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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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cold ravine in the direction of chasiv yat. 2 p.m. in ukraine. for your attention , a news broadcast on tv channels the russians tried to go on the offensive in the luhansk region, tried to break through the defenses in the region of bilogorivka, but suffered heavy losses, the head of the region, artem lysogor, said. 17 times the russian army attacked our positions in this direction, the occupiers also concentrated their troops near stelmakhivka in the kupyansk direction. more than 10 have already been evacuated from vovchansk in kharkiv oblast. according to
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yevhen ivanov, deputy chief of the regional military administration, the pace evacuation of the population from the northern regions of kharkiv region is decreasing, but it continues around the clock. the occupiers hit the village of novozhelanne in donetsk region with artillery. the 43-year-old local mayor was seriously injured. the resident was near his home at the time of the attack, the national police said. paramedics arrived to help the victim, they provided the man with first aid and evacuated him to a safe place. in izyum, the russians destroyed an architectural monument at night. palace of culture zaliznychnyk. the building is more than 100 years old there was a unique scene. the building was planned to be reconstructed, before the full-scale russian invasion and...
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dozens of clubs and a library were working, - said the deputy head of the local military administration volodymyr matsokin. the russians damaged the premises for the first time during the occupation. flee from the scene of the accident. three people were injured in an accident in zhytomyr this night. at the same time, one of the participants in the incident ran away before the arrival of the law enforcement officers. this was reported to the regional police. it is known that around midnight the school did not pass on the road. and a taxi volkswagen. as a result , the taxi driver and two of his passengers were injured. they were hospitalized. the passenger of the skoda was also slightly injured. it was not possible to find out what condition the driver of this car was in. he fled the scene before the police arrived . the fugitive is currently being sought by law enforcement officers. and again a drowned man in a thousand. the body of the man was discovered by the romanian border guards under the hall. bridge between ukrainian
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hrushov and romanian kimpulun khlatisa, the state border service of ukraine reported. it is noted there that this is the eighth toppernik, which have been found since the beginning of may, and in total more than 31 bodies have been recovered in tisza since the beginning of the russian invasion. the government of iran called an urgent meeting due to the death of the president and other officials, local media reported. the death of ibrahim raisi. the head of the country's mfa was confirmed by the vice president of iran on state television. the duties of the country's leader will be performed by the first vice-president, mohammad mogbeh. as you know, the helicopter in which the official delegation was flying was found at dawn today with the help of a drone. the helicopter is complete burned during a hard landing in the mountains, not far from the country's border. iranian media reported that the cause of the disaster was bad weather. on the eve of the flight from the government.
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was in azerbaijan as a delegation. the united states plans to impose sanctions on georgia politicians over the foreign agents act. politico writes about it. according to the media, the usa may freeze the assets of members of the ruling georgian dream party, who promoted the scandalous law. they will also be banned from traveling to the country. such restrictions will be provided for by the new draft law, which will soon be presented at the congress. usa. allow ukraine to attack the territory of russia with its weapons. this possibility is being discussed in the french parliament. according to french media, the head of the country's foreign affairs committee, jean-louis bourlanche , even called on parliamentarians to change the existing military doctrine. he stated that the time has come for such support. unspecified loss. in the capital. presented a project of psychological
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assistance to female servicemen who are currently in russian captivity. our correspondent tetyana golunova will tell you more. which is now live with us. tanya, i love you. i congratulate you and tell you more about the project itself and how you can get help. i congratulate iro, i also congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. so, on may 20 , it will be exactly two years since the last soldier of the azov regiment left the azov-steel plant. by order of the president, our defenders surrendered . since then, there have been several prisoner exchanges. the last one was on may 6, 2023, and since that time not a single... soldier of the azov regiment has been returned home, it is very difficult for the families of azov to expect their relatives, they need psychological support, so a project called unspecified loss was created to provide it,
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anna grubaya, head of projects and programs for women's assistance, ms. anna, i congratulate you once again, please tell me who organized such a project, and for what purpose? thank you for your question: the project is organized by the future for ukraine foundation. at first, we were engaged in helping women who suffered from sexualized violence under during the war, and now they have expanded their work, because we see how great the need is. and now we work with women who are waiting for their relatives to be released from captivity, or who are waiting for news from relatives who have gone missing. please tell the families where to turn. prisoners of war to receive exactly this necessary psychological help. in order for a psychologist to contact you today, you need to go to the website, leave your application, and the psychologist will contact the woman within two hours and arrange consultations. we provide 16
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consultations for each woman, six individual and 10 group, and then continued work in groups. thank you very much, and i will remind all our tv viewers that the project is an undetermined loss, it is designed to provide qualified psychological assistance to the families of our defenders, servicemen who are still in russian captivity, and some of them are missing. that's all the info for now, so iro, i'm turning the ether over to you. thank you, tanya, it was our correspondent tatiana golonova. well, they are physically hardened and help the army. in poltava , a race was held in support of the third. everyone willingly participated in the assault brigade, having previously donated 300 hryvnias. our anna morozova will tell how many poltava citizens joined and how much the initiative raised. more than 150 residents of poltava have put on sports suits and
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are preparing for a run in the local park. 5 km ahead. the participants were united by sport and the initiative of the third assault group to raise funds for the purchase of fpv drones. the need for a brigade. is constantly changing, it can be both day drones and night drones, respectively with different ones technical characteristics. we will not reward, we will not determine the winners, because our idea is that everyone who joins, regardless of the result, is in any case a winner, because he supported the third separate assault brigade and is a conscious citizen of his state. in general, poltava joined the all-ukrainian collection of 10 million hryvnias, and directly from the citizens, the goal is 1 million. every 3 2 1 we run without counting the time, this is a trail race so that people can simply see the riverside park and joined a good social initiative , now the season will probably start, it will be
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cold in winter, although it will be possible to hold it much more often, almost now , announcements almost every weekend, participants of the race , amateurs, some have joined in bulk. race for the first time, the main goal for poltava residents is to support and partially cover the need for attack aircraft. fell a little, but in general it was very interesting, i think that... for sports, you can run on any day, and i think that such events should not be ignored, you should also participate in these
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to express their support for our military themselves, with donations, some kind of media, the charity event helped to collect more than... 70 thousand uah, so the volunteers will organize other initiatives to raise funds. anna morozova from poltava for espresso tv channel. and we urge you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. soldiers use cars to move around positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars. needed transport, it is already in ukraine, and it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. with your help we have already collected a little less than half, which is 135. so every one of your donations is important, you can see all the details on the screen now and join
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the collection, that was the news at the time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch our content on youtube, literally in a moment meet my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii, we see you in less than an hour at 3 pm. greetings to all viewers of espresso, information day in rozpal itself and in the next few hours we will be working for you in this studio so that you are aware of the most important events in... on the live espresso airwaves , antin borkovskyi yardniki will be working live for you, we will inform you about everything the most important, but
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the key story is what is happening now on the front line. oleksiy hetman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, major of the national guard of ukraine in reserve, is now in touch with us. yes, can mr. oleksii hear us? glory to ukraine, mr. major. glory, have a good day. well, first of all, let's start with the situation in the north of kharkiv oblast. yes, the key task of the operational level that you. you are your enemy, this is to create two additional bridgeheads and try to hold them and possibly expand them, but in any case we understand that we were waiting for them, and rather the enemy will not have any advance at all, but they entered, they are there, and the fighting continues , your vision of the situation in the north of kharkiv region, well, these two plazdarma plazas that they created, they act according to the combat statutes, according to the rules of warfare, which are prescribed in textbooks, they can be perfected. can be improved, but the basic principles, they remain the same, these two plastdarms along about 15 km, this is
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exactly the distance, at this width, at which the brigade should attack, that is, it attacks 10-15 km wider, if a division is attacking, then it should attack a width of 40 km in order to make a breakthrough area of ​​about 3-6 km, that is, it is written in the battle statutes, it is written in the textbooks, this is how the russians act, we know. tactics, we know these actions, you know, you can't say that they are fighting with some old means, that's the classics, what 's prescribed, what's prescribed in the summaries according to which they were preparing, and they, they act like that, that is, there is nothing so interesting and we do not see anything new, the only thing is that the means of impression have changed, certain small tactical, tactical movements have changed there, there is no longer a platoon advancing, there, but small groups, well that is... everything is happening as it should happen, and that , what the russians will
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do in the future, they will continue such assaults after artillery fire, after drones, drone attacks, well, not sparing people, and whether they will manage to advance far or not, some tactical successes are still quite possible, because they have to reach, well, if they reach, of course , already more powerful fortifications, which, as we are told... they were built there, so here, well, this is a war, the usual things are happening, well, i know, of course, these are not very good words in such and such a situation, but they understood the military actions on the part of the russians, and well, you have to give ambi is already on the fortifications in advance prepared, i think that we will do the same, mr. oleksiy, sumyshchyna, is the enemy showing a certain activation in the direction of sumy, and is it actually... now there is a certain observation from satellite images regarding the accumulation of troops on the sumy border,
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our intelligence is actually there says that there may also be a certain offensive of the occupiers, well, there is a little less, but approximately the same number at the level of a division located in the direction of sumy, but where exactly in sumy oblast, well, this must be analyzed based on the accumulation of news, although there roads that have not been destroyed have been built, well, they are already in use, these are... toll roads, along which you can move such a large number of troops quite quickly, well, not all 30 thousand, but 10-15, well, it is quite fast, if there is transport, especially if there is a railway, then displacement. can happen quite quickly , the length of the border between the sumy region and the russian federation is 564 km, that is, where exactly will they try to create the same bridgeheads as in the north of kharkiv, well, most likely somewhere near the city of sumy, because it can be understood that they from a military point of view
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want to do, they want to move as close as possible to these big cities, ee groups. groupings at the division level are not capable of storming large cities, the russians also understand perfectly well, therefore, most likely, efforts to advance closer, so that it is possible to attack these cities with aimed artillery fire, shell them, well, create conditions there that are impossible for the civilian population to live in, will succeed or not, well, they can and will make scaffolding, because let's remember that near the border it is impossible to create powerful fortifications for several dozen. from the enemy, because it is impossible to work there, well , with equipment, because it is vulnerable immediately to the means of impression of the enemy, even there with a machine gun or even without guns, mortars, machine guns, rpgs, can destroy the equipment that is supposed to work there, well, i mean bulldozers , tractors, because
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you won't be able to build something serious there by digging with shovels, so you can guess where they will try. that somewhere around not far away, let's say 560 km, it's a long distance, but i think they will still try to do directly near the city of sumy, well, in the direction of the city of sumy. i would like to clarify what military should happen. a criminal, insidious, but rather strange attack by the enemy, it is about the kharkiv region, in particular about the recreation center in the village of cherkaska-lozova. yes, quantity. the death toll increased to seven people, 28 wounded, so we understand that the enemy used two ballistic missiles to attack this base, two iskanders, how typical is it for the enemy to use something like this, does it fit into some new tactics there, is it possible that they someone is being targeted there wanted to kill in this way? well, they
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will tell that there was a concentration of mercenaries there, they will say absolutely, and that will be about it. whether it's british or polish, for some reason they like mercenaries so much, they don't say anything about the americans yet, well, it was an attack on civilian objects, and you know, well, that's something to say, but what 's new, that it's the first time they attack civilian objects objects, this is to create once again impossible living conditions, to sow disbelief in civilians, to sow panic, you know, of course, that... are being done, this, of course, does not justify them, but it is clear that, unfortunately, they will continue to do so, and if they manage to get even closer, then artillery fire will be added to this, so these are the difficult weeks and months that, about which our partners and our political leadership, the military leadership, told us that we should expect
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that the end of may, june, maybe even july, these will be the hottest days along the line, all the lines. because the russians got stronger, they mobilized all their reserves, they mobilized more people, and they will try as far as possible as long as they have enough strength and means to advance, and of course it is very important for them, if not to capture, but to create impossible conditions for living in large places that are not far from the border, this is just sumy and kharkiv, unfortunately, you have to be ready here. that if the enemy advances even closer, then maybe, perhaps, it will be necessary to raise the issue of at least partial education, at least for children from these cities, because if artillery fire starts, and the russians can do it, then this it will be, this is already a non-air alarm, you won’t even have time to take shelter here, mr. oleksiy
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, please allow me time, the information that the enemy has launched a frontal attack there is coming in these days, and we can see it on... even on the maps deepstate, what is actually being observed about a certain tendency of the enemy to go to the breach, what do you think is the situation there now, how serious is everything? well, it's not because they, see, they had certain time limits set in them when they were supposed to capture, as they say, liberate this city, they failed to do it, there they treated may 9, by may 7, a lot of time had already passed and... the task in the large account of their president was not completed, so these frontal assaults are not because they did not like the old tactics, which gave them some ... some tactical advantages, and they made it possible to keep at least some number of military personnel, this number cannot be called unlimited in them either,
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now i think that after heads flew there, relatively speaking, epaulettes flew from someone for disobeying orders , they are just in they have already been like that, we have seen messages and even videos, when the russians have such a chip, if you can... say that when the order is not carried out, or there is someone there, a malicious violator, then they are scared that we will to send strong assaults, now they began to make strong assaults, because in order to try to really capture the tsar and in order to punish those people, i think, now it is precisely those people who did not follow the order and take part in all in these brainstorms, what, well, you can even call it something, well, something similar to...
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arkhangelsk, novoaleksandrivka, novobakhmutivka, novopokrovske, this is a salient, so we understand that the enemy has put a large enough number of our ukrainian chernozems there, but the offensive... the incendiary attacks continue, and there is a feeling that the enemy, perhaps , that is where he will try to make a certain offensive bet. well, you know, let's face it, in order for the enemy to lose water appreciably or not appreciably, we operate with numbers, without operating to the amount of manpower that the enemy has. it is considered a loss when the unit is almost no, he is not capable of carrying out combat tasks, this is a loss of at least 30% at... 50% losses, he becomes practically useless, it needs to be reformatted, well, he is definitely not capable of offensive actions, you can count these, for example, there are 10 thousand dead for
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the last week, the russians have, well, let's see how much this is a small percentage for them in order to for the amount that is in general on the entire front line, in order for the entire area of ​​the front line... someday to reduce offensive actions did they exhale, then it is necessary to kill, well, statistically, there are less than 150-200 00 military personnel, yes , the losses of the russians will be significant, we did, we, they lost 1-2% of what they have there, it is not for them, we say big losses, but 2-3%, this is even in the soviet union during civilian training, excuse me, in peacetime. during regular training exercises, the loss of up to 2% of people, well, there too, people were kneeling and dying, was considered
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acceptable, that is, according to the standards of the soviet armed forces, so the loss is 2-3%, well, we would like it to be a tangible loss, this not a tangible loss, huh, but if we talk about the situation in our southern direction, now we see that the occupiers have become more active... near staromaiskyi, and there are also their attempts to break through this defense on the line of surovyka in the robotyny area, what is happening there now in your opinion and does the enemy now have the potential to knock out our armed forces? well, there is no worker as such, there is already, as they say, construction waste in the city at the place of the settlement, so they want to level this line, this front line, well, not because they like a straight line. not straight the front line, and because we moved relatively close to the takmak, which is the railway, the railway crossings, through which a large
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number of people go to melitopol, to jonkoi, that is , we have fire control, and the further our artillery systems will be from this city, the better it will be easier for them to bring something there, so the task here is very, very clear, from a military point of view, what they are trying to do, they are trying to move as far as possible from their logistical routes. our troops to do, well, as little as possible vulnerable, this railway, which they use together with the kerch bridge, well, there is now a suspension, and together with the railway that they built along the ozov coast, here too , the actions are quite understandable, it will not work, well, there is crazy pressure, and i think that there are also certain deadlines, certain deadlines by which they have to do it, and if they don't do it, then we will expect mild assaults again, well... well, we will expect a fine, to put it simply. thank you oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine and a veteran was in touch with us during the russian-ukrainian war. there is brief information from the regional.
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the administration of the kharkiv region says that the armed forces control 60% of vovchansk, but the assaults do not stop. this was stated by the deputy head of the kharkiv ova, roman semenukha, and he says that continuous shelling continues, the enemy continues assault actions, mainly focused on the directions of the settlement of liptsi, the settlement of vovchansk and on the left and right flank of the city of vovchansk. he also added that today there are several arrivals of taxi cabs in july, well, that's it this morning they also stopped in battle. combat operations in the kupyansk direction, today in some areas, he says, the armed forces are carrying out their own assault operations in order to improve the position, and there is definitely shelling at the border, this is the operational information from the kharkiv region. well, now there is a short break, after it we will continue to talk about the situation on the front line, wait, watch espresso. gasoline
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