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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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made public the plan, which is called the "mission of generations". it provides for housing reconstruction, infrastructure reconstruction and economic development. in any case, there will be money, but it needs a vision. my vision is set out in nine points at this link, but let me remind you of a few points that are directly related to the work of the government. the situation with demography is one of the key tasks of the state and society at the same level as membership in the eu and nato. the state program for demographic recovery of tsialu should become a component of the country's reconstruction program ensuring its financing. the guarantee of the success of the demographic potential restoration program is the construction of a successful european state that uses the european social model with free kindergartens and medicine, material assistance at the birth of a child, and accessible inclusive education. the state must provide conditions for the return of as many ukrainians as possible. in europe and other countries, assistance is provided to ukrainian mothers. which is many times higher than what they
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can get at home. so if we want to compete with the countries of their temporary stay, then our social policy must fundamentally change. i will talk about the tools used to achieve these points later. wait. now let's see how the state takes care of the return of our people using the example of education. it's no secret that ukrainian women abroad insist that their children study in ukrainian schools, especially those in high school. this is the bridge that connects them with ukraine and indicates that they want to return, but the authorities do not give them such a chance, instead of helping to support connection with ukraine, accelerates the assimilation of these children. let's see how it works on specific stories. some parents were also upset about those who stayed, they were somewhat aggressive against those who left. one woman even commented to me on facebook that we occupy...
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we have places in schools, when in this case these places are needed for children who move from other regions, yes idps, and that we sit on two chairs with our booty, and that we we still need to decide whether we are with ukraine or not, what is it our children sitting abroad with us, with their parents, take places in ukrainian schools, and i was, frankly, shocked, because this person, i considered her well... sufficiently educated. yuliya oleksandrova, who fled to poland with her three children, is offended by the claims of her parents, who remained in ukraine. why should her children leave online school? are they no longer ukrainians? could it have been necessary to stay in a small village near makarov, in the very epicenter of hostilities, and be killed? it was very loud, everything flew over us fly by, but i don't know about them, it seems that there was some kind of corridor. it was decided
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in a week that we had to go further, we periodically met tanks, but they were ours, which were ready to meet just in case, but we did not see who it was from afar, and we were already going, and these are the moments, they were very, very scary, i asked the children to lie down on the floor of the bus, julia and the children arrived in the city of legnice in western poland, her adult daughter had already returned to ukraine, and timofey and tikhon went to a polish school when the child was brought to class. the whole class stood up, the whole class right together, and they greeted, it was straight, well, they straight up, as if on command, they all stood up and greeted the children who entered their class, it was very straight warm, warm, but completely otherwise, the relationship with the ukrainian school, in which the children studied online, was developing in order not to lose contact with ukraine, because they planned to return home. yulia is a psychologist, but after a long conversation with teachers... in ukraine, she now needs
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qualified help, because it seems parental bullying of refugees is not for nothing, it mirrors the position of the school administration, which refuses online education. we were given a choice, either you leave school or family education, i say, ok, i work, i work all the time, how can i fully organize a ukrainian education for my child, i want my child to study in a ukrainian school, and how can i work, i work, for example, every day for 8-12 hours, how can i do it. to do qualitatively, this is the type of your problems, that is , those hours that are allocated for teachers on accompaniment of this process, it is nothing, it is a drop in the ocean. it should be explained here that in general, in ukraine , the law provides for as many as 12 forms of secondary education, the main of which are offline, online, externship, patronage, and saturday school. yulia oleksandrova's sons were denied online education, instead they offered so-called family education, which is when
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a teacher is attached to... the children, but de facto education falls on the shoulders of the parents. the teachers themselves say that this form is ineffective. schools argue that it is more effective for the child, but... understood, that this is not an online study, it is a little less on a level in terms of contact. rumors are spreading among parents abroad that the ukrainian ministry of education has decided to cancel online education. then it's a big problem. for example, in the netherlands, 60% of our children combine studies at a local school and online at a ukrainian school. and although it is difficult for the children, the parents do this so as not to break the connection with ukraine, and when the time comes to return. i want my child, if he wants to do any work... in ukraine, he knew the context, he was in with it, she spoke high-quality, beautiful ukrainian and felt free if she wanted to work here today or tomorrow, and this is absolutely normal, these are our roots, we must protect them, invest in them, develop them, and the more military conflicts occur, the more we we must take care
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to develop culture, because it is no less valuable than everything else, it forms dignity, the nation, our identity, we must form, on the basis of our unique... experience, quality educational products, quality educational programs, but in the minority world categorically deny the cancellation of the online form, no, look, the ministry of education does not cancel online education, today the task of the ministry is to do everything so that a greater number of children can return to face-to-face education, this is a noble goal, to return children to barts, and of course offline face-to-face education, it is much better, but how does it happen in practice? teachers do not have enough resources, as soon as they... resume offline learning, that is, children start learning in the classroom, then also conduct online learning for those children who are borders of ukraine becomes impossible for them. the school refuses online education for various reasons, it does not attract, financially, i don't know, reputational, resourceful and so on. it is clear that children who wanted to be in
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online education panic, communicate and cannot find, and we have a problem with this in education, public schools do not know how to draw this line of communication correctly and explain why this is happening. and so it turns out that formally there is no... word on canceling online education for refugees, but in fact tikhon and timofey oleksandrov in poland and hundreds of thousands of other children were separated from ukraine. will they then want to return to the state that renounced them? in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. find out how to prevent the enemy from discording us in the special topic on demographic challenges. an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov, corruption in landfills, a large-scale investigation of crimes against the environment and citizens, interesting stories and high-quality analytics with the country at the center of the main events, buy at press outlets. fm galicia.
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lead to dehydration. when ordinary water there is not enough reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. i save reo. i save children from reo, and i save myself from reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. a special look at events in ukraine and beyond. what kind of world does mr. orban dream of? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts. inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they are boys from volyn. taught that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, value the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow soldiers until the holy victory. anyone who pilots a uav, understands it, cooks, treats, repairs. winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with torrential fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. i have a feeling that with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, we are left on our own, and in fact very often it remains the initiative of the teacher himself, if he can and has the resources, the opportunity to lead. these processes are further, but in general the system itself, in my opinion, is not i am very concerned about the quality of education
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for every ukrainian man and woman who went abroad, if we are talking about adolescence or younger schoolchildren, i have the feeling that no one accompanies us in this process, i myself am the organizer of this process, i have no one to rely on, that is, no one from my school turns to me and asks how your processes are going, maybe you need somewhere to... what should be done? we have several options: the government can revise the budget for education and to provide schools with an appropriate resource for online lessons. another way is to optimize costs and make support schools in district or regional centers. there is a third option: to create an online platform where best practices can be gathered. and the government, on the contrary, is going to do something similar for learning english. and why not extend this practice to the ukrainian language, literature, history, and geography? online can be synchronous or asynchronous, synchronous is when the teacher directly comes out, yes, talks to the children, and
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this also happens, and there can be recordings lessons, and this is also online education, it is still a conversation of a live teacher to read books, in ukraine there are good powerful online platforms that you can switch to, these are small funds, well , compared to, for example, private ones, i believe that ukrainian education, the opportunity to receive it, it should be freely available, absolutely for everyone who wants to do it, so that you can study it all... for yourself remotely in any country. starting next year, all ukrainian children in poland will go to polish schools. this was their demand minosveti otherwise, the parents of these children will stop receiving payments, which are 800 zlotys per month. we are talking about at least 50,000 small ukrainians. i don't ask what our ministry did when the children were unsocialized for 3 years? why were poles not required to comply with international rules? am i interested? under the conditions, when online education is de facto canceled, will the express course, which should preserve the children's connection with
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ukraine, be enough, or in a few years, maybe we will get little poles? we give today a separate, short program for ukrainian-language component, where they can only study language, literature, geography and history for 6 hours a week, all other subjects continue to study in that country. neglecting secondary education abroad, our government also created problems for ukrainian students, after the decision to stop... consular services for conscripts, the minister of education of poland asked for consultations with kyiv. what should he do with our students now? count, send to ukraine? the matter is serious. it is about 50 thousand of our students. since they started study in poland, they are in their second or third year, it would be good if they finish their studies. dariusz vecheryk, minister of science and education of poland. so what to do with those children who left as minors? to return to update the data and pass the vlk, but the second time they may not be released, in general, the government’s regulation of the graduation
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of male students abroad is absurd, because they will graduate students from 18 to 22 years old, why until 22, if we have mobilization from 25, and if the child did not enter at 18, at 19, she will not be able to study, they will graduate only at one semester, and then it will be necessary to continue all this again, why for one semester, and some will not be released at all, but some will not come here at all... will never return and will not come, and the most important thing is that all these decisions are pure populism, because they will not help the mobilization itself in any way. most people are very indignant, most people understand that this move is not aimed at people returning and joining the zsu, but at simply disloyal voters, because those who left, well, we can definitely say that 99% of them are disloyal to president zelenskyi, so as to cut them off from participating in the next future elections, whenever
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they take place. yury from zhytomyr is now in dublin, he is among those who were automatically classified as evaders by the authorities and restricted in their rights, although he left legally. back in 2019 , the man underwent spine surgery and is disabled. i did not have to pay anything to anyone, no bribes, and indeed, i was issued. this disabled group as it should be, i.e. everything is just so long, it was for a very long time, it was more than six months, all my visits to doctors. yuriy is outraged that society is being forced to believe that everyone has left. through pressure or a bribe, he says: the authorities have the data of everyone who is abroad illegally, so what is preventing the deportation procedure from starting? what was even more infuriating was the extent to which they even went in an illegal way, even this was not a decision of the cabinet of ministers, but simply an order of a separate minister there, who simply ordered, that's all, not to give anyone a passport.
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the man has already noted that the government is systematic attacks refugees and turns them into traitors. ukrainians abroad remember. as at the beginning of the year, bankova's advisers proposed to return them home by force, and president zelenskyi wanted to take away their social benefits. i have always said that it would be much better for us if germany supported the ukrainians by giving money to ukraine's budget, and then ukraine would redistribute this money depending on where this person is located. the revulsion of those who evade you is understandable. his military duty. many have abroad women men at the front. it is unbearable for them to look at those who continue to live, as if nothing happened. not only to them, to our allies, poles, czechs, exactly the same. when they see young ukrainians drinking on the streets or speeding through the streets of european cities in expensive cars, it's obvious that it just annoys them. eventually, once
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the new mobilization law is in place, these people will be able to update their data and receive consular services. if... it is done according to the law, then western governments will also contribute the return of ukrainians who will violate this law. at least lithuania has already announced this, and poland and germany want a solution at the level of the european union. and most likely, such decisions will be made. but now we are talking about the unconstitutional actions of the authorities, about the provocation that is causing us harm and will cause even more harm in the future. they just deliberately went to such a split. society to split and for the fact that the ukrainian society, which traditionally likes to quarrel with each other anyway, to split it even more, for a few years, many of these people will receive foreign citizenship, some will become politically visible and significant in the west, we definitely need to make enemies of them. the state does not have a coherent vision, it moves by hand.
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each agency does something different, but nothing that will help ukrainians return home. therefore, in my demographic program, i propose the following: ukraine needs its own return program, so that we never again experience genocides, small or large exodus from our promised land, because it the only and the best in the world. already today it is necessary to create a ministry of love, children and family. perhaps someone will be surprised by such a non- official name. we are used to dry bureaucratic words. but we cannot build a successful country without love. without ukrainians' love for their homeland. without the love of mothers for their children, without the love of fathers for their families. it is also necessary to create the ministry of diaspora, which will integrate all ukrainians and persons of ukrainian origin with ukraine. currently, there are 12 to 15 million people of ukrainian origin in the world. ukraine has already become a standard of bravery, courage, and stability. they are proud of ukraine and belonging to it. now it is necessary to become economically successful so that
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millions of people want to return, either from the old diaspora or from the new one. they are carriers of the knowledge and skills that will improve our human capital. liza tatarina from kryvyi rih now lives in london, she is only 24, but she is already the owner of a fashionable cafe in the center of the british capital. of course, one's own money would not be enough. but the girl applied for an american loan, she managed to get interested in a creative idea. i explained it, and that we we are trying very, very hard to make something so ukrainian, girl. what a pink, safe place in the center of london, where girls can come, eat cake, drink coffee, drink a cocktail, or you can have wine, i don't know, you can eat dumplings, we grew up, and it's so cool, cool, safe, and in the very center of london, that was the idea, not to open somewhere, somewhere far away, no,
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so that everyone knows about us, so that we are right here, so look at us, so yes, we are trying , but we are ukrainians, but this is... the service of one loan was not enough, i had to take another one, but that was not enough, about a week later, after i worked alone, a girl, a british woman, just wrote to me and said that she just wants to come and help, she really likes me story, and i'm like that, damn it, i don't even speak english, just so that i can communicate, but i thought that whatever, it's interesting, i took it on video, my sister in ukraine is in the corridor, under air alarm, she edited this video, posted many girls after it, ukrainian women, british women began to come, it was girls, i don't know, women with children came, after working in the hotel, after cleaning, they came, they helped me wash these floors, wash these hoods, paint, sculpt these flowers.
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solidarity is what has always saved ukrainians. now ten ukrainian women work in liza's cafe. i always tell everyone the difference between emigrants and refugees, that emigrants learned a language, got an education, came to another country, earn money, refugees fled from war and bombs, and these... who work for me, they didn't come here for a better life or there , i don't know yet, no, they came because they are being bombed, will these girls ever return to ukraine, as well as millions of other ukrainians who ended up in a foreign land by their own will? i would advise the state, our government and the president, pay attention to young people, give them the opportunity to work for ukraine, i really want to return to... the country , the war is preventing me because i am afraid for my future, for my mother, for the fact that she is not as socially protected there as here, with those, with
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with whom i communicate, they will remain as much as possible, unfortunately or happily, i don’t know, everyone understands the crisis that will be in ukraine, it is now, and it will be for more than one year, and... everyone wants better conditions for their children , if last year we talked about the fact that i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, then this year i don’t know, and i understand that there will be another year and i don’t want to, and in we have such older children, we know the seventh, eighth, ninth grade, where the children already in the third year said that they are better here, we we will return to ukraine only if there is stability in ukraine, if ukrainians will live in ukraine, if ukraine preserves its territories, trust, they must
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restore the trust of the people. we always tend to dramatize what we cannot see and what we do not know. it is obvious that those people who left safe ukraine now imagine us to be a safe haven. yes, it is necessary to work with them all together. it means distrust of the thoroughly rotten corrupt institutions of our government. corruption to one degree or another, it exists in every state, but i am convinced that today in our state it is much less than it was five years ago, and than it was 10 years ago, because today the opportunities to earn honest capital in ukraine are actually many times more. you want them to never come back these people, right? look, this is your subjective vision, i'm giving you their vision, ma'am, sir, we 're losing. we lose, we lose these people, they won't come back, they don't believe, they don't care, they are people, we lose those
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people who today are on the front lines, at the cost of their blood, defend with higher education, with better prospects, with the best priorities, and it is ultimately everyone's business, whether to protect and defend their country, or to tell how bad and what corruption is here, for the third year everyone has already understood the war, as it will no longer be demographic... while the country has been completely changed, the economic pattern is different. kharkiv is no longer a millionaire city, but lviv is. the old industrial centers have disappeared. western and central ukraine and kyiv become a framework, which will carry the entire state, its strength will be determined by human resources. now we are all in a zone of strategic uncertainty, this is a very difficult psychological state, and that is why the state should become a beacon, but it does not send any signals to people. people who make decisions are low. competencies, they have empathy for the country and for the people, so we also have to do this work ourselves. join, subscribe to the channel, join the direct inclusions, where we
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will look for a way out together. the missing three-year-old twins were found in volyn alisa and artemchyk. half a thousand people joined the search, which... lasted all night, and it is very important to note right away that it was the quick response and the timely appeal of the parents regarding the disappearance of their children that played a decisive role, and in many ways it was thanks to this that it was possible to save the brother and sister . so, little alisa and artem disappeared in one of the villages of the kovel district of the volyn region. at around 9:00 p.m., the parents of the twins contacted the police and informed them. that their children disappeared while they were playing in the yard, to find the little one it didn't work right away, and there is a road and a pond next to the house, so the parents
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immediately sounded the alarm. all services were immediately involved in the search. more than 130 law enforcement officers, rescuers, national guardsmen, and dog handlers used quadrocopters. in addition, simply caring local residents joined in. half a thousand people rushed to search for children. the area around is swampy, the risks were high. and already after midnight, with the help of a drone, they managed to find the girl in chagarnyky. she was very scared, but thank god, she is alive and unharmed. meanwhile the search for her brother was still ongoing, in the early hours , unfortunately, they did not find him, they searched for the boy all night, and fortunately, already in the morning , with the help of a quadcopter with a thermal imager, the police spotted the child near the railway track a few kilometers from his house, he was very cold , like his sister, was scared, but of course the most important thing is that artemchyk was found alive, and he and his sister alisa did not become
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victims of a crime. i, in turn, want to thank everyone who participated in the search for the child and, without exaggeration, saved his life brother and sister, and once again, if god forbid you have a missing child, don't waste a second and report it to the police and magnolia children's services immediately. unfortunately, there is still a myth in society that after the disappearance of a child you need to wait three days to search for him, this is absolutely incorrect, because it is very important to contact the police as soon as possible in order to report the disappearance of the child. even in our experience of the child tracing service , there have been many cases when the key role was played by the speed of the application for the search for the child, so i urge you, if the child is missing, please do not wait, immediately report to the police and to our hotline.
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at the same time, the story of little alisa and artem proves once again that a child can get lost at any time and anywhere and for completely different reasons. so here are some important tips. if the child is very young, put a note in his pocket with your phone number or other contact information. if he is older than three years, he must study together your mobile number, explaining where, when and to whom it can be reported. also learn the home address with the child, this is very important. explain to your child that if he is lost where there are many people, he must stand still and wait for his parents to return. if this did not happen, the child should find adults among people, preferably with a child or an elderly woman, and tell them that they are lost. and the most important thing for the parents themselves is not to panic. if your child has a phone, call, ask
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a friend or relative. stay on place in case the child returns, if possible, make an announcement through loudspeakers, if it was not possible to find the child immediately, immediately contact the police and the child tracing service at the number 11630. our consultants will promptly and in detail step by step tell you how to act and what to do first of all in such a situation. of course, god forbid you never need our number, but just in case. remember or write it down. 116 30. magnolia children's tracing service hotline. calls from all mobile operators free in ukraine. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report. and we will launch all possible
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mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcam ua. we are starting the information day on the espresso tv channel, the news is on the air, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. by the 12th, the number of dead as a result of yesterday's attack on a construction hypermarket in kharkiv increased, the regional prosecutor's office reported. 10 bodies are currently unidentified, 43 people are injured, there are also missing people, these are employees and visitors. their relatives surrender.


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