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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:29pm EEST

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only convenience, comfort and a well-kept plot. order lightweight and reliable kors trimmers from just uah 999. call we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the air of spresso news. khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. the number of victims in kharkiv has increased again, 13 have already died as a result of yesterday's russian attack on a construction hypermarket. the prosecutor's office reported. another 43 people were injured. the rescuers completely extinguished the fire and the remains are being identified. 16 people are still considered missing persons. to the operational headquarters. or
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that works locally, more than 10 people who are looking for their relatives have contacted. they submitted dna samples. thanks to this, it was possible to identify several dead people. burned out 13, m2 of space. they are preparing another attack on kharkiv oblast. russia is gathering a new group of troops near the border with ukraine, 90 km northwest of kharkiv. this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyi. in an address to world leaders, he also reported that more than 80 countries have already confirmed their participation in the peace summit, which will be held in switzerland in june the head of state appealed to us president joseph biden and chinese president xi jinping to support the efforts of the world majority and participate in the event. it will be recalled that earlier it became known that the us president will not be able to attend the peace summit in switzerland, because he is participating in a charity meeting. in the morning.
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the russians shelled the center of the city of bilopol' in the sumy oblast from hails, the enemy aimed at the object of civil infrastructure. the projectiles hit the private sector, the mayor yuriy zarko said. the light went out in part of the city. at night, russian terrorists inflicted a massive attack on ukrainian cities with rockets and rockets. three people were injured in a landslide in vinnytsia region. they have minor injuries. the fragments of the shaheda fell on a residential building. co. was evacuated from the apartment. dropped ammunition from a drone on the village, a local resident who was in the yard near the house was injured, now he is in the hospital, the prosecutor's office reported, during the day the russians shelled 14 settlements in the region, 11 private houses were damaged, enemy shells also hit the objects of critical infrastructures and industrial enterprises, commercial buildings, a warehouse and a private car were damaged, - said the head of the region oleksandr prokutin.
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the ministry of energy reported that there are no preliminary plans to turn off the lights all day today. but the situation will depend on electricity consumption and weather conditions. imports are expected to cover energy needs. an explosive device was discovered at one of the oblenergo substations in the dnipropetrovsk region. he did not have time to detonate - the ministry of energy reported. police and sappers engaged in the disposal of explosives. fatal road accident in dnipropetrovsk region. one person died, three others were injured. two cars collided near the city of marganets. one of the drivers died, his body was stuck inside the car and the rescuers had to use special equipment. three other participants in the accident were injured, the state emergency service reported. strengthening. defense of the black sea
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, bulgaria initiates the creation of a coastal anti-ship system. the country is ready to form the headquarters of the multinational division east on its territory to monitor on the situation in the black sea. because of the russian invasion of ukraine. last year, bulgaria was forced to declare some sea routes unsafe for shipping, the defense headquarters of the country's army said. the second round of presidential elections has begun. in lithuania. the country's president, giden snowseda, and prime minister, ingrid shimonite, are competing for the position. in the first round , almost 44% of the voters voted for naused, and shimonite got a little more than 20%. both candidates support ukraine in the war with russia and favor increased defense spending. the first trip in 24 years of diplomatic relations.
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french president emmanuel macron will come to germany on a three-day state visit - reuters reports. macron will visit berlin, dresden and münster and take part in a bilateral meeting. cabinet of ministers. yes, the countries want to show unity before the parliamentary elections to the eu, which will take place in june. a chef from the united states of america cooked for our soldiers, she came to lviv to support ukraine not only in word, but also in deed. what dishes did she treat the wounded defenders, our correspondents will tell. with dumplings and spring salad with radish and cheese, such dishes were prepared for our soldiers and their families in lviv by shevkuherka from the united states of america, rachel ray. non-standard taste combinations came out of traditional products. i am
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mentally supporting you during this period. i've just never met people who were so brave, so devoted to each other. ukrainians are fighting for democracy. of the whole world, so i believe that everyone's job and duty is to help ukraine. ray chaurey visited ukraine for the sixth time since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, this time she did not come alone, but with the participant of the american cooking show master chef noah simpson. he cooked for the military in a special mobile van. we want this center to have a main kitchen, because there is a daily need... but to feed 4 thousand people, food unites everyone all over the world, it is as universal a language as music. for a few hours, the occupational therapy kitchen of the nezlamni rehabilitation center turned into a real one restaurant, the chef shared recipes and
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cooking secrets, the dishes were tasted by hospital patients. very interesting experience, unusual, especially canapés, with dumplings and egg, very unusual, i really liked the salad of fresh sheep, and this second salad, where they added mint, also tasted very interesting. rachel ray also helped purchase the necessary equipment for the ophthalmology department of lviv hospital. during her visits to ukraine, shevkuharka and the tv presenter also visit front-line cities. kateryna oliynyk, espresso tv channel. and we ask you to join the urgent collection for our soldiers. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle to perform tasks in the war zone. with the help of a car, the military transports personnel, ammunition from cars, launches drones. the car is already in ukraine,
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it remains to be dug up and delivered to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 270,000. there is very little left, so remember, each of your donations is important, join the collection, you can see all the details on the screen. 1542 years from the foundation, the capital of ukraine celebrates today. by kyiv day, the monument to the city's founders was renovated and the largest flagpole was installed, on which the national flag of ukraine always flies, - reported the head of the capital vitaliy klitschko. during the day from there will be various festive events, charity events, performances, concerts and a film festival. you can find more information
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on our youtube channel, where there is a live broadcast of ether, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the section shortst under log in, comment your thoughts are important to us. you will also find more news on our website in our social networks, join, put your preferences. this is the end of the issue, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us. congratulations friends, saturday's politclub andrii smolii and vitaly portnikov are on the air, and today, as usual, we will discuss all
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the most important events of this week, well, of course, of ukraine and the world. today is a bit of a difficult evening for us, because we saw what is happening now in... kharkiv, so we will including talking about the situation that is currently happening in kharkiv, which is happening in kharkiv oblast in general, and i hope that we have already. we have our first guest. pavlo lekeychuk, head of security programs at the center for global studies strategy 21. congratulations , mr. pavlo. good evening. glory to ukraine. so, these are the actions of the russians in the kharkiv region, in kharkiv, what do you think they testify to? well, actually, this has already been talked about, discussed, and i mostly agree with the opinion of the majority of my colleagues, military experts , that the main intention of the russian offensive, it is a tactical offensive, well, it must be understood, it is not a strategic operation,
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at least it began, and it was to divert smaller forces, more our reserves from the direction of the main attack, the direction of the east, in order to gain an operational advantage there, they themselves forces were concentrated on a narrow area, pulling from other areas, including from the south, our forces were to be stretched to the maximum extent, well , preferably from new areas of the front, that is why the leningrad district, which operates in the north, was formed, however, not everything, it did not work for me everything is not according to the plan with the russians, in fact, because instead of pulling away our important... reserves with smaller forces, they left due to failure, here we also have to speak directly about their
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operation as a priority, forced to transfer reserves themselves from these areas, where they wanted to have success, from the kupyan direction, from the pokrovsky direction, so it seems that due to the obstinacy of the positions of both sides, we have a new, new area of ​​fighting. where, including, which so far has such a psychological factor is much more influential, well, and precisely because of this one of the one of the key points of the russian offensive in the kharkiv region is the task of rocket-bombing in kharkiv on the surrounding cities, but this does not remove the possibility that they can use their forces in other areas to attack kharkiv, they
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cannot take kharkiv, they don't have enough there at the moment they don't have enough strength there, but it is quite possible to try to capture it, and even, not even the surroundings of kharkov, the very attempt of this, according to their forgetfulness, will lead to panic in kharkov, then panic in poltava, then there is panic in kyiv, and this, well... this is one of the goals of this, how to say correctly, informational component of the war. mr. pavle, just a few hours before our program , a terrible, yet another terrorist attack on kharkiv, on the epicenter, yes, yet another tragedy with dead people, with dozens of victims, how are we supposed to see this whole situation? should kharkov expect daily constant attacks and what should the population do in such
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a case, well, this is generally such pressure on the citizens to leave the city, well , obviously, and what can i advise kharkiv residents or odessans, for example, this is not the first time i tell my friends in kharkiv and odesa that your cities, unfortunately, are geographically located in such a way that in... the enemy will attack, some say, well, you concentrated there in air defense forces are all around kyiv, no, it is not because we have concentrated air defense forces around kyiv, because the approach time to odesa or kharkiv is shorter than the reaction time from our air defense assets. let's even put three or four patriots around kharkiv, like at the vilnius summit, eight batteries, all the same. they will punch, and, on alas, this is the russian strategy,
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and it is better to leave these cities, this is what i said, i say to my acquaintances, friends who live there, but one more point, which the russians literally yesterday, the day before yesterday, inflicted on... a number of strikes on the railway, on the depot, on the kharkiv depot, on lyubotyn, this is also such, such, not only a way to break the lags. and such a way, such a message to the people of kharkiv to be afraid, to be afraid to move, to be afraid to make decisions, accept your fate, well, this cannot be allowed, but tell me what you think, after all, that will, with our capabilities
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, hit the russian infrastructure as far as we can, by the way, in principle, hit this russian military infrastructure from which kharkiv is being destroyed. do you think the situation will develop in this direction, if it is possible in principle? it is clear that you mean the western means of destruction, the long-range destruction is completed by the self-proclaimed artillery, because with our own forces we can hit the enemy’s territory, no one can prevent it from the enemy’s rear, not even our... partners and allies who sometimes they say, there are such insinuations that with these or other strikes by the armed forces against enemy rears or raids by the armed forces against enemy rears, or by our, so to speak, units of partners, yes, that support the defense forces,
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this should not be done, we are defending ourselves, and actually the fact that... the fact that after the attack on kharkov they talked about it out loud in the west is already a plus. you know, how macron raised the issue of the possibility of deploying french troops in ukraine, many analysts, many political scientists say that the main thing, in fact, macron's words do not mean that... the french, tomorrow there will be a french-estonian legion fighting in the direction of sumy or kharkiv, no, the merit here is that he raised the issue, before that, it was forbidden to remain silent about the participation of nato troops in the defense of ukraine, so not officially, he broke this ban on it, and actually what
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some are already saying, no, we will not participate in this, others say, yes, under certain conditions or unconditionally, we will participate if necessary in the defense of ukraine, this is already a drag, windows overton in our favor, the same as if they spoke at the event about the need to transfer with permission to ukraine . strikes on russian rears on its territory, this is also dragging the overton window, i am not sure that this issue will be resolved in the near future, in our favor, but sooner or later politicians in europe and america
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will have to make this decision, we in the 22nd year, we were asked to close our nevo partners to arg... but so far there is no such decision, here is an example of how long it can take. the armed forces of ukraine destroyed another, actually russian ship, the cyclone, called the carrier, to things, calibers, one of the last, which was on the territory or near the black sea fleet. mr. pavle, how is this in general... will it affect or not affect the possible shelling of our country with calibers by the russians, and this is another, or is this another demonstration that the russians are no longer dominant, at least near the crimean peninsula, at least in the area of ​​the black sea fleet , well, it is already known, well, you can even
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google it, look at the map, that the forces of... the black sea fleet are now concentrated, the most combat-capable, concentrated in novorossiysk, which is jammed with civilian ships, the black sea fleet hangs out in the seaport there, there are very few ships left in sevastopol, and the fact that the damage was caused by a cyclone is another step in this direction, of course, but one is not exactly to novorossiysk will arrive, but by the way... our spokesmen of the navy rushed a little without intelligence and reported that kovrovits, a rifleman of the 68th ovra brigade, who was stationed there, had been destroyed. so, this information was expanded enough, no, kovrovets was not drowned, but a day after this information and the blow to
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in the sevastopol bay, all the ships of the 68th brigade of the protection of the water area, which were left in sevastopol, there is one ipc and two minesweepers, together with this kovrovets took a friendly course to novorossiysk, well, that's right for you. the result of such strikes, as regards the ability of the russians to launch missile strikes on ukraine, including from the sea with calibers, unfortunately, we have already discussed with journalists, this is one of those tasks that, out of five tasks and a half, the russians are still able to perform, one among them, unfortunately, these are missile caliber strikes, so the cyclone. was the last one, well, the last one is not one hummingbird missile carrier in sevastopol, all the others are ready for battle,
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moved to novorossiysk, but what do you mean moved, there they are considered two frigates, four submarines, and those hoppy bellies with almost eight more units, yes, total the damage is very big, nevertheless... well, rostov-on-danu was destroyed in sev at the shipyard in the dock, askold in kerch was destroyed in the factory, now the cyclone in the factory is destroyed, well , minus 6 missiles were fired there, minus eight missiles are empty here, minus in kerch missiles are empty, of course we can't destroy all their missile launchers at the same time, but step by step. it is necessary to strive for it and go straight, it cannot be said that this bet by putin on the black sea fleet, for which he even started the events of the 14th year, when he decided to turn crimea into such a bridgehead
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for aggression, actually turned out to be not so successful , well, putin really is here too, he is fesbshnik, he is not a military man, he is here he listened to his generals and admirals, and the generals and admirals thought by soviet... standards, not just soviet standards, but soviet myths about the role of the black sea fleet, about the role of sevastopol in the black sea, and what happened later after the 22nd year demonstrated that neither the 18th century nor even the 19th, in the yard of the 21st century, no longer has a sailing fleet. has an advantage in that it is exposed to the winds, and the one who owns sevastopol is not the master of the black sea. the master
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of the black sea is turkey, in fact, which takes this castle of the black sea straits. also stalin, colleagues recently reminded us of stalin’s statement during the opening of the kola flotilla there as a military in the middle of the night, who... said that the black sea is lakhanka, and the baltic sea is a bottle, and the cork from this bottle is not in their hands at all, in the hands of the soviet union, but he owns the cork, in fact, he controls it black sea. thank you, thank you, mr. pavle, pavloichuk, head of security programs of the globalistics center strategy 21. we are now. we will break with you literally for a few minutes, but please do not disconnect, do not switch, there are still many interesting conversations ahead. when you sleep on an uneven surface,
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may discounts on estephin 15% in the pharmacies of plantain, ban and oskad. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week. poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what ours will look like accession to the eu. the project is close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestri eu. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads,
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we will have even better ones. a special view on the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of airtime.
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natalka dyadenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. result. their work is your and our safety, they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, they are strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy.


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