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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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by and large, the parliament should play a role, in particular parliamentary control over the defense sector, the security sector and efforts to keep a finger on the pulse of economic processes, in particular the mobilization of the economy, this is the task of the parliament, and the fact that the pro-presidential majority is trying to prevent the implementation of all these opportunities for the parliamentary control, this is, in my opinion, the main problem, and... the parliament, despite all the crisis nature within it, certain problems that exist in the majority, i am not talking about what does not exist in more, because not majority, and there is a situational majority of the people plus satellites, but so far they vote, well , more or less effectively, although a whole package of legislative acts. is not postponed, or is not
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brought into the hall, certain problems are created for introduction, for consideration, artificial obstacles are placed for introduction in the hall, if there is no consensus of various groups that vote for the servants of the people on certain issues, these are already certain signs of a political crisis, but at the moment it can be said that after the turmoil with the military command, after... the passing of the law on mobilization and a number of personnel appointments, the parliament delayed the resolution of the problems that had accumulated within the majority, postponed the resolution of the wishes of the allies of the same servant of the people party, their faction, but this does not mean that this issue has been removed at all, it is not closed, on the contrary , it is simply invested in time, and the tension, it... in
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the parliament is increasing and perhaps almost all deputies confirm that sooner or later the parliament will come to grips with the crisis, and then the servants will have problems with effective voting. at the moment you have them the result of the vote, the parliament should finally return to subjectivity, and part of the policies that should be generated by the competence of the constitution, brought to the competence of the parliament should be returned there, not consecration, voting, made somewhere in the bank on the sidelines of bank decisions or legislative initiatives, directly bills that are developed for deputies through the gilding of stakeholders and people to whom these laws concern, because now the main problem of law-making activity, in my opinion, is that what is actually from this work, work with stakeholders, work with those who will...
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whose work, whose life will be regulated by these legislative initiatives, precisely these stakeholders, they have just been eliminated, it was mobilization, it was with a number of economic laws, where they simply ignored or imitated the dialogue with the expertise, but i believe that if we talk about the subjectivity of the parliament, this is precisely the return of the discussion, the return of the process of making certain decisions to the parliament. rather than descending somewhere from the side and involving stakeholders directly those who apply to these laws. and you said that there may well be a political crisis, but how, in short, how can you survive this political crisis when the country cannot hold parliamentary and presidential elections? well, we understand that it is impossible not to hold elections forever, we do not know when the war will end.
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but there is a time lag in everything, when society can accept and recognize the risks of existence, the possibility of holding elections, but it cannot last forever, this is the first question, that is, there must be some reasonable temporary a gap from which it will be allowed to move according to the inertia of the political process, and then one way or another the question. elections by state, even during martial law, this is the first position, the second position, if we are talking about reformatting, and there the acquisition by the parliament of its subjectivity, as well as the redistribution of power in favor of the government and the parliament from banking, backstage decisions, then it is possible to do only by forming a government of national stability, i say a government of national stability on purpose, not a government of national unity, because in my opinion this is... two big differences, as they say in odessa,
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and the first difference is that the government of national unity is a question of the participation of other political forces in the coalition government, quotas, political quotas. representatives in the government, we are talking about the possibility of a technocratic government of national stability made of technocrats and the possibility of attracting from various political environments people who are not delegated by a political party, but who are specialists, who enjoy trust in the expert community or some professional professional community, and these people can really enter the government, and then the government must be collegial, it must be the one that takes responsibility. for the implementation and implementation of the policy, he is then such that, in particular, he does not just take responsibility, he is the prime minister's team, and accordingly, he ceases to be a machine
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for legalizing decisions that come down from the bank's side, so then indeed, it can restart the power system, it can and it can give a certain additional impetus... for the stability of the power system itself in ukraine. mr. vitaly, let's talk more about foreign policy, because literally in a few days in switzerland , on june 15-16, the global peace summit will take place, and of course, the main intrigue is who will represent the united states of america and whether there will be a representative of china at this global peace summit, whether this global peace summit can influence and how can he... influence the russian-ukrainian war? i don't have high expectations, let 's say, inflated expectations from the peace summit, first of all, there are unlikely to be any decisions made there that will stop like a magic button off, right? it won't be with someone like that
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the switch that will turn off in the war, it is unlikely that the agreements that can be negotiated there will already be a road map, forcing russia to peace. but there will be discussed several cases that are very important for ukraine, this is the issue of the traffic of people and goods, this is the issue of the exchange of prisoners, this is the issue of humanitarian policy, the issue of nuclear security, which concerns all of humanity, not only ukraine, but these issues will most likely have some continuations and decisions, or at least attempts to come to some decisions, they will influence on formation. global agenda, this in turn will put pressure on russia, in particular, pushing russia to a more constructive position on the war in ukraine, and to a large extent the effectiveness of this summit will depend on the format in which
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china will participate in this summit, in particular, who other than the prime minister of india from the global south will agree at the highest level to also take. participation in this summit, or what powers will their representatives have, whether it will be participation in presenting their position and that's all, or will it really be participation in the discussion with the development of some joint decisions? so far , i am such a restrained realist and believe that this is only the first step being taken, and the real framework of the global settlement framework, some framework of the new world order, the step towards the new world order is still far enough away. well, but against this background, if we have already started talking about china, we have witnessed how the british government has declared that it has data, detailed data, that china intends or
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supports russia with weapons, in the united states of america until that have no provision data china's arms to russia, the national security adviser to the president of the united states of america said. jake sullivan, let's hear what sullivan had to say. we didn't see it in 2022, we didn't see it in 2023, we don't see it now. i look forward to speaking with the uk to ensure we have a common operational picture. i want to better understand what exactly was meant in this comment. mr. vitaly, i have the impression that everyone... sees the situation differently, apparently obvious things, and what xijinpini says, the way he behaves with vladimir putin shows that these two countries are definitely too close to each other, much closer than the united states
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of america to great britain, or the united states of america to ukraine. could it be that the british see this story with the help of russia? and the united states of america, well, they may not see this story, well, it may be a game of good and bad police, they are establishing relations with china, they are looking. understandingly tries to convince beijing not to do something or to do something in certain actions tilt, and others play the role of such an evil policeman who claims that here is really evidence of providing the russians with lethal weapons, although i want to remind you that back in 2022 , an instruction in russian, which was called an instruction on exploitation of chinese military equipment. so i will not be surprised that the british say they really have some confirmed information about providing the chinese
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and russians with some lethal weapons in a certain amount, if it was a large amount, we certainly experienced it ourselves, so far, it is possible that we are talking about some small parties, or maybe this is a political game against the background of the aggravation of the situation around the taiwan exercises, blinkin's not very productive trip to... keen, american-chinese negotiations on a major case, attempts by the americans to encourage keen to take participation in a conference in switzerland on the war in ukraine, all of these can be elements of a diplomatic game to induce a constructive position. at the moment, it seems to me that this cannot be done, pikin still chooses sufficiently pro-russian ones. this, and if britain confirms that it has this information and publishes it, and there
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will be really strong evidence, then china can no longer claim even the role of a negotiator, it chooses then, it is very bad for us, but chooses then a place on the other side of the barricade. china, meanwhile, is conducting large-scale exercises near taiwan, and beijing is calling. calls it punishment for separatist actions, chinese foreign ministry official wang wenbin called the chinese military training a serious warning to those forces that support the independence of taiwan. let's hear what he said. joint exercises and training conducted by the chinese people's liberation army's eastern theater command, near the island of taiwan, are designed to protect national sovereignty. territorial integrity, severely punish separatist forces for striving for taiwan independence, and
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seriously warn foreign powers against interference and provocations. the training fully complies with international law and practice, is fully justified and necessary. global press, mr. vitaly, with reference to sources the ministry of defense of china writes that the people's liberation army of china may invade the island of taiwan in early june. year, how likely is this scenario? well, there is such an expression: the latest chinese warnings, right? and these are not the first, nor the last, global exercises of this kind, with the use of various types of weapons and types of troops, which demonstrate the determination of the chinese army to punish separatism, these escalations happen constantly, from time to time they look like preparations for an invasion. but at the moment the situation is really escalating, we can see it the manifestation of this aggravation on the korean
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peninsula, er, kinchanin, actually shows the presence of new types of missile weapons and the readiness to use them. escalation and rupture of relations with south korea, it already permeates the ideology and practice of north korea, they are no longer talking about the unification of the country, they are talking about the capture of an enemy country. under the name of south korea, they are revising their entire mythology practically, this is also a manifestation, because korea, north korea is a hand tool of china. china is increasing its military presence in region, he is actively modernizing the navy, he has carried out an additional strengthening of the personnel, the fleet is equipped with the latest weapons, it is being practiced... regular amphibious landings, as many specialists as possible are involved, that is, i do not rule out that
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this time, well, maybe not in june, but china can come close enough to the issue of a military operation, but again, in my opinion, the probability of this is somewhere average, higher than usual, but it is average, because again, negotiations are ahead, ahead the presidential election happened. the states are ahead, speaking of an economic nature, of a global economic nature, let's say this, where china still wants to get its share of the economic edge, then this... we are talking about transport corridors, the ultimate goal of which is the european union. therefore, if china is really preparing for a war in taiwan, it would not be very important for it not to lose european markets, or not to allow a large part of european countries
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to switch to an openly conference policy with regard to china. that is, most likely not, by what yes, i would say, thank you, thank you, mr. vitaly, it was vitaliy kulyk, director of the center for researching civil society problems, friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, and we have the next guest on the line, this is oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center, mr. oleksandr, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, mr. oleksandr, let's start with the situation that is currently developing with the energy sector in... in ukraine, and as of may 23, as it were you have described where we are now state we are in, and is this the point beyond which it will be more problematic with electricity, or is it possible that what we are going through now, maybe it is temporary difficulties, and
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we have the opportunity to restore part of the generation, if not for a test, then what... small ones power plants, well, you know, any difficulties, they are always temporary, but this temporary, well, at least for two years this time, the damage to the power system that we have now, the destroyed blocks of power plants, which can actually be restored already, most likely and impossible, they... they contained the power with which ukraine actually fed consumers, now, when we are in deficit, this deficit even in the most favorable time is 10-15% of the required capacity, in july-august it will increase to 20-25 and in winter it will also be about 20 % of
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what we need, certainly in such a situation it is difficult to operate the power system, well, this is... objective reality, this is not armageddon, we will not perish, but we need to understand to all ukrainians, each of us needs to understand that the following at least two years the situation will be quite difficult, and consumer restrictions will essentially be a normal phenomenon, i.e. there will definitely be a 3-4 hour break in energy consumption per day, and you need to... prepare for it, you need to adapt to it, there is no other advice. by the way, the chairman of the board of ukrenergo, volodymyr kudryskyi , said on public television that ukrainians should learn to live with turning off the lights and prepare for your winter. let's listen to what mr. kudrytsky said. this winter will be
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difficult, because natural winter consumption is increasing, and even with those recovery plans in mind. which today exist, it is quite likely that it will not be possible to completely exclude the possibility of scheduled shutdowns there. mr. oleksandr, how and in what way can ukraine overcome the shortage of electricity in the country? well, actually, there are not many tools, there are only two of them. the first is to restore those power units that can be restored, and work on those parts of ours. energy-intensive parts of generating stations that can be restored within six, eight, nine months, it goes on, and so does work on hydroelectric power plants, which need even more time to restore, nevertheless, they will be restored, but there is a certain part of capacities, first of all coal-fired power plants, which have been destroyed and
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are no longer subject to restoration, in fact, and we need to replace these capacities with new generation, new distributed generation with small gas piston and gas turbine installations that will literally be scattered across the country, and thus it will actually be very difficult to hit them, at least significantly more difficult than these large soviet power units, which are very centralized and where one missile can essentially disable hundreds of megawatts, if... we build a distributed system, then such attacks will not be effective, but mr. oleksandr, it is clear that the situation we are in now includes ... probably the question of the soviet heritage and most importantly, the post-soviet heritage, when some groups,
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oligarchic groups held all the control over the energy market and, in principle, no no, no one thought that instead of 10 theses, you could put 100 small gas turbine stations there and in this way to develop, why continuously everything? the period of the war, 10 years we are at war, why did no one even think about it, that we are very vulnerable and about how it is possible to put all this out of order, and about what, in principle, and with hes we have there can also be problems with, well, with any problems, we also have a problem with the nuclear power plant in zaporizhzhia, because it was seized by the russian invaders, why didn't this... happen your way? well, let's be frank, energy was very much monopolized, monopolized by the state, first of all, and
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by certain oligarchic groups on the other hand, and everyone was interested in the status quo, because the level of corruption that actually prevailed, let's call it that, during most of ukraine's independence, it was precisely in... energy, namely in energy that a huge part of oligarchic capital was made, well actually there were conditions when no one was interested in development, in fact energy was squeezed out, everything that could be squeezed out of it was squeezed out of it, and no one absolutely thought about the need to restore both the generation and the general infrastructure, so you know, i am not ready there name names, because of them...hundreds and thousands who could influence and did not influence the processes that took place in the energy industry. at the same time as viel
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outages, information appeared about the possibility of increasing electricity prices. can it happen, to what extent can this increase happen, and most importantly, will it affect, shall we say, everything? so is the volume of electricity that reaches consumers? look, now it's going to be a difficult answer because on the one hand, well, i'm not a government official, so i can't tell you if there's going to be a raise or there's not going to be a raise, it's the decision that is obviously being made there at the highest political level, and as to how much it should be done and how, importantly, it should be done, that's... another conversation, because the traditional way of promotion now, if you just take it and hang it up, to somehow
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increase the tariffs for the population, then this is such, you know, a dead-end idea, because in fact all this money from the fact that the tariffs have increased, they will simply go to two state companies, they will not go anywhere else, these companies are ukrhydroenergo, and it is somewhere 15%, and energoat. it about 85% of all money actually paid to the population. but what will happen next, because in my opinion, the focus should now be in the energy industry on rebuilding the damaged and building new power units, precisely that distributed generation that we talk about a lot, while energoatom meanwhile is building new reactors, which even... theoretically they will not appear earlier than 12-15 years, but funds are really invested there, which energoatom pulls up wherever it can. accordingly, in
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my logic, the tariff was increased for the population, the money got into energoatom and went to the construction of nuclear power units, which in the best case will appear in 10-12 years, to me, as a ukrainian consumer, it looks, to put it mildly, inefficient, so if... we are talking in principle about a change in tariffs for the population, then it is not necessary to change the tariffs for the population, but to radically change the systems of financial functioning of the electricity market, to clean up all kinds of special duties precisely through which all the money will go to energoatom, this is how it is currently arranged, to clean up various administrative regulations, which are absolutely unnecessary, cleaning, which is important, because if we don't switch to reality. market prices for the population and for other institutions, as now for business, the business pays the market price for electricity, the population is subsidized and subsidized
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by such a mechanism that all the money. which the population pays, they actually go, i will repeat again , to the energaatum, so if this is removed, if we introduce a market price for the population with a normal subsidy and with a normal mechanism of specifically targeted assistance, then first of all, corruption schemes will disappear, and language hundreds of millions of hryvnias are involved here, and they will simply be liquidated at the root, and secondly, conditions will appear for private investors to go into the energy industry, go into construction. of the same small power units, then there will be conditions for dozens of small and medium-sized companies to invest in such and such energy development, and in my opinion, this is essentially the only effective way to restore our generating capacity, to turn the situation around , when ukrainians do not live in regimes restrictions on the literally daily, and what would you
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advise our tv viewers in... in these power outages, which may not turn on the devices, or somehow save, or these outages, which are systematic, well, now systematic from children and from other companies , that this is enough, can we somehow all join in saving electricity, so that there is not a lot of consumption, so that this electricity goes, well , let's say, to a good cause. well, look, i don't believe in pink unicorns, well, i mean, i don't believe that they exist in reality, so no matter how much we talk about saving, no matter how much we try, believe me, in my information bubble, especially on facebook, every day i read appeals to save electricity and posts by people who say that we save like this and save like this, and more somehow we are saving, but in the mode of such
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a constant study of the situation, i can tell you that all this saving does not reduce consumption by more than 1-2% realistically, so i do not really believe that the appeals by themselves will give results, real results with in terms of reducing consumption, let's call it optional, they can only give, only a change in the price of electricity to the real market price can give, but if this happens, you know, i remember the difference... in how ukraine consumed gas in the 13th year and in the 15th year , in 2013 we consumed 72 billion cubic meters, in 2015 as many as 31, no one died, everything worked, but simply in the interim we introduced the market price, the real market price, removed corruption, removed theft, in fact from gas market, then theft almost started,
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at least 75% of the largest, and the result was achieved. in order for the same to happen in electricity, market prices and targeted support for those who need it must also be introduced. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center. friends, we are conducting a survey during this broadcast, we are already completing this survey, we will look at its results, are you ready for an increase in electricity prices, 19%. yes and accordingly 81% no - these are the results on tv and on youtube we have 26 yes 74% no, i put a full stop on that, it was the verdict program of serhii rudenko, goodbye.
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early parliamentary elections in britain, will rishi sunak remain in the position of prime minister, how changes in the british government can affect ukraine? we are talking about possible election surprises today. of the bbc, i'm olga polomaryuk. for the first time in 14 years , another party may come to power in britain. the country may get another prime minister, and rishi sunak, a staunch ally of ukraine, may lose his seat. the election race has officially started in the united kingdom. prime minister, a representative of the conservative party.


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