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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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inclusion experts from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day from 20 to 22 on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours. of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who to many, they became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means
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to save his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the bpak shock battalion, is coming back with us. forest of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy otamin ivan sirk. mr. yuriy. glory to ukraine. we welcome you. a hero in a word. and we doubly congratulate you. better late than never. with military marriage, change of status, everything has changed in you now. are we greeting you correctly? thank you, god bless. very nice. well, now about the situation in the kharkiv direction. we want to ask about it first of all. we spoke from the side. with
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volunteers about what is happening there, we want to question you as a military officer, the institute for the study of war writes that they attack, but do not have any success, do not have new captured territories, what do you say, absolutely, the enemy is now active in two directions, where he had partial success after crossing the state line border, it is deep, and also directly vovchansk, if we talk about the situation that is now unfolding... deep, the enemy is stabilized, systematic work is being carried out to knock out his occupied positions and, accordingly, to improve the situation. the enemy starts his own reserves, has a resource of both light-armored armored vehicles and cars that provide logistics, it is various, mainly they take away the civilian population, but there are also buggies and so on. well, accordingly, the saturation of artillery means is sufficiently high, plus, in addition, the enemy continues to actively use them.
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air bomb control, that is, the presence of aircraft, is also at a high level of the enemy. as for vovchensk, it is fundamental for the enemy to take it, because it can be a sufficiently successful bridgehead for further advancing to the rear of the grouping of forces of the defense forces. accordingly, the defense forces understand that they are hitting the enemy powerfully and actively. over the last day, the enemy had no tactical success on the battlefield, but the battles in vovchenko are now very difficult. through your eyes, the battles in the urban development, because we see that half of vovchansk on the dipstate is marked as a gray zone, and part of it is already a zone where the enemy has entered, how does it look, well, we have seen videos of street battles, actually the enemy is acting typically, it is accumulating , position by position, went into one house, entrenched, tries to move to another. the houses of the positions that
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are in front of them, the defense forces are being actively bombarded by unmanned means in half a bucket, many other things, tanks are working on them from open firing positions, artillery is working, and of course the enemy is trying to make an impression, in particular with guided bombs, they made a massive fire impression, they are trying to advance further, the war in urban development, when you have a smaller number of personnel than the enemy, it is quite difficult, the enemy is understands and that's why... it was important for him to involve the city development in it, but at the same time the defense forces show incredible heroism, courage and skill in the field of battle, because with such a large number of the enemy, which is in front of the defense forces, to show the results of such a powerful blocking of the position , this is really a high degree of preparation and motivation, perseverance of the staff, as well as support of the ukrainian nation, because friends, it is because of your support that we will receive a huge amount of funds.
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in particular, unmanned systems that are effectively used against the enemy, in particular, now, if you see, the video is displayed, there was an impression of the enemy's position. at your expense, friends, and night bombers are supplied by the state, but the ammunition we drop is called apyrenia, a thing that stabilizes the ammunition, it is something that is also bought with volunteer money, so the state plus the ukrainian nation gives us that a resource with which we effectively hit the enemy. i will briefly finish in the kharkiv region, the enemy will continue to storm quite actively, the next two months, that's for sure, because... it has the strength, the capabilities, the resources, and the enemy is aware that this period of time we are accumulating forces and means in connection with the military assistance of the united states of america, for this it takes time, the first ammunition have already appeared, the guns began to fire more objectively, but the maximum accumulation will occur somewhere in 15-2 months, so during this period of time
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the enemy will also press, and i think that there is a very high probability that another direction will open, that is will amounts or along the line of the state border in the kharkiv region, somewhere not... in the directions where hostilities are taking place, time will tell, our intelligence knows this for sure. ugh, just one more word, looking at the footage, how do you actually, well, it was a polyclinic in my opinion, for some reason the russians decided that they would build a fortification there, then worked out, i don’t know which ones, with what cartridges, but they actually worked out on this buildings by destroying it, since they will use each building as a base for advancing, are there any? yet another option, and do we have enough funds, and will we actually have to assemble these houses and destroy them, or are there any other options? there are no other options, if the enemy entered this or that territory, everything possible and impossible is done
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in order to destroy the enemy. with the existing concentration of the enemy, this, you correctly said, is every house, this is a position for the enemy, accordingly they will be destroyed, we will rebuild, the main thing is to lose. the enemy is from here, sometimes the soul hurts, when, well, donetsk, luhansk regions and the strips where hostilities are taking place are already there there is no living place, when you enter the kharkiv region, you understand that people built it, took care of it, because you see, even landscape design is around, that is, this is the life of specific ukrainians who - worked, gave birth to children, lived , did well near you, kharkiv region in general, in general very well. but the enemy came and took it all, we are forced, including destroying the enemy, to make an impression that leads to the destruction of these structures. unfortunately, the main thing is to knock out the enemy, then i think we will rebuild everything, then as you know, due to the initiative of our verkhovna rada, in particular some
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representatives, a register of damages was created, everything that was destroyed by the russian occupier or as part of hostilities is recorded by law enforcement agencies, and all this money should be... after victory of ukraine are taken from the russian federation at the expense of those sources of storage that are with ukraine's strategic partners, therefore, the most important thing is to win the war. apart from the fact that it is basically our task now to liberate those territories, to liberate whatever they are destroyed, but it is ours, now we have such an additional, in fact, pleasure from the government, they approved additional motivation for military personnel for the destroyed russian... equipment, for example, for the destroyed heavy uav, three days in addition to the vacation for a military person, also 5 days for a destroyed military ship, and there is a whole such gradation, a whole system, to what extent it will additionally motivate the military, in particular
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in your unit, or the level of motivation will skyrocket anyway, and this is just an additional pleasure, as a bonus, and oksana and i, when looked at this table, realized that you are constantly destroying this equipment, burning it... it turns out that soon everyone will be on permanent vacation, so many will be destroyed, no, they will not be, there are already issues of completely different orders, you know that , this is good news, and there is also an additional monetary reward, there you have to go through the procedure that a military person can receive who systematically destroys armored vehicles, artillery equipment, there is a gradation, only for this they are paid additionally to the salary, but i will tell you this, that the dynamics of hostilities. as well as tempos mobilizations that take place in the state somehow do not allow the military to spend a significant amount of time on vacation, in our unit, the guys go for 10 days a year, we try to do 10 days twice a year, but it does not always work out, because
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equipment, constant training of new personnel, and the 92nd assault brigade is constantly in the combat zone, there are individual cases when a person needs to... solve the global issues there, then it can be 20 days, and some go for 30 days, as provided by law, but mostly the staff realizing what a load falls on their shoulders for... no one takes more than 10 days of vacation, and this happens once a year, in two, in two years, so you understand, in 2.5, i was on vacation 5 days, and that's conditional, but just when i got married, that's why we're working, friends, mr. yuryu, you can say in conclusion, it's clear that it's already, well , if they can't roll it back, after the creation of an investigative commission in the parliament on kharkiv, in particular. oblast regarding defense lines and the use of funds, this is a matter for
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law enforcement officers, i understand, but are you do you feel that something will change due to the fact that the parliamentary temporary investigative commission has been created, will it help you in any way, or will they simply look for a goat from buvail in hindsight? i thank you very much for this question, you know, you always have to monitor the boroga, see what they are doing, you can't help but watch. the enemy digs very well, accordingly, what were their problems when there was a kharkiv counteroffensive operation, the enemy had only the first line of defense, it was failed and then everything went quite dynamically, dynamically and quickly, what did he do the enemy, after that, built three lines of defense, these are kilometers and kilometers of reinforced concrete, engineering structures with dragon's teeth, with mine barriers, yagozu and many other things that had to be done in ukraine, ukraine had to create a mirror situation. it is absolutely simple to take to do what the body does. and i think that we have secured very reliable
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defensive lines in this way. uh, what to do now? now it is necessary to analyze in detail where the mistakes were made, by whom they were made, and conduct an operational investigation monitoring not only in the kharkiv region, defensive lines, but throughout the territory of ukraine, where there is currently a combat clash, or where there could potentially be, where the enemy can open another direction. and then there will definitely be success, and here i would like to say separately, concluding my opinion, i am very, very confused by what is happening in the information space inside our state and what some politicians allow themselves to say, there is a tool for the verkhovna rada, it is a committee , which can consider certain issues within the parliamentary framework control in closed mode, there are other tools that allow the authorities to speak. and the military, what is happening, what is needed, where are the problems, where are the shortcomings, how to correct them and how
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should combat operations be conducted. well, when the commander-in-chief of a belligerent country is specifically accused of certain shortcomings in the public space, the commander-in-chief who organized the defense of the city of kyiv, withstood and drove the enemy away, who organized the kharkiv counteroffensive operation, who now spends 80% of his time on the front line, trying to stabilize . to understand the specifics and adequately respond to this challenge, when they start approaching it in the public space, i have a question: who do you play for anyway? the issue is that there can always be malfunctions, dynamics, there can be mistakes, whatever, but this is all decided behind closed doors, here now urgent, tough measures are taken, corrections are made, work is organized, and we beat the enemy, no, discussing, gossiping, dividing society, it shouldn't be like this, it won't end well, unfortunately, we too... tracked for several days now, maryana bezugla's attack on sodul, the general on syrsky
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, could not understand whether this is another campaign against the central committee, we will monitor it, it is very important that our viewers heard your own words, but i still i have one question, mr. yuriy, because you mentioned that the law actually allows for much longer, but the guys go on vacation for 10 days a year. and this means that we simply need more fighters, trained, so that it is possible to provide this rest, how recruiting takes place, or in fact the pace you need now will be in 5 minutes, actually, as far as our unit is concerned, we have already passed the stage of assembly, and there are quite a lot of applications, there are various comical ones, when people call, people say, can i serve you there on the front line for three months line, and to be in kyiv for three months, well , there is a lot to do there. that the conversations are really interesting, it shows that the information companies within our country need
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to be improved so that every conscript understands what military service is and what prospects for its passage. now there is a very good recruiting tool that is just being launched, it has a number of shortcomings, but they will definitely be corrected, this is when a person , according to his education and civilian profession, can choose a military profession in which he will be most effective. we did not have such an opportunity at the beginning of a full-scale war. so, what about... with regard to conscripts and recruitment, you know, there is such a position, well, i will contribute to the defense force there, let the guys fight there, train and so on, there is a need for mobilization, and it is necessary ... to realize that if it happens that we are finished, then one way or another those who are avoiding now will have to fight, and if they think that they will not have to fight, then let them just look in a window into the history of the already full-scale war: irpin, bucha, shevchenkiva, kupyansk, izyum, what muscovites are doing on our land, torture camps, murders,
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rape, so when the enemy is at the doorsteps of houses. deviants, he will take everything that is most precious from them, including life, the only way to protect his family is in the ranks village defense, to whom the state of health allows, therefore, friends, i call to consciousness and together we will definitely correct. mr. yury, thank you for your service, thank you for being with the viewers of espresso, yury fedorenko, commander of the akhiles 92 assault drone battalion of the separate assault brigade named after koshovoy taman ivan tsirk, kharkiv direction, in particular. here are these two alarming points on the map and vovchansk and talked about deep in the direction of lipka. more about the front line, we will go a little south to chasivyar in a few minutes wait for a short pause. in the latest
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edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. find out. how to prevent the enemy from discording us in a special topic about demographic challenges. an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov. corruption in landfills, a large-scale investigation of crimes against the environment and citizens, interesting stories and quality analytics. with the country at the center of the main events. buy at press outlets. camera, your country. is located in the region where the soviet foot stood during the great patriotic war a soldier, and we are from this area, we will not go to
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feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - over heartburn. with faith in the future, persevering every day. we make efforts to win and realize our dreams, we overcome difficulties and obstacles to forge our victory. this is exactly what the films of the rivne international film festival city of dreams from june 5 to 8 in rivne, chamber and organ music hall are about. come and see, ukrainian and foreign artistic document. galicia, listen to yourself, i remember betargin,
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the morning will be without a hangover, on may 27 the scene theater named after mary. zenkovetska will host a charity concert in memory of the legendary tsysyk flower. sofia fedina, volodymyr kudovba, nazar savko, kudovba family quartet, bohdan stelmakh, via vatra, orest tsymbala, viktoria sivoz, bohdan tsisinskyi, beelkanto tenors, fora, maria lemishka oleniin, olya borachok, sofia homa, starting at 5 p.m. and at 20:00 with the support of lviv city council member roman hrycevych. hello, how are you there, okay, slowly, they gave us new tanks, as many as nine of them, guess what, turn them on now video link, i'll give you a tour, but come, we'll stay here for another two weeks, i 'll take you for a ride, and not only on a tank, but here
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near the wall in the grozivka, you'll say that you 'll be allowed to go to the student, well, yes... the enemy hears, watch. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved
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that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares, heals, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with storms. and is returning our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. denis popovych joins our air, a military commentator, mr. denisa, glory to ukraine, thank you for waiting. mr. denis, can you hear us? yes, yes, i hear, we have a summary of the morning itself and an update of the maps, in particular deepstate. we just talked about the kharkiv vovchan direction, but about chasivyar, klishchiivka, krasnohorivka, they provide information that, unfortunately, the enemy has advanced there
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in a day, how significant are these advances, can you comment on the fact that the enemy, yesterday , resorted to such offensive actions, as if they were climbing, just in time, they climbed up and so... there was information in the vicinity of the chasovar that the fighting was going on, certain positions were lost, and a large number of them pushed there, and this obviously caused similar consequences, the fact that we succeeded in a certain way the enemy advanced, and we, in fact, we actually we show how it looks now on the map, well, yes, yes, we see, we see that they are going head-on and are coming from the south and from the rooster for some time, i, from the south there, they are talking, i see what the enemy is saying in their in the public, analyzing this, they say about the south of the city and
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the new urban area, and they outline their tactics in this way, massive attacks on the countries of the temporary ravine, that is , it goes wave after wave, well, they already used such tactics, but we, too, had... surely the lessons of bakhmut, lysychansk, avdiyivka, do you see any effective, effective the enemy's answer, well, that's how it was, that is , our guys also say that they crawled not like insects, there were huge numbers of targans, here there can be only tactics, here they have to be destroyed, and it depends on the supply of ammunition, now they say that primarily artoy. to cut off and make such fire walls, yes, this is the only option with a large bc, yes, that is, we do not have the best communication,
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there is a war in the country, and we understand that the communication is not always stable, mr. denis, can you hear us , probably a little bit, we will reconnect now . precisely this topic, which we have already touched on, and yuriy fedorenko, fedorenko, and denis popovych, say about this supply, the role of the supply of ammunition, in fact the first ones are already coming from the united states, and this changes the situation on the battlefield, but it all looks very double, for example, according to reuters, who communicated with our military, they say that bc, that is, for artillery is in sufficient quantity, in particular in the northern direction, and from the second.
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direction in relation to the sky and in relation to drones , the ratio is 10 to one in favor , for example, on the same northern one sino-russian invaders so and so it looks like with your eyes it also looks like the information that the russian federation uses. uh, well, we don't have a very good connection, and there is an urgent message from chernihiv oblast, over the city, over chernihiv itself, several reconnaissance uavs are circling, and actually for the locals this should be such, such a signal that they should be on the lookout , or often after they scout something, find out, there may be shelling. so in the event that what can be, and they are actually paired, that is, we already are heard from residents of kherson, odesa, kryvyi rih, kharkiv, when in heaven. their
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reconnaissance drones appear, they act as eyes, where they will aim either with missiles or guided aerial bombs, so be careful, this is information for the residents of chernihiv, but the border guards say that in sumy oblast , the activation of the russian drgs, sharply, and that too the same thing that yuriy fedorenko told us, that there is a threat of expansion of the northern front. that is, not only kharkiv region, it can be sumy region, and not only sumy region, say our intelligence officers and the intelligence data of western countries as well speaks of a threat even from the north. well , in fact, for the entire border, for all the border territories with russia, the threat remains, and the belarusians too, you can't be calm on the border with belarus, besides the fact that they are constantly conducting
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these endless exercises somewhere there. now they are once again agreeing to certain cooperation with russia, they write that they will supply the sights to the russians by word of mouth, they cannot calm down and constantly have to push themselves somewhere to cooperate with the enemy, well, it’s absolutely morning today the enemy is discussing the fact that the temporarily alive kadyrov came to the same similar grandfather from the bunker. he said to putin that as soon as putin gives the order, he will throw tens of thousands of chechens into ukraine, it feels like they came from one state to another, it's funny to read that, the russian public doesn't even realize that , who are burning the office right from the inside, ugh, but you just spoke, and i immediately begin to analyze what you say, whether
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you are expressing yourself correctly or not at all. you don't accidentally offend here, because you can't see it now all insulting epithets against the occupiers, the national council forbids, so that by chance it does not lead to an escalation of hostilities. denis popovych returns to our air. mr. denys, we have just one and a half minutes to talk about the role of these western weapons that are entering ukraine, which are already being used, in particular in the north. well, let's go from the reverse. when. was not, we got, unfortunately, retreated from avdiivka, then retreated to the west, and to the west of avdiivka, i mean, we had certain difficulties, significant difficulties with the destruction of the enemy. now, when the weapons are arriving, we also see an increase in enemy losses, we also see evidence that these ammunitions are actually becoming more abundant, where not elsewhere and in different areas of the front, that is, this is very important for buzumov, because then we will have the opportunity to conduct a counter-pattern fight, effectively, we have the opportunity
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to meet... the enemy, we have the opportunity to confront him, in artillery, let's say , duels, so, well, supplies, it's very important, and the fact that they are now starting to come, to be supplied, it gives us be able to it is more effective to destroy the enemy, but what will be the end of this whole discussion about whether we will allow or not allow shooting, we have, we have half a minute, literally, they will allow us to use these weapons on russian territory by the summer, yes or no, in one word, or yes, or not, well, let's believe in what will allow, since there is, since there is, you know, pressure now, it can have a pre-election meaning and so on, but it is there, well , you have to push, mr. denys, despite all the troubles in touch, thank you for participating in our program, denis popovych, military columnist with thoughts on the front line, which is getting longer. 9:00 is approaching, the time when we
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observe a moment of silence. we remember all those who died because of the russian invaders on our ukrainian land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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