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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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i am against placing nuclear weapons in poland, but i believe that if the americans handed over these weapons to us, they could be placed on american bases in europe and intended for. ukraine will now receive aid from the americans, we are very happy about it. it is obvious that help is late. if we
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had received it earlier, what could have been avoided? ukraine would have avoided what happened under avdiyivka, what is happening now in the time gap and so on, i.e. that withdrawal due to the fact that the ukrainians have nothing to stop the advance of the russian army, therefore it seems to me that if you had ammunition in time and inflicted losses on the russians, they would not have dared.
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to effectively defeat the russian army and prevent a defense breakthrough. and at this moment, all ukrainians, the government in kyiv and all of us must focus on the fact that the ukrainian army holds its ground, repels the onslaught of the russian army, and that the russians do not try to attack anymore, because they also have big problems with weapons and with the army. lack of troops. now the mobilization age is reduced to 25 years. the average age of a ukrainian soldier - it's 40-40 plus. in poland, it is 28 years. do you think that the now reduced mobilization age will affect the average age of the army and whether age matters for a military man who goes to fight on the battlefield with a weapon .
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meanwhile, an unprepared soldier, even a young one, will not cope, will not react like that, it is the case that those are young. with the experience that should be involved in training new soldiers, you have veterans who are very well trained, battle tested, that's your asset. recently , the americans said that helping russia, china is making the war last forever. and this is actually
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the problem, because russia has so many people that ukraine cannot compete with it. we see how the americans dragged their feet with helping ukraine. in this case , can ukraine hold this front against russia, which receives help from china, which has such a large number. in general, the russians also have demographic problems, the russians now have less soldier potential, this is the first. secondly, remember that russia is a conglomeration of nations, about 200 nations, who do not necessarily feel good in russia, because they remember that russia once turned them into slaves. and these are the slaves who
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feel the atmosphere of freedom more and more, at the time when they will be able to get out of this russian slavery, therefore... russia has a serious problem precisely with the russians, russia is a theoretically russian country, but it consists of 200 nations that are in russian slavery, and they do not want to be in it, but they are so poor that they just make money, and war is a way for them to get funds.
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but not in the peace of humiliation, as was the case in 2014 with the minsk agreements. ukraine is coming down. ukraine cannot be humiliated. it is necessary to give ukraine such conditions that will be acceptable for ukrainians. actually, how long will the world
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support ukraine. politicians are hypocrites. they are not impressed by the murdered civilians in ukraine, murdered women and murdered children. politicians are hypocrites, they debate, they meet, hold j7, j2 meetings. nato summits, and this does not solve anything for ukraine. it doesn't mean that putin doesn't launch missiles at his targets. further kills them therefore, as long as politicians remain hypocrites, ukraine will not be able to hope.
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to change this situation, as you can clearly see, the killed ukrainian civilians do not make an impression on them, so i don't know what else can shake those politicians, a personal threat to them, a threat of war to them, only this can make them, mr. general, thank you very much for this conversation, to our viewers who are with us on... from poland there was waldemar skzypchak, polish, glory to the heroes, general, former commander of the polish ground forces, and we talked about the russian-ukrainian war, about its prospects, whether the world is still ready
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to stay with ukraine. lesya vokulyuk, thank you for your attention and stay with espresso. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on a paforte knife of 15% in pharmacies, plantain pam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is velikiy eter, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of airtime. two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets with us and what the world is about, now about what is in happened to the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk
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about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much, lina chechenna, for... information about the news of the presenters' culture, which many have become familiar with. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day guests, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also there. chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. war in the middle east. crisis. on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that
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resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make up. help make sense of the present and predict the future for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative. every day is the shipping district of kherson,
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turn on live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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congratulations, this week we collected several stories from the life of russian propagandists, well , mostly... they were not talked about in the russian media themselves, well, but i will tell you them little by little, well, so the first thing, well, it became obvious what everyone has been talking about for so long : the american tucker carlson came out with his program on the russian state tv channel russia 24. well, actually, nothing unusual, carlson spread theses about america's war with russia in ukraine, there is only one people there, well, after all, not so long ago. he interviewed putin and dugin, and now we can say with a high degree of probability that he probably
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receives royalties from the direct state budget, because russian propagandists began to broadcast videos from tucker carson's youtube channel with tucker rush 24, the show is called taker airs over the weekend, the first episode was devoted to, well... it's called, what would you think , the favorite topic of russian propaganda for american biolabs, well, specifically taker he talked about lyme disease and some ticks, well, this is an unexpected turn, well , what can i tell you, various russian propagandists have already talked about war mosquitoes, in particular benzi, let's now remember how they said it and now to them.. . joined, see tucker, let's see. the russian ministry of defense continues to study materials on
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the implementation of military biological programs of the united states and its nato allies. its purpose was to study the possibility of spreading particularly dangerous infections through migrants birds, in particular the spread of highly pathogenic influenza. at the same time , at least two species of migratory birds were discovered, the routes of which pass through the territory of russia. in addition, the p-781 project is interesting, where bats were considered as a spreader of potential agents of biological weapons. the pentagon is also interested in spreading insects capable of spreading dangerous infectious diseases, such as fleas and ticks. gonakh allies is called. such a drone transports a container with a large number of mosquitoes, carriers of infection and releases them. do mosquitoes infect attacked people when they bite? well, at that time nebenzia was laughed at by the entire un. now probably all of america will laugh at tucker carlson. because he decided to pull out some book that
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was published in 2017 by some employee of the medical faculty. stanford university, where something was said about these very combat ticks, and suddenly so much time had passed, and he pulled her out so that she would talk about such a fresh and, most importantly, new topic, and so that porosiia 24 could show it later. at that time the americans are military. used this microorganism as a weapon and tried to introduce it into ticks. so what is a tick as a weapon? we tried to breed them en masse, saturating the blog with the plague, mosquitoes with the deadly trinidad virus, ticks with deadly
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or incapacitating diseases. like relapsing typhus, venezuelan equine encephalitis , rabies, leptospirosis - it's like dr. strange love, trying to create new diseases by displacing bacteria and viruses, and in ticks for the perfect secret weapon, it's a nuclear weapon for. but no destroys infrastructure. it's hard to digest all this, to believe it, it's so terrible, especially that it happened in the united states, and i think you're right, it happened and is likely
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to happen. excuse my ignorance, but what kind of disease did you just describe? well , it is no different, in my opinion, from the long lecture that putin gave him, and he could not understand anything there either. well, what's funny is that this birch tree, chris newby, uh, again, she wrote this book in 2017, it was called ukushanai secret the story of lyme disease and biological weapons, and in... in august 2017, the komsomol pravda published an article: the combat ticks of the pentagon turned out to be a myth, where the komsomol pravda expert of the russian newspaper said that there is no scientific basis at all to say that it is possible to produce such weapons in some biological laboratories, and the expert
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there was a former military man, microbiologist, reserve colonel mykhailo. potnytskyi, who said verbatim that we will return to this one from the book. rate the version about fighting ticks pentagon, they asked him. he said that she is beautiful in the spirit of hollywood blockbusters about terrible epidemics. but, unfortunately, he says, the very idea of ​​using insects to spread dangerous diseases is very easy to understand, but not to implement. nothing happened with insects, and it is difficult to breed them, to infect them, you are in an infected state for a long time, well, in principle, this whole book is full of delusion, so in 2017, russian propagandists wrote that it is delusion, but in 2024, when all the non-benzi statements about mosquitoes have been exhausted, you can't say anything about them, they dragged
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it all out again, and apparently they gave it to er carson so that he would talk about it again in his program. you know, it's a sad story in general for tucker carson, because he found himself in a strange company of people who are hired by russian television from americans, there is another such american who was hired, who was constantly shown on russia 24, then russia 1, then rt, that was scott ritter, who is better known in his home country for being... after putting up a lot of different also conspiracy theories, in the end he was simply, well, convicted for being involved in pedophilia, and so... well, actually, this convicted pedophile after his release found himself on russian television, but i don't know, tucker cartson seems to have a different problem
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big in life, but no one has yet condemned him for anything, but you see, he is already on russian television, somehow it is - i would say sad and so a little disturbing for tucker carson, but he got into a strange company, well, but now for that no one has any questions that he is such a person... yes, he works for russian propaganda, here is another piece of news, which the russians suddenly began to talk about, but so casually, and as if they did not understand what was happening, well , how, for example, from kybiyev to himself, suddenly, oh, something, what happened, that everyone is saying that russia has some claims to something in the baltic sea, and now they are writing about the paranoia that continues to grip the european union, about a terrible threat from putin in sweden. the commander of the swedish army is sure that russia is looking at shvedsky with greedy eyes the island of gotland in the baltic sea. that is
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, some suspicious russian tankers were noticed around him. in general, a new fire of war is being fanned in the west. it is not in the west that this new fire of war is being fanned. the fact is that on may 21 the government of the russian federation published a draft of unilateral border changes in the baltic region. and on may 22, the government of the russian federation deleted this draft of unilateral border changes in the baltic sea. such a strange story happened. well , of course, russian television did not tell about this, absolutely, i will even say more, but today solovyov came on the air whole, well, the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova, and what do you think, they were talking about the fact that... that some, what they even called this broadcast of theirs, some kind of bad world diplomacy, some kind of western diplomacy, some not
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so , but solovyov couldn't find the words to ask the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs, and what is it, what kind of strange projects are you writing about the baltic sea, no, they couldn't talk about it, that's why russian propagandists didn't talk about it, but the story nevertheless turned out to be very interesting, because in that published project, which... i repeat, hung for exactly one day on the official websites of russia, where it was said that next to the state borders of lithuania and finland, the russian government by its resolution, which is again published on the portal of legal acts of the russian federation, and according to what was prepared by the ministry of defense, russia intended to declare a part of the aquartory as its internal sea waters. in the east of the gulf of finland, as well as near the cities of baltiysk and zelenogradsk in the kaliningrad region. for this , the geographical coordinates and
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the width of the territorial sea of ​​russia were changed. in particular, on the border with finland, the russian government had to adjust near the islands, including holland, virgunt, well there and near narva, well , in short, a whole bunch of such different points and... they called it all the way it was established in 85- whose coordinates do not fully correspond to the modern geographical situation, well, of course , no new geographical situation arose there, a new frenzy arose in the russian government, and after they posted it, suddenly it became known, suddenly the western media started talking about it, russia... somehow they were afraid of that to take it directly and announce it all, they were not ready for this, to receive right now right in the baltic sea, well, i don’t know what they could have already received there, well, i guess
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they should have received some trouble, because they should have been able to suddenly decide and to block the possibility of sailing there with a russian ship at all, which nato countries are now quite capable of, and after that they began to say that oops, oops, there was something wrong with them, well, you know... in the background with all these projects of theirs, it is certainly interesting to arrange something else in the baltic sea the way solovyov once again decided to comment on the statement of the prime minister of estonia kaya kalas, who, just at a conference there, commented on how she generally feels about what russia is doing. well, let's listen to this statement itself and a little of solovyov's remark to it, just to understand what it was about.
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kaya kalas is an absolute nazi animal. i believe that personal sanctions should be imposed against her in russia. listen. i think it is important that russia loses this war. as timothy snyder said, for the country to become better, it must lose its last colonial war. they did not lose their last colonial war. i mean, they don't see that... they're aggressors, killers, they're expanding empire, it's glory, they think they get glory in war, and there's always going to be people, this leader or the next leader, because if people admire a dictator, then someone can become one. for such a small country as ours, war always means devastation and human suffering. well
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, i wonder what exactly is in this, well, quite well, the usual statement, there is nothing new in it, there is nothing new, and even more so there is nothing so nazi, which is exactly what so directly excited and angered salovev, but listen, because it is important, they.
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ask yourself this question, look at our belarusian friends, who tolerate that in their historical lands, who is not there, well, you see, is finally spreading, is revealed to the world, and somehow even european politicians are saying more and more that this is not only a problem in putin, in general, it is possible that there is a problem in russia such in its population and in what... they think to themselves, and while refuting this, he somehow managed to say right away about russia's territorial claims to the same baltic countries, and here i say, so unexpectedly, that in this at the same time, it turns out that there was a great plan to grab a part of the territorial waters, well , actually in the baltic sea, that is, it somehow coincided, but solovyov mentions something about the baltic countries, and right then and there such
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a project arises, well, apparently it is already there , well, somehow i was preparing and lying down for a long time, but just something for now that it didn't work, it doesn't mean that he won't go further, and what's more interesting is that after declaring all this, yes, he is in the same program, right there, interviewing one of the russian military, there they got such, you know, a beautiful dialogue, which is somewhat interesting in that the military man tells how his life turned out and how it turned out. it is something , again, for a peaceful country that does not attack anyone, does not wage territorial wars, so the life of this soldier is strange, you have been fighting for a long time, for a long time, from the first days here, on the territory ukraine, before that in chechnya, syria, and now , by the will of fate, from the first day, as they entered, so
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and so... that is, the whole life comes out? yes, all your conscious life after graduation, you know, as they say, you studied as cadets, it’s enough for your age, it’s enough for your age, all the wars are over, here you graduated and wars began, they began and you are always at war, but nobody in russia attacked, but wars started and it's called what, it 's called colonial wars, yes, it's nothing else. well, it's also very funny that he somehow shows all this, and from his own a guest on the air saloiov received some such strange remark about these heroes of his svo, well, let's just take a look, it's so interesting, the fight against corruption is a continuous job, the fight against corruption is a consistent job, it's not a campaign, it's a job that is constantly continues, it is an integral part of the actual activity of our
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law enforcement agencies.


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