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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EEST

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our time with antin is running out, we say goodbye until next week, we will see you again in this studio on monday, our colleagues will continue to work for you, so stay with espresso, we will see you on monday, take care and all the best . time flies for news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. staff reduction in the general staff, the number of personnel in some units and military administration bodies will be reduced by 60%. this was reported by the head of the main department of defense planning of the general staff yevhenii ostrianskyi. this process includes
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disbanding a number of military structures, forming new ones and optimizing existing ones. this is done in order to eliminate duplication of functions. the released servicemen will transfer to operational and tactical level headquarters, as well as to combat units, which will allow for the rotation of units that have been in the combat zone for a long time. the law enforcement officers have identified the identities of all seven people who died as a result of yesterday's russian strikes on the kha printing house. four people criminologists identified by dna samples, serhii bolvinov, the head of the investigative department of the police, said. a 26-year-old man from kharkiv had to provide dna samples to make sure that his mother was among the dead. she worked as a typist in a printing house. also, only after comparing the dna, they recognized another typist, typist and typewriter, packer. in total, after yesterday's attack on kharkiv , seven people died, 20. one person was
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injured. ukrainian prisoners were given the right to enter into contracts with the armed forces of ukraine until the end of martial law. this was stated by the head of the main personnel department of the general staff, roman horbach. he emphasized that this is not a mobilization of prisoners, because convicts can only sign the contract voluntarily. according to him , many prisoners have already shown initiative and expressed a desire to undergo military service. as for the completion of military service, there will be practically no special features, except that they will complete this service in specialized units, which in principle will not differ in any way, they will receive money, financial support exactly the same as other servicemen, leave for family reasons, but the only
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caveat is that they will not have a basic thirty-day leave. ukraine extradited the organizer of the illegal migration scheme. the law enforcement officers established that the 58-year-old citizen of one of the countries of south asia arrived in ukraine in 2016 and started working for russia. he coordinated a transnational criminal group to transport illegal immigrants to of the european union. moscow used this channel to destabilize the migration situation in the west. ukraine handed the attacker over to poland, where he was declared an international wanted man. poland, together with ukraine, is starting to prepare the text of the agreement on security guarantees. this was stated by the marshal of the sejm of poland, malgozheta kidawa blonska. today she spoke in the ukrainian parliament. malkozheta kidava blonska assured the parliamentarians of further cooperation, both in... providing aid to ukraine
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and in the process of european integration. we will do all in order to start the process of ukraine's integration with the european union this year. ukraine's negotiations with the european union. it will certainly be a long , difficult process, but it is desirable that it begins. we discussed all issues related to our cooperation, defense issues, defense issues. of ukraine, issues related to the formation of an international compensation mechanism, issues of cooperation between our parliaments. today we are starting official negotiations on the text of the agreement on security guarantees between ukraine and poland, and we want this agreement to be as ambitious as possible. in poltava oblast , ukrgasovydobuvannya employees stole gas condensate. this was reported in the national. police the three men
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built a scheme to understate the actual volumes of raw material production. they deliberately entered unfair data into official documents. non-accountable fuel and lubricant materials. they poured from the oil and gas separator into their own canisters, and later sold them, they managed to sell about 200 liters, the perpetrators face up to eight years in prison imprisonment. heavy rains once again covered the southern state of brazil, according to reuters, the port city of allegri was the most affected. record flooding over the past month has killed at least 163 people, forced about 6,000 more people from their homes, and left at least 64 people missing. according to the national meteorological institute , more rain fell in the port of allegria in 12 hours than is usual for the whole month.
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the international book fair started in the polish capital. 14 are taking part in the event countries and more than a thousand authors, illustrators and publishers. ukraine is traditionally a member of the zoa. west this year we are represented by 20 publishing houses, which brought over three hundred new books. maria chernyakhivska will tell more. the slogan of the ukrainian stand is the fragility of existence. it is designed to draw the attention of europeans to the situation in ukraine and the world. it seems important to us that we must continue to convey to the world what is happening with the country, what is happening in our mentality. about the revaluation of all values, which they should also think about. war in ukraine has affected the lives of both authors and publishing houses, which, despite shelling and circumstances, continue to work in ukraine. on the opening day of the event in warsaw, representatives
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of the kharkiv vivat publishing house experienced the tragedy that happened in the kharkiv printing house. when i learned about this news, i was preparing for a meeting with a foreign partner from , as our goal at this fair is to present ukrainian books with the aim of selling rights abroad, so that in poland, in particular, there will be more works written by by ukrainian authors, and i simply ran out of words, i was as if paralyzed, i could not control myself. despite this, publishers continue to present the newest books of the publishing house to readers and foreign partners. this is the final episode from eugene. me, and it covers not only the war that is going on now, it also covers the war that started 400 years ago, because ukrainians have been destroyed not only since the beginning of the 22nd year of the full-scale invasion, it has been going on for a long time, and we are fighting for their independence, for their identity,
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not the first, not the decade, but a century. nowadays, there is a lot of high-quality literature on war-related topics, but not every reader is ready for it. mother, say the publishers. people now want to distract themselves from reality with the help of a book. books, both non-fiction and fiction, that somehow resonate with the history of ukraine are very relevant, because there is such a demand for research on oneself, one's culture, some fill in the gaps, some rediscover ukraine and the entire context around it, and these books, they still are popular, and the same with... for adults, there is a certain tendency towards genre literature, not something from the high shelf, towards detective stories, thrillers, or there are some romantic comedies, that is, often people fantasy, too, people have a request for some kind of such an escape from reality. the demand for children's literature
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in the ukrainian language has also increased, publishers share. this year , at the event, there are many books for the youngest readers, and emma came for them. i would like to read. about animals, about animals, whatever, i like, i started to like books about fantastic cities, such as dragons in addition to cognitive, developmental and educational literature for children , modern heroic fairy tales with modern heroes also appear, and you can get to know them so that children know gently and without trauma who protects us, what we fight for, with whom against, that is, here ... without aggression, but so that the child is already ready to perceive the story more thoroughly and meaningfully and to see the story more clearly. the ukrainian stand also has books by our authors translated into polish, and those who want to immerse themselves more in
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the literary world can visit events for participation of ukrainian writers, which, like the fair, will take place until may 26 in the palace of culture and science. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk stopper you will forget that sleep on an imperfect surface. order the mattrik topper for a comfortable sleep . at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes
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, we persevere every day, we make efforts to win and realize our dreams, overcome difficulties and obstacles to forge our victory, this is exactly what the films of the rivne international film festival city of dreams from june 5 to 8 in rivne, hall of chamber and organ music, come and see, ukrainian and foreign feature films and documentaries, there are discounts presented by coco may discounts on valeriana bolgarska pills 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. events: events that happening right now and affecting our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited
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experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war. and how does the world live? two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. greetings aleikum, this is the bereber
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together program in ukrainian, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the first crimean tatar tv channel of the apr. today i am in the studio myself, andriy yanitskyi, my colleague gulsum khalilova will join next week, today she could not be with us, but that does not mean that there will be no program, we will talk, as usual, with the guests in the first part of the program about military news. the second is more about humanitarian stories from the occupied crimea. if you watch us on youtube, please like, subscribe to the espresso channel and the at channel. comment on this video, i will definitely come to the comments, see what you wrote there, i will answer you, definitely, we communicate with our viewers, and also during the program you can see qr codes, we collect money for 48- of the separate assault brigade named after noman chelebidzhan, this is a brigade that
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consists mainly of crimeans, and these are the people who will liberate crimea. please help them, the money is badly needed. so, let's start with a conversation with vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. vladyslav, congratulations. congratulations to you too, glory to ukraine. a hero of glory. please tell me, mr. vladyslav, what this week was remembered by the crimeans, if we are talking about the military achievements of the armed forces of ukraine. obviously, it seems to me that... it is worth paying attention to that cotton that is constantly resounds in different corners of crimea, and this cotton systematically thermothetically destroys the anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense potential of the russian occupiers, who have been ruling our land for more than 10 years. it is obvious that this activity seems obvious. the enemy loses not only its launchers of the s-300, s-400 complexes, it loses the opportunity to
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conduct radio-technical reconnaissance, to carry out certain measures of radio-electronic warfare, the enemy loses. elements of communication, all this is very important, because at one time the american general ben hodge claimed, that the key to the liberation of crimea from the enemy presence lies in the implementation of two important missions: the first mission is the destruction of the enemy's military potential, and we know that there are at least 232 enemy military facilities on the territory of crimea, and the destruction of a key logistical highway , with the help of which the enemy ensured his presence. not only in the crimea and sevastopol, but also in the south of kherson and in the south of zaporizhzhia oblasts, it is said, of course, about the kerch bridge, and so far we do not have resources in order to destroy the kertsiv bridge, our defense forces are systematically and methodically destroying all these important elements of the air defense system, thus creating a proper basis for further
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successful actions not only by our rocket operators or drone operators, various drones, it is also about aerial drones, and about ground ones. and about the sea, and it is also about the preparation of certain opportunities for the actions of our aviation component, because at the end of the day we received the fighter-16, and they can serve serious support for the actions of the ukrainian army both on the dry land and above the black equator in the perspective of the tayevaz sea, and therefore cotton blooms and that cotton itself is such a harbinger of the processes that will later take place in crimea, and all these measures, of course, will be associated with de-occupation. well , in fact, we saw when you were talking about the video from alushta, this video was posted in the public places of crimea, well, the partisans of the movement, and also, they also report that there were explosions in alushta, in dzhankoya, in the simferopol district, not far from akmjit, it turns out that there is
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a guerrilla movement there, which records the strikes or something. in this way, we find confirmation of the success of our strikes, not only our partisans operate in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea and sevastopol , and also, perhaps, the most media-supported group, as well as ukrainian elites, ukrainian scouts who investigate the movements of enemy forces and means, carry out reconnaissance and de-reconnaissance of the area, because it is effective... withdrawal of ours missiles and drones - this is the result of no less effective combat work of our intelligence officers, i understand that this is, of course, a military secret, but maybe you can somehow hint at it, and how is the contact between the residents of crimea and intelligence, well, let's assume that someone from crimea is watching now this broadcast and wants to report something important to the armed forces
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of ukraine, where to find these contacts, where to call, where to write? there are appropriate monitoring channels that have an appropriate history and that have appropriate secure networks for communication, in today's world 21 century is the century of information technology, it is not difficult to find the appropriate resources, the only thing is to understand that this information must be verified, because we understand that within the framework of counterintelligence activities, the russian fsb system very carefully monitors all pro-ukrainian citizens of crimea and. ee in crimea and sevastopol, and therefore it should be taken into account, of course, that there are relevant ee information resources of the main intelligence department of our country, which also have... a contact for feedback and someone who seeks to find opportunities, he definitely finds it. i try not to delve so deeply into the activities of the crimean partisans, because i understand
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that i am in a safe territory, which territory of ukraine, which is under the control of the ukrainian government, so i will not risk giving such advice or wishes, but whoever wants to find opportunities for communication, can do it, including using the appropriate resources. vpn communication and well, it seems logical to me that such an algorithm can find the official website of the ministry of defense of ukraine or the site of gur and the relevant contacts can be found there, that is, i did not even focus on the ministry of defense of ukraine, because it is related to slightly different processes, it is mainly related to the activity of providing for the ukrainian armed forces, and the gur security service. of ukraine, it provides the following opportunities for secure communications, accordingly, the transmission of certain information. there were also reports of hits to caliber carriers in
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sevastopol, but these reports were so ambiguous, that is, at first they said that a russian mine neutral was blown up kovrovets, did it really happen, and then, and then other, other troops were called. ships, who did we sink this week anyway? yes, i agree with you, because a strange situation turns out: first, mr. dmetro plytychuk, the spokesman for the command of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, reports about the destroyed neutral ship, then it turns out that the destroyed neutral ship, and the mrk is a small missile ship, it is a cyclone, until things, its fate is quite strange, it was once built in kerch and was intended primarily for... missions with missile attacks on the territory of ukraine, but this did not happen due to certain violations of manufacturing technologies, or perhaps due to other
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flaws, but this ship did not launch any sea-based missiles of the caliber type, but it was an important component of the air defense system of the russian army, which provided cover for the water area of the sevastopol bay, he said at the time... at the entrance to the sevastopol bay with the help of his complex, where it was about the panzer complex, the corresponding naval modifications covered the water area of ​​the sevastopol air and was quite successful in this area, then he visited kurine bay, one of the bays from sevastopol, which before the war was used by ships of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine. several attacks of atakoms missiles took place in this bay, as a result the infrastructure of the bay was destroyed and the same ship was sunk, because these days
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a search and rescue ship is constantly working near the entire bay, it seems that it is climbing the bays of the last remnants of what is left from the cyclone, in any case we we have to understand that this was a successful combat operation by the ukrainian defense forces, but again, it preceded it. in this process, including the effective work of our two kulaks, our scouts, our partisans, regarding the verification of information about the presence of one of the ships of the russian black sea fleet in a certain place. mr. lyslav, if we talk more about sevastopol, then there is at least one more military ship of some kind left there, which we wouldn’t shoot at, even if we wouldn’t injure, or let’s do the first thing, when pchuk declares about the fact that... in the bays of sevastopol there is not a single ship that carries sea-launched missiles of the caliber type, he is telling the truth, because before that vorak had brought out
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the absolute majority of his ships of this type and with such a capacity in the vicinity of novorossiysk bay, i.e. in the water area of ​​the black sea the seas of the calibers remained, now they are hiding under the cover of blockades in novorossiya, but in sevastopol there is not a single combat ship with such... capabilities, but there are other ships, and combat, auxiliary, which are still in various bays and water areas near sevastopol, but literally in the last few days, several warships were redeployed, that is, they left sevastopol, when they went far away, i do not know, but the fact that they did not return from sevastopol is a fact . this morning, monitoring resources announced that only one ship from the black sea fleet is in the black sea. fleet, but it is not the seed of kalibr-type sea-launched missiles, that is , the enemy understands all the risks with which the rest of the kiev fleet is facing and hides its
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gunboats further, for example, recently we learned that two mrk small missile ships were moving through internal communications by river communications to the caspian sea, it is safer there, there are more chances that these ships will strengthen after another missile or drone attack attacks carried out by the ukrainian defense forces, well, i hope that we will get them there, but in addition to surface ships, the russians also have submarines, boats, as far as i know. and they take them out into the seas, can we somehow counter submarines? yes, several submarines of the varshavyanka class are part of the russian black sea fleet, from time to time they go on combat duty, and during one of the recent missile attacks , it was from the board of this one of the submarines that a narrow sea-based missile of the caliber type was launched, then we managed
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to destroy all calibers. but nevertheless, the challenge is such, due to the fact that the russians have the opportunity to go to the area from where they carry out combat launches covertly, then this is a serious challenge, but not for nothing , planes, in particular radio-technical intelligence, are constantly working in cooperation with the ukrainian defense forces, which carefully monitor the movement of all enemy warships, and therefore ukraine usually receives timely verified information about the placement. in principle, as far as i understand, we know where they are based, because sevastopol was recently shared by the black sea fleet of russia, the naval forces of ukraine, and it was no secret to anyone where the submarine base of the black sea fleet near the chersonese is, or whether they became more inventive, maybe they started, no, now they
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are not in the area of ​​the crusader at all, they are now... everyone has moved closer to novorossiysk, that is where the influence of the ukrainian naval drones of the magura 5 type or from the influence of our missiles or our drones in the water areas is hiding in the bays on the territory of temporarily occupied sevastopol and crimea, there is not a single warship left, which is the seed of sea-based missiles in balaklava. tell me , do we know that there is a museum of the cold war, where the ships that are... of the federal security service of the russian federation, which provide protection of the border area. they do not have the russian black sea fleet. accordingly, the defense of the bay, the natural defense is quite reliable, so the enemy feels quite safe there. another important point related to the activities of the russian group in the balatava region is due to the fact that there is one of the launch pads, from where the enemy was until recently.
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launched shahedi dronek-131 and shakhe 136, our intelligence even has information from which it is the site where these launches are taking place, but something has been happening there lately that gorog is in no hurry to use these platforms again. another very important point that we have to pay attention to is that the enemy is constantly transforming his activities, ee, in order to secure all formations as much as possible. here are these naval drones, i saw that they have been upgraded a bit and installed missiles on them that can hit air targets, why are these missiles installed, how will they help us, and the personnel need to
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take shelter immediately, right? yes, i apologize, we have air alarms are accordingly duplicated in the system, so i have a question, please, yes, i wanted to ask about surface drones used by ukraine, there was information that they began to install missiles on individual such drones that can hit air targets, primarily helicopters , which effectively fights such drones, are there already examples of use, possibly successful use? missiles of anti-aircraft targets, or are we still waiting for the first shot down, the first shot down bird by such a missile? i am quite skeptical about such frankensteins, because it is obvious that for in order to balance the use of missile weapons with our naval drodynamics, the question of balance, balance and corresponding effective...


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