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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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on our air a volunteer from kharkiv region to ask what life is like now in the region, which is constantly suffering from russian shelling and where the russian offensive is ongoing, would i like to hear well, there is no guest yet, yes, there is no guest of ours yet, we are waiting for him, we will also talk today about what is happening. in fact, on the front, what different forecasts do we have, serhiy zurets will be with us soon, you know, i wanted to raise the following topic, i wanted to talk about the fact that two topics should be raised first of all, one of them, then about the fact that the bbc is writing about the fact that this package, which we have been waiting for so long in the amount of 61 billion, is actually not that much and...
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that that money and actually that aid will only be enough to deter the russian offensive by the end of the year, and as it is expected that at the end of the year we, and the russians, will come to the next fork in the road, where are we going next, or will the russians , just as obviously, burn all their stockpiled reserves by that time, and they will also face i wonder if i announce... to them the next mobilization for to replenish their ranks, well, for now the biggest problem remains that the russians produce shells, you probably know and have heard more about this, and they are much cheaper than those produced by our allies, and the allies produce better weapons, better projectiles, but here the russians, as in the second world war, are betting on mass, and like the t30. 4, which was repeatedly
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recognized as the best tank of the second world war, was far from the best tank of the second world war. he lost literally in all characteristics, all the best tank allies, but its cheapness and mass made it a dangerous weapon in the sense that you know how hagakura has it, that no matter who is a super samurai and a master, a super legendary sword, a katana... but he won't be able to do anything against 100 peasants with bamboo spears, so here, that is, it is those peasants with bamboo spears, in our case it is the russians with their barbaric weapons. well, we already have a guest, vyacheslav vilchenko, a volunteer, is joining us on our air, mr. vyacheslav, we welcome you, i congratulate you, you are in kharkiv oblast, mr. vyacheslav, tell our viewers. how
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to volunteer now in kharkiv oblast, what kind of volunteering is it? well, you know, this is extremely, extremely dangerous right now, ah, because we know that ah, it will fly anywhere, be, anything, so we are perfectly aware of each other , well, each of understands us what is he doing, what is it for, why is he doing it, we are all united by one goal, one idea, we all have one idea, this is help and victory. mr. vyacheslav, this is what our assistant is telling me the editor's words that you delayed coming to us on the air because you had just returned from the evacuation, where was the evacuation from, and how many more people need it?
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how it all happens, evacuation, you see, i still have such an understanding as the evacuation of military vehicles from the front line, that is, our team, my team, we take out military vehicles for further repair and upon returning the vehicle to the soldier, regarding the evacuation of civilians. but yes, there is still a sufficient number of civilians in the vovchan district, but they it is very difficult to get vitil out now, we cooperate with the military, who periodically, well, directly, yes, who periodically call and say that we managed to go there. there
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, the grandmother and grandfather came up and urgently took them out in such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and-such-and- such a truck, you can drive up and pick them up, that is. and now you imported a particular car, tell me how it went, where, how it all looks, and how it looks, well, we were directly in pokrovsk and we were taking out a car, a soldier’s car, which, well, which was taken away for repairs, ah, well, as a rule, this is, well, we repair the undercarriage of the car, but it happens that after the arrival, after the arrival, the car is broken, we need to replace this, replace that, and we deal with it, etc. these are generally
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safe trips, i don't know, i'm watching the video now, whether you also happen to be on such roads, if we can show it. show me now, i'll ask ours, are they familiar to you, and the landscapes are certainly familiar to the last to the last, we went to bakhmut and i don't know what kind of road it is, but it's very very similar, well, but you understand, they drove at each other like that last time, by the way, in the same pokrovsk. we got a little blocked, well , you understand, well, first we went there at night and using the gps, the navigator, we went back, and we, well, i’m already so sleepy, it was also somewhere around four or five, well, four o’clock was just
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starting to get gray , and you know that, the smell of burnt, fresh gunpowder. and i understand that we are not going there with a caboose, with a car, and then, somehow, everyone, everyone drives without lights, and i understand, and my colleague, slavik, too shouts, we don't seem to be going there, and i understand that we are in the gray zone, that is , we turned not quite to the left, to the right and... and drove, so of course, this happens very often, what is it, what can it be to happen in the gray zone, how dangerous is it, i'm sorry for a naive question, well, we were seen from the scope,
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the enemy, the enemy, yes, that is, it is half-dead, there may be some mortar shelling, whatever, it's a mortar, it's all this, whatever it was , i think that... they either had lunch or were recharging, so we just miraculously survived, this that's what, what, well, cost - my, my mistake in topography could cost. mr. vyacheslav, since you mostly concentrate on evacuating cars, military cars, which are called korchi, korchi, yes, korchi, and then you have to take them somewhere. for repairs, it's just that now we have a mobilization going on, and from such conversations, you know, when you get out of your bubble, you hear men discussing among themselves that there is the tsc, then there is the tcc, and we understand that the sto is , as a rule, men, well, i, i, i did not
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see, maybe there are some service stations that are already working women, and i am sure that women also understand well, we have, we have one, one girl, her name is zhenya. eh, if you are interested, i can then, a cool girl who has 95% of men behind her belt morally, seriously, simply, and about men who work for isto, who are afraid of tessik and so on, then you understand, but i don’t know about such to say on the air , in short, our assistants are not afraid of anything, despite all those fears, they go, work, and what is the situation, well, we have
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spare parts there, if the guys do not take them out, we help with the assembly of spare parts, if the guys say no, we are spare parts with spare parts, everything is fine with us , we have spare parts there, we help with the work free of charge, ah, well, in terms of the fact that the work is from us, the spare parts are from you, ah, well, in different ways. it happens, but the guys go for it, because we are all united, i say again, by one idea, one goal, and everyone who how, who can help, how can, well, thank you for your work, because we understand that it is also very important, because the military needs cars, this, it also saves lives on the front line, and thank you for what you are doing, mr. vyacheslav, thank you also for the evacuation... of people who are forced to leave their homes because the occupiers are breaking in,
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shelling these houses. vyacheslav ilchenko, a volunteer from kharkiv oblast, was with us, dear friends, we are going for a short break, then we will return and continue, we will analyze the situation at the front a little with serhiy zgurets, a military expert and director of the defense express information and consulting company. and you stay with us. in... the latest issue of ukraine magazine. the main ones threats to the unity of society. learn how to prevent the enemy from discording us. in the special topic about demographic challenges. an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov. corruption in landfills, a large-scale investigation of crimes against the environment and citizens. interesting stories and quality analytics. with the country, in the center of the main events. buy at press outlets. i remember betargin. ra. there will be no hangover, camera, your country
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is located in the region where a soviet soldier's foot stood during the great patriotic war, and we will not leave this region. in order to to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera. victory over heartburn. on may 27 , a charity concert in memory of the legendary tsysyk flower will be held on the stage of the theater named after maria zenkovetska. sofia fedina, volodymyr kudovba, nazar savko, kudovba family quartet, bohdan stelmakh, via vatra, orest tsimbala, victoria sivour. bohdan tsisinsky, tenor from belcanto, fora five, maria lemishka olenin, olya borachok, sofia
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your place is waiting for you. the light remains on. for dinner - what you like. a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we did not give up, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby,
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half the battle is to know how difficult victory is, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home,... when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. well, dear friends, we are returning to the air and now we will analyze the situation at the front and not only, we will talk about what predictions are made about the russians and the russian offensive in the world, i want to remind you that our gathering is ongoing, and
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please join us, with our donations, you and i collected 14:00 this morning, it's a little slow to... the collection, i have to say, it upsets me a little, of course, that there are viewers who even write their comments about what they have already donated, they conveyed the greetings of our troops from the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, send a small greeting, it doesn’t have to be a huge amount, but at least 10-20 uah, i hope you have some for our defenders, and yes we will add up to a handful, to a handful, and we will already have a million, we are getting closer to it little by little, we lack... some 138 thousand in order for us to have the first million, so be one of those who are that benefactor, which joins the collection for our quad bike defenders. sir serhiy, serhiy zurech is with us, and mr. serhiy, we welcome you. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. mr. sergey, two
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powerful russian missile and bomb strikes of the past, the past day, in fact, the strike on the epicenter and... the strike this night on the terminal of the international airport in zaporizhzhia, these are strikes on the infrastructure, if the russians are really going, as they say, to capture kharkiv or even zaporizhzhia, why do they destroy objects that would then become trophies for them in that case, or do they actually have some other plans? well in fact, we really saw these, well, terrible attacks by the enemy on our peaceful cities and on the epicenter there and... zaporizhzhia, in fact, i believe that this is precisely a manifestation of the russian strategy, which should cause a certain, let's say, panic mood among the ukrainian population and to force, in particular , to evacuate from kharkiv, this is what the enemy is counting on now, because such actions, they
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are calculated primarily to put pressure on the population, because we do not understand that by military means there to ensure there... encirclement there or capture he cannot go to kharkiv, but in within the framework of this hybrid strategy with the use of missile weapons as a weapon of terror, this is quite vividly realized on the example of kharkiv first of all, because this city is of interest to the enemy, pressure on the military and political leadership of ukraine due to such actions, they believe that it will work, and right here, well , it will be important what strategy the ukrainian side takes, because talking about... ha kharkiv is politically unacceptable at the current stage, but it means that the levers of military countermeasures against the enemy's actions are needed, although in the conditions of kharkov it is extremely difficult, we know how close the city is to the russian border, that the enemy, precisely the strategy of carrying out strikes on kharkov, it is
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precisely this strategy that is now reflected in the actions of the enemy, whether it is difficult or impossible, whether there is a game here... with these concepts, well, when we talk about the situation in kharkiv from the point of view of being taken over by the enemy, you ask about it, no, i mean those who resisted these attempts by the russians to turn kharkiv into, i don't know , aleppo, a second aleppo. well, now, conditionally saying, are these military measures possible in principle, but they rest on certain limitations from the side of our partners, because we know where the enemy's means of impressment are located, in particular, the same operational-tactical air defense systems of the enemy that are used for shelling, where the airfields from which these planes take off are located, and relatively speaking, it is indeed possible to counter the enemy with military means, but the issue of these restrictions on the use of western weapons, now they are becoming
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more and more acute, these discussions, we see that some countries... are in favor of lifting those restrictions, britain in particular, sweden in there yesterday said, but on britain, i want to really test britain's commitment, in particular to this decision, because if we know that storm shadow missiles are capable of striking there within 300 km, then we have a number of airfields on russian territory, where planes are stationed, which are then used for drone strikes on our territory, so far we have seen stormshadow in strikes on... crimea, but we need to move on, if this red the line that some of our partners drew in their heads not to use these weapons for strikes on russian territory, then we must start, probably with use. continue to use other approaches, but i understand that in fact the united states is unlikely to change its assessments, limiting, because, as i understand,
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for them the issue of using tactical weapons in confrontation with the enemy is tied to a certain strategic concept of deterrence, where, relatively speaking, nuclear nuclear country, well, relatively speaking, should not create prerequisites for such an escalation, and now i think that this paradigm, which... was formed earlier, rests on the fact that biden continues to try to follow these approaches, without carrying out the so- called, conditionally speaking, escalation, but the russian federation is now using all means , except for nuclear weapons in the war with ukraine, everything that could have been used has already been used. ... or parity in the use of these or other weapons, which are now extremely important in order to minimize the enemy's influence on kharkiv,
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well, actually, if, if we are not allowed to strike at the accumulation of russian troops, but i just spoke with olys mylarevich, he says, this that's just adding salt to the wound, because they can clearly see their batteries, but they can't get them through the armor, the armor prevents the fp bucket from going there. and accordingly , something more powerful is needed, but they do not give something more powerful, and now zelensky is talking about what is available again groups that the russians are forming literally a few kilometers from the border, in order to make a probably second attempt to advance in kharkiv region or sumy region, and seeing them, you can't hit them? well, now the de facto thing that we use, we use artistes and we use our fpv drones, but these means...the impression of the enemy is not enough to significantly reduce the potential that the enemy now has, or is building up, and now indeed , yesterday, the president speaking there,
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in contact with the western media, spoke about that the enemy is carrying out measures to accumulate forces in the west of kharkov, there are other areas where it is said about the accumulation of enemy forces. there, foreign experts are talking about the fact that this is precisely the area that is directed at zolochiv and bogodukhiv, it is a little west of kharkiv, and one way or another it can be assumed that the enemy will take such measures, because it affects the fact that one way or another, the ukrainian side will have to react to this, that is, one way or another, transfer reserves to these areas, the front line on in the north it will stretch, now it is already from... more than 70 km, when we talk about combat operations, first of all there are vovchansk liptsi, and then attempts to stretch our reserves,
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this is in the logic of the enemy's actions, and we also understand that in fact even the limited resources that the enemy now has in these areas, we will still have to compensate by overturning our brigades, and in this sense it is already a secondary effect, while the primary effect would actually be. having the opportunity to destroy the accumulated forces of the enemy, relatively speaking, it generally deprived the enemy of the initiative, now we are forced to play a secondary role precisely because of these rules for the use of western weapons, which so far are mainly imposed primarily by the united states. on the one hand , we understand that this is our important, extremely critical, strategic partner, and on the other hand, these tactical limitations give the enemy operational, potential. advantage, and i repeat, this is understood by military experts, military politicians, so this pressure on the biden administration is increasing, but on the other hand on the other hand, i still understand what logic they
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are guided by, and this logic, in fact, sometimes does not correspond to ukrainian interests from the point of view of using this, well, operational-tactical, primarily american-made weapons, and it seems that the russians are very afraid that the ukrainians do get such permission, but it is not for nothing that medvedev treated everyone again yesterday with nuclear... ash, if god forbid, it will hit the russian troops on the territory, if america hits the russian troops on the territory of russia. i am also mr. sergey, what is the logic of the russians, when they strike, for example, in zaporizhzhia and destroy the airport, when they strike in kharkiv and destroy the epicenter, and before that the printing house that we, we have already said that it is primarily to create panic among the civilian population, but how is this panic in in such a case , does it help them win the war? i don't know, capturing these cities is an indirect influence, it's actually a hybrid action, we understand that first of all, the enemy's efforts were directed there to destroy military
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facilities, energetically. objects, industrial objects, we see this in the elements of russian strategy, and the impact on the population is now taking on such a new stage in the enemy's actions, because now we see the enemy's deliberate actions to destroy and strike civilian objects, we understand that the epicenter could not be clearly identified, we know that these kaba's bombs were aimed primarily at the epicenter, because it was impossible to hit there. and this just affects the fact that the enemy expects that evacuation measures will probably begin there, i repeat, the issue of evacuating kharkiv is extremely difficult and in fact it is necessary to take military countermeasures without such steps, i also still lean, bloomberg writes that the biggest problem at the front remains that the average age of the armed
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forces. exceeds 40 years, they cite the words of one of the officers, 43-45, and write that even lowering the draft age to 25 will not solve this problem? well, in fact, we have to pay attention to our demography, we know that in the years of independence, we had few births in the first years. children and now we actually have the largest number of male population - this is the age group of 35-45 years and this is exactly what is currently reflected on the front line, when we talk about 18-25 there, then we have, relatively speaking, if i'm not mistaken , 1.6 1.7 million people who fall under this empty category, and even conditionally
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speaking, lowering the age limit, even in the format of lowering the age of mobilization from 25, frankly speaking, it does not significantly increase the number of young members of the armed forces, so in any case we are now reaping the fruits of demographic pictures, but in any case we understand that the use of mobilization resource sparingly with reliance on technology remains a significant requirement and challenge for us. of the military-political leadership, i hope that these limitations should be compensated by the weapons, weapons and techno-technological component and effective military management at various levels, this also remains a requirement for our leadership. very briefly, they write that this aid in the amount of 61 billion, and the bbc writes about it, is just enough to deter russian attacks until the end of this year, and then the germans write that
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for example... probably the biggest losses are ahead of ukraine this year, the biggest losses, well, we really understand that the delay of military aid for six months, they affected the fact that the enemy first accumulated manpower, the enemy kept some, let's say yes, arsenals, their stockpiles, this is just now affecting the front line, we see that in all areas the enemy is trying to press and somewhat tactically he is succeeding in certain directions. when we talk about the amount of american aid, experts and the military immediately did the conclusion that these are really the minimum sufficient resources for running a defense company on the ukrainian side, that is, it is enough for us for a more or less effective defense until the end of the year, and this is, relatively speaking, a certain reserve for us in order to ensure the activation of
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our capabilities there as well , which... it is quite difficult to ensure a faster deployment of the european defense industry, but even if we take the statistics of the first quarter, for the first quarter of the enemy , 500,000 were used. silence in memory of ukrainian soldiers and civilians. of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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