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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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village, everything still boils down to bad things in the country and calls to protect good russia, because it is not accepted in the russian federation to show ptb the truth and the real problems of the country and the people who live in it. in this building, we don't have water, we don't have sewerage, we don't have a medical office, of all there is still lindme, the floor will probably collapse soon, our children often get sick. i was going to explain to you what post-truth is on russian tv, but i suggest listening to olga skabeeva, one of the main presenters of the russian state channels. recently, she herself is wonderful spoke in detail about her work at a lecture for bloggers and the media. no one needs information by itself. also, i don't really care what is happening. note that the same event may occur, but the interpretation of that event matters. this is what is probably called the post-truth era in the modern world, when there is truth, or maybe there is no truth. instead, there is
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an attitude towards this truth or an interpretation of these events. someone will probably call this also propaganda, but it will be healthy propaganda common sense, promotion of the interests of your country, even aggressive imposition of the interests of your country, but this is important, the interests of your country. and also - said skabeeva, i quote: behind each interpretation, as a rule, there is some solvent element that provides the interpretation of certain events, adding that if you are patriots, it is of course better to work for... someone will also call this, probably propaganda , but it will be propaganda of common sense, propaganda of the interests of your country, even aggressive imposition the interests of your country, but this is important, the interests of your state? so how much does russia allocate to the pro-government, and in fact propaganda, media, for example, a year before the full-scale invasion , they received 1.5 billion dollars from the russian budget, already... the second, according to analysts of
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the de bank project, almost two. 1.6 billion in the 23rd. but, according to the investigation of the russian publications medusa and important history, another quarter of a million went to the internet development institute, which is headed by a former employee of the administration of the president of the russian federation, oleksiy horyslavskyi. and after that, we already understand that the money will not go to cartoons, although they don't skimp on cartoons in russia either, especially on such ones. i'm just destroying ukraine's weapons so they won't be used against... donetsk and luhansk, russia replies, but the west doesn't hear it, because ukraine tells everyone that russia wants to destroy people. the same institute, according to the investigation of russian jellyfish and important stories, received another 600 thousand dollars for the season of 24 and 25 years. why am i voicing all these boring numbers? just to be of course. russia does not skimp on propaganda. in the war of the 21st century, information is important - a weapon. undoubtedly, russia works with the audience
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of ukraine, and here the main goal is to quarrel and divide ukrainians inside the country. for the ukrainian audience, they clearly focused on division, on discrediting the military-political leadership, mobilization, and so on, they are clearly working to make ukrainian society as much as possible with their own hands, and yesterday, by the way, i was very impressed by the opinion that andriy yusov said in an interview with us, here what... because the greatest power of russian propaganda is meaty assaults of information operations, that is, they literally conduct an extremely large amount of intensity of information operations, which as a result leads to the fact that, well, we simply suffocate under it. russia has long had a hand in systematically working with social networks. an army of bots and propagandists, armed with templated darkmen in non-stop mode, storms various platforms. and it should be noted not... without success, they systematically, on
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a permanent basis, hit through various channels, they beat, they beat, that is, the power of russian propaganda on both internal and external audiences, it is in its differentiation from the point of view of channels and in the systematicity through these channels of reporting, that is, it is a classic of any communication, you have the same thing the message itself is heard in different words from different target audiences, from a blogger, from an alleged law enforcer, from a lawyer, from a journalist, and so on and so on, that's when it gets stuck in your head and you can continue to work with it, you can go somewhere there ... and so on. last year, they dispersed more actively matches, for example, between those ukrainians who went to safe countries and those who stayed to live in ukraine. information about heavy losses of the armed forces was still intensively posted on telegram channels. currently, russian bots have focused on the issue of mobilization in ukraine, for example, launching videos on social networks, allegedly on behalf of the evaders. they
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find any loopholes in society, let's say, there is a logical dissatisfaction, say, military women, or members of the families of military men who are in ... fighting without rotation since the 22nd year, and they have the right to speak about the fact that maybe my husband or my wife will come to me for a rotation and in general it is necessary to change, and they are fueling this protest and dispersing, so to speak, organics, that is, someone wrote about it, they threw money into advertising this, that, so that more people can see this absolutely sincere. absolutely legitimate post, and the mobilization law is passed, like any solution to a problem, the solution of any problem creates other problems, because if i have high blood pressure and i take pills, then it can be bad for stomach, in order to solve the problem with
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the stomach, i take other pills that cure the problems and so on, the same with the laws, that is, this law solved one. well, how to discredit the authorities of ukraine and not only, russian senator, former head of roscosmos dmytro rogozin teaches students. a real master class. a second way of discrediting the political military
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leadership of an adversary country is through accusations of corruption, where a colossal amount of deepfaking is used to prove that a specific individual from the adversary just a thief work: everything is clear, dmitry, nothing to add. the same rogozin tells future journalists and diplomats how to manipulate public opinion in the west, according to him, it is enough to simply sway the local press. journalists in their country are usually critical of their government, so it is quite easy for foreign diplomats, if they know how to work with the journalistic community, to sway this journalistic community to their side. the same. certain narratives are broadcast to europe, which again nevertheless, the divisions within the vision of the development of the european union are increasing, there are right-wing groups that are gaining popularity, which,
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let's say, renounce certain values ​​of the european union, in particular in relation to migrant policy, in relation to policy in certain uh... in certain moments, even, the fight against corruption, including, hungary can hardly be called a state that is an example of intolerance to corruption, so to speak, and this became possible thanks to , among other things, the work, thanks to, among other things , the presence of many russian oligarchs, who in one way or another received hungarian passports, invested in this country, invested even in copper, in this country, and we can see what this leads to, in fact, it is simply a change, let's say, of the democratic world, in such a way that russia it was convenient for them to manipulate, corruption, buying officials,
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buying the media, propaganda, well, again , the diplomatic model, the business model, this is a constant process, if we talk about the main messages that the russian federation is trying to spread. in western countries, three main ones can be distinguished: the first is the transfer of western weapons to the armed forces does not make sense, since ukraine will still lose, and the equipment will be sold on the black market. hamas took it. where did hamas get the mines and rockets used to fire at israel? and why is ukraine here? message number two is the problems that ukrainian refugees allegedly create for europeans. and the third - oppression, who would you think? christian? entire media platforms, entire networks of bloggers are being created. both real and, shall we say, created bots, but very high-quality ones, which promote messages, in particular church ones, saying that ukraine is destroying christianity, russia attacked us, but ukraine is destroying christianity, and photos of churches are shown, persecution, they say,
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of the moscow patriarchate is happening in ukraine, and it is said that the danger is coming from ukraine, not at all from russia, which is actually destroying. churches, they don't understand whether it was the moscow patriarchate or not, destroyed churches, killed priests of the moscow patriarchate, they keep silent. the topic of today's program is a terrorist attack from... well, where would we go without the favorite game of russian propagandists, the endless intimidation of europe and america with nuclear war. this may have to be done in order, firstly, to sober up the europeans and americans, and secondly, to stop the world from sliding into a world war. and how to resist all this, especially in such a sea of ​​disinformation, which russia gushes out. first, they say... you feel that they are trying to sway you. the strength of the russians lies in the division
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of the ukrainians, and this is how they are able to go, do, and so on, drop by drop, with patience, with endurance. and us, now with our emotional trick, with fatigue, with completely natural things in the third year full-scale in the 11th year of the war, you need to understand and look more carefully at everything that causes us these... shit, that is, as soon as we start emotionally spitting at each other, on any topic, this is a signal that that russia may appear here, or it has already appeared here. secondly, leave the study and analysis of rospropaganda to professionals. our racism must be very , very deep. we have to be the best experts in the world on russia, because it is an enemy that is with us, well, unfortunately, for a long time, because it directly border and they will not calm down. here, but in general it should be absolutely. another strategy. it is also very important to get the first information from the so-called white media, which have already been checked for transparency
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and are responsible for the authenticity of their materials. these are scientifically proven facts that the first source, it forms the basis of our opinion, forms it, and then we have to be convinced of the opposite, if the first source is distorted and harmful to you, then i will really try to convince you. if there are at least these three basic things, then the probability that our resistance to russian propaganda is internal. what we have to do in europe, we have to build our narratives, and refuting russian propaganda is the wrong way, because it is a reaction, that is, if they say and we refute, then it means that the initiative was imposed on us, and we we will always catch up, that is, we have to build our narratives. to do them, since we have less money and less
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system in this, then we have to build better quality messages and work more purposefully with target audiences. russia still long before the full-scale invasion , she got bogged down in the swamp of her lies, and now she is trying to drag the whole world into it. and in the same way, by uniting the whole world, this process can be stopped. donbas was with you. pa-pa, there are discounts, they represent coco discounts of may for tizin 20% in pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. big ether.
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two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news, presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. friends, congratulations,
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and we are summing up what happened in ukrainian and world culture during this week, and, unfortunately, we have to start with the news, which i think you have heard, about the fact that russian missiles were seized from the kharkiv printing house fact. print, people were injured , unfortunately, seven died, and 21 a person was injured, these are the people who worked there, these photos spread on the internet, of course, this is... everything is very symbolic, because now, i must say, at the cannes film festival they showed a film by serhiy loznytsia, a ukrainian director, which is enough, well, this one has a controversial reputation in ukraine, he was shown a tape, and many people discuss the footage where ukrainians carry russian-language books into waste paper, saying, look, this
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is war, of course, it is bad, people are suffering, but what about the books, and here... we we see at all another picture, we see how the russians purposefully destroy ukrainian culture, this is a huge blow to book printing in ukraine, 50,000 books, unfortunately, were burned, and in fact, the owner of this printing house, serhiy polituchny, gave an interview to radio liberty, he actually said that this is it... this is simply a huge loss for the book publishing industry, because the printing factor was engaged in, well, publishing, well , more than half of ukrainian books and textbooks, in general, and therefore, first of all, the work on restoration will last a long time, at least several months, he also replied to the question, why, why this printing house could not be transferred to
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a safer place after so much time, well, first of all, i will remind you that, unfortunately, there are no safe places in ukraine now, and secondly, mr. serhiy said that it is. .. very expensive, it is so expensive that it is almost impossible, there is very expensive equipment, and this is the first factor, the second factor is human, because it takes a very long time to train specialists who can work in a printing house, and there are few specialists, not all of them will want to to move from kharkov, where ours is generally based book printing in frankivsk or in lviv or in some other city, well, that is, it is almost impossible for such a story in the place of specialists. it will be possible to find, that is why we have such a problem, but i will say that on the one hand, this is such a big, big, big tragedy for the book industry, on the other hand, once again, bookstores, various publishing houses, they showed their absolute solidarity , as well as buyers, ukrainians who love to read, well, first of all, i will say that many
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people supported the bookshop, the bookshop and the vivat publishing house, which is part of one holding with print factor. and we can now look at the flash mob and how vivat publishing house first printed it, it wrote a post in social networks, we see people who supported the flash mob that was announced, well, first of all, vivat publishing house simply asked to photograph the books of their publishing house, or books that were printed in the printing press, and all others and colleagues, other publishing houses and ukrainians who like to read, they... invented that it is necessary to go further and to support both the publishing house and the printing house, and just buy the books that are here are now in the bookstores to help the printing house recover as soon as possible, or to start working again, well, we just see now on one side, how is it, there is no doubt that the strikes were aimed at the bookstores, at this
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printing house, and also we see another an act of unity of ukrainians, which... it is certainly very pleasant to watch all this, i will say that volodymyr zelenskyy also posted a video in which he showed, firstly, all the consequences of this arrival, this time, secondly, this video is in english , it is aimed at westerns, and this is very necessary for all of us to convey things, because we talk a lot about culture, people in other countries do not understand our ambiguous... to put it mildly, a little negative attitude towards russian culture, but i will say that it is perceived as an example, especially at various festivals, at intellectual, various artistic events, it's almost barbaric, so when we say that we don't want to read russian literature, we don't want to have books of russian literature even in our house, we don't
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want to watch any russian at all of art, here, because this is what causes such a reaction. here, and here are the books, and here are the films, this is art, and here we are now showing that art has been used as propaganda by the russians for a long time, and ukrainian art, ukrainian culture is also being destroyed, it is necessary to convey this, it seems to me that precisely in this case the communication from us, from the employees of the industry and from the president itself was excellent, well, let's move on to the music award. of which we also have enough, they are discussed, i really like how it is now our show business is developing, we have a lot of different stories, and here we have an award. they gave it to yuna, this award has been given out for a long time, and it turned out that the antibodies became the winners of this award, which
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is quite ironic, maybe because their song fortress bakhmut is terribly criticized, it is said that it was written in cooperation with the office of the president, that it was a cooperative information campaign, it worked too patriotically, others say that... on the contrary, it worked good enough, but less so, despite all the criticism, antibodies won three awards at once, as the best rock band, which also caused a lot of talk, because many people do not perceive antibodies as a rock band, also bakhmut fortress video won the prize as the best video and also the song became the best song, and i really like that the best album was kerim djemaly, it is quite artistic and serious. work, it's marked, and to me, it seems to me that jamala is satisfied that she has done such a job, and she is marked, that is, she is not
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kind of marginal, and it's not the kind of work that only a small number of people like, no, really this album is quite popular. the best duet of zlata ognevich and shumeyi with poraviya, as well as the best performer kola, the best performance. artem pivovarov, the band druga rika received a special award for charity, and latx fauna, the best pop group, and klaudia petrivna was recognized once again, she became the discovery of the year, but this anonymous singer did not come to the award ceremony, and in general, i understood how they feel to this one awards quite skeptically, because her team commented on the rumor. here is the following, they, i quote them, you should dive into the opaque sea very carefully, and if there is an opportunity, it is better not to do it at all, it is quite
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mysterious here, but we understand that the attitude towards the award is so-so, maybe because of muhammad zahur, who is with one of the founders of this award, a businessman, a man, former or present, i don’t know what’s going on there anymore, kamali and also pavlo shilko, well, they are the two founders of this award, well, let’s move on next, i'm already waiting for a movie in which oleksandr usyk will star, because it has already been announced that he will star in hollywood, a hollywood movie with the action star dwayne johnson, johnson, dwayne, skelley johnson, we've seen, now again, this spectacular exit , by the way, i monitored the comments a little after that. house, and it seemed to me that not so many people paid attention to this outfit of usyk, that is , we think that it was so very impressive,
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someone even interpreted his clothes as somehow vulgar or unworthy, but no again , i did not see betrayal on the part of the international audience, and as for the film, it will be released in 2025, if everything goes well. and there usyk will play, as i understand it, a small role of a boxer with whom the main character fought, who will actually be played by dwayne skelya johnson, i will say that, well, i do not know how oleksandr usyk will prove himself as an actor, but i will say that our other two boxers, wladimir klitschko and vitaliy klitschko, they were filmed, there is a documentary in the tapes, for example, a film about them, and wladimir klitschko, he also filmed in gaya things, i think. he did his job very, very well, so you know, i did not expect acting data from volodymyr, and he has them, maybe he also has antennae, well
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, i will also say about the bridgerton series, he is of interest to us especially in this third season of his. after all, two episodes were filmed by a ukrainian woman, our photographer and cameraman, well, to put it simply, i will say briefly that this series became... it became, of course, one of the most discussed in the last week, it entered the top of netflix and again people are quite active discuss the riots that are happening there, many people do not like this series, they consider it cringe-worthy, that is, one that makes viewers feel ashamed of spain, others say that it is, on the contrary, a very cool, bright series that breaks many stereotypes, and two news from our... traitors, who do not yet have such a legal status, but still go to him, i mean
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yuriy bardash, affairs. the fact that the music producer, and four suspicions were immediately announced by the security service of ukraine, and yuriy bardash, from my point of view, a very talented musician, a music producer, who, by the way, has never hidden his pro-russian views, sincere enough, and after a full-scale invasion, he moved to russia, not so long ago flaunted a russian passport and he works with a focus on propaganda, because he. .. and steals various grants from state funds, which are aimed at propaganda activities, and yuriy bartash reacted ironically enough to these suspicions, by the way, i will say that when there are such suspicions and russian ones special services express to our artists, then we see the same irony, to be honest, i don't know what exactly these suspicions announced by the sbu will affect, but still i'm for them,
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because... when we talk about traitors and the like annilorak and taisiya povaliy, so far we have this as not a legal title, but we simply consider them traitors, we would like it to be legally recorded in some way, and we also have the example of mykhailo rizniukovich. mykhailo rizniukovicha, he is the former head of the lesya theater ukrainky, which, which this theater just recently rejected. not his own in such a prefix in the name as the theater of russian drama, which outraged many people, he managed this theater for a long enough time, and he also did not hide his pro-russian views, and there was absolutely no reason for it, and here he is, as they say somewhere in november in 23, he left for england, and then he recently gave an interview to belarusian propagandists, where rizniukovich also said
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a lot of different things... there in mayachna, about the fact that russian culture is being destroyed in ukraine, as he feels sorry for this culture, that we are almost nazis here and there, and he has now been invited to teach at one of the theater universities of russia, and the ministry of culture and information policy has turned to the national academy of arts of ukraine and even asked, as i understand it, to deprive mykhailo rezniukovich's title of academician... ah, because of ukrainophobia and the fact that he already works in russia, i will also say that mykhailo, i want to call him mykhailo all the time, mykhailo riznikovich, he is also a hero of ukraine, i don't know, for this title it is a little more difficult for us, so with its deprivation, we see that many people who are quite dubious continue to wear this title, it is considered by many people
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to be completely devalued, and... many of my acquaintances also do not want to accept it because of this, let me remind you that yuri boyko is also our hero of ukraine, until now no one is going to deprive him, so in general , a lot of interesting things are happening here with these titles. well, now, friends, we will move on to such a victory-victory, because you know that we have both betrayal and victory culture, this is another super victory, the fact is that now we will find out whether it can be called a ukrainian series. and the series, let's say this, where one of the directors is a ukrainian, journalist and director volodymyr mola, the film is called football must go on, it tells about the shakhtar football club, and it is a production of paramount plus, the series, which has four episodes, received an emmy statuette, sports emmy awards, this is such a big american television award, there are many different ones.
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daytime emmy evening emmy and this sports emmy and this tape won an award in category the best documentary series and now volodymyr mola is in direct contact with us, so we have a big time difference, so volodymyr probably has an early morning, volodymyr, good afternoon, my greetings, yes , it's 10:00 in the morning for me, but it's not will prevent us from communicating with you, so i'll see you again , volodymyr. congratulations, you, just your previous tape yuki, and i know that when it was in the box office, it was very popular, and then it found many fans, it is about hockey players, about canadian hockey players of ukrainian origin, i know that many rave reviews, and this tape is freely available, legally, but tell me about futbol must go on, because i know, i didn't watch it, because i'm against it.


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