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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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yes, nine there, yes, nine and a thunderstorm, a thunderstorm, it's here, student, student, today you don't observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy hears, watch out. greetings, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio during the news hour on the spress tv channel. two injured as a result of shelling. dome in
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dnipropetrovsk region. at noon, the russians hit the city with drones. this was reported by the head of the region, serhii lysak. cars were damaged as a result of the attack. minus the iron bird. soldiers of the 110th separate mechanized brigade shot down an enemy sud-25 attack aircraft. this is already the eighth plane in 20 days - said serviceman serhiy isayev on facebook. according to him, the attack aircraft was destroyed in the pokrovsky direction. let me remind you, the previous plane was ours. defenders were shot down on may 22. ukraine has started serial production of protective screens for abrams tanks. this was reported by the metinvest company. currently, the tank has american dynamic protection only on the sides, so now the nets will also protect the front projection of the hull. similar protective screens will be installed on western self-respecting artillery. new'. restrictions, the president of ukraine signed
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sanctions against russian media. by his decree , volodymyr zelenskyy implemented the decision of the national security and defense council. sanctions were applied against 68 legal entities and two individuals. in particular, this concerns the television company ntv, the first channel, tnt, as well as the crimean tv channel, which operates on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula. preliminary restrictions will be valid for 3 years. ukraine does not need western troops, estonian president alar karis said, in order to win this war, ukraine first of all needs more weapons and air defense systems. at the same time, karis noted that the decision to send estonian troops to ukraine is not made by him, but by the country's parliament. it also needs to be discussed with the western allies. leakage on the children's mattress.
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a 28-year-old man from odessa was detained, the man had previously planned to swim across the turunchuk and dniester rivers on an inflatable mattress, he invented the route himself, but he was guided by an online map, he also took flippers and a backpack with him. the law enforcement officers made protocol on administrative violations. the unique europe ukraine panel was designed during the let's work together fest. together with children from fast to work. ms. kateryna maternova, the ambassador of the european union to ukraine, contributed to the picture. miss europe, miss europe-ukraine miraculously survived the devastating attack of the russian aggressor on the mykhailo boychuk academy. it will later decorate the administration building in the european capital of brussels. when it is mounted, everyone will see how much this shield protects europe, ukraine from. you know, we are already in the second millennium
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we are a shield from the eastern hordes, which constantly try to reach europe, but grind their teeth against us, we take the entire blow. i really hope that by the end of this semester we will do that, and it would be great if the mural could be put up on a building, on one of the wonderful buildings that we have in brussels in the european quarter, as a symbolic start. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the number of students from the temporarily occupied territories has decreased in ukrainian institutions of higher education. the office of the ombudsman offers an educational compass on ukrainian future for youth from the occupation. our dmytro didora knows more. we grew up in the context of the fact that ukraine is absolutely evil. ukraine is nazism. russia is peace, this future is good. that's exactly what evelyn heard.
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in temporarily occupied donetsk while studying at school. at that time , the ukrainian language, literature and history of ukraine were not taught in educational institutions controlled by the so-called dpr. instead, schoolchildren are forced to study pre. citizenship and spirituality of donbas. i finished the 11th grade in wartime, there too she was already getting old, despite the fact that she had been there even before that, and enrolled in the first course of political science, at the donetsk national university, at that time, it is now the donetsk state university, it is called, she studied political science there for literally a couple of months, and because of the conflict that i had from the point of view of my views, from the point of view of how i conducted my social networks. i had a couple of problems with the russian security authorities, if you can call it that. then evelyn decided to move to the capital. temporarily occupied territories the girl left already during the great war. the road was difficult through belarus, evelyn stayed there for several days, because the belarusian
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border guards did not let her pass without permission from her parents. at last, the meterman came to us and said: let us all go. everyone just burst into tears, we drove into the territory of the european union, poles. that's how we talked with them, because we still have a broken ukrainian, she doesn't understand at all, and we somehow communicated like that, it's very strange, everyone started crying, stupidly you have tears that you can finally feel safe, and this feeling, which i didn't have 10 years in a row. already in kyiv, the girl is sending letters to various institutions of higher education, because she went to ukraine specifically to study, the tavriy national university responded to evelyn's request, now the girl is already a student of this institution, i plan to become... applicants from the occupied territories have limited knowledge of ukrainian language and history of ukraine, stated in the office of the commissioner for human rights. these subjects are essential for entry. at the same time, almost 50% of educational institutions do not
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conduct preparatory courses for entrants from occupation websites of educational institutions in territories captured by russia are blocked. so information about the introductory campaign is not available. in addition, propaganda in the occupied territories encourages ukrainian youth to study in russian institutions of higher education. dmytro lubinets, the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights, suggests encouraging young people from the occupied territories to study in ukraine. if we want tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of ukrainian children to leave the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, we need to send them a clear signal: you enter on a budget. you have a place to live in a dormitory free of charge, and after the successful completion of your diploma , you will live there for another six months in a dormitory and the state will help you find your first job . the ombudsman's office hopes that
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the government will adopt such a program before the start of this year's admissions campaign. we set ourselves the task of developing such a program. i now turn to my colleagues. from the ministry of education and science, to colleagues from the ministry of finance, it is the government that must develop and find funds. in 2023, to the ukrainian ones more than 15,000 applicants from the occupied territories entered higher educational institutions. this is a quarter less than in 2021. dmytro didora and oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. protolok, a home for rescued animals in lviv, is holding a large-scale flea market on... they intend to raise money to pay off their debts, because there are no permanent or even temporary sponsors. earlier, the leaders of the shelter said that animal rescue centers may be closed due to lack of funding. the further fate of the shelter will be known after negotiations with the city council.
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currently, about 1,500 animals live in the home of rescued animals. among them are the seriously ill and evacuees from the war zone. we are trying to find some permanent donors who will take on such a function, if we do this, then the home will still exist in this format, and then we will already understand in what way, whether to reduce the number of animals and get those animals that we already have is without help to other animals, that is, whatever we want, or closing and transferring animals to... to other rehabilitation centers, we decided to come to the fair and participate in a charity cause, decided to walk the dogs and buy something interesting to somehow help the household, terror against
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civilians: the russians hit a construction hypermarket in kharkiv with two guided air bombs, previously two people died, one person was injured, many are missing from... the head of the regional military administration oleg synygubov. according to him, a fire broke out at the site of impact on an area of ​​15,000 square meters. and i suggest converting all our people into donats, we need them for urgent collection, a reliable off-road vehicle is needed by scouts to perform tasks in the combat zone. soldiers use cars to move around positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars. it remains to buy the necessary transport already in ukraine and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. thanks to you, we managed to collect more than uah 240,000. however, it is not time to stop, remember, each of your donations is important, you
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can see all the necessary details on your screens now. for now, that's all the news i have as of this hour to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, stay tuned on our website, as well as on our social networks, we will see you in less than an hour. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, we are working until 7 p.m. today, it is now 17:11:53 seconds, and as always, we will probably start with... from the ukrainian fronts, primarily about kharkiv oblast needs to talk, we have ivan stupak, a military expert,
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an employee of the security service of ukraine from the fourth to the 15th year, on this occasion, he has already appeared, you you already see him, and i already see him, and we all see him, good health, mr. ivan, thank you for finding an invitation for me, thank you very much, look at what is happening in kharkiv oblast, i still cannot understand, because everyone i read something every day, i read every day, sometimes the russians broke through, then ours squeeze them out. on the contrary, they captured something, then they didn’t capture something, they are russians, notice, i don’t say orcs, because the national council for television and radio broadcasting recommends not to use the word orcs when addressing russians, so what it is still happening there, how serious the situation is, then let's talk about these 28 commanders, who were allegedly taken for whom, so this is such a neat phrase, taken. good state bureau of investigation and what they are accused of, but this is the second question, what is now in kharkiv region, the first
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question, let's from kharkiv region, what we see, let's say, 170 square kilometers of the occupied territory of the north of kharkiv region, in two weeks, since the beginning of this the advance of the russians, the offensive, the advance, as you can call it, if you take everything that they they control what is under the gray zone, then it turns out... under 250 km of the territory of the kharkiv region, someone says: oh, a lot, someone says, oh, little, but anyway, this is our territory, it is under the control of the russians, what does ours say command, and now they have stabilized the situation, for many viewers it is unclear what they have stabilized, how? i will explain, there are two polar opposites: the russians are actively advancing, this time with a minus sign, the advance of the russians is completely stopped. this is with a plus sign. now the situation is somewhere in the middle, there is no active promotion, but at the same time
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there is no such decisive, decisive stop when they have cemented it as much as possible, that is, such a slow advance still remains in some places, battles are going on in vovchansk , unfortunately. that's why, and by the way, the russians usually use these winged aerial bombs very active there, they use up to a hundred of them a day, that is, imagine up to a hundred. units, i even once saw a schedule of how they work, in the morning until 1 p.m., it’s just like going to work there, then a pause and from the 20th and there until the morning they throw up these fabs again, that is, the situation is like this now it looks, and what do you think, a provocative question, i warn you, but it was possible not to back down, there was an opportunity, because now there are a lot of rumors and gossip. different opinions, if it can be called opinions that why are they retreating, but where, we were promised and
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already armed, and we are retreating, and why, i ask mr. ivan, so look, i am answering your question, this is not an easy question , in what, what is the nuance, we cannot afford to stand still, like the soviet union, we will stand up to death, then we will die, well, we will not leave, well, this is not our option, we do not work like that, we value people as much as possible, of course not all commanders, unfortunately, but now what i see, those who are assigned new and new, they value, so it's much easier to walk away from ... to keep people than to stand and hold a certain height or i don't know a certain settlement there, lose people. now we are really counting on western aid, by the way, it is already coming, as you and i, by the way, said last time, it is roughly the middle of the dash , the end of may, in principle, it is already starting to appear, and such an indirect indicator is in
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in quotation marks, the satisfaction of the client of the russians, that is, they say kapets, the ukrainians have something appeared there, they brought in these drones... the equipment is on fire, they brought in these missiles, the equipment is on fire again, they are pelting it with cluster munitions, so once again it is right that they retreated to save people, i.e. , if there is equipment, but there are no people, then we cannot do anything about it, of course there is a flip side of this medal, if the russians , god forbid, manage to dig in, dig trenches, trenches in this area, then knocking them out will be ten times more difficult , ok what is this for... the state bureau of investigation, as well as 28 commanders, when i was small of that height, i sang, there were only 28 of them, and moscow was behind me, this one is about 28 panfilovtsev, the song was like that, and now, so 28 commanders and the alleged state bureau want something from them, what they are being accused of, what
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can we, what can we talk about, or can we not talk about anything at all, so far nothing, look, well, when, where... this sbi, then this means that they are investigating crimes in the military sphere, that is, against the military, maybe there is a reference to retreat, about leaving the position, frankly, i don't know the details, i can't comment, but most likely it's all related to the kharkiv region, to the advance of the russians, to the withdrawal of our military, i really want the sdf, in addition to the military, if they took care of them there, why did they take care of the civilian component, of those people who... built falsification facilities, took part in spraying budget funds, because there is already a lot of information about that from your colleagues, journalists , who bought wood for these trenches in one-day firms, people, pounds, well, what does that mean, the directors, that they are in fact the director, millions
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of hryvnias pass through him, he actually knows nothing, he works somewhere in the company, that is why this issue should be really investigated. in general, for example, i am absolutely not a military person, i would even say anti-military to a certain extent, but i sit and think, during the war, this should be discussed in general, it is necessary, because i imagine the 29th commander who will say : here 28 took them, so i will not go on the attack and i retreat, but i don’t know what i will do, because i feel bad that 28 of my colleagues will be called somewhere for... even for questioning , for example, and it seems to me that this can disorganize the army, well, to a certain extent , i don’t know, but on the other hand, if there is a crime, then you can’t either, if you ignore the presence of crimes, what do you say, perfect question, perfect question, once again absolutely correct, indeed, on the one hand, indeed, if there are all the previous commanders they begin to pull in for interrogations, someone is locked up in
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a pre-trial detention center, then there on the 29th and 30th they will say, no, no, i don't fit into this story, i'm not interested. i won't do anything, or i will do everything so that i don't get anything for it, like, well, in simple terms, this means zero initiative, zero determination, generally sitting, translating papers, doing paper work and not doing any real work, it's really then it protects you, on the other side, then the other side is further, if the investigation sees the committed crime and does not react, then in this way this crime is condoned, it... contributes to it and it will be committed in the future, here is really such a medal, and with no matter which side you turn, the story is not very pleasant on either side. one more question, well, let's finish this with this kharkiv direction, i may still have some directions in my head, no problem, but there is a danger, well, because for
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many weeks i conducted programs here and many experts spoke that... there is no danger, some advancements are possible, but there is no danger for kharkiv. on the other hand , the economist is now telling us that the russian federation wanted to envelop, embrace kharkiv, somehow make big complications, what do you say, how much danger is there for the million-strong city of kharkiv? look, if we say for those people, for the number of russians who are there now, then of course what to capture... they can't with this number, but there is a question of destruction, that is, they can really do it, as an option, i am not saying that this is the final scenario, it will be fully implemented. i don't want to talk about it in any case, but the attempt to cut the provision somewhere, well, such a connection between kyiv and kharkov, or for example, between kharkov and
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kupyansk, it really can be, the biggest danger, in my opinion, is the approach of the russians to a distance of 15-20 km from kharkov, then, unfortunately, they will be able to, well, this is such a bad option , they will be able to just get their guns and this chavunium, as they call it... these artillery shells, by the way, so that your esteemed viewers understand what is the specificity of these shells, the cheapness, the cheapness of the shells, that is, one shell that the russians shoot, it costs $500. for the russian military machines are nothing, the nato projectile, similar to the 155th caliber there, costs under 5,000 € per second, the russians have a lot of this cast iron and there is a big threat that they can just randomly shell the city of kharkiv, in principle, they are doing it now. with aerial bombs, cluster munitions, such with a long range. artillery is so cheap, angry, but no less effective, that is , this, in my opinion, is a big threat that
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can happen. yes, now let's go to the south of ukraine, to the crimea. who, what is happening in crimea from a military point of view, we see that some ukrainian shells are flying there, well, not shells, i know, missiles, uavs there. something flies in and spoils the mood of the crimean residents, how much it spoils, how dangerous they feel, how much they have to think about another front now , not eye to eye, but through the air or through the water, that the ukrainians there can really spoil their mood , what do you say, look, this thing without, well, if without rose-colored glasses, very much so in fact in... in fact, in fact, it's called the genocide of servicemen of the russian federation, which are located in the occupied crimea. let me explain why? ukraine has already established the production of drones, but really on
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a large scale, made an animation, i always say, one drone is not enough, there should be a series of them, a series constantly, ah, there every night, once every two nights, once every three, three days, they must en masse to fly, plus american ammunition joins here. and in terms of military personnel, equipment, aircraft, and air defense of russia, there is really work going on, a kind of genocide, but on the other hand, you already said that residents of crimea, for them this is all a result of the surgical work of the ukrainian military, all this is happening as in the program behind the glass, that is, they are filming from the embankment there, i don't know, wow, look, something is flying, exploding, at them.. . doesn't come, it comes exclusively for military purposes, and this is what i'm getting at: now, well, it's not just russian propaganda, but it's really observed, foreign experts who
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study crimea say, the number of people who are at least russian, according to public opinion polls, aim to go to to rest in crimea this year, well , it would seem that even more people are coming, but they go to rest, they make a big discount, big discounts in comparison... with sochi, what else is there, and for them it will still be such a wonder, wow, cool , there is shooting in the crimea, we will watch, drink wine and watch it, observe, that is, here is such a paradox, civilians go to the crimea, military, russians die in the crimea, yes, there are many paradoxes, i read the same sociologists in russia, how they spend funeral money of women, killed, wounded, those who went to serve in the first. with looks are lagging behind, they immediately go to do hair, they immediately run to enlarge breasts, lips,
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make up, in short, all these are the first money, they are the main money, and i understand, the husband will die, you need a new husband, you need to be beautiful, well, logically , at least, thank you very much, thank you very much to ivan stupak, military expert, employee. the security service of ukraine from the fourth to the 15th, and we will now go to commercials, and then we will talk with our also regular guest, igor eisenberg, a professor at the new york university, but it's about four minutes later, ad. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area, a solution. there are kors garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv, hurry up to order at a special price, only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very
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political club... helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on to a new one. two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict is with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. at espresso.
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join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who are on... the enemy with heavy fire and returns a meter for our native land by metro. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. good health once again, my name is mykola veresen, and this is our marathon on the espresso tv channel. and as i promised,
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ihor eisenberg will be there after the commercials. the professor of new york university, you can already see him, he has already appeared, thank you, mr. igor, for finding time for us, thank you very much. greetings mr. mykola, greetings to all viewers of espresso. i have a debt to the viewers of espresso, it is my fault, i think, of the past or, somehow, you and i talked, i asked what it became known that there are no israeli-palestinian sighs at your university, and you said, there really isn't, but i don't know how. the original journalist did not ask: why, now a lot of time has passed, and i ask, why do you have such a policy, what is this policy, that many large universities have a problem of relations between jews and arabs, and you do not have such problems, i i think, you know, first of all, because we have very good teachers of humanitarian disciplines.


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