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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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included the fact that 10% of these revenues will go exclusively to humanitarian issues, observers say that this step was included in order to ensure the support of all european countries, all eu countries that are not even nato members and are opposed to armed aid ukraine, but are ready to support ukraine humanitarianly. this decision will unlock about 3 billion dollars for ukraine in the first year, the eu claims. ukraine. hopes to receive the entire amount of 300 billion dollars frozen in the west, said the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba said annelena berbock, the german foreign ministry, who is in kyiv on a visit today. burbock immediately dismissed the possibility of confiscating the entire principal amount of assets, but said germany was considering a u.s. offer that could allow them to be used. assets in
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order to provide ukraine with a loan of about 50 billion dollars, that is, it is not about the 3 billion dollars agreed today in the eu, not about the 300 billion that ukraine says, but about a loan of 50 billion dollars. let's hear what burbok had to say. on at the european level, we have a common position regarding revenues from russian assets, they must be used for... defense of ukraine. moreover, the americans have come forward with a proposal to expand it, and we are now studying it from a legal point of view. germany's position is that we will not take the big step of confiscating all assets, because we think that would expose it to critical danger, many other things. now the us treasury secretary, janet yehlan, is wondering if she can convince allies to go ahead and hand over ukraine has more funds from these assets. yes,
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julia, it is the use of russian assets for the benefit of ukraine that is the main topic that yelen plans to discuss with his g7 partners. the group of seven finance ministers will meet later this week in italy. helen is already in germany and she told the press that an agreement may be reached in the group of seven on the american proposal. what exactly is american. proposal is to use those $300 billion in frozen assets as principal as collateral for a loan that would the group of seven provided to ukraine, and ukraine could use this revenue stream to pay interest on this loan, the loan itself would be paid at the expense of reparations, which will later be paid by the russian state, but this proposal has powerful critics, among them, perhaps, the most. ..
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the president of the central bank of europe, christine lagarde, is known, she said that the confiscation of russian assets is unacceptable and will violate the principle of the rule of law, which is protected by western countries and the international community. it is not yet known whether the usa and great britain will succeed convince the g7 allies that using these assets as collateral does not constitute confiscation, however. one thing is known: helen came to europe with a message of unity, that allies must act together, and as we know, the us recently passed a law that gives the president the power to confiscate assets frozen in the us, but most of the assets are frozen in europe. and that is why today in her speech in frankfurt, yelen stressed: "allies need to act together and take these steps together." we
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we must continue to overcome russia's attempts to circumvent sanctions, including when they use third parties to deal with sensitive american or european goods. it is also critical to provide ukraine with the military aid it needs, funds to provide critical services, and ultimately to rebuild in the medium and long term. therefore, i think it is vital. it is important and urgent to find a common way so that russian state assets, immobilized in our jurisdictions, work for the benefit of ukraine. this will be a key topic of discussion this week at the group of seven meetings. we also saw today that janet yellen was already in germany and called, in particular, german banks to also strengthen sanctions against russia and strengthen these sanctions. we will also wait to see what statements will be made as a result of her visit. more.
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i think there will be news by the end of the week. oksana, thank you very much, this was our economic columnist oksana betratenko. we talked about the decision of the european union to use the profits from frozen russian assets for good. of ukraine. thank you. and we continue the release. the us presidential election is less than six months away. american voters have several ways to vote, including by mail. many democrats tend to vote this way. but now the leaders of the republican party, in particular former president donald trump, call on their voters to use all voting options, he says. enthusiasm among us voters about voting in november is average, according to a recent gallup poll. however, according to some americans, this is a right that should not be taken for granted. voting is the most important way to make your voice heard. we should
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vote for things that we believe will help our country. americans can vote in person on election day or early at special polling stations. they can also mail their ballots. every state in the country allows some form of postal voting. they differ in what justification is required, for example, the absence of the voter at home or at the polling station on election day. some states have separate vote-by-mail programs. everyone is there registered voters receive their ballots in the mail automatically before election day. social distancing measures during the covid pandemic. boosted mail-in voting, according to pure research polls, during the 2020 and 2022 election cycles, so more democrats voted than republicans. voting by mail is a safe and convenient way to get more people to vote. his predecessor, donald
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trump, who is running for president again, repeatedly expressed concern that voting by mail can lead to fraud. absentee voting - ok, universal postal voting is very bad, there is no way to do it reliably. the 2023 protest saw several republican politicians stress the need for their electorate to use all forms of voting. trump also somewhat softened his position. on may 9, on his true social platform, he emphasized that quote: absentee voting, early voting, and voting on election day are all good options. groups that try to… say they want to get rid of the vote-by-mail advantage established by democrats. the more voters we can attract during early voting and absentee voting and voting by mail through our efforts, the better position we will have on election night. the democratic
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legislative campaign committee responded to voice of america that it doubts that republican voters can be persuaded to change their views. the committee also warned about the law it is considering. republicans on blocking postal ballots with minor errors and the banning of ballot boxes outside polling stations. experts say it is not easy to predict how postal voting might affect the outcome of this year's election. if you simplify voting by mail, you will see a higher turnout. it's not clear that this will make much of a difference to the party results, because even republicans will want to vote, and they 'll find ways to vote. macdonald expressed confidence that election commissions have enough mechanisms to to reduce the already historically low chances of vote fraud in presidential elections. iryna shynkarenko, veronika balderes and glesia from voice of america, washington. one of
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the most successful ukrainian tennis players , serhii stakhovsky, has been fighting since the first days of full-scale tennis. attack of russia, winner of international competitions of the highest level, participant of grand slam tournaments, at one time the 31st racket of the world, now serhii, a fighter of the sbu special operations center. during the 2.5 years of the war , the ex-tennis player took part in various military clashes, in particular in the battles for bahmud and avdiivka. currently, serhiy continues to fight in donbas. anna kostyuchenko will tell about the military career of serhiy stakhovsky. tennis player at... the highest world level , 38-year-old serhii stakhovskyi begins combat duty in donbas. he went to the front as a volunteer on february 28, 2022. he is currently fighting as a mobile drone operator in the special operations center of the sbu. as you look at the rear, a little to the left.
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his task includes equipping the drone with a warhead and adjusting targets for the fpv drone pilot. there is a team releasing. is management team, well, the teams rotate, change, and mostly i spend time in the graduation team, but today we are with the team. serhiy began his tennis career at the age of six in kyiv. during his 20-year professional career, stakhovsky won atp professional tennis tournaments four times in singles and the same number of times in doubles. in total, he played 881 matches, in which he won 449 times. among them are victories over players who were in the top ten: federer, gulbis and wawrinka. in... in january 2022, stakhovsky announced the end of his career.
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serhiy started helping the military as a volunteer back in 2014. at the same time , he fundamentally stopped communicating with the russian mass media because of their lies about the events on the maidan, says stakhovsky. for a long time, muscovites created their own global media platform, through which they could tell whatever they wanted, and in principle they did so, promoting their narratives. and were even able to convince the europeans that not everything is so clear-cut there, i was on the maidan in february in the month of 2014, at the beginning of february, i saw what kind of people there were, what they stood for, they stand directly for ukraine to take the direction of european integration. on february 12, 2022, stakhovsky applied for training courses for the territorial defense of kyiv, i vice versa. i thought that there would be no war, and the more people sign up for the tro, and if they
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are also media people, then the chances of this war will decrease even more. shot! subsequently, he served in the national guard as a mortar operator, but after the bakhmut campaign in 2023, he officially joined the sbu. in addition, in the 22nd , stakhovsky was actively involved in volunteer activities, helping the national guard battalion of the vovka davinci center of special operations of the sbu. in particular, together with tennis player lina svitolina, they collected more than 3 million dollars - says serhiy. he involved other famous ukrainian athletes in volunteer initiatives. i spent quite a lot of my money. i was supported by my godfather, my good friend, serhii rebrov, he brought in more football players and the national team, and andriy shevchenko joined. well, me too i collected and bought all these fees, because i lived in europe for quite a long time and taught shooting abroad, so i had... a large, let's say, a large circle of people who directly deal with military
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topics, when another famous tennis player rafael nadal criticized the exclusion of russian athletes from wimbledon on twitter, stakhovsky immediately reacted. i told him that if you do not want to have comments from me, then you do not have the right, well, to speak on topics related to russian athletes, because you are not in the country stakhovsky devoted about 5 months to volunteering in 2022, and then returned again. to direct military operations, it is very difficult to travel abroad, collect money, tell how difficult it is for us, how people are dying in our country, and when you are 37 years old there, you basically know how to use weapons, you basically already understand what war is, and you could do it yourself. serhiy stakhovsky took part in the battles for bakhmud during the yar avdiivka period, survived the bombardment by aerial bombs during the defense of the avdiivka coke chemical plant factory it was an fpv group that was working, well... i would say, it was quite critical conditions that they were working in, and it was one of the last days that our forces
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were in coke ovens at all, when we just got out of there, then i understood that it was enough of such a funny story, a special agent with a callsign soldier, at first he did not know that he was fighting with a world tennis star, he alternates with sergiy for the fourth rotation in a row, to describe him, well, purposeful, if brave. smart, doesn't rush in planning, you can't rush in war, helps everyone, departure to combat positions takes place at night, because enemy drones are constantly on the lookout, stakhovskyi says, here the duty lasts for several days in a row. turalism was in 22, now it is routine. stakhovsky takes the racket in his hands only in time. new rotations in kyiv, when he teaches young athletes at the tennis school where he is a co-founder, thank god that even though
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you can still do something in parallel with the service in the hospital operations center, after returning it is still difficult, because you only get involved in what kyiv lives a peaceful life, that here there are sirens, but there are no flights, and it still trigs a little, but there in 10 days you get used to it and it more or less lets go, you just refocus, and this is actually a very cool story when you have the opportunity for at least two ... there to switch and remember what life was like before that and what you did, and somehow lift the spirits of the younger generation. currently, serhii stakhovsky continues to defend donbas on one of the most active. directions anna kostyuchenko for voice of america from kyiv and donetsk regions. a song about mother teresa and the virgin maria, which two ukrainian women sang during this year's eurovision song contest, brought them third place and helped remind the world about the reality that ukrainians continue to live with during the war. and how would mother teresa herself react to their speech, did
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she join in helping ukraine? voice of america correspondent natalka churikova asked the chief advocate... of the canonization of mother teresa, the ukrainian-canadian priest, father brian kolodiychuk, about this. father brian, mother teresa is currently being talked about in the context of the european vision in ukraine and all over the world. ukrainian singers have just presented a song about her at the eurovision song contest and won third place. what do you think about this, because eurovision is a very secular competition. yes, i heard about it and i watched the video, i liked the music, i didn't understand all the words, because i already forgot ukrainian a little, but i want to say that you need to have a lot of courage to make such a song and present it at eurovision, because as you say it's quite a social event so it
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took a lot of guts and what they got the third place, it's very good, it's impressive, i thought that... it's very good, it means that mother teresa is famous in ukraine if they sing about her. do you think she would like the use of her name in the context of the european vision, which for ukraine, in turn, takes place in the context of war. after all, mother teresa is said to have used her fame for a good cause. let's just say she knew she was mother teresa, that's for sure. one day she was in a car, and somewhere there was her image on some advertisement shields she pointed it out to her companion and said, "and there she is. yes, she knew she was mother teresa, but her focus was on god, and she said she had a contract with
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heaven. every photo she took was to save someone. from purgatory. and that tells you that on a human level she hated publicity and all the fuss around her, but she knew that it was necessary for her work, and it enabled her to do her job better, she didn't answer questions. about her life, and she said to me: "brother, nothing say, because she wanted the emphasis to be on jesus and the work, so that people would talk only about god and their work. you worked with her. for 20 years, how did you work in a team dominated by women and with a boss like her? i am often asked about this, i say that she behaved very motherly, i think mothers have a special attitude towards their boys, so i can say that we were kind of babies in the family. in rome, where i
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saw her the most, then in new york, the sisters did not always like it when we appeared in the group, they... knew that she would pay more attention to us, but people just called her "mother", they didn't even say "mother teresa", so it was clear who it was, she was for us just a mother, yes, she was a world-famous figure, a very popular woman, the most admired woman according to the polls, but when you were alone, she was very simple, really motherly, and with her sisters, and with us men. returning to eurovision, many ukrainians said that people in the world do not really understand our suffering, they continue to live as if nothing happened, as if this war does not exist. mother teresa did not stand aside from suffering, she effectively sympathized, what would she do in the current situation? before
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the first war in iraq, she wrote an open letter to both president george w. bush and saddam hussein. she begged them not to start because she said there would be a lot of suffering, there would be more poor people than there already are. and whenever there was a natural disaster, an earthquake or a war, she collected immediately sisters and they went to help and be useful. she had great compassion for suffering. the purpose of all this was to alleviate suffering. it was like that at home. for the dying in calcutta, where they gathered people who were literally dying on the streets, they were given, at least in those last minutes of their lives, at least some kind of care. one man said: "you know, all yours." i lived my life like an animal on the street, and now i will die like an angel. people appreciated this love, even if they received it in the last minutes, in the last hours of their
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lives. what did she manage to change in india? i i think that a lot, she changed the situation a lot. the majority of the population is 80% hindu, followed by approximately 15-18% muslim and the rest christian. among them are catholics. many of the people who worked with her were hindus. earlier, belief in karma dominated there. if you die in the street, no one will come to you, because you must have sinned a lot in your past life. so this is your karma. she managed to change it a lot. her work made people more sensitive to the suffering of those around them. one local woman, who lived nearby, went to help the dying at home kolkata almost every day for 25 years. her husband was engaged in some kind of business and thus also helped. and one more thing: she spoke to people of different religions. she was a catholic nun, but both then and now
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, different people from different ends of the spiritual map come to calcutta and not only calcutta. they may be doubters, atheists, fervent christians, or not-so-fervent catholics, but somehow they always get something because it is a basic human law. when you... then you get something, each to his own you are sent outside and you serve people, the service itself received something, some came for a few days, some for a few months. read the full version of the interview with father brian on the website of the voice of america of ukraine. and that's the end of it, thank you for watching, voice of america ukrainian, see you tomorrow, good luck, take care. pope!
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there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on dolhit cream 150 g 20% ​​in pharmacies plantain bam and savings exclusively on our broadcast. channel congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the tv channel espresso. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of changing processes. country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaliy portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's
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get out, they help us understand the present and predict the future, a second trump presidency will be terrifying for the world. a project for those who care and think, politklub, every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing is that every thursday at 21:15 velikiy lviv speaks in the project, on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even
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more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20. on espresso. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso.
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está muy muy bien. today in the verdict program with serhii
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rudenko. term. it is new to strengthen ukrainian air defense. the head of the german foreign ministry came to kyiv with the news of a billion euros for the air defense of ukraine. will it be possible to cover the sky over kharkiv with patriot systems in the near future. alternative peace plan. china continues to call for an end fire in ukraine and negotiations with russia. will the kremlin succeed in the global arena? to support chinese initiatives. coordination of the negotiation framework. in brussels, they insist on starting negotiations on ukraine's membership in the eu already at the end of june. will it be possible to convince hungary to make concessions on the issue of national minorities? glory to ukraine. this is the verdict program.
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my name is serhiy rudenko. greetings to all. he wishes everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. we will talk today about the visit to kyiv of the minister of foreign affairs of the federal republic of germany, anna lena berbok. let's talk about the 5 years of zelensky's presidency, about what he considers legitimate or illegitimate in the so-called president vladimir putin, well... and let's talk about how and in what way the global peace summit will take place in switzerland on june 15-16, about we will discuss all this over the next hour with the diplomat extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine valery chaly, in the second part of our program, which will start literally in an hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine rostyslav pavlenko, mykyta potoraev and
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mykhailo tsimbalyuk. however. rather than start our long conversation, i suggest watching a video of the consequences of today's night and morning attacks by the russian occupiers on kharkiv.
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friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, please subscribe to our pages on these platforms, and also take part in our vote, today we ask you about this, whether you need in ukraine tax on childlessness. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have an opinion about a possible such tax, write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think ukraine needs a tax for childlessness (0800-211-381), no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote, very.


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