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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians did not have enough forces for a full-scale offensive on kyiv, as it was in february 2022. this was stated by president volodymyr zelenskyi in an interview with foreign journalists. he stressed that ukraine and western allies should not show weakness and called for two patriot batteries to be deployed to protect the skies over the kharkiv region. he described the situation on the northern front. at night, russian
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fighters attacked two power plant facilities infrastructure in the eastern and central regions, ukrenergo reported. in particular, debris from downed drones damaged the energy infrastructure in one of the districts of poltava oblast. repairmen have already started restoration work, consumers' lights were not turned off. the occupiers continue to pour fire on the border areas in sumy oblast for a day there. recorded 15 shellings and more than 60 explosions, the regional military administration reported. bilopolsk, krasnopilsk, velikopyserivsk, esmansk and krasnopilsk communities came under fire. information about there are no victims. and a total of five civilians were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. during the day, the occupiers set fire to almost 20 settlements, the regional military administration reported. the russian invaders damaged two lots. floors and 14 private
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houses, an educational institution, agricultural enterprises and a store were also hit. in addition, enemy shells damaged utility equipment, private cars and gas pipelines. meanwhile, about 25,000 people have already been evacuated vovchansk community in kharkiv region. the evacuation of residents continues, the state emergency service said. they noted that taking people out is saving them. niks and law enforcement officers are assisted by volunteers. in total , almost 10,000 residents have already been evacuated from the border settlements of the region to safe places. i am asking viewers of the espresso channel to join the collection for a reliable off-road vehicle to carry out missions with reconnaissance drones, reconnaissance units in active combat zones. our soldiers work in difficult conditions they don't need a car without money at the front. an suv that... transports personnel
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and ammunition, and drones are launched from them, is like an island of life where everything around is destroyed, the necessary car has already been found and transported to ukraine, it is currently being repaired and equipped, it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front, we need 300 hryvnias for this. thanks to you, we already have more than uah 78,000 in our accounts, but it's definitely not time to stop yet. explosions rang out in the occupied skadovsk in the kherson region, this was reported... appears public with reference to its own sources, the chief gauleiter of the region , volodymyr saldo, wrote in a telegram about a rocket attack on the city and three wounded, he says, one house was completely destroyed, it was allegedly a rocket attack, hymars and rescuers are already extinguishing the fire. for the second day in a row, it is hot in novorossiysk, in the krasnodar region of russia. this time , the kirillivska substation caught fire there, without power, more than 20 remained. the authorities at the time said
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that the cause of the fire was unknown, meanwhile, residents wrote in local publications that they heard the sounds of drones at night. ukrainian defenders long-range weapons are needed so that they can attack targets deep behind the front line, the statement of german foreign minister annalena berbak was quoted by politico. the government official emphasized that the difficult situation in the kharkiv direction shows how important it is that the paths of the russians are blocked, the head of the german foreign ministry also called the initiative to strengthen the air defense of ukraine important, because the available means are not enough. let me remind you that the german government plans to hand over the new airist air defense system to kyiv by the end of may. law on mobilization in ukraine entered into force. a two-month period begins today, during which all conscripts must clarify their data. this can be done at
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the military headquarters through a special mobile application or at tsnapa. our journalist kateryna galko already knows how the updated system works. she is with us live. katya, i congratulate you. many kyivans are already clarifying the data today. greetings katya, greetings to the viewers of the express tv channel. therefore, all citizens of ukraine with military service must update their data by july 15, that is, within 60 days, and if earlier could only be done directly in the territorial picking centers, now two more functions have started working, and now we are working near one of the capital's checkpoints and... we can say that, at least, there is no commotion here today, just like there are no queues, near the building of the center for the provision of administrative services, however, as we were told by tsnapa, about 20 people have already updated their data today, i think that as of now there are already a little more, we also know that eventually the updated data
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will enter the amulet system, however it is important to note that tsnapu operators will not have direct access to the amulet, i will say more that... there are about three hundred such operators in kyiv, but there are many more of them throughout ukraine, and the system is ready for loading, more about that, let's let's hear more in the comments. administrators are granted access, we have 1,300 of them in ukraine, more than a thousand workers of the national security service, who work during the war, more than 200 remote workplaces, more than 100 territorial units, what do you understand? in general, the utsnapakh system is clear, institutions work from 90 to 60 in the evening, from monday to saturday, and are happy to welcome law-abiding citizens of ukraine.
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snaps all over ukraine are connected to this accounting system, and in order to update the data , you need to have documents certifying your identity, a military card or a registration certificate with you. it is emphasized, again here, that snap does not perform the functions of the ccc, so no summons is issued here, only you can update the data here, and this process takes about 15-20 minutes, and after a certain time you will receive an extract, more about this extract, let's hear it too, a person can state his if available e-mail, in which the resulting extract will be sent to her e -mail after the deposit. application and verification of all the data that a person has declared, he is responsible for the declared data, the application is formed, signed, then the system generates an extract, and the formation of such an extract can take some time, so you should not, let's say, be afraid of that, yes,
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so, as we can see, there is no commotion and queues near the centers for the provision of administrative services, which is no less in the capital in the morning, moreover, i would like to remind you that the data can be updated at the tsc and mobile application reserve plus, according to the ministry of defense, today, as of now , 150,000 citizens have successfully logged into the application, at the same time he noted that in the morning many citizens also noted that they could not update their data in the application, however, there are still 60 days to update of data, as the spokesman of the ministry of defense noted yesterday, all... these additional options appeared in order to disperse this number of people and so that everyone could update their data calmly and without queues. so this is the situation as of now. katya oter gives you. thank you katya. let me remind you, this was our kateryna galko from kyiv. another
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fake from russian propaganda in social networks. information is spreading that hundreds of soldiers will come from the dnipro and other regions, but this is not true. this is all the information i have. and we will see you in less than an hour. silyamoliikom, we welcome you, our dear viewers, to the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar. of the atp tv channel and the espresso tv channel. i, guls khalilova, work for you in the studio. i am alone today, but mine colleague andriy yanitskyi, he is in direct contact with me from lviv, from the lviv studio, and i hope that he already hears me. andrew, hello. i hear, congratulations. i am in lviv because of
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a big media event, lviv mediaform, i have to be here, i have to represent espresso, because there are many contacts here. but among them, i also see many crimean journalists who are currently working in the free ukrainian territory, and i see in lviv many signs of crimea, the presence of crimea and the crimean agenda. here, for example, until may 18, it is clear that there will be mourning events will take place over the lviv city hall, the crimean flag will be raised, the crimean flag with a tamga, and there are events related to the culture of crimea that resonate, they are not so tragic, because not everyone really wants to remember. about crimea only in a tragic way, there are events that simply remind
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ukrainians and lviv residents that the same people as them live in crimea, that despite the occupation, these people seek freedom, and this is done in various ways, well, in particular for example, due to the spread of crimean tatar coffee culture, here is lyuraney khaibulaeva, which is the owner. restorations krymsky dvorik in lviv conducts such a cultural project in a competing event and teaches lviv residents how to make crimean coffee correctly. well, it is really very important, it is especially important on the eve of the anniversary of the deportation, and it is correct to say the genocide of the crimean tatar people on may 18, i am talking about genocide, because many countries. the ukrainian state, the baltic states, and canada have already recognized the deportation
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of the crimean tatar people as genocide, and now the intercommunity of the crimean tatar people is working on so that the other countries of the european union also recognize the deportation as genocide, and we will talk about it with the historian today, but traditionally, andriy, we always start the broadcast with the military component and summarize what happened in... the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, this week there was a double strike on enemy airfields in the occupied crimea, where ballistic missile attacks made a noise in belbek and sarabuz. the russian military and the occupation authorities claim that several missiles were destroyed on approach in the area of ​​the belbek military airfield over the black sea, but local residents reported that the sounds of the approach and the air base they. saw and heard and even recorded it on video, and then the russian
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occupation authorities detained several young guys there and simply forced them to apologize for the video they published, and today we plan to talk about these events with mr. volodymyr zablotsky, a military - maritime expert of defense express, captain of the first rank in retired, he is now with us on the line connection mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. salam alaikum. alaykum your salam. thank you for the invitation. glory to ukraine, mrs. gults. glory to heroes. thank you for joining our broadcast. well, how did you remember this week in the territory of crimea, what do these attacks of the armed forces of ukraine mean for you and what are the consequences of the russian occupiers. we can already talk, well, for me this means, if
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you understand the continuation of the purposeful work of the armed forces of ukraine in preparation for the occupation of the crimean peninsula, this is logical a continuation, quite logical, even scaling up of what we saw last year, when the air defense system on tarkhankut was attacked, when several ... radio technical posts, radars, etc., which ensured the operation of the air defense, were destroyed, and all this happened after the so-called boyka towers were deoccupied, and even earlier the snake island, this is such a retrospective, and now a logical continuation of all this is taking place, the next steps are already large-scale strikes, that is, we have the potential to ... earlier with blows, not small ones
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in series, but on a large scale, so that if something is shot down, the rest will reach the target, and we see how it was in jonkoi, where first of all air defense facilities and aircraft at the airfield were attacked, but now in belbek, belbek is another and well, let's say this, such a node on the southern coast is different, a different unit of the russians, but for us it makes no difference, because the fewer of them, the better, and here... we are talking about an attack on the planes themselves, and already data about the destruction, about the damage, here we see now on the screen, about the destruction of air defense systems, that the least number of radar stations for s300 and s-400 are the main complexes
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used by the russians to cover their facilities in the occupied crimea, well, in general , these are... well, the most massive systems, especially for them, the destruction of the elements of the s complex will be thoroughly -400 triumph, which they present as well invulnerable, which can knock down everything, but we see that not everything can and cannot, for what it is done, these are, let's say, logical steps to ensure. armed forces, air forces of ukraine, in the air, and usually according to the classics of the genre, it happens when preparing military operation, when aviation will be used, when cruise missiles, drones will be used to attack other targets, and to ensure this
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, the air defense system and fighter aircraft of the enemy must be multiplied by zero, as they say. to neutralize it, so that it, well , at least changes the place of dislocation, or even better, so that it does not change anything at all and is destroyed. and you know what is interesting to me, mr. volodymyr, where is the vaunted russian air defense system. well, here we are now saying that on the crimean peninsula, at least there is air defense already neutralized by about 3/4. of course... they will replace something there, from where they will take it, but it is not so easy, and where they will take them, well, we will see, and we will be able to strike, of course, where this air defense will be weakened, and where can i take, from the crimean bridge or from novorossiysk, yes, and this night we see that novorossiysk was so fun, that is, you can’t take it from there, the crimean bridge,
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well, that’s the case, let them shoot, let’s see, they have now... objectively, only such an air defense belt near there in the east of crimea there kerch here in that area, because here dzhankoy, tarkhankut, belbek, it is no longer working, not able to work, at least, or it does not see, or it has nothing to shoot at, or the ammunition is depleted, and so on, that is to say that in crimea there is a full-fledged russian air defense, will. exaggeration, although you can't downplay what is left there, they can do something else, they will try to shoot, shoot down, well, that's the same thing, so there will be more propaganda than a real war. mr. volodya, what we see is how quickly they appear on the network video footage with explosions, despite all the efforts
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of the fsb, it simply speaks of some such natural curiosity. chan to such unexpected explosions, are these crimeans who are pro-ukrainian after all, record the losses of russians and send this information to various anonymous telegram channels or to the ukrainian special services, this is just curiosity, is it still possible to measure the pro-ukrainian disposition of crimeans, here it can be said that both are present, it is natural. when a person sees something that he has never seen, he takes it and wants it to share, because it is also authority in the environment, friends, acquaintances there and so on, and on the other hand, well, we see that this is a process, well, it scales, always when something is prohibited, and it is done on the contrary,
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the opposite happens and it is possible to hope that there is an element here and a patriotic one as well ... including, i don't think that what they transmit there separate, let's say, sources of our intelligence here to the center, it goes on the screens, first, it's like that, it different channels, but nevertheless, intelligence usually uses it, called osint, which means open sources information, open, intelligence of open sources of information, that is, including video. channels, there are photos, videos that are posted in open access, but nevertheless, patriotism is also present here, and to a lesser extent already... such desires, let's say so, to show oneself to someone there, especially among young people, well, but that none the less, it's useful, here, let it continue, and this and the other, because one thing
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leads to another, and let's hope, ms. gulsum, i wanted to note, we just saw a qr code on the screen, our dear viewers, if you see qr code on the screen, quick raise your smartphones, take a picture of that qr code and drop money on... for the 48th osh named after noman chelbichkhan, these are direct fighters who set themselves the goal of liberating crimea, and we all cheer for it. yes, khrym, bizym lajakh, mr. volodymyr, here, you know, i have a question, you talked about the fact that the russian occupiers now have very serious problems with air defense, on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, does this mean that, well, for for us, for the armed forces of ukraine, it will, well, increase. probability of hits on to the kerch bridge now, which we can expect in the shortest possible time, including
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such a variant of the development of events cannot be excluded, but the damage to the kerch bridge will be done, let's say in time, when it is needed by the armed forces of ukraine, that is , when other factors are present , when we will be ready to strike at, let's say for... storming the enemy's fortifications and breaking through to the peninsula, this is the first thing, because if we attack it now and even destroy it, well, they will start to restore it and repair it, as already it happened twice, and so they will have neither time nor opportunity, and they will remain in crimea, no longer on the peninsula, but, so to speak, on an island blocked from all sides, without weapons, without ammunition, without... without fuel, without everything else, they will then only have a sea delivery channel, here we have means of blockade, unmanned boats, besides, new
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developments that are offered to us, promised by our defense experts, defense speakers, including submarines, including armored boats, well, a lot of such interesting things, what else are we talking about we will hear, and... somewhere from the sea, then this will already make the enemy either leave or surrender, let's see when the next guest will be, you will present her in front of the advertisement, well , andriy, you had a question, so there was a question that our partisans, in particular, partisan units, see the strengthening of the enemy's manpower in the crimea, well, they are accumulating this manpower directly in dzhankoy, there are photos that record this. and including that they are pulling up armored vehicles, this is all overturning the eastern front, or does it remain in crimea
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in order to meet the ukrainian troops in case of a breakthrough, why exactly is this accumulation going on in dzhankoy? the fact is that in crimea there is a process of restoration of combat units that were damaged in battles e. further north, near chongar, near other isthmuses, so that in case of an attempted attack, and such an attack is predicted by the armed forces, by the enemy, to mine there, so that... some troops, because the troops in crimea, after the open invasion, there were no such line troops left, the enemy is trying
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to do something in advance, he just doesn’t do anything, you don’t have to, you don’t have to treat it lightly, that’s why , so this is how it looks, thank you, well, indeed , we now see the russian occupiers accumulating their troops in dzhankoya, well, at least about this... the russian occupation authorities report, but at the same time we see how in the northern region of crimea , they continue to build fortifications, this is how you evaluate these actions of the russian occupiers, whether they can really be effective, or next time we will take into account the mistakes and miscalculations of the past and do everything possible, besides, crimea, well, it is not so... impregnable , such a fortress that cannot be taken, no matter who builds there, historical experience shows that everyone who attacked crimea later captured it, one way
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or another. uh, it was done in different ways, by different means, but nevertheless, it all led in the end to capture crimea and the resolution of the issues of the party that attacked will be the same this time, because in the stony crimea it is impossible to build something that will be impregnable, and what they will build, well, everything that is built by man can be destroyed by man . . yes, as you know, this is roughly what it looks like, mr. vladimir, and the question regarding the naval forces, well, in this case, the russian naval forces on the crimean peninsula, do they still have combat ships there, or have all warships are withdrawn to novorossiysk and to other ports, and if they remained, how do they hide them from ukrainian naval drones, do they build or
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hide some additional obstacles between them. ships that are not civilians, are there any other tricks that we do not know about, we have two minutes, mr. volodymyr, the enemy is leaving a certain number of ships, mainly in sevastopol, they are there for repairs, they receive combat equipment there, carry out some kind of transportation, this is done by the vdc, they really do, they mask them, firstly from above with nets near the berths, so that it is not... you can see what is there and why, they are constantly being rearranged, the damaged ships are placed where the undamaged ones were standing, between civilian ships, between auxiliary ones, so that a rocket, here is the last example, was when a rescue ship of the commune was attacked, a rocket accidentally hit, it was going to a different target, well, it’s such a thing , this is war, but the enemy hides against ships in ports only because
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they are afraid of going to sea, they... transports are carried out at night, the route is checked in advance, everything is controlled ahead there, that is, before ordinary transport novorossiysk for them, sevastopol is turning into a whole operation with the involvement of aviation, surface and underwater forces and so on. i am not talking about launching missile carriers into the sea, this happens very rarely, and it also turns into an operation that is immediately fixed by our development means, but for now we are waiting for... for the appearance of means of destroying underwater carriers, so we will wait and so on. thank you very much, mr. volodymyra, chuhsaglen, for taking the time to join our broadcast. volodymyr zablotskyi was with us directly communications, naval expert defense express, first morning capt. retired. thank you, but we are not saying goodbye, we have a short break, later in this studio
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will be from... rekynia, tv presenter and journalist gulnara abdulaeva, we will talk about the anniversary of the deportation of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, do not switch, see you soon. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matrik topper you will forget that you are sleeping on... perfect surface, order a tope for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose toperic, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique case in which you can hide your topper will become not only a new item of interior, but also quite a functional thing. you can use it both while relaxing and
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