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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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the rescue ship of the commune accidentally hit a ship, this is war, well, but the enemy also hides a missile, it was going to a different target, well, this is against ships in ports only because they are afraid of going to sea, they are transported at night, they check the route in advance, ahead they control everything there, that is, before ordinary transportation, novorossian sevastopol turns for them into a whole operation with the involvement of aviation. surface, underwater forces and so on. i am not talking about the launch of missile carriers into the sea, this happens very rarely, and it also turns into an operation that is immediately detected by our intelligence means, well, but for now we are waiting for the appearance of the means of destroying underwater carriers, so we will continue to wait. thank you very much, mr. volodymyr. chokhsaglin, who found the time and joined our broadcast. volodymyr zablotsky was with us directly.
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we will talk about the anniversary of the deportation of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, do not switch, see you soon. fm, galicia. listen to yours. for now camera,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they - the boys from volyn proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, prepares, treats, repairs, and winds. kilometers of roads, fills in stacks
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of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. salam aleikum, congratulations you on the joint broadcast of the first crimean-tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel for... i work in the studio, i am guls khalilova, and my colleague andriy yanitskyi is in direct contact with us, in this block of our program we will talk about the anniversary of the deportation, the anniversary of the genocide crimean tatar people. yes, and, but before we get to the topic, i would like to remind you that this broadcast is also broadcast on the atp and espresso youtube channel. and if you watch it on youtube, definitely. put your favorite
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subscribe, ring the bell, comment on this episode on youtube, it's very important for other people to see this broadcast as well, that's how technology works. of the internet, well, may 17 was probably the last day in 1944, when the crimean tatars went to bed, not suspecting what awaited them on may 18 already in the morning, all these horrors that later befell the crimean tatar people by order of the dictator stalin, and the following... for at least 50 years, crimean tatars lived in the hope of returning home, returning to crimea, and today 80 years have already passed, but this pain, it will never be forgotten, and
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especially after the occupation of crimea in 2014, we see how the russian occupying power de facto continued... the hybrid deportation of the crimean tatar people, we will talk about this today with historian, journalist and tv presenter gulnara abdulaeva, she now we are in the studio, we welcome you, silya maliyka, alikomsilyam, congratulations, andriy, i will start then, and then you will continue and ask your questions, okay, you don't mind, yes, of course, of course, yes, kulna khan. well, i would like to start with this general question, and how the ussr prepared for the deportation of the crimean tatars and why exactly in 1944 stalin sought to simply evict the crimean tatar people from the peninsula, this is more than, if i am not mistaken, 200,000 people at
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that time, and among them only elderly people , women and children, because the best sons of this nation are the men of the majority, they have already fought on the fronts. of the second world war, and stalin simply had the opportunity to deport an entire people at this time, because this is exactly the moment, and of course, this deportation, it had been preparing for more than one year, and of course, there had to be some reason, that is, a pretext, to deport the crimean tatars, and we only know that there are documents, that in april a document was submitted for stalin's signature to... deport those crimean tatars tatars as an anti-soviet element who inhabit, who cooperated with the occupiers and the like, but in fact it was simply the same reason, the fear of this people, which is worth something because it is the indigenous
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people of this peninsula, stalin had as we know, his plans for the peninsula, but it all started a long time ago, since the stalinist repressions of 1938. then there were already such slogans that crimea without crimean tatars, i.e. crimea, ugh, it should be, was cleansed of this soviet element, as they expressed it then, and we know that, for example, on april 17, 1938, the crimean tatar intelligentsia had already been shot almost all, and then already in the 39th year, as we know, the second world war began, and of course that moment was postponed. yes, because we know that already in 41, at the end of 41, 42 crimea was completely occupied by the germans, and at that time there was also a partisan group in crimea itself, led by makrausov and martynov, and they did not
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cope with this partisan movement, i will not go into the historical realities of how the germans entered the peninsula and that there was practically no one to defend it, as they very quickly occupied it. the partisan movement was a failure, but they did not recognize their right, and they wrote a report to the kremlin that the crimean tatars were to blame for everything, that is, they did not support, they generally cooperated with by the germans and the like, and this report was taken into account, but of course they could not do anything, because crimea was occupied, then already when crimea was completely liberated by the second ukrainian front in the spring of 1944, the crimean tatars, as well as other peoples who inhabited the crimea, they gave birth to victories, they did not see any difference between the red army men, yes, the red army men and the soldiers of the nkvd, who then
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entered the crimea after the second ukrainian front, because the deportation operation was already being prepared, and here are those 32 nkvd soldiers, they started that very. not terror, at first, as we know, there was a population census that they conducted, the crimean tatars, of course, did not suspect anything, like everyone else, because it happened in such ... it was very classified, well , that is, it is a tradition of the kremlin to it was very classified, and there was no information, and i also want to emphasize that at that time there was a lot, that crimea was liberated, and many crimean tatars, who were just at war and who were nearby, were given vacations, and they were in crimea at that time, they were on vacation, and we know that such a historical figure as amidhan sultan was also given three days to... be with his relatives on vacation at home, but all this was done on purpose so that
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the terrible occupation was really already being prepared, and precisely he is cynical about this deportation, so what exactly are these soldiers, crimean tatars, they did not count, these are soviet soldiers and the nkvd officer, they did not count this, and they often fed the same soldiers, and these same nkvd soldiers. who were supposed to come to their homes in the morning, had dinner with the crimeans in the evening tatars, because they invited them, they saw them as liberators from the german occupation, because really, these were the horrors of the occupation, and on and on the morning at four in the morning, you can practically say to every house, because a lot of people testify, who survived the deportation, in the fourth morning, they broke into their houses and simply... announced that they were collaborators in the name of the soviet union, and at that time
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the men were still at war, when they came to women, to just elderly people, of course, yes, and to the children, yes, by the way, it can be said that until the year 44 in the crimea , there was only the crimean-tatar language, whoever inhabited the crimea, except the crimean tatars, they were russians, ukrainians, other nationalities, they all understood crimean tatars. some were told that they were being taken out for execution, well, this is for example, for example, my families, who did not take anything at all, because they said that he would take you out for execution, others were given 15 minutes, some were lucky enough to get half an hour in their pubes, yes, well, what could these confused people with themselves in... well, someone some kind of trinket, someone had something valuable, and that’s how they
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took them all out of their homes, it’s not cynical, just as the lendlis was already working, and just then the same new studebakers and fords were arriving in the ussr on lendlis, and on these studebakers and fords, crimean tatars were being taken out to the border the nearest station, and the very wagons for transporting cattle were already waiting for them there. and eyewitnesses say that these wagons in general, they were transporting livestock, there was straw as a new wagon, and then they simply drove people, people regardless, and there was another such moment, which also testifies people who were people, and who were not transportable, they were simply destroyed, physically destroyed, those who resisted were also destroyed, simply shot, and those soldiers who were given leave, who said, we fought, we, we, we , what traitors we are, and i just plucked the shoots and also said that you are
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traitors and all this is made up, that is, they were also deported, those who resisted, they were also shot, that is, these were really such terrible conditions, and if you saw the film hayterm there , yes, it really conveys such a small part of what is really were happening, these were simply horrors, and in such cattle cars there were no batons... 67 echelons, that is, there were, that is, it was not very many and not very few, and these 67 echelons, they were sent to central asia and to the urals, yes, mostly in uzbekistan, the majority of the people were resettled to uzbekistan, well, no one expected crimean tatars there, of course, we do not know the exact figures, how many died in general, because we know that this is a very large figure for... . in the first years during the deportation and in the first years of the veil 46.2% of the people died, these are the data of the national
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movement of the crimean tatars, which were still researched, and there is also evidence that when they were already brought, for example, to uzbekistan, of course no one was waiting for them there, but the local population, well, they did not know who such orphanages in general, and that's why they were told that there are generally terrible people who come to you there. they were told about this by these legends there, of course they were met as enemies, and of course they were treated like that, later they already understood that the language is somehow similar and... the faith is the same, and a little bit like that it was getting better, yes, but still, it’s a different land, it’s a different climate, a lot of people died and perished, and that’s also the diseases that were there, and then there were other reports, i’ve already told it, well, 80 years have passed, very many documents were already declassified, and people who
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were admitted to hospitals, they just didn't go there, well, didn't leave here, because they were just being treated as well. everything, so that they don't recover, that's a lot of things that were done, and it's not for one ether. my colleague andriy has a question, andriy, if we're talking about intentions stalin's leadership, then was this intention to destroy the truly crimean tatar nation, to dissolve it among other peoples and to mix it up so that the crimean tatars would forget who they are? such an intention was indeed. because there were not millions of crimean tatars, well, for example, i am among the ukrainians, because the ukrainians, in principle, could also suffer the same fate, because the ukrainians are lucky that there are many of them, they simply could not be physically removed all of them, the crimean tatars can was because there were more than 200,000 people at that time lived on the peninsula, because we know, as i said, there were many men on
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the fronts of the second world war, and of course it was done in order to destroy. moreover, when the crimean tatars were already in the cities of deportation, they were forbidden to use the crimean prefix at all, that is , they were equated with all, well, with all tatars who lived at that time, well, first in the space of the russian empire, then the rsfsr, that is, this and kazan , bashkir, siberian, astrakhan tatars, i.e. a lot, and crimean tatars were forbidden to use the crimean prefix, that is , for 80 years we are the crimean crimean tatar people... practically disappeared from history, but at the same time ms. gulnar, the crimean tatars managed to preserve their identity, and i heard different memories and knew that among themselves, for example, crimean tatars they even very carefully mentioned the history of crimea, the history of deportation, deportation, they tried not to tell the children about it, many crimeans
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who grew up and were born in uzbekistan and or in tajikistan said that they did not even suspect until ... a certain age that there was a deportation because their parents protected them in this way and tried to protect them from the repressive communist system, but nevertheless the memory remained quite powerful and in the 90s the process of mass return of crimean tatars began, how did it manage to preserve that this contributed, or mejlis is the most unique such structure of self-government, or? or some folk traditions, or some intellectuals who preserved this memory and mourned it, what are the secrets of preserving identity? well, here i can say that we have the identity of the ukrainian family is very similar, because when we have trouble, tragedy, we consolidate, the crimean tatars also
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consolidated, they preserved their faith, language, they did not mix, well, in principle, there is something there, well, the uzbeks are there... also yes muslims , at least yes no, a lot of them consolidated here and there so that the peoples would not mix, so that they would not dissolve, if, for example, separately in the crimea until the year 44 there were three sub-ethnic groups of the crimean tatars, they are, so now, but they did not mix, these are the southern coasts, these mountainous regions, the steppes, they are not mixed with each other until the 44th year, already in deportation, when it was necessary to somehow preserve their people, of course... they already mixed, and i can say that the crimean tatar people are still in the stage of ethnogenesis, that is , formation, that is why we are here a little bit already mixed with the typical sgoryans, but we are still crimean tatars, that's what consolidated us, but i want to note, maybe these are really separate families, families, they didn't tell their children about such a tragedy, but i
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can to say, the majority still told, and the crimean tatars literally... gave all this, then what we knew about ours, we experienced such a tragedy with our mother's milk, and it was such a, you know, yes, it is really, perhaps, as psychologists still say, that it is such a trauma, but this trauma you have to live to heal from it and move on, so as far as i understand, even in the 80s... it was dangerous to talk about it and say that the criminal stalinist regime, even the stalinist regime, was already a cult of stalin, a condemned cult of the weapon, but nevertheless it was. it is dangerous to talk about it and to condemn the soviet government, that is why i said that not all children were told, because
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they were simply protecting them, not because they did not want this information to be preserved, probably they told it at a more mature, conscious age, when the return began, i i wanted to ask about the return, how easy this process was, whether in the first year of 1991 , with the collapse of the soviet union, it was so easy to get together and return to crimea, whether there was a procedure for returning property that was taken from the crimean tatars in the 1940s. we know that it happened in the baltic countries, but did it happen in ukraine, and were the crimean tatars allowed to return to sevastopol, on the southern coast of crimea, or did they have to. looking for a place in the north of crimea and in the steppe part? well, of course, no one expected the crimean tatars in crimea,
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of course they said that where will you return, because we know that in the 60s and 70s there was already such a movement, the national movement of the crimean tatars, and a lot at that time, people were already talking about the need to return, and what we were accused of therefore... and that is, it was such that people already came out, some were brave, who came out with slogans, return the crimean tatars to their homeland and return the crimean tatars to their homeland, but of course, those people, of course, these were soviet times , and a lot of them came through the camps, prisons, of course for the crimean tatars the dream of returning to the crimea was always there, and we all knew from childhood, here are our parents, for example, they knew that they would definitely return, but such a vagrant really was and the year 1987 when there was such an agency, yes, during the soviet
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times, tars, which once issued such a certificate, where it was said that the crimean tatars, they are really traitors, there were a lot of traitorous battalions, which shot the civilian population, and mostly they were russians, ukrainians and jews, but it was intentional. and there was in that address that the crimean tatars are not the indigenous people of crimea, they appeared there since the 13th century, well, this is such a, you know, very, very widespread myth, which, by the way, is still heard, but here it is was in such a way, it was such, you know, a trigger for the crimean tatars, the crimean tatars, and they began to leave en masse to moscow, at that time the center, and there were still soviet times, and they went to... this red square, they were chased away, they came out to other squares, they were with posters, they wrote that return the crimean tatars to their homeland, that you accused us, these are not accusations, well, at least
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we need an apology for these accusations against the crimean tatars, the crimean tatars were knocking on all the doors, a moment remains i'm just warning that this was also the trigger for the crimean tatars to become moscow's after these events... they are, and they were already returning to the crimea, and of course, no one was waiting for them, but still, water is a stone that's right, and the crimean tatars achieved the fact that they are still in their native land, and here, well, it was like that for poshtuhum. thank you very much, gulnaro khan choksagl, for taking the time to come to our studio today, but i hope that in the next broadcasts of espresso and the atp tv channel, we will meet with you in two or three weeks and let's talk a lot more. to the questions that i have and andrii chokh saglens has, thank you for being with us today, gulnara abdulaeva, historian, journalist and tv presenter was with
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us in the espresso studio, as well as the joint broadcast of the krymtostar tv channel atr, i worked for you gulsom khalilova and my colleague andriy yanitsky, please leave koroshkenja with us. we are looking for 15-year-old ivan bastryukov from kharkiv region. the boy disappeared in the city of kupyansk back in august 2022, about a month before the liberation of the city from the russians. maybe even under during the occupation, the child was taken to russia or somewhere in the territory not controlled by ukraine. therefore, it is very important to know even. smaller details about the disappearance of the child. attention to the photo. ivan bastryukov looks 15 years old. he has an oval face, dark blond hair
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and brown eyes. if. if anyone has suddenly seen the boy or knows where he might be now, call us immediately on the magnolia children's search hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if suddenly there is no connection or possibility to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i would also like to remind you that the search for ten-year-old artem kholodny, who also disappeared in... the country and also in the city of kupyansk in september 2022, is ongoing, his mother is asking for help in finding the boy. imagine, a woman has not seen or heard from her son for more than two years. i am appealing to everyone who can see or know any information about my child, my son, cold, artem andriyovych. if someone saw the chives, can provide some information, i am asking you to do this very much, because...
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the mother's heart is breaking and the fact is that artem kholodny's parents are divorced and living separately. it so happened that when the war began, the boy was with his father in the city of kupyansk, kharkiv region. on the third day of the full-scale invasion, the city was completely occupied, and later communication was lost there. for almost six months, mrs. olena did not have any news about her son, and only in september 2022... let me remind you that on september 22, the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces liberated kharkiv oblast from the occupiers, and it was in during this period, the son of ms. elena contacted us. of course, the woman tried to call artyom, wrote him more than one message in response, but all attempts turned out to be useless. the connection with the child mysteriously broke off again
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, and where is artem? is currently unknown, so your help is very important. look at the photo again and remember the boy's face. he is a very active boy, fair-haired, with such a lean physique, light-eyed, gray-blue eyes, active, kind, a good boy. if suddenly someone saw artem cold, or knows where he might be right now, don't delay and call us at magnolia child tracing hotline right away. by short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i have told you only two stories of missing children. since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. most of the children were found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this is especially true.
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temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are problems with communication. sometimes people who cannot find their own children do not even know what to do or where to turn. if you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation and don't know how to act, call the short number 11630 or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. here you will be provided with all the necessary advice. in addition, everyone who... can't see now can already help in the search for missing children. go to website of the magnolia children's search service, here you can view all the photos of missing persons. perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report. and we
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will launch. all possible mechanisms of punishing the criminal. stopcrime ua. kateryna shiropoyas works at the news channel espressu in the studio. the law on mobilization in ukraine entered into force. the two-month term starts today, during which all conscripts must clarify their data. this can be done at the military headquarters, tsnapa, or through an electronic cabinet or a special reserve application.


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