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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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republika srpska does not want to be in bosnia and herzegovina. this state actually does not exist. like a normal institution. let's look at kosovo, its independence is recognized by a number of countries, but they demand from the albanians of kosovo that they create autonomy for the serbian municipalities on the border with serbia, whose residents do not want to live in kosovo at all. osotsyuma is its own territory. but no one says, we can transfer them to serbia, because that's the same, because that's the same question. territorial integrity of kosovo, which was actually an autonomy within serbia, again, the question is what is the territorial integrity of kosovo, it is just an autonomous region that was created by the yugoslav communists so that the serbs would live together with the albanians and control them, at least here. now the soviet union. we have already mentioned transnistria, abkhazia and south ossetia, from where the entire georgian ethnic population was expelled. ukraine, part of the territory annexed by russia. that is, established borders in general.
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no, you understand, neither here nor in the balkans, i.e. bosnia and kosovo, now these are countries with very problematic borders, and serbia, instead of developing, is busy destabilizing bosnia and kosovo, the whole, you saw how president vucic during this week, when there was this vote on the genocide in srebrenica at the un general assembly, wrapped himself in the serbian flag, and we are talking about events in a city that is not part of... serbia, which is part of another state of bosnia and herzegovina, and they blame this genocide not on serbs, but on serbia, a paramilitary organization of bosnian serbs led by general radko laduch, who is being gassed , to to vučić, to as and to serbia as to state, it has nothing to do with it, but they perceive it as their own, like putin, ukraine. what, why am i talking about this, if we're going to...
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live we're living in the 19th century, we're trying to pretend we're living in the 21st, and we're actually on the hook for these ideas, and our western partners are telling us, we want you have returned to your internationally recognized borders, and after that everything will be fine, and when we return, for this we need to expel the russians from there by force, if we cannot by force, then we are in a gray zone, they can still use us, relatively speaking at'. to the european union, well, how did they accept cyprus, well , yes, yes, because it does not oblige anyone to anything, you understand, but in nato, so that we are not given security guarantees, it is unlikely, and i think that if you and i do not let's say to ourselves and the west, listen, let's forget about these fixed borders, the modern state, the state of the 21st century, is not a state with fixed borders, it is a state that can preserve its sovereignty where it can preserve it, and you, please give to... give to moldova, give to
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georgia guarantees of their security where they are exercise their sovereignty, don't bother the kosovars with these kosovo serbs, if you can't deconstruct bosnia, give republika srpska a chance to join bosnia and give bosnian muslims and croats a chance to build a properly functioning state, do something, and then maybe when russia changes, when it changes serbia, 30 years after the war there in the 54th year, in the 60th year, we will hold a new conference in helsinki and solve all this, all the border issues, when it is dew, and what should we do in such what will happen to those whom russia will settle there? he is asking this again, look, what should we do with those who live in the kaliningrad region of the russian federation, this is the former territory of east prussia, what should we do, nothing. this is already
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an established fact, you, you are talking about a situation that can happen in 30 years, if we manage to return the territories that we do not win back in 30 years, then i will tell you what we should do, what the baltic countries did after 50 years, we recognize as ukrainian citizens those who had citizenship at the time of occupation and their heirs, we will give passports to all the others , what is the problem, but it is still a destabilizing fact. when you understand what i'm getting at, you and i talked very well about territorial issues, that is, we talked about territories, about accession, about sovereignty, about administrative-territorial division, but russia always used another very bad for us and for other peoples, and a very good feature for themselves, and this feature was that they immediately, as soon as they installed effective... over some territory, they
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immediately started mass resettlement, they did it in crimea, they did it as soon as ukraine was essentially occupied by ukrainians. people's republic, then the directory, as soon as it was occupied by the soviet union, and i frankly believe and always say that it is an occupation, so what did they start to do, they started to settle, evict those nationalities, those peoples who lived on the territory of the then ethnographic, relatively speaking, the territories of our country were resettled from any other from... any other part so-called russia, or then the russian empire of the soviet union, they always did it, they, they did it in ukraine , the baltic countries, they, they, they did it in crimea, when they threw out the crimean tatars and staged a genocide, they staged a genocide against ukrainians and settled, that is, russia, whatever it
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is called, it lays down for the future, even for the future, problematic, conditionally speaking... points, regions, and now, it is doing the same: mariupol, berdyansk, we see what is happening there, i i do not argue with this at all, but i tell you again, y we have a fairly simple dilemma, we can either throw russia out of here militarily, if we don't have it, if we have the strength to do so, or it will stay there, if it stays there, that's all i'm talking about, and the west will insist the sanctity of the borders and the fact that he will agree with us on everything when... we restore these borders, well, we will live in the gray zone, as long as russia wants it, because it will not give anything away, and we are absolutely calm we will wait for her new attack, and we will not wait that it will settle berdyansk or mariupol with russians, that it will settle
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kyiv and poltava with russians, you see, it's very simple, we stopped the war, that's what we agreed on. cease fire, we have not received a guarantee of security, the russian army is standing there, and imagine a few more years have passed and they have attacked us again, so you are discussing the wrong issue that is relevant, i have no doubt that that russia will populate these territories, which it occupied, with its citizens, moreover, i think that it will deal with the russification of those ukrainian citizens who will remain there, but i am telling you about something else, i am telling you what we should do if we keep under our control 80% of our territory 90, we have freed another 10, or lost another 10, 70, what to do with this territory, if this territory, due to the fact that we ourselves demand 100 and cannot release them other than by force, we do not have enough force for this, if not the lack of control over
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this territory does not allow us to become members of nato and receive real security guarantees, that's it i am interested because i say again. fetishization of the inviolability of borders in europe in the 21st century, destroyed by russia and almost destroyed by the yugoslav war, well, in fact , the borders of bosnia are destroyed, you understand, they are simply destroyed internally, this is what we were offered as a plan, special areas of the donetsk and luhansk regions, just putin this didn't want to, but milosevic really wanted it, and actually got his way. nothing to bosnia as a state, it supposedly exists, it supposedly does not exist, it confuses me, because i think that we may end up in a gray zone, in this refrigerator of civilization, for another 30-40 years, and that's all putin needs, and
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i have a simple idea, which again, many may not like, but i don't have another recipe , we recognize the entire territory of ukraine as our territory. no one else sees it that way, but at the same time there is no idea that we can't, that we can't become members of nato, that we can't become members of the european union, and the territory that we actually own can get all these security guarantees and all these, i would say trade and other preferences that all other members of the european union and nato have. this, if you like, is what the president said.
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russia, we are entering together with moldova, and we are told, oh, everything is fine, there will be a political agreement with transnistria for. contact me, it can also be so, because i tell you once again, we have come out of the situation of the second half of the 20th century, it is gone, you are also having your discussion with me. in this context is happening, you look at it again in the lens of the end of the 20 century, and i suggest you look at it from the perspective of 19, and i have already told you about what legal decision, if we return control over these territories peacefully as a result of changes in russia or the crisis in russia, and this will happen in 10, through 15, after 20 years, in each of these regions there is a beautiful baltic approach, latvia, estonia. to the so-called displaced people, people can not be evicted if they have property,
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apartments and so on, and you can simply refuse citizenship if it is ukraine, and this, and we say that, that this ukraine here returned, what does it matter after how many years, tell me, they, these are occupied territories, the occupier, from our point of view and from the point of view of international law, has no right to change their ethnic composition, changed, well, we have no claims against the people, we have claims . to the occupier, we can give these people the right to our citizenship only through naturalization, regarding property, it is also a question of how legally it was obtained, if it was about the fact that you illegally confiscate property from citizens of ukraine and transfer it to their citizens another state, i apologize, the ukrainian state has to return this war, property is called by their law in most cases that's what happens for it. and what about me, i apologize, and the baltic countries, which did not do this after 50 years, they absolutely calmly told
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the people who came there after the 45th year and settled in other people's apartments, i'm sorry, you live in other people's apartments, this belonged to a citizen of latvia, he is the owner, he will come tomorrow, and you will leave tomorrow, this applied even to citizens of latvia who lived in illegally acquired or simply in state property, i... was taken from private owners in cy- with legal, how to say it, with legal decisions and passporting and restitution, there are no problems, the problem is completely different, so that we do not find ourselves actually out of desire to enter the situation that russia offers us, and which, by the way, viktor orban spoke about: i want ukraine to become... a gray zone, i don't want russian
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troops to be on our border with hungary, so then let there be a filter, why should we be such a filter, let it be a filter between we, europe and russia, will be the part of ukraine that we cannot liberate by force, and which we must return politically, again, this is just in case, i want to emphasize this once again. that we do not have enough strength to return this territory, because when the president of ukraine says that he would like to discuss the withdrawal of russian troops from the territories occupied by russia at the talks with the president of russia, i always have only one question, and how does he will force, it must be something that will force volodymyr putin to agree to such a decision, and an occupier like putin or like hitler has only one option from... sleep, and that is when they are expelled by force. remember,
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the surrender of hitler's germany was signed on may 8, 1945, right? and when was prague liberated? if i'm not mistaken, a little earlier. well, well, in general, we talk about what, now we will check, but in fact, we understand that from ... the absolute majority of the territories that hitler occupied, he or his army was pushed out by force, of course, all almost all of them, warsaw, even berlin is the same, well, on the sixth of may 11 , 1945, in fact, the complete liberation of prague took place 3 days after hitler's germany ceased to exist, but the troops of this country, which are located.
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the russian liberation army under the command of general vlasev returned its weapons against its recent allies, if it had not switched to the run of the insurgents in prague, prague could have faced the fate of warsaw, but this all happened when everything was over, you know? prague was liberated from... by troops general vlasov from the hitlerites, who wanted to continue fighting for the territory even after the surrender. i believe that putin's regime is exactly like that. you see, this is the problem of such a regime, and that is why we must clearly say that if we have the strength to liberate all our territories from the enemy, we will not have this problem that i am telling you about, they say, we say that war, if we will go to the borders, 1991 may not be over, it may not be over, but we will have control over this line of the internationally
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recognized state border, and we can tell our allies: give us security guarantees for all of ukraine, and if they... resist, then you will defend the internationally recognized borders of ukraine with us, what is the problem? and here it will be very difficult for them to say no, to appeal at least, and if we tell them, you know, these are all our borders, and we cannot release them now, but we want to be members of nato, then they tell us, well, we also want you to be members of nato, after, as president biden said, after defeating russia, and i really want we realized it. because it's all a trap, you see, when i look, not only at ukraine, i look at this unfortunate kosovo, people were all expelled from kosovo, all, part of the serbian population left for serbia, part remained on the border with serbia, kosovo is in the gray zone precisely because kosovo serbs do not want to participate in the existence of this state, the west
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says: hold fair elections in serbian areas, the kosovo government says: we are ready. serbia tells its serbs: don't participate in these elections, it's coming to the polls three voters, it is the fault of the government of kosovo, but after that the united states and other western countries say, we cannot then accept you to the council of europe, you do not fulfill the conditions, and how will they fulfill the conditions, if serbia does not want them to carried out, along with that, when there was a plan, let's exchange that... you will give these serbian areas to serbia, and serbia can give some two areas where the albanian population lives, or you will just give these serbian areas to serbia, what did they say the leadership of kosovo, that it is serbian does not trade in kosovo territories, well, if you do not trade, then you will be like this for how long, how long you need
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to convince the serbs to participate in the management of kosovo, if these kosovo serbs do not... consider kosovo a state for 20 years, 30 , 40, that is, i don't want us to fall into the same trap, when the dayton agreements were signed regarding bosnia and herzegovina, i was frankly desperate, because the kosovar, bosnian serbs expelled the entire population from those territories where they were not even in the majority, but where there were no more than half of them, and muslims and croats, and the west legitimized it and said, you can now create your quasi- republic in this territory, which you managed to clear from others, which, and you know, it has nothing in common, they are two parts there , which are separated by a small territory from which they failed to expel the croats and muslims, the canton of borčko, and you know who is in charge of anton bryčko, the american high commissioner, still this tiny territory, that is, there is bosnia,
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the federation of muslim croatia, republika srpska and separately between the two parts republic. canton borčko and for which no one has held local elections since 1990 , i don't remember what year it is for, this is not mockery of the population of bosnia and herzegovina, but imagine that you are 25 years old there, it doesn't matter 30 35 you live in bosnia and herzegovina and you understand that nothing serious will ever happen to you in this country , you will. long to live in this country? next to you, everyone speaks the same language that you speak, in croatia, in this same serbia, if you are a serb by origin, but there one country is a member of the european union and nato, the other is a candidate, why will you sit in bosnia? of course, people leave, well, it's logical, it's logical, and we are approaching the fact
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that we can also have such a situation, if we find ourselves in such a situation, that's why i'm all the time. i will say, we cannot allow russia, using in fact the idea of ​​the inviolability of the borders, which it itself destroyed, to drive us into a tightrope, but we come to the point that the key to this situation is in the hands of the west, that’s all, that is, in our hands, relatively speaking, well not so and many tools in the hands of our defending military. their country from the enemy, only the creation of conditions that made it easier for the west to change its optics, here our citizens are dying for the west to change its optics from... in the hands of the west, but the west has already failed the test in the territory of the former yugoslavia, and i
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have been following this very closely, because i have been covering these yugoslav wars for years, i see all this horror in bosnia, in croatia, for in kosovo, for many of our colleagues, compatriots, what happened in... now it is such a shock, i was in dubrovnik, in dubrovnik, when it was bombed from the side of the bosnian serb positions, i saw refugees, kosovars in macedonia, by the way, i therefore , i am always very skeptical of those who say we want to destabilize russia. i saw how macedonia, north macedonia, before my eyes turned into a real hotel for albanian refugees, for hundreds of thousands of people, it was... such a horror, you can't even imagine what a horror it was, it's just a small country, and here such a number of people, and again,
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relations between ethnic macedonians and albanians of macedonia itself were not very simple, now they are, one might say, more stabilized, and suddenly there is still such a large number of albanian population, and ethnic macedonians perceive it as a threat to the existence of their own state, imagine think for a moment that we have such a large number of russian refugees, well, i saw it too, i remember. what was happening in bosnia and herzegovina when delegations from sarajevo arrived, which included representatives of both the muslim population and the croatian and they spoke serbian, this is not an inter-ethnic conflict, this is serbia, slavedan milošić wants to impose his vision of what the country should be on us, and when i saw how it all ended, i thought that this will definitely be used later, you know , because this is a policy of fait accompli. what you are saying is that if the bosnian serbs managed to clear half of bosnia's territory from competitors and the west agreed to it, then russia can try
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to do it in the occupied ukrainian territories and then demand to recognize it as a fait accompli. that is why i believe that we should have a clear legal position: citizens of russia who move to our territories should always remember that they will never become ukrainian citizens, that the policy of facts is not... it will happen that if they seize someone else's property, this someone else's property will be returned to the legal owners, that they are there temporarily, and if their children or grandchildren want to stay there, if it will be a long process, they will still not be citizens of ukraine, and they will still not use this property that they condemn themselves and their descendants to the fate that people who after 1940 moved to... the baltic countries actually used them as a tool of russification and radinization, but they did not know then, and we must do everything so that these people know, therefore that
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it was very difficult for the soviet people to stick to something, they believed that all this from tallinn to ashgabat was their homeland, we should tell the russians that mariupol, berdyansk, yalta, sevastopol, which is not their homeland, never their homeland from the point of view from the point of view of international law and ukrainian law, it is necessary now, by the way, this... will not be clearly formalized. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. learn how to prevent the enemy from discording us. in the special topic about demographic challenges. exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly. corruption in landfills, a large-scale investigation of crimes against the environment and citizens, interesting stories and quality analytics, with the country at the center of the main
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1:58 pm
congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society: the attack of drones on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow. and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized unit armed forces brigades. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover. the enemy with heavy fire and returns meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. verdict with sergie rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express his
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opinion on the malice of the day. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. greetings, time of news on espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the defense forces repelled an attempt by the russians to break through near vovchanska in kharkiv oblast. at the same time, fighting continues in the area of ​​lukyantsi village. this was reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the hottest today is in the pokrovsky direction, where our defenders repelled six enemy attacks. fierce fighting is currently ongoing near novooleksandrivka, kalinovo.


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