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tv   [untitled]    May 21, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EEST

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more news and khrystyna porobiy is ready to tell about them, i know that there is already information about what was flying over ukraine today to beat khrystyna, you have my word, tell me. greetings, colleagues, thank you about the situation in the regions of our country, after the russian shelling, i will tell you in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy, don't miss it in a moment. news on the air espresso. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. one person was injured as a result of a rocket attack on kharkiv. in the morning, the russians hit the object of the transport infrastructure. four more people suffered as a result of a night attack by the shaheds. this was reported by the head. region oleg
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senigubov. due to falling debris , fires started in two private houses, a minibus also caught fire. currently, the liquidation of the consequences is ongoing. two shaheds were also destroyed at night in the kryvorizka district of the dnipropetrovsk region. commercial buildings were damaged due to falling debris, - informed the head of the regional military administration, serhii lysak. the enemy also attacked nikopolshchyna. destroyed household. building, beating six private houses, administration building and power line. fortunately, no one was hurt. a total of 28 shaheds were destroyed by our air forces during the night, only one could not be eliminated. she worked in the air defense in odesa, mykolaiv, dnipropetrovsk, kharkiv, cherkasy, kherson and kirovohrad regions.
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more than 1,300 people have already been evacuated from the border of sumy oblast, the state emergency service reported. first of all, rescuers take the elderly and children to safe places. immigrants are helped with accommodation, food and essentials. upon arrival at a safer place, citizens are also awaited by employees of the state emergency service, including... psychologists who meet citizens, help them settle in a place of temporary residence, and the relevant services provide people with a whole range of social support from the state. today , there will be light shutdown schedules throughout ukraine, they will be applied when electricity consumption is exceeded, ukrenergo said. there they reminded that the reason for the use of graphs is a consequence. missile
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enemy strikes on ukrainian power plants. burning in zaharbniki. in the temporarily occupied dovzhansk in the luhansk region, a warehouse with fuel and lubricants exploded. the infrastructure there is destroyed - said the head of the regional military administration, artam lysohor. according to him, this is the third destroyed object in a month, where the occupiers stored processing products for their army. russia is restless again. the occupiers are reporting an allegedly destroyed drone in the kursk region of the russian federation, the ministry of defense of the terrorist country said. two more drones and a jet the russians shot down a vilkh projectile in the belgorod region. and more military equipment for ukraine from western partners. another aid was announced by the allies based on the results of the meeting in the ramshtein format. already at the end of june , ukraine will receive a second one. leopard tanks from
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spain, as well as ammunition and missiles for patriot systems. this was stated by the minister of defense of the country, margarita robles. the netherlands will transfer the latest armored vehicles equipped with remote control. protection of the sky has also become a key issue. belgium, denmark volunteered to finance the strengthening of air defense, norway and canada. currently there is no permission. ukraine leads. negotiations with international partners regarding the use of western weapons against targets in russia, volodymyr zelenskyi said in an interview with reuters. according to the president, there are currently no results. the day before, us defense minister loyt austin said that ukraine can use the weapons of western countries only for hostile purposes on its own territory. more than fifty leaders of countries will take part in the global event.
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peace summit to be held in june in switzerland. participants will be from everyone continents," president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said in an evening video message. according to him, more than a dozen international negotiations are planned for the summit with... in order to convince even more countries to join. also, in the coming days, ukraine is preparing to sign several new security agreements, but the negotiations on new air defense systems and aviation are not going as fast as we would like, - the president said. unfortunately, in these two tasks, the responsiveness in the free world is still not enough, but we still have ... perspective and promising work with several partners, and we are doing everything so that the day comes as soon as possible when we can add the strength of patriots to our eastern regions, our cities, such as kharkiv, such as sumy and
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others. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. in kharkiv oblast , the intensity of fighting has halved over the past day. the russians tried five times to storm near vovchansk, lyptsi and staritsa, 13 more in the direction of kupyansk. fighting continues near senkivka and stilmahivka. it is currently the hottest in the pokrovsky direction of donetsk region. there ukrainian defenders repelled 25 enemy attacks. another 13 in the kramatorsk direction near andriivka. in zaporizhzhia and kherson oblast, the armed forces of ukraine stopped four russian assaults. in a day , our rocketmen and gunners. they hit the bridgehead control post, an anti-aircraft vehicle, an artillery system, a warehouse with ammunition and three important objects of the occupiers. another 1,380 russians became fertilizer for the ukrainian land, and in general, at the beginning of a full-scale russian
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invasion, already 495,70 invaders brought some benefit for the first time, becoming manure, destroying our defenders and enemy scrap metal just yesterday 15 tanks, 34 armored combat vehicles, 42 artillery systems, 72 vehicles, a rocket salvo fire system, four air defense vehicles and six units of special equipment. 54 enemy drones and two cruise missiles landed on the lash. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and in order for the enemy's losses to increase, we urge you to join the urgent collection. a reliable ... off-road vehicle is needed to perform reconnaissance tasks without units in active combat zones. cars at the front transport personnel, ammunition, cars are launched by drones. the necessary car has already been found and transported to ukraine, it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front.
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our goal is uah 3,000. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 150,000. every donation you make is important, so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. in ivano-frankivsk region, the sixth run along the route of the historic galician railway took place. the participants covered a distance of 16 kilometers. in this way, the organizers want to draw attention to the restoration of the railway connection between prykarpattia and podillia, as well as are working on increasing the tourist potential of the dniester canyon. my colleagues will tell you more. runners' routes are mostly on dirt roads, professional track and field athletes traditionally take part in the race, even children try their hand at shorter distances. oleg ozarko does not miss the opportunity to once again overcome the 16- kilometer distance. this time, the athlete
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managed to run it in 59 minutes and 57 seconds. this is a traditional run along the galician transversal railway to support my colleague, dima roma. i have seen him repeatedly i support in judging and as a participant, well , every year i took an active part, every year, well, it's a tradition. the route stretches along the tlumachyk river, near the dniester, where the galician transversal railway used to run. the first freight train on the section from what was then stanislavov to buchach passed here on november 1, 1884, and passenger service opened on november 15. therefore , the goal of the race is to motivate young people to do sports and draw attention to the restoration of the railway connection between ternopil and ivano-frankivsk regions. the place is historical at the place of the railway bridge of the galicia transversal railway, which
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once united the ternopil oblast with the frankiv oblast and was the way to europe. i would like to note that this is the sixth time that our event has been held before europe day in ukraine. at the finish line. the participants took photos as a souvenir, and the winners received medals and gifts. from prykarpattia, ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk, espresso tv channel. next release. 10, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your likes, my colleagues, oksana vasochanska and roman chaika, will continue the ater, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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you hear and see how the russians are behaving, and if you are scared, if you get angry, if
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you have any emotions, if you feel sorry and sympathize with all those who are in the front-line zone, who are under fire, the best thing you can do , this is to support our armed forces, to help, can you donate, simply speaking, now we want to collect 4 million for atvs, this is for the cold yaor 93 a separate organized brigade, and actually for them, it is necessary to accumulate on atvs, so that ammunition can be brought there faster, so that it is possible to evacuate the wounded, to move along the front line. these details that you see on the screen now will help. now we already have uah 746,819.5 in our account. more is needed, because 4 million is a lot. we hope that we will be able to do this with joint efforts. and there are people who are not only donors, but also. in fact , they help a lot with their work, their participation, they are talking about volunteers now, and
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it is the volunteer we have in contact with us, to vlad makhovskyi joins our airwaves, glory to ukraine, mr. vlad, glory to the hero, please tell me where you are going now, which directions, this is your route today, well, for today, also the avdiyivskyi direction or pokrovskyi and on... that week i evacuated people from ivanivka, it is behind myrnograd and in the direction of avdiivka, how to go, and the russians were advancing little by little there, and there they went to the outskirts of novooleksandrivka and they are dropping cities, they are hitting cities, cabs are being dropped and the civilian population is suffering because of this, and there are destroyed houses and even dead people, when you say, when you say. i'm looking at the map now, it's actually the front line, and it is, yes, it
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is, the front line, yes, there is 7 km to ivanivka and then grodivka goes, then myrnograd goes, so the enemy, the enemy is already there, yes advanced, but these advances are not so big, as you know, that there are tens of kilometers, but they go for 100 m, 200 m and on the outskirts of novooleksandrivka, or there are already in novooleksandrivka itself. and you see ivanivka, yes, and even, i'm sorry, these people, people who were leaving once from avdiivka, i evacuated these people from avdiivka, this is a woman there, his son, and when avdiivka was heavily shelled, they left for the outskirts, but they left the city, they had a house there, and now, well, people are also leaving from these villages , because the russians are being destroyed there, ugh, from which... populated areas are you currently evacuating people who are recommended
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to evacuate due to the fact that the front line is actually close and we understand their direction of movement to pokrovsk, ivanovka, or grodivka is also on the agenda, or not yet? well, well, by the way with safety in mind, it is necessary to evacuate the shelters, of course, for the civilian population, because it is not far away, and the shelters will be flown in and fired upon. selidovo and pokrovsk are being shelled, that is, later , of course, it is better for civilians to leave somewhere so that they can be in safer cities, as well as that week i was also... in sumy oblast, sumy oblast too, now it is bilopylla, it is almost not far from the russian border, the border, there are also shellings, er, and people are also fleeing, and when people were taken away, the administration took away almost 40 people, and i he took out what many other households there were, chickens, kings, now and until now
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the cars smell a bit of chickens, then... explain, because we just spoke with the head of the local community of bilopolska, he was just showing and telling everything, you are here on pokrovsky, which used to be called vdeivskyi direction, you help people, here suddenly for such a distance, how did you go to bilopol, that is, you volunteers somehow have some kind of base, you were called to help, whether it was yours or a personal decision at such a distance to drive such people. i got a call people, because for some time now, for many years, i am engaged in volunteering, evacuating people, then my phones are there, then they rang, it is far away, i don’t always go that far, i myself am from zaporizhzhia, then i go to sumy oblast, then oh three in the morning i drove until i arrived there at 9 o'clock, then evacuated people there through the kyiv region there and further, then 1,600 km per day wound
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him up, i only came home on the first night, but when people turn to ... i can and there is no opportunity for others to somehow help them, here you have to go, help, and even more people who need to take out more things there, and if they are holding things, then they will wait for someone to pick them up, then it is better to go, pick them up and take them to a safer place, especially when it concerns children, and there is a girl there were two other women, so we have to evacuate them, mr. vladyslav , but tell me when... i mean pokrovsk kostantinivka, that's how far to hear canada from this main road? well, you can hear the cannonading and it's good, it's good to hear the cannonading, you're already going there
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, and you're going out there, and there's a thunderbolt and beyond mornograd, and you can hear the thunderbolts, and when you get closer there, you hear it even more, then... well, of course, it's dangerous, but which, you know, now gives some confidence, it is the fact that there is more work now on fortifications and defenses, well, with the naked eye, it is also visible to sumy and in the pokrovsk direction that the fortification is in full swing, of course, that would be good , whenever it would be it is better, it should be done much better, but... we have it, thank god that there are now fortifications, and when you see these spurs, you understand that work is going on in this direction, well , plus the fact that we are waiting for weapons, that something has already arrived there, but i think that they will not pass further, and you personally saw all of them, because you drive and, but we listen to these constant swings, because in our country some say that
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they are building fortifications, and that's just for the sake of it , that it is not a fortification, and that the military criticizes it, others. they say that they saw powerful, properly covered with poured concrete and so on that you saw, that is, not where you saw it, so that the enemy did not know, but evaluate what you saw, it is real, as our president says, powerful fortifications, well, you know, i, first of all, if i were a military man and understood what first of all, we need fortifications, how much concrete is needed there, that's another matter, i don't know that, what i see with the naked eye and think that it's russians. i also saw, because there their eagles fly over places that are far behind the front line, so i think, well, in my opinion, in my opinion, that the buildings are quite, well, well, good, the dragon's teeth are standing there, all these trenches are being strengthened there, bunkers are being filled with concrete, i saw even more in sumy oblast, where
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there are concrete structures of this kind in pokrovskoye , i didn't see so much in africa, but well... that's all, you know, yes, in my opinion look, in my opinion, i see that there is work going on in this direction, that constructions are being made, well, again, i repeat that, unfortunately, this should still be done, maybe a year, or even more ago, and maybe not we would have lost neither the avdiivka nor anything else, there had not been such an advance, but that’s all, and weapons are needed, and buildings are needed, when there will be this whole complex of buildings and weapons, and well, when there will be an army. prepared for this, then it will be good, but we are going in this direction, we see that there are buildings, and the army is preparing, and the weapons are coming, so i think the victory will be ours. that's right, mr. vlad, you can compare, in fact, over this long period, what you take out, evacuate people, their settings, attitudes, whether now people are more willing to agree to evacuation, and what
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about those so-called zhduns, we remember that in avdiivtsi, well, there were quite a few of them actually they appeared already after the occupation of the settlement, have you seen in the surroundings and still observe that there are such people there as well. well, in my opinion, there have always been such people, who are so called zhduns, zhduns, who sit there waiting for something, because when you see it, there is complete, full-scale destruction of settlements, villages, people do not leave, then the question is why you do not you are leaving, yes, of course there are such moments, when i was taking out from the pokrovsky direction from ivanivka, then there is a woman alone, her 92-year-old mother is lying down, that is, where is the question, how to leave, what to do, but that's another matter. when you see people , well, in the full size of the village, for some reason they are sitting, then i think they are waiting, but what will happen will happen to them,
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then it is their choice and let there be consequences from this choice, people do not leave so much, unfortunately, either not so many leave these cities where there is shelling, and but, but the evacuation is going on, the evacuation. it is going on, and volunteers are being brought in, and white angels, a police unit, they have work in this direction every day, and the evacuation is going on, but it is not the way i would like it to be, well, i would like more people to evacuate, do you have contact with those you previously evacuated, and actually, do people manage to adapt in new places far from home, maybe create some such small communities of those who left the same area or from the same settlement, to keep something like that in... the house? yes, there are contacts, there are contacts, and just this morning a man called me, he was taking her from the avdiyiv direction to the east, somewhere there, perhaps the already
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occupied village, and they left with their mother, their mother took them to pokrovsk and now pokrovsky is there in the shelters, she is also lying there and it is necessary to take him out even further, that is, people are turning to him, those people... whom he has already helped and it is necessary to bring them in even further , they need to be taken out, that is why people like this, in this way he appeals to ben, to help, to really help, people from the community are organizing, organizing, there are many, i know about kamiansk, a lot of women from avdiiv left there, and there are factories there, people from avdiiv are working, then they organize the community, organize groups there, meetings, what kind of help do they have there? people roll up like their countrymen, as they say there, and i see that people somehow communicate with each other, those who have left. mr.
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vladyslav, and just to conclude , we understand that now the main frontal shelling and battles are the most heated, this is the time, the time of the yar, and in the south, of course, this pokrovsky direction, which you are telling us about now, and between them lies toretsk, new -york. i also somehow seem to have a small concentration of russians there, the occupied horlivka is nearby, have you had the chance to drive there lately, well i didn’t have to drive there, so i only know the people with whom i talk there, well , so far there is no such thing as advancement, as they say, there are no such hostilities, but that ’s all, well, it’s unknown what will happen next, as you can see now kharkiv region as it suffers from the russian invasion and now we... friends spent the night at my place last night, chaplains who evacuate people there from that direction, well from vavchanskyi and so on, so it is not known what will happen next,
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so far it is quiet, but it's you, the silence is like this, until we have a victory, then you can't say what everything is quiet, today i am from zaporizhzhia, then they may creep into zaporizhzhia, then in kharkiv region, from kharkiv region and so on, then you have to keep your finger on the pulse of the sobite, be ready for any circumstances and... geography of zaporizhia, eastern front, to the north to bilopol, with whom we gathered, it is difficult to imagine that one person can wind up the mileage, each
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of us communities is help for quad bikes, which can carry ammunition there to zero, and from zero to take out the wounded, and this is very important, the first hour is so-called to 100 points, so a fast quad bike, sometimes it will go faster, than any jeep or renanimobile, so add, as you can see, this qr code, under it is the card number, if it's difficult in this way, we 'll take a short break, after that we'll analyze it. everything that is done on our black and azov seas, they say that not a single ship has been seen there for several days, neither in one sea nor in the other. be with espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format yet. more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say let us have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become kind of like to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours.


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