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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EEST

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than in two weeks. at the end of the 23rd year, the beginning of the 24th, an information campaign was launched by the russian federation regarding the capture of kharkiv. entourage, admiration, they had such a campaign, they had to constantly respond to it. and then at the end of february, the beginning of march, they began to host events regarding the formation of the northern army group, because of which there was constant talk of whether this was a threat of occupation? they answered no, it is a threat of another order of subversive-terrorist activity in the component lane, such as kharkiv oblast, and, by the way, and sumy region, that is, there is a chronology, there are notes, there are videos, it was constantly talked about, but how can you stop what is being built, if it is really true at these locations, and you can strike with high-precision weapons, that is, what is the visk-north group , in principle. when it
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was formed until may 10. the group of troops north is a group, three groups of troops covering the border. gv bryansk, gv kubsk and gv belgorod. the total number of these troops was always, well, it fluctuated from time to time, but it was more than 30,000, and it was approximately 36,000 at its peak. but at the time it started. er, their operation in the chain link of the kharkiv region, the total number of the chanting group, it was 53, where did these units come from, almost 18 thousand, this is the 44th army corps from the leningrad military district, as well as the 11th army corps, which were attached to strengthen the new vis group, which received this name north, they were mainly formed.
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overstayed in the belgorod region, so in order to somehow stop this process, what had to be done, well, let's say, in the places of placement of this composition, as well as the mechanized component of the equipment, do not carry point powerful strikes of the operational-tactical level with missile weapons, and what i mentioned at the very beginning, and the dachshund, for example, but we have permission for this, no, in their place... in their hospitals, or it would already be in the fertilizer somewhere in the buryakia region, that is, in the so-and-so. the fact is, we do not
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have the opportunity to fully and effectively counter the threats that we see, that we know about, and which we are forced to adapt to, taking into account our capabilities, both forces and means, well, yes, this, you know, i can't say now who commented on it like that, one, i understand, from the officials, and from the west, who said that, well, we provide... opportunities and let the ukrainian army destroy the russian one in close combat, well it's a very, you know, well, i would say, cozy and comfortable position for the russian army, to accumulate on the border, and then in close combat there constantly throw new, new forces and yes, well, it's such a convenient way to fight actually, when they have the opportunity to destroy some of our distant calves, and we have to to destroy something nearby. battle, that's it, but
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here, well, apart from the fact that we obviously need to continue this discussion about the possibility of destroying the russians, after all, on their territory, in those places where we see how they accumulate, how they collect weapons, but whether after all, the russians really managed to do what they, well, apparently wanted to divert our significant reserves to the kharkiv direction in order to... have more opportunity to advance in the east and south, well, there, first of all, it is the pokrovsky direction , during the time of yar, the same ugledar, because well for example, the 92nd ukrainian brigade had to be transferred to the direction of kharkiv, and they actually stopped the russian advance in the area of ​​vovchansk and liptsi, but did it happen or did it turn out to be... exactly what
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made it possible for the russians to advance better and faster in other directions, let's say, the kyivans are also forced to transfer their units to the belgorod region and strengthen these offensive actions, for example, the same sixth general military army that i mentioned, and the first tank and the first tank army, they are now actually in the belgorod region, the main part of which he conducts assault actions, offensive actions in uzhumansk. which direction, and in the future they will be forced to transfer the relevant units there in order to increase this constant pressure, in the area of ​​operations, for example, the same 18th motorized rifle division of the 11th army
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corps continues to operate, other units continue to operate, that is, there are not only these that we are talking about, there are also many other formations, russians not from, let’s say, inhospitable took another 10,000 personnel in these weeks and a half and reinforced the former group of troops of belgorod, where did they get them from, and therefore here, let's say, the game is in a sense 50 to 50, they are trying to pull our units from other directions, but at the same time, in order to continue this performance in the border lane, and... they drag their own, but what is the main goal? the goal is not the encirclement of kharkov, it is not the capture of kharkov, it is not tactical, not operational-tactical, it is even more so not the strategic level of conducting hostilities,
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it seems that they, in fact, their main goal is a political one, in terms of getting to demonstrate to our partners that they can advance, that they... establish a threat and at the same time get our partners to put pressure on us to sat down with them at the negotiating table and agreed not on a plan to russify on russian terms, but on the chinese peace plan, which is completely 100%, as even the war criminal putin recently confirmed, it meets their interests. thanks to oleksandr kovalenko, this military-political viewer of the information group. thank you for joining us, we have to go on a break now, i remind you about our collection of armored vehicles, which is ongoing, it is very important, it is the repair of armored vehicles on the front line, you can see now, er, the qr code and the account number , please
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join us, now we have a pause, then we will talk, well, already with a person who, you can say, is directly in the fighting army, yes ... wait, please, turn it on, it's when everything is as you want, click , and now you're running the game, bird and you're on a tv show, oh, that what do you need, megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports, there are discounts, there are coco discounts for may on eden, 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. when the war ends, europeans imagine until the middle of 2025, by which time most eu countries plan to end their support programs for ukraine. there are no predictions about how the future fate
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of ukrainians will unfold, and no proposals. in 2025 , the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians, and they will no longer have a special status. i myself i ask this all the time the question is what will happen next, if last year we talked about the fact that i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, then this year i do not know, but what do the refugees themselves think about their future and how are preparing for 2025, and we in ukraine are ready, the government must have a demographic strategy, the documentary tape expelled by war, the price of non-return on saturday, may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on the air: from the espresso tv channel. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front - this is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and
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experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berez'. every saturday at 21:30 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more. top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. so, these are the chronicles of the war, kyrylo sazon, a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, a political scientist, joined us, congratulations. kirill, congratulations, and i am glad
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to see you, well, let's discuss where these russian attempts to advance on kharkiv oblast have been going on for at least 10 days, you and your comrades are in other areas of the front, and if you look on the activity of the russians in other areas of the front, can we say that some of their behavior... the woman these past 10 days, well, there was a little bit, something changed in their actions, it slowed down, or on the contrary, it intensified, how do you feel about it in general, how do you observe these last few days, well since around may 10, they tried to work more in small groups, to go to our positions, that is, shelling, shelling is constantly flying, cassettes are working many degrees of art. and small groups are trying to break through the positions and enter the times, but somewhere on may 17 there was an attempt
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to attack again, as there were in april, such frontal mechanized, i.e., a tank is coming, followed by troops with landing forces and marching head-on into the canal district, they were advancing, for about a day and a half they were very, very actively pressing, pressing on us, trying to break through, such an assault would not have been possible again, as we... tried not to take it in small groups, but such a general meat attack, they ran out of steam in about a day and a half, our trenches worked very well against them, the 41st brigade is holding here, our mortars, our drones worked hard, burning their dust, destroying them they destroyed logistics retreated, now in recent days they have been working again in small groups, attempted assaults and shelling, very powerful shelling, unfortunately... we have wounded people, that's how it is, i wouldn't say that it has become a little easier or easier, no,
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uh, and tell me how much the aviation continues to work, that is, how active this particular component of theirs is now, well, it works, it works as it worked, nothing prevents them, nothing has changed in us, we don’t have a dock, there are no f16s in the aerators, they are working every hour and periodically throws cabs and goes to pokrovsk and on konstantinivka, maybe on druzhkivka, well, we see what passed over us, where exactly, we don’t always know, well, the rockets are working, coming from the direction of donetsk, somewhere in the direction of kharkiv, we also don’t really know where it hits, probably in kharkiv, well, we see that there in the pokrovsk region it was destroyed, it seems to be in the region'. russian planes, well
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, we hope that maybe somehow all this will shift in your direction, this activity to destroy russian aircraft, i would like to, but do you know anything about what is happening in in the direction of kupyansk, how, how was the situation there changing at that time, because i know that your units were also somewhere there, we are at the end. everyone came from kupyansk, they worked well there, and commander sirskyi spoke about tactical successes in the kupyansk direction, specifically sintivka, petroivanivka, there our drone crews also worked very closely firing positions, our mortars worked, but we are already april and may we are here in chasivyar, there is another team working there, tell me what it is, well, it is obvious that this is not your direction, but you have probably heard the statement about it. the russians were about the fact that they had captured bilogorivka, then the russians themselves
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denied it otherwise, because they announced it to the entire population in the news, and then somewhere so locally some warlords began to say, yes, this is a delusion, why talk about it, the question is, well, why did they really talk about it, after all, you are a political scientist by profession, and somehow you can, well, as a political scientist, talk a little about it, so what was it all around? the same thing happens here, every day they take, if you look at their telegram channels, who are my friends, monitors it, i get dumped, the boys and i laugh every time. everything is already gray, gray time has passed, when we see something, night, everyone went down, made coffee, i look at the news in the news, i say, guys, and we are already surrounded, everything, from where, i say, well, they write in the telegram, that we were already surrounded, then it was about a week ago, they were already dispersing, that they took the chasivary, that's all, they
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are in the city, i say, well, they arrived, we are sitting in the basement, they already took us, that is , there are many such stories, in fact, this. .. what's the point, that's why that it supports their morale a little, because they saw, oh, they took it, super, there is some kind of upswing, and then, well, they didn’t take it, well, then we take the wrong decline, even though there was some good news, and this, on the other hand, is demoralizing ours, when they hear every day that we have lost something, although there is some refutation of this later, but it keeps people in a state of nervous tension, especially, apparently, local people, it is... once they hear that the enemy is in the ravine, they tense up and think , well, that’s all, the enemy is all 10 km to konstakha, and they will be near the city by now, we will be from a height to fire dominantly, that's why it exhausts our both peaceful and guys in other
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directions, so there is not always time, there are not always comrades here to contact, to find out something, and here he is sitting there in... the north somewhere in sumy oblast , in the kharkiv region, in kupyansk, or in the south there in zaporozhye, in kherson, he hears that we were all destroyed here at the time when they came down, they have already entered and are advancing further, and the boys' mood is also falling, this is very important , because everyone is constantly under stress and bad news always knocks them off track, that's why it is their efforts to demoralize us a little bit, it seems to me that, well, by the way, it's interesting what you say, because, well, most likely... that was one of the points of this story of them starting this story with beilohorivka in order to try in this way, to demoralize certain of our parts that are there and shake them a little bit, and from this, you know, a simple conclusion, well, you can't trust what any russian
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news at any level says, that is, what was shown in them on tv should not be taken as that. that it could happen, that is well, you have to start from the fact that whatever they say, well, it's a lie and just accept it as, you know, some kind of axiom, the problem is that the daily news, treason-treason, everything is gone, everything is difficult, we are being destroyed, such news very curable, as they say, it is easy to manipulate people with fear, that is why many of our and snakes, various channels and just people in social networks, pick it up without looking without... checking, well, they do not have the skills, the habit of a journalist to check information, i heard somewhere, oh, everything, and sometimes it comes to well, actually, a lot unhappy stories when they write to me, how are you, they told us that you were broken, they covered you, you have 73x, and you are already in the hospital, well , they covered us every time,
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it happens every day, we don’t have 703, i don’t at all difficult, and not in any hospital, i'm here in place everything. arms, legs, whole, but such a message, god forbid, it’s before me, it’s grandfathers to relatives, to relatives, it’s very difficult, that’s why such, well, unfortunately, such information is not verified, it’s difficult, it it spreads very quickly, kirill, let's have a little from the other side, well, still, as a military serviceman, yes, on the one hand, you can judge, and on the other hand, as a political scientist, and what were they anyway. i would like news that would support our soldiers on the front line, that is, how they should be presented, how they should be treated, well, you probably also thought about this, so what would you like to hear from the media, from the reaction ordinary people for news, how should it be, so that it primarily supports the fighting army, oh, well, actually
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, you don’t support just news, just statements, we so much already... we heard, first of all, from our western partners that help is coming, it's about to be decided, almost signed, there should be f-16s for two years, tanks for 3 years, and everything else, we've heard a lot , and in fact, i would like to hear real news, news that yes, the weapons have arrived, yes, there are powerful projectiles, rockets, yes, there is permission to hit warehouses, on the logistics of the enemy, on their territory in... the territory of russia. yes, there are many volunteers who go to the armed forces of ukraine, stand near the tsk, and soon it will not be those who were caught who will come to us tsk, old, sick, unmotivated, guys. are going to defend the country, this is their decision, and soon we will have replenishment, we will have vacations, rotations more often, because we will have a sufficient number, we would like to hear such news, but
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it does not depend on journalists, unfortunately, but on reality, well, yes, of course, that everything depends on reality, and it’s even better when it’s not just news, but when you tell us that this is how we started to cover more, that’s how you worked, as you say, and it was successful, well that would rather be me i think... well, what you can feel right away, and when the reinforcements come, and you can say: yes, the reinforcements have arrived, they are very good guys, prepared and motivated, unfortunately, we have to start with what we have, and well, in this situation, those that are, well, really, how would you say that now, well, in addition to what we have already discussed with you, it is precisely the equipment that should arrive, there are some new brigades that can arrive. what else would help the most now on the front line? well, people are in the mood and there is understanding, that is, what
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do we need to win? men and weapons, everything. i'm not going to talk about weapons now, i'm not talking about shooting, we have automatic weapons, cartridges, all that stuff above our heads. drones are needed all the time, and drones come from the ministry of defense, and from volunteers and others. channels, we buy something ourselves, ammunition for drones, well, you can’t help here, you have to do it yourself, because if you start producing ammunition for drones in the rear, it will be a criminal case, weapons and people are what you need, of course, i would like us to work according to nato standards, according to the military doctrines of the united states states, great britain, france, germany, where the first step for an offensive, the first step for an operation, is complete dominance in the air. destruction of enemy aircraft, enemy anti-aircraft defense and the task of striking their ground bases, then ground forces follow. unfortunately, we went on the counterattack last year, and now we are holding and
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counterattacking, without dominating the air. it is very difficult. that's what we need, people, heavy weapons and aircraft or such air defense systems to destroy enemy aircraft. well, actually, what everyone is discussing now, we have left there is a minute and a half. this is about the new, well , law on mobilization, an attempt to finally carry out the registration of military personnel, in electronic form, you personally checked yourself, and what can you say, do you already have any personal experience of using all the reserves plus applications and everything that evgeny chybalov, a volunteer from the beginning of the large-scale invasion, was checking himself, something is not right, he... is still in the reserve, he is still not fighting formally, but is on the register in pokrovsk, one of the sergeants was checking himself, he at all
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ukraine, although it has been fighting for two years, there was already a request yesterday to remove the defense, today separately from the ground forces, the military do not load the system, do not overload it, there will be an army plus for you, a separate application, do not prevent civilians from registering, i am a disciplined military man. i did not download the application, no, no, no, no, i do not disturb others, i need it, well, we hope that you will finally be registered in the army plus, and everything will be fine in this regard, thank you, it was kyrylo sazonov, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine , political scientist, well , i remind you now once again about our collection on armored vehicles, this is a collection for the repair of armored vehicles, primarily those armored vehicles that... are being repaired directly on the front line, in the gray zone, on the line of contact, this is, in particular, tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus,
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we need pneumohydraulic jacks, our goal is 630 hryvnias, a third of it is already there, with your help, i hope we will cover this fee and it will be much easier for us to fight, but now i say goodbye to you, stay with the express... we still have a lot of interesting things to do, see you. the search for student alina has been going on for three months boshko, who disappeared on february 17 of this year in the volyn region. the circumstances of the disappearance are without exaggeration very mysterious. let me remind you that 17-year-old alina is resting. together with friends in nature near the village of ugrynnychi. this photo was taken a few hours before the girl disappeared. around 2 p.m., alina left for
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the forest, but never came back. came back friends say that it was her decision, that they were on vacation and she went in an unknown direction. then they got up and started looking for her. friends began to look for and call for alina, but, unfortunately, she was nowhere to be found, so they asked for help. hundreds of people, law enforcement officers, rescuers, soldiers and simply caring local residents immediately joined the search. they surveyed forest strips, bushes, coastal areas and swamps. area, and it gave a certain result, it was possible to find the girl's belongings, this is a wallet with an id-passport, a headband, as well as alina's coat, it was lying in the forest 7 km from the place where the student was last seen, unfortunately, at the moment no more clues or information. searches are conducted daily, there are swamps on the territory that could not be passed by humans resource in connection with the fact that the weather was wet. we are now continuing our search in those
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cities. styakh, where we did not have the opportunity before, we are working out all possible versions of its disappearance. the search will continue until we establish the truth. the situation is really difficult, but we really hope that alina will be found, and most importantly, that she is alive. so all this time the search did not stop, it continues, and we are doing everything possible to help find alina, and above all, the girl's mother is asking for help in the search. mrs. kateryna, i want to help me, i don't believe that she is not among the living, she is alive, i want her to be found, i can't sleep or eat, i just don't live, i just exist. in turn , fellow villagers said that alina comes from a prosperous family, and in the educational institution where she studies, she was described as a very good and calm student. she did not have any conflicts in the group, she
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is cheerful. a cheerful girl, went to classes, until the new year she lived in our dormitory. alina followed the rules of residence and was always at classes. also it is known that in the summer of 2023 , alina's 20-year-old fiancé died in the war with the russian invaders. after that, the girl returned to her studies and all this time tried to recover from such a loss. we really hope that alina is alive and she will be found, at the very least... what you could do to help this situation is to repost and share this video on your social networks, the more people see the information about the missing girl, the more chances to find her. and of course, please take a close look at alina's face once more. she is 17 years old, she of medium build, she has blonde hair and green eyes. if you know anything about
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alina boshko, don't delay and... immediately call us on the hotline at 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. you can also write to us on the website or to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. and i want to note that there is no unimportant information in the search. any little thing, any detail can become decisive. so we really hope for your help, attention and concern. and please. share this video. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
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7 o'clock in the morning in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel in iryna's studio. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. the number of victims as a result of the russian airstrike on kharkiv has increased. 12 people were injured, including a 16-year-old teenager. he was hospitalized, the regional prosecutor's office reported. and urban chairman ihor terekhov added that the injured trolleybus driver, who was in the epicenter of...


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