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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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when we honor and remember all those who died because of the russian occupiers on our ukrainian land with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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some videos show that russian troops advanced near the temporary ravine in klishchiivka, and others show that the armed forces of the russian federation, on the contrary, repelled the russian army, so what is there really? people leave on foot from the occupied parts of vovchansk, wearing slippers from tens of kilometers away, and it is not without reason to pick up locals... safely on a police car of the russian armed forces dropped explosives from an fpv drone. in the meantime, the verkhovna rada has created a special commission that will investigate whether the mp from the banned opzh is building fortifications correctly, is it safe? this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting. russian troops have recently advanced within vavchansk. this is reported by the american institute for the study of war, referring to geolocation footage published in... the day before, at the same time, as
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evidenced by other footage, the ukrainian military pushed the russians out of several buildings and also have a slight advance in the north-eastern part of the city. this means that the situation in vovchansk is dynamic, analysts say. in the general staff of ukraine during yesterday, regarding the situation in the kharkiv direction, only the battles in the liptsi region were reported. let me remind you that this is one of the two russian bridgeheads in the north of kharkiv oblast. as for vovchansk, there were several reports. scattering of air bombs on the city, only in the evening address there was information about eight repulsed attacks nearby liptsiv and starytsia, this is to the southeast of vovchansk, as well as about battles in the pletenivka-vovchansk direction. in the russian ministry of defense, meanwhile, they are talking about the advancement of ukrainian defenses in this direction, as well as repulsed counterattacks by ukrainian attack aircraft in the vovchansk and lyptsi areas. and they are no longer allowed to go to vovchansk. because it is dangerous, said
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the journalist from kharkiv maria malevska. in her social networks, she published touching footage of how people are waiting for volunteers and looking for them, someone refuses to go or delays the evacuation until the very end, because he cannot leave the house and the animals, and evacuating the animals is long and dangerous. how long ago did you write that we are looking for volunteers? a long time ago, a long time ago. a long time ago, wait, wait, i already called my grandson, my grandson is also fighting, and he says: grandma, i will go to the general, if no one takes you out, i will go to the general, contact me, you see, we have arrived, so, he doesn't want, well, he doesn't want goats for him, he will be here for another two days, congratulations, mr. cats, but no, i don't do anything like that anymore i will, but don't you take cats here? we need cats
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, and cats, cats, but goats, look, set them on fire, how are we doing with those goats, well, people from the occupied part of vovchansk go out on foot and cover 7-8 km, it is deadly dangerous, because the drones of the russian forces see them, the police come to evacuate the local population, in particular, in patrol cars that are not protected by armor, the other day, one of these cars came under drone fire, one of the law enforcement officers received an injury, and the day before the russian military the official car in which two policemen were driving to evacuate people from vovchansk was fired at again from a fivi drone. 41-year-old police major andrii ladyka was killed, another policeman was wounded. despite this, law enforcement officers continue to deport people from vavchansk and the surrounding area, according to the ministry of internal affairs. and three.
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more than 10,000 people have already been evacuated from three border districts of kharkiv region, some left independently, people with disabilities, elderly people, the police, rescuers, volunteers helped to evacuate them, so they are taking them. to kharkiv, despite the fact that the city is too are shelled, and these people are settled in dormitories. colleagues from the radio liberty project, how did you talk to the evacuated people, let's listen to their stories. i jumped out like that, here, as i sit, it was i who arrived in these, only in house slippers and that's all. i am just thankful that i at least locked the house and everything, and then... they called there, i say at least the dog, so that the people, well, they say that they came, took it, who is there, volunteers or who is there, well, the dog was taken away, in i like such a dog, and the garden is all planted, everything is sown, i don't even know what's up, temnenka, temnenka, and
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take the neighbors too, let's go too. and now, as the evacuation of the kharkiv region took place, we unsealed it and began to house people, these are mostly elderly people, there are disabled people, there are middle-aged people, well, somewhere, there are no children, there are a few people with small animals, that’s what they stood in people, the house was bombed, they were there somewhere in the yard or on the street, and here... what happened before and they came, and here is my soup, we bought a spoon, we bought a saucepan, my friends brought a board, i can live, i already have potatoes it's hilly, my tomatoes faded, i
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planted them already in january, i didn't plant them in february so that it would be more fertile, i have a sweet popikirov pepper, i have a bitter popikirov, i have blue papikirov, i have cabbage tomatoes in greenhouses. i already have the same kind of sores with scabies, but i’m here, what can you do, they were taken away by the police, well, in a minibus, they drove up under fire, they threw me, well, the cats literally stopped, when it was all over, and we left, well, we flew, they really drove at such a speed that... well, i'm about a distance away i know, we flew five kilometers in like 3 minutes, ugh, yes guys, well, we flew off, because here, well, that's how we live, there is a bed, there are lespats, i need a kettle, my friends helped, i bought dishes, more today the dishes were brought, linen
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's alarming little suitcase, the koch is always here with me, i don't know how he survived this, i don't have him transportable at all, because the epilepsy went into epistatus, it's deadly and... i left because of him at all, i already, well, i didn't care, he is helpless, my house was broken into just one day when my mother died on april 27, a bug flew into my house, i lived with the neighbors, that is, you and i moved my brother there, yes, the neighbors helped me, the neighbors helped me, my brother and i were there, the windows were broken everywhere, the frames were blown, the roofs were lifted, there one wall at all, well, yes, it was almost unfit for life there. all that was left was, well there, i was born there, i grew up there, i buried my mother there, i buried my husband there, i thank our viewers for being with us and remember that you can also share with their stories, the stories of their neighbors,
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acquaintances, and it is very important to record what ukrainians are currently experiencing and to follow what is happening in those cities, in those settlements from which... people are forced to simply run away, because you heard these stories, it's easy to run, without even having time to take almost any of the things with you there, the main thing is documents and in general the main thing and get out of there. you can always find more such stories on the pages of radio liberty, including on the youtube channel of radio liberty ukraine. and further let's talk about the situation at the front. the ukrainian military regained part of the territory in the temporary ravine, in particular, they recaptured several buildings in the eastern micro'. district channel, say analysts of the american institute for the study of war, referring to geolocation footage published on may 21. autoanalysts of the deep state project say that the russian military has advanced near chasovoy yar and klishchiivka, and the russian ministry of defense announced the capture of
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klishchiivka the day before. let me remind you, this is a village in donetsk region, it was one of the key killings for bahmud last year. klishcheivka became one of the last settlements liberated by the ukrainians. forces as part of the 2023 counteroffensive. the ukrainian general staff did not comment on the statement about the capture of the ticker, but in the summary for the last day they say that it is in the direction of the crematorium. the quality of combat increased to 10 and the defense forces held their positions. next, we will talk about the situation at the front with our guest kyrylo sazonov, a political scientist and currently a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine the 41st separate mechanized brigade joined our broadcast. greetings, thank you for taking the time to join us. good morning, glad to see and hear from you. tell each other what you can, however, as of this morning, what is the situation in the city of chasiv yar? deepstate writes. that the forces of the russian federation have advanced near the time ravine in klishchiivka and krasnohorivka, can you somehow confirm
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this information or not, or at least really describe what is happening there? well , i can't say much about klishchivka and krasnohorivka, yes, there is such information, but let's wait until it's official the general staff will inform, or our usv is hustling, and from time to time, yes, they will be near him, but there is no need to panic, it does not need to be of any great importance... because what is this southern direction, the southern part, there is a field in general, that is to advance there, to move back 50 to 100 m is nothing at all, if they are covered with shells and mines, they will not be there, as for the northern part, where it is closer to the temporal ravine, so they are trying to advance there, but in general , yesterday and today it's not even operational, it's so tactical, well, if... captured a trench or captured a position with a trench, then you can leave from there at any
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minute, because you were covered with mines, stormtroopers came in, everything is gone, that is, these advances 50 m forward, 50 m back, they have no meaning , we also enter their territory, they enter ours, there are trenches that pass from hand to hand, and that’s why i was there in the morning with the guys on the phone nearby, they say, nothing important is happening, for in fact it is important that they do not enter to the very city where they were going, they had already said several times that they it is already in the middle of time, that they have surrounded it, that the city battles are going on, that is what we are preventing them from entering the city, because in the city their numerical advantage will have an effect, well, much more than now, they did not leave the city, we hold the city, kirill, that is, they did not enter the city, but did they make such attempts and were they still in the city, but they were... for example, beaten there, they make these attempts every day and every night,
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they constantly storm, on the 17th on the 18th, for almost two days, they stormed head-on very powerfully, and now they were trying even though they were small to advance in groups to our positions, because large ones are too good a target for us, at night today there was a very, very massive shelling, and the artillery worked with barrel and cluster guns. a lot of people flew in, unfortunately, we have three wounded, fortunately in our unit there are no 200, but they covered very, very well, it seems to me that they still try to storm it for a while from one side, and from the other they still after all, they are gradually destroying it, gradually razing it to the ground, well , that is, this tactic is both here and in the abyss of time and theirs is, that is, now, according to you , the main one. the goal of the russian forces is to enter the city and try to gain a foothold there, or to enter
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the city and force us to fight in the streets, because it will be difficult to restrain them, and the other is to equalize the times, to turn it, as we say, into avdiivka, into bahmud, on solidar, i.e. to make a pile of bricks that cannot be contained, such a scenario is also possible, and they throw it well, unfortunately. and is it clear who is from the russian side, now storming the time, or is it the cadre russian military, who are already from... by the experience of the russian-ukrainian war over these two years, whether they are new, mobilized, and how visible and understandable it is, because at the same time we see information that the russian forces are using cabs, and you are talking about artillery, and such means are quite significant, and among them you say that they are trying to advance in small groups so as not to be such a big target for the ukrainian forces, so who are these people now who are storming the time? such a collective mess, in fact, we can see from the behavior, from the way it works, we can see from the video, from drones,
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who works, different units, there are ordinary such infantry, ordinary stormtroopers, there are mobilized ones, apparently, there is such a, well, quite difficult enemy, it is airborne troops, we can see by their equipment, and by the way they move, how they work, that these are more experienced, much more experienced, they were transferred here for some time, we heard it, quite elite, quite so combative... units, because it seems to me that in the future chasiv, pokrovsk, donetsk region remains a priority task for them, to capture all of donetsk area to then say they fired. the bass from the terrible ukrainian nazis, it’s so special to me, well, it’s very funny, because i myself come from donetsk, ugh, they are liberating our cities from us, kirill, and what do you say about the fact that they are trying to simply destroy the city as well , and what is happening in the city, i mean with the people who stayed, who did not leave, are there any means of survival there,
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what do you know about being there and the life of civilians there? well, here we trust the information of the local administration of chaus more, he says, he said even that week, what happened about 600 civilians in the time of yari, of course it is impossible to count them for sure, and in the old city it is difficult to fly there all the time, and in the new city it is closer to bakhmut, such a more southern, more southern district, and there is also a microdistrict, the canal, the last... before already exit to bohdanivka, it’s generally terrible there, but there are local ones, you can see them on the streets, they move around, i saw them recently, in the last few days, i don’t know, we haven’t been to this point, there was one shop on the first floor, i saw it for the first time saw, was in shock a month and a half ago, works alone shop, there is one seller, he is a watchman, he is a porter, he is also the owner of this
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shop, he was working, one shop, i don’t know what was sold in it, we... didn’t go in, we move through the ravine very quickly, very carefully, i drove in, threw the car somewhere under it so that it wouldn't be seen from above, i also ran somewhere to the basement, because they see that the car has entered and immediately begin to cover it with something, that is , it is quite difficult at the time, i don't know why civilians are here they are staying, maybe they are waiting for the russians, maybe the people have already given up out of hopelessness hand and refuse to evacuate, how do they live here and why i don't see the point, kirill, and if we talk about forces? and the means of the defense forces of ukraine, are there enough people, is there enough equipment, because in some places there we see in the news that there is information that more weapons are coming to ukraine from western partners, is it felt, let’s say, is there still a lack, well he is, in your opinion, well, i won't say yet that we are inflicting
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such heavy damage on them that we have pinned them to the ground, thanks to a large number of shells, rockets and mines, they are not at all ... never it is enough, if, of course, in defense, we spent about 300 shells per day on the entire front last summer, when there was a counteroffensive about 500 and they killed the enemy simply by radio intercepts, which is very difficult, when they have 500, they released an average of the front had 10,000 shells, but at the end of march, at the beginning of april it was generally difficult, because we were already walking on shells. the ratio is very difficult, now ours are pouring a little, i can see from the hail, when they 17-18 stepped on the offensive, our hail drove them out and covered them with hail so kindly that they me it seems that they still haven't recovered and they don't know what to do, because there are much less of them left, but such that we dominate in terms of shells and
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mines, no, unfortunately, there is no such thing, we are waiting, we are waiting, we are waiting, we are waiting every day , when we have a lot of shells, we will simply... not let them approach the city, we will destroy them, this is a war of logistics, if we destroy their warehouses, if we hit their logistics constantly, and not only with drones, then they will roll back on their own, they will not be able to do anything, without logistics, without constant supplies of weapons, beka, the same water, food, without transporting the wounded, without bringing in supplies, it doesn’t work, you can’t do anything, well, we know about the request of the official kyiv that the western partners until... allow to hit with their weapons directly on the territory of russia, on military facilities, this is a question that is timely now , it is very important, well, here we have our territory, here such questions do not arise, although, if we were to strike at the borders from which the echelons are coming, all russian military logistics is buried under the railway, if we were to do it destroyed warehouses on the territory of russia, you understand, they cannot afford
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to bring here to the front line a lot of bc, a lot of fuel, food, people, in order to constantly replenish... the stocks of those who storm our positions, no, because we will burn them , because our drones are so burning everything that moves here, even after the interception yesterday, our guys said that if earlier for the destruction of the crews of ukrainian drones, the enemy promised some kind of monetary reward, now they are already promising a month of vacation, for a soldier this is a very high value, i.e. our drones, our pilots of the 41st brigade deliver to them very, very much, but if it can be done further... 10-20-50 km on the border with russia, so that they cannot bring it to ukraine in large batches at all, it will be very good, but it is primarily important for kharkiv oblast, because i saw it there, i saw it. our guys saw how they were concentrating the troops on the border, and in fact this is the moment when the troops are not in shelters, not scattered in the area, concentrated for the offensive, this is
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an hour, two hours, several hours, they are very vulnerable, very vulnerable to an attack, and if this concentration of battalion-tactical groups is before the start, before the offensive, and a massive missile strike is coming at them, everything, that is, it is important for the ukrainian side not just to see these clusters. and to react, thank you kyrylo, for the fact that there would be no attack on kharkiv oblast, thank you for your analysis, for telling about the situation from the frontline, kyrylo sazonov, political scientist, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, 41st separate mechanized brigade, was a guest of svoboda ranok, write, by the way, and how you follow the events at the front, what media do you read or listen to, maybe not the media, but where you get this information in the comments. write under our broadcast, it will be interesting, well , then we will talk about, you remember, there were many conversations and such serious statements regarding
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fortifications, and the verkhovna rada of ukraine created a temporary special commission that will review the use of the budget for the construction of fortifications and for the purchase of drones. during the year, the commission should consider the formation of a state order for purchase or manufacture of drones and analyze the distribution of uavs between. subdivisions in addition, tsc, not to be confused here with tsc, should study the issue of arrangement, fortification, engineering barriers on the contact line and the use of funds allocated for this. moreover , the commission members should submit the first report with the results of consideration of these issues in six months. the creation of the commission required deputies from the opposition in the parliament. in march, prime minister denys shmyhal said that since the beginning of this year, the government has allocated more than uah 20 billion for development. fortifications and defense lines, and the commander of the support forces of the armed forces of ukraine, major general dmytro gerega, told army inform that since 2022
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, the engineering forces have built thousands of strongholds . initially, the authorities and the command were criticized for poor fortifications after the occupation of avdiyivka. the accusations were repeated when the russian army launched an offensive in the kharkiv region in may and entered the city of vovchansk, although before that the authorities reported on the active construction of fortifications, the statements of the intelligence commander denys yaroslavsky, who claimed that the first line of defense near vovchansk, i quote: simply did not exist, and the russian troops, they say, entered on foot. this version was confirmed by journalist yuriy butusov, who was at the positions of the armed forces near vovchansk. against the background of these statements, the commander of the operative-tactical group of the kharkiv troops was even replaced. and now the parliamentary tsk has to consider all these issues in detail, he headed the special commission. people's deputy from servants of the people, member of the committee on budget mykola zadorozhnyi, mykhailo tsymbalyuk from batkivshchyna became deputy chairman, deputy chairman of the committee on issues of social policy and protection of
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veterans' rights. in total, the commission included 15 deputies, although the presence of some members of the tsk raised questions, for example, the commission includes an elected member of the now-banned opzh party, vitaly bord. journalists of rfe /rl's investigation projects recalled several facts from his professional activities. he was a people's deputy from 2006 to 2014 and became a deputy for the second time in 2019, voted for dictatorial laws, and also supported the holding of an illegal referendum on the future fate donbas, although he declared that the referendum must be all-ukrainian, otherwise it will be illegal, no state will recognize it. the board called the events of the revolution of dignity svawilliam, as a deputy, he flew to the occupied crimea from russia several times in the period from the 14th. for the 16th year, during the full-scale invasion, i quote: on private matters, he visited several countries, in particular hungary, where he met with an absent associate of orbán porrens nocho, after which
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the prosecutor general's office began an investigation into the fact of official forgery. i note that we yesterday invited and will continue to invite representatives of this very commission to the broadcast in order to learn about their work from the inside, and now we have been joined by mrs. iryna friz, deputy from the opposition and the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, a member of this committee, mrs. iryna, welcome, thank you for joining, good morning, thank you for the invitation, do you think the temporary commissions, these special commissions will be able to carry out this audit, did you support its creation, what are the challenges and do you see it effective, let's say, the creation of a committee to check these urgent issues? well, you are indeed right , the opposition demanded european solidarity. blocked the rostrum during the consideration of draft laws with the demand to create, then, at that time it was about creating two temporary investigative commissions, not special ones,
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i want to emphasize that then... the temporary investigative commission has a wider range of powers and opportunities to carry out relevant procedures during the activity of the commission, that is, a compromise was reached regarding the creation of a non-investigative joint special commission, to which candidacies from the monomajority and the servant of the people faction were finally submitted, and i hope. that today at the first constituent meeting to be held of this temporary investigative commission, it should approve certain procedural and technical issues, in particular to elect the secretary of this temporary special commission, we expect that the representative of european solidarity mykhailo bondar will become him, in addition the work order will be approved, and
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the first meeting is also scheduled. i really hope that, even though the functional capabilities of the temporary special commission are less narrowed, representatives from the opposition, namely roman kostenko from the voice, and this is rudyk, and from another deputy group, as well as our mykhailo bondar, will be able not to slow down the activities of this temporary commission of the investigative commission, very pri'. that these odious representatives from the banned opz entered there, but unfortunately, today in the parliament we have a situation where a monomajority, de facto, no longer having a majority, conducts those votes and those draft laws that she needs, which are of dubious quality and have corruption risks, precisely because of the support from the so -called former opzs, which today are called by other names, as part of some
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deputies. groups, unfortunately, we have a situation where even the law on the church, on the prohibition of the moscow church and its activities on the territory of ukraine, is actually not passed due to the demand of former opzzheshniks, who give the necessary number of votes for the adoption of certain decisions, and precisely because of this misalliance became a law about the church, but i i hope that we will press on this situation anyway, because this moscow popish church in... our ukraine creates no less threats to the security of the state than the external enemy today on the front line iryna, this is an important topic, for an individual, though , and discussion, i want to understand about this commission how effective it is in general, the first report was announced, which will be in six months, the issue with fortifications, the issue with the distribution of uavs, it is already needed there for yesterday, conditionally speaking, i read such accusations that fortifications in general they weren't prepared there, well, it's very
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serious, then... because, relatively speaking, other settlements will be next in line after vovchansk, and this worries the military who are directly there, and it's their safety, their lives, and of course , in general, all ukrainians, because a lot of money is allocated for this, when there will be intermediate results of this work, what six months to wait and whether this is an effective reaction, let's say, to such urgent and important events and issues for ukrainian society, well, you know, that... we demanded the creation of this commission from the very end in december of last year, unfortunately, it was sabotaged and was not created, the representatives of the mono majority did not submit their candidacies there, which made it impossible to make a decision on its creation, indeed, if it was created, say, in january of this year, then it would have had more opportunities to prevent all those scandals and corruption crimes, which
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society will find out later as a result of journalistic investigations about... corruption devices, you know, in fact, these are looting during the war, which were carried out by individual contractors who received orders from certain heads of military administrations or military-civilian administrations, led to the fact that not only the first line is not ready in our country, but also... and now we have to talk not only about kharkiv region, which proved that we do not have fortifications that our armed forces of ukraine should use in one way or another, in fact we have to talk about sumy region as well, including including about chernihiv region, including about kherson region, i.e. a whole set of issues.


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