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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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to do in such a situation, of course, god forbid that you never need our number, but just in case, remember or write it down, 116/30 magnolia child tracing service hotline, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop near ua. from may 18 and for the next 60 days, everyone military-obligated citizens must update their military registration data. such a norm is mandatory for everyone, in particular for reserved men with a military obligation. women, as well as
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men abroad, so as not to lose the right to consular services. it is necessary to protect the homeland, and accordingly it is necessary for people to be motivated and healthy, and this is checked by the military medical commission, and the state must know where they live, how they can be contacted, and we push back from this. to update the data is now available three options: the tsk tsp itself, tsnapy and the reserve+plus mobile application to... the picking centers, queues lined up even before the law came into force, men with briefcases and documents came immediately after the end of the curfew, stood in the rain, waited on children's carousels , however , it was not volunteers who came to outrun the law, but those who are not afraid. we understand that the majority of people who have come to tsk to update their data, who either have armor or have some health issues there, are sure that they will not be drafted. another one
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the reason for the queues could be the tsc schedule. in theory , they work around the clock, but there were reception hours for updating data, only in the first half of the day, sometimes even only on certain days. just like when the soviet government. a new option for specifying data in tsnapa and. are accepted according to the center's standard work schedule, the administrator enters your data into the electronic system, the information is automatically pulled into the charm, the applicant receives an extract with the beginning and signature of the tsnap administrator about updating the data. as a result, formed the extract will be sent to her e-mail. after submitting an application and checking all the data that a person has declared, he is responsible for the declared data, a signature is formed. application, then the system is formed
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for a certain time, as of the morning of may 18, the queue for a withdrawal, the formation of such a withdrawal can take up to tsnaps were not searched, however, the first users of the service assure that everything is happening in an organized and fast manner. queues, queues at tsc are huge, you come in the morning and sign up, it is not known when you will get in today or not, it is much better when you came, took the coupon, you have your number. estimated waiting time, took the ticket, sat there for an hour, well, what an hour, sat for 20 minutes, came in again, you still have mobile time. another innovative solution is the launch of the reserve plus mobile application. until june, it works in test mode, where you can update data and access the amulet registry. the procedure takes less than 15 minutes, so it is the fastest and most optimal of all those listed. in the ministry of defense.
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in the morning of may 18, they summarized what is in the application 150,000 citizens were successfully authorized, it takes 15-20 minutes in the application reserve plus, even if there will be cyber attacks, even if there will be some technical failure, although we do not foresee this, and in fact the application is already ready, so it will be possible to do it electronically , without leaving home, without letting go of the smartphone. the risks, let 's say, were taken into account, the possibilities, including the amount of money on the server, were also taken into account, accordingly, we expect that everything will work. in practice, other citizens in social networks shared the fact that the application does not work. simultaneously those lucky ones who managed to update the data claim that the process took several minutes. well, it didn't work at first, and then it started, and now it's updated. but there are 5 seconds. that is, he
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pulls all the data from the bank id and they appear there at once. however, to get the desired win-code, which is the only proof of updating the data. you will still have to go to the shopping center, or wait for june 18, that's when, according to the ministry of defense, it will be possible to generate such a reserve plus in the application. it will be possible to update this minimum data, but get a qr code corresponding to no, but again, data will be considered updated, the main thing is that the person fulfills his duty according to the law. in addition, as of may 4 , 2024, the rules for... those with limited fitness have changed, this status has been canceled, so military conscripts must undergo a repeat medical examination within nine months, which will determine unfitness or the degree of fitness, the corresponding referral is also issued in the shopping center. depending on the diagnosis, on the results of the vlc, it may be
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recognized as one that can undergo service depending, again, on the conclusion in... units, for example, the same tccsp, in universities, in headquarters, in security units, rear units. in addition to the law on mobilization, another law on fines was adopted. so, if you don't like any of the methods and you haven't updated the data, you will have to respond to the new prices. violation of military registration in a special period will cost from uah 17 to uah 25,000. and evasion. from mobilization from 17 to 25 00 uah for citizens and from 34 to 59 00 uah for officials and legal entities. if a person wants to evade, well, probably the ministry defense should not contribute to a person
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having any additional technical capabilities for this. it is important to carry the updated military registration document with you always and everywhere. now it can be checked in addition to tcc employees. tsp, border guards and policemen. the latter also gained the right to detain and deliver petitioners to the tcc, however, not to issue summonses themselves. if a person evades both the tsc and the national police with the help of themis, his right to drive a vehicle will be restricted , which will be canceled immediately after data update. so, in the end , the law, which was tried for so long to be adopted in the verkhovna rada and was so passionately discussed in society, came into force. you need to update the data by july 16, but only time will tell whether the fear of losing will prevail over the fear of mobilization, there are discounts represented by coco discounts
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in may for relief, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours, to find out about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please , two hours , to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, congratulations. please and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day before last, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio.
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andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. in the evening. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important - every thursday at 21:15 in the project. says velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the guys from volyns have proven that everyone can be a warrior, they are strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanism. armed forces, let's keep the line together.
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greetings, i'm olga len, these are the chronicles of the war, well, actually, the russians slowed down a bit in the kharkiv region, but in other in parts of the front, they are active as before, and it should not be forgotten that there are quite large offensive actions, moreover, well, we can say that, for example, in the pokrov direction, there were even slightly more russian assault attempts than there in the same kharkiv region. well, we remind you about our collection of armored vehicles, which is worth it, but actually we need to convert people to the enemy. please join this gathering, it is the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the war zone on solodarskyi. zaporizhia direction, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in
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the gray zone, i.e. directly where the fighting is going on, for emergency recovery, return to the battlefield, damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, the required minibus, and pneumatic-hydraulic a jack for quick repair of equipment. our goal is 630,000, we have already collected a third of it with your help, so please join, it is very important, you can see all the details on the screen now, scan the qr code if possible, and that's what really saves the lives of our defenders, well, let's now review what happened on the front line in the last few days, then we will discuss it, the map of combat operations for the period of may 15-22, you are black... for the armed forces of the russian federation. the offensive in the kharkiv region failed, the offensive on all other areas
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of the front failed, after the day of victory the russians began a week of defeat with daily record losses. according to the general staff, the number of liquidated occupiers has increased by 30-40% every day over the past 10 days, which significantly exceeds their current mobilization opportunities in addition, the losses of the russians in artillery and equipment, which they use to transport infantry, are record. the attack is not on'. after two weeks of the operation of the occupying army of the north in the kharkiv region, the enemies did not manage to approach either vovchansk or kharkiv within the distance of an artillery shot, which they tried to do near liptsi. the russians could not reach even the first line of defense of the armed forces. in addition, they began to run out of soldiers, and therefore the rashists had to ask for help from the zahid army, which is trying to break through to naloghanshchyna klupyanska, although according to their plan , the defense forces were to involve their own. reserves and withdraw them from the front somewhere in donetsk region. the armed forces took up defense in vovchansk on the
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vovcha river. fighting continues in the city center. rashists began to use their cabs en masse. instead, our aircraft made several high-precision strikes on the concentration of russians. for example, the central hospital was razed to the ground. during the week, the occupiers not only tried to break through to the other bank of the vovchanska river, but also wanted to find an opportunity to force the river east and west of cities expanding the zone of his control to the west. they occupied the village of bugrovatka and reached the outskirts of staritsa. here the russians advanced to a distance of 2.5 km. however, they carry out this movement along the border, and not deep into ukraine. farshataki on july. this enemy penetrated 1 km deep and expanded the gray zone, but they need to go another 5 km to the village itself, as well as break through the first line of defense. in addition, the armed forces of the russian federation again tried to cross the border near the village of zelene, where fighting is currently ongoing. to continue the offensive, the russians will have to to call for help even more resources from other fronts, because, as it turned out,
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they have no others. thus, the armed forces of the russian federation once again proved that they are not capable of conducting an offensive operation not only tactically. level, but also operationally. now the attack on sunshchyna, which budanov had previously announced, was also under the threat of an explosion. offensive in luhansk region. after the occupation of kislivka and kotlyarivka, a few weeks ago , it was possible to stop the russian advance on kupyansk along the r-06 route from svatovo. therefore, the rashists began to expand the territory of control near the recently captured village of krakhmalne, where they managed to enter berostove. now the front runs along the reservoir in the center of the village. in general, the invaders increased the captured territory by 2 km to the west and 3 km to the south. on the one hand , the russians concentrated the largest number of tank groups in luhansk oblast, about a thousand units, which is 1/3 of all occupation tanks. so they are preparing to break through to kupyansk. but on the other hand, it was from there that the russians transferred part of the reserves to the kharkiv region, so the offensive on kupyansk may slow down again. especially since the loss of equipment here is in the proportion
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of 1/7 in favor of the armed forces. during the time of yar, the russians were expelled from the city. a few days ago, the rashists collected a lot. then tanks, bmps and other equipment, and as we expected, they began a frontal offensive at the time of yar. they moved along two roads from hramovo to the kanal quarter, from ivanivskoe to the southern districts of the city, where earlier they had managed to cross the siversky dinets canal. the defense forces were able to completely stop the enemy and destroy most of their equipment and infantry, as well as throw them 300 m from the city to the other side channel despite this, russian planes continue to terrorize the city, dropping dozens of bombs on it every day, the defense forces have no means of protection. postavdiyiv front. here the russian offensive practically stopped. near ocheretiny, the enemies tried to attack novooleksandrivka and sokil, but they were defeated. the armed forces of ukraine remained in positions south of ucheretny, thus leaving their opportunity to maneuver a counteroffensive on this fortified area. the armed forces of the russian federation continued to occupy the area near novokolinovo
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zone and went to the road to kostyantynivka. at the same time, the armed forces of ukraine on this part of the front occupied the heights and are shooting at the invaders from by the way, not a single brigade will be affected by the lack of shells, although there are not as many as we would like. to the south, the enemy managed to advance a few hundred meters in the direction of novopokrovsk. the only place where the enemy managed to really achieve a result was the completion of the occupation of the small village of netaylove, located at the intersection of the pokrovsk-umansk road. after leaving the force defenses, the occupiers also logically advanced in several places for a kilometer in the direction of yasnobrodivka and the southern road to umansk. all furthest attacks on umansk'. ended only with burned equipment and a pile of corpses. it is interesting that in the last 10 days, the 110th brigade shot down five su-25 aircraft, which are the main seeds of the kabis, on this part of the front. therefore, the appropriate help came here as soon as possible, we hope it will soon reach the temporary yar. offensive on the uglydar. the russians have been trying to capture ughledar for a long time, but were repeatedly defeated under the city
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this time, when they tried to attack from mikilski. therefore, they want to cut off the supply routes to the city. and bypass it from the north. step by step, the armed forces of the russian federation are advancing in this direction every month half a kilometer a kilometer. in a week, they advanced a hundred meters in the direction of the village of paraskoivka, and also somewhat expanded the captured territory to the south of novomykhaivka. at this rate, the russians are unlikely to ever achieve what they want. counterattack on crimea and strikes on russia. it is obvious that the armed forces of ukraine are preparing liberate the south of ukraine and crimea. therefore, they systematically destroy the military infrastructure, as well as other objects that work. to the russian army. ukraine began practicing wave attacks with a large number of drones. every time the russians report the destruction of their air defense system, 100-150 of our drones. and immediately after that, there are reports of critical facilities catching fire. in particular, drones stopped the oil refinery in tuabse for the second time this year and the oil refinery in sloviansk in the kuban for the third time. and they also burned the fuel oil and fuel terminal of fortunovo-russian and two bases near it
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the port in the end, the drones hit at least one su-27 fighter at kushchivskyi. airfield in the krasnodar region, and also damaged the airfield infrastructure. in sevastopol , atakam missiles sunk the cyclone missile ship from the karakut series. all the others fled to novorossiysk, and this one obviously did not fit. in addition, the drones burned down the substation and left sevastopol without electricity. however , the most important for our counteroffensive was the double strike on the airfield in belbek, where missiles and drones first destroyed two launchers installations of the most modern air defense s-400 and radar, as well as a command post and a warehouse. storage for air-to-air class fighters, the next strike mined two mig-31 fighters, a sud-27 multi-role fighter and a mig-29, and this is only according to confirmed data of the true scale. the fate of russian aviation is currently unknown, we are winning every day, the death of the enemy. so this is the situation. we were joined by oleksandr kovalenko, military-political
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columnist of the information resistance group. congratulations, oleksandr. congratulations. well, let's, you know let's go straight from the north, and down. well, let's start with sumy oblast, about which we were thinking now, and about which the conversation has already begun, that you know, with the russian offensive in the kharkiv direction, we discussed with you there for two weeks, it seems, including that the russians are gathering there, now they seem to be gathering in the area of ​​sumy oblast, is it possible to draw any conclusions from this and actually somehow react a little better than in the accumulation in the area of ​​kharkiv oblast, well, what could be a better response, to strike on the territory of the russian federation where... yes perhaps, but for this we need to use western weapons, we have the permission of our western partners for this, no we don’t, so this is
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the reaction, she, well, unfortunately, i wanted to see how the attackers from the combat unit of all types are being thrown, scattering ammunition on russian, which then stormed something there, but this did not happen. for documentation structures, this is already a week and a half, our informational, there are many points regarding the verification of sumshchyna, it is a clear zone without it being any, and not only, and so on, maybe, oleksandr, something we have a few. the connection is interrupted, let's try to redial you, because you can't be heard very well, well, actually there, i can tell you that in the area of ​​sumy region, well
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, yes, ukrainian analysts, well, igur and individual analysts, for example, kostyantyn mashovets analyzed how the gathering was happening there, it was said that there were about 10-12 thousand russians there, then another appeared... an additional two or three thousand there, well, something in those limits, and of course it is not 50,000 , as in the kharkiv region, but you know, maybe for some kind of diversionary strike, some kind of small spread, maybe it will be enough for the russians, maybe not, it remains to be seen, well, actually , it’s interesting how much the forces that are trying to pull over there now... are capable of anything at all , i mean the russian forces, that is, within these limits, that there are 10 or 15 00 there, that is, what are such
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russian forces capable of in sumy oblast, if i say so, then we can already talk to you, oleksandr, there seems to have already improved a little, please, yes, attempt number two, a therefore, if we are talking about sumy oblast, then... in the gray zone there are also non-mation structures, a kilometer and 3 km from the border with the russian federation, in general , the construction of fortification structures is such a debatable topic, but i say it as it is, and here it is necessary to understand, and what can russian units do with the potential they have now concentrated in kursk in kursk oblast, in kursk oblast a concentrated group of soldiers joined forces, it is now part of the group. cart north, but the total number is a little more than 10,000 and now
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approximately 40,000 are concentrated in the uhorod region, where their offensive actions against you and vovchansk are taking place , these 40,000 were concentrated due to the fact that they used the resources of not only the 44th army corps, but also the 11th army corps. as well as units of the sixth combined arms army from the group of troops west - this is the kupin direction and of the first tank army, which also has this group of troops west, putin's direction, that is, in the kharkiv region , the number of enemy potential is actually engaged in 40 00, in in the kurt region, a group of troops in relation to the sumy region, it is a little more than 10 thousand, four times less, and from this... we can draw at least a basic conclusion, in the border strip, there will be raids, sabotage and terrorist activities, so definitely , but with a very similar scenario, as...
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threats of the occupation of sumy, the surroundings of sumy, or the occupation of the entire sumy region, this threat is absent, well, it is interesting, by the way, how do you consider it, here is a publication in the economist, where it was said, well there as if, as it was published, a plan to attack kharkiv oblast got to them, where... there as if the russians predicted that they would somehow be able to half-cover kharkiv oblast there, get to the border from where they could fire at kharkiv oblast, i understand that it was primarily about lypki, where it is close enough and you can already fire at it, and there it is also in the same publication, there are several such assumptions, one that it seems that the ukrainian military
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is angry that so quickly... the russians managed to advance, and on the other hand, that it seems that the commands, generals or anyone else do not report to zelensky about the fact that what is happening, that's for me personally, in fact, this publication causes such, you know, double impressions, because well, as you already said, what does it mean unexpectedly, what does it mean that you have advanced, well, if there was an opportunity to break them in places of accumulation, then... there would be no need to talk about any advance at all, well, that is , they saw that there was a crowd there, everyone warned about it, the president knew about it, everyone talked about it for two weeks, it was not news to anyone, but if the russians did not crush them on the territory of russia , well, what we are talking about, it is obvious that they will have the opportunity advance to the border territory, well , that is logical, but on the other hand, there is a question as to how far this plan of the russians
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remains at all. relevant for now, but after they made some attempts, they are still fighting there in the vovchansk region, they are trying, they continue to advance on a sticky note, but how relevant is what the economist laid out for them, well, i don’t at all i know, such information, they never, well, this is such a very interesting style of western changes never. their sources, some official official, without last name, no first name, no patronymic, she gave them this information, so they must, all other readers of this publication, they must believe this information, that it is reliable, and as for zelensky, here is also an interesting point, zelensky does not deal with the issues of
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they can tell him where to send what troops and how to form the defense, but... he doesn't make decisions, and at the same time , such a relationship is very complicated here, i can't imagine what zelensky is saying. you know, let's have a column yar, we will send the 93rd separate mechanized brigade to vopyansk now, this is my principled decision, or the 110th separate mechanized brigade also to all podvokchans, no, this decision is made at the level of the general staff and independence. what information the president receives does not affect the course of hostilities and the tactics and strategy of the introduction of hostilities, because it is accepted at completely different levels, ah, in general, about the fact that the russians are preparing for relevant actions, hostilities in the kharkiv region, well, they talked, i think, even earlier than two weeks, at the end
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two. in the 23rd year, at the beginning of the 24th , an information campaign was launched by the russian federation regarding the capture of kharkiv. entourage, admiration, they had such a campaign, they had to constantly respond to it. and then at the end of february, the beginning of march, they started hosting events related to the formation of the northern army group, which is why they constantly said, is this a threat to the occupation of kharkiv , to which they answered, no, it is a threat to others. order of subversive-terrorist activity at the component strip, both kharkiv oblast and, to things, and sumy region, that is, there is a chronology, there are records, there are videos, it was constantly talked about, but how can you stop what is happening, if in these locations, it is really true, and you can strike with high-precision weapons, that is, what is a group north, in principle.


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