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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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in may on fennistil 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and ochad. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand it. antin borkovskyi and invited experts. soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky on espresso. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be...
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the guests of the project this week and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. congratulations andriy yanitskyi. beraber together programs in ukrainian, this is a joint project of the tv channel espresso and the first crimean tatar tv channel atr, we are talking about occupied crimea, in the first part we talked about the military achievements of the armed forces of ukraine, in the second part we will talk more about humanitarian aspects, and our guest yevhen yaroshenko, analyst of the public organization crimea sos. mr. yevgeny, congratulations, good day, salam aleikum. aleikum aselam. speaking of yours. organization, let's briefly
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tell what krymsos does so that viewers who do not know you, although there are few such viewers, but still there can be such situation, what do you do? krymsos was created in the early days of the occupation of crimea, as a page in the social network in order to quickly highlight the situation on the peninsula and provide assistance to internally displaced persons, since time. the facebook page has turned into a full-fledged public organization that provides various assistance not only to internally displaced persons, but also to victims of occupation, occupation in crimea, first of all to victims of human rights violations, and of course, our mission is to approach the occupation of crimea, and therefore we promote those ideas which, from our point of view, can contribute to this...
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most effectively and be maximally adapted to the needs of the residents of the occupied territory, both at the national and international levels. well, actually, if... we talk about how life is now in the occupied territory, then i read the following news: yevpatoria has been without water for the fifth day, even without regard to the political views of the yevpotarians who were left without water, we see that the russian administration is an occupation, it does not really care about the population over which it has power, what is happening in yevpatoriya, how do the residents of crimea live in general, do they remember the ukrainian times with nostalgia, or are they happy? until now, well, maybe there is still someone left who is happy with russian rubles, the russian order, it all depends on what stratum of the crimean population it is, because crimea has a diverse population, as well as from the point of view of ethnic views, religious
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beliefs, yes and political or geopolitical sympathies, which determine their attitude to the russian-ukrainian war, the water problem is indeed one of the factors that influence the perception of crimean residents, the quality live life on the peninsula. well, it is clear that since the 14th year, the ukrainian authorities blocked the northern crimean canal, which provided about 85% of crimea's fresh water needs. at first, it mainly had... consequences for agriculture and industry, however, due to the way the occupiers treated underground water, how they exploited it, it led to the fact that the inhabitants of crimea also began to experience a shortage of water, but we know , that in the 22nd year russian
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troops from the crimea, including invading the territory of the kherson region, they took under control of the entire northern crimean channel, and temporarily the water again flowed into the crimea, but after it is surprising, there is water, but there is no longer any, as they shouted there, genocide of the crimean people, and what the ukrainians accused the ukrainian authorities of, although fresh water was actually enough for domestic needs, not enough for the russian military, perhaps for the russian industry, which exhausted the crimean subsoil, but now they have access to the dnieper water, why do such situations occur as in yevpatoria, where already... let me remind you, for a week, for the fifth day, people sat without water, but access to the dnieper water was cut off on june 6, 23rd, when, according to ukrainian officials,
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the russians blew up the kokhov dam, and accordingly , the kokhov reservoir was destroyed, from kokhov reservoir , the north crimean canal began. that is, it had consequences not only for the water supply of crimea, but also for the water supply of other southern regions of ukraine. and yevpatoriya belongs to those parts of crimea that have water supply strongly depended on the branches of the northern crimean canal. it is clear that, first of all, this had a negative impact on agriculture, on such crops as rice and soybeans, which require a very large amount of fresh water. but you need to... understand that crimea is far from the only place in the world where there is a shortage of fresh water, but there are many countries or regions, for example, israel, where there is also a shortage of fresh water, but due to the fact that local people use it rationally
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source, there are no, let's say, outages water, as it is in crimea, and why is this happening in crimea, first of all, because the occupier... do those things that deplete fresh water, for example, artesian wells, as a result of which fresh water is pumped out and salt water comes in its place, and accordingly , soil degradation is taking place and the limited water reserves are worsening and depleting, just like water, people also need freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and we see that people in crimea... even for listening to ukrainian songs are persecuted, we saw a lot examples in this, and here is the last blatant case, when the security forces broke into the apartments of crimeans through the window, simply because they heard that people were listening to ukrainian songs at home,
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we have a video on this topic, i will ask you to show how it happened, simply brutal , brutal in some way, there you see these people and they beat and... they threaten there , we don't hear the sound line, but there are threats and all this is just breaking into the house of the crimeans through the window, all this is because people. .. listened to ukrainian music, how would you comment on it, mr. eugene? well, freedom of speech became one of the first, let’s say, victims of the russian occupation since the 14th year, that is, so that we understand, the occupiers cleared the information space already in the first year of the occupation, they got rid of all independent zmi and those in general zmi are not controlled to one degree or another by the kremlin. and from the 22nd year, from the first days of the full-scale war, a new wave began,
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more brutal with the tightening of nuts, at that time changes were introduced to the russian code of administrative offenses and to the russian criminal code, and one among these changes was the appearance of an article discrediting the russian army. what is discrediting the russian army in practice? in practice, it can be a slogan: no war, glory to ukraine, or any point of view that does not coincide with the kremlin's position on the war, this is enough to initiate administrative proceedings against a person and then fine that person up to 50,000 rubles, but the danger here is not that a person will be fined. the danger here is that if a similar action is committed for the second time in a row
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year, then this automatically entails criminal responsibility. if we say, mr. yevgeny, if we are talking about this, this new norm that was introduced, how many cases have you recorded, it is about dozens, maybe hundreds of cases, when for discrediting the russian army... people were punished fines, or maybe not even fines, and criminal prosecution? yes, let's say this, in general, i understand that you may not have the exact number at hand right now, but how about just understanding the scale of the problem, it's about some isolated cases it is said whether they stamp directly on the convention, there is information for the first two years, why yes, because just the reporting period from march 4, 22, to
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march 4, 24, there were at least 612 court decisions on administrative liability for defamation, that is , 2 .5 months, that is, this number is even more than 612, but it must be understood that this is only in relation to administrative responsibility. according to our data, there are already at least seven criminal cases of repeated discrediting of the russian army, that is, when for the second time in a year, a person commits an act that qualifies as discrediting the russian army, of these seven cases, there are already sentences in six, including some sentences that involve actual deprivation of liberty, and what songs are we talking about, you said that slogans - it can be, glory to ukraine. and wearing, i don’t know, there may be yellow and blue elements of clothing,
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and if we talk about such a musical component, then at first it seemed that it was only about songs glorifying the armed forces of ukraine, or weapons used by the armed forces of ukraine, there is bayraktar, and or chervona kalina, which actually became the unofficial anthem of ukrainian resistance to russian aggression, but then there were already news that i would even close my heart. er, they are ready to punish the crimeans, that is, the main thing is that the words ukraine should be there, or the ukrainian language in general, so that it sounds, is there any criterion? as practice shows, every month, the list of ukrainian songs for which the occupiers can find fault expands, indeed, at first these were songs that openly supported them. resistance to russian aggression, i.e. red viburnum, byraktar, here
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the logic is more or less clear, but verka serdyuchka, the song there was a case when three girls were fined for it on the southern bank, there because of the fact that the words of the song, or rather the song has words, ukraine is not dead yet, if we walk like this, yes, that is , even, even the song is not in ukrainian. yes, but if there is some content, but you also need to understand what kind of song it is, not only can they not only be fined, but also put under administrative detention for a few days. because here they are prosecuted, as a rule, not only for discrediting the russian language of the army, but also for the demonstration of prohibited symbols, under prohibited symbols, symbols primarily include songs that glorify oun, upa, azov, other
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national liberation movements of ukraine and... at great risk, when it is not just listening to such songs , but also a demonstration of a video clip, for example, one of the songs, i don't remember what it was, but several people there were not only fined, but also put under administrative arrest for several virgins because of the fact that there was on the screen a demonstration of the symbolism of az... i hope so crimeans will freely listen to ukrainian music without any problems. now let's talk about how crimea is mentioned on the territory of mainland ukraine, as we crimeans say, or on the big land, well, in particular , the verkhovna rada of ukraine is currently hosting an
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exhibition . crimea'. who opposed the occupation in the verkhovna rada of crimea, the government developed and presented a program for economic recovery of crimea, economic development of crimea after deoccupation, so, have you heard anything about these plans of the government and why it is necessary to plan the economic development of crimea now, when we see that there are heated battles, well, i ... i have not read the program of economic recovery of crimea after the occupation, but i agree with the opinion that , that it is necessary in advance, without waiting for the moment of the deoccupation of crimea, to think about the future development of the peninsula primarily on the basis of sustainable development, because it is necessary to reconsider one's attitude towards crimea, not
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to make the mistakes that ukraine as a state made until the 14th year, to take more care of .. that that crimea is not only a resort and not only a sea resort, but to think more about the areas of activity that will contribute to the development of the local economy throughout the year, and i just wanted to read, mr. yevgeny, what and how they plan to develop crimea after deoccupation, a model of economic development of crimea after liberation. of the russian invaders will be based on the formation of the archipelago of a new year-round tourist center, you see, they still left the resort, but in addition there will be an ithub, the development of renewable energy and infrastructure development, these are the main, main such narratives of the development plan of crimea after
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de-occupation, i.e. tourism, it, energy, green and infrastructure. yes, that is, we see that the approach is more modern, which, well, in my opinion, can give crimea the opportunity to feel more competitive, capable, well, and moreover, if they talk about tourism, then they talk about year-round, yes, that is, all-zone tourism, we we remember that in the past crimea'. mostly in the summer i was with tourists, and in the winter there were almost no tourists, and now the approach such that crimea should be a tourist destination all year round, but for that it must first be de-occupied, as you think, i have heard the opinion that after de-occupation it will not be possible to leave crimea without protection and that, after all, it will remain militarized and simply
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the armed forces of ukraine will be stationed there, of course, and the military forces. of ukraine in large numbers, will this not interfere with tourism, will this contradiction between the tourist development of crimea and the development of crimea as a base for the naval forces of ukraine arise again? well, i think that the development of tourism in crimea is that this is a more distant prospect, because , first of all, acute security problems have not been resolved in ukraine, russian aggression has not been repelled, and almost 20% of the territory of ukraine is still under russian occupation, and we understand that... even after the restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine in the international recognized borders, there will still be unresolved security issues, first of all
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, demining, including various nature conservation areas where the rashists conduct training, which are used as sites for launching rockets or rockets the mainland of ukraine, it is a question of how to counteract local collaborators and traitors, a question of how a wide range of issues stemming from transitional justice, i.e. who to leave in the relevant position, who to fire, who to send for retraining, for example, is being discussed in relation to local schools... what kind of teachers are there, for example, a geography teacher, should she be fired, should she be left, and so on , because in relation to, for example, history teachers,
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here the question seems more than unambiguous, that if history was used as a propaganda subject, then it is clear that such teachers are subject to illustration, and there are many, many such questions, but the question is whether there should be lustration or not? there should not be a lustration, it does not arise, of course there will be a lustration, this was also confirmed by the leader of the crimean mustafa dzhemil, that after the deoccupation of the crimea it will be necessary to carry out a lustration, those who came from russia will have to leave the crimean peninsula, and the people who remain will undergo an inspection, some kind of transitional the period will be how long it can last, mr. eugene, and this my last question is, how long can this period of verification, those who remain, lustration and such transition last. after the war, a year, two, five, 10, well, i think that at least many months, and maybe several years, well,
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as the practice of other countries that experienced armed conflicts or occupation shows, then it can be, there there were cases when two and three years. thank you, mr. yevgeny, yevhen yaroshenko, analyst of the non-governmental organization crimea-sos, a non-governmental organization that arose immediately after the occupation of crimea by the russian federation, which still helps as helps crimean immigrants to mainland ukraine, as well as crimeans who remain under occupation, with documents, helps them study at ukrainian universities, helps them find themselves in mainland ukraine. and i'm andriy yanitskyi, the host of the beraber together with ukrainian program, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the crimean tatar tv channel atr, where we talk about life in occupied
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crimea and talk about how the armed forces of ukraine are liberating crimea, we have no shortage of news week after week , weekly armed forces ukraine strikes at the occupiers, at the enemies, so i don't have any. doubts that crimea will be liberated and that we will win, we will win together with you, gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trimikors, unpack the tv, order it in time at... a special price only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult to reach places, near fences,
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rudenko, heavy battles for... during the yar, the russians are trying by all means to erase the strategically important city from the ground. is the enemy capable of opening another front in the north to pull ukrainian forces from the east? the peace summit is in danger of collapsing. according to zelenskyi, today this is the main goal of russian diplomacy and intelligence. what explains biden's alleged decision not to go to... a peace conference in switzerland. a manifestation of the struggle against the kremlin dictatorship. the russian opposition held a secret forum in lviv with the support of the main directorate of intelligence. is the armed resistance of the russians capable of overthrowing the putin regime? glory to ukraine, this.


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