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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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on the support of weapons, help in reconstruction and demining, this is the updated information about zelensky's visit to spain, well, our colleague anna yevomelnyk is ready to tell us more news, who from the news editorial office has already managed to prepare a fresh issue, congratulations, pass the word and ask tell us briefly what this issue will be about. greetings colleagues, the news editor will tell you. about the most important thing, in particular, how much money spain will allocate to our country, and, unfortunately, the number of dead in kharkiv has increased, details these and other events, then, stay with us, 1 billion euros for... military aid for
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ukraine is allocated by spain. another 5 billion euros are planned to be provided by 2027, president volodymyr zelenskyi said after meeting with spanish prime minister pedro sanchez. the leaders of the countries also signed a bilateral security agreement. this is already the 10th state that concluded a similar agreement with ukraine. let me remind you that today the head of state is on a working visit to spain, he is planning a meeting with the heads of the chambers and factions of the spanish parliament. as well as a separate one audience with king felipe i, his majesty personally met zelenskyi at the madrid airport. unfortunately, the number of victims in kharkiv is steadily increasing. it is already known about 18 people who died as a result of the russian attack on the hypermarket. five people are considered missing. region oleg synigub. 48 people were injured. already installed. these 10 city mayors and
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leaders provide air defense to protect the sky above the city, as well as international partners to help protect civilians. let me remind you that on may 25, two artificial devices were sold to the hypermarket ventilation will be transferred to kharkiv from kyiv, announced the mayor of the city vitaliy klitschko. he also joined the call to close the sky above the enemy, which ukraine needs in order to respond to the aggressor. the occupiers attacked the district of kharkiv oblast in a one-year-old woman. in the prosecutor's office of the region. they kissed in the morning. inhabited by aerial bombs,
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residential buildings were damaged. two people were injured in mykolaiv oblast. russians self-service mobile car wash. the head of the region vitaly kim reported. the condition of one of the wounded is very serious. for each russian shelling, you can take revenge with a donation. tv channel. join an urgent, reliable off-road vehicle, performing tasks as scouts in active combat zones. our wars work in difficult conditions, so at the front , it is possible that off-road vehicles transport warehouses, ammunition, drones are launched from them, the necessary car has already been found and delivered to ukraine, it is currently being repaired and equipped, bought and handed over to. our goal is uah 3,000, and there are only three left... i believe that we can
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do it with you, remember, every donation is important. cars were on fire in kyiv, a fire broke out in the city's darnytsky district. in general, according to rescuers, almost 30 cars, 10 motorcycles and a bus were engulfed in flames. firefighters extinguished the fire within an hour. there are no casualties. attacks on the railway infrastructure were being prepared. the security service of ukraine detained fsb agents in odesa. the organizer of the criminal network turned out to be an ex-activist of the so-called antimaidan. he involved his close relative in cooperation. the men had to take pictures of regional railway facilities and send the coordinates to the russian curator. in addition, the head of the agency network personally managed a group of supporters of the so-called novorossiya in social networks and called for the seizure of power in ukraine. he was informed.
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suspicion on two articles, his accomplice on one. the odesa military exposed a large-scale scheme for making money from evasions. according to the state bureau. an official of the primorye territorial center of procurement interfered with the work of the electronic register of military servicemen. in the system, he illegally changed the data of those wishing to avoid mobilization from july 2023 , was able to fictitiously make them unsuitable for services of 138 men. the service cost from 4.5 to 7 thousand dollars, and the organizer managed to earn at least a million dollars. the sbi has identified all persons. who took advantage of this scheme, some of them managed to go abroad. the evaders who remained on the territory of ukraine were taken to the recruiting center for updating data and further mobilization to the ranks of the armed forces. the official
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was informed of the suspicion of unauthorized interference in the work of information and communication systems, the question of choosing a preventive measure for him is being resolved. removal from the position held the sanction of the article is punishable by up to 15 years of imprisonment. under the threat of a terrorist's hideout. ukrainian drones attacked the city of gelendzhik and its surrounding areas in the krasnodar territory, where dictator putin's palace is located. the local governor said that their anti-aircraft defense shot down four drones, and in the village of krynytsia, debris from one of them damaged an allegedly unfinished building, and in the village of jankhot, the following happened. in the open area, right near this place is the estate of the terrorist putin and the plant with wine production. another road accident was arranged by the russian military in the temporarily occupied crimea. according to the telegram channel krymskiy vetir, the accident occurred at the entrance to simferopol
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from the dzhankoy side. the occupiers' kamas rammed a civilian car, which in turn rammed into the car driving ahead. there is no information about the victims yet. the cost of war. from now on, every ukrainian can get acquainted with the expenses of the fund for liquidation of armed aggression of the russian federation. the interactive expenditure monitoring tool was developed and presented by the research center fiscal policy. to find out what the state spends money on, you just need to visit the website the cost of war section contains information on the expenditures of state and local budgets, as well as revenues from international partners aimed at overcoming the consequences of russian aggression. we downloaded from the edata platform all payments under budget programs financed from the liquidation fund, for each payment we
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identified which object of restoration this payment refers to, and thus for each object separately, we can already tell how much money was planned to be spent in 2020. this year and how much was actually spent. we are absolutely confident in our data, and why, because each object went from the moment of decision to data verification, data collection, data verification and then comparing it with reporting and additional confirmation from the local government organization that everything is happening correctly . evacuation in donetsk region in krasnohorivka, the police crew of billy the angel rescued an injured man. during of the russian shelling, a fragment entered the chest near the heart and hit a lung, the crew warned the medics that they were transporting a serious patient, so they were already on standby at the hospital. on that day, russian troops
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relentlessly pounded the city, told the national police, civilians were killed, the bodies of three victims were recovered by law enforcement officers. they ran 10 km to thank the american people for their support. the ukrainian military took part in the soldier field 10 race for the third time. this is an annual event in chicago, dedicated to the memory of fallen defenders of the usa who died in wars this year , more than 10,000 participants joined the race, including 20 ukrainians. 11 armed forces officers, a retired major general and veterans rehabilitating in the states. ukrainians. the co-organizer of the " spring charitable fund" project covered the distance with national symbols and t-shirts with the slogan "i run for ukraine". with this race, we want to show that ukraine does not give up, ukraine is strong,
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has never knelt and will not knelt, and to show a true ukrainian friend and the will to win. these events that we conduct they add additional energy for the diaspora to be more active. the influence of the diaspora, in particular the state of illinois, where chicago is located, it is very high, and so we literally, as everyone feels, every second that people about... the next issue is already at 17, the espresso team is working, we are watching that is happening in ukraine and the world, we will tell you about the most important things later on espresso, my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii will work. thank you annievilnyk, thank you news editor. well, now let's move on to the analysis of the situation not only
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at the front, and to the analysis of what is called the potential of the enemy. valery ryabikh, military expert, intelligence director of the information and consulting company defense express, is in touch with us. while mr. valery is getting ready, i will announce important news from the radio liberty service. so, on the night of the 27th, on this night , drones attacked an object in the russian gelendzhik near putin's dome , so to speak, called a palace or a residence , and representatives of the enemy administrations assure that they succeeded, so to speak to extinguish those careless drones, well, but i think that it is unpleasant for the enemy to find out that they are flying, well, today they caught, even if in... they caught, and they could not have caught, but just lied, well, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow could come so close that they will not be enough, and
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at the same time we are also aware that our military has begun to very actively, gradually work out strategic weight, enemy targets, in particular, when we talk about radar stations of various plans, mr. valery, we ask you to analyze this aspect , and well we see that... against the background of precisely not obtaining permission from our partners for the use of weapons, which we receive directly on the territory of the russian federation, well, with the exception of sweden, which has clearly now declared that this comes precisely from international law, which allows the use of any, any weapon on the territory of the occupier, for the purpose of defense and repelling and repelling aggression. but still , now there is a reliance on those means that ukraine
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produces with more of their production, namely long-range means and primarily drones of various types, which, as it seems, will more and more expand the geography of strikes on the territory of the russian federation, here was already a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, it was confirmed to our fellow journalists that... the strike of such a drone took place with another record at a distance of 1,800 km, and this is according to the station of the long-range detection radar station of boronizh m in the russian city of orsk, and this is right on the border with kazakhstan, and this also shows that the armed forces of ukraine as a whole. the defense forces of ukraine lead it systematic work on striking
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strategic objects and focusing on strategic goals while the russian occupiers solve the tactical task of occupying one or another position or seizing another populated place in ukraine or the task of the same terrorist attacks on kharkiv and terrorizing the residents. of ukraine and at this time, just in case, if we talk about the destruction or the repeated attack on the early observation station, the notification of the missile threat by voronezh, it should be noted that this is the third such station that succumbed strike of the defense forces of ukraine, and this station. along with two others, which was the voronezh dam in the krasnodar territory, which
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was previously attacked by the defense forces of ukraine, as well as the container station in moldova, they generally covered up to half of this very east-south direction, and we can say that the opponent now gets a so-so. strategic blindness, and here, sir, mr. valery, and to put it simply, what is the station, what are its main functions, well... it should be said here that the voronezh station is a new a development that has been introduced by the russians since 2005 and is actively being built there to replace the early observation stations inherited from the soviet union, and
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their main purpose is, let's say, the eyes of the space control system and missile attack warning, and here it should to note that the construction of a system of similar stations along the perimeter of the russian federation allows, or rather allowed the russian federation to restore the integrity of the radar field and, well, to restore control over outer space, and such... in a way to increase its capabilities for detection, early detection of a ballistic missile strike on this country, mr. valery, and please tell me, if we are now seeing another attack on a similar object, could this be a kind of preparatory measures for what in the future, ukraine may
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, conditionally speaking, launch one or another weapon, not drones, but, for example, missiles, yes... more seriously, on the territory of the russian federation, that is, conditionally, this is a kind of preparatory period in order to disable their equipment , which can inform them about the other air target well, there are several aspects here, and first of all, of course, you are right, such a preparatory stage is currently being carried out, and the fact that drones are reaching there now, first of all, this indicates that the routes are being worked out, in addition... drones or groups of drones that fly to such distant objects, they scan the territory of the russian federation for the actual presence of active anti-aircraft defenses and the possibility of bypassing them, and of course, they can also be similar in terms of strikes test, because, well, the drones themselves and the armament
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of the drones, in particular, the combat load. it is not so big, and but in principle, point strikes can cause significant damage to the enemy, and here it should be noted that in the event of the appearance of ukraine, well, for example, as part of the implementation of the same missile program that is currently in ukraine, let me remind you, is being implemented from 2020 th year, or, for example, when received from our partners. the ability to beat the weapons that we receive from them at a long distance, and in addition to the expansion, for example, of the nomenclature of already similar weapons, which would made it possible to strike at a greater distance, let's say so, all technologies and flight tasks will be worked out, and of course,
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such strikes can only be increased in order to increase the effectiveness of such strikes and, well, the complete destruction of such strikes objects of this nomenclature, such as blinding strategic blinding or causing irreparable economic damage to the enemy by damaging the same objects of the oil and gas industry in order to reduce the possibilities of financing the war against ukraine or a number of other objects. which also affect the terrorist state's ability to wage war against ukraine. mr. valery, well, we would like to ask you about the barbaric criminal attacks on civilian objects in kharkiv, not only in kharkiv, there is information that the enemy has started using new, modified, guided aerial bombs
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with a range of about 90 km. we would like to ask you about the recipes. with them yes, well , we understand that the enemy uses aviation for this from the depths of its territory, well , accordingly, if we talk about accuracy, not only about range, but also about accuracy striking, that is, it was not for nothing that they chose a civilian object, a supermarket in kharkiv, and directed two guided aerial bombs there, that is, this is a double war crime, but you have my word, well, it should be noted here that this bomb is an ompb d-30 - sn, it is positioned by russian terrorists as a high-precision bomb, and this suggests that in... an attack on an object, such an object as the epicenter, it was planned in advance, and this indicates precisely
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that an international war crime was committed, there is no time limit for responsibility for the crime actions, and all those who participated in its planning and implementation, they will be under criminal investigation, all this time, and until they are found and punished, and here the investigators say that here are such bombs, this is not the first time applied in kharkiv, it should be remembered that in the middle of march a similar attack was made on a residential area, and when a school was damaged and there were victims among the civilian population, including children, and this... is also included in a series of similar crimes and earlier there was a similar bomb was used in the mirnograd area of ​​the donetsk
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region, and a civilian object was also hit there, so we see that these means, which are positioned there by russian terrorists as highly accurate, are used against civilian objects, and this, let's say, reflects this no... well, that is, it is necessary to shoot down the russian aviation at a distance of at least 90-100 km, this is putting it mildly, although they can release them a little further, there are still three main principles of struggle there, it is necessary to increase the means of anti-aircraft defense for to drive this aircraft away from the launch areas, and this is already with these bombs, which... is less than 90 km, but is more effective, for example, for striking the bases of the aircraft that uses these bombs, well, this
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for example, the su-34 aircraft, which are based at the baltimore airfield near voronezh, and this is at a distance of 235 km, this is the distance that can already be covered by the means that are at the disposal of the armed forces of ukraine, in particular, the same missile complexes, and here should to note that already at a similar distance they were used on the territory of the crimea, and here it should be noted that there is only one word from our partners of the united states of america, and this threat will at least be quickly and minimized, in particular by striking the baltimore airfield near voronich, and ... this will be more an effective means, and in combination with our acquisition of additional anti-missile air defense systems
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in order to cover kharkiv, as well as the appearance of western aircraft in the form of f-16 in the sky of ukraine, they will further increase the capabilities of the defense forces of ukraine, i.e. repel such... threats from the enemy and adequately act against those terrorist acts that are carried out and planned and implemented by the criminal regime in the kremlin. thank you, valery rybykh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express was on our air. let us remind you that zelenskyi's visit to spain is ongoing, and he, by the way, said at a press conference that russia uses more than 3,000 gabs per month and says that we need at least seven patriot systems , in order to counter russian aggression, he once again mentioned the city of kharkiv, that kharkiv needs two
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patriot systems, and he actually said that next month it could be a bigger number, we know that the russians have a lot of cabs , this is practically limitless, and the main problem is actually that you have to have something to shoot down their enemy aircraft, which is... all of these cabs, and only thanks to the fact that there is an opportunity to shoot down planes, there is an opportunity to counter the cabs, there is nothing to shoot down unfortunately, there are no planes, they have very, very many cabs and they can carry a lot of them to use for a long time, we remember how they covered avdiivka with kambas, and this, by the way, helped them to actively advance in this city, so we understand that kabi is now what the russians are focusing their attention on, and the ukrainian the ukrainian government... mother is now doing everything to ensure that our allies provide us with more means for us to fight them. yes, while we were talking, the enemy hit kharkiv, again, this was reported by
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the mayor of kharkiv and... the center of the city, says the message of the kharkiv mayor, and this information is confirmed by the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, synigubov. the enemy struck kharkov, there is a threat of repeated launches. you will receive more information, dear viewers, after a short break, wait, we will inform you about the most important things. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. garden trimmers from unpack tv. hurry up to order at a special price, only from uah 999. corce trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places, near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb,
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