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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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why hasn't this been done yet? what do you think? wow, wow, wow! dear friends, we are getting closer to 3 p.m., and at the same hour there is espresso-news, and anna eva melnyk is ready to tell you about it. anna eva, i give you the word. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is still working, we will talk about the most important thing for this hour, and i will start this issue with the situation in odesa. be with us. in the morning, the russians hit odesa with a ballistic missile, probably iskander m. it was reported in the air command, command of the south. and at night, the defenders of the sky destroyed the mine mykolayiv oblast and the orland-10 reconnaissance drone in odesa oblast. the russians wounded a resident
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of stepnohirsk in the zaporizhia region, despite the front-line village, the enemy struck with artillery, the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov, said. during the week , russian terrorists shelled the zaporizhzhia region more than 200 times. and about 100 people remain in vovchansk, kharkiv oblast , in the village of liptsi. residents are even fewer, the head of the regional military kharkiv region reported , the process of evacuating residents from the northern part of vovchansk, where the russians are, has already impossible, despite constant shelling, evacuation from the southern part of the city and from liptsi continues, almost 10,000 people were taken from the border, most were placed within the region. in the kharkiv region, the enemy
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is trying to break through the defense of the ukrainian troops. in the morning, the occupiers twice unsuccessfully attacked the positions of the armed forces of ukraine near liptsi and vovchansk. the russians lost a dozen occupiers and another 10 units of military equipment. this is stated in the summary of the general staff. meanwhile, during the yar, the enemy attacked with armored vehicles. our military destroyed the tank and two bmps. the enemy retreated in the pokrovsky direction, russian attacks continue in the umansky area. the situation is under control. four combat clashes are ongoing in the korakhiv direction. another enemy assault continues in the direction of leshkivski piski, krynyk. our defenders did not lose any of their positions. the ukrainian military is gaining positions in the kharkiv region, but our soldiers need more weapons - defense minister rustem umyerov emphasized. the delivery was delayed. for six months,
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so the enemy expanded the front. now ukraine needs more air defense equipment, artillery, bmp, armored personnel carriers and ammunition. according to the minister, american aid is already reaching the front line. training of the ukrainian military on patriot anti-aircraft missile systems has already begun. this was announced by german defense minister boris pistorius. he reminded that his country will hand over another patriot system to ukraine. anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns cheetah and artillery shells in the framework of the german-led anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense coalition germany supports the long-term strengthening of anti-aircraft defense of ukraine - noted the german minister. the situation in the power system, as reported by the ministry of energy. at night and in the morning , ukraine received emergency aid from three countries. electricity was supplied by romania. slovakia and poland. today in
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the evening there are possible restrictions for industry, disconnection of household consumers is not planned. they wanted to leave the country for money. two men tried to bribe border guards to get to poland. this happened at the checkpoints in krakowiec and ustelug, reports state border service. one of the men offered the inspector $200 after his documents were found. fakes, another man wanted to flee the country and offered 500 dollars and 100 € for it. in both cases , border guards refused bribes. gladiator in the city of levy, that was the name of the head of the student fraternity, the leader of the revolution on the granite, markiyan ivashishyn. on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the death of a public figure in lviv , a monument to the vykarb monument was opened and consecrated at the lychakiv cemetery. the names of the projects that he
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founded, among them , the dziga art association, as well as the vivh and jazz bes, markian and vashchyshyn festivals, died suddenly on may 21 , 2000 at the age of 52. it is about the fact that markina's affairs will continue to live on. so, if we take the modern context, even our war itself is now a war of identity, this is a person who throughout his life invested in the identity of a ukrainian, in our identity, our self-awareness, that is, we created culture. the person is extraordinary, a person with a very global mindset. thinking about the future, and this in fact, we currently lack people like markiyan, this is a very good event, because we honor with a monument, a person who defined the young generation of ukrainians in
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the 90s, 2000s and later, this generation managed to absorb that freedom , which i will receive not enough, it managed to tell society things that society was not always able to accept. 80 years ago, the communist regime forcibly resettled about 200,000 crimean tatars from crimea to remote regions of the soviet union. today in the lviv museum , the territory of terror, the memory of the victims was commemorated genocide my colleague is there now. natalya starepravo. natalya, my congratulations and tell me who came to such an event and what people say? i congratulate annaeva, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. indeed, it is symbolic that the event itself takes place on the territory of the museum
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of terror, because it is a historical place where nazi and soviet crimes took place. today, the participants gathered here to prayerfully honor the memory. victims of the soviet terror, which was committed on this very day, may 18, 1944, gathered here today as lviv residents, guests of the city, as well as the crimean tatars, in order to pray, literally just a moment ago performed the national anthem of ukraine, performed the national anthem of the crimean tatar people, today we will hear poems and songs in the crimean tatar language, and we also talked with a crimean tatar, who... testifies to the very crimes of the soviet union, his family was also deported to siberia, during the deportation of the crimean tatars, his grandfather, father, and brother were deported, but later, after stalin's death, the family managed to reunite. however, the man mentions that
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it is again a crime, deportation, genocide of the crimean tatar people was repeated already in 2014 , so let's listen to it. the story of... keeps repeating itself, why? because the evil that is not punished, it returns, for us, for the crimean tatars, it returned in 2014, when i already had my 5-year-old daughter in the 14th year, and we were already forced to leave our native crimea in the same way , native homeland, again unpunished evil, already full ma'. for the invasion of 2022 in the whole of ukraine, all of ukraine, yes, it is bleeding, yes, and this is it, yes, and this year, this is the year 2024,
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now it is already the 80th anniversary of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, and this pain is constant, constantly returning. in general , the communist regime forcibly deported more than 200,000 crimean tatars, and today, after 10 years of occupation, russia continues to commit the same crime, we remember the crimes of the soviet and russian authorities, well, for now the event continues, we will monitor what is happening here and later we will inform you more details, anna evo, i will give you the floor. thank you, espresso correspondent, the old law about the 80th anniversary of the deportation crimean tatar people. and the urgent collection of the espresso tv channel continues for tasks at the front, intelligence units need a reliable suv. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, without cars, at the front in no way. suvs
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transport personnel and ammunition, and drones are launched from them. the necessary car has already been found and transported to ukraine. it is currently being repaired and equipped. it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 300,000, we have collected almost 88,000 small donations, please support our collection for to buy a car for our soldiers as soon as possible, someone. he protects us and you with his own life, read more about this important thing on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, support our youtube channel and meet lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk. petrol trimmers are so heavy, loud and
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at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week. and actually, we will find out who will be the guest of the studio already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. there is no friend better than mother, there is no land better than motherland. may 18 is the day of remembrance of the victims of the genocide of the crimean tatar
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people. dear friends, we are returning to ether, lesya vokulyuk, andriy saichuk. we work for you in this studio. this is our second part of ether. we thank you that for this second part of the ether you have already donated 12 hryvnias per... and added these 12 00 to the morning's 54 00 donations, and i let me remind you that we are collecting atvs for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade. cold ravine she needs these atvs in order to evacuate our wounded soldiers from the battlefield, so please join the collection, you can already see the qr code, the card number also appears on the title, here it is, thank you all, who joins, we already have 677.10 hryvnias and 40 kopecks, we need 4 million,
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a huge amount, but little by little we are getting closer to the first million, and it will be... a fourth part of the required amount. we will now we will also talk about charity, we will talk about how it is not easy to do, but we will talk about charity and how people will donate to the ukrainian army, to the needs of russia's war against ukraine and to support ukraine, actually from abroad. how do the germans do it? we should have had a little more guests on our airwaves today, er, in our studio we mean serhiy sumleny, german political scientist, director of the initiative center european stability, there is. we are on the air, mr. sergey, i congratulate you, well and julian kelterborn, a member of the bat nendor city council, and denise wilkop, a german volunteer, were also supposed to be with you in our studio, but something, something went wrong, something went wrong at the border, and they couldn't get to lviv. something strange happened, or as it is now popular to write, what
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exactly, mr. sergey, something strange, what exactly were you traveling with the germans? benefactors, and why they did not reach our studio, what stopped them, well, we hope that they will still be in lviv today, here they are now they are standing at the border, they crossed the polish border and went through passport control in ukraine, but they were stopped by the situation with the customs, because it turned out there that the order of registration of humanitarian aid has changed. this is another time, and we had to draw up additional documents, well, fortunately, our colleagues from ukrainian non-governmental organizations are supporting them now, everything is being drawn up now, that is, there are requirements, they are not difficult, but because they were new, and because the fact that there are many small medical items for each, for each, that is, for each object
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a separate declaration must be drawn up, and it is already kept somewhere... and i hope that they will still have dinner in lviv and drink a glass of lviv beer for the fact that they finally delivered it. let's check if we can see what's up with them now, they say that they can join us just from the border of ukraine julian kelterburn, a member of the batnendor city council, is already with us, yes mr. serhiu, you will help us because with a translation...
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well, let's translate a little for our viewers what he actually says, that's all is moving, but a little slowly, but as always , they will cross the border, well, not as quickly as expected, what exactly is mr. julian coming to us with and why, why to ukraine, what, what pulls him here, he has... what exactly do you bring here and why do you go to ukraine, why exactly ukraine? do you have like any personal connections to ukraine like your family maybe? um, family, family, no, but when when the war started, the invasion started in 2022, um, yeah, we had some of the refugees also in germany like in every
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country, and there were some people, and sometimes you get friends with them, and so now i have a friend uh... very close friend living in kobal in vollast and this is petro petrovic and yeah i'm sometimes in the year i'm here and you try to connect things and then you say okay when i come to this country and and start exploring this country why why why don't you bring some aids yeah for this for the ukrainian people and so you get into some several communities you meet some amazing people that is, i will try to translate more succinctly, so as not to... means to take a lot no time, no family, but there are many connections and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, these contacts with ukraine began, and among them he has
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a good friend from the volyn region, from kobel, petro petrovych , now it will turn out that this is my uncle, and no, no, no, yes, yes, peter petrovich, my uncle, maybe this is not the only peter petrovich, well, if so, then... it means that the world is even happier, and in fact he began to think about how he can help ukraine and the ukrainian people in particular, and through contacts, through these are the ideas that can be carried, and this is where i want to add that literally a week ago, yulian turned to me and said, listen, i have an ultrasound diagnostic device from a german hospital, it means that they want to donate, there is an electrocardiologist.
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the german hospital wanted to donate to ukraine, the other there for drips and everything, and here we found a hospital in the zaporizhzhia region, which actually twice, twice the hospital was moved, first it was in the chernihiv region, there from chernihiv she was transferred to zaporizhia, she also sings in zaporizhia. and i, we can actually speak german, i just don't want us to have any inconvenience, no, we are comfortable, i think that your tv viewers, well,
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understand english better than german, so i think it 's more comfortable if we we will speak in english, so that male and female tv viewers will understand in a better way, and we will translate for those who do not understand, and was everything okay at the border now, or was it, well, how did this happen is there a delay now, are there any complaints. of you at the border or do you have like something you want to complain? you don't want to complain? today, today i don't want to complain, sometimes especially in the beginning when when you come to another country and you don't know about the behaviors, you sometimes get into trouble, so the big the big thing for me is when we first came here. in in january uh last year um you have two lanes and we were not in the uh european lane since we thought we had to wait with
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all the others for the duties and we were waiting for eight hours at the border so we've been very stupid today it's it's uh much more fast um to come to ukraine but yeah today i can say these are also amazing people here um and they are so kind and so nice since they... that is, no, there are no complaints, that is, it is generally a normal situation when you come to another country and if you do not know all the rules, you can get into some trouble, and for example, when he drove a humanitarian for the first time. help at the beginning, at the beginning of the 22nd year, there was a situation when they stood with their little boy in this huge queue with ukrainian
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cars, not knowing that it was possible to pass, that is, with european cars, a short queue and spent 8 hours there simply because the fact that they didn't understand the situation, didn't know what he was talking about, well, we were stupid, didn't know that, and now he says that everything is fine, very friendly, very friendly employees, customs employees and help. and that's all, well, he says that now he needs to move, because there some movement has taken place, which means across the border, and it is necessary to rearrange the car or something , while we are still moving there, of course with the help of mr. julian and mrs. denis, we wanted to ask in the meantime, there was information that in the ruling party, right now , mr. scholz's german actually has such thoughts that it is possible that the german air force is against... at least in part of ukraine, is this realistic? well
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, this is what we are talking about, it is from the first times, and from the first hours, from the first hours of the military invasion, this is a no-fly zone over ukraine, and this is the fact that a week ago katser scholz denied that this was possible, and here is the head of the spd faction of the social democratic party of germany in the bundestag, mr. mycenich, he frankly said that this was allegedly playing with fire and that it so there will be a provocation. putin and all, well here you have to understand that, first of all, germany does not have the strength to ensure a no-fly zone over ukraine, and because it is a huge country, it is the largest country in europe by area, almost three times larger than germany, if here put it completely control over all the air, then it is necessary to transfer all the air defense systems of germany and not only germany, and of course no one will do that,
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the question... is that there were several components, so the first thing is whether it is possible to use air defense equipment that will stand on territories, that means nato, for example, in poland, and to shoot down missiles that are still in the airspace of ukraine, that is , to control the airspace there within a radius of 150 km, let's say, that is, they can stand somewhere in the middle of nowhere and control the sky over lviv, let's say, and... what is it for them ok, and the second, it is an even more radical question, that the interceptor planes were stationed in ryashev, i don’t know, in kholm and somewhere else, and would fly over ukrainian, over ukrainian territory in ukrainian airspace, but return b to their airfields, i like this option even more, yes, everyone likes it, except of course those whose planes it will be, huh.
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here is the idea that russia should not attack these bases, because they are on nato territory, and this will be an attack on nato, and the planes, of course, if, they perform the task of patrolling the airspace of ukraine, that is, they do not shoot down, say, russian planes there, but only destroy russian unmanned equipment there, that is, missiles, drones, which are illegally in the airspace of ukraine, but this is for sholtsi. for many, this is an even more radical proposal, eh, and what is the mood of german society, or people like julian and denis, who are now on their way to ukraine, are standing in line, because they do not know something there, what has changed in our rules, and they are bringing medical technology that will save our lives people are taken to zaporizhzhia, are there still many of them? in fact, there is a lot, in fact, there is a lot, and here's the thing that every time i look
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at... another piece of shit announced by scholz chitsenig or someone else, there are absolutely some proposals for some kind of understanding with russia or something, some compromises , the freezing of the conflict, as they call it, every time, in order not to get angry, i remember how many germans and german women donate to the ukrainian army every day, and here is yulian and denis... we also constantly supported the armed forces and donated a lot money for drones for the 47th brigade, which we regularly buy 47 separate mechanized brigade, and now just yesterday we started another campaign in germany to collect money for drones for the 92nd brigade and the 47th brigade, and i was amazed in less than a day, that is , we started yesterday at 4 o'clock in the evening.
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so far, people have donated about €46,000, that is , 2 million uah, ugh, and it is just incredibly powerful, with such a powerful wave, people will donate, and what is important for me is to read, you know what people write in the comments, ugh, ugh , ugh, because to give different, donats there from five euros to 200 was the largest to compayut exactly german thunders exactly germans exactly germans. because we do it in the german environment on twitter, and you can see it there, you can see when there, well, as the organizer of this campaign, i can see if all their raw data is there, and 95% of them are germans, there are also americans there, sometimes there are people from other countries i am very ashamed of the country.


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