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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we are starting the information day with news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. at night, the russians attacked kharkiv again, there were several hits, houses were damaged, including knocked out caps and gutted fences. there are also non-residential premises in nivychyna - informed the mayor of the city ihor terikhov. fortunately, there were no casualties.
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a four-year-old girl became a victim of russian terrorists in odessa. zlata received a shrapnel wound to the heart during the attack on the city of 29 april doctors fought for her life, but it was not possible to save her. oleg kiper, the head of the regional military administration, informed. thus, the number of shelling victims increased to eight. let me remind you that the russians then hit odesa with a ballistic missile with a cluster munition. explosions rang out late in the evening in the temporarily occupied alusha, rockets attacked a military unit there, which is an important point of communication and control of the russian invaders, the partisans of the atesh movement reported, according to their data, there were killed and wounded, as well as significantly damaged equipment, presumably it was also possible to liquidate the control point of this center, and explosions were heard in simferopol and dzhenkoy. the occupying authorities announced a missile
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attack and traditionally assured the successful work of air defense. but in local publications, residents wrote about a large number of ambulances heading towards the semi-detached house. hourly blackout schedules will be in effect throughout ukraine today. electricity will be turned off for both household and industrial consumers. shortage may occur due to rains and cloudy weather. which predict in the majority regions therefore, solar power plants cannot operate at maximum capacity, reported ukrenergo. the supply of critical infrastructure facilities will not be limited. rescue of ukrainian children, another 13 minors managed to return to ukraine. seven escaped with their families from the temporarily occupied regions, another six from russia, - said the ombudsman dmytro lubinek. the families
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visited the child rights protection center and told their stories to law enforcement officers. among the rescued is a 15-year-old girl from mariupol, whose house was hit by a russian tank. with mother hid them in the church. the girl was wounded in the head. they repeatedly tried to leave the territory controlled by ukraine, but failed. it was possible to save the children through the mediation of qatar. the first group of ukrainian pilots completed training on f-16 aircraft in the united states of america, the country's air force reported: the pilots were trained at one of the military bases in arizona, the number of pilots and the exact date of graduation are not disclosed for security reasons. also, according to politico, ukrainians are currently heading to europe for additional training. let me remind you that as part of the aviation coalition, ukraine is to receive... more than 60 f-16 fighters from
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norway, denmark, the netherlands and belgium. without biden, the us president will probably miss the ukrainian peace summit, which will be held in june in switzerland. at this time, the schedule of the head of the white house is scheduled for a fundraising event for the pre-election campaign in california. so he will probably be there with george clooney, julia roberts and other hollywood stars. - bloomberg reports and adds: "this shows that biden is now focused on the election campaign and trying to overcome the advantage of his rival donald trump. let me remind you that ukraine and switzerland will hold the first global peace summit on june 15-16. a meeting of dictators, the head of the kremlin putin flew to minsk for a two-day visit, there he will meet with the self-proclaimed
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president . nuclear tests on the territory of belarus. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 88 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the enemy concentrated on the kharkiv kupyansk and pokrovsky directions. in the kharkiv region, the russians actively used aviation. the ukrainian military carried out countermeasures and inflicted losses on the invaders. 20 combat clashes took place in the kupyansk direction. near the villages of terne and torske, our defenders repelled five enemy attacks. 22 times the enemy tried to storm in the pokrovsky direction. the situation is tense in the districts of umanskyi and novoselivka. during the day, the ukrainian military destroyed the su-25 aircraft, several warehouses with enemy ammunition, a dugout and
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an armored combat vehicle of the occupiers. and we ask you to join the urgent collection for our soldiers. a reliable suv is needed. scouts to perform tasks in the combat zone. with the help of a car, the military transports personnel, ammunition from cars, launches drones. the car is already in ukraine, it remains to be dug up and delivered to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. and with yours with your help, we have already collected over uah 210,000. remember, each of your donations is important. therefore , join, you can see all the details on the screen. in early june, the verkhovna rada of ukraine will vote to ban the russian orthodox church in ukraine. this was reported by the european solidarity faction. before putting the draft law to the vote, the people's representatives want to collect 240 signatures in order to guarantee
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the passage of the draft law. collect several factions. ours collected more than 100. 120. 120. the test continues, other factions also collect votes, our task, it was the wish of the majority faction, to collect more than 240 votes, because then they will be convinced that this law will pass, we will all vote for it, and many opposition factions too, they are worried that it will look bad, if half of the ruling faction does not vote, i don't think this process will be completed this week, i think it will take a little more time, because now many colleagues in the line of the pair are on a business trip, er... and they have to do it in person , but it is definitely more than, well more than 150 signatures, he was going to an operation, as if to war, due to wounds at the front , 49-year-old vasyl tsypivka developed heart
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failure, the doctors made a terrible diagnosis, he needed a heart transplant to live. together with the veteran, lviv medics went to odesa. where he found a donor organ. see the story of the man's rescue further in our story. well, there are 60 factions here, you actually didn't have a faction. that's why you have a beautiful heart. vasyl tsepivka is being diagnosed with a heart. two weeks ago, a defender from lviv oblast had a vital organ transplanted. the man joined the army at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russians. in september 2023, he was injured by a mine explosion, he recovered and recovered quite quickly, but at the beginning of this year, his health deteriorated greatly, everyone told me that my heart was going to fail, but i did not feel that way, i remember
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when everything was sewn up, i began to hear, it was difficult to walk, i was short of breath, the shrapnel injury provoked the development of a hereditary disease. dilated cardiomyopathy, the defender decided to undergo a heart transplant, a donor was found in odesa region. the donor was a young man, 32 years old, who received a traumatic brain injury in a traffic accident, incompatible with life, and was declared brain dead. to operate on the patient, a team of lviv cardiac surgeons covered a distance of 600 km. vasyl underwent a heart transplant at the base of the hospital in the city of balta. since now the aviation does not fly medical. and the heart, the heart lives outside the human body for four hours, and during this time you need to have time to both deliver the heart,
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sew it up, and start it up. that's why we, the donor, were in the city of balta, so we made a team decision to take the recipient, in this case , mr. vasyl, take all the necessary equipment, the team and go to transplant. after the heart transplant, vasyl is feeling well. it is much better, my husband no longer feels short of air when walking, before that i could not walk five meters, and now i run up and down the stairs, walk, stand up by myself, i walked like that, both to the war and here i was walking, i was already in my mid-teens, already on the tenth day after the transplant, vasyl was discharged from the hospital. to fully live with with a new heart, the man needs to take daily medication and attend
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check-ups. in five months of this year, specialists of the first medical association of lviv performed 10 transplants. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. see you in less than an hour, stay with us.
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good morning, thank you that at this early time with espresso we will try to collect as much information as possible for you and you to donate as much as possible for our defenders. we will probably start with kharkiv oblast, the actual region where perhaps the most. news and they are not always good, we remember that yesterday there were about 15
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explosions in kharkiv and the surrounding area, but that was not all, because late in the evening already around midnight there were also explosions in kharkiv, actually about the details of how the city is recovering and the region, we will ask bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, mr. bohdan, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning, we actually want to ask what... it was late in the evening, we read about two flights arriving, about damage to non-residential and residential premises, how did it all end and we hope that no one was hurt, it was s-300 again, no, it was cabs, there is very little information about this case of a night attack, what you have read now, in fact no one died there, no one was injured, it is not even reported in which district these strikes took place. so for now , maybe a little later there will be more information, all i can remember is that somewhere at one
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o'clock in the morning there were two explosions, i personally heard them, i am in the shevchenkivsky district, that is, somewhere not too far away, the city center, maybe the shevchenkivskyi district kyiv, here there were these two explosions, and what else can i add yesterday, yes, yesterday was difficult in kharkiv, well, i personally was in the city center on various matters. there was work, some offices, everything, well, it was difficult for people, because they were so loud, they were heard, and people hid, let's say, the reaction, well, i liked the reaction, because they left the offices, went out into the corridors to some places there, where can you hide between the walls, or, well, go down into the bomb shelter, well... there was almost no possibility, because first the rockets arrived, and then there was already a siren, because it was
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ballistics of the s-300 and to warn, it was impossible to warn. you can see the consequences on the screen now, there are already seven dead, 14 injured, the printing house in ivat, well, what can i say, it is the favorite printing house of kharkiv and not only kharkiv, i personally was theirs literally a week ago. he bought books there with his child in their store, a lot of people came, i would like to say that all the literature they had on the shelves was all in the ukrainian language. it was all translations, let’s say, of other authors, or ukrainian writers, it was very interesting, many books bought, then there are constantly some promotions, the last promotion that i remember, it was a collection of waste paper in the form of russian books, which were handed out for about six months, and after
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that, maviks were bought with this money, it seems, i don’t remember i see something that was bought, but for... for the army, for the troops, that is, this is such a patriotic, let's say, patriotic printing house, its owner, the whole team, these are our such famous people in kharkov by their, their activities, their, their lives , that is, well, it is very painful, and what else can be added here condolences to the dead and injured, you see how it turns out, publishers held various actions, and now flash mobs, actions in support. this particular publishing house, because not only different ukrainians publish, as you say, the books that they bought there, even the german ambassador to ukraine, martin jaeger, he also published a post with expressions of sympathy and understanding that it is really a tragedy when publishing houses are attacked , we also have information about injured railway workers, on the railway, they are
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on the railway infrastructure, they continue to aim purposefully, or is it accidental ok, do you have any information on this? it's hard to say, there was also information about the energy structure of the railway, let's say, the railway is a rather difficult object to hit, because they tried to destroy it, they already tried to hit the railway in the 22nd year, but it recovers quite quickly, and there are many rails, many different ways, in order to disable it, well , you have to try very hard here, you have to... well, it's almost impossible with this level of shelling, and so what was the purpose of hitting the railway, well, probably anyway to damage the energy substations there, which are still there in order to make such an impression, and i wanted to say that in the previous story, let's say, two weeks ago before easter, an attack was also made on
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the city of kharkiv against, let's say, our biggest sponsor in the kharkiv region. aid to the army, that is, the myasny plant, its manager, oleksandr skoryk, a deputy of our regional council, that is, if you help the army, if you are a public figure and your enterprise is patriotic, then you must hit him, this is such revenge to the russians for what you are a ukrainian, he is also a successful businessman, this is one of the examples, yes. mr. bohdan, look, we have often heard that guided aerial bombs are, well, they are guided, but they are not accurate weapons, but we have already seen a certain pattern, if reconnaissance drones are hanging in the sky over kharkiv, then after that they begin to arrive, and this is the s-300, wait, and they are enough, well, they hit well, as you
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said, here, either by those sponsors who support the ztcu, or specifically by. institutions, we have seen it more than once, well, very, very specific hits, somehow it is hard to believe that it's accidental, it's brought from the ground by some collaborators, or it's actually the result of their scouting canvases over the city, well, they see the city of kharkiv, it's first of all, of course, the scouts who hang over the city, over, let's say, the northern part. where the fighting is going on, in the vovchansk region, as far as i know, there are a lot of reconnaissance drones, let's say, long-range, long-range, at high, high altitude, they are periodically shot down there, but they still correct these strikes. as far as accuracy goes, it's still not an accurate enough ammo, if we say so about an aerial bomb, because they launch it from a long
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distance and hit it directly, they are not very good at it. you yourself said that look, they definitely hit the factory, they definitely hit the publishing house, it can’t be, it was missiles, it was s-300, it was s-300 missiles, yes, the cabins were hit at night, what we said around night time, yes, it was cabs, but yesterday there was a rocket attack, and the same meat processing plant that was destroyed and there were victims, employees, yes, but... the meat processing plant was lucky then, the people were lucky, because before easter mr. oleksandr let people go early to celebrate, let's say so that they could go somewhere and at the time of the attack there was a minimum there. workers, but if they hit when people were working there, which is more than 200 people, i imagine that there were, you know, there were big losses, well, here is the example of vivat,
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where 50 people were working, of them, well, about 50 people , what is being reported, more than 20 people were killed and wounded, but we remember that before that there was an attack, remember, the recreation area, the sun is already summer in the yard, that is, it is definitely not a breeze ... the object, well, it was definitely programmed by the russian russian occupiers to hit exactly the place of rest, of course, we already talked about it, they generally hit it with iskanders, which are expensive, accurate weapons, and hit the beach, well, that's all russians, we do not care about money, we would like to kill ukrainians, that is, this is the situation, most of all these, well , let's say this, the tongue hurts from this, the fact that they do it, let's say this, is quite impressive, without hiding, and we cannot answer them with anything, because they gave us weapons, a we can't, that is, the situation is like this, they transfer troops along our
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border, and there from kupyansk to vovchansk, the railway is working, there are electrical substations, there are various bases for auto opals, there are the same iskanders that calmly run and release we have missiles, ku-300, we can attack them. well, in principle , this is only ataka max, there is nothing else to oppose them, let’s say so, the situation is that they beat us, we tolerate it, but we cannot answer, they do not allow us, father, this is a very similar situation, if it worked normally, well, believe me, if there were airfields in sevastopol, in simferopol, there was belbek, all this would have been tolerated, and let's say, it would have been much easier for kharkiv and our military, and despite all this, what we are talking about we say, these are shelling. there are still quite a lot of victims and tragedies, at least this is what the zhdun soldiers write and say that in vovchanchansk, for example, they almost
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invite russians to their homes, that you can hide here, get some kind of shelter, why is this happening, sir bohdan, these are some canned goods, these are some agents who are simply recruited, or simply people do not understand and it is not known what they have in... what is this ? well, look, it’s not about the agents here, it’s about the population that lives there, it’s the border, about vovchansk itself before the war, we can open, let’s say, even the voting of local residents, there for patriotic, for ukrainian, let’s say, parties , there, i will not even name, who never voted much, but supported everything pro-russian, watched russian channels there, worked there. everyone is there dishes that receive this signal, and they all sat for years on this needle of russian propaganda, that's why the ukrainian population there
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speak ukrainian, in evacuations, they interview many people there, well, most of them are people of such a respectable age, there are pensioners, that's all , they speak ukrainian very well, it's nice to hear them, but let's say the percentage that still speaks russian in their heads. very large, many of them fled when these territories were liberated to russia, left, left their property, maintain some connections there, but they are sitting in russia and waiting when it will be possible to return there, or to make a new life there in their russian world, and those who understand that this is all, let's say, a lie and will not bring anything except death and destruction, well, they just leave either themselves, or our volunteers will evacuate them. the government is different, i saw an example just a few days ago, when one of the volunteers was filming, he brought 12 pensioners who were crippled there with walking sticks,
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some kind of crutches, he takes them out of the car, and where did you get them, they ask him, and they are in fields were walking, you understand, people were walking through the fields from vovchansk all night, from these forces, what forces are there, there are 70 plus people there, they are already like that, well, sick people, and they are, nevertheless, without things from... . they still took the dogs with them from the house, and they went through these fields at night, so as not to get there, let's say, in the occupation, so as not to be, let's say, abandoned, killed, they were afraid, and they went out like this, they were lifted directly, i go through the fields, along the plantations, there are people there, there are two people, i just picked them up and took them out, he says in the same note and somewhere else in kharkiv, then, this is the situation, it is ambiguous, here it cannot be said that there are all zhduns or everyone there is waiting for russian peace, there is a layered perig there , and people are now undergoing changes in their heads, let's say so, under these blows, they finally, many of those, those who believed in this russian world are beginning to understand that it all
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happened. perennial on the ears. ugh. despite the fact that vovchanstvo is actually experiencing a second occupation during the same war. but we see that they are bogged down in half of the city in buildings and in the streets, this is what we have it is visible, as they say, far from vovchansk, but what you could clearly see was the so-called defense lines, even the western press is writing a lot about them now, and about a ten-kilometer one. where, where did they stop the russian zone and what are there others, there is already a temporary investigative commission in the parliament, kharkiv region is in the center of attention, the one that you, mr. bohdan, as a city deputy would answer, maybe you saw with your own eyes, there is that search, dig, there will be a lot of work in the temporary investigative commission, well, there are two options, it is not investigative,
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it has a different name there, and accordingly. it has limited powers, to put it in legal terms, because our government specifically made it so that the set of tools for the work of this commission was minimal, let's say, there are deputies there, it was created, in six months it should give the first result of some sort, but well i understand that, let's say, at the stage of creation , it will not be quite investigative, but more specialized, as they called it. it is specialized, thanks for the tip, it is specialized, it is not the investigator, because it is panarachamy there, seems to be very confused about this and then they already created, they want, they, well, the investigator there has very serious powers to summon people to make, let's say there some interrogations there and everything else there is obliged, well, you understand, so with about what was happening here with the fortification, well , there was already a lot of chatter about it, of course there was a corruption component here, of course those people
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who, let's say... the one-day workers of the organization, who signed the contracts, who tried to do something there, they mastered the money, and what they do it there, whether they brought it in or not, even for the part of the money they had to buy the wood there, the metal there to hire workers, they did, let’s say, part of this work, they threw it away somewhere, they took the money, well, what am i for i will finish there, that's clear, the other question is those of our organizations that worked there, building a residential building, a residential building, a residential building. 2 seems to be a load, these are our well-known kharkiv construction organizations that worked, so i talked to the management of zhylostroy 2, they say, well, we were allocated a small piece of land there, a very small amount of money, because most of it went to one place, we did 100% what the military told us, built fortifications there, signed the surrender there, and we were not allowed anywhere else, let's say , well, this is such, this is such an example, and the majority, after
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all. that's more than 50%, that's the kind of one-dayers where they bought wood there for 300 a round, and when they came, they already bought eight, that is, mr. bohdan, we don't have much time, but just explain, look, before the parliament started working, it somehow reacted by all these blockades and massacres, before that we heard that the head of the military administration, sinigubov , said that he would call all the contractors and subcontractors to the keel. but after that silence we never understood what it caused and what were the consequences? oh, well, as he was summoned to oleksiniga, of course he held another meeting there , where, they say, people connected to the construction of the fortification were gathered under cameras, well, most of them were officials, he had a deputy there, who, let's say yes, i controlled this whole situation, and what they can report, we have
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everything is fine, everything is fine with us, and we... somehow we are building all this and dogs and everything else, well, we don’t have to take anything else from them, so i don’t want to criticize olig sengubov here, because you know, there is a commission, there is an investigative body, let them sort it out, the man is working now, he has been doing his own business for the whole war, he is the same with us, the head of the military administration, so let him work, the investigators are sorting it out, if such a situation has already happened, it was brought up, let's say on a-a all channels. on all networks, and people are everything see, i think this will give a little help to those who in the future want to make such schemes think 10 times before we say to do it, so we will have hope, and we are waiting for law enforcement officers, at least answers to which, for example, the parliamentary commission will definitely will not give us an answer. mr. bohdan, thank you for being with our viewers this morning, bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, about the situation in the city after the massive
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shelling. ee missile and bomb, then we will go to...


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