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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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money in the budget, thank you, this is the main message, all the last, excuse me, emotions, ugh, thank you, oleg penzyn, a member of the economic discussion club, was on the espresso ether, we thank him, and it is already time for news on espresso, so we pass the word to our colleague, kateryna shiropoyas, who has already prepared a fresh and up-to-date selection of information with the news editor, katya, we congratulate you, give you the floor, and ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. greetings, colleagues, i will tell you promptly in a moment. the most important events of ukraine and world, wait and do not switch. greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the direction of kharkiv, the situation is stable, and also... controlled, the defense forces have stopped
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the russian troops and are trying to restore lost positions. this was stated by ihor prokhorenko. he stated this during a briefing at the ukraine ukrinform media center. temporary acting deputy chief of the main directorate of the general staff of the armed forces. on the kharkiv direction. as for the kharkiv direction. that's it direction, you already know that from may 10 the enemy is leading the next. operation aimed at creating a buffer zone in the kharkiv region. today, the situation there is stable and controlled, the enemy is stopped, fire damage is inflicted on him, and offensive assault actions to restore the lost position are planned and carried out by the defense forces. law enforcement officers have identified the identities of all seven people who died as a result of yesterday's russian attacks on the kharkiv printing house. four people, criminologists. identified by dna samples,
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this was reported by the head of the investigative department of the police serhiy bolvinov, the 26-year-old kharkiv man had to provide dna samples to make sure that his mother was among the dead, she worked as a typist in a printing press, and only after dna comparison was another typist, a typist, and a typewriter, a packer identified . in general, after yesterday's attack on kharkiv, seven people died, 21 people were injured. ukrainian energy industry cannot be protected from massive russian missile attacks. such a statement was made by the minister of energy of ukraine, explaining to the parliament the quality of fortification structures around power system facilities. according to him, the buildings guarantee protection to herman hlushchenko only against attacks by enemy drones and lethal vehicles. it was about systems that provide security. the relevant objects from drone
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attacks, from drone attacks, so it is absolutely impossible to protect, for example, the majzal of the station in such a way as not to protect it from massive missile strikes. poland, together with ukraine , is starting to prepare the text of the agreement on security guarantees, the marshal said malgozata kidawablonska of the sejm of poland. today she spoke in the ukrainian parliament. malhozhatablonska assured the parliamentarians of further cooperation, both in providing assistance to the country and in the process of european integration. we will do everything to ensure that the process of ukraine's integration with the european union begins this year. ukraine's negotiations with the european union. it will certainly be a long, difficult process, but it is desirable that it begins. we discussed all
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issues related to our cooperation, defense issues, defense of ukraine, issues related to the formation of an international compensation mechanism, issues of cooperation between our parliaments. today we are starting official negotiations on the text of the agreement on security guarantees between ukraine and poland, and we want this agreement to be maximal. ambitious he saved others at the cost of his own life. taras chayka, hero of ukraine, soldier of the 125th brigade of territorial defense forces. he received a fatal wound in a battle in the east of ukraine. see his story below. it is necessary that people see, know, and generations was brought up by such boys who bravely and courageously went to defend, protect and give their lives for our country. these are mogu things. of the son
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of cheika teras, who died on november 2 , 2022, this is his cassock, here, if you look, in the garden, there is even... it is signed that these are the things of a chemist, because his call sign was a chemist, they also brought chevrons, he was in the tro, the flag of ukraine, the tro insignia, chevron treon, chevrund of the 125th brigade, he was the intelligence commander, this is the intelligence insignia. taras chayka, hero of ukraine, scout of the 125th brigade of forces. defense of the armed forces. he came to the defense of ukraine at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, although he had health problems, his sense of patriotism and duty to the state prompted him to join the army voluntarily. at 5 in the morning , i called and said: "taras,
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the war has started." he said: "mom, i know, i didn't go to bed last night, i already packed." i say: "taras, what are you talking about? mom, i'm going to war." and... the very first day he went to the military mother to register for four days, he proved to the military mother that he could go to serve. taras chaika served in the 125th brigade of forces territorial defense. at first he was in lviv, and in april he voluntarily joined the intelligence unit and fought in donetsk region. he calls me and says: mom, i'm transferring to intelligence, i can't be in the headquarters when... there's a war and we have to fight, we talked in groups every day in the morning and in the evening, i asked you to send any what a news that everything is fine with you. but on november 2, 2022, the woman did not receive any message from her son. then the soldier
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went on a combat mission in the area between lyman and kremina. not from him anymore came back he didn't want to say anything so that i wouldn't worry, although i would support him. all the time, i believed that everything would be fine, our last conversation was four days before his death, he called me and she was at work, she says she wants to talk to you, i say, son, i’m at work, talk, i can talk, no , you will be home, dial me, please, i dialed him, we really had a very long conversation, we talked with him for more than an hour, i was always worried... i cried, and that time when we talked, it was very fun, we laughed somehow , rejoiced, he was very happy such a positive, as i now understand, he did not just want to upset, they knew where they were going, during that combat sortie , taras chaika was killed, but he saved his comrades
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who were traveling with him in the car, he was gone in a second, but being mortally wounded, he drove the car to the opposite side of the shelling and the boys from... all remained alive. for this act, taras chaika was awarded the title of hero of ukraine. he is forever 29. this award is a memory for a mother, wife and daughter. he was a very great patriot. saved life, did not save himself, could save himself. saved the boys' lives. all remained alive. and he was gone. saluting life for one's homeland is, i believe, a very great feat. er , to put one's own life, a lesser value, than the life of others and one's homeland, well, it is for me, it is, i am proud of my son, no matter how courageous he is. khrystyna parobiy, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. i am asking you to join the
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urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. warriors with cars move in positions. and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars. it remains to buy the necessary transport already in ukraine and transfer it to the front. in general, our goal is uah 300,000. thanks to you, we have already managed to collect more than uah 230,000. your every donation is very important. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens, so there's nothing stopping you from hitting the ground running. for now, that's all the news i have as of this hour. you and i have been seeing each other for less than an hour, in order to learn more about something interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website, my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskiy are waiting for you on the air, don't switch!
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we will continue the information day of the tv channel in rozpal itself. to inform you and together with you to analyze the important events of today, and here came the information that germany has transferred new aid to ukraine, this aid, in particular, included tanks. desk, drones, ammunition, this is evidenced by the data of the german ministry of defense, well, actually, this package also included a lot of armored vehicles and other equipment that our soldiers need so much now. we will now have the opportunity to talk with mykhailo bondar, people's deputy of ukraine, about the so-called commission, yes, not an investigative commission, but a special commission that should... actually deal with what happened at the fortifications in the kharkiv region,
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in particular, yes, were there really any abuses, because, let me remind you, last week all ukrainians were shaken by information from anti-corruption officers who discovered that until tenders, actually, which related to the construction of fortifications in the kharkiv region, companies that had certain signs of fictitiousness were admitted, and in fact, on the second attempt, the people's elected officials still voted on... which actually provides for the creation of a so-called commission, which should actually investigate this issue , and we will actually discuss it with mr. mykhailo, but while we are waiting for mr. mykhailo to be included, i also want to inform you of important information, the ministry of finance of ukraine reported how much money was spent on defense and security, and they say that in four months , half a trillion hryvnias were allocated to this sphere from the state budget. this is almost 60% of the total amount of expenses of the general fund of the state budget, and i will also remind you that the minister
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of finance serhiy marchenko says that we cannot do without raising taxes, in particular he says that the military levy will have to be increased, maybe it will also increase vat in ukraine, and already in june-july the corresponding bill is planned to be submitted to the verkhovna rada, whether the people's deputies will be ready to vote on this law, we do not know, but they literally had... before the news to include oleg penzen, an economist, who says that we cannot do without raising taxes, because while we were waiting for help from our partners and allies, we had to take money from the all-ukrainian budget in order to purchase ammunition, and actually now we have a big hole in the budget to cover other military expenses for which our partners do not give money, in particular, the provision of military personnel, their salaries, and so on. ugh, thanks marco well, your reflection on this matter is extremely important, well, meanwhile , the signal from the marshal of the polish
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senate is important, so the war in ukraine has entered a difficult phase, i am quoting malgozhat kydava blondska, as she stated, by the way, at a joint briefing with the head of the verkhovna rada of ukraine by ruslan stefanchuk. blondska's direct speech. we are all aware that the war in ukraine has entered a difficult phase. "we are convinced that good coordination of political initiatives of individual governments and parliaments is important for preserving international support according to her, the world should get involved, the whole world should get involved in supporting ukraine, first of all by supplying the appropriate weapons , and emphasized that poland will do everything to start the process of negotiations regarding ukraine's accession to the eu already this year. it will be a long and difficult" process, but it is desirable that it begins. well, actually, now, unfortunately, we will not be able to add mykhailo bondar, because
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the meeting is in progress, so we would like to remind you once again that from may 18, a new a law that tightens, tightens the rules mobilization, yes, and actually all conscripts need to update their credentials by july 16, if they have not done so yet, about the intricacies of this draft law, how to go through all these stages, we learned on... our colleagues, so we suggest watching the story together in just a few moments. starting on may 18 and during the next 60 days, all military-obliged citizens must update their military registration data. this norm is mandatory for everyone, in particular for reserved, deferred men, military service women, as well as men abroad, so as not to lose the right to consular services. protect the homeland. it is necessary and accordingly necessary for people to be motivated, healthy, and this is checked by
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the military medical commission, and the state needs to know where they live, how they can be contacted, and we reject this. there are now three options for updating data: tsk itself, tsnapy and the reserve plus mobile application. queues lined up before the law came into force at the territorial collection centers. men from flowing from the dock... at times they came right after curfew, stood in the rain, waited on children's carousels, but it was not volunteers who came to outrun the law, but those who were not afraid. now they came to the tcc, the majority of people to update their data, who either have armor, or have some health issues there, who are sure that they will practically not be drafted. another reason for the queues could be the schedule of tsk. in theory, they work around the clock, but there were reception hours for updating data, only in the first half days, sometimes even only on certain days.
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46 or so, when the soviet government. a new option to clarify data in tsnapa, they are accepted there according to the center's standard work schedule, the administrator enters your data into the electronic system, the information is automatically pulled into the amulet, the applicant receives an extract with the beginning and signature of the administrator of tsnap about updating the data. as a result, the generated extract will be sent to her e-mail. after submitting an application and checking all the data that a person has declared, he is responsible for the declared data, an application is formed, an application is signed, then the system generates an extract, and the formation of such an extract can take some time, as of the morning of may 18 , there were no queues for checkpoints, however, the first users of the service
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assure that everything is happening in an organized and fast manner. queues queues at the tsc are huge, you come, you sign up in the morning, it is not known when you will get in today or not, it is much better when you came, took a ticket, you have your number, estimated waiting time, took a ticket, sat there alone, well, what minutes i sat for 20 minutes, logged in, updated the data, that's it, you have one more time, another innovative solution, the launch of the reserve plus mobile application, until june it works in test mode, you can update it there. and gain access to the amulet registry. the procedure takes less than 15 minutes, so it is the fastest and most optimal of all those listed. in the morning of may 18, the ministry of defense concluded that 150,000 citizens were successfully authorized in the application. it takes 15-20 minutes in the reserve plus application. even
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if there will be cyberattacks, even if there will be some technical failure, although we do not foresee it, and actually. in other words, the application is already ready, so it will be possible to do it electronically without leaving home, without letting go of the smartphone, the risks, let 's say, have been taken into account, the possibilities, including the access to servers, have also been taken into account, accordingly, we expect that everything will work , in practice, other citizens on social networks shared that the application does not work, while those lucky ones who managed to update... the data claim that the process lasted several minutes, well, it did not work at first, and then it started, now gave up, updated, and there for 5 seconds, that is, he pulls all the data from the bank id, and they appear there at once, however, in order to get the desired win-code, which is the only proof of the data update, you will still have to go to
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the shopping center, or wait for june 18, that's when, according to the ministry of defense, such... it will be possible to generate a reserve plus in the application, it will be possible to update this minimum data, but you will receive a qr code, the corresponding no, but again, the data will be considered updated, most importantly, that a person will fulfill his duty according to the law. in addition, from may 4, 2024 year, the rules for the disabled changed. this status was canceled, so conscripts must undergo a re-examination within nine months. the medical commission, which will determine the unfitness or the degree of suitability, the corresponding error is also issued in the tcc. depending on the diagnosis, on the results of the vlk, it may be, may be recognized as one that can serve in, depending, again on the conclusion, in
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units, for example, in the same tsksp, in universities, in headquarters units, in... security units, in rear units. apart from the law on mobilization, another one was adopted regarding fines. so, if you don't like any of the methods and you haven't updated the data, you will have to respond to the new prices. violation of military registration in a special period will cost from 17 to 25 00 uah, and evasion of mobilization from 17 to 25 00 uah for citizens and from 34 to 50 uah for officials and legal entities. if a person wants to evade, well, for sure, the ministry of defense should not contribute to the fact that a person has any for this. it is important to take the updated military registration document with yourself always and everywhere. now , in addition to employees of the tcc and sp,
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border guards and police officers can check it. the latter also gained the right to detain and deliver evaders to the tcc, but not to issue summonses themselves. if a person evades both the tsc and the national police, with the help of themis, his right to drive a vehicle will be restricted , which will be revoked. immediately after updating the data, the law that was tried for so long to be adopted in the verkhovna rada, and so passionately discussed in society, finally entered into force. you need to update the data by the 16th july, but only time will tell whether the fear of losing will prevail over the fear of mobilization. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, but i really want... to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv, hurry to order at a special price, only from 999 uah.
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light. and very powerful, mow the lawn in the most difficult to reach places, near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simply and easily, leave big heavy mowers in the past, choose trimmers kors, classic or lawn mowers, light and comfortable, even women can use them, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds, and at the same time they are practically silent. no more heavy, bulky lawnmowers, oil or gas to fill up, just convenience, comfort and a well -kept plot. order lightweight and reliable kors trimmers from just uah 999. call! russian dictator vladimir putin's refusal to offer a truce on the timing of the 24th olympics shows that the head of the kremlin is determined to continue
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the war against ukraine and is not ready for peace, french president emmanuel macron said in an interview with sinbc. he commented on putin's rejection of the proposal to hold a truce during the olympic games and according to the french president, the olympic truce is a tradition, it would be very important to use this window for one month. this is an important point to understand, because so far president putin, i am quoting macron, has declared every week that he open to peace. at the same time, macron emphasized. that an armistice is not an end, but a permanent peace is the goal and the end. therefore , it is clear to everyone in the world that putin has decided to start and continue this war, and he is not ready for peace. in the meantime, we will add artem ravchuk, a member of the kharkiv city council, to our team in order to find out what is happening in the city of kharkiv. mr. artem, we welcome you to the espresso airwaves, and glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes,
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congratulations. studio ukraine. well, yesterday's shelling one was one of the toughest, in fact of all that there were, the russians targeted the publishing house, yes, there are dead and wounded people in the printing house of the publishing house. actually, if we are talking about the consequences , has the number of people affected by this attack not increased, well, can you share with us, in principle, the situation as of today, what is happening, actually at the place of that arrival, are there any ongoing works? well, yesterday was indeed a rainy day for kharkiv residents, i personally know the owner of this printing house, i am in the company's group he worked for more than 10-10 years in management positions, i say again, i know him personally, he was a patriotic person with a clear pro-ukrainian position, well, as we can see, lately it's all about such people
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, unfortunately, there are casualties. seven, seven dead, more than 20 wounded, today, you may have already seen the footage, the president of ukraine came there, he was at the scene of the shooting, of course , the equipment was destroyed, many books were burned, it was the largest, one of the largest printing complexes , in principle in the whole europe, er, as we see, the enemy specifically strikes not only at... people, but also at culture, destroys everything that can destroy, everything that helps ukrainians, well, let's say, to develop , eh, that's why we see such consequences, unfortunately, terrible, yes, mr. artem, it is actually known that the printing house was destroyed and 50,000 books were burned, and there is also information that the blow actually hit this printing house, it destroyed 40% of the capacity. book
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printing of ukraine, and they are already saying that there may be a problem with textbooks because of actually this russian attack, we understand that the russians, they also make the functioning of any business on the territory of kharkiv region and kharkiv in particular unbearable, well , what do you think, after those series of strikes, after these constant shellings, the mood of business, they will still change and certain. part can be relocated to other regions, because we understand that as long as there is infrastructure and business, people stay there, if this infrastructure is not there and there are no conditions for life, then the civilian population as well there will be, let's say, no reason to stay, well , look, in fact, the enemy is not just like that, well, it only hits people, it pursues several goals, well, first of all, it is still
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destruction. business, and we all know that...


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