurakhov there actually, you see, this situation is very bad, because after they seized the factory, well, to keep it. the city is very difficult
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and well, this is an objective reality, well, maybe we are talking about krasnohorivka because as much as we remember koraho, sorry, yes, this is the direction of order, yes, it's just that you and i are talking right now about trying to describe what happened at the front, let's say that from the moment the russians began to advance here , i just wanted to say about, let's say , a sadder prospect for us, well, if now it already looks like a consensus assessment, which also sounds in our country, and let's say that british analysts, let's say that are really authoritative, and not, let's say, came out with approximately such an assessment that the russians can just try and increase the pressure on the zaporizhia direction, and will be able to move in theory, even before all kinds of active actions in the direction of sumy, precisely in order to first get the effect that our defense line of the armed forces will be stretched as much as possible, only then to try, well, it seems to the russians to activate on a larger scale in the east, well that is, precisely in order to then simplify
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the way for the new territorial ... votes in the east, so it turns out that we thought until now that the situation here is like this, now it is difficult, there is some kind of failure or something like that, so there is a reason to scandalize, but in reality everything is difficult, it is still ahead, but then it will be possible to make a real scandal about how ready or not ready we were, even find out whether in those directions where it was believed that the russians would advance reinforced concrete, well about the prospects of the offensive on zaporizhzhia i haven’t spoken for several months, unless i’m just lazy, well, yes, well, but... with regard to sumy oblast, in principle, the drg are already working there, you can’t say that everything is very cloudless there and they are bombarded, of course, it doesn’t compare with what is happening in the kharkiv region, but on the other hand, we also have an opportunity there for such, you know, aggravation of this whole story, because it is not only vovchansk that is important, where, well, practically, well
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, you can say within the city limits and. .. some actions are taking place, well, but also in the direction of lybtsi near kharkov, if the enemy advances in the direction of lybtsi, then he will be able to shell kharkiv already, as far as i understand, from such a very close range of barrel artillery there, well, there 20, how much 23, 24 km, let’s get close to the city in general 1718, well that is, he can get from the avengers. and this will complicate the whole situation for us in general , including the humanitarian one, that is, maybe this is the purpose of this whole story? well, on the one hand, there definitely is, on the other hand , let's detail what at this distance, what can be done there in the area of ​​the elbes, well, anyway the russians will not be able to place a cannon directly on the front line.


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