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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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until 10 pm for espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares. forges, repairs, coils kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with torrential fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized armed forces brigades, let's keep the line together. the information day of the tv channel continues, that the occupiers are pretending to be military equipment in the direction of berdyansk. this was reported by the adviser to the mayor of mariupol, petro andryushchenko, what?
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at least 17 units of enemy equipment are moving through mariupol towards berdyansk, probably to strengthen the enemy group in zaporozhye. according to andryushchenko , there are at least 17 units of light armored multipurpose tractors in ichelon. a large shift in the direction of rostov was recorded by our msiopposite, at least 17 readings. in later, these trucks were identified as having been thrown in the direction of berdyan through mariupol. confirms our hypothesis about the strengthening of the zaporizhia direction. now we will have the opportunity to find out what is happening in the kherson region, in particular on the left bank. yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, is already in touch with us. mr. yuriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. i congratulate you, friends, glory to the heroes. well, we would like to ask you about the difficult situation on the left bank, krynok district, we understand that there is ongoing, actually on...
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efforts to hold this bridgehead, but we also understand that the enemy there is also trying to knock out our units, which currently have certain positions there, what is known now about the situation on the left bank? well, regarding this particular location, unfortunately, we are forced to maintain informational silence here at the request of our military, because sometimes the information that is disseminated can interfere. our defense forces to carry out their work, in general on the left bank of the occupied territory, unfortunately, we observe that the situation is very difficult, it is even now, regarding terror in relation to our people, and in relation to the integration processes into the so-called russian peace, which they are constantly trying to carry out, this is pressure on people, in relation to education, in relation to participation in cultural events, pseudo-cultural events, excuse me, and in relation to our men, in relation to their
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registration, military, they also directed their efforts so that there was a one hundred percent result. look, we would like to ask you, if we are talking about forced mobilization in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, as an enemy, which he uses levers and how actively they try to take our citizens into the occupation recruits. if we are talking about registration, then this is terror, because they have now used everything that was possible, they obliged the enterprise to provide information about the men who work for them, and if a person did not register with the occupiers for military registration, now, employment is almost impossible, if we are talking about mobilization, fortunately, it has not been recorded yet. well, at least mass
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cases when they forcibly drive people away to the military units, a lot of effort was directed at propaganda, they promise to pay people a lot of money, benefits, land plots, mortgages, etc., just so that a person will sign this contract, but according to our data, there are, well, in fact, isolated cases where everything ... such residents of our territories agreed to this propaganda, the absolute majority of people ignore it. that is, if we understand correctly, they do not offer mobilization as such, they collect information, but they still want to attract as many contract workers as possible so that people actually had certain obligations, so according to this contract, and they had no chance to get away with it later. in fact , they are. so far, the bet has been on
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propaganda, on brainwashing so that people, well, if you can say voluntarily in such situations, left to their military units. because there are cases when people who were forcibly sent to these units later directed these weapons against the enemy, against the occupiers. look, we would like to ask you about the situation with the dnipro river. yes, we understand that the front line, in particular, ran along the dnieper, we understand that there were attempts by the enemy to force and hold the islands, our fighters recaptured one of the important islands, but... just one, share, be kind, what are you now with "represents the dnieper, so at the end of may and what is the approximate depth and width, and is the enemy preparing some insidious military surprise, so, for example, at the mouth of the dnieper, there south of kherson, well, for
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us, the width here depends on which section it's about, i can't say that right now there's, you know, there's... some information that needs special attention, in terms of enemy activity, unfortunately, it's there constantly, in fact, they're constantly trying to touch our defenses, the first line , uh, there are always some sort of landings on the islands, on different islands, in fact, small drgs, they land, they are discovered there and destroyed already by our defense forces, that is, this activity in them constantly, what they say. directly the guys who are responsible for these areas, well sometimes they just, you know, just commit suicide when they drop off there, well, a group of two or three, two or three people there, and in these areas, where just an hour ago, a similar group was destroyed, well
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, that is, in such format, but unfortunately it is impossible to say that there are no professionals on the other hand who know what they are doing, unfortunately, and such... there are such, we would also like to ask you about the shelling, yes, we understand that in the morning the russian military attacked again, in particular it is about antonivka in the kherson region, there were injuries received by a young man, and in general about what the enemy is actively using now, if we are talking about shelling, whether it is drones, whether it is artillery shelling, whether it is cabs, well , in fact, as of now, we already have... two people wounded, this is another person from the morning raids who went to the medical facilities, this is antonivka, yesterday we had three wounded, on average we have 10-15 settlements per day under shelling, kherson constantly, now the same,
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the shelling just ended, the enemy was working in kherson, as for weapons systems, well, actually the same, from drones to cabs. use mortar systems, artillery, mlrs, where they have the opportunity to use these weapons, they use them there, where they cannot work with drones, well, for various reasons and so on, they use other weapons systems there, where active military operations, they try to conduct them directly, then of course there is much more artillery training there than in other settlements and a different system. they also concentrate there. and about people's moods, what can you to say, in general, how life is going on in kherson and nearby settlements. if we understand, now the educational process takes place completely remotely, right? well, but there will be holidays,
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the children will want to go outside, or now somehow, i don't know, the local authorities are trying to do some explanatory work with parents, how to properly inform them, so that they... give the correct instructions to their children, because we understand , that in the summer , children will still want to go out somewhere, have fun, go for a walk and so on, enemy like you you see, there is shelling every day, and what to do in such a case, or are you somehow working on an information campaign, you know, they are now walking on the street, and well, actually it is scary to see when kherson, when you can hear how the enemy’s artillery works and at the same time children they are playing, but life goes on, that... until the information work, it does not stop, and the recommendations, in fact, they are the same, to leave, families with children in settlements in the zone of active hostilities, near the dnieper, well that it is very dangerous to stay and wait for the arrival of these, separate
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the work is carried out on the mines of danger, because, well, unfortunately, this is also a factor that is scary for us, despite the large number of resources that are involved for... changing for the survey of territories, risks, they remain, and from time to time we , unfortunately, there are cases when a person still finds either a mine or the ammunition that he has reserved. and gets injured, local administrations, first of all, and public organizations also work on this, so that the population's awareness is maximal, because in a very large number objects can be dangerous, so any object that arouses suspicion must be reported already, or the national police or the state emergency service, let them already come, figure out whether it is dangerous, is it... the object is there, let's say, not there there is no danger, but it should be done
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by professionals, because, well, i say again, a very large number of items that are explosive, thank you, yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council was on the air with us, we will now go on a short break , but i want to give you more information about the latest arrival in kharkov, so there is updated information. four people were injured, one is in a serious condition, kharkov mayor igor terekhov reports this, they say that the flights were in the city center, the air force informed about the launch of cabs in the direction of kharkov, it is also known that they targeted the industrial zone of the kholodnohirsky district of the city, information regarding the victims and destruction is still being clarified, we will inform you as it is received, what... is happening in kharkiv, the enemy hit again today with kabami, well and president zelenskyi, who is currently in
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spain, says that the russians use approximately 3,000 anti-aircraft missiles in ukraine per month, and this number can only grow, so he called on our partners to provide us with additional air defense systems as soon as possible. now we are going for a short break, after it we will continue our broadcast, now also pay attention to the qr code that you see now in the corner. screen, this is our own reminder that the enemy does not stop, he continues his terror every day, and our task is to help our forces defense against this evil, so please join the collection for atvs to evacuate the wounded and transport ammunition for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade, every hryvnia is important, remember that there are no small contributions. we are going for a short break, after which we will continue our informative day. thinking about a new mattress,
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4:45 pm
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come on, we'll stay here for another two weeks, i 'll give you a ride. and not only on a tank. yes, here near the station in grozivka, if you say that you are visiting a student, you will be let through. well, yes, student, that's my call sign. yes, here near the station in grohivka. he will say that they will let you go to the student. yes, there are nine. yes, nine tanks. thunderstorm here it is. student. student. "today you don't comply with information security, tomorrow it's up to you gasmanders will visit, the enemy hears, be on the lookout. there are reports that the chernihiv drama
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theater is being closed indefinitely due to the mobilization of actors and workers, the process. public, said the artistic director of the theater andriy bakirov, i am now quoting the artistic director of the chernihiv drama theater. i am not ready to say exactly how many people there are, seven actors, two sound operators, one editor, one musician skripal, i don’t want to forget someone there, we have a big list, the letter came to 34 people, according to the artistic director, several people were sent for additional examinations, the rest were sent for... training, well, that's the news, but we understand that now, in general, all relevant processes related to tcc and sp are being activated. yes, and now i will also remind you that president zelensky's important visit to spain, which he postponed due to the russian offensive in the north of kharkiv region, is in progress, and by the way, if
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we are talking about and mentioning the russian offensive in the north of kharkiv region, then the dbr is now with explains how exactly they managed to make this breakthrough, i see now i will quote the sbi, they are currently investigating the circumstances of the breach of the border by the russian military in the kharkiv region as part of the criminal proceedings, given the high profile of the proceedings , the best investigators and the leadership of the main department of the sbi are involved in the investigation, they say that there is a close interaction with the operational units of the sbu and also full communication. support from the general staff. they say in the bureau that it is within the limits of the pre-trial. investigation , the investigators will comprehensively check the level of provision and staffing composition of units of the armed forces of ukraine, construction of fortifications, interaction between military units, etc. well, actually, now we can also talk about the elections, but not the elections in ukraine, as you know , there will be no elections while the war continues, the president of lithuania was actually re-elected for a new
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term. what does this indicate, and what are his plans for the next term, let's talk. with the lithuanian journalist anna daukshevych, you should be in touch with us, mrs. anna, we congratulate you, good day, glory to ukraine, we are glad to see you, and we would like to congratulate the wise the lithuanian people for having voted, well , we understand that these are only preliminary data of the second round, but gitana from naosed will most likely be the president of lithuania, about 70, more than 70%, not 76, well, because we... some may still be adjusted data, but it means that lithuania will maintain political stability, an extremely important story, we would like to tell you in general about the course of the elections and why the lithuanians were so consolidated especially in the position of gitan sanauseda. uhu, first of all, glory to the heroes, and yes, of course, not
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there was a lot of news during this election campaign. because the survey showed that the majority of people are very satisfied with this, what exactly is the policy of the president in charge, it should be noted here that the president of lithuania is, first of all, a person who should represent the country abroad, this includes visits to ukraine, and visits to various summits from nato to the eu and so on, and this is, first of all, about the foreign policy of our country, and of course the second issue is about defense. the ability and absolute investment in the defense industry and so on of our country. of course, it is also involved here the government, but the president, the position of the president in lithuania is... less about things that happen in the country, and more about what he should represent, how he should represent the country,
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and actually a lot of people, well, they gave him a very big assessment, but it should also be noted that in the second round we had to choose between the president and our prime minister, this is the second time we choose between these people, but of course. that the prime minister always has a slightly more difficult situation after the term of office, because here the prime minister is always responsible for everything, for what is happening in the country, for pensions, for everything, and if there is a lot of criticism, of course it is much more difficult to start from such a position, that is why i do not know such big remarks, which were never made for the president, that is why even in us... that election campaign took place without, i don't know, any major events, and although today
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the president already said that of course the second term will also be difficult, because these circumstances, under which he already had the first term, that is, the war in ukraine and so on, they continue, and that's why actually the second. it will also be difficult. mrs. anna, you know, i have only one phrase in my mind right now: they don't change horses at the crossing, and we also had such, well, i would say trouble, yes, when the full-scale invasion began in our country, we also had elections, yes , because it was the anti-terrorist operation, it was not a full-scale war, the ukrainians decided to change the head of state, but at the same time our president was engaged in a little, probably not what he should be engaged in, you very rightly... noted that the president is a diplomat, he should think about diplomacy and military component, and not about the social worker and so on, because in our country, unfortunately, the president is responsible for
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everything, although it should not be so, and i would like to ask you here how aware the lithuanian voter is of what the president should actually do , does the average lithuanian understand what the president is responsible for, what the head of government is responsible for, i.e. what are his powers, how politically informed is the lithuanian... well, i would say that we still have a lot of problems here, because a part of society, of course, understands what it is about the office of the president, and when we, for example, look at the debates, well, they must also take place here, because this is the law, and sometimes some candidates try to say something about social policy and so on, and of course the journalist here says that no. let's talk about what the president can actually do, but unfortunately some people still think that the president, if he says he's
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going to take this job and there's going to be better pensions, they trust that, and here's one thing lose their relevance, no, no, it's still like that, it's changing a little, but some people still think that the president... he's the main one, look, well, we understand that gitanas naoseda showed himself as an extremely pro-ukrainian politician, yes, he implemented a lot of things thanks to the understanding of the strategic danger in which the whole of central europe is now, and this is extremely important, and at the same time he was ready even to put his own certain ambitions at the throat for the achievement of certain common goals, in particular, when we talk about getting rid of polish. of the lithuanian dialogue, and here now before us, before all of central europe, there is another challenge: the meeting of the peace summit according to our formula in
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switzerland, so let's hope that it is gitanas naoseda who will be ready to take on some responsibility, especially taking into account certain rumors that , for example, the president of the united states, joseph biden, will not come to the continent, but in any case , we understand that americans would like to experience their elections, which will be held in the fall, and accordingly, how do you think it will be the swiss peace summit, what will be the mission of gitanas nauseda and lithuanian diplomacy in general? it is a pity that now the united states is thinking more about its elections, about what is happening in ukraine, and about the war, we saw already six months later when they were playing with the elections there, but they thought about... maybe about the aid package for ukraine to ukraine regarding the mission of gitanos nasi, i think that it became very clear here when mrs. ursula
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funderlajen, other for...politicians said that it was necessary to listen to countries such as countries the baltic states, poland, for example, which have been saying for many years that russia is an aggressor and that we must be very careful to communicate with it there or do business with it, that it is very dangerous here, and therefore, when they already said that we must i used to listen to them, i think that it is right here now, although we are a very small country, but i see that... the voice of lithuania and the voice of estonia, for example, too, the prime minister says a lot about the war in ukraine and about what needs to be done, our voice is finally heard by someone, i think that the most important thing for egitan sanovoseda is to prove and others our opinion, because we don't feel very safe here, being next to russia, i think the same with poland
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and so on, and we all understand that... uh, if something goes wrong with ukraine , then russia will attack us and so on, so the main thing is to stop ukraine, and this, by the way, is to stop russia, i mean, the main thing is to stop russia, and this is the narrative that society provides for our president, because such there is an opinion in society. ms. anna, look, i'm still reading zelensky's fresh statement, he already is greetings in time. with re-election for a second term and says that ukraine will soon sign a security agreement with lithuania, this is an important signal, so we understand that today ukraine signed a security agreement with spain, there were other countries before that, or gitanas naoseda actually in his election campaign shared his plans on how he plans to expand this ukrainian-lithuanian cooperation, because it is very
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important for us. and very, i would say, necessary, vitally necessary support of the baltic countries, in particular lithuania. yes of course, absolutely, conversations about the situation in ukraine, about the war in ukraine, i would say, one of the key issues, during the election campaign, it was talked about absolutely always and for any reason, and that is why gitanosnosyad is already naked here and today ... that one of the key tasks for him is to support ukraine, and here, if we look at where we can cooperate, what, well, what, if we talk about weapons, for example, then there are drones, also, then there are anti-drones, drones, which are made in ukraine, in lithuania, sorry, so i think that there are investments that can be joint, for example, production, which is joint, of course, we are not talking about
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tanks anymore. we don't produce something like that, but there are actually areas in which cooperation is possible, especially since i don't know if you heard in ukraine that the german company rainmetal also has plans to build its own factory in lithuania, so these opportunities will only spread, thank you, thank you, mrs. daukšević, anna daukšević, a lithuanian journalist who is very well versed in... not only in lithuanian, but also in international politics, well, what is happening today a lot, intensive fighting continues at the approaches to the temporary ravine, defense forces are counterattacking in the districts of vovchansk and staritsa in the kharkiv region. well, antin and i are already saying goodbye to you for today, our colleagues will continue to inform you about the most important things, so stay with espresso, in just a few moments there will be news from espresso, so wait for them, and antin and i will tell you until tomorrow, see you.
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in this studio, at this same time, take care of yourself, and you'll be fine. greetings to everyone from espresso, i am anna yavomalnyk and this is news. three people were killed and six others were injured as a result of a russian attack on a snowplow in mykolaiv oblast, the head of the region, vitaly kim, said. among the injured are a 17-year-old girl and a boy. russia fired a missile at the city during the day, a fire broke out in a coffee shop, a car shop and a tire.


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