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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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and all that other stuff, well, if you don’t have to take anything else from them, that’s why i don’t want to criticize oleg senyubov here, because, you know, there is a commission, there is an investigative body, let them figure it out, the person is working now, he is already busy with his own affairs throughout the war, he has remained unchanged, the head of the military administration, so let's let him work, the investigators are looking into it, if such a situation has already happened, it was brought up, let's say, on all channels, on all networks, and people see it... everyone sees it, i think this will give a little help to those who want to make 10 such schemes in the future once we think before we say to do, then we will have hope, and we are waiting for the law enforcement officers, at least answers, to which, for example, the parliamentary commission will definitely not give us an answer. mr. bohdan, thank you for being with our viewers in the morning, bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, about the situation in the city after massive shelling, rocket and bomb attacks. next, let's go.
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in the neighboring sumy oblast, the drg has been activated there, people are asked to evacuate if possible, but wait a few minutes after a short pause. with faith in the future, persistently, every day. we make efforts to win and realize our dreams, we overcome difficulties and obstacles to forge our victory. this is exactly what rivnensk films are about. june in rivne, hall of chamber and organ music, come and see, ukrainian and foreign feature films and documentaries, there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on estezifin, 15% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings. have you ever seen a classic in underwear? i wrote a children's poem here, listen to it, a tractor in a field of holes. then why are we for peace?
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hi! it's. svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news.
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and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become their own languages ​​for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast in winter, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening with an espresso. hello, how are you there, and it's normal, slowly, so they gave us nine new tanks. guess, now turn on the video link, i 'll give you a tour, but come, we 'll be here for another two weeks, i'll take you for a ride, and not only on a tank, right here near the station in grozhovka, he'll say that you'll be allowed to go to the student, well yes, student, that's my call sign, right here near the wall in the grozivka, i'll say that you will be allowed to go to the student, that's how it is there.
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today you don't follow the information schedule safety, iskanders will visit you tomorrow, the enemy hears, be careful. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover. the enemy with heavy fire and
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returns meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. we are returning to ether, as promised , we will talk about sumy region further before our conversation. nataliya kalinichenko will literally join in a moment, and we will talk about bilopil, remember, it is actually a community there that is constantly shelled, and despite that, not all people leave, some return, everyone has their own arguments, some come for the day, some leave for the night to safer places, because we also remember that very often they are shelled at night, and this applies to... only sumyshchyna, this is actually the entire front-line territory, the entire border territory, because that is how they are used to it at night, when people are more vulnerable, here we will explain bilopil, it is actually almost on the border, from that side comes a russian aunt with a destroyed, shelled distillery, which
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was the biggest blow , as they say, under the breath of the russian peace, they quite often fight there after all these raids and arrivals, and here is a very interesting moment... we remember that sumy oblast is perhaps the longest russian-ukrainian border, there is the zone from which there was a forced evacuation of 5 km, exactly in in this zone, and recently through prozoro , 9 billion was developed, they will build a road, how do you like the story, that is, we take people out, and we build a road, we build a road, but nevertheless there is this one more nuance, that on the one hand, why is there a road, if it is simplified? may the lives of the occupiers, if they want to enter, and on the other hand, it also allows our troops to bring their forces, ammunition there in case of something, and well, if there is such an unfortunate need, then to evacuate the wounded, that is, the double-edged sword ends here , then who is building these roads, if ukrainian citizens
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it is forbidden to be in this zone, in this place, or the martians are building these border roads, we have to take a break, we already have it at least, a telephone connection with deputy bilopi'. good morning, glory to ukraine , glory to the heroes, good morning, what does it look like for you, was something beaten up, did it arrive this night or was it allowed to sleep, how did it arrive on schedule, we heard explosions somewhere from four to five o'clock, somewhere nearby, well most likely, it was artillery shelling, because the alarm was not announced, now in the sumy region an alarm has been announced. the threat of ballistics, well, that 's how we live, but with communication, is it actually the lack of quality communication, is it because of those shellings, or is there simply no electricity, how does everything look there now, well, it looks periodically, after the last very
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powerful shellings in our country in general, there were problems with the connection to the internet, now it is being fixed little by little in places, but due to the lack of light , they sometimes turn off. the connection is switched off for periods and certain territories, well, we are talking with you, so we have a connection today, is there a possibility to establish under such conditions some kind of notification to the population in case of various situations, very quickly, if there is no internet, if mobile operators are not working, maybe mobile operators, have you already worked out this scheme, this scheme has already been worked out, i will tell you this, when it would not be... in fact all over the place internet in most of the city, it was really scary, because i didn’t even know what was going on, what the alarm was, messengers and telegrams didn’t work, but now everything is gradually working, there are warning signals in many neighborhoods of the city, that is, not only
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in the center, now they are establishing communication and in principle we hear, we know, if in any case we call each other and say: alarm, hide, already people somehow... agree among themselves and notify each other, you say hide, i am here now i am sitting, reading, an entire underground city will be built on the basis of the metro in kharkiv, it is clear there, there are communications deep underground, where in bilopilla are hiding during these shellings, well, look at our statistics, sad statistics, terrible, the overwhelming number of people died and the wounded are people who were on the street during shelling, yes, if a person is only killed. somewhere indoors, then the question of her saving her life is much greater than if she were under, on the street under the open sky, the rohs undermined everything that was at hand, so and so and so, people, people simply, when you walk down the street, you already calculate your route like this, you immediately go and look for at least one
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house where you can run into, so this is how we live and we know that we are not far from the houses, because at any moment we will have to hide, run into some shelter, ugh mrs. natalya, please tell me, these subversive groups, about which we hear that they are more and more active, and precisely in sumy oblast, how deep are they now entering our territory? did not fit, in any case, we can only read about it from the reports of the border guards of our respective services, and that is good, because our border is currently protected, so battles are taking place, clashes are taking place, we are in bilopilla, well, maybe somewhere we hear that there there were some shots, but to bilopyl, well, anyway... so far i haven't heard any i don't know of such cases that they would get anywhere, and what is their mood? in neighboring sumy
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, they tried to launch ipso, they even managed to frighten a few people, then somehow they gave way, how are the attitudes towards these options now, what about the massive crossing of the border by the russian-fascist occupier directly from sumy? her moods are completely different, you know the emotional swings of people from local reports. the neighbor said, i know for sure, her son works for her, he called, said that there will be an attack on budanov's messages, all this is being discussed, people tell each other, tell different versions, folk omens, look, yesterday was quiet, so tomorrow it will be, but the situation is very uneasy, to be honest, people are scared and the evacuation of white dust, fortune-telling, other... border towns has been announced, she did her thing, and people,
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many people left, many are in such a state of stress, in a state of stress, unfortunately, we have experience when the eva evacuated our five-kilometer zone, in particular selorizhivka, and people were actually taken out under fire from a huge risk to the lives of both those who took out and those who were taken out, we have seen all this before, so people today do not want a repetition. it was a picture of what life looks like in sumy oblast, specifically in the bilopol community from natalia kalinichenko, a member of the bilopol city council. we'll take a short break and continue on... in the afternoon to the azov coast in the temporarily occupied territory, we'll move, and we'll find out in a few minutes. in the latest
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7:45 am
before the main match of the season, whether real madrid will end the fairy tale of borussia with lunin in goal, find out on june 1 at 22:00 exclusively on megok. when will the war end? in the imagination of europeans until the middle of 2025. just before at that time, most eu countries plan to end support programs for ukraine. no forecasts for... how the future fate of ukrainians will be, and no proposals. in 2025, the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians, and they will no longer have a special status. i keep asking myself this question, what will happen next? if last year we talked about the fact that i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home,
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this year i don't know. and what do the refugees themselves think about their future and how are they preparing for it 2025 year. and we are in ukraine. are you ready? the government should have a demographic strategy. documentary tape "expelled by war, the price is not return". on saturday, may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world. front society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick up bc,
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pick up boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of the cold gorge in the direction of chasiv. you've just heard the cold ravine zero-to-life atvs, guys they say what they need. please, if possible, always include the card number in the qr code. we have as many people on the screen as possible, because there are really no small donations, but the more the better, of course, we are going south, as promised viktor dudukalov, the deputy head of the berdyansk district council is in touch with us, mr. viktor, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, congratulations, tell me please, they continue to talk about the fact that they are building a railway, transporting equipment, and it seems that
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this railway is actively working only on one small section, or is it somewhere in the vicinity of berdyansk? near berdyansk, where is it, how much does that equipment take? in fact, it is quite predictable that it was the occupiers who entered the territory of zaporizhzhia region by railway, who were preparing, they actively started preparations to lay the railway, and not so long ago they only started active work on laying the railway in our region, and this.. berdyansk district meets them from donetsk region, and today the railway has not even reached berdyansk, i understand that there is no question of work in zaporizhzhya region. i guess they say that it works in the territory of donetsk region, but i am not sure about the region, i mean the new railway, because
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for weeks we literally had reports that through the red field, the village through osypenko to... . it approaches the coast, it approaches very seriously, it turns out that it will be as close as possible to the training ground in the village of novopetrivka, because military logistics will be the most convenient for them, and in general, we understand , that the railway must be sooner or later seriously and very seriously affected, because we understand that it will be used exclusively for war. there won't be any passenger traffic there, uh, well, but they have the ability to restore it quickly, so it must be some very severe damage, so that they can't restore it quickly , right? of course, of course, but understanding that it is located at a different distance from the front, it can potentially be affected by various weapons, not always expensive long-range weapons, so we believe that fire control will be over it
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it is established that at least the occupiers will be afraid and will think very seriously. think hard about whether it is necessary to use it at all or not, as was once the case with the crimean bridge, we do not see today that the crimean bridge is difficult to use, well, the railway can become so, why not, it is much closer, well really railway sabotage, as the partisans say, it is cheaper than hitting with high-precision and expensive missiles, that is, it is necessary to bet on it faster, for sure, but it is up to us to decide, as they say, let them plan in the ranks... in the general staff, and what is happening in general now in occupied berdyansk, the information that is going out, perestroika has started, they are changing something there to their own. e occupation administrations, then we hear that the administration says: "oh, oh, in a week it's summer, the holiday season, it's time to open." well, it all
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sounds kind of crazy. well, yes, two in one bottle, the whole collapse and horror of that life, in fact, regarding the organs that they are liquidating there, or creating, or doing something else there, they have today put it into the stage of liquidation berdyansk in... and it seems that the russians are planning to bring their quasi-organizations closer to the standards of the russian federation, that is , administrative units, subordinations, districts and tds and tps, to do as directly in russia, so that there are no such temporary bodies of theirs, such as the birnyansk vga, that is well, today they are subjecting them to liquidation. accordingly, i appoint temporary leaders in order to liquidate and directly form new ones, of course, this is only about the formal component, and not about any actual
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component for this territory, for local residents, as an example of the holiday season, which i will smoothly move on to, is completely out of the question, because it is really a week before the official holiday season, at one time in normal ukrainian berdyansk times. at the end of may, every weekend was full of people, from the day of the constitution, berdyansk was full all the time until the day of independence, today there are zero vacationers in berdyansk, 0%. recreation of tourists, accordingly, no one predicts that they will be, the occupiers, remember, they said that they were waiting for half a million tourists, this in general, just space, it’s fantastic, considering the situation there, and i won’t get tired of repeating that there is such a large amount of war, military, equipment, relays, soldiers, ammunition and so on, well, there won’t be
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a holiday season there, well, what are we talking about, i 'm not anymore, i'm already silent about the infrastructure, which practically does not work today for the locals, of whom less than half are left there, and what do we say about tourists who increase the load on everything, absolutely everything, and what do we say about the fact that ... since november, even the consequences of bad weather have not yet been overcome, the consequences bad weather has not been overcome by the occupiers, and what do we say about the fact that the hotel and resort business is mostly for sale, not preserved, not used, and the one who worked, or was, or is employed by the occupiers, mr. viktor, but what are berdyans surviving on then, it's no secret that when the holiday season began, someone received money from the rent. many people provided services, traded whatever they could, as they say, from beach baklava to everything else, so how will those berdyans who
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remained in the occupation survive? well first of all, the overwhelming majority of the not so young and able-bodied population remained in the occupation, they mostly left the occupied territory, there remained either pensioners, whose pension, more or less , comes on the card and they can dispose of it. or the more or less active youth who still receive some money from ukraine and also survive on it, and strangely enough, berdyansk residents, as in various turbulent times, difficult times, are fed by the market, and since the beginning of the occupation , the central market of berdyansk has become the center of decision-making, the place where it is determined, what is the currency today, what is the exchange rate, if it is relevant, what are people eating, what are people talking about, such a market, that is, the central market today, this is the place where a lot of people trade everything, but, if at one time there was many tourists and traded
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everywhere, today everyone has a central market in one place, and what is most cool, interesting and even a little strange for me, but nice, is that the central market is, in fact, for ukraine, that is, the decision-making center in berdyansk human. for ukraine, and imagine horror, on one example, the horror of the holiday season, prospects, if at one time our beaches were rented out through a competition and due to very strict conditions, and then the beaches needed serious investments from businesses, today the occupiers offer beaches for rent for free, i.e. just take them for free, well, take care of them, pay for garbage removal there, clean them and so on, but take them for free. and this, because the beaches will be empty, empty, and the market has survived even in the winter, and i hope that the people who live there will live even better in the summer they trade, they haul fish to the sea, they carry...
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they carry strawberries, they carry cherries and so on and so on and so on and so they survive , unfortunately berdyansk has returned to you , we have a question about berdyansk itself and about the surrounding area, firstly, do you have something similar in berdyansk like in mariupol, when the local population from russia is brought there from somewhere deep there, because if the market works, they sell to someone, then they must have buyers, and the second question, if you say that so many ukrainians left , there are not many left, then... . for who are they then building these filtration camps and intensifying this pressure? and first, the first point, regarding mariupol, we don’t have such a thing, in mariupol a lot of things are done in such a showy way, and that’s why they built houses without self-assembly so showily. berdyansk, the situation was different, because berdyansk completely survived during the occupation, so here it is not they stop, they just come there and they assimilate and they just... created in
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the local population the eyes of all the visiting russians, the second point, for whom and for what are they being built camps and what are these repressions for in general, just for that, for that small amount of the local population that remained and who identify themselves as ukrainians, despite the fact that there are few people left, still there is a very, very large percentage of pro-ukrainian people, still there remains an incredibly large percentage of those who have not... received passports, but people are silent about all this, it is you, it is their safety, it is their salvation, that they are silent about their position, that is why they are not seen, they are not heard, but we know exactly what is there an incredible percentage, we cannot voice it today, because it is unknown, but every berdian who left the occupied territory knows at least one, maybe 10 people who
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remain in the occupied territory and who. are for ukraine mentally, and they watch espresso as well, believe me, so the occupiers know all this, and they are preparing these repressions, continue to branch them out, and there was another rotation not so long ago, they drove in some new police units and began to give nightmares to people, those who were on basements, to pick up again, those who were not in the basement, to pick up for the first time and so on, so unfortunately, the repressions have not gone anywhere and will not rise, the occupiers are afraid of ukrainians, inside the occupied territory, well, we have one more minute, actually for that , that you have already mentioned certain information, when in crimea, for example, bavovna performed well that night, do older people in berdyansk have the opportunity to find out about it, we understand that russian tv is silent about it, uses some and some channels, use channels telegram is relevant, well, by relevant i mean as a messenger, as a way of receiving
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information, but they are afraid, many people are afraid, because they do not know how to properly produce hygiene, because the occupiers check the search history, they just click on the search term and see , what a person last searched for, that's why people have separate instructions on how to get information, and that's why many people simply choose not to do it, and that's why we sometimes answer the questions of people in the occupation, whether zaporizhzhia is occupied or not, for example, that is, in people and... propaganda works very seriously, if they do not look, they even ask such questions, so people hold back, but these consequences are certain, mr. viktor, thank you for being with the viewers of espresso at this time of the morning, viktor dtokalov, deputy head of the berdyansk district council, about life under temporary occupation in a city that once blossomed at this time and was preparing for the holiday season, or occupied from zaporizhzhia, can't imagine how their
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propaganda can work, what? news is coming soon on the spresso and khrystyna parobii tv channel ready to share information about the most important thing at the moment. christina, you have a word. greetings colleagues, thank you about the situation in the regions of ukraine, after the russian shelling i will tell you in the issue, as well as about the situation at the front. coming soon, don't miss it. news on espresso. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. two people were injured due to enemy shelling in the dnipropetrovsk region. at dawn, the enemy attacked the nikopol district. the occupiers hit the district center with kamikaze drones several times, and the marganytsia community was covered with artillery fire.


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