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tv   [untitled]    May 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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iran's president ibrahim raisi and the country's foreign minister died in a plane crash. will the country's course change, how will it affect iran's relations with russia on the war in ukraine? this is the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast, nazhuva from london. jaferu works in the studio. a helicopter carrying iranian president ibrahim raisi and foreign minister hossein amir abdulahian crashed on sunday in the mountains of northwestern iran. not far from the border with azerbaijan, raisi was returning to the capital tehran from the border region. where he met with
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president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev. by the way, he is one of the last to see raisi alive. iran has officially confirmed the death of the president and foreign minister , but what is currently known about the plane crash? about this in the next article. victims of a helicopter crash are carried out on stretchers on a remote mountain in northern iran. among the dead are the president of iran, ibrahim ragishi , and the country's minister of foreign affairs. footage from what is believed to be the crash site shows a mangled pile of metal. no one had a chance to survive. ibrahim ragisiy opened a new dam on the border with azerbaijan and traveled in a colony of three helicopters. his death was initially suspected to be a homicide. this is the middle east, no doubt there will be a lot of theory about the language. and inside the country there were probably people interested in getting rid of the president. ravisi, as he was seen as
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a potential successor to the supreme leader. but this disaster was most likely an accident. one of the possible reasons is a mechanical or structural malfunction. the bel-212 helicopter used by iran was 30-year-old ship. due to western sanctions , it was more difficult to buy new parts to keep the helicopter in good condition. however, pilot error is more likely. it is known that the ship flew through the thick. fog in difficult terrain, lack of the latest equipment makes such flights even more dangerous. some in iran are mourning the president's death. he was a conservative politician, a supporter of a hard line and held the office of president from the 21st year. opponents of the former president condemned in social networks him for ruthless suppression of anti-government protests. the president's death under normal circumstances would be extremely destabilizing.
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but in this case, the most likely outcome is continuity of power. the death of ragisi will not lead to fundamental changes in the politics of the islamic republic. and this is because strategic decisions in the system are made by the supreme leader. supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei has already appointed new ministers who will serve as president and foreign minister. ibrahim ragisa's funeral will take place tomorrow, and new elections will be held soon in a few weeks. the world reacted to vrahim raisi's death, for example, russian president vladimir putin called him, and i quote: a true friend of russia and an outstanding politician. chinese president xi jinping also called raisi a good friend. china is iran's largest trading partner and the main buyer of iranian oil. but not only iran's partners expressed condolences, for example, the french foreign ministry published an official message with condolences, sincere condolences . expressed by the president of the european
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council, charles michel, and the president of poland, andrzej duda said he was deeply moved by the news of the tragic death and compared raisi's death to the death of lech kaczynski in 2010. and more about the reaction to the death of iranian politicians, a bbc correspondent. among iran's allies, including the so-called axis of resistance in the region, there was sadness, a sense of shock and prayer. about stability within the islamic republic of iran itself. of course, there was a restrained reaction from other countries in which relations with the islamic republic are quite tense and complicated. it is obvious that there are always some in the diplomatic environment norms of respect, especially at such a moment, a tragic and unprecedented death. during this unexpected helicopter crash , not only the president of iran died, but also the minister of foreign affairs hossein amir abdolahiyan, who was actually the diplomatic face of iran. in capitals around the world, he
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represented iran's diplomacy during the tensions of the israeli-gaza war. he was also the one who tried to soften the impact of the destructive sanctions and attempts by many countries. and what was ibrahim raisi known for, he became the president of iran in 2021 2018, when the election recorded the lowest turnout in the history of the islamic republic, and before becoming president, he headed the country's judiciary, was considered a protégé of iran's supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei, and some analysts suggested that it was raisi who could replace the leader after his death or resignation. in addition, raisi was under us sanctions, in particular due to his participation in the mass execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988, at the end of the bloody war between iran and iraq. right-wing groups consider it a crime against humanity. iranian
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state media and supporters of raisiya call him a martyr and president of the underprivileged and poor, on the streets of tagheran people came out with portraits of the deceased president. however, in... in social networks there are also publications by iranians who do not share such grief. mourning for 5 days was announced in the country. as president, raisi was responsible for the day-to-day administration of the government, engaged in domestic politics, and had influence over iran's foreign policy. but the president in iran is not the main figure in power. the highest position is supreme leader. alikha menei currently holds this position. and this man has taken the place of the president so far. this is the first vice-president muhammad mohber. so what's next for iran? will there be changes in the country's policy? the bbc's persian correspondent, parham ghobadi. further. probably, everything will remain as it was in iran. because the person
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who runs the state is the supreme leader. and he is the commander-in-chief. for example, iran's activities in the region, from the red sea to israel, and beyond are carried out by the guardians of the islamic revolution. they have power and they use it, so accordingly, no change in iranian policy will occur. within the next 50 days, iran's parliament and judiciary must organize new elections. but there is such a body as the board of trustees, and probably, as in previous times, that board is going to disqualify anyone who is perceived to have any disagreement with iran's supreme leader. so they will choose people loyal to him, and one of them will become the next president of iran. ihor simyvalos, director of the center for middle eastern studies, is also in touch with us.
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i congratulate you, igor, will there be any changes in iran's foreign policy, namely in relations with russia? well, as of now, i don't foresee any changes. course will remain, it is very important for the iranians to have external allies, and russia for them is a country, together with china, a country that was able to overcome the external hostile environment for iran, and created a certain, led it to the circle of states where it can oppressed politicians, it also means the sco and... other international organizations, which iran has recently joined, and this is a very important element for them, well, apart from this other thing, in the conditions of growing tensions in the middle east, they need external partners who can provide them with political cover at
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a high level, that is, at the level of the security council, but the death of raisi means that there will be new presidential elections in the country, as far as it can be ... be a turbulent period for the country? well, every election is turbulent, and iran is no exception, but notice that from election to election that was held in iran, the number of participants in those elections fell, that is, the number of voters fell, those who who are the people who came to the polling stations, and this shows that there is a serious fatigue and distrust in the iranian electoral system, people ... this system, which involves really filtering candidates and selecting only loyal ones, directly to the supreme leader lich mni, it in principle does not provide for the possibility of
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intrigue, indeed those people will be appointed who completely satisfy the opinion of the supreme leader, but the situation itself is ... difficult, because raisi was very convenient for lichmenea, a person who could ensure this smooth the transition of power, and as of now we need to look for... such a president, who would satisfy the interests of not only likha mni, but also the interests of the guard corps of the islamic revolution, and it is obvious and obvious that such a person will still have to be searched for, and many people talk about the scale of khmni, that is, about the son of the supreme leader, but he also has flaws, he is not liked, an unpopular election, and besides everything else, if he is elected,
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there will be rumors that he actually organized an attempt on raisi to take his place. it also appears now information about khaminiya's grandson, who also seemed to see new opportunities in politics, that is, in fact, the clan war has begun, and whether iraq can. the leadership will easily and painlessly lead the country through this turbulent period, time will tell, and what was the general reaction in society in iran? well, the reaction is different, as you understand, this is such a sudden death, and it is obvious that people are shocked and consolidate around the authorities, that is, this kind of fervor of loyal subjects, it is demonstrative, and it is welcomed in society, once. at the same time we saw and salots that erupted in some iranian
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cities, that is, not everyone is happy, or rather, not everyone misses the president of iran, well, i am silent about the reaction of the iranian migration in different parts of the world, who are openly happy about this fact, so for now, of course we will watch the consoles. society, especially this first period, when everyone has to be sad, then everyone will go about their business, and the battle is already under the rug in bulldog, actually, paraphrasing, or let’s say, using churchill’s phrase and wartime, it will continue there, well and in general, the role of the president in iran is not the highest position, there is the supreme leader of iran, but can you tell me in general what... the role of the president in iran, what is he, what, what does he do? well, in fact, this is the executive power,
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that is, it mainly takes care of internal affairs, of course, and partially takes care of foreign affairs, and ensures the implementation of foreign policy, which was drawn up and determined by the supreme leader, that is, in this case, it is a classic executive power that implements the policy of the supreme leader. the minister of foreign affairs also died in the plane crash of iran's affairs, hossein amir abdollahian, can his death somehow affect the relations between the countries? well, yes, very seriously, no. in general, this is a very tough person, that is , a tough negotiator, a person who is determined, very conservative, and who was very close to... the famous brigadier general qassam suleimani, excuse me, and who
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largely shared his views, and in he had scandals while working at the ministry of foreign affairs with a former minister, and he actually left the ministry of foreign affairs, thank you, but in this situation, it is unlikely that anything can change, it will the new minister is about the same year, thank you. igor, director of the center for middle eastern studies, igor simovolos, you were in touch with us. thank you. you can also read about what the death of the president means for iran and whether it will affect its support for russia in the war with ukraine on our website and in the article about the death of the president of iran raisi. who is running the country, will it affect the country. so subscribe to our pages in social networks so as not to miss the most important news, we are on facebook, instagram and tiktok. you are on youtube you can watch our episode if you missed it on air and that's it for
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today, take care! greetings, friends, live on tv... my name is serhiy rudenko, and today we will talk about what happened or what is happening around us in... the last few days, well, the very first five years of zelenskyi's presidency, today exactly five years since he was sworn in as the head of the ukrainian state, let's talk about his achievements, defeats, prospects, and, of course, about who currently governs ukraine. among the topics that we today we will consider, this is the beginning
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of a great mobilization, or, let's say, the beginning of the law on mobilization. on may 18 , 2024, the law entered into force, which provides for new procedures and updates of tsc data, and new mobilization procedures in ukraine, among today's topics is also the situation that is developing in ukraine and with the war with society, in a word, let's talk about everything, about everything, about everything, first of all i want to urge you to subscribe to ours. youtube and facebook pages, if you watch us live there, please go and add our pages to to your friendly pages, and take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether your expectations from zelenskyi's presidency came true, yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube, choose either yes or no function, or if you have your own opinion, regarding
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the five years of zelenskyi's presidency, please write about it in the comments, it is important for us to know: your opinion, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think , or yours expectations, as they say, have come true from the zelenskyi presidency 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up this vote, so i want to start... our big conversation, which will last 45 minutes from the presidential term, 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency, let's talk about the achievements of the defeat and prospects, we know that in 2019 president zelenskyi marched under the slogans of renewal, everyone was waiting for new faces and in 2019
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immediately after the inauguration of the president, which took place on may 20, president zelenskyi announced early parliamentary elections, that is, starting from may 20, 2019, and then after the parliamentary elections, in fact, all power in ukraine began to belong to the team of volodymyr zelenskyi, these were quite difficult 5 years, the first few years of a political neophyte volodymyr zelenskyy tried to understand where he ended up and what exactly he was under. and what he was supposed to do in this government, next to them were the people who introduced him to the presidency, including andriy bohdan, the former head of the presidential office, ruslan ryaboshapka, who later became the prosecutor general of ukraine, and oleksiy danylyuk, who, oleksandr danylyuk, forgive me, who became the secretary of the national defense security council
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and serhii shevir, who became the first assistant to the president of ukraine, they all tried. to create a new political reality, and this political reality was rather strange, considering the fact that in the parliamentary elections of 2019 , unknown people came to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, people whom no one knows at all, and it is not clear under what circumstances they were included in the lists of servants of the people, but it happened as it happened, ukrainians made a choice, it was a democratic choice, ukrainians wanted something new, they got it... new, for the first two years, president zelensky tried to get used to the role of the president of ukraine, er , then quite a difficult time began with the beginning of a large-scale war and president zelensky had to grow up quickly enough in politics, because
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much more was required of him, perhaps than he imagined in 2019, that is, to come to an agreement... with putin, he did not succeed, although he declared this, he had to reform his team, because as of today , there are not many people left in his circle from the team that led him in the presidential elections, the main figure in this circle is, of course, andriy yarmak, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, and literally in the current there are many situations and experts talk at the event. about the fact that andriy yermak is one of the central figures in ukrainian politics, previously the head of the office of the president of ukraine was among the hundred most influential. people according to time magazine versions. the washington post wrote an article about the influence of the head of the office of the president of ukraine, and what this
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influential american publication writes. critics say that recently, when the circle of zelenskyi's advisers has narrowed, yarmak has removed the ministry of foreign affairs, interfered in military decisions, acted as a mediator in key agreements with partners, including ziluch. states of america, this undermines zelensky's authority and raises doubts about who is responsible for the decision - the president or the head of the president's office, the washington post emphasizes. well, of course, here there is no reason to even discuss who is responsible, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, is responsible , ukrainians voted for him, he won 73% of the support of those who came to vote, well, accordingly , there may be legal consequences. for the president of ukraine , who may at some points delegate powers that should not be delegated, and if even the american publication notes
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that the head of the president's office has a sufficiently large influence on the processes in the state, then in this situation too there is responsibility volodymyr zelenskyi. the president of ukraine himself says that his team has five or six effective managers who, during the war... manage the state. zelenskyi is perhaps the only president who, having the experience of managing the state during aggression, er, military aggression of a neighboring country during a great war, this is also still so invaluable, obviously, er, formats and makes volodymyr zelenskyi completely different politician and completely different. a person, because it is clear to lead the armed forces of ukraine, because he is
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it is quite difficult for the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine and ukraine in general during the war, of course, zelensky himself is now talking about the peace formula and this is the main issue that will be considered in 25 days in switzerland, the global peace summit will take place, but here is what we actually came up with to... the five-year anniversary of president zelenskyi's inauguration , with the fact that there is no conclusion of the constitutional court regarding the extension of president zelenskyi's powers, there is a political understanding of all political players in ukraine that these the powers of the president must be extended, elections cannot be held now, elections for the president of ukraine cannot be held, and this is also a big question, why... the constitutional court of ukraine did not adopt a legal document that would clearly state that until the arrival of the next president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky is
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the president of ukraine. why am i talking about this, because the russian federation is quite aggressive in its policy regarding the legitimacy or illegitimacy of zelenskyi, the western media are raising questions about whether zelenskyi they say has already exhausted his powers and we need to talk to someone, show us who we should talk to about peace, as putin says, the answer is absolutely obvious, we point to volodymyr zelenskyi, volodymyr zelenskyi is the president of ukraine, whose legitimacy no ukrainian doubts, i hope so, in the current situation, we understand that a lot depends on the stability of our government and on the legitimacy of the president of ukraine, therefore it is obvious that all attempts by the russians... federations to shake up the situation in ukraine will also be unsuccessful, therefore that we understand that the independence of the ukrainian state is at stake,
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our freedom is at stake, the lives of millions of ukrainians are at stake, as i already mentioned, a global peace summit will be held in switzerland on june 15-16, the main question is how to achieve this peace, russia will not be at this summit. will be, let's listen to what president zelensky says about peace and what, in fact, the end of the war should be, this is part of the interview of the ukrainian president to the afp agency. we are in such nonsense when the west is afraid that russia loses the war and he does not want ukraine to lose it, because the final victory of ukraine
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will lead. to the loss of russia, and the final victory of russia will lead to the loss of ukraine. simply put, volodymyr zelenskyy said that the west does not want ukraine to lose, but the west does not want russia to lose either, well, this position is enough, let's put it this way, no, this indeterminacy is obvious and affects the course of the russian-ukrainian war and on putin's position. putin, as i have already said, insists that zelensky will be illegitimate after may 20, 2024, he was on a visit to china, talked about it with xi jinping, and putin himself says that the legitimacy of zelensky is important for russia, but the legal and political system of ukraine must answer this question. let's listen to what the kremlin dictator said. for us, for
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us, of course it matters. only if it comes to signing some documents, of course, we should sign documents in such a fateful sphere with legitimate authority, this is an obvious fact, but the political and legal system of ukraine itself has to answer this question. gained its legitimacy in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, tries to talk about legitimacy. of the ukrainian president, because a person, or rather, a creature, a kremlin creature, who has an arrest warrant from the international criminal court in his pocket and is a war criminal, casts doubt on the legitimacy of zelenskyi, so does the west, i believe that in the current situation, it should ask questions about putin's illegitimacy, why do they support putin, why do they define,
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recognize the legitimacy of the full. putin as president, we say that putin is so the so-called president, the self-proclaimed president, the dictator, there is no unity, you see, friends, among our western partners, in order to dot the dots, that putin is nobody, that in the current situation he has usurped power in the russian federation, that he is waging a war, aggressive war against the independent ukrainian state, that he kills ukrainians and destroys ukrainians. and this is the genocide of the ukrainian people, that he destroys, wipes off the face of the earth entire cities and villages in ukraine, and here the question is not whether he recognizes or not the legitimacy of zelenskyi, because he will find more a million different excuses to say that we will not conduct any peace talks at all, although in the current situation we should not be talking about peace with russia, ukraine
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with russia, but about... about how russia should suffer defeat by the ukrainian state and our western partners, because only a defeat can bring this kremlin dictator to his senses, another way to show him, to tell him that he is wrong, to put it mildly, no one can in any way, only a defeat, only a military defeat may. bring putin to his senses, and not him, of course, as i already said, to talk about the legitimacy of president zelenskyi, although , well, i will emphasize once again, it would also be important for the ukrainian authorities to have a legal opinion of the constitutional court, because only the constitutional court in ukraine can interpret and draw conclusions regarding the norms of the basic law , and these norms must be confirmed in
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the constitutional court, i.e. that the constitutional court will write in its decision that until the election of a new president, zelenskyy fulfills or is the legitimate president of ukraine, then no one will have any questions at all and no one will never put and sum up or use it in informational and psychological special operations. by the way, about these information and psychological special operations conducted by russia, according to the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense andriy yusav, it is these ipso that aim to lead to the opening of the internal front in ukraine, let's hear what mr. yusel said. all these ipso, fakes, lies and propaganda of the racists, which are poured out on ukrainians, have the ultimate goal, the breakthrough and collapse of the ukrainian front and the opening.


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