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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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the operational situation that takes place along the border, because again, for example, we also involve special forces, other units that perform tasks here, and let's say this work is quite active for near the border, it gives to be able to understand, to get up-to-date information about the state of affairs that is happening at the border, of course, that we also... analyze, exchange data with other services in order to have a complete picture, because it is quite important here to understand that is also happening behind the border line, what is the situation there with regard to the strength of the enemy's means, which he can also tighten and concentrate there, and increased attention in order to even understand the use of enemy artillery, because we understand that there are striking distances, on which works one or
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another artillery means, it currently concerns shelling of the border of sumy oblast and understanding the situation, countering such attempts by the enemy to bring artillery close to the border line in order to strike at populated areas in our country. i would like to inquire how the training of junior commanders, sergeants, coordination of units takes place in the national guard. are there any, relatively speaking, methods, experience that, well, is different from what happens in the armed forces, what is the highlight of such a high level of training of the national guard brigades? first of all , i must note that even recently , a lot has been done to ensure that we have interoperability with other units, because during martial law, our units, in particular, the offensive guard brigades.
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tasks under the leadership of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, that is, we are talking about a unified system of management of all units of the defense forces that perform tasks on the battlefield, and secondly, really significant attention is now being paid to strengthening the capabilities of the brigades precisely in terms of their training and preparation for conducting military operations, taking into account the current situation, the tactics of the enemy, technical. means that the enemy uses along the entire front line, during the last months we even, i will say so, at first of the full-scale invasion , the number of trainings in the national guard quadrupled, that is, various trainings, various units, starting from individual training, training of crews of combat vehicles, tanks, battleships, er, of course, this is also training in the composition. unit combat
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coordination after servicemen undergo basic military training or undergo training, let's say, before leaving for combat missions, and also more than 10 countries now, which countries in europe that help in the training and training of our servicemen, this is again the sergeant corps, because the role of sergeants is now quite important, it is, let's say, the first echelon of commanders that is in direct contact with soldiers, performs tasks on the front line, at positions, and even abroad in 2023 with the help of the partner countries, we managed to prepare more than 350 military personnel, non-commissioned officers, with the help of the programs that were offered to us, and , of course, now the important direction is directly unmanned aviation systems, used, drones of various types,
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starting from the operational-tactical level and ending with ordinary fpv drones. we mentioned drones, does the national guard plan to follow the example of the armed forces and create such a separate vertical for the management and application of unmanned systems. now we can say that in the state, the state in general is developing the forces of unmanned systems, is developing. directions and technical and directly those, let's say so, and vertical structures in order to effectively apply them in the armed forces and, accordingly, in the national guard also a vertical has already been created, which specifically concerns the use and application of unmanned systems of various types, which applies to the state as a whole and in the armed forces, and in the forces of the defense forces system, then of course we are talking not only about aerial vehicles, only about
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unmanned aerial vehicles, in general, about unmanned systems, these are also those that can be used, let's say, both on land and on water, even, in the national guard, we are currently talking about those that are used. in the air, accordingly, now we have already created vertical, and in the units , units have been created that use drones for conducting and aerial reconnaissance, as well as units of unmanned strike systems that directly carry out combat tasks to impress the enemy's equipment and logistics in terms of manpower, and of course, i will not go into detail... however, it is important here to provide training on various aircraft so that our fighters can use them effectively and qualitatively on the battlefield, taking into account the fact that now there is a very, very large number, let's say, of various
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drones, various, which are also produced in ukraine, and which make up our units directly, some independently, those who offer a volunteer, so understand... what are the technical characteristics, under what conditions they can be used, understand them, let's say , stability to the enemy's radio means of radio-electronic warfare, this is all that we include in the training program of our air defense operators. and mr. ruslan, in the end, i would like to ask whether the national guard is currently continuing the recruitment campaign in order to get guardsmen to come to the pits, well motivated... fighters, what was it like at the beginning of the formation of these national guard brigades? we are now, of course, continuing to recruit for various units of the national guard, because in addition to the offensive guard brigades there are other units, we have tasks, respectively, which we
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now have to perform in order to protect the state and citizens, starting from the front line and ending in, say yes, we have more protection of critical infrastructure facilities. 500 mobile and stationary fire groups, whose task is to counter air targets, in simple words, this is a struggle with shaheeds, with cruise missiles, struggle, the national guard is also engaged in demining, there are many issues that relate specifically to the law enforcement component, this is serving at checkpoints as well, and what we call stabilization actions, that is, the restoration of life in the de-occupied territories, this too... also an important task for the units of the ministry of internal affairs and the national guard, and we are currently trying to provide information as simply as possible for what vacancies are available, how to join such units, starting from the questionnaires on our sites and social networks and ending job search platforms. mr. ruslan,
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thank you very much for these explanations, for the fact that all the soldiers of the national guard are doing incredible things on the line of fire to protect our country from the invaders. and i will remind our viewers that it was the press officer of the national guard of ukraine, ruslan muzychuk. these were the main, war results of the day, and more international and economic news later on our big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zgurets, an extremely interesting analysis. well, the informational evening of the tv channel continues at 18:38. minute extremely serious news, and there is already a signal from the state bureau of investigation, which is engaged in the study of what happened in kharkiv oblast during the enemy's breakthrough, so the state bureau of investigation, as part of the criminal proceedings, is investigating the circumstances
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of the breakthrough of the border by the russian military, so the bureau notes that within pre-trial investigation investigators comprehensively check the level of security and staffing. units of the armed forces of ukraine, construction of fortifications, interaction between military units and also, the sdf verifies the actions of the leadership of all units in the region during, before and after the offensive actions of the enemy. possible facts of groundless abandonment of combat positions by units of the armed forces of ukraine are being investigated, and the sdf now assures that they have already established the so -called minute-by-minute development of events. law enforcement officers appointed a number of important. examination well, now we will talk about the situation in kharkiv and kharkiv region. ruslan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. bohdan. glory to heroes. well, today is a day in kharkiv mourning, yes. we understand that the enemy killed,
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i emphasize, killed a lot of civilians who went to the shopping center, to the supermarket. he shot down two manned aircraft. bombs, and first of all , i would like you to tell me how the memory of the dead is commemorated in kharkiv. i'll correct you a little, eh. i will say in advance that he dropped not two, but three aerial bombs, one of which did not reach the supermarket, which is 80 m away, it was found today and it did not explode, but as for commemorating the victims, well, how can you commemorate here, there are no mass events, gatherings are prohibited there, ah, limited, well , such requests are limited, these are walks in the cities for public use, these are parks, squares, everything... it is necessary to observe maximum security, it is located nearby,
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let's say possible places where you can hide, this is a bomb shelter, checkpoints, the subway, everything else, so, let's say, the shelling continues, it continues even today, but guided aerial bombs fell in the shevchenkivsky district, it's not far from me, i saw these explosions, it's an industrial zone, there are such small... private enterprise and the fact that there is already information that a woman died there and 11 were injured, this is the last, the last information before the broadcast, so, let's say, well, there is an impression that there is a battle for kharkiv, for whether people will live in it city ​​or not, our enemies are trying to do everything to make the people of kharkiv leave their city and make another one. the village, as they did from bakhmut or mariupol, but we are holding on, why are there such
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panicky moods, everyone is not running away, ah, peace in the city, the council, the kharkiv city council works, all utility companies, services, emergency services, the police, everyone in the cities, everyone deals with, let’s say, the current situation, what concerns the epicenter directly, i might add, up to 200 employees of the emergency services are working there now, plus communal services are working, breaking up these rubble , they are looking for remains, possible dead people, at the moment 17 confirmed dead, two more are being searched for. thank you, mr. bohdan, well, i will now repeat the information that bohdan tkachuk just drew attention to. so, in kharkiv, near the epicenter, an intact one was found, fortunately aerial bomb, the victims of the shelling could have been much
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more, approximately 80 m from the construction hypermarket epicenter, unexploded ammunition was found, previously it was a guided aerial bomb of the ump-d-30 type. uh, look, i would also like to ask you, mr. bohdan, about the story from the investigation. state bureau of investigation against the 125th brigade and general galushkin. already, so to speak, information is emerging, and we understand that kharkiv residents may have had quite a few questions about what happened during the enemy breakthrough, yes, or these were some actions that were not fully thought out, or maybe it was just a large enemy rush or some kind of lack of coordination, lack of coordination of certain orders. and so on, the sbi investigation into the enemy's kharkiv operation. well, look, there was scattered
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information, you and i communicated on and with you and on various other channels about , let's say , information taken out of context, where they advanced, where they were executed , let's say, our 125th brigade retreated, or the shortcomings of, let's say, the regional administration or leadership at the level. there the same galushkin whom you mentioned, all this was accumulated and investigated by yury butusov and yesterday evening he put up a post, i posted an informational post for an hour and a half, he submitted it, i got to know him and there is a lot about me there, well, i know what i know, he added a lot there, let's say he conducted such journalistic investigations, and it is very clear and understandable, as well as some questions i want to sharpen about 120. the brigade, which is now there, the dbr in some, let's say, they are trying
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to blame for all sins, they retreated, they threw positions, but in fact 50 km the front was held by one brigade, which consisted of four battalions, 50% complete, i roughly calculated, that is about 20 people per kilometer of the front, besides that, this is a very, very bright fact. 1,700 mines were allocated for demining this area, i also calculated it to be about 30 mines per 1 km, this is not called demining, but... try to find that mine, ugh, questions, yes, then there are questions about management, the same galushkin , for artillery, who before the offensive handed over five barrels of artillery to this brigade, you understand, er, there is such a conclusion that not only the situation in this brigade, in other units that somewhere retreated, somewhere fought heroically,
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someone died, but also in the general coordination of this, let's say direction, we were assured. such a photo shoot together with our military leader of the kharkiv military administration with all his honors from these lines of fortifications, but as it turned out, the lines were built not where it is needed, not where the heights pass, this is also all supplied by yuriy botusov, that is, money buried, and they, let's say coordination between the military, professional military, not not not those. what kind of bureaucratic generals there were, who turned out to be in charge there, namely, the professional ones who were supposed to build all this, there were none, that is, everyone did their own thing, somewhere they built, somewhere, everything was quite high-quality, but not where it was needed, that is, there is a very large complex of issues and sbi, i hope this will be sorted out, and you have to understand that personnel issues, when we have a little bit
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of trouble, it's in the management, they affect the actions, let's say on... on all other directions, well, it's so short, but you can say more sorry, it will take a long time. look, sir bohdan, of course, we are interested in the situation in the northeastern part of the kharkiv region, so we understand that the fighting is going on, our fighters went into a counter attack, pushed back the enemy a little, from the other side there is news that the enemy is trying to concentrate. in general, in the kursk region, perhaps the sumy region will be under threat, i think that, taking into account the kharkiv, sad and at the same time heroic experience, i think that you are looking very carefully at the concentration of enemy forces on your part of the front, so that now in vovchansk district and what about the concentration of the enemy's forces now, well
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, the last information i heard is that tuo is grouping. which is storming these two directions in our country , vovchansk and liptsi counted in the area of ​​30 plus personnel, also yuna kavka - this is the sumy region, in that direction, let's say , there was another corps of theirs - that's up to 10 thousand fighters. the last thing that is known now about the concentration, let's say of the reserves that were here, maybe some additional ones were transferred and... it is unknown, they will attack some new areas, let's say the border, there is bogodukhov they say there are different kyds and pso, or they will simply strengthen and go on the offensive on the same lipetsk, on the same vovchansk, as it turned out, and the same mashavets submits, and other analysts, after all, the main blow is i was in vovchansk and the fact that they are defending along
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the vovchei river there is such a heroic moment, because what leads to... pusov, you know, the first, there, the second day, when these battles began, the border was covered by a brigade of border guards, she couldn't naturally restrain such a military rink, and somewhere there was a situation, that there were no troops in the city of vavchansk at all, you see, and it was a miracle that they did not capture its east completely and a motorized infantry brigade moved there, later, which took up positions for... started combat operations for the northern part of vovchansk and took up commanding positions , that is, if we are already in such a situation that we are waiting for where the enemy will strike, where he will strengthen, there is a rather complex military operation with the involvement of all types of weapons,
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we see airplanes, rotorcraft, which our fighters periodically fly in kharkiv . go to to the attack or go out after the attack and fly back, that is, the situation is difficult here, and it is added that the shelling of kharkiv is superimposed on all this, but the army holds on, fights, strikes, counterattacks, as you said, this is all true, well, let's see, i hope that everything will turn out in our favor, thank you, god bless you, mr. bohdan, god bless you, kharkiv, god bless you, bohdan tkachuk was in touch with us, a deputy of the kharkiv district council. for 107 i inform you about all the most important things, so now the signal is not too pleasant, i would say even alarming. started in belarus joint air force and air defense exercises with russia, and they will last until may 31. thus,
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the ministry of defense of belarus stated that the exercises are aimed at solving the tasks of covering state and military facilities from air strikes. at the airfields, the crews have to practically work out a number of issues in the interests of covering units of the ground forces. those joint russian-belarusian exercises involve aviation military units, units of anti-aircraft missile and radio engineering troops of belarus and the crews of the reconnaissance and army aviation of russia, although the training will last four days, from today until may 31, and it will be led, surprisingly, by belarusians. well, about international affairs, now we will talk with kira rudyk, people's deputy of ukraine. glory to ukraine. dear mrs. rudyk, i congratulate you, i congratulate antina, the hero slava. well, i would like to talk with you about money, about the swiss peace summit and so on, but i can't help but
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ask you, maybe you have some additional information, yes kremivskyi obrubok visited belarus the other day, and now joint belarusian-russian exercises are starting, how dynamic is the situation, is something changing now in military cooperation between. russians and belarusians, maybe you have some additional information? antin, i think it is not in vain to say here that there is no cooperation between russia and belarus, russia has complete control over belarus, and we clearly see that everything that is happening now in belarus is part of russia's global plan, russia's plan is ours known, is to destroy ukraine and, in principle, try to destroy it. the whole democratic world, so now we can first of all use this information to inform our international partners about the seriousness of the situation and about the fact that there is no
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time to delay in matters that are now extremely acute. the first is permission to use nato weapons on the territory of russia. the second, of course, is the acceleration of ukraine's acquisition of weapons, which we have been waiting for ever since. decision in congress. we clearly understand that between a political promise and what a ukrainian soldier holds in his hands arms, may take up to a year, and therefore now we must use all the news that appears, first of all, to speed up these processes and to put political pressure on all our partners, even those who fulfill their obligations sufficiently quickly. yes, i agree with you, well, just a couple of days ago, i spoke with the former coordinator of the state department on salience policy , a long-time american diplomat
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, ambassador daniel fried, and he told me that there are extremely lively discussions in various circles of the american government regarding permits for the use of american high-precision weapons for military purposes located in... the territory of the russian federation, as ambassador frith specified, we will not warn the russians in case of such a decision, let them feel, so to speak, the pleasure of a certain surprise, but on the other hand, we understand that there is still no solution, the situation is extremely acute, the concentration of enemy forces is taking place, and we are living on the eve of extremely important negotiations in the swiss format, ms. kiro, your premonitions... please have some insides, uh, let's be honest with ourselves, mr. antin, we shouldn't expect from the swiss summit
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some kind of breakthrough or a statement that would change the course of the war, or the course of the negotiations, or any, well, there is no need to expect any breakthrough, it is very important for us now that we limit our expectations, because this is an important summit, it is very important who... will come there, at what level, it is important that representatives of various countries who have not been to the summit come involved in the peace process and support ukraine, these are the countries of the global south, latin america, africa, this is china, this is india, this is indonesia, we want to gather all these countries at a big table and talk, at least about what everyone agrees on, this is the first issue of radiation... safety and the issue of nuclear safety, secondly, the issue of the grain corridor and the export of grain, especially to the countries of the global south, and the third
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is the issue of human lives, i.e. the exchange of... all prisoners for everyone, now ukrainian diplomats are sure that everyone will agree with these issues present, who would go there did not come, because the truth is, everything depends on whether there will be radiation safety in ukraine, and everything depends on whether we can export grain, especially these countries of the global south, and therefore there is a chance that by involving all these countries in a common agreement, perhaps joint statements, we can continue to work with them so that sooner or later they move from the so-called neutral status to the point of view that we, the ukrainians, have now, that russia is an aggressor that russia is committing crimes in ukraine, because for now, unfortunately, that's it not everyone agrees, which is why they do not, do not implement sanctions in the same way as europe and the united states and canada and
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great britain. that is why they allow themselves to trade with russia in the future, and we will not be able to stop it in one step, but as you can see, during the history of the first full-scale invasion, we understood that results are possible only with this policy of small steps. so, for example, mr. fried, whom you mentioned, he is also working with us on the issue of confiscation of russian assets and their allocation to the benefit of of ukraine. and i want to tell you. to say that two years ago, a little more than two years ago, when we started working on this, well, no one in the world believed that it was possible, there was a small group of people who were willing to work on this idea and bring it to fruition, and there were many meetings that ended, you know, in a small victory, a small achievement, but it led to the fact that now we are expecting already on june 14, 16
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at a meeting, at the g7 summit, we are expecting a decision on the transfer of interest from confiscated assets from all countries , which are now they were frozen, to ukraine, and this is a huge breakthrough, because it again allows us to work further and eventually achieve that the entire amount is transferred to ukraine sooner or later, but we expect that this decision, it is not , it was not invented from yesterday to today, it will be. the result of two years of work from different sides, with different countries, different numbers of people, representatives of diplomats, representatives of the public sector, politicians, everyone, so that in the end this situation ends with a solution in our favor. therefore, i am very optimistic this summit, of course, is not, not the end, the final point we want to reach, but it is an extremely important point, and we need
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to work very actively from all sides. in all directions, in order to show a good result. without a doubt, i wish you, mrs. kiro, every success in this difficult work, because the russian money should not just be frozen, it will be, should be handed over by us, we will consider it as part of their reparations, yes, to compensate for all that disaster, what they did to us thank you very much, unfortunately, i have to finish the conversation, kira rudyk was in touch with us, a people's deputy of ukraine, and now... we are entering the moment of news, in the meantime , i still have to inform you, dear tv viewers, anna eva melnyk is already warming up, so the enemy is trying to storm the sticky , battles are taking place in the vovchansk region. this was announced today by the press center of the general staff. in the direction of kharkiv, the aggressors continue to direct assaults towards the settlement of liptsi, and battles are taking place in the vovchansk region. here , during today's day, the enemy carried out
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around five and yes, well , my beautiful colleague anna eva melnyk will now tell you everything in detail about the most important events. glory to ukraine, anya, congratulations. glory to the heroes, to each other antina. i will tell you about the most important things, but i will start with the situation in indomitable kharkiv. the head of the regional military administration, oleg sinyogubov, informs that one woman was killed and 11 people were injured as a result of the russian attack today. the mayor was hit in the industrial zone of kholodnohirsky district. also informed about the arrival in shevchenkivskyi district, next to residential buildings. the details of the attack are being clarified. the number of victims as a result of an enemy attack on a construction hypermarket in kharkiv has increased to 49. 18 townspeople have died - the state emergency service said. search operations are still ongoing at the crash site. rescuers have already cleared more than half of the area of ​​the shopping center. according to local authorities, five people are considered missing. the data of 13
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victims was examination of t10 employees of the store.


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