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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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forces of ukraine appoints incompetent generals who should be tried, and not appointed to positions, she said that the commander of the largest strategic group of the armed forces of ukraine is a criminal, this is what she said about yuriy sodol, by the way, we sent him a request, we are waiting for to the reaction, and this is quite a loud accusation, and in my opinion, the reaction was quite quiet, i did not see any reaction at all, tell me, please, but what can you say about such an accusation? does it have the slightest basis? i don't know, i haven't met the generals for a long time, that is, mine the level of communication is that of the kambrigs, the kambats, among them there are a lot of decent, heroic people, but there are outright criminals, that is , especially, well, our direct visas, of course, nachmeds, there are brigades and battalions, again, i repeat, well, when in our defense forces are more than a million people, this is the growth of society, well, we met from people who... simply abandoned their private practices and
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came to save our soldiers, and this is the third year, they save day and night, and to those who were and those who , for example, on the account at these checkpoints used narcotic drugs, let's say, consumed them, they let a goat into the garden, and as for the generals, well , since we are retreating, you see, we are retreating, we are suffering heavy losses, we saw that with the fortifications, everyone in kharkiv region is talking about... about nastu, we they turned out to be actually ready, probably because the general is a position of a strategic level, there are probably punctures in the strategy, but i repeat, well, again, well, it’s still rotting from the head, that is, the commander-in-chief has recently been changed, there is no need for any coordination from the verkhovna rada , we have president, we have the head of the president's office, we have the deputy head of the president's office, mr. roman mashared, who actually make the final decisions, and of course we have a syrian there. below him is a vertical line, some of these
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people, well, as far as i can judge, again, i am a deeply non-military man, according to reviews, well, the same badger, yes, my god, suharevsky, who rose from lieutenant to commander of a line of troops, who actually still does not exist, well, the hero of this war, the legend of this war, there are probably those who are clearly not on their side position, that is, judging by the results that we have today, that is, there is no disaster, but there can be efficiency. much better, do you expect any, i don't know, drastic changes, improvement or just a change in the situation at the front, after this mobilization law is fully operational there, no, again, absolutely, well, war has become so technological, when there are more drones than people, then you need motivated, well-trained people, not cannon fodder, that is, these are bug options, when... who cannot be allowed and never will
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will be able to, so now it’s about quality, not quantity, well, let’s see, because just filling out the term in the civil service, yes, well, it won’t change anything, it will relieve some bureaucrat of responsibility, but it won’t change anything on the battlefield, so let's see, let's see again... let's see if the very philosophy of approaches to war will change, i mean, i communicated to the very top, that is , it doesn't happen higher, i was able to convey information with a proposal: you have a private military ready , a military medical company, with their own forces, means that do not exist, they repeat in any unit of the defense forces, i say, this is absolutely responsible, sometimes we have equipment that is absolutely unique to ukraine, will it be enough and we are not even asking for money, we are just asking to be taken out of the legal vacuum so that we are ... well, as much as
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legalized and legal in the defense forces, on the basis of contracts, let's see the test, that is, we definitely cannot pose any threat to zelenskiy or his generals, because we are people without weapons in our hands, there with shovels and scalpels, this is a good test for of the state, i am interested in whether there will be a person who will be able to think outside the box and simply without spending any... noticeable resources to make front-line medicine as efficient as possible. gennady, thank you very much. gennadiy druzenko, lawyer and co-founder and head of the first voluntary mobile hospital named after mykola porogov. we talked about everything, but in particular we paid attention to the men who are now fleeing abroad en masse. thank you very much. well, we continue to discuss the topic of men fleeing abroad. our colleague who works in transcarpathia, she went to the border with words.
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and this is exactly what is used by those who want to escape from the borders of ukraine - border guards say. you and i are now on the section of the state border with the slovak republic, near the maly berezny international road checkpoint. in principle, this section of the state border is attractive for ukrainian citizens. males in the 18-60 age category, the section of our border is mountainous and forested, which creates, in principle , prerequisites for, let's say, complicating actions border outfits. the border guards admit that before the war they also regularly caught illegal immigrants here. this was also a relatively massive phenomenon,
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but at that time people from asian and african countries who were transiting through ukraine tried to escape to eu countries. after a full-scale invasion, the data is illegal. the activity ceased to be characteristic of our area of ​​responsibility, there were no cases of detention of illegal migrants, and the main illegal activity from that time to this day is attempts to illegally cross the state border citizens of ukraine of conscription age, aged 18-60, to the countries of the european union who are trying to enter. violators are caught here in several stages, border guards say. all cars moving towards the interstate border are checked at the approaches to the border areas. man. who aroused suspicion, are asked about the purpose of the visit. their primary goal is tourism and recreation, but in the process of checking, we understand, check and understand that these citizens are deceiving us. those who manage to pass the first stage of the quest escape for
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border, the following traps await. we have bispectral video surveillance cameras with thermal imaging devices that cover certain areas around the clock. of the state border, we also have photo posts installed on all possible routes of movement of violators towards the state border, you and i are now approaching the oblyanka river, which in our country crosses the state border line from the slovak republic to the territory of ukraine. here, by the way, we also had one rather interesting case, a violator ran to the line of the state border, accordingly, he was noticed by our border guard, at the commands of the border guard, stand still, he did not react and jumped into the river, i realized that... he would not be able to cross the river, the current was strong, the water level was high, i realized that he could drown , accordingly asked for help from our border guard, just on new year's day, december 31, 2023, our border guard found a father and a son, two people who were wandering near a line of engineering
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structures and barriers, after we detained them, they thanked our to the border guard, for the fact that they were discovered, for the fact that they did not freeze, for the fact that they were provided in a timely manner, let's say, help to... warmed up, these citizens found a person through telegram channels who offered them for a monetary reward in the amount of about 10 thousand us dollars, a route that will lead them directly to the state border line, this person also promised them that she will meet them here at the border, that she will provide them with help, let's say in the movement to the state border, this these citizens paid through cards paid the money, arrived at the border, accordingly, no one met them, on the phone. calls, the person who promised to provide them with the route did not answer, the phone was out of range, accordingly, the citizens independently followed the route that was given to them towards the state border, got blocked in the mountainous and forested area, and could not find a way back , there is no road towards the state border, there are many telegram
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channels, youtube channels, where on video people who have already carried out state border crossings the border, they tell, so to speak, share their experience, and this is what makes up a detailed tool. but the border guards advise not to listen too much to these tips, because they themselves are subscribed to all these youtube and telegram channels. always excuses that i didn't want to, i went out into the forest for a walk, some people said that i go out into the forest for flowers. i was walking with a woman there, and it happened that he and the woman reached the fence, the woman looked around while the man climbed over the fence. iryna breza, from the slovak border for radio liberty. to mykhailo bondar,
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people's deputy from european solidarity, joined our broadcast. good evening. good evening. i have two questions for you, one is about fortification, because you're just, i understand, the secretary of the temporary commission of inquiry that... will be investigating the fortifications, but the other question, it's just about this material that we just showed, and in general, the topic we are discussing today is what the state can do in conditions when men are at war. they flee abroad en masse, they prefer, they risk their lives, they may die in the mountains, they may drown in the rivers, but they prefer to run away rather than join the army, what is the solution? well , first of all, on the first question, in the resolution that we voted today, there are only two surnames, this is the surname of the head, temporary, temporary about fortification started, okay, let's do it. and the second, this is about his deputy, already during the meeting of this
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commission, the secretary will be elected, that is, we do not know yet, you have not been appointed yet, well, you have not been appointed yet, and regarding the second question, why they run away, no, why they run away is clear, why they run away is quite clear, they don’t want to join the army, what should the state do in this case, well, the state should have... done everything much earlier, the state should have made conditions for men, women, to be motivated to serve, to have the entire social package, to come up with some benefits when buying a house, for example, a mortgage, some kind of mortgage with very low interest, to know that everyone who went, whether male or female , to serve, that god forbid he will be a... either killed or wounded that his family will be fully assured that he would be
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provided for, that he would not be abandoned by the state, he had to understand that volunteers would not have to run, collect helmets, body armor, shoes, clothes, that all this would be done and provided by the army of quality possessions, and why, why, and why are there still no such decisions, the third year of a full-scale war? well, you know, after all, it was easier to torture in asphalt and have good profits from it, it is easier now to write on paper that there are fortifications that are not there, or half-built, or to dig some kind of pit, pit and all that, but the funds went into the pockets of those who need it, so that's how it works. and i have this question, we had gennady druzenko here before you. a lawyer and a volunteer, and he said that in conditions where the state has a catastrophic
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lack of motivated people, perhaps the activities of these pmcs, private military companies should be allowed, what do you think about this as a deputy, we literally have a minute, eh private companies, well and who, that we will turn into russia with the wagnerites or, so people are fleeing, people are fleeing en masse, 800,000 men have already left ukraine, what to do for those guys who want... to serve in a private company as well, it means that the conditions that a private company is ready to provide must be made, high salaries, e.e. training and so on and so on, i.e. provision, all this must be done by the state, why some private person can do it, and the state, which has billions, billions, cannot, that's all, this is the motivation, that is, to do everything possible for this, so that the military man who goes to the army... is fully provided for, so that he risks both in a private company and in
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the armed forces of ukraine, for example, and that's all, but foreigners, and to attract foreigners through the pvc, foreigners, well, it happened that i myself served in the french foreign legion, and believe me, there is just that social package there, so i say, there is no difference who to attract, thank you very much, mykhailo bondar , people's... deputy from european solidarity was on radio liberty, we have everything for today, i urge you to subscribe to our pages on the internet and until tomorrow, turn on well - that's when everything is as you want, click and now you control the game, bird and you are in a tv show, oh, what is needed, mygogo, turn on present coco may discounts on eden 20% in psyllium bam and oskad pharmacies. have
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you never seen a classic in underwear or something? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? tractor in the field dir-dir. so why are we for peace? there are discounts, coco presents, may discounts on voltaren forte 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and. big ether. vasyl zema, this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today. two hours to learn about the war. now just about we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please . two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk
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about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events from yevhen. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. leaders who have become many similar natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the price of war is no return. on saturday , may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on the espresso tv channel. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war
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atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from scratch. to life on a quad bike for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv. in volyn , they managed to find the missing twins, three-year-old alisa and artemchyk. half a thousand people joined the search, which lasted all night. and it is very important to note right away that it was the quick reaction... and the timely appeal of the parents regarding the disappearance of their children that played a decisive role, and in many respects it was thanks to this that it was possible to save the brother and sister. so, little alisa and artem disappeared in one of the villages of the kovel district of the volyn region. around 9:00 p.m., the parents of the twins contacted the police and reported that their children had disappeared
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while they were playing in the yard. it was not possible to find the child right away, but it is located next to the house. road and a pond, so the parents immediately sounded the alarm. all services were immediately involved in the search. more than 130 law enforcement officers, rescuers, national guardsmen, and dog handlers used quadcopters. in addition, simply caring local residents joined in. half a thousand people rushed to search for children. the area around is swampy, the risks were high. and already after midnight, with the help of a drone, they managed to find the girl in chagarnyky. she was very scared, but thank god, she is alive and unharmed. meanwhile , the search for her brother continued in the early hours, unfortunately, he was not found. they searched for the boy all night, and luckily, in the morning, the police , using a quadcopter with a thermal imager, spotted the child near the railway track a few kilometers from his home. he was very
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cold, like his sister, he was scared, but of course, the most important thing is that artemchyka left alive and he and his sister alisa did not become victims of a crime. in turn, i want to thank everyone who participated in the search for the little one and, without exaggeration, saved the life of the brother and sister. and again, if god forbid you do have a child go missing, don't waste a second and report it to the police and magnolia children's tracing service immediately. unfortunately, in society. there is still a myth that after the disappearance of a child it is necessary to wait three days to announce the search for him, this is absolutely true wrong, as it is very important to contact the police as soon as possible to report a child missing, even in our experience as a child tracing service, there have been many cases where
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the speed of reporting a child has played a key role, so i urge you if a child is missing, please, don't wait, immediately report to the police and our hotline. at the same time, the story of little alisa and artem proves once again that a child can get lost at any time and anywhere, and for completely different reasons. so, here are some important tips. if the child is very small, put a note in his pocket with your phone number or other contact information. if you are older than three years, be sure to learn together... your mobile number, explaining where, when and to whom it can be reported. also learn the home address with the child, this is very important. explain to your child if he is lost where he is. many people have to stand still and wait for their parents to return. if this did not happen, the child should find adults among people, preferably with a child or an elderly woman and
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to say that i was lost. and the most important thing for the parents themselves is not to panic. if your child has a phone, call, ask someone you know or a relative to stay in case the child returns. if possible, make announcements over loudspeakers. if... it was not possible to find the child immediately, immediately contact the police and the child tracing service at number 11630. our consultants will promptly and in detail step by step tell you how to act and what to do in such a situation. of course, god forbid you never need our number, but whatever remember the incident or write it down. 116 30. magnolia children's search service hotline. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any
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city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. congratulations, the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time program is on the air, i am its host oleksiy kovalenko. the us house intelligence committee released the group's appeal congressmen from both parties to secretary of defense lloyd austin and a call to speed up the delivery of weapons to ukraine. lawmakers also expressed strong support for allowing ukraine to attack targets on russian territory and proposed expanding ukrainian training on american f-16 fighter jets. at the same time, pentagon spokesman pat ryder, in a comment
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to voice of america journalist ostap yarysh , said that the us policy regarding the use of american equipment to impress targets on the territory of russia has not changed. the us is focusing on securing ukraine means necessary to protect its sovereign territory, the pentagon spokesman said. we have heard from secretary austin his views on striking targets in russia with american weapons, but can you explain why the ukrainians cannot use these weapons to retaliate against attacks coming from russian territory. we know the pantheon doesn't support this, but what's the reasoning behind this approach? see, as the minister emphasized, our policy has not changed, we are focused on securing ukraine means we need it to protect our sovereign territory, and you know, we understand that, we will continue to talk with our ukrainian partners, as well as with
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our international allies and partners, when it comes to the means, in particular air defense, that ukraine needs for its defense. regarding air defense, the minister also said that the dynamics in the air are slightly different, does that mean that the restrictions do not apply to the system. pppo and ukraine can use them to strike targets in russian airspace. as noted minister, i will not analyze the different scenarios. again, the strategic intent here is to enable ukraine to defend itself and protect its sovereign territory. so, if and when we have something to comment on this matter, we will definitely do it. this is where i stop. and here are the comments of our congress correspondent kateryna. the new speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson , emphasized that, in his opinion, the united states should allow ukraine to wage war as ukraine sees fit, on the importance of coordination and discussions in the military sphere between the us and
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ukraine, emphasized democratic congressman pita gilar. i believe we should allow ukraine to wage war as they see fit. they must be able to fight back. i believe that trying to control efforts at the micro level is not a very good idea. the most important way to help our allies in ukraine in their fight for freedom is to support their troops, we have done that, additional national security funding is of great benefit to their fight for freedom. coordination and discussion in military will continue, we expect that to continue in addition to the resources that are given to them, but it is important that they have the resources to win. war and defend itself as a democracy in the region, and we will continue to provide them with these resources. british defense minister harand shapps
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accused china of providing russia. weaponry that can be used in the war against ukraine. this was reported by reuters and independent on may 22. previously, it was said that china supplied russia only with double goods appointment. we will learn more about this from our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin, who is joining us from london. congratulations bohdan. bohdan, first about the latest news. just a few hours ago , the prime minister of great britain rishu sunok announced the date of early elections to the house of commons of the british parliament. they will take place on july 4, what could this mean for ukraine? by the way, oleksii, the 4th of july election means that the big question is who will represent great britain at the summit nato in washington on july 9. will it be the current leader of the conservative party and prime minister rishi sunak, who announced.
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this election, is it possible, as they now say here in the big polls in great britain, it could be the leader of the opposition labor party, kiir stamer, that is, it is very interesting, to open the question, the election of the fourth, the summit of the ninth, whether they will have time to announce the results and whether they will have time parliament to form and form a new government and approve a new prime minister, but when... it is about ukraine and regardless of who will represent the uk at the nato summit a few days after the election here in the uk it is safe to say that all the parliamentary parties in the uk are now stressing that they agree with the course to support ukraine in the war against russian aggression, so clearly there is a change , there are changes in style,
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there are... when political forces change, there are changes in the ways of solving problems, there may be some new ideas, new approaches, but the general direction, the course of great britain regarding aid to ukraine, ukraine, does not foresee changes. bohdan, and as for the subject of china, can you tell me the details of what exactly the british defense minister said and how confirmed this information is, what intelligence sources did the british defense minister refer to ? actually, i think it's very important to note the words british defense secretary grand sab used today in london at a defense conference, which was a discussion, obviously, preceded by a speech by the defense secretary, here not far from the voice of america news office in london. and that's what
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as reported, for example, by mass media in ukraine, contains the word weapon. what is reported, for example, by agencies like rates contains lethal aid. but, if you look at the official text of the british defense minister's speech, he does not use it there. he does not use the words weapon, he does not use the words lethal, lethal aid, please look and listen to an excerpt from this, this speech of the british minister today. the rise of authoritarian states led by russia, china, iran, and north korea exacerbated and ignited conflicts and tensions, they are increasingly working together, and today i can reveal that we
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have evidence that russia... and china are cooperating in the development of a combat


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