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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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the chairman of the board was eteri spresso, we will pass the floor to our colleagues from the news editorial office and are ready to hear a selection of the most important information as of this moment, so we will pass the floor to anna eva melnyk, and we ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. thank you, colleagues, there were explosions in odesa and kharkiv, what is known, i will tell you in a moment. be with us. an explosion rang out in odesa, city mayor gennadiy trukhanov said. an air alert was declared in the region, and the air force warned of a ballistic threat. also explosions were also heard in kharkiv. the head of the regional military administration confirmed the russian attack on the city. oleg synyogov.
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volodymyr zelenskyi signed a law on increasing fines for evasion of mobilization. now, for violating the rules of military accounting during martial law, you will have to pay a fine of 17 to 25 thousand uah. penalties will be applied within three months from the day of detection of the offense, but no later than one year from the moment of its commission. fines can also be imposed in absentia without drafting. circle and the operational situation on the front the hottest is in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions. there, our soldiers repelled almost three dozen assaults. this is reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. in the kharkiv region, the invaders used aviation, struck near a pumpkin patch and a white well. our military is strengthening defense in the border areas of kharkiv region. in the kupian direction, the enemy made five attempts to attack the positions of the armed forces. was
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brutally repulsed, the occupiers also stormed the left bank of the dnieper near krynkiv. the bridgehead has been preserved, the appeal says. more than 900 residents were evacuated from the border of kharkiv oblast. these are mainly women with children, pensioners and people with limited mobility, said the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov. now leaving vovchansk and lyptsi is complicated. and every evacuation is a risk to life. after all, there are street battles in vovchansk, and the enemy is constantly shelling the city. more than 20 volunteer organizations, as well as the red cross and the police, are engaged in emigration from the kharkiv region border. the hryvnia was allocated by the government for the reconstruction of two thermal power plants zmiivska in kharkiv region and trypilska in kyiv region. thermal power plants were damaged by russian attacks. the money will be redirected from the reserve. from the state budget fund and from
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the fund for liquidation of the consequences of aggression, will work as quickly as possible, prime minister denys shmehal promises. the energy system is intact and works stably, power engineers control the situation, but the generation of electricity is not enough to cover all consumption, so ukrenergo is forced to return to blackout schedules, both for industry and for the population. in kyiv , the arbitrarily built maf temple was dismantled of the russian orthodox church. last year, the court decided to demolish the building on the territory of the national museum of the history of ukraine. but roc activists tried to prevent the dismantling. the museum did not have its own funds for the demolition of the museum, so it announced a collection. over 770,000 uah were collected in 16 hours. however, the contractor company, which agreed to dismantle the building, decided to conduct all of them. be free of charge and
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transfer the money to the needs of the armed forces. 2,666 people donated funds, the collection was closed in 16 hours, the donors were very kind, some, there were 10 kopeck, 21 kopecks, there were a lot of them, the average donation was 100-200 uah, it was not burdensome for people, the museum really announced the collection, we saw, if... on facebook, at first there was a desire to donate, if, then such, yes we have permits, we are able to perform complex work, i directly wrote under this bank that we are ready to do it with our own efforts, and we have all the permits, qualifications and necessary tools for this. and in dnipro, on the territory of the church of the holy intercession of the russian orthodox church , a house burned down, and a woman died there. residential fire the premises also spilled over onto the building. nearby,
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the area of ​​the fire was 300 m2, the fire has already been extinguished, the state emergency service reported. a border guard shot a man who... tried to flee the country. the tragic incident happened in zakarpattia region. according to the sbi , the border guards spotted a man who was heading towards romania. the offender did not respond to the request to stop during the pursuit. the soldiers were fired several times from service weapons. later, a body with a bullet wound to the head was found. the deceased is a 39-year-old resident of dnipro. one of the border guards were detained by the law enforcement officers, they are suspecting him of exceeding official powers. 30th death in tisza while trying to cross the border. ukrainian border guards and romanian colleagues were informed about the man's body in the water. no documents were found with him. currently, the identity of the drowned person is being established,
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the state border service noted. da vinci, you have to fight for your freedom before the premiere screening of the film with that name. took place in lviv, the tape is dedicated to the hero of ukraine from prykarpattia dmytro kotsyubail. how was it filmed? movie, my colleagues will tell. this is really a person who is worthy of the title of hero of ukraine. a tape about a modest young man who dreamed of being an artist, but became the youngest commander of an assault battalion. dmytro kotsyubailo from carpathians, nicknamed davinshi, went to defend the country at the age of 18. received for a living. the high title of hero of ukraine. the fighter tragically died on march 7, 2023 in the battles near bakhmut, in memory of dmitry's exploits. the creative team, led by director volodymyr sydyk, created a documentary film. filming lasted only two months. in
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this film, devincha's story was told by his relatives, his mother, sister, teachers at the school who taught him, teachers from the construction lyceum, where he studied at... in addition, there are brothers from the maidan times, who told exactly about the story, which he, well , who remembered him back when he was a 17-year-old boy at the time, are also brothers in arms who have fought with them both since the age of 14 and already during a full-scale performance, the creation of the film also involved ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, a documentary film tells what dmytro kotsyubaivo was like in his childhood and youth, how he changed from the beginning of the revolution of dignity and why this commander was respected by his comrades, the film consists of interviews, photo memories and archival footage shot by davinsi himself. i had the honor of being acquainted with dmytro, we have known each other since the end of the 19th year, and
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when we were at his base in avdiivka, i once told him that dmytro, for sure, someday i will make a blockbuster about you, he said he was a photo. genius and did not want a movie to be made about him, but i said that there would be a movie, but i did not think, and i did not expect that the movie would have exactly such an ending and exactly such a structure. in addition to lviv, pre-premiere screenings have already taken place in kyiv, mykolaiv, ivano-frankivsk, as well as in two cities in the united states of america. the creators of the film promise that soon the tape "da vinci, one must fight for one's freedom" will be released on mass distribution. kateryna oliynyk, vitaly kolekha takana. and the urgent collection of the espresso tv channel for execution continues tasks on the front, intelligence units need a reliable suv. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, there is no way without vehicles at the front. suvs transport personnel and ammunition, and
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drones are launched from them. the required car has already been found and transported to ukraine. it is currently being repaired and equipped. it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. almost collected. 64 thousand small donations do not happen, join this gathering to buy a car as soon as possible for those who protect us and you at the cost of their lives. more read on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels in social networks and support our youtube channel, as well as meet my colleagues marta, oliarnyk and antin borkovskii in ether espresso, and i'll see you at 5 p.m. ivano-frankivsk is becoming even more accessible,
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infrastructure is being built in the city for residents with limited mobility, in particular near the regional clinical hospital. the creation of the accessibility map was initiated last year by a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war and the soviet union. mayor yuriy gaponchuk. he understands the problems well movement of people with disabilities around the city, because he lost his leg due to injuries in the war. so the veteran himself developed a map of the routes he follows most often. fighters who are being treated in the regional center after being wounded will move, by the end of the year the city plans to make five more routes from hospitals to the city center more accessible. previously, when i was still walking, when i was developing a map of the city, it was inconvenient, because there were also pits, and you can say, there were obstacles in the form of high curbs, now this is no longer there, i saw how everything is done here. i saw guys who were in wheelchairs and asked them if it
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was necessary or convenient, yes, they confirmed it, they said it all, and that it is very cool that there is such an initiative, just this route, if one of the first, which began to be implemented in the city, it burns from the regional hospital to the very center, we started moving from here and will be all intersections and pedestrian crossings. which are not equipped for groups with reduced mobility, they will be implemented by our department, precisely here, where there is not enough sidewalk, they will paved sidewalk, will be arranged with seamless paving stones, and with all the requirements, with tactile tiles, with anti-parking columns, so that residents do not drive in, do not park on footpaths, this is a regional hospital, lowering the sidewalk so that guys with disabilities... can pass, a lot of people are treated here in the regional hospital, it was the initiative
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of the combatants themselves, that is why we are making available the route from the regional hospital to the city center, from the central city clinical hospital to the city center, along vovchynetsky, i.e. five we have determined the routes for this year, well, we will see, if the pace is good, then we will increase it, so we are doing everything to make frankivsk accessible and start this work now. there is always a need for cars at the front, because they often come under fire and break down. volunteers from the avtoangel lviv charitable fund constantly help the military, and in order to cover the need for as many defenders as possible, they cooperate with other organizations. this machine is already operating in the zone. hostilities for more than 2 months, this is one out of three pickup trucks, which were purchased with funds from
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the zhivago charity fund. our car angel fund buys cars all the time and repairs cars all the time, those that have already worked a little. huge thanks to the zhivago foundation for helping us financially, thank you to the zhibag foundation and thank you to all the other people who support us. three pickup trucks went to the troops of the dnipro air defense forces, the 110th separate mechanized brigade and the third assault brigade. brigades, one of these cars was brought from ireland, repaired and painted in the lviv region, especially for soldiers engineering company. this is a four-wheel drive pickup, a nissan navara, specifically this car went to the engineering company, which at that time worked in the avdiyiv direction, now for known reasons they have moved a little to another place, and this car actually works to help military engineers build fortifications . lviv has already sent 620 vehicles to our defenders.
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thank you for waiting, well, the live marathon of the espresso tv channel continues. an extraordinary number of events, signals and signals are no less than events. well, in particular, this kind of alarm clock from the pentagon. quoting now deputy spokesperson of the united states department of defense sabrina sink. yes, referring to the voice of america. direct speech. we believe that the equipment and facilities that we provide to ukraine, just as other states provide to ukraine, should be used to return ukrainian sovereign territory. we do not argue with that, only for the return of our sovereign territory. but on the clarifying question, whether this is a mandatory condition for... the ukrainian side, i quote, ms. sing continued. at every meeting of the contact room
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group on the defense of ukraine, which is convened by minister austin, the weapons that are provided are intended for use on the battlefield, and the minister is talking with mr. umerov about how best to use these assets, and we believe that this should be within the boundaries of ukrainian territory, that is, if , for example, the russian interventionists are starting to fire artillery, not only artillery at kharkov or sumy, god forbid, yes, well, but... we understand the purpose for which they are trying to get closer to those regional centers, then in response that we have to do, that is, if the enemy starts bombing in... our civilian cities, then what should be our response, well, let's hope that the americans, or at least sabrina sink, have already developed some additional plans in response to this russian aggression. yes, there are important statements and messages from the head of state, so zelenskyi has already signed the law on the mobilization of convicts, and zelenskyi has
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also signed the law on new fines for evasion of mobilization, so take note of the reminder. let's say that starting tomorrow, the actual law on strengthening mobilization is already taking effect validity, and now we will add valery ryabikh, a military expert of defense-express, to the air, as always on our air, mr. valery, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations to the studio, congratulations to the dear viewers, well , today muscovites are informed that over a hundred drones flew over novorossiysk. whether over the city of tuabse or over the occupied sevastopol, but they flew there, and as we saw from videos on social networks, these drones even flew to certain targets, although, as the russian ministry of defense always said about the fact that they supposedly shot down all the drones, and i would actually like to ask you what you know about these attacks, what
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these drones were actually aiming at, what objects and... and judging again from those what about the videos on social networks, i saw that some of them did fly to their destinations very successfully? well, it should be noted here that the ministry of murder of the russian federation confirmed the largest such mass attack, and according to their reports , they shot down as many as 102 drones that flew from ukraine to visit them, however... well, local observers they are talking about only 35 explosions in novorossiysk, which are primarily related to hitting objects in this place, and primarily military objects, and here it should be said that this is an analysis of open information that
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is now available after these explosions and arrivals in novorossiya. from tuapse to sevastopol, they show that most of the drones that flew, and maybe there were not 102 of them, but 200 there, but still they achieved their goals, and such goals include the tuabchinsky oil refinery, this is also fuel, lubrication terminals in the novorossiysk port, which... also became the target of drone attacks, well, in principle , also objects of the energy infrastructure in sevastopol, and here it should be noted that, well, even in the swamps, they note that similar strikes of ukraine, they are effective, especially
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demonstrative, there are just strikes on the oil refinery in toapse, and here... it should be said that it was already hit on january 24-25 at the beginning of the year, and after that it was repaired for three months, and this was its main installation of primary processing for oil, and after that they reported, the main intelligence agency heard that they had already repaired and the drones were launched again, which damaged them again. and here it should be noted that the russian federation already notes that such strikes are more effective than their repairs, and already well, they express very certain fears that if this continues, the russian federation will be left without fuel, and we understand that
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the occupying forces, which carry out terror on the territory of ukraine, will be left without fuel in the first place, and of course that.. . population is not omni either, because in the russian federation they note that when ukraine canceled 10% of oil production in this country, they made such a decision that helped them, they canceled the export of light petroleum products, which also makes up somewhere from 10% of of these production needs for domestic needs, currently. there is no such reserve, and local observers say that if this continues, and they are sure that it will continue, then in the future the possibilities of the russian federation for... production of light petroleum products will decrease, just as the price for the local population will increase, so in principle we see progress, and this progress
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is connected with the increase in the production of strike drones in ukraine, and it is precisely this category, here we are talking about drones of the fury type, which are long-range and hit targets at distances of a thousand or more kilometers. belbek, belbek, mr. valery, we would like to ask you about the russian occupied illegal airfield belbek, it flew there, yes, and there are various signals from very positive, well, russian lying warmongers they say that nothing happened, well, they would ask you to give an expert assessment, so what does beltbek represent, what in general does the enemy have with airfields in the south of our country, in the temporarily occupied territories, what could have burned down and how quickly they can renew their fleet? well, it should be noted here that we are currently seeing the results of the planned
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work of the defense forces to gain dominance in the air, first of all, this is achieved by the destruction of anti-aircraft defenses and the establishment of a prohibited zone for aviation flights, including their destruction. this one aviation, first of all we saw it in dzhankoy, where an attack was made on the airport and on the anti-aircraft missile defense systems that covered it. now we see strikes on belbek, where tactical aircraft are also based, which the enemy uses to support troops, occupation forces and their actions. on the territory of the continental part of ukraine, in particular in the zaporozhye and kherson regions, and also uses them to
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strike peaceful cities and the territory of ukraine, and here despite those statements of russian propagandists that all the blows were repulsed, now we have received objective data. the analysis of which includes satellite images in particular, and on them you can see that there was a defeat , and the defeat of both anti-aircraft missile defense systems and tactical aviation aircraft is confirmed, such aircraft can be clearly attributed to at least two planes, maybe three 31 and here it can be seen that these planes were burned to the ground as a result of the impact, in addition, the warehouse of fuel and
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lubricants, which was also located near parking lots of these planes, it is also safe to say about the destruction of an enemy su-27 plane, and the damage of at least one more fan. well, one can also include the mig-29 aircraft among the number of destroyed aircraft, and here in the future the destruction of aircraft at other airfields will continue, and there are up to six main ones there, there are still as many jump airfields, and this kind of work will continue until complete destruction of the air defense system and creation. situations when the enemy aircraft will be forced to relocate to another place that is safer for them place, and such a place can be for the first time, it is
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metallobruktu warehouses, or the bottom of the black sea. thank you, mr. valery, valery ryabykh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express, very clearly, in particular, about the work of our drones and about the destroyed. russian occupation airfield belbek. meanwhile, the president of ukraine signed the law on the mobilization of convicts. yes, it happened today. but, attention, an important clarification: mobilization does not apply to those convicted of such crimes. homicide of two or more of people, murder with particular cruelty, combined with sexual rape, crimes against sexual freedom, crimes related to terrorism, violation of traffic rules while intoxicated. what caused the deaths of the murder or attempted murder of a law enforcement officer or a military officer and particularly serious corruption crimes, this is an extremely interesting point, what do we consider to be particularly serious corruption crimes, and what... no,
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well, but for that we need experts, not today , of course, and today, too, in our country, until things, literally in a few minutes the head of the mezh anti-corruption center, martyna bohuslavets, we will talk with her about these tenders for fortification in kharkiv region, and how the press conference announced by the head of the kharkiv ova ended, we will know in just a few minutes, so stay with us tired from heavy and bulky saws, then strong saws from unpack tv are for you, they will cut trees and bushes with ease, they are convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for of your house or garden, and the price is only from uah 999. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order now, free shipping is available. check with the consultants: cut branches,
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every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, authorized by the government of poland restoration of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with my sister. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to
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22 on espress. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to join nato to collect from scratch to life on atvs for the 90th third brigade kholodny yar in the direction of chasiv ya. the tv channel's information day continues at half past five. martyna bohuslavets, as announced by marta, the head of the meza anti-corruption center is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, dear ms. martyna, congratulations. yes, no...


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