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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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supported the flashmob that was announced, well , first of all, the vivat publishing house asked to simply photograph the books of their publishing house, or books that were printed in the printing press, and here are others and colleagues, other publishing houses and ukrainians who like to read, they invented that we need to go further and we need to support both the publishing house and the printing house, and just buy the books that are still available in the bookstores, to help... the printing house to recover as soon as possible, to start working again, well , now we just see from one side how there is no doubt that the strikes were targeted about bookstores, about this printing house, and also we see another act of unity of ukrainians, which is certainly very pleasant to watch, i will say that volodymyr zelenskyy also posted a video in which he showed, first of all , all the consequences of this arrival firstly,
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secondly, this video is in english, it is aimed at westerners, it is very necessary to convey all these things, because we talk a lot about culture, people in other countries do not understand ours at all , it is ambiguous, to put it mildly, a little negative attitude towards russian culture, and i will say that it is perceived as an example, especially at various festivals, at various intellectual events. artistic, almost like dekunstvo, yes, when we say that we don't want to read russian literature, we don't want to have books of russian literature even in our house, we don't want to see any russian art at all, that's because this causes such a reaction, why are books here, why are films here, this is art, and now we are showing that art has been used as propaganda by the russians for a long time. and
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ukrainian art, ukrainian culture is also being destroyed, it is necessary to convey this, it seems to me that precisely in this case the communication from us, from the workers of the industry and from the president himself was excellent. well, let's move on to the music awards, which we also have quite a few, they are discussed, i really like how our show business is developing now, we have a lot of different stories, and here we have it... the award young, she was awarded, this prize has been handed out for a long time, and it turned out that the antibodies have become triumphant of this award, which is quite ironic, perhaps because their song fortress bakhmut is terribly criticized, it is said that it was written in cooperation with the president's office, that it was such an information company that cooperated, it worked too cheer-patriotically. others say that
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, on the contrary, it worked well enough, but less, despite all the criticism, antibodies received three awards at once, as the best rock band, which also caused a lot of discussion, because many people do not perceive antibodies as a rock band, fortress bakhmut also received a video prize as the best video and also the song became the best song and also we i really like that we put jamala as the best album, it 's enough ... artistic serious work, it is recognized and i think that jamala is satisfied with what she has done such a work is noticed, that is, it is not some kind of marginal work, and it is not the work that only a small number of people like, no, this album is really popular enough. the best duet of zlata ognevich and shumeyi with poraviya, as well as the best performer kola. best
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performer artem pivovarov, a special award for charity was given to the band druga rika and the best pop song lax fauna, and klaudia petrivna was distinguished once again, she became the discovery of the year, but this anonymous singer did not come to the award ceremony, and in general, i understand how they are quite skeptical about this award, because her team commented. to the slukh publication, here is the following: they, i quote them: you should dive into the opaque sea very carefully, and if there is an opportunity, it is better not to do it at all, here is enough mysteriously, but we understand that the attitude towards the award is the same, perhaps because of muhamad zahur, who is one of the founders of this award, a businessman, a man, former or present, i don’t know what is being done there, kamali and also pavlo shilko, well here they are the two founders of this. awards, well, let's move
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on, i'm already waiting for a movie in which oleksandr usyk will star, because it has already been announced that he will star in hollywood, in a hollywood movie. along with action star dwayne johnson johnson dwayne skela johnson we saw now again this spectacular way out by the way, i am a promoter of a little comments after this fight and it seemed to me that not so many people paid attention to this outfit of usyk, so we think that it was so very spectacular. someone even interpreted his clothes as vulgar or unworthy, but again, i did not see any betrayal on the part of the international audience, and as for the film, it will be released - if everything goes well in 2025, and usyk
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will play there, i understand a small role of a boxer, with whom the main character fought, which he will play actually dwayne the rock johnson. i will say that, well, i do not know how oleksandr usyk will show himself as an actor, but i will say that our other two boxers, wladimir klitschko and vitaliy klitschko, they were filmed, there is a documentary in the tapes, for example, a film about them, and wladimir klitschko he he also starred in guy ritchie, i think he did his job very, very well, so you know, i didn't expect acting skills from volodymyr, but he has them, maybe he has antennae too. well, i will also say about bridgerton's serials, we are especially interested in him in this third one season, because two episodes were shot by ukrainka, our camera operator, well, to say the least, i'll just say briefly that this series,
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of course, became one of the most discussed in the last week, entered the top of netflix and again people are actively discussing it. the riots that take place there, many people do not like this series, they consider it to be sarcastic, that is, one that makes viewers feel ashamed of spain, while others say that it is, on the contrary, a very cool, bright series that breaks many stereotypes, and well, two news from our traitors, who do not yet have such a legal status, but still go to him, i mean yurii the bard. the fact is that the music producer, and four suspicions were immediately announced by the security service of ukraine, and yurii bardash, from my point of view, is a very talented musician, music producer, who, meanwhile, never hid his pro-russian views,
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sincere enough, and after a full-scale invasion, he moved to russia, has been showing off his russian passport for so long, and he works with precision on propaganda. because he steals various grants from state funds, which are aimed at propaganda activities, and yuriy bartash reacted ironically enough to these suspicions, by the way, i will say that when some russian special services express such suspicions to our artists we see the same irony, to be honest, i don't know what will be the concrete effect of these suspicions announced by the sbu, but still... for them, because when we talk about traitors, there are those like annilorak and taisia ​​povaly , then before that time we have, it is not a legal title, yes, but just there, here they are, we consider them traitors, we would like it to be legally recorded in some way, and also here is an example,
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we still have mykhailo riznyukovich, mykhailo riznyukovich he is the former head of lesya ukrainka's theater, which opened this theater only recently. rejected another one of his own in such a prefix in the name as the theater of russian drama, which outraged many people, he managed this theater for a long time and also did not hide his pro-russian views, and there was absolutely no advice for that, and here he, as they say, somewhere in november of the 23rd year, left for england, and then he recently gave an interview to belarusian propagandists, where rizniukovich said: there are also many different delusions about the fact that russian culture is being destroyed in ukraine, how he feels sorry for this culture, that we are almost nazis here and there, and he has now been invited to teach at one of the theater universities of russia, well
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, the ministry of culture and information policy turned to the national academy of arts of ukraine and even asked requires as i understand it, to deprive mykhailo rezniukovich of... an academic because of ukrainophobia and because he already works in russia, i will also say that mykhailo, i want to call him mykhailo all the time, mykhailo reznikovich, he is... also a hero of ukraine, i don't i know, it is a little more difficult for us with this title, so with its deprivation, we see that many people who are quite dubious continue to wear this title, it is considered absolutely devalued by many people, and many of my acquaintances also do not want to accept it because of this, let me remind you, what yuriy boyko is also our hero of ukraine, until now no one is going to deprive him, that's why we generally have a lot of interesting things happening with these titles from... well, now, friends, we will move on to such
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a victory-victory, that's why that we have, you know, both betrayal and victory in our culture, this is another super victory, the fact is that now we will find out whether it can be called a ukrainian series, a series, let's say, where one of the directors is a ukrainian, a journalist and director volodymyr mola, the film is called football must go on, he talks about... about shakhtar football club and it's a paramount+ production, a series that has four episodes, received an emmy statuette, sports emmy awards, it's such a big award, american, television, there are many different emmys, daytime emmys, evening emmys, and it's a sports emmy , and this tape received an award in the category, the best documentary series and... we were in direct contact with volodymyr, and so we have a big difference in, so
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volodymyr must have some kind of early morning, volodymyr, good afternoon, my greetings, yes , i have 10 in the morning, but it will not interfere with us i want to talk to you, yes, i am you again, vladimir, congratulations, you are just your previous tape yuki, i know when it was in the box office, it was very popular, and then it found many fans, it is about hockey players, about... canadian hockey players of ukrainian origin, i know that there are many enthusiastic reviews and this tape is freely available in legal, but tell me about futbol must go on, because i know, i did not watch it, because i am against piracy, but i know that this the series, unfortunately, is on pirate sites, despite the fact that it is on russian ones, but tell me if at all it is possible to somehow help this, or you do not influence this process. "i have no influence on this process, unfortunately, i had the experience of this process
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of removing my film directly from the film "yuck" of this kind of platforms, and in principle i managed to clear this whole story, the fact is that as this project, it mostly made for the american market, it's very difficult for them to keep up with what 's going on, especially in eastern europe, they just don't care about it, yeah, because the american market, it's very big, very demanding, and they just don't are sprayed on this whole story, although in my understanding it is necessary to somehow fight piracy, especially in russia, because what is happening now, they steal absolutely everything, and son ... it is necessary, i think, to fight at the state level first of all , well, i want
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to ban these pirate sites already, so really, they take almost every ukrainian film, they take it and voice it in russian, our directors and female directors are simply in shock, they are also very upset, but they can’t do anything, even big companies they can to do, unfortunately, but since we all want to watch your tape legally, please let me know if it is possible to watch it in ukraine... yes, in ukraine you can watch it on the megago platform in ukrainian, that is, this platform invested in the dubbing, they made exactly the ukrainian sound design, and it's very cool, because not so many films produced for the western market can be seen in ukraine, so i sincerely advise everyone, and i can also jump ahead a little and... announce that we, together with the shakhtar football club, will organize an event
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for e connoisseurs of sports documentaries already directly in ukraine, upon my arrival in ukraine, and i think that in this way we will give the audience the opportunity to once again watch this product in ukrainian in cinemas in a beautiful voice-over, a pleasant atmosphere, so wait, i i think... that everyone is waiting, you will have a lot of people who want to come to this event, because this series is already being discussed, and look, this is a production, since you say that it is not aimed at a ukrainian audience, first of all there american, tell me how you are worked because, as i understand correctly, you were the second director, yes, on this, well, not even friends, not the second, it can be said that i was the co-director on the project, because i was responsible for the ukrainian part of the filming, that is, all the shots , which were filmed in ukraine,
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were filmed by me, my film crew, it was very interesting, in general. to get an understanding of how it works, because one crew was working in europe, another crew, my crew was working in ukraine, it was such a very cool co-operation between me and alex, the british director, who actually invited me to this project, and therefore it can be said that this is a ukrainian-british production for an american company, i think that's how it is... it should look right in the press, because we don't only er was filmed in ukraine, we then adapted for them, we did all the translations for them, that is , a large amount of work for the british and in particular for the americans was done by my
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production company in ukraine, and that gave me the understanding that we, as a ukrainian company we... can make a quality cool product that will be recognized all over the world, this is, in my opinion, a very cool precedent that will help other companies operating in the ukrainian market to look at the west and understand that if we could, and this product it is recognized in the world that it has been proven by me, and it has been proven by you, and by your other colleagues and... bloggers, because anton ptushkin, a well-known blogger of ours, also released a documentary film, such a documentary public film, let's say so, and about animals at war, how ukrainians save animals during war, and it is also shown abroad, and it is interesting that there is a ukrainian version for the ukrainian audience and for the foreign audience, and we talk a lot about
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the influence on foreigners, what should be shown to them there in order to evoke some kind of sympathy or understanding. there are a lot of different conversations around this, when you made this film and it’s cool that you cooperated with foreigners, but tell us what factors you chose in your story about shakhtar, who participated in the champions league there, about this film, and what you chose factors that will be to interest the foreign audience, what hooks, let's say, you set up specifically for foreigners, maybe these hooks are somehow different from what the ukrainian audience would like? here you need to understand that cbs primarily wanted to make a sports documentary, yes, that is, they had sports as their focus, because shakhtar is the only football club that at that time represented ukraine in the champions league, and they had a greater emphasis on sports, if they had approached me , and my task, my mission was actually to change the accents a little and show about life
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football club, about people's lives during the war, because... going to this audience, going to a large international sports audience is very cool, it's a very cool opportunity to really show everything that happened and continues to happen in ukraine, and that's why during filming, i focused more directly on human stories, i showed these turning on lights in ukraine, so i showed a lot of difficulties that football players face. their family is not directly in ukraine, and it is very touching, it is very touching, and this is what attention was also paid in britain, because the editing of the film took place there, and as a result in america, when this whole story was already shown on the big screens, and i think it was right, because
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they did not have such a depth of context, and in communication with alex and... and tried to convey to him this understanding, his own vision, and we must give him credit, he listened to this and a lot of things that, uh, i filmed in ukraine, which i directly narrated to him and entered the final part, and in my opinion the result was very, very good decent. for our viewers, i will note once again how significant this victory is, because... the film about the ukrainian football club beat other nominated films that talked about formula 1 car racing, about baseball, which is a very popular game in... in in the states, reality shows about wrestling and about american football, that is, these are all very popular things in the states, here the shakhtar football club wins all of them. tell me if you
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agree with this opinion, what if we are talking about cultural diplomacy, about an influential audience, about a commercial project, about touching the audience after all, so why should we show more such stories of victory, stories about how classy we are... how brave we are and so on, rather than stories that cause some kind of pity, because many of your colleagues still tend to film something so that the world will see, cry, and others say that it doesn't work, it only works for the ukrainian audience, others don't want posters for us, they want to admire us, is that true? absolutely, we need to find different ways to convey this information, here it is important that the information about the war in ukraine found its audience, precisely because of sports, it is a very large audience, as you said, we were opposed to, well, simply unreal projects in terms of recognition, that is, these projects
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already have their own audience, these are projects with their own visions, people are already waiting for this product on very large platforms and to compete with them, well, it was considered not just impossible. it was believed that we, well, we would be at the end of the last ones, and here it is also important to emphasize that the situation in ukraine greatly helped to attract attention and the fact that this attention does not fade away, this is also important, which must be emphasized, i am convinced that the so-called cultural diplomacy, it should work, it does work, and the fact that... there from such a big stage, the whole the world actually saw the story of the ongoing war in ukraine, uh, and actually
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nothing has been decided yet, yes, it's very cool, i'm proud that i had this opportunity and to talk after the ceremonies with a lot of people who came up , and they did not express sympathy at all, they expressed understanding of this injustice. war, they expressed their words of support, for which i was very grateful to them, and i am convinced that after this, attention not only to the series, attention to ukraine will grow, and we are definitely in if we were not alone in this boat, i would be in this convinced volodymyr, thank you for your time and thank you for being our voice, and i'm always glad when we have... such cases, yes, when i really tell our viewers that it's not just about winning, it's not just about leaving the stage , the authors also distribute interviews, and this is such a big
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wave of communication, and with which we, as i think it seems that we will do very well, and i will say that we also have a lot of cinematographic victories on various platforms, and our directors, female directors, they find, in my opinion, really the right ones. accents that are at the same time artistic and those that can influence the audience, well, for example, the film peaceful people is being discussed, which, by the way, will have its ukrainian premiere at the festival very soon, peaceful people, oksana karpovich, a film that caused a lot of discussion at the berlinale, where it was shown, this documentary film consists of intercepted conversations of russian soldiers with their relatives. you, i think, have heard all these conversations and understand what they are about, yes, when there are children talking, kill the father of all ukrainians there, already we, already we are waiting for you
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home, and the audience at the berlinale, as they say, was shocked, and here, with the help of art , of course, we open the eyes of many people abroad, and this is a huge segment of work that is done and done successfully, thanks to the fact that... our cinema has really been developing for 10 years, and over these years , our cinematographers have managed still reach a sufficiently high level of professionalism to help with your work at this critical moment. well, that's all, friends, i'll repeat that the film futbol must go on, that is, the documentary series can be watched legally in ukraine , watch it, please, and we'll wait until volodymyr... brings it and shows it in cinemas, i don't think many people will get there, but those who do will be lucky. well, i'll say goodbye until next week, see you next
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observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy hears, be careful. greetings, it's news time on espresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. two injured as a result of shelling in the legs.


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