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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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sports, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zema's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect your own! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy. with general fire and
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returns our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. free political club, we are back live. the air alert is currently ongoing in kyiv, in the north of our country, and partly in the center and east. please stay in safe places. we are also in... a safe place, and we continue our broadcast. we already have the next guest, yes, this is volodymyr khandogiy, president of the ukrainian foreign policy association, ambassador of ukraine to great britain in 2010-2015 . mr. volodymyr, good evening to you. mr. volodymyr, congratulations. so, let's talk about these, i would say, putin's calls for negotiations with ukraine strange forms that were heard in minsk
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during his visit, which are now being distributed by western news agencies with references to some authoritative sources in the entourage of putin himself, what does it all mean? well, look, in my opinion, in principle, this means only one thing, it is necessary to disrupt the summit in switzerland, well, at least, if not to disrupt, then to belittle its importance, launch some kind of thesis, make some kind of discussion, but while we are there... we say , and there is a desire, that is, to hold specific negotiations, but putin is proposing it, that is, that is, in my opinion, this particular attempt to influence the holding of the peace summit, which is planned for july in geneva, so i think that there will be additional attempts in some way, so to speak, to influence the summit, if not to disrupt it. this is
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one of those possibilities in their view, in the view of the russian federation. there was also information that the president of the united states of america, joe biden, will not come to the global peace summit. in your opinion, mr. volodymyr, this is a bad signal, or does it have nothing to do with support? by the united states of america, and maybe there will be some other high representative from... our main ally, well, first, to be honest, i may have missed it, but i didn't see a specific message that he definitely wouldn't come, there was such an announcement that he he may not be able to make it, he may not be able to, that is, he may not be present at the summit, because he has important events there in connection with the elections that will be held. wax this year, of course,
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if he doesn't come, it's a bad signal, a bad signal, but on the other hand, you don't have to a little bit, you know, to exaggerate and say that everything is lost if biden is not there, concrete help from the united states in the process of the war that we are waging is important for us, and of course we would like that, i understand that president biden all - still had a good position in the elections. the presidential elections in november of this year, namely the event for which he so plans to be in time, is with the participation of important hollywood stars, various other characters of american show business, who can actually stimulate the public to vote for biden, that is, from everything is so bad, of course. the united states
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will be represented, i don't know at what level, we'll see, but of course the level will depend on... how many countries we manage to recruit, so to speak, to participate in this summit in lucerne. and you do not have the impression at all that the american administration itself does not have a clear understanding of how to proceed in russia's war against ukraine. because now we know that secretary of state blinkin talked about the possibility of western weapons, american weapons, also being used to blows to the so-called sovereign territory of the russian federation, he gave such a cautious, i would say, comment when he was in kyiv on this topic, defense minister austin is just opposing it, american media say that blinken is trying to convince joseph biden, some new moment has come, well, look , in my opinion, it is not that there is no
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understanding, there is no common understanding, and what you are saying now really speaks to the differences that exist in a broad sense in the american administration. well, let's say, between the white house, there the state department is to some extent a state within a state, the congress, but recently mike johnson already talked about the fact that, well , he hinted that ukraine should be given the opportunity to determine how to wage war and not engage in micromanagement, which means not telling us where and how to shoot , but it is necessary to provide those opportunities, weapons, and then let ukraine decide for itself. so, in my opinion, they are in the process of defining a general position, actually the congress demanded, when they gave us 61 billion in aid, that the government, the white house, prepare, well , such a, well, if not a certificate, then a study, and
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they will say, after all, what is the strategic goal, how do they see the victory, the victory of ukraine, and as far as i know, as far as i understand, such preparation... such a document is being conducted, but if it is made public, then we will better understand what the possible goal of the united states of america, in foreign policy and, in particular, in the policy regarding this war with the russian federation. tell me, mr. volodymyr, do we still have any chances to convince the united states to change, if you will, such principled approaches? i think there is, i think. it's not what it is there anymore so to speak, this, well, at least the first step can be this, this so-called thesis about whether or not we can use western weapons to attack targets outside our territory, and if such a decision is
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made, and even if it will not be, so to speak, it is pompously adopted, declared, but if they remove the warning eyes. which exist to this day, this will indicate that the policy of the united states of america before the war and, as a matter of fact, before the format of the end of this war, so to speak, it is changing, and it seems to me that a very important role will be played here, it must be played by secretary of state blinkin, whose position now, well specifically, is different from the one he is holding. to talk with you a little about china. this week there was a statement by the british defense minister grant shapps, he said that china is going to allegedly supply lethal weapons to russia. at the same
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time, the united states of america stated that they do not have such information. mr. volodymyr, what do you think? in fact, is there such a possibility that assistance will be extended from side of china to the russian federation, and to what extent , in principle, can western countries make it impossible or at least in some way minimize such things? well, look, there is such a possibility, of course, whether china is going to do it or not is a big question, i, like many others, am not privy to such deep things. china, here he balances between, so to speak, the help of the russian federation in one form or another and er attempts to maintain normal, more or less normal, at least economic relations with the european union, i am not talking about
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the united states of america, it's a lot more complicated there, so actually now i think the challenge is how to hold china at bay. the position he occupies today, because the transition of china to the position of supplying lethal, in particular, weapons to the russian federation will mean... a serious step against ukraine and how to deal with that, well, actually here it will be difficult to predict, because now today this support of china , it is to a certain extent and to a greater extent political, economic, of course there are attempts to circumvent sanctions, and they are not without success, use third countries for the supply of some components. er to the russian federation, but so far, so far
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we do not have, i understand, at least in the open sources of information, that china has switched to direct arms supply, which is what the united states is actually talking about. and if we talk about the situation related to these chinese efforts, in relation to the global south. we see that china is trying... those countries that currently maintain good relations with the united states, with such measures, the west generally has its own tools for such an alternative influence, what do you think? certainly, the west has, perhaps not as much, let's say, levers, not as strong and powerful as they once were, china is increasing its authority among the countries of the southern south, well, at least this latest information... about that , that china and brazil, well , they are hatching something and are proposing some kind of alternative conference, if we go back
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to what we said at the very beginning with the conference in geneva, where russia and ukraine would be present, so this suggests that attempts to attract china embrace the global south, they continue, to a large extent china, well... has achieved some success in this, and africa, and asia, of course, a large number of countries in principle support china and pursue such a policy loyal to that china, to the one conducted by china, that they consider it one of those important factors of world politics, and it is being formed gradually. well, let's put it this way, if not an alliance, then at least a group
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of states of a significant, large number of states, in particular of the global south, which gather around, around china. as for how this to prevent, well, it is difficult to say, we are witnessing a certain loss of the leadership role of the united states of america due to various reasons, in particular , now due to, so to speak, the presidential race, which is in full swing there, and against this background, america is losing its ability to influence on their former even allies and partners, so this is such a long-term long-term story that we will, that we will witness for some time to come. one more topic, and also about our main ally, great britain. this week richie sunak was dismissed by the prime minister of this state
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parliament. i would also like to ask you about this, why so early, right? that is, in principle, we understand that this parliament could still exist somewhere until the month of november, the prime minister of great britain nevertheless took such a step, dissolved the parliament, and in fact already in... a month and a half in great britain there will be election? well, look, well, first of all, in great britain there are clear deadlines, uh, that parliament cannot overstep, and accordingly, elections must be held from a specific date, no later than a specific date, but earlier, they can take place when the prime minister of the ruling party wants it. in my opinion, rishi sunak understood that now, well, in the political community of great britain
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, support for their competitors, the liberal party, is growing more and more, and in my opinion, he chose this particular time with such, well , such hope, that today is still at that level the support that the conservative party has, it... is still sufficient to go to the elections, and later, let's say, in the fall, er, here, that is, the tendency is for the conservative party to lose in the majority. among the british voters, so, well, this was his, so to speak, calculation, calculation, that it is more profitable for him to hold elections now than to hold them at the end of the year, but i think that, well, let's say, let me predict, it is unlikely will the conservative government save the conservative majority
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in the parliament, we already have a tendency today, yesterday... to the point that already 80, so to speak, members of the parliament of great britain from the republican party have announced that they will not take part in the elections, which are planned now in the summer, and that's it talks about a mass exodus, which , however, can be evaluated in different ways, in my opinion, they want to, so to speak, make ... those who will not stand for election, in particular, michael gove said this today, it is so very famous a conservative figure, to somehow take a break and not take part in the notoriously losing such a losing struggle that awaits the republican party, but for ukraine, it can
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change something in the event that the labor party comes to power, or? will any policies change or remain as they are now? i think, definitely not, of course, there may be some corrections, but the policy of great britain is based on the real support of the voter, on the real support of the people of great britain, who are mostly on the side of ukraine , and actually the policy of any party that is ruling now. even the opposition today also means that these parties are on the side of ukraine, that is, i do not expect any serious, so to speak, changes there, well , i don't know there may be some nuances, but let's not forget, we have recently an agreement was signed between ukraine, a security agreement and
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great britain, where it is signed in great detail for at least... 10 years and the assistance, political, economic, any other, military, which great britain will provide to ukraine, ukraine, and i do not think that something will change in this, that is, the framework of this agreement will even, well, hardly allow anyone, so to speak, to change the general, general policy of this great britain in relation to ukraine. thank you, thank you, mr. volodymyr. volodymyr khandogiy, president of the ukrainian foreign policy association, the former ambassador of ukraine to great britain, and now to the middle east with ihor simivalos, director of the center for middle eastern studies. congratulations, mr. igor. congratulations, congratulations, mr. vitali. well, there was another decision of the international court of the un on the situation related to the military operation of israel against hamas. now the court is trying to prohibit israel
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from continuing its operation, which is connected with the elimination of the position of terrorists in the southernmost place. it is the only city that has a border crossing with neighboring egypt, as do you think how this decision of the international court can affect the situation at all, or can it? well, i think we have already heard statements from the israeli government that they will not comply with this decision, and accordingly, it is unlikely that the actual cessation of the military operation can be expected in the near future, but the decision itself is without regrets. will affect israel's international position after some time, perhaps even sooner than we think. i think that the non-implementation of this decision, and israel is a member of this international court of justice of the united nations, that is, according to the statute , he must comply with this decision, and
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failure to comply with this decision will have legal and political consequences for israel. i think that the situation may come to the situation that was with south africa at one time. what does it mean? please explain to our viewers that this means that sanctions will be imposed against israel. and the united states will agree to this, do you think? the americans will not agree to this today, it is obvious, but the americans also find themselves in a rather difficult situation in connection with this. well, this is the decision of the hague court, it is rather there. as far as i understand, political, is it someone's, relatively speaking, such a whim, or is it still a certain collective political decision, according to your point of view, why exactly... now in general, the decision is legal, i do not think that the decision is political , and the court's decision cannot be political in this case, it is legal, so actually, why
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now, because all the procedures have finally passed and a decision has been made, because the court does not make a decision immediately, but makes it accordingly to the procedure for consideration of this issue, well, in principle, we understand that the situation cannot be resolved somehow by the decisions of international institutions. there is an impression that no one is particularly waiting for a solution to this situation, even the arab countries are not conducting any intensive, i would say diplomacy , in order to solve the problem of the war in the middle east. they are more involved in the situation related to the war in ukraine, or the un resolution on serebrena, than in the middle eastern situation, you see, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, we all sometimes we hear that they are talking about ukraine, that they are talking about the eastern balkans, but somehow they are not talking about the gas sector so much, no, they are talking, i think, this information is just less, it reaches us, because it is us less
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interesting, and yes, in principle, well, the most obvious and high-profile event that could have happened, but which did not happen, is the agreement between the united states of america and saudi arabia, which provided for the normalization of one with israel in exchange for a palestinian state, and it shows that the political process is there is happening quite powerful, another thing is that israel does not agree to this, this already indicates that the priorities have changed quite seriously in israeli society and the israeli government, they now do not want peace, but want victory, well, the question arises, what will really happen with this process, for... hamas will continue, and even if we imagine that the arabs will succeed, that israel will succeed in breaking the energy of this terrorist organization and
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destroy that base among the population that has always fueled violence in the territory itself israel and in the gas sector, and we know in the west bank, where the positions of terrorists are very serious among the so -called civilian population, which has always chosen terrorists over those who offered peace. well, let's imagine that... there is security here, but what to do with the arab world? well, firstly, after all, not an imaginary civilian population, but a civilian population, yes, and secondly, after all, before solving the issue with the arab world, it is necessary to solve the issue with the occupation, i think this is primary, and relations with arabic world - this is already secondary, but israeli policy has always been the opposite, you have seen the last 10-15 years, the approach was absolutely the opposite. it's clear, because netanyahu has been ruling israeli politics for 15-12 years, and it was precisely his approach that largely caused the situation in which
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israel found itself. mr. igor, another decision, very interesting, perhaps controversial for someone, that took place this week, three states: ireland, norway and spain recognized the palestinian state, israel challenged. it seems they haven't recognized it yet, are going to recognize it or not are going, at least there the legal procedure has already started, israel is summoning ambassadors, how do you comment on this, what kind of decision is this and what consequences will it ultimately have for israel and for the palestinian authority? well, for now , it will not have political solutions for israel, yes, well, it is clear that israel is lowering the level of relations now, i believe that this is not enough. i think israel should downgrade relations with all 147 countries that recognize palestine, then it will be for real, i will believe in their intentions, but as for what
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is happening, well, obviously, netanyahu's policy has proven that, in principle, the peace process no longer exists, and the israeli settlements and the ultra-right, who are in power, want to leave. all the territories that in the middle east it is the palestinian-israeli conflict that generates and constantly provokes new conflicts and generates and grows new extremists, therefore these decisions are absolutely logical, each country, of course , made them based on its own interests, its own considerations, someone spoke about two state solution, and that such a signal is important, someone spoke about the fact that they are in solidarity with who are fighting for their independence, for some it was relations with the arab countries that were more important, but here the considerations are quite political, logical, i think it is not the last
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of you. and which other states do you think can join such legal procedures for the beginning of recognition or full recognition, at least in the western world, i do not exclude that it could be france, at least macron has already stated this, about the possibility and willingness to do so, but let us analyze the real meaning of this, because and so in the european union and nato have many states that recognize palestine as... the soviet union recognized the palestinian state as a state back in the days of yasser arafat. we can say that with the assistance of the soviet special services in this process, everything started in a big way. ukraine is among those countries, almost all of them, probably former soviet republics, which recognize palestine as a state. it seems to me that the vast majority of ukrainian citizens do not know about this. there is an embassy of the state of palestine in kyiv, in 1993, vitaly, no, no, in 1993, that is, not during the time of the soviet union.
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that is, the russian federation just recognized the palestinian state, right? the soviet union, well, that's right, because there was a representative office of the palestine liberation organization in moscow, which later turned into an embassy, ​​so i understand correctly, so correctly, that means the year 93 - that's how many years, 30 years, in fact, and ukraine recognizes palestine, russia recognizes palestine, kazakhstan recognizes palestine, everyone recognizes palestine, and the countries, and suddenly we learn that there are three more countries. europe, three countries, two of them members of the european union, three members of nato, two members of nato, two members of the european union, two members of nato, there is something like that, yes, that's right, norway, norway, spain in nato, ireland and spain in the european union, it doesn't matter, they also recognized the palestinian state, why such a reaction to something that has long since become an ordinary pro forma, and does not even take a step closer to the creation of this state, what is the problem,
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i am also interested. i also wonder why the israeli government and the israeli foreign minister are reacting like this, well actually, well, it seems to me that in general , netanyahu's reaction to all the events that are taking place, that is, he actively uses the term anti-semitism, in fact, devaluing it, to everyone, to all criticism of the israeli state, and this is his approach, it seems. .. it is very counterproductive, but it is their government's right to do so. do you think primarily of domestic political motives? abso, no, of course, he is being pressured by otsmaygut, who are threatening to leave the coalition, and everyone perfectly understands that after this netanya is unlikely will be the new prime minister, but, figuratively speaking, it is not only that, it is also netanyahu's messianic idea of ​​what should be.
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to take place, his desire to control the entire territory of historical palestine. and tell me , please, mr. igor, if we talk about the also important event of this week, the death of the president of iran, ebrahim raisi in such an amazing, although, why amazing, very post-soviet aviation disaster in a helicopter that was supposed to fly apparently, but was flying somewhere in complete darkness after the negotiations. ibrahim raisi with the president of azerbaijan by ilham aliyev, with a whole series of officials, many conspiracy theories, however, here is your impression, this is an ordinary disaster, or should someone have gotten rid of this odious politician? well, if you follow the razors, then of course it's a disaster, because there will still be a lot of language theories around it, and one of the key conspiracy theories i 've actually heard from myself. that in any
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case, if the son of ali khamenei wants to take the post of president, and then claim the post of supreme leader, then all the same iranians will tell that it was he who killed raisiya in order to get rid of a competitor, in the best traditions of persian history, you can say, but it seems to me that this is again a theory from language, and here it is simple, well, people are mortal, as you know, and sometimes very sudden death do you think that this will somehow affect the political situation in iran? to what extent was raisin, not so much as a president, but as a player, a significant figure in the iranian establishment? well, he was considered as such, that is, in principle, he lost something, and especially against the background of economic and political troubles, but he was still a person close to the corps, and the corps obviously counted on him as well , and there is no information
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that khamenei on... for example, he expressed some serious dissatisfaction.


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