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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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indeed, there were certain politicians who were members of this alternative for germany, but nevertheless this party is a right-wing populist party, the alternative for germany is alternative for deutschland, it is different, it is still not as fantastic as the so- called reisburgers, and it now has relatively large support, almost 20% in germany. and unfortunately, i expect that in the regional elections in germany, which will be in september, this year, in eastern germany, they will get a very large percentage there, most likely they will there in brandenburg, in saxony and in thuringia the most powerful, the most powerful party, but this is only... which concern regional
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politics, land policy, i don't think that this party has a chance to become a member of the federal, federal government, probably it will happen really, that in east germany, at the regional level, they will also be in the government, although this is now according to the official statements of the centrists... it is impossible, but at the federal level, i think, they will not have, on strategic cooperation and support from the official berlin of ukraine, will this somehow mean that germany will be divided again, the east will be, well, let's call them soft for now, ultra-right, so as not to say whose ideas they support, the rest of germany will remain democratic, will this somehow affect support for ukraine? yes, unfortunately, this
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has a certain influence, and one can simply speculate that this is scholz's course now, and his decision regarding taurus, this is also connected with the fact that there will be elections in eastern germany, and there , i myself am in eastern germany, not only this one is popular here alternative for germany, but also two other parties. who is also against germany's military support for ukraine, this is a left-wing party and a new radical left-wing party, the so -called sarah wagenknecht union, this is sarah wagenknecht, she is a former politician, here is a left-wing party, she left and made her own party, that is, there are three parties , who are against this german military support for ukraine, and... and the social democrats, they, they
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try to compete with these parties, with the left, especially the parties, and that is why they have such a marked, as they see it course, well, this is really a problem in some ways, but nevertheless, germany remains the biggest helper of ukraine in europe . military support. and not only in this regard, in principle, germany is such a center of stability, both economic and political stability, and europe is already used to that, accustomed to the fact that everything is fine there, here we see such movements, because this party is also an alternative for germany mentioned by us, and the case that has been going on for several years, actually since the time of the coronavirus, we see that right-wing movements, radical right-wing movements across europe movements are gaining strength as well, very often in all of this. somewhere
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, is russia somehow directly or indirectly involved, is a scenario possible now in the 21st century, when europe will reform a little again, redistribute itself, this division of power, spheres of influence, and new coalitions, some alliances may be formed, or will this stability remain here already on the old continent and democratic views, this is a risky situation west. europe and central-eastern europe in hungary, for example, or in slovakia, but it seems to me that the greatest risk is here - it's in america, in the united states, with trump, it's a phenomenon that worries me the most, in western europe, things are going on there now. supported them, but now
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we see that there is a certain movement there, well, that is, for example, the italian right-wing radicals, they partially, at least, support ukraine, in sweden too, the so-called ones too, in the netherlands too, and well, and now, apparently, this alternative for germany, it remains as the most... achingly pro-russian western european party, but this is also now more and more a problem for this party, here, for example, now marine le pen in france said that she does not want to be in the coalition of the alternative for
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germany in the european parliament, because she is too radical in that, including pro-russian, that is, there is a certain movement there, because... . this pro-russianness is a problem for these parties, and that is why they are moderately changing their position, perhaps something like this will happen even for germany, but for now it is a relative pro-russian party. one more short question, we have the very end: lately we have a lot of news specifically from germany, recently two servicemen. who were undergoing rehabilitation in a german clinic, were wounded and, unfortunately, ended in death, yes death, before that there was a kidnapping, and then it became clear that the death of a ukrainian woman was found out, her child was kidnapped, the mother was the same, now it is, there is a russian trace everywhere, and now in
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germany we have a story with a teenager, a 15-year-old boy, who was stabbed by unknown people, we don't know who is behind it, but unfortunately there are many such cases. this is the situation in germany only with regard to ukrainians, or is it just that we receive information about ukrainians here in ukraine, and in general, the same stories apply to representatives of other nationalities? well, it also worries me a lot, and you rightly said that there are too many such cases, of course this has always happened, that is, there are some attacks on immigrants. i've always been ignorant in germany, but now there are too many such cases with ukrainians, and these are often some russians or emigrants from russia who speak russian, and here we can already speculate
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about how organized this is attack and does it just happen by chance? so often, well, as far as i know, there were few such attacks from the germans themselves, and it was rather earlier such russian attacks on immigrants from asia or africa, here it is probably a slightly different phenomenon, these attacks on ukrainian immigrants, unfortunately, unfortunately, mr. andras. thank you for being with us for participating in our broadcast, andreas umland, analyst of the stockholm center for eastern european studies, on the air of the tv channel, we have a short break, then we will come back and talk a little about numbers, statistics, research, wait.
10:39 am
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10:41 am
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return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the biggest talker format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general , i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 9:15 p.m. in the project , velikiy lviv talks about the most important things on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, what became many. in relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. after the morning attack on chuguiev in the kharkiv region, the number of injured has increased, the local ova already reports seven injured, a 41-year-old woman is in the hospital, there is also a woman. a little older than her and both in average condition, in the meantime the enemy also hit poteretska, there is also a dead person there, in a word, today is also a terrorist-russian morning, maybe this is precisely this procrastination and the news from the front affects the mood of ukrainians who saved their children and went abroad. we will ask about it now. anton grushetskyi, executive director of the kyiv international institute of sociology, contact us, mr. anton. eh, congratulations, glory to ukraine, good day, glory to the heroes, well, why
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does the kmis analyze all these data, in particular, half of ukrainian citizens who are refugees from the war in germany, poland and the czech republic declare that they will not return to ukraine, you do not only numbers, you analyze and what is needed for scientists, and what factors influence that other answer. i will now read you the latest data from prozoro, and yes, there is a russian-fascist occupier standing there, 5 km and velika piserivka, which is beaten and beaten day and night, and in velika piserivka, this is in sumy oblast, the road will be repaired, prozoro says, for 8.5 million hryvnias, for five keme from arta, and there are at least 20-30 such cringe-worthy stories per day, at least, confirmed, which affects... ukrainians in their reluctance to return, exclusively the military danger
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of the front, or here are the stories about what yanukovych leave, but nothing changes? well , you know, if we were to ask a question with a summary like yours, then we would get an even lower percentage of those who are of course ready to return, and of course this is prohibited in the survey, by the way, on this question i can say that you can meet different opinions , there is a part of people who say that on the contrary there... it is necessary because it is a question of evacuating the wounded and it is also necessary for security for the defense forces, i am not really an expert in these matters, but i understand why it is perceived these stories in addition, but in fact such stories, if they are heard... the explanation for non-return is rather a way of rationalizing a certain decision made at the moment, objectively , the main people explain the issue, it is a matter of security, they may be afraid, because again , while you even if you live in kyiv, you actually live a calm life almost all the time, although even for a resident already in conditional germany, even the same kyiv may seem like a not so safe city and with its own
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risks, this is also a question of the work of critical infrastructure, by the way, the fact that turning off the electricity obviously also affects it, and related... questions are related to this, whether there is a job, whether it is possible to receive payments, whether there is a home at all, because many have left the front-line or occupied areas territory, is it possible for children to study, but this morning there was anxiety, for example, one or two children in kindergarten are being taken to a shelter, and this, of course, leads people to the conclusion that it is better to wait until the future and see there, why rush somewhere, yes, but at the same time we we see that in many countries of europe, payments are being cut for immigrants, for those who fled the war, eh? stricter conditions, more control, whether the family really needs, whether they can get a job, that is, stay there, and how it was at the beginning, it is already more difficult, whether this moment is an argument for people, whether i don't care anymore, or whether it is already so much for two years, because most of them have been in these countries for more than two years, got used to and adapted to the fact that
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they can actually stay there without state support. this factor definitely affects, and in fact, if we are optimistic, let's be optimistic and believe in a better future, and at some point the western powers will reduce support and a certain legal basis for stay, this will of course motivate more people to return to ukraine, but at the moment the situation is like this, by the way, it is important not to do picture in black and white, because of course there is a large part of citizens who are already objectively taking root, whom we are unlikely to be able to convince in any way to return, but there are hundreds of thousands, even millions of our citizens who not only... keep connection with ukraine, but really plan to return and are really active participants in supporting ukraine even abroad, such people will certainly not look for reasons, but will return there at a certain moment, for example, when their settlement is de-occupied, there when other conditions for return will be made, but this support, of course, of course, it binds people more to a new place, because the question arises, even if you came from
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an unoccupied territory and received high payments, why return to ukraine, where it is more difficult to find a high-paying job, and therefore, the more time passes, the more people get used to a new place, and the less likely they are to return, well, as of today , all private and small and medium-sized businesses are talking about the wild lack of workers, the movement of specialists and semi-specialists and even just labor force, and this trend will intensify, even if you say that there is a large number of ukrainian refugees who will be ready to return to any large... in pyserivka on a good road and there is not even a house to rebuild, then there is part of people who will remain, and these are mainly women, men after the end of the war, either go for a divorce, or go to join them in europe, that is, in absolute numbers, we can somehow roughly understand that some will return, and others will still go to reunification families, and thus the outflow will be even greater
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than it is now, as far as i understand, you are now bringing to the most important question, you have enough of them by the way. an optimistic view that either going to europe or getting a divorce, of course, this does not contribute to optimism from the very beginning, but in fact the main the fundamental question is when and under what conditions the full-scale invasion will end, if we really end with some success for ukraine, if ukraine receives reliable security guarantees, indeed, receives support from reconstruction, we will be able to return more people and men are also more likely to remain in ukraine , if, of course, we do not receive a security guarantee and we end up in a situation where there is a feeling that this is again a truce for a couple of years, while russia accumulates strength, and here is a big question for our western friends, as far as they understand it, we are really getting not so much the return of people, but the reunification of families already in europe, and not in ukraine. and do you have numbers, data, who exactly, who are these people who are ready to stay and who want to return, i am talking about age, gender,
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origin from ukraine, that is, where they left from, or from the west, or after all from.. . native central regions from the south, who are these people? different categories of the population are actually represented there, there is no internal image that can be vividly presented, let's say there is a middle-aged woman with two children who left the occupied territory, because there are residents of lviv oblast, and residents of kharkiv oblast, residents of occupied unoccupied territories, but obviously there is a big question here in connection with ukraine and the possibility of adaptation in a new place , if a professional person found a high-quality job, he does not have relatives in ukraine there... and so on, such people are more likely to focus on a new place, where people remain close to them, for example, men who are fighting, certain relatives or others moments there their home, houses a business in ukraine, in which there are more such... connections, they maintain more contacts and plan more to return to ukraine. mr. anton, do you have any actual research on assimilation, not so much
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adaptation, because i once looked at it on different waves of ukrainian emigration there in canada and spoke with researchers, but that’s one thing, it’s described quite easily there, the main thing is, in this case, who assimilates faster in different european countries, overcoming the language... barrier, those who came to padryumka later vodkas were dancing on the steel, and the western partners were saying who came to us, or those conscientious ukrainian citizens who simply left for security reasons, which of them assimilates faster and becomes dutch, portuguese and spanish? these and those categories are assimilated, because people for different reasons, here the question is what are your plans, if your plans remain, you will really learn the language and adapt. there are, of course, nuances that, with such a large ukrainian community abroad , there is a certain temptation among some fellow citizens not to study the language of the new country very much, in expectations of certain preferences there or
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better situations there for the future, so take your time with these questions, but first of all , we see from this survey that the majority of people still communicate mainly in ukrainian, there is a part of those who are ukrainian, russian, russian language, but the majority still speak ukrainian, and only a small percentage begins to communicate mainly in the language of the country. where they came, but historically, of course, ukrainians, er, as people, assimilate easily enough, and here, by the way, there is still a big the question of the presence of children, because we all see that small children pick up a new language especially quickly, assimilate into a new environment especially quickly, this, by the way, drags parents along, and encourages them to learn a new language more quickly, ugh, and this are among those arguments to stay, which are also called, well, the main arguments, you understand, are objective. reasons, but there are those reasons that are socially acceptable, which we voice, if you have children, then when a person tells you that i am here for the safety of the child, for the sake of quality education, quality protection health, you can hardly deny this, because
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in ukraine, according to these parameters, the situation is much different, not so fun, you can say so, and accordingly, but objectively, again, a person feels calm in a new place, works with a certain stable income, no one shoots, certain more stable prospects for the future, let's be honest, in ukraine... even before the invasion, many people were worried about the country's development path and how unpredictable it is, and by the way , before the invasion, almost a third of our respondents there i would like to go abroad i also remembered these numbers, if you, mr. anton, continue this research, it will be interesting to find out, for example, if you can, how our ukrainian citizens react when they watch russian political technologist misha podalyak shouting on the internet, we will return you all by force, as they to this... do they like it, are they ready to listen to such threats voiced by the advisor-advisors, but we will leave that for our next meeting,
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mr. anton, thank you for your comment and analysis, anton gruzhetskyi, executive director of kmis , about the mood among ukrainians who were forced to leave the territory of ukraine in one way or another. regardless, is there anything else i can say, whether you're there or not? here, in which region and where do you live, in which settlement can you do for our country at least what you donate, that is, if you are not at the front, in the rear or abroad, please donate the qr-code, card number, you see, this is for atvs for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, we regularly show videos, these are boys and girls, and we know that they definitely need these atvs, let's do it together, pause now. short, next, don't miss the news. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to
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11:00 am
it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. seven people have already been injured in chugiyev as a result of the morning attack on the copper mine. two more 40-year-old women applied, they are in a medium condition, - said the head of the kharkiv region, oleg senigubov. in the morning , the russians shelled the central part of the city, the kindergarten was damaged. another woman was injured during the shelling of the village of hoptivka. also that night, the occupiers struck at izyum district. as a result of the impact , a residential building caught fire. because of.


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