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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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voted for the introduction of fines for violating the curfew, i am now quoting people's deputy zheleznyak, only 190 people's elected representatives voted for the relevant bill. the law is considered rejected in its entirety, and the draft law, i would like to remind you, provided for the establishment of such fines for violating the prohibition during the curfew from 100 to 200 tax-free minimums for committing a similar violation during the year from. 200 to 400 tax-free minimums, and so on, but in any case the verkhovna rada did not support the implementation similar tough measures. well, today the verkhovna rada finally created a temporary special commission on the use of funds for the construction of fortifications and the purchase of drones. 277 deputies voted for this resolution and this law was registered in the parliament yesterday, its authors are parliamentarians of all parliamentary factions. the main task of this commission. there is
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a study of the circumstances and the preparation of questions regarding the needs of the security and defense sector in the field of uavs and the formation of state orders for their production and purchase, well, the deputies also have to analyze the distribution, transfer, supply and taking on balance of drones by military units and units, in addition, this commission should also analyze the arrangement of fortifications, engineering barriers on the contact line and the targeted use of the funds allocated for their arrangement, but what is noteworthy is that before this the commission will also include... deputies from the banned party opposition platform for life. that's the news. yes, important news. well, there is also extremely important news. it concerns our constitutional court. this is how we understand how important the relevant institution is. therefore, the holosiivsky district court of kyiv recognized that bringing serhiy holovaty to administrative responsibility on the basis of the second protocol on the criminal procedure code does not meet the principles of
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horsemanship, yes, but we understand that right now serhiy holovatyy heads the constitutional court, well, the essence of the case is quite, quite elaborate, yes, well, but the key story is that the court made a decision regarding non-compliance with the principles of the legality of the decision of the nazk, more precisely, the second protocol of the nazk regarding mr. golovaty, well this weekend, the long-awaited law. on the strengthening of mobilization has already taken effect, yes, since may 18, all conscripts must update their credentials in some way, either online, or by appearing in snap or in the tcc. how it can be done, who and when should come to the picking centers, we suggest you look in the story of our colleagues. on may 15 and for the next 60 days, all citizens are required to serve in the military. must
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update their military records, this rule is mandatory for everyone, including reserved men with a deferral military service women, as well as men abroad, so as not to lose the right to consular services. it is necessary to protect the homeland, and accordingly it is necessary for people to be motivated, healthy, and this is checked by the military medical commission, and the state must know where they live, how they can be contacted and... we retreat. there are now three options for updating data: tsk and sp itself, tsnapy and the reserve mobile application. plus. to territorial picking centers. queues lined up even before the law came into force. men with briefcases they came with documents immediately after curfew, stood in the rain, waited on children's carousels. however, it was not volunteers who came to outrun the law, but those who were not afraid. we understand that now.
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came to the tcc, the majority of people update their data, those who have armor, or have some health issues, who are sure that they will not be drafted. another reason for the queues could be the schedule of tsk. in theory , they work around the clock, but there were reception hours for updating data, only at one o'clock half a day, sometimes even only on certain days. in 1946 or so, when the soviets were in power. a new option to clarify data in tsnapa, they are accepted there according to the center's standard work schedule, the administrator enters your data into the electronic system, the information is automatically pulled into the amulet, the applicant receives an extract with the beginning and signature of the administrator of tsnap about updating the data. as a result , the generated extract will be sent to her e -mail. after submitting an application and checking all
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the data that a person has declared, she carries responsibility for the declared data, the application is formed, signed, then the system. an extract is being formed, the formation of such an extract can take some time, as of the morning of may 18 , there were no queues for checkpoints, however, the first users of the service assure that everything is organized and fast, the queues, the queues at the tsk are huge, you come in the morning and sign up, it is not known when you whether you come today or not, it is much better when you came, took the ticket, you have your number, the estimated waiting time. took a ticket, sat there for an hour, well, what a time an hour, 20 minutes, sat down, went in, updated the data, that's it, you have your own time. another innovative solution is the launch of the reserve plus mobile application. it is in test mode until june, and you can update your data and access the amulet registry. the procedure
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takes less than 15 minutes, so it is the fastest and most optimal of all those listed. in the morning of may 18, the ministry of defense summarized: that 150,000 citizens were successfully authorized in the application, it takes 15-20 minutes in the application reserve plus, even if there will be cyber attacks, even if there will be some technical failure, although we do not foresee it, and in fact the application is already ready, so it will be possible to do it electronically without leaving the house, without letting go of the smartphone, the risks, let's say , have been taken into account. possibilities, including the amount of data on the server, were also taken into account, accordingly, we expect that everything will work, but in practice, other citizens on social networks shared that the application does not work, while those lucky people who managed to update the data
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claim that the process took several minutes, well, it didn't work at first, but then it started, now yes, it was updated, but it took 5 seconds, that is , it pulls all the data from the bank id into... and they appear there at once, however, to get the desired win-code, which is the only proof of the data update, you will still have to go to the shopping center , or wait for june 18, that's when , according to the ministry of defense, it will be possible to generate such a reserve plus in the application, it will be possible to update this minimum data, but to receive the corresponding qr code, no, but again, the data will be considered. the main thing is that a person fulfills his duty according to the law. in addition, they changed from may 4, 2024 rules for the disabled. this status was revoked, so conscripts must undergo a repeat medical examination within nine months, which will determine unfitness or
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degree of fitness. the corresponding error is also issued in the shopping center. depending on the diagnosis, on the results of velka, it may be. e-e can be recognized e-e as one that can serve in e-e depending , again, on the conclusion in units, for example, the same tccsp, in universities, in headquarters, in e-e security units, in rear units. in addition to the law on mobilization adopted another one, regarding fines. so, if you don't like any of the methods and you haven't updated your data. will have to pay according to the new prices, violation of military registration in a special period will cost from 17 to 25 00 uah, and evasion of mobilization from 17 to 25 00 uah for citizens and from 34 to 59 00 uah
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for officials and legal entities. if a person wants to evade, well, for sure, the ministry of defense should not contribute to the fact that a person has any additional ones for this purpose. updated military registration document it is important to take with you always and everywhere. now , in addition to employees of the tcc and sp, border guards and police officers can check it. the latter also had the right to detain and deliver evaders to the shopping center, but not to issue summonses themselves. if a person evades both the tsc and the national police, with the help of themis, his right to drive a vehicle will be restricted , which will be canceled immediately. after updating the data, so the law, which was tried for so long in the verkhovna rada and so passionately discussed in society, finally entered into force, the data must be updated by july 16, but only time will tell whether the fear of losing will prevail over the fear of mobilization. well, i would like
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to thank our colleagues for this extremely voluminous plot, and now the analysis will continue. situation, in particular, dedicated to recruiting, oleksiy bezhevets, authorized representative of the ministry of defense of ukraine on recruiting issues. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy, we congratulate you. good day. well, may 18 has begun. certain new period in a significant number of ukrainian citizens who did not take participation in what is called compliance with our ukrainian legislation, that is, they did not update their data in the tsc and so on and so on, well, accordingly, at the same time , recruiting centers were created in ukraine, so in lviv, by the way, a second recruiting center was opened today at the train station, so this is also an extremely important story, but if you sum up the so-called interim results, so that now... with the recruiting centers, how it all works now, how well this idea paid off, in
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february of this year we really started these activities from lviv, lviv was the first, and for about a month and a half we watched how it developed, improved all processes as much as possible, and later it was decided to scale these activities, because they showed their effect. today, we already have 201 centers throughout ukraine, and this network will continue to develop actively. we see an increase in appeals from our citizens, in particular in recent weeks, it is really growing, and the dynamics are positive and good. today , an information stand was opened at the station, that is, it is an inferior recruiting center - these are not recruiters who recruit people, explain, help, this is the very point where people get information, in fact, where to turn, which phone to call and which addresses throughout ukraine, of course, first of all in lviv, since it is lviv railway station . but nevertheless, for those who are leaving, wherever possible in their city, they can also go
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to the recruiting center and get information, help, and appropriate advice on how to join the army. by the way, if we are talking about recruiting centers, then if we make such, well, intermediate statistics, then approximately how many people have already applied to recruiting centers in this way and in which cities of ukraine they are currently working, and during this time, what is the actual system for. it is just developing, because almost every week we have opened a new center for two months, more than 500 people have already applied, received a consultation, approximately 1,500 will continue to be in the system, they are selecting vacancies, contacting military units, several hundred have already received recommendations letters and, accordingly, continue to move, get formalized, under 100 people are already in uniform, military personnel, or in training centers, or already in their units, that is... the dynamics are cool, the dynamics are positive, and we see that it really made sense to do it, it it makes sense
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to continue doing it, because in this way a person is given the opportunity to choose his place in the army, not to wait for something, not to wait for you to be mobilized, after all, because there is an urgent need, and we understand, the state must be defended, if you are a conscious person, you you want to influence yours future, please at least call, better come and talk, because experience shows that each person is a very individual case. everyone has their own vision, their experience, their wishes, in fact, people either come with open questions, and what do you have, i want to know, or with very specific ones, there is such and such a team, such and such a part, i have there friend, in-law, brother, relative, serving, i would also like to serve there next to him, let's see what opportunities there are, we exist precisely for this purpose, to provide a person with an opportunity in the end, to find yourself there, where he sees, well, and accordingly, what is the correct algorithm of actions, so we understand that, for example, this... tasp may have his own vision or a certain process may already be launched, accordingly, a beast person
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turns to the recruiting center , for example, tcc and isp are already waiting for it, i don't know if the commission was passed or something else, how such things should work, well, for people who really want to serve honestly in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. we are talking, by the way, not only about the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and in general about the defense forces, that is , we have, yes, the national guard, border guards. police units that fight, security services of ukraine, that is, in fact, all military units of ukraine already post their vacancies, including special units, that is, there are really hundreds of vacancies, and in general, access to the base where thousands of these vacancies exist, the algorithm is very simple: we we urge people to at least take a look, there are four online platforms, this is a project that we started at the end of last year in november, signed partnership agreements, memoranda and actually organized this work in the army. that is , each part places, has the opportunity to place and places a lot of its vacancies
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online, workua, ua jobs, lobby x, then lx job, that is, four such job boards, as we call them, that is, at least a person can inquire and contact directly, and it's great, and we tell people in every possible way, look, get to know the military units, see what job offers there are, get interested, continue this way, or contact our center directly, call, or come physically. chat, you can come to chat several times , you can call several times, you can leave your details, you can not leave them, if you are immediately selected for a vacancy that interests you, leave your details, we take a break, then we look both online and offline, we communicate with military units , we clarify, in fact, exactly where this candidate is in view of his age, first of all, his state of health, how he feels, his previous experience, served, did not serve, what is his vision, motivation, in fact, where is himself can find where and which part is exactly what it is is ready to accept the candidate, after they have decided, they directly
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communicate with each other by phone, we contact such a person with the military unit, the military unit issues a written consent. or it is called a letter of recommendation, and accordingly it is also separately agreed with the higher command, in certain cases even through the general staff of approval, depending on which part, a person will receive a copy of such a letter of recommendation, or they even provided for the possibility to send a copy to a messenger , the original is coming in tsk tsp, a person appears there and is registered, passes a medical examination, then goes to a training center, a month of basic training, after which it is possible to undergo further professional training... and in the end, after which he goes to his unit to serve, this is what it looks like, and in terms of time, it is approximate, but how long it can take, our goal is now the general headquarters, and the system of the tsk tsp is aimed as much as possible at speeding up this registration process, because it really depends, especially where military medical facilities are overloaded commission, it can take more time than we would like, in fact
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, these are days for contract workers, in the first place we are talking about the contract, today the most popular form of demobi. that is, it is not a fixed-term contract until demobilization, when demobilization will be announced, so for contract workers, this list of documents is a bit more to form a personal file, the process takes a little more time, in fact, you can go through it within a week, a maximum of two, and you can really do it , after which a person is formed a certain group of people and then they they are directed to the training center according to the profile, exactly where a person goes, where basic training comes, dear tv viewers. in particular, this applies to men of draft age, as well as conscripts, oleksiy bezhavets, authorized representative of the ministry of defense of ukraine on recruiting issues, is currently in our studio and talks about the most important steps you should take, yes, if you want to voluntarily join of the armed forces of ukraine, and voluntarily it means that you can choose certain directions,
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certain positions that match your personal qualifications, so listen carefully and if anything... maybe you can find a recording of this conversation later on our espresso youtube channel. by the way, i wanted to clarify which troops people are currently most eager to join, and maybe there are some top vacancies that people who come to recruiting centers are most interested in? they are popular, well, maybe because we see a lot of videos about it, how effectively it works, everything related to uavs, yes, that is, with unmanned and aerial vehicles, as well as drones. terrestrial, water, underwater, everything related to this, here, the first moment, the second moment, of course, well, for a civilian, and first of all, we see this, it is not not in every center, yes, but there is a certain tendency, that is, people are looking for a place for themselves, to serve at least in an environment where at least someone is familiar, well, this is perhaps characteristic of ukrainians, but not only where a person does not fall
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into complete uncertainty, but where at least there is something to cling to, where he does not understand someone can argue with whom it is possible to actually continue this activity, this is the second point that is characteristic, here, regarding the needs, it should be noted here that there is really demand, conditionally, conditionally speaking, demand and supply, and demand, where can you get offers, what vacancies are there, and so is the offer , where the state most needs people now, these are of course those units that directly participate in hostilities, yes, that is, they are called priority equipment units, that's where there are losses. of course, first of all, the state sets itself the goal of people after education, after send training to these units for all positions, there are all positions there, and of course, among all these positions, starting from cook , signalman, logistician, boy and so on, of course, the first priority are positions in all riflemen, let's say, these are
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operators of any type of weapons, military equipment, shooters, machine gunners, grenade launchers. and it went and went, that is, this is how it looks now, let's say this is the environment, but if we are talking about conscripts who are ready to join, how do they see it, maybe there are some, no i know, there are certain guiding stories, yes, well, except for uavs, wherever people would like, where they would like to be implemented, yes, because the armed forces are not only rifle units, so not only a position, i don't know, there is a shooter. well, there are also, i think, a lot of all kinds of, i don’t know, there are special units or cunning units, maybe there are sub-secret ones and so on and so on, but people there, for example, have, i don’t know, intelligence, this or that education, well and... they are also needed by the army, but on the other hand , this position may not be disclosed, yes, because there is a certain regime, at most ours, whatever you call it, cunning units,
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special forces, special operations forces, the main intelligence agency, marines, airborne assault troops, first of all, of course, interest in young physically well-prepared and motivated people, probably, even in the first place, who are ready... to perform difficult tasks that require great physical exertion. here it is important to remember that according to the law, just about which you mentioned, young people aged 18 to 25 can voluntarily enter into a fixed-term contract for one year. for one year, but it is these young people aged 18 to 25, as we remember, they cannot be mobilized, but they can voluntarily sign a contract for one year, serve, and then no one will automatically mobilize them. will not be, there is also an opportunity to conclude a contract for one year for people who have psychological or medical education, this is also, let’s say, because there is an urgent
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need now for psychologists and medics in the army, for medics, moreover, a person who has a basic medical education, first of all, she enters the army precisely for positions related to, well , medicine, medical support, and a fairly quick period of time is provided . offline and online training so that this person can become an officer and hold a higher position, serve already as an officer of the armed forces, that is, it is about the priorities and the opportunities that are available now, separately i should mention women, also, i just wanted to ask, we do not have any restrictions as a rule, any position, combat, non- combat, whatever you want to call them, women can occupy, we have excellent examples just for a young woman came to work at the lviv center, she is already a sniper, she showed it herself. the commander assessed her desire, said that she is a motivated, physically well-prepared person, i take it, and she went on to training, she will be a sniper. here, the women who apply
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to us, and those who, in the end, stay and are selected for vacancies, make up about 17% of all applications in general, and accordingly, if we compare with the percentage of women who are currently in the army, then this percentage is much higher, which shows what, the potential for... really the whole beautiful part of our society to be involved in the defense of the state, then , accordingly, we call for, first of all, a decent financial support and the opportunity to realize yourself both as a professional and as a person and as a defender, therefore we call on women to be interested, to come, what vacancies are there, to communicate with the commander, to actually convince that yes, i can, i want to, i am motivated, i am ready to undergo training and then really serve in the appropriate position, and there are more and more such cases, by the way, we still have two minutes. but it would be great it is important to discuss whether there are recruiting centers of certain units, and in particular there are davinci wolves or the third assault brigade in lviv, or do the recruiting centers of the ministry of defense somehow
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cooperate with these recruiting centers? to each such center, first of all we call, when we opened in lviv, our officer visited each of such centers, said: look, we are opening, you have the opportunity to place your vacancies with us as well, because we are recruiting to in general, to the defense forces, and as a system, as a network, each with and from such recruiting groups. of recruiting centers recruits directly to its part, of course, we actually give another opportunity to post vacancies throughout our network, specifically for such divisions, that is, there is normal cooperation, i do not see any competition, because we have a common goal, and to provide human capital , in general, the defense forces, so that there is someone to fight, to protect the homeland, well, finally, i would like to clarify, and the expansion of such physical recruiting centers is also planned, so we understand that there is a regional the center is the center, but it is possible... there would be one or another department under this or that district police station, we respond absolutely normally to the initiatives of the district centers, and i am currently negotiating the same way, i will not say with whom,
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but the same conditionally small cities, there is a city of about 100 thousand, for example, it is already enough, a community, not even a city, but a community, it is enough for such a center to function effectively there, soon, i hope, the preparation process will end and we will open frankivsk, lutsk, sometime later i hope ternopil, the same communications are happening now, soon i hope the same mykolaiv, rivne, chernihiv, uman, i.e. different cities, not only regional centers, cool, thank you, oleksiy byzhevets, the authorized representative of the ministry of defense of ukraine on recruiting issues, was in the espresso studio , talked about the topic of recruiting, actually heard a lot of interesting things, now we are going to take a short break, after that there will be news on the spresso tv channel, so stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strom saws from unpacking the tv are just for you,
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everyone to join nato. to the collection from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine. and for your attention , a news release on the spresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. kharkiv under fire from the occupiers. the enemy targeted the shevchenkiv district of the city with a guided aerial bomb, oleg sinigubov, the head of the region, said. 10 people were injured. four are in the hospital. one man is in serious condition. it trolleybus driver as a result of the impact, it caught fire.


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