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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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themselves and missiles to air defense means, because austin also emphasized that ukraine desperately needs an increase in the number of air defense systems, and the day before, ukraine's ambassador to the us, oksana, just spoke about the fact that she had talks with american representatives and behind the scenes in there is a question that the united states can transfer another battery to ukraine. but there is no clear confirmation of this yet, but in any case, such discussions are ongoing, and as we recall what zelenskyi said about that we need at least two patriot batteries to be deployed to protect kharkiv, we understand that this process of deploying such batteries is extremely difficult, not easy, because this is an area close to the russian border, and we understand that one way or another the question will arise if if such batteries arrive, it will be the downing of russian planes in russian. and this again just
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raises the question of whether western weapons should be used to hit the territory of the russian federation. we know that such permission is from britain, such issues are being discussed in to the french parliament, and this rubicon of american weapons is extremely important now that we use this potential to destroy the enemy's capabilities in those areas where he accumulates strength and then carries out strikes on our land. and now actually, in the background of the vremshtein meeting. the situation along the entire front line remains difficult, the enemy is trying to advance in the vovchansk area, but we understand that this area is extremely important, there were reports from the ukrainian side that the armed forces control 60% of vovchansk, and in fact there were reports that the enemy, under pressure from vovchansk, may try to activate actions in other directions as well, here is what is happening in other directions, in particular near bakhmut, because there were reports of enemy attempts.
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intensify your actions in this area, and we are now joined by a guest, this is a major of the national guard of ukraine, an officer of the planning section of the fourth brigade of the rubizh guard, dmytro kozhubenko, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you, good day judge, good day, dear viewers, i would like you to explain what is happening in the zone now the responsibility of your brigade, because literally yesterday and today there were reports that the enemy... stepped up hostilities, started using armored vehicles en masse there again, there were reports, it seems on saturday, about attempts by the enemy with 20 armored vehicles to break through to ivanovsky, which happening in your area now? directly from the brigade, the enemy is not currently taking action against the equipment, he is in our direction making efforts on larger assaults in small groups in order to quickly... identify our firing points for himself,
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so to speak, reconnaissance by combat, assault meat, which they do not mind, after that, if they, they manage to detect our fire points, they destroy them with artillery fire, fp drones, well , with all available fire means and also other means of impression, about the fact that there was an assault on ivanivskyi, it is known, as far as i know, the guys worked well there, nothing happened to the opponents, this is another time to... the fact that the defense forces of ukraine can fight with what they have, even for sufficiency of shells, they are equal to the enemy on our land. mr. dmytro, have they increased? the amount of ammunition for our artillery has increased because the president talked about it on friday, what is actually happening in this particular component of our combat capabilities?
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that we are having a conversation with dmytro kozhubenko, he is an officer of the planning section of the fourth brigade of the rubizh guards, this brigade operates in the bakhmutsky direction, where the enemy carried out a series of offensive actions, including frontal actions at the time of yar from the kanal district, attempts to move from bohdaniv, from bohdanivka and also the attacks near ivanovsky, we know that there was a mass and an enemy armored attack with 20 armored vehicles. these means were destroyed,
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the enemy also suffered a significant amount of live equipment, and now we continue our conversation, if mr. dmytro can hear us. we also hear, during the conversation with our soldiers, we have repeatedly heard that the enemy is now actively trying to use eagles and lancets to hunt our artillery, are there any countermeasures against such actions of the enemy as in your area, is there such a threat, well, i... i'll say that it's not the enemy, he's already using three quite a lot here eagles and lancets for that attack our artillery, in principle, they have superior armored vehicles, the only way to deal with them is
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reb and anti-aircraft means, because the height of arlan, it is quite high, it is quite difficult to shoot them down with small arms, but... the lancet is yes, that's why you still need to spot him and hit him with sniper fire, although the lancet rebs are relatively not very effective, because the system is a little different there, but the rebs can also leave him, that's why we need air defense. sir, dmitry, thank you for including, thank you for that you do for... our state, for our defense, for our protection. let me remind you that it was dmytro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the rubizh national guard brigade, which is currently operating in the bakhmut direction. these were the main military results of this day, and more news and details later in vasyl zima's broadcast.
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i thank serhiy zgurts, i thank him. guest, i would like to remind you that there is an air alert throughout the territory of ukraine, plus i said that the mig 31 k took off, but after that there was information that six took off could fly into the sky, this is the nizhny novgorod region of the russian federation, this is the savasriyka airfield, after that there was information about the launch of daggers, the poltava region through the sumy region, at the moment the missile is not detected, again the tv reports. gram channel map of air alarms, most likely it is the channel that can be trusted now, based on this information, which obviously checks what they inform the citizens of ukraine, so at the moment the missile is not detected, there are such moments when the launch takes place, but these are the so-called fakes
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the targets, the work of the guys, supposedly there was a launch of daggers, but in reality the launch of the rocket did not take place, so in any case we have to continue. to be in shelters, because the carriers of the dagger missiles remain in the sky, and the fact that the launches of real missiles may take place, no one cancels this, such a possibility, so we will wait for further information, here is what i want to tell you, we will have a conversation now with our guests, we are waiting for them to join our broadcast, we will talk about the situation in kharkiv oblast, talk about the situation in poltava oblast, because during the day the enemy attacked poltava oblast twice with rockets, and in particular it was about the myrhorod district, it is clear that it may be clear where the enemy is aiming there, but we are not talking about it, the information is official from the oblast military
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administration such that there was no damage to infrastructural facilities, well , more than what can be said, the guest will tell us when he joins us, the first in our line... is kharkiv oblast, i would like to remind you that today is a day in kharkiv oblast mourning, yesterday there was information about 11 people killed as a result of a vile terrorist enemy attack on a place where this is kharkiv region, a place where people rested, actually there were just civilians there, there was no accumulation of military equipment, and actually the enemy has no right to shoot at the territory at all of ukraine, because this is a crime, this war carried out by the russian army and its leadership is already a crime, so when we say that there were no ... military goals, we do not justify the fact that if there were military goals, then the enemy obviously he would have the right to shoot there, he doesn't he has the right to fire on the territory of our country, this war is criminal, and this is aggression of the enemy, unjustified, unprovoked aggression, therefore any strikes on the territory of ukraine, even if there is an accumulation of all the equipment that is only in ukraine, that is all
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one thing is a crime, but in this situation, even such an excuse cannot be invented by the enemy , because there was no military equipment, no military groups, no military formations, no units, there was nothing like that there. there were people who were already under stress, frightened by this attack of the enemy, aggression from the enemy, and the enemy struck the place where the people actually rested. yesterday there was information about one. 13 dead, a pregnant woman died, unfortunately, and today is a day of mourning in kharkiv oblast, we join in, because whenever they say it is a day of mourning in kharkiv oblast, it is a day of mourning throughout the country, because these are our citizens, these are civilians, again civilians are not a good word, they are people, first of all people, ukrainians, who died due to an enemy attack, and that is why it is a mourning in kharkiv oblast, but again, it is a mourning throughout the territory of our state, and i i think that this is the way to do it when it comes to numbers. victims, and one victim is a lot, it shouldn't be, but people, people shouldn't die, but when it comes to numerous
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victims, surely this day would live all over the country, it's not so difficult, somewhere stop some fun, don't turn on the music somewhere, don't broadcast some fun programs, stand-up shows or something like that, it's not difficult in memory of the victims, again of russian aggression, but today there was information about what was discovered one more body. as a person who has already died, unfortunately, as a result of that enemy attack, so we can obviously talk about 12 dead, well , kharkiv oblast as well, although it was possible to stabilize what the ministry of defense claims, that it was possible to stabilize the front in kharkiv oblast, where the enemy broke through the state border, when he entered the territory of our state , his military formations managed to stabilize the front line, but as for vovchansk... the fighting continues and continues in the city itself, and 60% of vovchansk is controlled by
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the armed forces of ukraine, and here is an interesting the moment that the russians, or those who fight for them, because not all russians are there, recently saw such a very epic video, like a person who has dark skin, and let's say this, and it's not russian, it's not russian, so white-faced, whose face was simply covered with smoke by something, well, this is... a black man, that man, and he tried to wave away from the ukrainian drone with such and such a run, i don't know how this duel between the dovbeshka and the drone ended as a result, but in any case, when we say russians, it may not always be ethnic russians, and in general there are fewer ethnic russians, more representatives of small nations, which were the russian federation of muscovy, were drawn into this new russian empire, and therefore when we say russians, we mean in general about all those... who entered, then while waging battles in vovchansk itself, the russians still
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manage to do their favorite business, probably this is the main business for which they are pushed into the territory of our state, about the fact that many of them are forced to be pushed here, many were simply mobilized and throw in these meat assaults, but the usual thing they cannot refuse is looting, and it is notable that while fighting in the streets with the ukrainian units that oppose them, they are trying to clear vovchansk from the russians, while they still manage to loot. very often this is looting, which costs them their lives. a similar story happened in one of the buildings, if i'm not mistaken, it was a hospital, i won't say exactly now, but that's enough, in my opinion, it was a hospital, it's the same hospital from there there was such a roof at the entrance, and the russians fell from it and from it, obviously, under some kind, and here they were, when that hospital was looted, that building, they were there... destroyed by ukrainian units, who simply destroyed the building
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that they decided to loot russians, we talked for a while, and now we are moving on to the conversation. oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you and accept my sincere condolences today in kharkiv oblast is the day of mourning for those who died as a result of an enemy attack, so my sincere condolences to you, kharkiv oblast and relatives and friends the dead christ is risen, indeed, today. march 20 is the day of mourning for the 12 dead people who died in the terrorist acts that happened yesterday, today, unfortunately, they found one more person who was missing in cherkasy lazeva at the base, at the rest base on this, it was just a fisherman who fell into the epicenter of the explosion and... they found fragments of the body, not even the whole body, but fragments of the body, so today we have
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seven dead there in this terrorist act, and we have five dead yesterday, yesterday in the village, the village of novosynove and kivsharivka, kupyansk of the territorial community, where the rczv simply hit the civilian population, and people died, so we bow our heads to... our fallen kharkiv residents, residents of the region, and kharkiv residents are sad because of such a level of cynicism, such... terrorist acts , well, we probably haven't had it yet, because yesterday, well, it's just some terrible day, they still managed to hit the central park, the very place where everyone absolutely walks on the day off, kharkiv residents, that's one thing from the most favorite places, they even hit the cemetery, which is located in
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the center of the city, well, just cynical terrorists who want to prove their... their strength by means of terrorist brutal attacks on our population, since they have nothing going on at the front, today we have a clear stabilization there on the line where they are attacking us, these are vovchansk, vovchanchansk and liptsi, today the defense line is stabilized there, our defense forces clearly keep them in shape and... i will tell you that even in some areas we have information that we are knocking them out there from certain, from certain of their positions and moving forward, that's why the situation stabilized, today, of course, we grieve for our victims of our terrorist acts, the frank, brutal terrorist acts that the russians committed in kharkiv region yesterday, i will
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now continue the topic of kharkiv region, i will just say once again that there is a message from... . first repeated daggers, then the daggers are not confirmed, again i will say, the enemy resorts to imitation, using certain technical capabilities that he has, he imitates launches, makes such false targets, of course, but we have to be in shelters until the air alert is canceled, i would like to understand that the situation in vovchansk in the city itself is difficult now, according to official information from the ministry. defense 60 the armed forces of ukraine control 60% of the city, the fighting continues in the streets, despite the fact that the russians, i have already said this while we are waiting for our conversation, i spoke about the fact that the russians manage to even loot despite the fact that they have to fight, as if they came here, but, but the point is not that, the russians are nothing new they do not present with the evacuation of people, which
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is ongoing, how complicated it is now, or is it possible that on the contrary it is now freer somewhere to transport people to... and again, where people are being taken, i know that the neighboring poltava region received, received evacuees from vovchanska communities from kharkiv oblast, i don't know from which specific villages there, whether it is possible to take people as far as possible and whether then the leadership or business communities, communities of certain regions will accept people, at least for a while, because of course people need somewhere go away and feel at least conditional security, conditional again, because the entire territory of ukraine is being fired at... by god's missiles, we understand that, you know, we do not experience problems with evacuation, because there is someone to evacuate, there is a place to evacuate , we have a very powerful, powerful fund for evacuation in the city of kharkiv itself, by the way, most of the people who evacuate go to visit relatives or acquaintances,
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then we have a large housing fund... these are hostels and so on , so on in the city, plus other regions are helping, as of yesterday i was there information that more than 10 thousand, 10-500 people were evacuated to vevchansk, at the end of the week there were only 100 people left in ovchansk itself, so i think there are practically no people left, and it is impossible to live there today , because movchansk itself... they are just wiping it off the face of the earth, just like they did with the cities of bakhmut, there mariupol and so on, today i sold a car to our glorious fighters from the 57th brigade, who are holding fast there vevchan direction, they are very positive and say that
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the situation is controlled by them, so more than half. my city is captured by russian troops, but the situation there is not critical and it is stabilized, there is the vovcha river approximately in the middle, where the river now goes like this, well, the so-called border line, by the way, there is information about the break, you say that the greater half the city is controlled by the russians, but it's just official , according to the official information i read today , about 60% of the territory is there two hours before our attack. zsu, is it possible to talk about it conditionally here, again, 60, 57, 55, it is clear that there is one side and the other, well, both defenders and aggressors want to take control of the city, so the situation can be. dynamic, look, they started an offensive on may 10, prisoners of war who, who are taken in that direction, they say
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that they had the task of capturing the city of vovchansk in two days, as of today, from the 10th 10 days, 10 days, they don't have any enthusiasm, they don't have, that's why they behave cruelly there in this settlement. because they don't it turned out as it was, as we wanted, but here the question is about the percentage, it does not stand, because the situation does not change dynamically, in some areas our military forces are repelling the street, in some areas the russian military are advancing, it is not exactly a question of percentages, who how many controls, the situation is stable and controlled, this is the main thing that we hear from our military that... the situation is stabilized, this is the main thing, everything else is details, how this or that side will advance, and in what direction, so i would did not give a bet regarding the fact that
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we have different percentages and other different information from different sources, by the way, according to the telegram channels of the belohorod region, they are already there and to the russian ones, to others, they have already sold there several times that they have already seized everything absolutely yes there... and vevchansk is already under their flag, in fact this is not true, because there our defense forces are holding the front line. you know, it's interesting, by the way, i encourage our viewers not just to watch us on youtube, but to like, comment and share, and comments there are different things, people write that, i will say so euphemistically in literary language, that they doubt that the situation is stabilized, but you know, if the enemy had plans to capture vovchansk in two days, and today is the 20th and vovchansk... has not been captured, then the situation is obviously stabilized, but perhaps there is no such stabilization as we would dream of, but we understand that the enemy is throwing large reserves, and here was the information, again, that the enemy
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was moving reserves to the kharkiv region from other areas of the front in order to strengthen maximize your efforts and somewhere like that they say, by the way, by the way, there was information that the enemy rarely uses equipment, but rather tries to go in with manpower, because they don't care about people, the russians have had since the second world war, they don't care about people, but that is.. .. then it is worth understanding that when we talk about stabilization, we are talking about the area of ​​the front where the enemy is moving reserves, the dream of moving the enemy remains, according to your information, as kharkiv now lives again in the situation where the enemy is several dozen behind kilometers, in fact, we, i personally and we receive information precisely from the armed forces of ukraine, from those people, our acquaintances, our fighters, we help volunteers who are precisely on the... people's side, so the information we have is definitely from the first source, and what if they say that the situation is stabilized, then me, me and us, society, we are not, we, we have no one
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to believe or trust anymore, except our armed forces, well , actually, i thank you, that is exactly why we are talking to people from kharkiv oblast, those who are informed, who work with the armed forces, and help and receive information that is important for or reassurance citizens of any or to inform citizens so that they can take certain measures, let's say there, evacuate, because there may be fighting, or don't evacuate, everything is stable now, that's why we're making broadcasts for this, so that we understand the situation, thank you you are very welcome, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, and you can write a lot of different things in the comments, of course, but for this there are informational tv channels in order to talk to people, and which are studying the situation, who know it on the spot, not just heard somewhere, but they know it, again from... a difficult situation, no one says that it is easy, the enemy has thrown huge forces, and the enemy wants to take kharkiv, but he cannot take it yet, thank god, thank god and glory, first of all, to the armed forces of ukraine in this situation,
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cannot take vovchansk, we believe in the armed forces that they will not be able to do this, but this is a serious threat and a serious force, and the enemy was preparing for this, and was preparing not only reserves, was preparing and armored vehicles, aviation. systems, anti-missile fire systems are working in this direction quite actively, kabis, well, it is true that the story is that the enemies fired at their own territory with kabis, they, as they say, confused the targets, but this happens, and this happens, actually war should not be only on the territory of ukraine, and this is such a dilemma, is it possible to strike on the territory of the enemy, if, say, the russian troops are not attacking, but are simply located near our borders, and here is what they say... we can or cannot abroad, but we understand well , that any strikes on those enemy groups that are ready to attack, or, as they say, deployed in offensive
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formations, any strikes, they... can at least stop the offensive, confuse the enemy's cards and force him to somehow reorganize or something else, because the enemy who is ready to attack, he carries in the trenches, he is wearing bandages, he is on the march, as they say, and it is much easier to beat them, but this phrase, it will cause an escalation, so we will talk now, we do not have much time, but the main thing we will ask, we will talk about, poltava region . ihor protsai, deputy of the poltava regional council. mr. igor, i congratulate you. congratulations. good evening. good evening. the enemy struck poltava oblast twice in a day, and that last blow was directed, based on the information we have, at myrhorod oblast. what is known, or what can be said from what is known about the enemy attack. and why, according to your information, the enemy continues to direct his missiles in this way,
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at least at poltava region. please, well, i can say in general that the enemy does not leave poltava oblast alone now, and many poltava residents and residents of the region understand what war is, because the number of alarms and the number of raids on the poltava region has increased very sharply, mainly the enemy tries to attack critical infrastructure, and does so in a combined manner. do both missile attacks and attack with shafts. i will say this, thanks to the armed forces of ukraine, it is possible to destroy as much as possible those targets that are trying to destroy our infrastructure. but all the same , you understand that alarms, debris, and the like pose a threat to the life and health of our
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communities. yes, i know that i have two questions of time, we literally have three minutes, but we we will have time, firstly, i know that poltava oblast accepts immigrants from kharkiv oblast, first of all now, as far as it is possible not only to accept these people, to provide them with the most necessary things and give them the opportunity to feel safe, first of all, and secondly, to ensure the most essential needs of these, these of ours fellow citizens, please, i will say this, poltava region is included in general. leaders for internally displaced persons and virtually all reserves for the accommodation of temporarily displaced persons have already been used. including in the rural sector is involved, but i will say yes, the government, people, everyone works,
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deputies, they care. people are working to accommodate everyone who wants to, those who are moving to the poltava region, and there is an opportunity to do this, people, accordingly, from the kharkiv region are leaving with virtually nothing, this is true, so they need to be given maximum attention, well, but this is how i understand the community, and the government, and local business, small, medium, large, it doesn't matter who has the opportunity and volunteers, volunteers, and that's very important. this is cool history, because indeed from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, poltava region actually gave shelter, not just shelter, they gave jobs to many people who today can live and work in poltava region temporarily, whether it is possible that he will remain there is unknown, but this is a very good story about that region, that the region that opened not only the door, but opened its heart, well, we don't have time to be short anymore, the power outage, as far as it is now emergency predicted according to the schedule in
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poltava oblast, you can be brief, but please, i will say this, there are blackout schedules light, these schedules are more or less adhered to, but as far as we understand, this story will continue, since such loads on the network, especially at peak times , are quite large, so the disconnection according to the schedules is working for now, thank you very much, mr. igor, take care and thank you for your work and for participating and commenting on igor procets. the deputy of the poltava regional council, voru , i will remind you again today, visited poltava oblast twice during the day, and poltava oblast is once again one of the leaders among the regions for by the number of admitted internally displaced persons. literally in a moment , i will tell you in detail about the most important news as of this hour. good evening. we are from ukraine.
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well, but... we have a lot of interesting information ahead of us about ukrainians.


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